Vaesen - A Wicked Secret and Other Mysteries (2020)

February 24, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Jasmh il tfm jiik ^amsml jy 

Difal Mcmrkrals


 󰀴 Xigas Fèrmlstag (Xfm Poevmr in tfm Pma) Cajromeem hm Jiurc (A So`kmh Pm`rmt) Loes Foltzm (Xfm Locft Piw) Koku Rukk Fèrmlstag (Xfm (Xf m Pilc in tfm Naeeolc Naeeolc Ptar)  󰀴 Loes Kareïl

 󰀴 Hal Aecstralh, @frostoal Cralatf

󰀴  Difal  Di fal Mcmrkrals,  Altil ^otus

  󰀴 Hal Aecstralh

󰀴 Lokeas Eulhgark 

󰀴 Xijoas Xralmee

󰀴 Jralhil Jiweolc 



Eoviloa 󰀺󰀲󰀺󰀲


@ipyrocft 󰀺󰀲󰀺󰀲 © Nroa Eocal AJ alh Difal Mcmrkrals


@ILXMLXP  ILXMLXP ....................... 󐀸 󰀱. XFM POE^MZ POE^MZ IN XFM PMA  PMA  .......................

󰀺. A SO@KMH SO@KMH PM@ZMX PM@ZMX ............. ........................... .................... ...... 󐀺􀀾

. ..................................... ...........􀀽󰀶 󰀰. XFM LOCFX LOCFX PIS  PIS ...........................




........................... ............. ............................ .................... ......󰀿󐀺

RZMN M RZMNA@M Gystmroms arm tfm fmart in ^amsml. Jromn alh ni`usmh taems in stralcm ml`iultmrs, hmeo`atm prijemgs alh fmart-piulholc firrir ‐ gu`f eokm tfm sfirt stiroms in Pmega Eacmreþn, G.Z. Dagms alh Mhcar Aeeal Rim. Xfos jiik

`iltaols niur Gystmroms ig a`riss tfm Gytfo` Lirtf emttolc tfm peaymrs na`m niur piwmrnue vamsml il tfmor iwl ealhs. Ol Xfm Poevmr i tfm Pma, sigmtfolc ucey os storrolc ol tfm tf m jmautonue ar`fopmeaci il Pwmhml‟s Pwmhml‟s wmst `iast. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee lmmh ti travme ti tfm cihnirsakml Srm`kmr Osem ti olvmstocatm tfm `asm in a gurhmrmh promst. Il`m tfmrm, tfmy woee ml`iultmr tfm nmarmh fmrrolc jaril alh itfmr crog-na`mh ei`aes, aee wary in gmhheolc iutsohmrs. So`kmh Pm`rmt Pm`rmt, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs travme ti tfm vast nirmsts in tfm lirtf Ol A So`kmh ti olvmstocatm stralcm socfts ol a rmgitm alh osieatmh voeeacm. Il`m tfmrm, tfmy woee rmaeozm tfat aee os lit wfat ot smmgs alh tfat sigm pmipem walt ti `iltolum tfmor way in eonm tfm way tfmy favm aeways hilm, li gattmr tfm `ist. Xfm Locft Piw os tfm taem ajiut a wmorh alh gurhmrius `rmaturm riagolc tfm siutfmrl `iastae tiwl in Gþeem. Sfoem olvmstocatolc a strolc in gurhmrs alh hosappmaral`ms, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee `igm ti na`m al ieh mvoe

suggilmh ti jattem tfm sols in gihmrloty. Eastey, ol Xfm Pilc i tfm Naeeolc Ptar , tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee travme ti Armlsjurc osealh Imsme `foeh ol wfat tihay os Mstiloa. Xfmrm tfmytiwoee olvmstocatmil tfmtfm `asm in a in gossolc alh hos`ivmr `eums tfat piolt al`omlt `ratmrs alh tfm vamsml tfat `aee tfmsm pea`ms ffiey iey.. Xfmsm niur gystmroms `al jm peaymh as ilm-sfits ir, wotf a eottem wirk jy tfm Cagmgastmr, jm strulc ticmtfmr ti nirg a sfirt `agpaocl il tfmor tfmo r iwl. Pi, ci nirtf alh hos`ivmr tfmsm tf msm stralcm taems in vamsml alh gakm tfmg yiur iwl!


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³

XFM POE^MZ POE^MZ IN XFM PMA PM A    tfm riem-peayolc cagm ^amsml jrolcs

gastmr woee olotoatm at sigm appriproatm togm hurolc tfm gystmry ‐ alh a `atastripfm tfat hms`rojms wfat

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti tfm woeh alh jarrml Pwmhosf

 wmst `ias `iast, t, at tfm togm a favm favmll nir prova provatmmr tmmrs, s, wrm wrm`kmrs `kmrs,, fmrrolc jarils alh itfmr roafl. Xfm gystmry woee tmst

fappmls on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hi lit takm a`toil

tfm `fara`tmrs‟ `fara`tmrs ‟ hmhu`tovm rmasilolc, skoees, alheovms. ‐ on tfmy arm lit `armnue ‐ tfmor ajoeoty ti si`oae ficft nir tfmor

tfm mvmlts emaholc up ti tfm gystmry.

ir naoe ol tfmor mflirts. Jut first wm woee eiik ja`k at



Eonm ol tfm Jifuseèl ar`fopmeaci fas aeways jmml

Xfos first sm`toil hms`rojms tfm ja`kcriulh in tfm

gystmry alh tfm `il﬊o`ts il wfo`f ot os jasmh. Xfmrm os al olvotatoil ti ko`k ifl tfm smssoil, tfml tfm tmxt pri`mmhs ti hms`rojm tfm diurlmy ti tfm fisfolc fagemt Ndèeeja`ka alh Srm`kmr Srm`kmr Osem. Xfm sm`toil `il`euhms  wotf a `iulthiwl in mvmlts wfo`f yyiu iu as tfm Cagm-

³ 8 ³


`eismey eolkmh eolk mh ti tfm sma alh tfm cos jriucft up ig ots hmptfs. Sfml tfm fmrrolc `igm ol, tfm osealhmrs eovm ol ro`f ajulhal`m ‐ wfml tfm fmrrolc olmxpeo`ajey hosappmar amr a nmw hm`ahms, tfmy tfm y hms`mlh olti horm pivmrty alh farhsfop.  At tfm jmc jmcoll ollolc olc in tfm `ml `mltury turywfm wfmll tfos tfos cag cagmm tak takms ms pea`m, tfm fmrrolc wmrm ajsmlt nir galy ymars, alh a tmr-

󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡

rojem nagolm ravacmh tfm osealhs iutsohm Ndèeeja`ka. Eokm galy itfmr fisfmrgml at tfm togm, spiusms Jmldagol alh Ajmea Agulhssil struccemh struccemh ti put niih il tfm tajem nir tfmgsmevms alh tfmor tfrmm sils Raue, Rmtm, alh Ra`m. Ra`m. Xfm Agulhssils saw li itfmr iptoil tfal ti rm-

giil. Alh tfmy hoh, filholc ot masy ti `igm a`riss suotajem vo`togs tfalks ti tfmor wrm`kolc alh pora`y. Xfm rmsuet was oggmhoatm alh ivmrwfmegolc ‐ lit iley nir tfm Agulhssils, jut nir tfm mltorm ar`fopmear`fopm eaci. Xfm fmrrolc rmturlmh ol ulprm`mhmltmh qual-

sirt wrm`kolc. Xfm ar`fopmeaci os hoff`uetsfaeeiws. ti lavocatm,tiwotf strilc `urrmlts alh trma`fmrius Nuee-roccmh sfops iml passmh tfriucf tfmrm il tfmor  way ti @frostoaloa ir Citfmljurc. Far Farhh ti galmu vmr wotf tfmor fucm squarm ssaoes, aoes, galy w wmrm mrm sulk jy stirgs, aeilc wotf tfmor prm`oius `arci alh `iflmrs.  At first tfm Agulhssils iley eiitmh ajalhilmh sfopwrm`ks, jut wfml ilm hay tfm `aptaol in a sulkml  vmssme `agm ﬊iatolc ol iill a ra wotf tfm sfop‟ sfop‟ss `asf jix il fos eap, tfmy jmat fog ti hmatf alh stiem tfm gilmy. Xfm gurhmr was lmvmr hos`ivmrmh, prigptolc tfm Agulhssils ti criw ol`rmasolcey `aeeius. Jmtwmml wrm`kolc raohs, tfm nagoey `iltolumh ti

totoms alhingarkmh jmcollolc a fmrrolc pmroih tfm eokms wfo`f tfm Jifuseèl fah in lmvmr smml jmnirm.  Ajmea alh  Ajmea alh Ta`fa Ta`faroas roas fah crmat crmat peals peals nir tfm togm togmss afmah. Sotf tfm gilmy tfmy stiem ig wrm`kmh alh passolc sfops tfmy jiucft a hm`rmpot ieh fiusm il  Srm`kmr  Sr m`kmr Osem Osem wfo`f wfo`f fah jmml jmml usmh nir traol traol ioe ioe pri-

hu`toil hurolc tfm east fmrrolc pmroih. Xfmy rmlivatmh tfm pea`m alh ipmlmh al oll nir fisfmrgml alh itfmr smanarmrs tfat `agm hurolc tfm sujsmqumlt fmrrolc rusf. Xfm oll was al oggmhoatm su``mss alh Srm`kmr

Osem jm`agm a fuj nir garotogm traff` ol tfm rmcoil. Pigm hays tfm sma ealm was si `eiccmh wotf jiats alh sfops tfat pmipem `iueh waek a`riss tfmg faenway ti

fisf. hayfugal-eokm tfmy `aucft`rmaturm. sigmtfolc stralcm ol owaltmh l tfmor lmt ‐ Ilm a sgaee, Jmldagol

Ndèeej Ndèeeja`ka. a`ka. Piil tfm passmlcmr jiats jmtwmml Citfmljurc alhmvml @frostoaloa stippmh at tfm fucm,

ti tfriw tfm tihhemr ja`k olti tfm sma, jut Ajmea

 wiueh lit emt fog, olsostolc tfat tfmy sfiueh takm ot figm wotf tfmg. Alh si tfmy hoh.

lmwey juoet hi`ks in Srm`kmr Osem.  Sfoem Ajmea was rullolc tfm oll wotf al oril fist ‐ aeemcmhey smeeolc girm tfal 󰀺󰀲,󰀲󰀲󰀲 eotmrs in eoquir

Xfm jiy ig tfm sma, wfig Ajmea lagmh Ta`faroas, quo`key crmw alh privmh ti favm a Cih-covml

a ymar ‐ Ta`faroas hmho`atmh fogsmen ti tfm fmrrolc olhustry. Fm smt up tfm rmcoil rmco il‟s ‟s earcmst fisf saetmry

taemlt nir fisfolc alh saoeolc. As a `foeh Ta`faroas was jriucft aeilc as tfm nagoey peulhmrmh sfopwrm`ks, alh  wotf fog prmsm prmsmlt lt tfm raohs wmrm aeways vmry su``mss su``mssnue. nue.

il Srm`kmr Osem alh fah a earcm warmfiusm juoet lmxt ti tfm oll. Xfm stml`f in tfm fmrrolc saetmry sprmah nar alh wohm, jut gist hoh lit golh, as eilc as tfm

Jmldagol, a jottmr alh dmaeius ieh gal, lmvmr

eoquir alh gilmy kmpt ﬊iwolc. Xfm Agulhssil

`armh nir tfm jiy alh wiueh iml jmat fog. Jut il`m Ta`faroas iutcrmw fos natfmr, fm li eilcmr tiemratmh

nagoey fah stru`k ot ro`f, ti say tfm emast.

tfm ajusm.alitfmr Ilm hayjmatolc, wfml Jmldagol wasja`k. ajiutFarh. ti ahgolostmr tfm jiy fot Xfm ficft mlhmh wotf tfm natfmr hmah il tfm ﬊iir. Xfm nagoey hoh lit giurl tfm ieh `ralk‟s passolc;

s`ug alh fiieocals, alh tfm oll jm`agm kliwl nir ots woeh alh voiemlt locfteonm. Xfos hoh lit sot wmee  wotf mvmryilm ‐ parto`uearey sigm gmgjmrs in tfm

il tfm `iltrary, Ajmea was fappy ti jm roh in fog.  Ajmea tiik `farcm in tfm nagoey, wotf Ta`faroas as fmr crmatmst aeey. Xfm seiw-wottmh sojeolcs Raue, Rmtm, Rmtm, alh Ra`m hoh as tfmy wmrm tieh. Sotf tfm natfmr iut in tfm way, Ta`faroas mxpeaolmh tfat fm `iueh ol`rmasm tfm nagoey‟s nagoey‟s wmaetf, gakolc tfmg ro`f jmyilh tfmor  woehmst hrmags. Aee tfmy fah ti hi was iflmr a fugal sa`rofi`m ti fos trum gitfmr ‐ a gmrgaoh ‐ mvmry lmw

 Srm`kmr Osem attra`tmh aee gallmr in hi`ksohm

ei`ae `fur`f. Srm`kmr Osem was a tfirl ol o l tfm sohm in  ^o`ar @are Mro` Fmhqvost il tfm gaolealh. Fmhqvost, a hos`opem in tfm crmat mvalcmeost Fmlro` Pfartau, vosotmh Srm`kmr Osem il smvmrae i``asoils ti put al mlh ti tfm hmjau`fmh eonmstyem tfat `fara`tmrozmh tfm pea`m. Fos ciae was ti `ilvmrt tfm fmrrolc

jaril, as Ta`faroas was liw `aeemh, ti al filmst alh hm`mlt eonm. Ma`f togm tfm vo`ar was tfriwl tfr iwl iut, as li ilm il Srm`kmr Osem `armh ajiut wfat fm fah ti say.

³ = ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³

Jut olsohm Fmhqvost jeazmh tfm ﬊agms in rmeocoius

nmrvir, alh fm rmnusmh ti covm up. Il a eatm suggmr‟s locft, ilm giltf jmnirm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs jm`igm olvievmh ol tfos gystmry,  ^o`ar  ^o`ar Fmhqvost Fmhqvost il`m acaol acaol rmturlmh rmturlmh ti Srm`k Srm`kmr mr Osem. Osem.

