Vak learning styles model

March 20, 2017 | Author: Ittzel Gonzalez Santiago | Category: N/A
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VAK Learning styles model as a tool for teaching EFL Itzel Angélica González Santiago Introduction According to Garza (2000) it is well known that learning styles take a significant role inside classrooms since every person has different ways of learning. It is important for students to know their own learning style so they can improve and strength their academic performance. In addition, it is important for teachers to know their students learning styles to develop materials regarding their preferences. Thus, by using the VAK learning styles model, EFL learners can enhance their learning process. That is because through this insight students can learn which study techniques may work best for them and which methods may be the least effective. This essay comprises four sections. First, a general view of “learning styles” definitions and existing models are shown. Secondly, the VAK learning styles model is presented as an alternative model in order to enhance learning. This is followed by the explanation of some myths people might think on the subject of “learning styles” definition. In the forth section, how can be immerge the VAK learning styles model in the EFL classroom is described along with the link between learning and teaching. 1. Learning Styles There has been a need for trying to understand how people learn more efficiently, so that here have been several researches that focus on language learners. Dunn and Dunn (1979 as cited in Ghaedi, Z. and Jam, B. 2014) defines learning styles as “a term that describes the variations among learners in using one or more senses to understand, organize, and retain experience''(p.89). It must be granted that the use of the senses to gain information could enhance learner’s learning. Moreover, the senses commonly used for learning are tactile, sight and hearing. Given that, nowadays there are different models for learning styles, each one focuses on different aspects. 1.1. Learning styles models It is essential to realize that all the most recognized models regarding learning styles can be classified into: cognitive, sensory and personality models. But, in this paper I focus only on sensory models.

It is necessary to explain the models proposed by Reid and Dunn & Dunn in order to have a wide idea since they are the pioneers of this classification. 1.1.1. Reid’s Learning Style Model 1.1.2. As Reid suggests, learning styles are personal, usual and preferred ways of attracting, handling and preserving new information and skills. She claimed that people learn differently and she divided this model in six channels. According to Reid (1995 as cited in Vaseghi, R. 2012): “Perceptual learning style preference refers to the perceptual channels through which students like to learn. These are divided into auditory (listening to lectures and tapes), visual (reading and studying diagram), kinesthetic (physical activity and movement), tactile (hands-on, doing lab experiments), group (studying with others or in group), and individual learning (studying alone)” 1.1.3. Dunn and Dunn model Dunn defined learning style as “the way in which individuals begin to concentrate on, process, internalize and retain new and difficult information” (1995 as cited in Vaseghi, R. 2012). It’s meant that by using the preferred learning style learner’s may be able to ease the process of learning. Moreover, Dunn classified into environmental, emotional, sociological, physical and psychological subjects to analyze while referring to learning styles. Inside of the physical subject they suggested that the students could learn by different styles such as auditory, visual, tactile, and kinesthetic styles. 1.2. An alternative model The VAK Learning Styles model is perhaps the most widely used, largely because of its simplicity. That is, having in mind only three types of learner’s in the classroom is easier for the teacher to know how best to assist learners to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need.

2. VAK Learning styles model The Vak learning styles model is considered to be one of the most used models in the EFL learning context. Fleming (2011) stated that “VAK is a questionnaire that provides users

with a profile of their learning preferences”. It means that students can know their strengths at learning and it was initially developed by Fleming (1987). According to Neil Fleming (2011) VAK is about having a single preference - a preference for receiving and producing information if there is an intention for learning. However, Fleming states that students may prefer several learning styles at once. This means that students may have more than one single learning style. In addition, the VAK learning styles model is divided into three learning channels such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic. 2.1 Visual Learners Students who have a preference for using diagrams, illustrated text books, videos, charts and illustrated hand-outs in order to learn a topic are called visual learners. Also, this type of learner may want to visualize the teacher well in front of the class and might try to interpret teacher’s language body language and facial expression. There other students who prefer to use their hearing system. 2.2 Auditory learners When learners express a preference for listening activities and explications in form of speech they are likely to be auditory learners. Moreover, verbal lessons are an important feature in the class for these learners. Lastly, they may like talking to a classmate or using a tape recorder to hear what was said. 2.3 Kinesthetic learners Kinesthetic learners could like learning while touching, doing and moving. These learners don’t like being sit down all the time and they may be interested in activities outdoors. In addition they may also like physical activities, such as moving their hands, jumping, running or simply walking. 2.4 Multimodality When students answer the VAK test some may discover that they don’t have a preferred learning style therefore they have many because they are multimodal. Research has shown that the majority of people are like this. Fleming (2012) claimed that “A single preference