Xfos togm fm a postie, wosm ig prmvoius mxpmroml`ms il`arromh tfm osealh. Fm `ililtmh Ajmea alh Ta`faroas at tfm oll, oll , a``usolc tfmg in hiolc tfm Hmvoe‟s johholc. A `iggitoil jrikm iut alh sfits wmrm firmh, rmsuetolc ol tfm vo`ar jmolc tfriwl iut ymt acaol. Jut Ta`faroas fah fah mliucf. Hrulk il aquavot, fm `agm up wotf al ohma. Xfm lmxt lmw giil was hum ol iley twi hays. Irocolaeey, fos peal fah jmml ti sa`rofi`m tfm yiulc waotrmss Dustola Difalssil ti tfm gmrgaoh.

hi`ks, waotolc ti `at`f tfm jiat figm at hawl. Xfm jritfmrs ivmrpiwmrmh fog alh hraccmh fog olti tfm fmrrolc warmfiusm, wfmrm tfmy tomh fog up alh put fog ol ilm in tfm jarrmes. Xwi hays eatmr Ta`faroas, Ajmea, alh tfm tfrmm jritfmrs tfm jarrme (wotf tfm ti promst stoee olsohm) iltieiahmh tfmor seiip alh saoemh sa oemh iut Hmmp Zmmn,  wfmrm aee sa`rofi`ms ti tfm gmrgaoh takm pea`m. Jut Jut

tfm seippy jritfmrs fah naoemh ti smm tfat tfm promst stoee fah tfm postie tu`kmh olti ilm in fos jiits. As

tfmy ipmlmh tfm jarrme, Fmhqvost hrmw fos postie alh firmh. Amr fottolc Raue ol tfm sfiuehmr sfiuehmr,, fm niulh

stilm ‐ appmasolc tfm gmrgaoh wfoem at tfm sagm togm cmttolc roh in tfm olsuflmrajem vo`ar il`m alh nir aee.  Sotf tfm peal eaoh iut, Ta`faroas tieh Raue, Rm Rmtm, tm,

fogsmen surriulhmh wotf iley ilm sfit em. Zatfmr tfal jmolc sa`rofi`mh ti tfm gmrgaoh tfm promst sfit fogsmen ol tfm fmah. Xfos was a hosastmr nir Ta`faroas. Xfm gmrgaoh fah ti jm appmasmh, jut sfm iley a``mptmh eovolc sa`rofi`ms. Xfmrm was lit mliucf togm ti filh a lmw vo`tog jmnirm

alh Ra`m ti filh tfm promst, wfi was suekolc at tfm

hawl. Fm raosmh al iar at Raue, tfm iehmst alh hugjmst

Olstmah, Ta`faroas hm`ohmh ti koee twi jorhs wotf ilm


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³

in tfm jritfmrs, alh hrippmh fog wotf a solcem jeiw. Lilm in tfm itfmrs harmh pritmst, alh si Raue nmee vo`tog ti tfm gmrgaoh. Xfmy hugpmh tfm promst‟s jihy olti tfm watmr as wmee, jmnirm rmturlolc figm. f igm. Xfm vo`ar‟s hosappmaral`m `ausmh `il`mrl il tfm

OL^OXAXOIL Xfos gystmry takms pea`m ol eatm suggmr alh starts  wotf tfm Pi`omty rm`movolc a emttmr emtt mr at tfmor `astem ol

]psaea. Xfm emttmr, emttmr, wfo`f os aesi prmsmltmh as Falhiut 󰀱A at tfm mlh in tfos jiik alh avaoeajem nir hiwleiah

gaolealh, mspm`oaeey igAfoswmmk ahmpt, a yiulc promst lagmh Is`ar ]hhcrml. eatmr Fmhqvost‟s

il Nrmm Emacum‟s wmjsotm, rmahs as nieeiws4

`irpsm wasfmh asfirm at Sfaem Osem, wfmrm ot was

Xi wfig ot gay `il`mrl,

niulh jy a nagoey in saoeirs alh jriucft ti Ndèeeja`ka. Mvml tfiucf tfm jihy was jahey hagacmh, tfm `ausm in hmatf was ohmltofimh as a culsfit ti tfm fmah at piolt jealk ralcm, alh tfm `asm was wrottml ifl as a suo`ohm. ]hhcrml was lit `ilvol`mh. Fm suspm`tmh tfat tfm fmrrolc jaril il Sr Srm`kmr m`kmr Osem was olvievmh, jut hoh lit kliw fiw ti privm ot. Fm lmmhmh fmep. Hurolc fos stuhoms ol ]psaea a nmw ymars proir, fm `agm olti `ilta`t wotf gmgjmrs in tfm Pi`omty alh assostmh ol ilm in tfmor olvmstocatoils. ]hhcrml hm`ohmh ot was

Gy lagm os Is`ar ]hhcrml, promst ol tfm fisfolc voeeacm i Ndèeeja`ka.

Ot os wotf a fmavy fmart tfat O wrotm tfmsm eolms. O ag at a t wots mlh wotf gy `urrmlt prmho`agmlt, alh si O turl ti yiu. O gmt wotf gmgjmrs i yiur mxaetmh irhmr hurolc gy stuhoms ol ]psaea a mw ymars aci,

alh liw O pea`m gy fipm ol yiur parto`uear taemlts alh mxpmrtosm. Gy jmst omlh alh gmltir, ^o`ar @are Mro` Fmhqvost, os hmah.

Fos jihy was iulh a wmmk aci, wasfmh up il a jma`f ol tfm Ndèeeja`ka ar`fopmeaci. Xfm `irilmr fas ohmltofimh tfm `ausm i hmatf as a sme-ol﬊o`tmh culsfit ti tfm fmah alh wrottml ot ifl as a suo`ohm. O rmusm tiaiit. a``mptAlh tfosO`il`eusoil, tfat tfmrm os sigmtfolc ullaturae kliw wfi os`mrtaol rmspilsojem. Sfat O ea`k os prii alh tfm gmals ti hi sigmtfolc ajiut ot.

togm ti `aee ol a navir.


O east saw @are Mro` aeovm ilm wmmk jmirm jmir m fm was iulh hmah. Fm was

Xfm progary `il﬊o`t in tfos gystmry os tfm ilm jmtwmml tfm yiulc promst Is`ar ]hhcrml alh tfm fmrrolc jaril Ta`faroas Agulhssil. ]hhcrml ]hhcrml os `ilvol`mh tfat tfm fmrrolc jaril alh fos gitfmr arm rmspilsojem nir tfm

`fara`tmrs ti fmep fog mxpism tfm fmrrolc jaril as tfm Hmvoe‟ss fml`fgal alh put a pmrgalmlt mlh ti fos ipHmvoe‟ mratoil. Ta`faroas alh Ajmea, il tfm itfmr falh, walt

il`m acaol fmaholc iut ti Srm`kmr Osem ol tfm ar`fopmeaci, ti jrolc tfm wirh i Cih ti tfm hmpravmh smaarmrs mqumltolc tfm oll il tfm osealh. Srm`kmr Srm`k mr Osem os a fuj ir garotogm traff` alh tfm sotm i tfm earcmst fmrrolc saetmry ol tfm ar`fopmeaci. Pigm hays tfm sma ealm os si `eiccmh wotf jiats alh sfops tfat pmipem `al waek a`riss tfmg faeway ti Ndèeeja`ka. Srm`kmr Srm`k mr Osem rmmks wotf fmrrolc alh sol, a cihemss staol il tfos Martf. Xfm pripromtirs i tfos hml i tfomvms, fmrrolc jaril Ta`faroas  Agulhssil alh fos gitfmr Ajmea ‐ wfig wfig tfm ei`aes `aee ―tfm Cih-

ti stip ]hhcrml alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, gakolc

gitfmr‗ ‐ arm ipmley hmyolc tfm tma`folcs i iur Eirh alh favm

surm tfat litfolc hosrupts tfm t fm `iggmr`m il Srm`kmr Osem ir tfm sa`rofi`ms ti tfm gmrgaoh.

tfriwl iut tfm ciih vo`ar mvmry togm fm vosotmh Srm`kmr Osem.

hmatf in fos gmltir, Fmhqvost. Fm walts tfm peaymr

O ag `ilvol`mh tfat tfm fmrrolc jaril alh tfm Cihgitfmr ‐

Xfm sm`ilhary `il﬊o`t os eolkmh ti tfm progary

aeilc wotf Ta`faroas‟ mmjem-golhmh jut halcmrius iehmr jritfmrs

ilm alh aesi `il`mrls `il`mr ls Is`ar ]hhcrml. Sfat fm hims

Raue, Rmtm, alh Ra`m ‐ arm hiolc tfm Hmvoe‟s johholc alh arm ti jeagm  ir @are Mro`‟s Mro`‟s ultogmey hmatf. O sfaee ci ti Srm`kmr Srm`kmr Osem ti filh prii

lit tmee tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs os tfat t fat fm fas alitfmr rmasil ti hostrust tfm Agulhssil Agulhssils. s. Fos `foehfiih `rusf Dustola Difalssil Difalssil fas takml ta kml up mgpeiygmlt

i tfmor cuoet alh a`m tfmsm fml`fgml i Patal a`m-ti-a`m. O rmquorm yiur assostal`m ol tfos pmroeius mlhmavir. O yiu `fmrosf yiur

il Srm`kmr Osem, alh ]hhcrml ]hhcrml os `ilvol`mh tfat sfm  was jriucft tfmrm acaolst fmr woee alh nir`mh ti wirk

Cih alh wosf ti fmep Fos fugjem smrvalt ol fos togm i crmatmst lmmh, gmmt gm ol Ndèeeja`ka at yiur mareomst `ilvmloml`m.

at tfm oll. Xfos os lit tfm `asm, fiwmvmr ‐ eonm il  Srm`kmr Osem os `mrtaoley farh, jut Dustola gakms a

Sotf focfmst rmcarhs, Is`ar ]hhcrml

hm`mlt wacm alh os tfmrm jy `fio`m.

³ 3 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³

RZMRAZAXOILP  As usuae, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al prmparm prmparm nir tfm  diurlmy at tfmor fmahquartmrs alh tfmrmjy caol al

 Ahvaltacm (smm `faptmr 􀀿 ol tfm `irm `irm ruemjiik). Reaymr `fara`tmrs `fara`tmr s wfi ci eiikolc nir olnirgatoil ajiut Srm`kmr Srm`kmr Osem ol ]psaea woee litmstajeosfmh. filh gu`f, asSotf tfm smttemgmlt os rmgitm alh rm`mltey rmcarhs ti Ndèeeja`ka, Ndèeeja`ka, tfm `fara`tmrs `al emarl tfm jaso` na`ts ‐ nir mxagpem tfat tfm fisfolc voeeacm was niulhmh riucfey 󰀺󰀲󰀲 ymars aci alh os liw a fuj nir fmrrolc fisfolc il tfm Smst @iast. Ots ups alh hiwls favm ae ways hmpmlhmh il tfm qualtotoms in fmrrolc avaoeajem ‐ a `iggihoty aesi kliwl as ―tfm soevmr soev mr in tfm sma.‗

IP@AZ ]HHCZML ―Jmcilm, Patal!‗ Eokm fos gmltir, @are Mro` Fmhqvost, tfm 󰀺󰀽 ymar ieh promst Is`ar ]hhcr ]hhcrml ml os a hos`opem in tfm crmat mvalcmeost Fmlro` P`fartau. P`fartauosg os a `ilsmrvatovm alh vmry stro`t @frostoal hi`trolm wfo`f, at tfm togm in tfos stiry, os wohmsprmah ol tfm wmstmrl parts in Pwmhml. ]hhcrml ]hh crml os zmaeius ol fos naotf alh eiyae ti  ^o`ar Fmhqvost, alh wiueh hi alytfolc ti

DI]ZLM ]ZLM _  XFM DI Xfm `fara`tmrs favm a eilc diurlmy afmah in tfmg, first jy stacm`ia`f, tfml jy jiat tfriucf Cþta @a-

lae, alh alitfmr stacm`ia`f amrwarhs. As usuae, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al caol al Ahvaltacm hurolc tfm  diurlmy. Amr smvmrae hays in arhuius travme, t ravme, tfmy filaeey rma`f Ndèeeja`ka, a sgaee fisfolc voeeacm `iwmrolc ulhmr tfm fucm giultaol in ^mttmjmrcmt. Ot

filir alh avmlcm fos gmltir. Jut tfm yiulc promst farjirs itfmr strilc nmmeolcs as wmee4 a fimr`m hmsorm nir fos `foehfiih `rusf Dustola Difalssil, Difalssil, wfig fm fas lmvmr

os suggmr alh tfm wmatfmr os sozzeolc fit. Xfm lmw giil os aegist fmrm. Il tfm firozil a`riss tfm sfololc sma, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smm tfm riulhmh sfapms in lugmrius

galacmh ti cmt ivmr. Jut ]hhcrml os asfagmh

jarrml, cralotm osealhs, ol`rmasolcey jeum tfm nar-

in fos rigalto` nmmeolcs alh tmees fogsmen, as  wmee as itfmrs, itfmrs, tfat tfat fm sogpey sogpey walts walts ti savm

tfmr iut ilm eiiks. Covm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs sigm togm ti takm ol tfm s`mlm alh gayjm ask ariulh tfm hi`ks. Xfmy arm oggmhoatmey crmmtmh jy a yiulc gal ol promstey carj wotf wot f al austmrm eiik il fos na`m, smmgolcey uljitfmrmh jy tfm fmat alh tfm liosm ariulh fog. Fm oltrihu`ms fogsmen as Is`ar ]hhcrml alh tfalks tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs nir `igolc si quo`key. Fm emahs tfmg ilti a formh seiip wfism skoppmr

 Du  Dustol stolaa ig tfm crop in tfm mvoe fmrr fmrrolc olc jari jaril. l. ]hhcrml ]hhcr ml os a skolly jut vocirius yiulc gal wotf sfirt hark faor alh a `emal-sfavm `emal-sfavmll na`m. Fm aeways wmars fos jea`k `assi`k. Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` 0 Mgpatfy 8   ACOEOX_   : : @EIPM @IGJAX  1 ³  ZALCMH @IG JA JAXX  1 ^OCOEAL@M 0 IJPMZ^AXOIL  0 OLPROZAXOIL  8 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Rostie, `assi`k, `ru`ofix ³  ³ 

os smttolc ifl nir Srm`kmr Osem agoh a eocft suggmr jrmmzm. Xfm viyacm takms ajiut al fiur, fiur, covolc tfm

peaymr `fara`tmrs togm ti spmak sigm girm wotf ]hhcrml. Ol ahhotoil ti wfat fm gmltoilmh gmlto ilmh ol tfm emttmr, tfm promst `al hos`eism tfm nieeiwolc4 Xfm Agulhssils wmrm il`m a piir fisfolc nagoey. nago ey.


Ot os saoh tfat tfmy gahm a eovolc ig wrm`kolc.

³ 6 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³

usmh ti tralspirt pmipem alh ciihs jmtwmml tfm tf m hi`k alh tfm lugmrius sfops ﬊iatolc iflsfirm.

Xfm natfmr, Jmldagol, homh ulhmr hujoius `or-

`ugstal`ms ‐ sigm say fm was jmatml ti hmatf jy fos yiulcmst sil, Ta`faroas.

Mvmltuaeey tfm `aptaol in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟

eottem seiip filhs a va`alt jmrtf, alh tfmy `al `eogj

 Sfml tfm fmrrolc rmturlmh sigm tforty ymars aci, ―Cihgitfmr‗ Ajmea jiucft Srm`kmr Osem alh ipmlmh al oll il tfm osealh. Jusolmss fas


asfirm ticmtfmr wotf ]hhcrml. Rea`m tfm gap in  Srm`kmr Osem il tfm cagolc tajem. Xfmy arm mm ti

jmml jiigolc mvmr sol`m. Ta`faroas ruls tfm fmrrolc saetmry il tfm osealh alh os `iggiley kliwl as tfm fmrrolc jaril. Fm os a `emvmr gal alh quotm pipuear wotf tfm eahoms ‐ uleokm fos tfrmm iehmr jritfmrs Raue, Rmtm, alh Ra`m, wfi arm aee ulsocftey alh sogpem-golhmh. Zugir fas ot tfat Raue fas cilm gossolc. Fm fas f as lit jmml smml at tfm oll nir smvmrae wmmks.  ^o`ar  ^o`ar @are Mro` Fmhqvo Fmhqvost st was argmh wotf a rmvievm rmvievmrr hurolc fos east trop tro p ti Srm`kmr Osem, favolc fah fos eonm tfrmatmlmh il prmvoius vosots.  A``irhol  A``i rholcc ti tfm `iril `irilmr mr,, Fmh Fmhqvost qvost was koeem koeemhh jy a culsfit ti tfm fmah at piolt jealk ralcm, firmh ig fos iwl rmvievmr. Xfm wmapil fas ymt ti jm niulh.

mxpeirm tfm osealh as tfmy pemasm, jut a stmahy strmag in pmipem givms ti alh ig tfm oll, alh tfm promst succmsts tfat tfm criup fmah ivmr tfmrm ti cmt a riig.




Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ vosot ti Srm`kmr Osem, alh tfm

olvmstocatoil in tfm vo`ar‟s hmatf, woee emah ti rma`toils ig tfm ei`aes. ]lemss tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs stmmr tfm t fm hmvmeipgmlt ol a hoflmrmlt horm`toil, tfm `il﬊o`t jmtwmml tfm promst ]hhcrml alh tfm fmrrolc jaril woee mlh ol hosastmr. Xfm nieeiwolc mvmlts `al jm usmh ti ol`rmasm tfm pa`m in tfm cagm wfml lm`mssary, alh ti pusf tfm peaymrs tiwarh tfm filae `ililtatoil4 `ililtato il4



^AE E  A Z Z O ^A


Mvml ig nar away tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al tmee tfat tfmy arm appria`folc Srm`kmr Osem. Xfmy smm `iultemss fisfolc jiats alh mocftmrs giirmh nar iut ol tfm sma ealm, jiw acaolst stmrl. Xfmy fmar sfiutolc saoeirs alh

􀀱. ]hhcrml `ililts tfm waotrmss Dustola at tfm oll. Fm walts fmr ti `igm wotf fog alh emavm tfos ―hml i sol‗ oggmhoatmey. Dustola os rmeu`talt alh asks fog ti `aeg hiwl. Cihgitfmr Ajmea oltmrvmlms alh tmees tfm promst ti emavm. Sfml fm

slappolc saoes, alh sgmee tfm siur stml`f in fmrrolc

alh traol ioe sprmaholc eokm hosmasm ol tfm cmltem jrmmzm.  As tfmy `igm `eism `eismr, r, tfm peaymr peaymr `fara`tm `fara`tmrs rs first li-

rmnusms, tfm Cihgitfmr asks Rmtm alh Ra`m ti

tfriw fog iut, wfo`f tfmy tfm y arm girm tfal fappy ti hi. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al oltmrvmlm on tfmy  walt. On tfmy try ti stip tfmg jy nir`m, tfm jritfmrs woee hmnmlh tfmgsmevms. On Rmtm alh Ra`m arm

to`m tfm ymeeiw fmrrolc warmfiusm, ajsieutmey gassovm nir su`f a sgaee osealh. Lmxt ti ot arm twi itfmr

 wiihml juo  wiihml juoeholcs eholcs,, aes aesii quo quotm tm ea earcm, rcm, jut sstoee toee hwarnm hwarnmhh jy tfm warmfiusm. ]hhcrml ]hhcrml piolts iut tfm oll alh tfm  Agulhssil  Agulh ssil nagoe nagoeyy rmsoh rmsohml`m ml`m (smm tfm gap il pacm 􀀱􀀱). Xfm stml`f alh tfm justem jm`igm jm` igm girm alh girm oltmlsm tfm `eismr tfm `fara`tmrs cmt. Xfm earcm hi`k os mxtrmgmey `riwhmh. Pwmaty fisfmrgml alh saoeirs arm faueolc jarrmes in fmrrolc alh traol ioe jmtwmml jiats alh tfm quay. A nuee-roccmh sfop il ots way ti

hmnmatmh tfmy rmtrmat, jut woee rmturl at a eatmr

togm (smm paracrapf 􀀰 jmeiw). ]hhcrml ml `eogjs atip a eoquir jarrme at tfm hi`k alh 󰀺. ]hhcr hmeovmrs a smrgil in firm alh jrogstilm, paoltolc tfm oll as ―tfm Hmvoe‟s tmgpem il Martf‗ alh tfm fmrrolc jaril as tfm Mvoe Ilm fogsmen. Pigm stay ti eostml.  Amrr a wfo  Am wfoem em tfm auh auhoml oml`m `m fas fah mli mliucf ucf alh pmipmipem start tfriwolc jittems at tfm promst, wfi rmnusms ti stip. Pigm saoeirs (mquae ol lugjmr ti tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs) atta`k ]hhcrml alh try ti sfut fog up

Citfmljurc os ajiut ti fmah iut, alh a swarg in

sgaeemr s`fiilmrs alh jarcms `igpmtm nir tfm spa`m em jmfolh jy tfm earcm vmssme. Pgaee holcfoms arm

³ ? ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³

jy tfriwolc fog olti tfm watmr. Xfm peaymr `far-

P]RMZLAX]ZAE P]RMZLA X]ZAE M^ML XP Sfml Ta`faroas jm`igms awarm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ prmsml`m il tfm osealh, fm starts usolc fos gaco` acaolst tfmg, ti tmst alh oltogohatm tfmg ‐ jut sujtey, si as lit ti rmvmae fos trum laturm. Ta`faroas woee ms`aeatm tfm usm in fos gaco` on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `iltolum tfmor olvmstocatoils. Xfos `al jm falhemh as a `iulthiwl. 󰀱. A peaymr `fara`tmr lito`ms sigmtfolc supmrlaturae alh stralcm. Rmrfaps tfm fisf il a peaymr `fara`tmr‟s peatm `igms ti eonm alh starts taekolc (a ciih togm ti gmltoil tfm lmw giil). Rmrfaps a fucm tfrilc in `rajs `igms gassolc iut in tfm watmr, tfm `eaws `eattmrolc acaolst tfm ri`ks. Xfm vosoil valosfms as quo`key at os appmarmh. Li ilm mesm smms alytfolc ulusuae. 󰀺. Pmvmrae peaymr `fara`tmrs sunnmr tfm sagm tmrrojem locftgarm. Xfm riig wfmrm tfmy arm semmpolc os fieemh nrig tfm riin hiwl wotf saetwatmr tfat rmmks in rittml smawmmh alh aecam. Xfm `fara`tmrs arm ulajem ti givm alh gust gakm a Nmar tmst acaolst Nmar 1. Xfmor giutfs giut fs alh lisms arm fieemh wotf wot f watmr, alh tfmy gust ma`f gakm a NIZ@M  tmst ‐ tfism wfi naoe sunnmr a pfyso`ae `ilhotoil. Xfmy wakm up a gigmlt eatmr, alh tfm watmr os cilm ‐ jut tfmy arm stoee sputtmrolc alh `fikolc il tfm hark saetwatmr… 󰀰. At sigm piolt wfml tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm travmeolc jy jiat (pmrfaps il tfmor way ti tfm fisfolc `ajol), ir sogpey filh tfmgsmevms `eism ti tfm watmr, watmr, a fmavy wolh sprolcs spro lcs up alh raol

a`tmrs `al oltmrvmlm on tfmy walt. 􀀰. Xfm fmrrolc jaril fas `il`euhmh tfat ]hhcrml ]hhcrml alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs pism a tfrmat ti fos ipmratoil alh gust jm meogolatmh. meogola tmh. Eokm ^o`ar Fmhqvost, tfmy woee jm sa`rofi`mh sa`rofi` mh ti tfm gmrgaoh. Xfm fmrrolc jaril smlhs Rm Rmtm tm alh Ra`m ti smozm tfmg alh pea`m tfmg ol smparatm fmrrolc jarrmes. Sotf tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs iut in tfm way, ]hhcrml ]hhcrml os `ilsohmrmh fargemss. On pissojem, tfm jritfmrs  woee tarcmt ilm peaymr `fara`tmr at a togm. @ap-

turmh `fara`tmrs woee jm eiahmh ilti tfm fmrrolc jaril‟s jaril ‟s jiat alh takml ti Hmmp Zmmn aeilc wotf tfm Cihgitfmr alh tfm jritfmrs. _iu `al rmah girm ajiut tfos ulhmr @ililtatoil. @AXAPXZIRFM

]hhcrml ]hhc rml fas fah mliucf. ]lhmr tfm `ivmr in harklmss fm mgptoms smvmrae jarrmes in traol ioe ariulh

tfm oll alh tfm Agulhssil rmsohml`m, alh smts tfmg afirm. Jitf juoeholcs ci up ol ﬊agms, alh tfmor i``upalts `igm rusfolc iut ol palo`. Agilc tfmg os tfm fmrrolc jaril fogsmen, stugjeolc as fm seaps at fos jurlolc padagas. ]hhcrml waots iutsohm wotf a hrawl postie alh sfiits Ta`faroas, wfi naees hmah

olti tfm sma. Xfm gmrgaoh wrmaks a tmrrojem rmvmlcm  ‐ a crmat stirg jeiws ol ivmr tfm ar`fopmeaci, alh

jiats, `ajols, alh mltorm fisfolc `agps arm `rusfmh `r usfmh jy fucm tohae wavms. Sfml tfm stirg filaeey sujsohms, tfm fmrrolc arm cilm. A lmw pmroih in starvatoil alh farhsfop awaots tfm Ndèeeja`ka ar`fopmeaci.

`igms piurolc hiwl. Xfm stirg `igms iut in liwfmrm ‐ dust a nmw gigmlts mareomr tfmrm was farhey a `eiuh ol o l tfm sky. Crmat wavms `rasf acaolst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, wfi gust pass a jmo lc swmpt olti tfm watmr watmr.. NIZ@M  tmst ti avioh jmolc Xfism wfi naoe gust gakm al ACOEOX_  tmst  tmst ti swog alh cmt ja`k il jiarh (ir asfirm). Guetopem ACOEOX_  tmsts  tmsts arm aeeiwmh, jut wotf ma`f naoeurm tfm `fara`tmr sunnmrs a pfyso`ae `ilhotoil. Itfmr peaymr `fara`tmrs gay fmep. Antmr a nmw golutms tfm wolh ajatms as ajruptey as ot startmh.

XFM LMS GIIL Sfml tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `fara` tmrs arrovm il Srm`kmr Srm`kmr Osem ot os aegist lmw giil, wfo`f gmals tfat tfm gmrgaoh woee siil rmquorm alitfmr sa`rofi`m. _iu gay walt ti gmltoil tfm lmw giil at sigm piolt hurolc tfm ipmlolc in tfm gystmry, as a smtup nir eatmr. Hi lit nircmt ti favm Irvar gmltoil tfm lmw giil hurolc fos first ml`iultmr wotf tfm peaymr `fara`tm `fara`tmrs rs (smm Xfm Oll). Oll).

³ 󰀱2 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³


Fmrm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al jm a``iggihatmh nir a prmtty pmlly ‐ ot rmquorms Zmsiur`ms 󰀸 ir focfmr. On lilm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al aflirh ot, tfmy woee favm ti semmp il tfm jiat.

Xfm nieeiwolc paracrapfs iuteolm tfm gist ogpirtalt ei`atoils wfo`f tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay olvmstocatm ol tfos gystmry4 tfm oll, tfm Agulhssil rmsohml`m, tfm warmfiusm, alh tfm fisfolc `ajol. On tfm `fara`` fara`tmrs wosf ti olvmstocatm itfmr ei`atoils, yiu arm mm ti ogprivosm, jut ot os pmrnm`tey film ti sogpey mxpeaol tfat tfm pea`m ol qumstoil os lit part in tfm gystmry alh tfat tfmrm os litfolc nir tfmg tfmrm.

Xfm tavmrl il tfm criulh ﬊iir os a eovmey pea`m

aegist ariulh tfm `ei`k. Mlvmeipmh ol fucm `eiuhs in tija``i sgikm, saoeirs sot at nieholc tajems, hrolkolc aquavot alh peayolc `arhs. Eocftey hrmssmh waotrmssms jmarolc `fo`kml nmatfmrs hal`m jmtwmml tfm tajems. Il tip in a eoquir jarrme ol tfm `irlmr sots

Xfm olnagius oll il Srm`kmr Osem os a sturhy, wiihml,

―Cihgitfmr‗ Ajmea Agulhssil, farsf myms s`allolc tfm riig, a sfitcul ol falh, wrappmh ol al april si stofl wotf fietf tfat sigm say ot `al stalh jy otsmen o tsmen  wfml sfm takms ot ifl nir tfm locft.

twi-alh-a-faen stiry juoeholc. Xfm criulh ﬊iir

Fmrm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay mat alh hrolk.

fiehs a hololc riig, a kot`fml, ko t`fml, alh a stiracm riig,

Xfm oll iflmrs salhwo`fms sgmarmh wotf a crmasm tfat

 wfoem tfm twi uppmr ﬊iirs ﬊ii rs gaoley fiusm f iusm tfm stafl

tastms girm eokm traol ioe tfal juttmr, alh jmmr nir tfism wfi hi lit `arm nir farh eoquir. Xfm peaymr


alh wmaetfy ivmrlocft vosotirs ol sgaee cumst riigs.

³ 󰀱󰀱 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³

`fara`tmrs `al taek ti tfm cumsts alh stafl ti catfmr olnirga-

toil. Ajmea, Rmtm alh Ra`m arm iml at tfm tavmrl, as arm tfm  waotrmss Dustola alh tfm ieh

fisfmrgal Irvar. @FAEEMLCMP

Xfm oll os tfm ni`ae piolt in tfm gystmry, alh galy oltmrmstolc tfolcs `al fappml fmrm. Jmeiw arm sigm succmstoils il mvmlts alh `faeemlcms4 ]hhcrml ]hh crml rm`iggmlhs tfat tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs spmak ³ 

 wotf tfm waotrmss waotrms s Dustola  Difalssil,, wfig fm fas  Difalssil

kliwl sol`m fos yiutf. Pfm os rmeu`talt ti taek, alh ot takms a GALOR]EAXOIL tmst ti gakm fmr rmvmae wfat sfm kliws (smm @eums jmeiw). On tfm `ilvmrsatoil cims il nir tii eilc, Ajmea woee oltmrrupt tfmg alh tmee

 Dustola ti cm cmtt ja`k ti wi wirk. rk. Cihgitfmr Ajmea alh fmr sils Rmtm alh Ra`m arm ul woeeolc ti alswmr qumstoils (smm @eums). Sotf a su``mssnue



 tmst tfm peaymr

`fara`tmrs `al tmee tfat tfm nagoey gmgjmrs kliw ³ 

―Xfm sma covms, alh tfm sma takms away. Piil ot woee takm yiu tii

girm tfal tfmy arm emttolc il. ]hhcrml cmts olti al arcugmlt wotf twi saoeirs wfi

o yiu‟rm lit `armue. Xfm lmw giil os aegist fmrm,‗ fm jmeeiws, fos jrmatf rmmkolc wotf jiizm, jmnirm hos-

arm farassolc tfm waotrmss, Dustola. Xfmy tfrmatml

appmarolc olti tfm locft. Sotf a su``mssnue IJPMZ^AXOIL  tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rmaeozm tfat Irvar os tmeeolc tfm trutf alh tfat fos warlolc os sol`mrm. Irvar os tii hrulk ti `iltolum tfm `ilvmrsatoil, jut fm gay sfiw up eatmr il alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smmk fog iut at tfm fisfolc `ajol. `aj ol.

ti jmat fog up, alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al oltmr vmlm. On a ficft jrma jrmaks ks iut, Cih Cihgitfm gitfmrr Ajme Ajmeaa raosm raosmss fmr sfitcul alh firms olti tfm tf m `moeolc. Rmtm alh RRa`m a`m tfriw iut tfm triujemgakmrs, wotf nir`m ni r`m on rmquormh. ³ 

Xfm ieh fisfmrgal Irvar waeks up ti tfm peaymr

`fara`tmrs. @emarey olmjroatmh, fm sfakms fos filcmr at tfmg alh says tfat, on tfmy vaeum tfmor eovms, tfmy sfiueh emavm tfm osealh as quo`key as pissojem.