is indicative of the strength of one of the modalities not an indication that the other three VARK modalities do not exist.” This means that students can have a preference for none in particular. 2.5 Pros of the VAK learning styles model In the first place, VAK questionnaires may be a useful tool for students in developing self awareness and in taking control of their own learning processes. Self-awareness involves understanding our individual character and how we are likely to learn more effectively. In the second place, the use of the VAK learning styles model may encourage teachers to be more conscious and responsive in their teaching practices. Finally, this consciousness of the teacher and the effort he puts for the inclusion of all types of learners in his classes can develop positive motivation in the students. In addition to explain this, García, Scholes and López (2013) claim that “In order to sustain student’s motivation, a teacher needs to accept that inside the classroom different kinds of students exist who have different styles of learning”. 3. Myths concerning Learning styles Throughout the years there have been common misunderstandings regarding learning styles. Learning skills have been used as a synonym for learning styles. However, these terms have differences that are significant for this study. 3.1. Learning Skills A skill is the ability to do something effectively. Students can have learning skills which may be easy or hard for them but there’s a possibility that they don’t like or enjoy this skill. For example, an EFL student may learn successfully about American culture while reading American literature, however, he or she does not enjoy doing it. Fleming (2012) stated that “it is possible to be very skilled at using strategies aligned with one of the VAK modalities but not use that for learning”, it is meant that there is a difference regarding skills and styles. Learning styles can be used by students according to their preferences and they cannot be necessarily skilled at. 4. Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic (VAK) learning styles in the EFL classroom It is known that the VAK learning styles model can be used in all kinds of subjects: from the medicine area to the English language learning, for example. Clearly, teachers can find

a variety of their student’s learning styles with the application of the VAK learning styles test. Due to this variety, a responsible teacher should care about these differences in the classroom. Regarding the English language area, teachers need to know in what kind of context they are working. They may also be aware of their students learning styles. Moreover, there are different branches while learning English. That is, English can be taught as a Second Language (ESL) or as a Foreign Language (EFL). In this paper I focus on learning EFL, it is meant that learners have no contact with the language outside the class, except for the Internet or auto access centers. 4.1. Link between teaching and learning Having no context where to practice the target language, students in spite of knowing their VAK style, they find assessment a more difficult task. The VAK learning styles test is designed for students only, but teachers can use it as a tool for knowing their students better. Šabatová (2008) affirms that “It is evident that teachers cannot conform to all pupils but they can find out learning styles in a particular group of pupils and prepare the lessons which will suit to a majority of pupils.” For instance, class preparation -taking into account the learners’ styles- can make a great difference in effective learning. So that, teachers need to design their materials, teaching techniques and lesson plans according to their students’ learning styles. 4.2. Teaching techniques No matter what teaching approach is used, teachers can implement some of these teaching techniques in their classes depending on students’ learning style. For instance, for visual learners it is necessary to use color codes in the teaching materials as well as pictures, maps, diagrams and comparative charts. Also, for auditory learners the basic concepts of music need to be involved in the class. Therefore, using rhythms, beats or songs are good techniques for these types of learners. Repeating vocabulary or grammar structures aloud is also effective. When working with kinesthetic students it is important to make them feel active in the classroom. Then, trying to make activities on the floor, outside or inside the class might make them feel comfortable. Finally, physical movement is required for these types of learners. 4.3. Multimodality

Even though a person can express an evident preference for only one learning style, it must be remembered that some students use several learning styles in the same proportion and for them it is difficult to identify their preferred learning style. Fleming (2012) claimed that two thirds of learners have this multimodality. In consequence, it is important to vary the techniques and try to please all kinds of students. 5. Conclusion In any EFL class there will be students with a preferred learning style or multiple of them. Even though, the VAK questionnaire is made for students only, it can serve as a tool for teaching EFL since teachers can meet the needs of the different learning styles in the classroom. So that, by using the VAK learning styles model, EFL learners can enhance their learning process too. As mentioned in this paper there are advantages regarding the use of the VAK model. For example, it develops self awareness and autonomy in learners, it enhances class preparation from teachers and it augments positive motivation in learners. References  Fleming, N. (2012). Facts, fallacies and myths: Vark and learning preferences. Retrieved in %20VARK.pdf in September 2014  Dunn, R., & Griggs, S. (1988). Learning styles: Link between teaching and learning. New York:NLn Press.  Fu, J. (2009) A study of EFL

Learning style preferences. Retrieved in in September 2014  García, C. A., Scholes, B. and López, C. (2013) The impact of teacher-student relationship on EFL learning in A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English. Bogotá: ASOCOPI.  Garza, R. M. (2000). Aprender cómo aprender.

3ra. Ed., México: Trillas.

 Ghaedi, Z. and Jam, B. (2014) Relationship between Learning Styles and Motivation for Higher Education in EFL Students in Theory and Practice in Language Studies, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 1232-1237  Pashler, H.; McDaniel, M.; Rohrer, D.; Bjork, R. (2008). "Learning styles: Concepts and evidence" in Psychological Science in the Public Interest 9: 105–119  Šabatová,








in hl=es&q= ila.doc&sa=X&scisig=AAGBfm2sGaAv0u2hq1F0MYFWMCsBvnSbMQ&oi=scho larr&ei=MNdGVO7gEMTc8AHRiYHwDw&ved=0CB4QgAMoADAA in October 2014.  Schmeck, R. (1988). Learning Strategies and Learning Styles. New York: Plenum Press  Vaseghi, R, (2012). Language Learning Style Preferences: A Theoretical and Empirical Study in Advances in Asian Social Science. United States: World Science Publisher, pp. 441-451.

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