Xfm jritfmrs Rmtm alh Ra`m waek up ti tfm peaymr

`fara`tmrs alh olvotm tfmg ti suppmr wotf tfm fmrrolc jaril at fos rmsohml`m. Xfm olvotatoil hims lit

³ 󰀱: ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³

mxtmlh ti ]hhcrml. On tfm `fara`tmrs a``mpt, tfmy arm tieh ti jm at tfm rmsohml`m a `iupem in fiurs eatmr. eat mr. Nir girm hmtaoes, smm Xfm Agulhssil Zmsohml`m. On tfmy hm`eolm, Ta`faroas smlhs Rmtm alh Ra`m ti nieeiw ³ 

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Pmm tfm tmxt jix il pacm 􀀱󰀸. Ptmp 􀀱 in tfm `iulthiwl i``urs. Pmm pacm 􀀿. @E]MP

Xfmrm os a crmat hmae in olnirgatoil ti `ieem`t at

tfm oll4 ³ 

Rmtm fas tfm vo`ar‟s postie tu`kmh olti fos jmet, alh Ra`m fas fos pi`kmt wat`f ol tfm pi`kmt in

fos vmst. ]hhcrml woee lit lito`m tfos ulemss tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs piolt tfmg iut, ol wfo`f `asm

fm rm`iclozms tfm otmgs.  Ajmea ir sigm itfmr `ustigmr `ustigm r ogpeoms tfat ]h-


hcrml os olnatuatmh wotf Dustola. ]hh ]hhcrml crml olhoclaltey hmloms ot, jut tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smm tfriucf fos eom wotf IJPMZ^AXOIL.


 Dustola `al tmee tfmg tfat ^o`ar Fmhqvost was fmrm a giltf aci. Fm was favolc a eiuh arcugmlt wotf Ra`m tfrmw iut tfm vo`ar, wfi swirm tfat fm wiueh rmturl. Eatmr tfat locft Dustola wikm up ti tfm

siulh in alitfmr arcugmlt, tfos togm iutsohm tfm  warmfiusm. Locfttogm turgioe os al iirholary rholary i``urrml`m, fiwmvmr, si sfm tfiucft litfolc in ot.


―_iu hic, yiu sfark, yiu jeastmh wfaem!‗  Ajmea Agulh Agulhssil, ssil, kliwl il Sr Srm`kmr m`kmr Osem as ―tfm Cihgitfmr,‗ Cihgitfmr,‗ ruls tfm tf m oll wotf al oril fist. Sfmlmvmr tfm saoeirs cmt tii hrulk, sfm hoeutms tfm eoquir wotf saetwatmr si tfm cumsts  woee tfriw up tfmor hrolks, alh juy girm girm..

 Ajmea alh tfm fmrrolc jaril ja ril fogsmen. Rmtm alh



Cihgitfmr Ajmea, ir Rmtm alh Ra`m, ahgots

tfat ^o`ar Fmhqvost `agm ti tfm oll a giltf aci, `ausmh triujem, alh was `ilsmqumltey tfriwl iut. Xfmy `eaog tfat fm fas lit jmml smml sol`m. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask Ajmea, Rmtm, ir Ra`m

ajiut tfm il tforh jrititfmr, jritfmr, RRaue, aue, tfmytfat woee fm `eaog fm os away a trop Citfmljurc, os oee,tfat ir sigmtfolc sogoear. Askolc hoflmrmlt pmipem ajiut Raue woee yomeh hoflmrmlt alswmrs.  Dustola ir sigm itfmr `ustigmr `al tmee tfmg tfat Raue hosappmarmh ajiut tfm sagm togm as tfm vo`ar‟s  vosot ti tfm tavmrl. Li ilm kliw kliwss wfmr wfmrmm RRaue aue os.  Mvmryilm at tfm oll kliws wfi fisfmrgal Irvar os alh tfat fm eovms ol tfm `ajol il Cravmyarh Osem. Fm os a rmcuear at tfm oll alh cmlmraeey rmcarhmh as al ihhjaee.



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Cihgitfmr Ajmea os ivmr 􀀳󰀲 ymars ieh,

jut hims lit fmsotatm ti usm voieml`m ti pritm`t fmr nagoey. Ta`faroas os tfm appem in fmr mym, mvml tfiucf fm os lit fmr joieico`ae sil  ‐ il tfm `iltrary, `iltrary, sfm fas a spm`oae eivm nir

fog jm`ausm fos jortf hoh lit `ausm fmr paol.  Ajmea alh Ta`faroas arm tfm ―jraols ―jraols‗‗ in tfm ipmratoil il Srm`kmr Osem.  Ajmea wmars waeks fmr cray faor ol olaavmry tocftfietfy jul alh `ilstaltey ariulh april. Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` 8 Mgpatfy 0   @EIPM @IGJAX 0 ZALCMH @IGJAX  8 ³  ^OCOEAL@M = IJPMZ^AXOIL  8 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 0 ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Pfitcul ³  ³ 



―Hi as yiu‟rm tieh, ir wm‟ee riucf yiu up.‗ ―Sm‟ee riucf yiu up, o yiu hi as yiu‟rm tieh.‗

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ prmsml`m il tfm osealh os attra`tolc attmltoil, alh tfm fmrrolc fmrrol c jaril tfolks ot jmst ti kmmp al mym il tfmg. Nir tfos purpism, fm fas tfmg nieeiwmh jy fos jritfmrs Rmtm alh Ra`m ‐ motfmr antmr tfm suppmr at tfm rmsohml`m ir oggmhoatmey antmr olvotolc tfmg (on tfmy hm`eolm). Xfos `al jm falhemh as a `iulthiwl4 󰀱. Xfm jritfmrs staek tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs wfmrmvmr tfmy ci. On tfmy fmah iut ti olvmstocatm tfm warmfiusm ir vosot Irvar‟s fisfolc `ajol, tfm jritfmrs jritfmr s woee nieeiw. Ol irhmr ti hmtm`t tfmor nieeiwmrs, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rmquorm a su``mssnue ^OCOEAL@M tmst acaolst tfm jritfmrs‟ PXMAEXF. On tfm jritfmrs arm hos`ivmrmh tfmy woee try ti `igm up wotf sigm mx`usm nir tfmor prmsml`m.

Rmtm alh Ra`m armarm tfmmx`mptoilaeey twi rmgaololc sils in Ajmea. Xfmy stupoh alh jeolhey nieeiw nie eiw Ajmea alh Ta`faroas‟

irhmrs. Xfm jritfmrs arm supmrfi`oaeey pieotm ol `ilvmrsatoil wotf itfmrs ‐ at emast olotoaeey  ‐ jut aeways wotf wo tf a lasty crol il tfmor tfm or eops. Xfmy wat`f tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs as a prmhatir wiueh ots prmy. Rmtm alh Ra`m arm lit

 vmry jrocft alh iml rm rmpmat pmat wfat tfm itfmr jritfmr, tfm fmrrolc jaril, ir tfm Cih-

gitfmr dust saoh. Rmtm alh Ra`m arm twi fmavysmt gml ol

󰀺. Xfm jritfmrs `ilnrilt tfm peaymr peaymr `fara`tmrs alh tfrmatml ti jmat tfmg up ulemss tfmy stip ―sto`kolc ―sto`kolc tfmor lisms olti itfmr  pmipem‟s  pmipem ‟s jusolmss. jusolms s.‗ On atta`kmh, tfm jritfmrs woee hmnmlh tfmgsmevms. 󰀰. Xfm jritfmrs atta`k tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, prmnmrajey ilm eilm `fara`tmr ratfmr tfal tfm mltorm criup. Xfmy gakm li attmgpt at koeeolc tfm tarcmt, fiwmvmr, as tfm atta`k os oltmlhmh as a warlolc.

tfmor Jitf ig mxtrmgmey piir hmltae󰀽󰀲s. fmaetf alhsuflmr arm hrmssmh ol `iarsm wirkolc `eitfms. Rfysoqum = Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` 1 Mgpatfy :   ACOEOX_   : : @EIPM @IGJAX  8 NIZ@M  = ³  PXMAEXF  0 ZALCMH @IGJAX : ^OCOEAL@M : Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 0 ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Rostie (Rmtm), klonm (Ra`m) ³  ³ 

³ 󰀱8 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³

 D]P  D ]PX X O L A 


―Li ilm tmees gm wfat ti hi. ‗

― Alitfmr hrolk!‗

 Dustola Difalssil was jirl ji rl ol Ndèeeja`ka

Xfm cumsts at tfm oll il Srm`kmr Srm`kmr Osem `igm

alh nir fas tfm waotmh oll il Sr Srm`kmr m`kmr Osem pasttajems ymar.atOttfm os farh wirk, alh

ig in tfm hoflmrmlt pea`ms,tijut arm saoeirseits ig jiats waotolc jm galy uleiahmh

sigmtogms tfm saoeirs gakm a pass at fmr, jut

at tfm hi`ks. Xfmy pass tfm togm sgikolc

popms, hrolkolc, alh peayolc `arhs.

 Dustola `al takm ta km `arm `a rm in fmrsmen alh Cih-

gitfmr Ajmea puees iut fmr sfitcul on tfolcs cmt iut in falh.  Dustola hrmags hrmags in ciolc ti Citfmljurc,

Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` : Mgpatfy :   @EIPM @IGJAX : NIZ@M  0 ³  Gmltae Xiucflmss 1 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1 ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Klonm ir gakmsfont wmapil wmapil ³  ³ 

ir mvml nurtfmr iut olti tfm wireh, alh

juoeholc a lmw nuturm nir fmrsmen. Ajivm aee sfm hims lit walt ti ci ja`k ti tfm jirmhig in Ndèeeja`ka. Pfm eokms Is`ar ]hhcrml as a omlh, jut fas li rigalto` nmmeolcs nir fog. ³ 

Rfysoqum 0 Rrm`osoil 8 Eico` 0 Mgpatfy 8   ACOEOX_   0 0 @EIPM @IGJAX  : ^OCOEAL@M : ³  IJPMZ^AXOIL  1 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Klonm ³ 

IZ^AZ Pmm pacm 󰀺󰀲.

³ 󰀱= ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³


﬊iir, aeilc wotf jmhriigs nir Cihgitfmr Ajmea

Xfm fmrrolc jaril‟s earcm rmsohml`m os a jmautonue twi-stiry juoeholc gahm in wiih. Li `iarsm saoe-

alh tfm jritfmrs.

irs arm aeeiwmh ol fmrm. Xfm criulh ﬊iir `iltaols

tfm rmsohml`m os ti a``mpt tfm fmrrolc jaril jaril‟‟s suppmr olvotatoil. Itfmrwosm tfmy `al aeways slmak olsohm.

a hrawolc riig, a kot`fml, alh a stiracm riig, as  wmee as tfm gaoh gao h Eura‟s quartmrs. Xfm fmrrolc jar-

Xfm masomst way nir tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti vosot

@FAEEMLCMP Jmeiw arm a lugjmr in succmstmh `faeemlcms wfo`f

il‟s il‟s jmh`fagjmr alh stuhy arm niulh il tfm sm`ilh

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay na`m at tfm rmsohml`m. Xfm ilt hiir os ulei`kmh, jut slmakolc olsohm



 wotfiut jmolc hmtm`tmh h mtm`tmh jy tfm tf m gaoh, Eura, rmquorms a su``mssnue PXMAEXF  tmst acaolst fmr ^OCOEAL@M . On tfm `fara`tmrs arm hmtm`tmh, Eura woee

Sfml tfm R@s favm gmt tfm fmrrolc jaril alh spmlt sigm togm il tfm osealh, prmnmrajey antmr a hollmr at tfm rmsohml`m, tfmy `al at aly togm gakm a EMAZLOLC tmst ti caol tfm olnirgatoil jmeiw.. Iley ilm R@ `al gakm tfm tmst alh iley jmeiw ilm riee `al jm gahm. On tfm tmst naoes, tfm R@s woee lmmh ti filh tfm olnirgatoil mesmwfmrm, progaroey jy taekolc ti LR@s.



sfii tfmg iut alh `aee nir tfm fmrrolc jaril ir tfm jritfmrs on tfmy rmnusm ti emavm. Plmakolc up ti tfm sm`ilh ﬊iir rmquorms alitfmr PXMAEXF  tmst, tfos togm acaolst Ta`faroas‟ Ta`faroa s‟ ^OCOEAL@M. On tfmy arm hos`ivmrmh, Ta`faroas jm`igms fistoem alh a``usms tfmg in tfomvmry. tfomv mry. Fm tfrmatmls tfmg

  ILM P]@ @ MPP4

tfminfmrrolc alh fos nagoey Gmmtolc rmgolhs yiu ie h niekjaril ieh taems ajiut tfm gmrgaohs. Ot os saoh tfat tfmy ruem ivmr tfm smas alh tfm `rmaturms eovolc ol tfm hmptfs. Ot fappmls tfat fisfmrgml `at`f gmrgaoh `foehrml ol tfmor lmts l mts alh tfmy arm raosmh as fugals. Pu`f sma `foehrml lmvmr stip eilcolc nir tfm sma, intml criwolc up ti jm`igm mx`meemlt swoggmrs alh fisfmrgml.   XSI P]@@MPPMP4  Pmanarmrs wiueh jm wosm ³  ti covm gmrgaohs innmrolcs. Pfm gay rmpay su`f a`ts wotf navirajem wolhs ir a fucm `at`f in fisf, ir pulosf tfism wfi naoe ti covm fmr wfat sfm walts jy smlholc stirgs ir pea`olc o`mjmrcs ol tfmor patf. Pigm gmrgaohs rmquorm fugal sa`rofi`ms. Xfism wfi tfriw tfm wrilc tfolcs olti tfm sma gay favm tfmor sfop atta`kmh jy a coalt sma gilstmr suggilmh nrig tfm hmmp. Gmrgaohs `al aesi ml`falt fugals wotf fmr silc.   XFZMM P]@@MPPMP4 Xfm gmrgaoh hrmahs gmtae. ³  Xfism ulhmr fmr spmee `al rmcaol `iltrie in tfmgsmevms on tfmor jarm skol tiu`fms stmme.

 wotf nir tfm jritfmrs. Fiwmvmr Fiwmvmr, fm woeea postie lit usmalh fos`aees GACO@  ulemss fos eonm os ol halcmr., Xfos `al jm a way ti rmvmae tfm fmrro fmrrolc lc jaril‟ jaril‟ss trum laturm. On mxpismh, Ta`faroas woee hi alytfolc ti `apturm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh sa`rofi`m tfmg ti tfm gmrgaoh. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm olvotmh olv otmh ti suppmr, tfm fmrrolc jaril rm`movms tfmg ol tfm earcm hrawolc


riig. Xfmy arm smrvmh fmrrolc ol aee ots nirgs,

 wotf pemlty in eoquir ti wasf ot hiwl. Xfm jritfmrs alh Ajmea arm tfmrm as wmee, gistey cearolc at tfmor cumsts ol soeml`m. Ta`faroas os omlhey alh  wme`igolc,  wme`ig olc, wfoem hos`r hos`rmmtey mmtey tryolc ti filh iut wfat jusolmss tfm `fara`tmrs il Rmtm tfm osealh.  Amr suppmr Ta`faroas favm irhmrs alh Ra`m Ra`m ti


nieeiw tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs (smm tfm tmxt jix il pacm 􀀱󰀸). @E]MP

Xfmrm os pemlty in olnirgatoil ti jm niulh at tfm

rmsohml`m. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs olvmstocatm tfm fmrrolc jaril‟ss stuhy, tfmy `al gakm a EMAZLOLC  tmst ti jaril‟

gakm smlsm in tfm filal`oae rm`irhs. Il su``mss

³ 󰀱> ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³

JAZIL XFM FMZZ OLC JAZIL ―O ag tfm ar`fopmeaci.‗ Ta`faroas Agulhssil os lit rmaeey fugal, jut a sma `foeh (smm pacm 􀀱󰀸󰀲 ol tfm `irm ruemjiik). Fm fas usmh fos skoees alh taemlts ti crmat su``mss hurolc tfm `urrmlt fmrrolc rusf ol tfm Ndèeeja`ka ar`fopmeaci, alh os

 wohmey kliwl as ―tfm fmrrolc jaril. jaril.‗‗ Xfm fmrrolc jaril eiiks eokm al attra`tovm, gus`uear gal ol fos 󰀸󰀲s. ]suaeey hrmssmh

tfmy rmaeozm tfat iley a a`toil in tfm oll‟s eo-



quir saems arm a``iultmh nir. Fiwmvmr Fiwmvmr,, tfmy favm li emcae rocft ti stmae tfm rm`irhs ig tfm stuhy. Ta`faroas‟ jmh`fagjmr os fieemh wotf a gusty gust y ihir,

ol mxpmlsovm `eitfolc, fos tfo`k hark faor os jmautonueey styemh wotf pigahm alh fos wohm gusta`fm os waxmh ti pmrnm`toil. Fos myms arm hark, wotf vmry eottem wfotm sfiwolc, wfo`f

eokmpmrnugm tfat in rittml Xfmrm os a earcm jittem in il tfmsmawmmh. locftstalh.

covms fog a gystmroius alh oltogohatolc eiik. Jut tfm strilcmst olho`atoil in Ta`f-

Hurolc suppmr tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs lito`m tfat

aroas‟ irocol ol tfm hmptfs in tfm sma os tfat aroas‟ fos skol sgmees in smawmmh alh aecam, wfo`f fm gasks wotf earcm agiults in pmrnugm.

Ta`faroas sgmees fmavoey in pmrnugm.

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask fog ajiut tfm hmah  vo`ar, Ta`faroas prmtmlhs lit ti kliw wfi tfmy


Xfm fmrrolc jaril os pieotm alh `iurtm-

arm taekolc ajiut alh mxprmssms fos `ilhieml`ms.

ius ti stralcmrs. Fm aeways troms ti kmmp fos fo s

 Sotf a eaucf, fm hosgossms hos gossms aee `eaogs `e aogs ajiut fos

`iie, jut gay mxpeihm ol fits in racm on sunfi`omltey privikmh. Iley tfml hims fm usm

nagoey favolc mlcacmh ol wrm`kolc ir fog koeeolc

fos GACO@. Xm`flo`aeey, Ta`faroas os falhemh eokm al irholary LR@, lit a vamsml, mx`mpt tfat fm

fos natfmr. A``irholc ti Ta`faroas, fos gossolc jritfmr, Raue, os `urrmltey ajriah smeeolc msf

fmrrolc ol tfm Gmhotmrralmal rmcoil. ³ 


fas tfm GACO@ skoee alh a lugjmr in gaco`ae piwmrs (smm tfm tmxt jix Xfm Fmrrolc Jaril‟s Gaco` il pacm 􀀱􀀶).

Hurolc suppmr a su``mssnue IJPMZ^AXOIL tmst `al

tmee tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfat Ta`faroas os eyolc. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask tii galy oltrusovm qumstoils, Ajmea eisms fmr tmgpmr alh guttmrs

―golh yiur iwl jusolmss, ealheujjmr ‗ alh tfml ―wat`f yiursme lisy ilm, tfm lmw giil os aegist fmrm.‗ Ta`faroas ol-

tmrrupts fmr alh asks tfm `fara`tmrs ti mx`usm fos gitfmr, hms`rojolc fmr as ―eilc ol tfm tiitf.‗ Sotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm awarm tfat tfm lmw giil woee takm pea`m tfm nieeiwolc locft. Ajmea rmnusms ti alswmr aly qums-

toils ajiut wfat sfm gmalt.

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³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 󰀱 ³

Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil = Eico` 8 Mgpatfy =   ACOEOX_   8 8 @EIPM @IGJAX  8 PXMAEXF  0 ³  EMAZLOLC 0 ^OCOEAL@M 8 GALOR]EAXOIL  = IJPMZ^AXOIL  8 GACO@  > Gmltae Xiucflmss 0 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Klonm ³  ³ 



― Al filmst hay‟s wirk os ots iwl rmwarh.‗

Xfm fmrrolc jaril usms fos gaco`ae gaco`a e piwmrs wotf crmat `arm, si as lit ti rmvmae fos trum laturm. Pigm mxagpems in @ursms fm `al `ast4   PAEX_ ^OPOIL (^OCOEAL@M). Xfm vo`tog starts ³  ti smm vosoils alh pmr`movm tfm wireh honnmrmltey, ol sigm way tfat os rmeatmh ti fisf ir tfm sma.   AEE]ZM IN XFM PMA ( ^OCOEAL@M ). Xfm vo`tog ³  nmmes `igpmeemh ti smmk iut Ta`faroas alh woee try ti ivmr`igm aly ijsta`em wotf nir`m ir `ullolc. Mxtra su``mssms hmae gmltae hagacm.   MLPEA^M (IJPMZ^AXOIL ). Ta`faroas `iltries ³  tfm vo`tog‟s a`toils. Mxtra su``mssms hmae gmltae hagacm. Xfm vo`tog `allit `all it jm gahm ti furt fmrsmen. _iu motfmr takm ivmr tfm peaymr `fara`tmr nir tfm rmst in tfm s`mlm, ir olstru`t tfm peaymr (tfriucf litms ir a sm`rmt `ilvmrsatoil) il fiw ti a`t.   PAEX_ LOCFXGAZ M. Xfm vo`tog os tirturmh jy ³  tmrrojem vosoils in hriwlolc, as on sfm suhhmley filhs fmrsmen hmmp jmeiw tfm surna`m in tfm sma, surriulhmh jy tfm hark hmptfs alh gilstmrs. Xfm vo`tog gakms a Nmar tmst ‐ tfm Nmar vaeum os hmtmrgolmh jy tfm lugjmr in su``mssms rieemh jy Ta`faroas.   PXIZ G SA^M (NIZ@M ). A suhhml tohae wavm ³  `igms swmmpolc tiwarh tfm vo`tog, wfi gust pass a NIZ@M tmst lit ti cmt su`kmh olti tfm sma. Pwoggolc alh cmttolc ja`k il jiarh/asfirm rmquorm al ACOEOX_  tmst.   tmst. Guetopem ACOEOX_  tmsts  tmsts arm aeeiwmh, jut wotf ma`f naoeurm tfm vo`tog sunnmrs a pfyso`ae `ilhotoil. @al iley jm usmh lmar tfm sma.   SAXMZ SAXMZ XFZ IAX (NIZ@M ). Xfm vo`tog‟s tfriat os ³  suhhmley fieemh wotf sunni`atolc saetwatmr. Xfm vo`tog sunnmrs a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil. Mxtra su``mssms nir Ta`faroas hmae ahhotoilae pfyso`ae hagacm.

Eura fas jmml tfm Agulhssils‟ Agulhssils‟ gaoh mvmr

sol`m tfmy first ipmlmh tfm oll il Srm Srm`kmr `kmr Osem. Pfmalh tfolks jariljut os a fas jot stralcm tfattfm fm fmrrolc sgmees wmorh,

lmvmr askmh ajiut ot alh gmrmey `il`mltratms il fmr wirk. Eura rarmey emavms tfm rmsohml`m. Rfysoqum 0 Rrm`osoil Rrm`osoi l 0 Eico` 0 Mgpatfy :   NIZ@M  0 ^OCOEAL@M : IJPMZ^AXOIL  1 ³  Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Zieeolc pol (jilus +1) ³  ³ 

XFM SAZMFI]PM  A fucm, ymeeiw w warmfiusm armfiusm higolatms tfm farjir il  Srm`kmr  Sr m`kmr Osem. At tfm nar mlh in tfm jjuoeholc uoeholc tfmrm os a traol ioe jioemr ig wfo`f a niue stml`f mgalatms. Xfm gaol part in tfm warmfiusm os pa`kmh wotf jarrmes in saetmh fmrrolc alh traol ioe. Hurolc tfm hay tfmrm os nmvmrosf a`tovoty a`to voty at tfm warmfiusm. X Xraol raol ioe os jmolc `iikmh ol tfrmm earcm `auehrils alh fmrrolc saetmh ol `iultemss jarrmes. Ot os `ragpmh, warg, alh sgmeey. @FAEEMLCMP

Jmeiw arm twi pissojem `faeemlcms wfo`f tfm peaymr

`fara`tmrs gay na`m at tfm warmfiusm. ³ 

Xfm stml`f at tfm warmfiusm os si oltmlsm tfat peaymr `fara`tmrs vosotolc tfm pea`m gust gakm a

 tmst. Naoeurm rmlhmrs tfm pmrsil MVFA]PXMH.

NIZ@M ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `igm fmrm at locft, nie-

eiwmh jy Rmtm alh Ra`m, Ra`m, tfos os a ciih togm nir a ^OCOEAL@M

 tmst acaolst PXMAEXF ti smm wfmtfmr tfm

peaymr `fara`tmrs hmtm`t tfm jritfmrs‟ prmsml`m. @E]MP

 At tfm war warmfi mfiusm usm tfm peay peaymr mr `far `fara`t a`tmrs mrs `al filh tra tra`ms `ms in Rmtm alh Ra`m‟s Ra`m‟s atta`k iill ^o`ar Fmhqvost ilm gi giltf ltf proir.

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On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gakm a tfiriucf smar`f

rmqumst, as fm saw al ippirtuloty ti cmt roh in tfm


peaymr `fara`tmrs. Ma`f `fara`tmr gust pass a NIZ@M  tmst ir jm swmpt ivmrjiarh jy tfm wavms. Xfism wfi naoe gust gakm a su``mssnue ACOEOX_  tmst  tmst ti swog alh cmt ja`k il jiarh. Guetopem ACOEOX_  tmsts  tmsts arm aeeiwmh,

in tfm warmfiusm alh pass a ^OCOEAL@M  tmst, tfmy

 woee gakm al ogpirtalt hos`ivmry4 L Lmxt mxt ti a `iupem in fmrrolc jarrmes ol a sm`euhmh `irlmr in tfm  warmfiusm eoms a sgaee pmlhalt pmlh alt ol tfm sfapm s fapm in

a `ru`ofix. On sfiwl ti ]hhcr ]hhcrml ml fm oggmhoatmey rm`iclozms ot ‐ tfm pmlhalt jmeilcmh ti Fmhqvost. ³ 

Lmxt ti tfm pmlhalt os a hromh, hark staol il tfm

jut wotf ma`f naoeurm tfm peaymr `fara`tmr suflmrs a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil. Itfmr peaymr `fara`tmrs gay fmep. Amr a nmw golutms tfm wolh ajatms as

﬊iir. A peaymr `fara`tmr wfi passms al OL^MPXOCAXOIL  ir GMHO@OLM tmst `al `il`euhm tfat ot os a jeiih staol.

ajruptey as ot startmh, alh tfm diurlmy `iltolums. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs filh Irvar olsohm fos `ajol,


fog ti rmcaol fos smlsms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `fara` tmrs gust


motfmr usm OLPROZAXOIL ir iflmr fog a hrolk in eoquir. Itfmrwosm Irvar woee cmt alcry alh start ficftolc tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Amr suflmrolc a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil fm surrmlhmrs alh starts ti

Il tfm jarrml Cravmyarh Osem, ajiut al fiur‟s saoeolc  wmst in Srm Srm`kmr `kmr Osem ol eocft wolh, eovms tfm fisfmrgal Irvar ol fos sm`euhmh eottem `ajol. Nosfolc lmts arm hryolc iutsohm, alh jy tfm dmtty sigm tforty gmtmrs ig tfm `ajol os wfmrm Irvar‟s fisfolc jiat rmsts

taek. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm hmnmatmh ir rul away tfmy woee favm ti `igm ja`k eatmr.

 wfmlmvmr fm os lit usolc ot. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al filh tfmor way fmrm jy askolc Dustola ir itfmr stafl gmgjmrs at tfm oll, ir fisfmrgml at tfm hi`ks. Aee tfm ei`aes kliw wfmrm ieh


On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti wakm Irvar up alh gakm fog taek, fm fas a eit ti say.

gal Irvar eovms. Xfmy `al cmt ti Cravmyarh Osem jy

forolc tfm sagm vmssme tfat jriucft tfmg ti Srm`kmr Osem, ir sigm itfmr jiat on tfmy si hmsorm. Xfmrm arm pemlty in skoppmrs wfi wiueh ceahey covm tfm `fara`tmrs a rohm nir a jot in `iol.


Jmeiw arm twi pissojem `faeemlcms wfo`f tfm peaymr

`fara`tmrs gay na`m. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm jmolc nieeiwmh jy Rmtm alh Ra`m (smm tfm tmxt jix il pacm 􀀱󰀸), tfm jritfmrs woee saoe amr tfmg ol tfmor seiip. Emt tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gakm a ^OCOEAL@M tmst (straocft riee) ti lito`m tfat a jiat appmars ti jm nieeiwolc tfmg. Ot os tii nar away nir tfmg ti ohmltony tfm passmlcmrs, ulemss tfm `fara`tmrs favm a``mss ti joli`uears.

Irvar kliws tfm trutf ajiut tfm fmrrolc jaril

alh fos nagoey ‐ tfat tfmy tfm y wmrm wrm`kmrs alh gurhmrmrs, tfat Ta`faroas was niulh at sma, tfat fm os a ―sma `foeh,‗ alh si il. Fiwmvmr, fm hims lit




passmh iut ig hrolkolc tfm t fm locft jmnirm. Nir

kliw ajiut tfm sa`rofi`ms gahm ti tfm gmrgaoh. Rrmsmlt tfm peaymrs wotf tfm olnirgatoil olnirgatoi l ig tfm Ja`kcriulh sm`toil (mx`mpt (mx`mp t tfm part ajiut tfm sa`rofi`ms), prmnmrajey ol tfm nirg in al ol`ifmrmlt taem tfat gakms ot hoff`uet nir tfmg ti hmtmrgolm  wfat os trum alh wfat os lit. lit. Al IJPMZ^AXOIL  tmst rmvmaes tfat Irvar jmeomvms tfm stiry os trum. Irvar `al aesi tmee tfmg tfat, at mvmry lmw giil, tfm fmrrolc jaril alh fos nagoey saoe iut ti a skmrry


Puhhmley, faenway ti tfmor hmstolatoil, tfmy arm Puhhmley, stru`k jy farh wolhs alh fmavy raol. Xfm stirg

il al iutmr part in tfm ar`fopmeaci ‐ ilm tfat os lit garkmh il aly lauto`ae `fart alh os iley i`-

`asoilaeey smml ajivm watmr. Irvar `aees tfm ri`ky osealh Hmmp Zmm . Fm fas lmvmr jmml tfmrm fogsmen, as fm tfolks tfm osealh os `ursmh. Jut fm kliws

`igms iut in liwfmrm ‐ dust a nmw gigmlts mareomr tfmrm was farhey a `eiuh ol tfm sky. Ot os tfm gmr-

gaoh wfi os wfoppolc up tfm stirg il Ta`faroas‟ Ta`fa roas‟

fiw ti filh ot alh `al sfiw tfm way on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti GALOR]EAXM  fog. Irvar hims lit kliw tfm trutf ajiut Hmmp Zmmn (smm jmeiw).

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 ILNZILX XOIL @ILNZILXAXOIL Xfm filae sfiwhiwl woee eokmey takm pea`m il tfm gystmroius osealh i Hmmp Zmm. Il tfm locft jmirm tfm lmw giil ‐ prijajey tfm locft amr tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ arrovae il Srm`kmr Osem ‐ tfm fmrrolc jaril alh fos agoey saoe iut ti Hmmp Zmm ol tfmor seiip  wotf tfmor oltmlhmh sa`rofi`ms trappmh ol fmrrolc jar-

rmes. Xfmsm vo`togs arm motfmr tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfmgsmevms (ilm ir smvmrae) ir tfm waotrmss Dustola, ol wfo`f `asm tfm jritfmrs smozmh fmr tfm locft jmirm (al mvmlt tfat gay jm wotlmssmh jy tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs). Hmmp Zmm os ei`atmh ar nig tfm `iast, two`m as ar iut ol tfm hmmp watmrs i Pkacmra`k Pkacmra` k as tfm Smatfmr

Osealhs jy tfm iutmr mhcm i tfm ar`fopmeaci. Paoeolc nig Srm`kmr Osem ti Hmmp Zmm ol eocft wolh takms 󰀰‐󰀸 fiurs. Xfmrm arm smvmrae ways ir tfm peaymr `far-


―Xfm sma covms, alh tfm sma takms away.‗ Xfm ieh fisfmrgal Irvar os sigmtfolc i a ei`ae emcmlh. Fm fas eovmh ol fos `ajol il tfm osealh i Cravmyarh Osem as eilc as alyilm `al ` al rmgmgjmr.. Fm fas li agoey, alh li ilm rmrmgmgjmr gmgjmrs wfmrm fm `agm nig. Irvar kliws

a`tmrs ti filh Hmmp Zmm4 Xfmy ieeiw tfm fmrrolc jaril alh fos agoey‟s ³  jiat as tfmy smt saoe at locft. Irvar sfiws tfm way ti Hmmp Zmm, alh tfm peaymr ³  `fara`tmrs awaot tfm agoey‟s arrovae nig a hostal`m. ³ 

oltmlhmh sa`rofi`ms alh jriucft ti tfm osealh il tfm agoey‟s jiat.

mvmrytfolc tfat fappmls ol tfm ar`fopmeaci,


ol`euholc tfm a`t tfat Ta`faroas os a sma `foeh.

 Sfat fappmls il Hmmp Hmmp Zmm Zmm hmpmlhs hmpmlhs earcmey earcmey il tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ `fara`tmrs‟ a`toils. Ta`faroas alh fos agoey  woee pursum tfmor peal as ar ar as pissojem jmirm tfmy arm oltmrruptmh jy tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Ta`faroas,  Ajmea, alh tfm jritfmrs hosmgjark at Hmmp Zmm alh `arry tfm jarrmes wotf tfmor vo`togs asfirm. asfi rm. Xfmy hi lit hrip al`fir ‐ stralcmey mliucf, tfmor seiip rmgaols statoilary alyway. alyway. Reaymr `fara`tmrs travmeolc il tfmor iwl jiat `al aesi giir at Hmmp Zmm. O tfmy arm `armue tfmy woee olotoaeey ci ullito`mh jy tfm agoey wfi, i`usmh il tfmor task, arm lit mxpm`tolc vosotirs. O tfm peaymr

Irvar‟s wmaklmss os tfm jittem, alh fm itml hrolks fogsme olti ijeovoil ijeov oil at tfm oll. Fm

os a calcey ieh gal wotf a cray jmarh, hrmssmh ol a wiie swmatmr, fisfolc palts, alh jiits. Rfysoqum 0 Rrm`osoil 8 Eico` 0 Mgpatfy 0 1 NIZ@M : @EIPM @IG JAX   ACOEOX_   1 JAX  : ³  ^OCOEAL@M  : IJPMZ^AXOIL  8 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Klonm ³  ³ 

`fara`tmrs olvmstocatm tfm osealh, a su``mssue EMAZLOLC 

³ :2 ³


Ilm ir guetopem peaymr `fara`tmrs arm tfmgsmevms

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tmst rmvmaes tfat tfm ri`k os lit a`tuaeey cralotm, eokm ol tfm rmst in tfm ar`fopmeaci, jut sigm itfmr typm in

stilm wfo`f tfm `fara`tmrs favm lmvmr smml jmnirm. Ta`faroas waeks ti tfm t fm iutmr sfirm in Hmmp Zmmn. Fm sots hiwl alh speasfms tfm watmr wotf fos nmmt, uljitfmrmh jy tfm wmtlmss. Xogm passms. Xfm first eocft in hawl ceiws rmh ol tfm mast. Puhhmley tfmrm os a roppem ol tfm  watmrr a jjot  watm ot nurtfmr nurtfmr iut. A speasf, speasf, alh tfml alitfmr alitfmr.. A `rmaturm mgmrcms ig tfm wavms ‐ a wigal wotf eilc, ﬊iwolc faor alh a fisftaoe olstmah in emcs, ulspmakajey

Xfm vosot ti Hmmp Zmmn os tfm `rms`mlhi in tfos gystmry,, alh yiu sfiueh strovm ti gakm tfm gystmry s`mlm as atgispfmro` as pissojem. Zmah tfm nieeiwolc tmxt aeiuh ir put ot olti peay4

Xm jiat saoes ifl olti hark watmrs, wotf li cuoholc eocft jut tfm stars alh tfm jroeeoalt jalh i tfm Goeky Say. Say. Xm giil os liwfmrm ti jm smml, smm l, as o swmpt swmp t iut i tfm sky, alh tfm east hyolc rays i tfm mvmlolc sul ceiw aoltey il tfm wmstmrl firozil. Xm `eofls alh osemts i tfm ar`fopmeaci `iwmr ariulh yiu eokm hark sfahiws acaolst tfm ceottmrolc watmr.  As tfm fiurs ci jy, jy, tfm polk i tfm firozil turls olti purpem jmirm ot hwolhems alh ahms. Xm jiw i tfm vmssme `uts rmemltemssey tfriucf tfriucf tfm wavms. _iu pass tfm east i tfm osealhs alh  filh yiursme aeilm il tfm vast, jea`k jea`k sma. Xm

jmautonue, ymt firrojem alh tmrronyolc. Pfm seohms up

il tfm sfirm tml gmtmrs ig Ta`faroas, sgoeolc mlocgato`aeey at fmr sil. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi wotlmss tfm gmrgaoh gust gu st gakm a Nmar tmst acaolst Nmar 􀀱. Ta`faroas cmsturms ti Rm Rmtm tm alh Ra`m wfi favm si nar kmpt tfmor hostal`m. Xfmy jrolc nirtf tfm jarrmes alh ipml tfmg. Xfm hazmh vo`togs arm hraccmh iut at culpiolt alh nir`mh ilti tfmor nmmt. Xfm gmrgaoh sgoems at tfm vo`togs alh cmsturms nir tfmg ti `igm `eismr. Xfml sfm starts ti solc, a silc girm jmautonue tfal alytfolc tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm mvmr fmarh. f marh. Xfm vo`togs waek spmeejiulh tiwarh tfm gmrgaoh,  wfi takms tfmor falh falhss alh emahs tfmg olti tfm watmr.

jrmmzm os cmltem alh tfm rm﬊m`toils i stars ceottmr il tfm sura`m i tfm watmr, mrasolc tfm eolm jmtwmml sma alh sky.  A ceiwo ce iwolc lc eocft eoc ft suhh s uhhmley mley appma appmars rs ol tfm t fm watmr ariulh yiu. A sy gpfily i sma-firm ol turquiosm, jeum alh crmml hal`ms ariulh tfm vmssme, si jrocft ot furts yiur myms. Ol tfm hmptfs jmeiw, a wilhrius socft mgmrcms ‐ a fucm paea`m i cieh alh soevmr, wotf semlhmr ar`fms alh larriw tiwmrs sfoggmrolc hmmp hiwl at tfm jittig i tfm sma. Xm socft jmwot`fms yiur smlsms, gakolc yiu walt ti seop soemltey olti tfm watmr alh swog hiwl olti tfm

On a peaymr `fara`tmr os agilc tfm vo`togs, yiu tmst tfm gmrgaoh‟s gmrgaoh‟s GACO@  (􀀱󰀲) acaolst tfm aflm`tmh `fara`tmr‟s IJPMZ^AXOIL. Il naoeurm tfm peaymr `fara`tmr

jm`igms Mlseavmh ultoe tfm tf m mlh in tfm s`mlm, ir ultoe tfm @ursm os jrikml ‐ tfos fappmls on tfm gmrgaoh os fargmh ir tfm Mlseavmh `igm olti `ilta`t wotf gmtae. Mlseavmh vo`togs nieeiw tfm gmrgaoh olti tfm hmmp, lmvmr ti rmturl.

hmmp, lmvmr ti rmturl. Xm sfarp vio`m in tfm skoppmr jrmaks tfm spmee, alh tfm ulhmrwatmr `oty ahms jmirm yiur myms. Pigm fulhrmh gmtmrs ol rilt i tfm jiat rosms tfm hark soefiumttm i a daccmh, ri`ky osealh. _iu favm rma`fmh Hmmp Zmm. Pigmtfolc tmees  yiu tfat yiu woee lmvmr lm vmr jm tfm sagm anmr smtsm ttolc iit il tfos pea`m at tfm mhcm i tfm wireh. O yiu rmturl.

PFISHISL On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs oltmrnmrm wotf tfm rotuae sa`rofi`m, Ajmea, Rmtm alh Ra`m‟s myms aee ci jea`k wotf racm. rac m. Jut Ta`faroas `aegs tfmg hiwl alh troms ti `ilvol`m tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfat fm os hiolc tfm rocft tfolc4 ―Niies, yiu hil‟t kliw wfat yiu‟rm hiolc. Xfmsm sa`rofi`ms arm a sgaee pro`m ti pay ir tfm ro`fms r o`fms wm rm`movm ol rmturl ‐ fmrrolc, tfm ro`f soevmr i tfm sma. Jy hmlyolc tfm sma ots sa`rofi`ms alh jrmakolc iur

`ivmlalt, yiu woee hiig tfm wfiem ar`fopmeaci alh aee ots pmipem ti  pivmrty, starvatoil, alh hmatf. O jmc i yiu, jm smlsojem!‗

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Emt tfm peaymrs `ilsohmr tfos alh a`t as tfmy smm fit. On tfmy ijeocm alh emt tfm gmrgaoh favm ilm in tfm vo`togs ‐ a peaymr `fara`tmr ir i r al LR@ ‐ tfm qumml in tfm

peaymr `fara`tmr gust pass al ACOEOX_  tmst  tmst ‐ il naoeurm tfmy suflmr a pfyso`ae `ilhotoil. Hmmp Zmmn kmmps rosolc alh mvmltuaeey rmvmaes ots

sma os satosfimh alh valosfms olti tfm hmmp. Fiwmvmr, Ta`faroas alh fos nagoey woee try ti koee aly rmgaololc peaymr `fara`tmrs as siil as tfmor ja`ks arm turlmh ‐ tfmy kliw tii gu`f alh `allit jm aeeiwmh ti eovm. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hi lit `iipmratm, tfm nagoey turls ti voieml`m. Ta`faroas, Ajmea, alh tfm jritfmrs woee try ti koee tfmg, ir `apturm alh sa`rofi`m tfmg ti tfm gmrgaoh. Xfm gmrgaoh hims lit a`tovmey a`to vmey parto`opatm ol tfm ficftolc ulemss atta`kmh, atta`k mh, jut gay irhmr Mlseavmh olhovohuaes ti atta`k tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. On tfm `fara`tmrs cmt olti triujem, pmrfaps Irvar ir tfmor skoppmr `al `igm ti tfmor aoh9 On a peaymr `fara`tmr ajiut ti jm sa`rofi`mh gal-

acms ti rmsost tfm gmrgaoh‟ gmrgaoh‟ss @ursm, tfm nagoey woee try ti ivmrpiwmr fog/fmr alh hrac tfm vo`tog olti o lti tfm  watmr. Xfm gmrgaoh‟ gmrgaoh‟ss @ursm os aesi jrikml on sfm os atta`kmh jy a peaymr `fara`tmr alh sustaols at emast ilm

trum nirg ‐ tfm mltorm osealh was gmrmey tfm `riwl

in a coalt krakml krakml‟s ‟s fmah! Aee peaymr `fara`tmrs gust gakm a Nmar tmst acaolst Nmar 󰀺. XFM MP@ARM

Xfm oggmlsm tmlta`ems in tfm krakml, as tfo`k as trmm trulks, `furl tfm saety sma olti a itfolc gamestrig. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm ol girtae halcmr. Eu`koey Eu`koey,, tfmy smm tfat tfmor jiat (ir tfm nagoey‟s, on aee peaymr `fara`tmrs arrovmh il tfmor vmssme) os uls`atfmh ‐ tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust gakm tfmor way ti ot ol irhmr ti survovm. Pwoggolc ti tfm jiat alh `eogjolc il jiarh rmquorms twi ACOEOX_  tmsts  tmsts ig ma`f peaymr `fara`tmr ‐ ilm nir swoggolc alh ilm nir cmttolc il jiarh. A naoemh tmst gmals tfat tfm `fara`tmr suflmrs a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil. Ma`f turl tfm krakml atta`ks a ralhig peaymr

piolt in hagacm, ir on tfm Mlseavmh pmrsil `igms

`fara`tmr ‐ riee a hom ti hm`ohm wfo`f ilm. Xfm atta`k os rieemh wotf tfm tf m krakml‟ krakml‟ss GOCFX, wfo`f os 􀀱󰀸 (hagacm

olti `ilta`t wotf gmtae.

􀀱). Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `allit farg tfm krakml ir parry ots atta`ks, jut gay jm ajem ti hihcm tfmg

XFM PMA @FOEH ZMX]ZLP On Ta`faroas jm`igms Jrikml alh tfm nagoey os hm-

(nast a`toil).

nmatmh jy tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, tfm sma `foeh woee surrmlhmr ol al attmgpt ti savm fogsmen. Xfml, as siil as fm fas tfm `fal`m, fm quo`key troms ti `rawe ja`k

On a peaymr `fara`tmr jm`igms Jrikml, alitfmr peaymr `fara`tmr ol tfm watmr `al rms`um tfmg wotf al mxtra ACOEOX_  tmst;  tmst; itfmrwosm tfm Jrikml olhovoh-

olti tfm sma alh hosappmar jmlmatf tfm wavms.

uae woee hriwl. Xfos tmst fas tfm sagm mflm`t as on tfm

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al stip Ta`faroas wotf a

natae atta`k. Fiwmvmr, fos hmatf woee favm cravm `ilsmquml`ms nir tfm Ndèeeja`ka ar`fopmeaci ‐ smm Anmrgatf.


Ptats nir tfm gmrgaoh arm niulh il pacm 􀀱󰀸󰀲

On tfm `ililtatoil il Hmmp Zmmn mlhs wotfiut alyilm jmolc sa`rofi`mh (Ta`faroas hims lit `iult), tfm gmrgaoh woee jm nuroius. Pfm tfriws fmrsmen ja`k olti tfm sma alh hosappmars. Gigmlts eatmr tfm mltorm os-

ol tfm `irm ruemjiik. Zmgmgjmr tfat tfm gmrgaoh‟s spmees `al jm jrikml tfriucf

ealh starts ti quakm, tfml rosms ig tfm hmmp wotf

trmgmlhius nir`m. Mvmryilm il Hmmp Zmmn os ﬊ulc olti tfm aor eokm rac hiees alh ealhs ol tfm watmr watmr.. Ma`f

³ :0 ³

`ilta`t wotf gmtae. Xfm krakml fas li stats itfmr tfal GOCFX  􀀱󰀸. Xfm peaymrs `allit ficft tfm gilstmr ol aly way.


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁭󰁡 ³

Jrikml  J rikml pmrsil fah gahm ot fmrsmen, jut naoeurm gmals tfat tfm savoir suflmrs a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti `eogj il jiarh,

 NXMZG XF ANXMZGAXF Xfm iut`igm in tfos gystmry gocft favm a fucm og-

tfmy woee ms`apm tfm krakml wotf tfmor eovms. Xfm sma gilstmr woee lit pursum tfmg, jut tfm wolhs arm rosolc alh turlolc olti a stirg. Xfm jiat takms ifl, jut ots saoes arm lmarey tirl away jy tfm fmavy custs.

pa`t il tfm ar`fopmeaci, alh hmpmlhs earcmey il tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ a`toils. On Ta`faroas os koeemh, tfm gmrgaoh turls fmr ja`k il tfm ar`fopmeaci. Xfm fmrrolc hosappmar iut ti



sma, alh tfm mltorm rmcoil os il`mtfmacaol olti pivmrty alh farhsfop ultoe lmxtpeulcmh fmrrolc

 Amr sigm togm in pmroeius saoeolc, wfml tfm gil-

pmroih. Xfm oll il Srm`kmr Osem os ajalhilmh

strius krakml fas hosappmarmh jmlmatf tfm stirgy  wavms alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm lmarolc tfm osos -

alh siil jm`igms a hoeapohatmh ruol. On Ta`faroas os Jrikml jut gakms ot ja`k olti tfm sma, tfm fmrrolc pmroih `iltolums nir a sfirt wfoem eilcmr. Jut wotfiut Ta`faroas, tfm fmrrolc saetmry il Srm`kmr Osem hims lit east eilc. Xfm oll os sfut

ealhs in tfm ar`fopmeaci, a hmmp rugjem os fmarh ig tfm sma otsmen. A crmat tohae wavm, smvmrae gmtmrs focf, appria`fms at tmrronyolc spmmh. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `allit ms`apm. Xfmor jiat galacms ti stay a﬊iat, jut ma`f `fara`tmr gust pass


hiwl jy tfm autfirotoms alh em ti t i naee apart. On

 Ajmea, Rmtm Rmtm,, alh Ra`m arm stoee aeovm, tfmy gay smmk rmvmlcm il tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. On Ta`faroas survovms survov ms alh rmgaols il S Srm`kmr rm`kmr Osem, tfm jusolmss tfmrm `iltolums ti ﬊iurosf nir galy

a NIZ@M tmst lit ti jm swmpt away jy tfm coalt wavm.

Xfism wfi naoe gust gakm a su``mssnue su` `mssnue ACOEOX_  tmst  tmst ti swog ti tfm jiat alh cmt ja`k il jiarh. Guetopem ACOE-


OX_  tmsts arm aeeiwmh, jut wotf ma`f naoeurm tfm peaymr `fara`tmr suflmrs a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil.

Il`m tfm tohae wavm fas passmh tfm jiat, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smm ot swmmp ivmr osealhs in tfm ar`fopmeaci, wfmrm fisfolc futs, dmttoms, alh jiats arm `rusfmh jy tfm watmr. Xfml tfm sma jm-

`igms `aeg il`m girm. Xfm gmrgaoh fas rmturlmh ti tfm hmmp.

 ymars. ]hhcrml, ]hhcrml, on stoee aeovm, os vmry  warh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh gay rmsmltnue wmee smmk tirmrm vmlcm il il tfmg.  At tfos piolt tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al hi eottem jut jut rmturl ti tfmor fmahquartmrs ol ]psaea, wfmrm tfmy arm awarhmh mxpmroml`m piolts (smm pacm 󰀺󰀽 ol tfm

`irm ruemjiik).

³ := ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

A SO@KMH S O@KMH PM@ZMX Ol wfo`f tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs smmk iut a sgaee voeeacm ol tfm lirtfmrl wiihs, wfmrm tfmy ml`iultmr a sawgoee, a gmhomvae `fur`f, alh a cuarhoal jmast…



Xfm nirmst fas aeways jmml ilm in galkolh‟s crmatmst assmts, privoholc juoeholc gatmroaes nir iur fiusms alh nurloturm, numeolc iur firms, alh jm`igolc tfm

Xfos first sm`toil hms`rojms tfm ja`kcriulh in tfm

gystmry alh tfm `il﬊o`ts il wfo`f ot os jasmh. Xfmrm os al olvotatoil ti ko`ktfmifldiurlmy tfm smssoil, tfml tfm alh tmxt pri`mmhs ti hms`rojm ti Fèrlþsalh tfml il ti Nèrlsta. Xfm sm`toil `il`euhms wotf a

`iulthiwl in mvmlts wfo`f yiu as tfm Cagmgastmr  woee olotoatm at sigm appriproat appriproatmm togm hurolc tfm gystmry ‐ alh a `atastripfm tfat hms`rojms wfat fappmls on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hi lit takm a`toil ir naoe ol tfmor mflirts. Jut first wm woee eiik ja`k at tfm mvmlts emaholc up ti tfm gystmry.

 wacils alh jiats tfatfah favm jriucft us nirwarh. Jut tfm wiihs favm aeways galy sm`rmts, ig tfm nmar in cmttolc eist ti naory taems ajiut tfm wiih wovms wfi ruem tfmg. Fugals wiueh mvmltuaeey try ti tagm tfm  wiihs, alh ol tfm tfm goh-􀀱􀀿tf `mltury, `mltury, tfm nirmsts in tfm lirtf jm`agm tfm `rahem in Pwmhosf olhustroae-

osg. Earcm sawgoees wmrm juoet aeilc tfm rovmrs, alh earcm agiults in togjmr wmrm smlt hiwlstrmag ti

tfm sma alh mvmltuaeey sfoppmh ti itfmr parts in tfm `iultry, ir mvml ajriah. Sotf tfm ahvmlt in tfm stmag

³ :> ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

mlcolm, smvmrae sawgoees jmcal rullolc il stmag alh tfm farvmstmh togjmr was siil tralspirtmh jy traol. Xfm gihmrl mra, wfmrm fugals wiueh jrolc jro lc laturm ti ots klmms, fah `igm ti tfm nirmst.

ilm wfi tfrmatmls tfm Nrmm Ilms gocft tfmrmnirm jm hmmgmh a tfrmat jy tfm `fur`f crog, wfo`f tfm `uet fas jmlmfitmh ig nir fulhrmhs in ymars. Jut liw tfm `uet‟s crmatmst tfrmat os tfm `falcolc

Jut lit aee nirmsts `al jm tagmh ivmrlocft, alh

togms, alh tfm way ots gmgjmrs favm `falcmh wotf

lit aee nirmsts woee aeeiw tfmgsmevms ti jm tagmh. Ilm pea`m wfmrm tfm tagolc fas dust jmcul os Nèrlsta voe-

tfmg. Xfm criwolc olhustry rmquorms girm alh girm

eacm,ti ei`atmh ol tfm lirtfmrl wiihsPtrmag in Ílcmrgalealh, lmxt a jriik `aeemh tf m NNèrlsta tfm èrlsta wfo`f wfo `f ﬊iws olti tfm Ílcmrgal Zovmr. Xfm voeeacm os ro`f ol togjmr alh fas ots iwl eottem sawgoee, piwmrmh jy a watmrgoee, uleokm tfm earcm stmag-piwmrmh sawgoees il tfm `iast. Nèrsta fas aeways jmml smen-suff`omlt tfalk tfalkss ti ots ajulhalt laturae rmsiur`ms, alh ots pmipem arm wmee ifl, tfiucf osieatmh ig galy in tfm lmocfjirolc `iggulotoms.. Rmrfaps `iggulotoms Rmrfaps tfat os wfy tfmy favm galacmh

rmsiur`ms, alh tfm eusf wiihs in Nèrlsta arm in tfm

crmatmst oltmrmst.Cittoh Ziucfey Faggarstrþg tfrmm wmmks jmnirm tfmfosstart in tfm gystmry, alh assostalt Loes Eolhmskþeh wmrm smlt ti tfm voeeacm. Xfmy  wirkmh il jmfaen in tfm olhustroaeost olhustroaeost Aucust vil Gmo dmr iut in Fèrl Fèrlþsal þsalhh ti lmci lmcitoatm toatm tfm pur` pur`fasm fasm in earc earcmm tra`ts in nirmst alh mleost tfm ei`ae wirknir`m ti sm`urm togjmr ig Nèrlsta. Xfos iflmr fas hovohmh tfm Nrmm Ilms ‐ galy in ots gmgjmrs wiueh eokm ti ajalhil

tfm hark alh girjoh trahotoils in tfm `uet, wfoem wfo em itfmrs jmeomvm tfos wiueh put al mlh ti tfmor mmhig alh smen-suff`oml`y.. Xfmy aesi emarlmh ig Hiritma Pkytt smen-suff`oml`y

si wmee il tfmor iwl4 jm`ausm tfm voeeacm os ei`atmh

hmmp ol tfm nirmst alh `al iley jm rma`fmh jy travmeolc patfs galy wiueh lit harm ti takm. Ir pmrfaps, as sigm jmeomvm, ot os jm`ausm tfm voeeacmrs arm saoh ti favm jeiihy past ti tfos hay. On askmh ajiutatfmor naotf, litfat ilmpmrsosts ol Nèrlsta wiueh kliw wfat

 yiu wmrm taekolc ajiut, favolc pra`to`mh @frostoaloty sol`m tfm 􀀱󰀺tf `mltury, `mltur y, as attmstmh jy tfmor ieh `fur`f. Jut tfm rugirs arm lit `igpemtmey jasmemss. A

lugjmr in `rume trahotoils favm olhmmh o lhmmh eovmh il ol Nèrlsta. Xfm rmasil tfmy favm jmml ajem ti suppirt tfmgsmevms si wmee os, at emast a``irholc ti tfm voeeacmrs, tfmor pacal jmeomns alh tfm fugal sa`rofi`ms gahm ‐ at emast ilm pmr cmlmratoil os rmquormh nir tfm ealh ti rmgaol nmrtoem. Xfos jmeomn fas sm`rmtey pmrsostmh agilc Nèrlsta‟s meotm, wfi `aee tfmgsmevms Eojmrirug Nimhus ‐ ―tfm Nrmm Ilms,‗ as ol mm ti oltmrprmt tfm

tfat Nèrlsta os sottolc il a earcm hmpisot in oril irm,

alh tfm trutf os tfat vil Gmodmr os progaroey amr tfm irm ol tfm ul hiwl ulhmrlmatf hmrlmatf N`fur`f, èrlsta, wfo`f jut ti cmt at otlit fm  wiueh favm`avms ti tmar tfm Nèrlsta, wiueh jm a prijemg on mliucf pmipem sieh fog tfmor tfmo r ealh. Xfm emahmr in tfm Nrmm Ilms, sawgoee iwlmr Gèrta Karestrþg, waltmh ti kmmp al mym il tfm twi gml alh tfmor gitovms alh olvotmh tfmg ti stay wotf fmr. Pfm niulh a emttmr ig vil Gmodmr tfat rmvmaemh tfmor trum acmlha, alh quo`key rm`iclozmh tfm tfrmat fm

pismh ti fmr `uet. A wmmk aci tfm tf m togm fah `igm ti a`t. Faggarstrþg was em a gmssacm statolc tfat tfm promst wosfmh ti smm fog at tfm `fur`f ol irhmr ti fmep fog pmrsuahm tfm voeeacmrs ti smee tfmor ealh. Xfos gmmtolc was a`tuaeey a trap smt jy Karestrþg, wfi

 wirh in Cih. Cih. As @ @frostoaloty frostoaloty swmpt tfm ealh ol tfm 􀀱󰀺tf `mltury, tfm Nrmm Ilms gaoltaolmh tfmor traho-

fah nircmh tfm promst‟s falhwrotolc, alh ot was tfmrm tfat Faggarstrþg gmt fos uetogatm hmgosm. Fm was

toils away ig tfm pujeo` mym alh startmh fieholc

sm`rmt gmmtolcs ol a sujtmrralmal `avm systmg, wfoem takolc up wirsfop in tfm @frostoal Eirh.

 waotolc aeilm ol tfm wiihs wfml a paor in ceiwolc rmh myms suhhmley appmarmh ol tfm hark. Ot was tfm east tfolc fm mvmr m vmr saw, jmnirm jmnirm tfm `fur`f crog tirm

Xfm mltral`m ti tfm `avms os lmxt ti tfm `fur`f. Xi pritm`t ot a `at was sa`rofi`mh alh juromh ol tfm niulhatoil in tfm juoeholc. Alh si a `fur`f crog

tfm piir gal apart jm`ausm in tfm tfrmat tf rmat fm pismh ti tfm `fur`f. Faggarstrþg‟s Faggars trþg‟s rmgaols wmrm em ol tfm  wiihs, `ivmrmh alh fohh fohhml ml jy laturm otsmen.

appmarmh ti wat`f ivmr tfm `fur`f, jut aesi tfm `avms

Favolc koeemh Faggarstrþg, tfm `fur`f crog fmahmh ti Karestrþg‟s fiusm wfmrm ots lmxt tarcmt

 wfmrm tfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms pmrnirg tfmor t fmor rotuaes. PigmPi gm-

³ :3 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

 was waotolc4 waotolc4 L Loes oes Eolhmskþeh. Eolhmskþeh. Faggarstrþg‟ Faggarstrþg‟ss assi`oatm wikm ti a stralcm siulh iutsohm fos wolhiw il tfm sm`ilh ﬊iir. Eiikolc iut fm saw a fucm ficurm

 wotf rmh myms, sm smmgolcey mgolcey hhmtmrgolmh mtmrgolmh ti `eogj up ti fos riig. Smarolc iley fos locftsfort, tfm tmrrofimh

sfirtey tfmrmamr, fipolc ti filh iut wfat `rmaturm faultmh tfm pea`m alh wfat firrir fah jmnaeeml piir Cittoh. Fm stoee fah mvmry oltmltoil in pur`fasolc tfm nirmsts in Nèrlsta, jut first fm fah ti gakm surm tfat wfatmvmr was tfmrm ‐ on o n alytfolc ‐ was hr hrovml ovml away.

Eolhmskþeh rusfmh iutsohm ti a firsm fot`fmh fot` fmh ol ilt in tfm fiusm. Fm fmarh fmavy niitstmps appria`f ig


tfm firsm, itfmr sohm juoeholc. Eolhmsk up il alh in iuttfm in tfm `irlmrEolhmskþeh in fos mymþeh fmcit ceogpsmh a tmrronyolc `rmaturm jmnirm ﬊mmolc il firsmja`k. Xfm `ry in tfm `fur`f crog m`fimh tfriucf tfriu cf tfm locft as fm rihm nir hmar eonm, lmvmr eiikolc ja`k. Sfml fm passmh tfm mhcm in tfm voeeacm tfm `ry stippmh, jut Eolhmskþeh kmpt roholc as nast as tfm firsm wiueh `arry fog. Fm rmturlmh ti Fèrlþsalh, ocftmlmh iut in fos  wots, ragjeolc ol`mssaltey ol`ms saltey ajiut tfm j jmast mast alh ots

cfastey rmh myms. Xfm twi gml‟ gml‟ss mgpeiymr, tfm wmaetfy olhustroaeost Aucust vil Gmodmr, rmaeozmh tfat tfmrm  was sigmtfolc vmry wrilc wotf tfm pea`m alh nmarmh tfat ot was faultmh jy vamsml. Fm was tieh tfat tfm Pi`omty `iueh olvmstocatm su`f ga`ajrm alh gystmroius `asms olvievolc vamsml, alh rmqumstmh tfmor smrvo`ms

Xfm progary `il﬊o`t in tfos gystmry os jmtwmml Gèrta Karestrþg alh tfm iutsohm wireh, wfo`f sfm jmeomvms  woee jm tfm ruol in Nèrlsta. Nèrlsta. Quarryolc tfm ealh nir oril wiueh mxpism tfm `avms in tfm Nrmm Ilms alh  dmiparhozm tfmor pacal sa`rofi`ms, wfo`f wfo`f Karestrþg tfolks arm tfm rmasil nir Nèrlsta‟s Nèrlsta‟s prispmroty. Pfm tfmrmnirm jmeomvms tfm jmst iut`igm wiueh jm nir

Nèrlsta ti jm em aeilm alh tfm iutsohmrs hrovml iut, ir mvml koeemh. Pfm fipmh tfat koeeolc Faggarstrþg  wiueh a``igpeosf tfos, jut fos assi`oatm Eolhmskþeh cit away jmnirm tfm `fur`f crog `iueh nuefiee fmr

`iggalh, alh liw sfm wirroms tfat lmw iutsohmrs  woee gakm tfolcs mvml wirsm. Karestr Karestrþg þg woee tfmr tfmrmnirm mnirm spmmh up tfm rotuae sfm jmeomvms woee covm fmr piwmr ivmr tfism sfm `ilsohmrs fmr sujdm`ts, alh tfmrmjy

`eaog tfm voeeacm nir fmrsmen, wfoem at tfm sagm togm meogolatolc fmr crmatmst tfrmats ol tfm voeeacm.


Xfm sm`ilhary `il﬊o`t os eolkmh ti tfm progary ilm, alh stalhs jmtwmml tfm gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm

Ol tfm goh-1?tf `mltury, tfm eiccolc olhustry mgmrcmh as ilm in Pwmhml‟s emaholc olhustroms, parto`uearey ol tfm lirtfmrl lirtfm rl rmcoils. Fucm sawgoees wotf eits e its in wirkmrs wmrm juoet il tfm `iast, wfmrm togjmr was trmatmh alh eatmr sieh ti itfmr parts in tfm `iultry ir sfoppmh ajriah. Xfmy wmrm `ilstru`tmh ol tfm eiwmr rma`fms in rovmrs wfo`f wmrm usmh nir si-`aeemh eic hrovolc, wfmrm eics wmrm ﬊iatmh hiwlstrmag ti tfm goees. Olotoaeey Olotoae ey tfm sawgoees wmrm piwmrmh jy watmr (intml voa watmr wfmmes), jut as tm`flieicy ahval`mh tfmy mvmltuaeey startmh rullolc il stmag. Nir eugjmrda`ks tfm gist `iggil tiie was tfm axm, ultoe ot was rmpea`mh jy tfm twigal `riss`ut saw ol tfm 16>2s, wfo`f ol turl was rmpea`mh jy tfm ilm-gal vmrsoil 02 ymars eatmr. ea tmr.

Ilms alh ots emahmr, Gèrta Karestrþg. Pmvmrae gmgjmrs favm eilc fah hiujts ajiut tfmor voiemlt rmeocoil,  wfo`f hmgalhs fugal sa`rofi`ms. Xfm ip ippirtuloty pirtuloty ti smee tfmor ealh `iueh jm tfmor to`kmt iut in tfmrm

alh aeeiw tfmg ti ms`apm tfm firrojem `uet `u et ti wfo`f tfmy rmeu`taltey jmeilc. Xfmy arm awarm in tfm oril hmpisot alh tfat tfm gilmy tfmy stalh ti gakm `iueh covm tfmg ciih eovms mesmwfmrm. Xfm emahmr in tfm

 wiueh-jm apistatms os tfm ealhiwlmr Hiritma Pkytt. Jut tfmor joccmst tfrmat os Karestrþg, wfi tfmy kliw  wiueh lit fmsotatm ti smt tfm crog il tfmg on sfm

emarlmh in tfmor `ilspora`y acaolst fmr. Xfm filae `il﬊o`t os jmtwmml tfm `fur`f crog alh tfism wfi tfrmatml tfm `fur`f. Xfm crog‟s purpism os ti cuarh tfm `fur`f ajivm aee mesm alh

stip tfism wfi gocft hi ot farg. Ot woee tfmrmnirm

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jm hrovml ti farg alyilm wfi tfrmatmls `fur`f

ealhs, rmcarhemss in ots gastmr.


RZMRAZAXOILP  As usuae, jmnirm emavolc tfmor fmahquartmrs, fmahqua rtmrs, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al prmparm nir tfm diurlmy alh

caol al Ahvaltacm. Nir girm olnirgatoil, smm `faptmr 􀀿 ol tfm `irm ruemjiik.

Reaymr `fara`tmrs `fara`tmr s smmkolc olnirgatoil ajiut Nèrl-

Xfos gystmry takms pea`m ol sprolctogm, wfml tfm

sliw fas gmetmh alh tfm sul sfolms eilcmr mvmry hay. Ot jmcols wotf a emttmr rma`folc tfm Pi`omty‟s galsoil. Xfm emttmr, wfo`f os aesi avaoeajem as Falhiut 󰀺A at tfm mlh in tfm jiik alh hiwleiahajem ig tfm Nrmm

Emacum wmjsotm, rmahs as nieeiws4 Xi wfig ot gay `il`mrl,

sta woee lit filh aly, aly, as tfm voeeacm os sgaee, rmgitm,

alh vmry osieatmh ig tfm iutsohm wireh. Fiwmvmr, tfmy `al hoc up olnirgatoil ajiut tfm ei`ae eiccolc olhustry (usm tfm tmxt jix il pacm 󰀺􀀶) alh emarl tfat  Aucust vil Gmodmr os a vmry wmaetfy alh su``mssnue olhustroaeost wfi fas juoet a eiccolc mgporm ol lirtfmrl Pwmhml jy pur`fasolc gu`f in tfm Ílcmr Ílcmrgalealh galealh nirmsts. Fm aesi tmlhs ti form tfm ei`aes wfmrmvmr fm

O urcmltey rmqumst yiur assostal`m. Gy lagm os Aucust vil Gmodmr. O ag a irmst iwlmr alh olhustroaeost, alh iwl ilm i tfm earcmst

olvmsts, wfo`f fas aeeiwmh fog ti stoee gaoltaol a ciih rmputatoil. Fm fogsmen hms`rojms ot as al ip-

sawgoees ol lirtfmrl Pwmhml, ei`atmh fmrm ol Fèrlþsalh, wfmrm O

pirtuloty nir `ovoeozatoil ti mxpalh lirtf.

ag wirkolc ti gihmrlozm tfos rmcoil. Xi tfos mlh, O ag pri`urolc

fmavoey irmstmh tra`ts i ealh alh mgpeiyolc earcm parts i tfm ei`ae  pipueatoil ol saoh armas. Pigm togm aci, twi i gy mgpeiymms ‐ Gr. Cittoh Faggarstrþg alh fos assostalt, Loes Eolhmskþeh ‐ wmrm smlt ti a sgaee voeeacm

`aeemh Nèrlsta lirtf i Fèrlþsalh. Ot os ei`atmh hmmp ol tfm wiihs, alh tfm ealh was saoh ti jm focfey mrtoem alh ajulhalt wotf irmsts. Faggarstrþg was tfmrmirm rmspilsojem ir mlsurolc a tralsa`toil jmtwmml tfm voeeacmrs alh yiurs truey. Jut liw, aeas, tracmhy fas stru`k. Ilm locft, piir Loes rmturlmh il firsmja`k, wmarolc litfolc jut fos locftsfort. Fm was ol a alto`

Xfm diurlmy lirtf ig ]psaea woee jm a eilc ilm, first jy traol ti Ílcm jmnirm takolc a stacm`ia`f stacm` ia`f ti Fèrlþsalh. Xfm hay in hmparturm os a warg alh

sully sprolc hay, alh tfm siulh in tfm stmag wfostem fiees tfm aor at tfm statoil, stat oil, aeilc wotf `eiuhs in jea`k sgikm. Ot os a 󰀺󰀸-fiur traol rohm wotf tfm locft spmlt il jiarh. Xfm statmey crmml trmms in tfm Pwmhosf `iultrysohm seohm past tfm wolhiws,

alh eolcmrolc sliw `al jm ceogpsmh il tfm giultaoltips as tfm traol `iltolums nurtfmr alh nurtfmr lirtf. Ílcm os `urrmltey as nar as tfm tf m raoeriah cims ig siutfmrl Pwmhml, alh tfm diurlmy `iltolums jy stacm`ia`f nir alitfmr twi hays, wotf ivmrlocft

statm, ragjeolc ajiut sigm mvoe jmast fm jmfmeh ol o l tfm voeeacm. Loes fas lit jmml tfm sagm sol`m alh `al jarmey spmak. Faggarstrþg os gossolc, alh O mar wfat gay favm jmaeeml piir Cittoh. O smlsm tfat

sigmtfolc os agoss ‐ tfmrm os girm ti tfos pea`m tfal gmmts tfm mym. Xfat os wfy O ag wrotolc ti yiu. O wiueh eokm ti mleost yiur smrvo`ms

ol ul`ivmrolc tfm trutf ajiut wfat fas fappmlmh ti Faggarstrþg, alh stippolc tfm jmast gmltoilmh jy Gr. Eolhmskþeh, at aly `ist! _iu `igm vmry focfey rm`iggmlhmh, alh yiur mxpmrtosm wiueh jm

olvaeuajem ol iur `urrmlt prmho`agmlt. Pfiueh yiu a``mpt tfos task,   yiu woee i `iursm jm ro`fey rmwarhmh. Remasm rmpey wotf utgist fastm, ir togm os i tfm mssml`m. O sfaee waot  ir yiu ol Fèrlþsalh Fèrlþsalh ti mxpeaol mxpeaol girm alh arralcm arralcm yiur trop ti Nèrlsta. Nèrlsta.

Pol`mrmey,  Aucust vil Gmodmr 


stips aeilc tfm way. Xfm aor fmrm os `rospmr alh `iiemr tfal ol ]psaea, alh tfm ﬊iwolc in jriiks os fmarh iutsohm. Xfm `eismlmss ti laturm os nmet

tfriucf tfm wfiem jihy. Nolaeey, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arrov arrovmm ol Fèrlþsalh alh filh vil Gmodmr‟s sawgoee, ei`atmh wfmrm tfm Ílcmrgal Zovmr ﬊iws olti tfm Jitfloal Pma, alh tfmy smm smvmrae `arci sfops jmolc eiahmh wotf togjmr, as  wmee as a fucm lugjmr in eics jmolc ﬊iatmh hiwl tfm rovmr.. Xfm sawgoee os a gihmrl, stmag-piwmrmh narovmr

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`oeoty, alh tfm eiuh riar in tfm stmag mlcolm jemlhs  wotf tfm siulh in lugmri lugmrius us tioeolc wirkmrs. Xfmy arm crmmtmh jy tfm memcalt vil Gmodmr, wfi asks wfmtfmr tfmy fah a pemasalt diurlmy alh innmrs tfmg sigmtfolc ti mat. Fm gmmts tfmg ol fos

 wmee-nurlosfmh  wmee-nurl osfmh iff`m alh alswmrs aly qumstoils tfmy

gay favm4 Faggarstrþg alh Eolhmskþeh wmrm taskmh wotf pur`fasolc ealh il vil Gmodmr‟s jmfaen, alh em


nir Nèrlsta twi wmmks aci. Nèrlsta os ogpirtalt

ti vil Gmodmr, as tfm arma os fmavoey nirmstmh alh tfm sioe os saoh ti jm vmry nmrtoem. ³ 

Xfm voeeacm os osieatmh alh fas aegist li `ilta`t wotf tfm iutsohm wireh, as ot os girm ir emss

smen-suff`omlt. ³ 

Itfmr voeeacms ol tfm rmcoil favm warlmh ajiut

Nèrlsta. Xfmy say ot otss pmipem favm tfm jei jeiih ih in Cih il tfmor falhs, hmspotm tfmor ieh `fur`f, alh tfat galy hosturjolc tfolcs tfo lcs arm ciolc il tfmrm. Galy ol tfm lmocfjirolc `iggulotoms arm tfmrmnirm cratmnue tfat tfmy stay away. _iu `al `ilvmy tfos olirgatoil ti tfm peaymrs o tfmor `fara`tmrs stip at al oll il tfm way ti tfm voeeacm, ol wfo`f `asm sigmilm s igmilm `iueh warl tfmg lit ti ci tfmrm.


 A]C]P ]PX X ^I ^IL L G MO D MZ  A]C

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ gossoil os ti filh iut wfat fas fappmlmh ti Faggarstrþg alh put al mlh ti

―Ot os ajiut togm tfat `ovoeozatoil `agm ti tfm lirtf.‗

tfm jmast gmltoilmh jy Eolhmskþeh. On tfm `far-

 Aucust vil Gmodmr os a vmry wmaetfy alh su``mssnue olhustroaeost ol fos fioms. Xfiucf fos

a`tmrs `al aesi takm ivmr Faggarstrþg‟s task in smmolc tfm hmae tfriucf, tfmy arm girm tfal wme`igm ti hi si, ol wfo`f `asm tfmy wiueh jm mvml girm falhsigmey rmwarhmh jy vil Gmodmr.  A``iggihatoil fas jmml arralcmh nir tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs at tfm figm in tfm voeeacm fmah, Gèrta Karestrþg, wfi cmlmriusey iflmrmh ti takm tfmg ol wfml sfm fmarh tfmy wmrm `igolc ti Nèrlsta.

lagm succmsts lijem jortf, fm fas wirkmh

 vmry farh ti cmt wfmrm fm os alh fas galacmh ti juoeh a vast olhustroae mgporm. Fos crmatmst olvmstgmlts favm jmml ol nirmst ealh alh rmeatmh olhustroms, alh fm liw iwls gu`f in tfm Ílcmrgalealh nirmsts.  As ogpeomh jy fos lagm alh pisotoil, vil


Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al aesi gmmt piir Eolhmskþeh,  wfi jy liw appmars ti favm eist fos golh `igpemtmey `igpemtmey.. Fm os kmpt ol a ei`kmh riig at tfm sawgoee, gistey ti stip fog ig furtolc sigmilm mesm. Eolhmskþeh os

Gmodmr os a vmry memcalt cmltemgal, wfo`f rujs ifl il fos appmaral`m. Fm fas jriah sfiuehmrs alh mx`meemlt pisturm, alh os

quotm stiut, jut wotf pemlty in gus`em. Fm fas a earcm, lmat gusta`fm alh wmee-`igjmh faor, alh fos hmmp jarotilm `iggalhs crmat rmspm`t.

ol a vmry jah statm, `ilstaltey aetmrlatolc jmtwmml

`ryolc alh s`rmagolc ol hmspaor, jut on tfmy ci lmar fos `mee, fm gay wmee cmt pfyso`ae alh pissojey halcmrhalcmr ius. Xfm nieeiwolc `al jm emarlmh ig Eolhmskþeh4 Eolhmskþe h4

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Eolhmskþeh os ragjeolc aegist mx`eusovmey ajiut a hark jmast fm saw as fm was emavolc tfm voeeacm,

 Aucust vil Gmodmr covms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs a `asf nulh ti `igpmlsatm Gèrta Karestrþg nir cmlmriusey

`ilstaltey taekolc ajiut ots rmh myms. Fm hims lit

aeeiwolc tfmg ti stay at fmr rmsohml`m. Nolaeey, fm

hms`rojm tfm jmast‟s appmaral`m ol hmtaoe, itfmr

takms tfmg ti ilm in tfm sawgoee‟s iwl stacm`ia`fms  wfo`f woee takm tfmg ti NNèrlsta. èrlsta.

tfal tfm na`t tfat ot was joc. Gmltoilolc tfm lagm Cittoh ir Faggarstrþg `ausms Eolhmskþeh ti jurst olti ul`iltrieeajem

tmars. Fm woee lit say alytfolc mesm on askmh ajiut Faggarstrþg. Fm fas eits in s`ars ig s`rat`fms em jy jral`fms alh jrusf as fm ﬊mh il fos caeeipolc firsm. Fm os vmry tfol, favolc jarmey matml sol`m fos rmturl.  A su``m su``mssnue ssnue GMHO@OLM tmst `al rmvmae tfat Eolhmskþeh appmars ti jm suflmrolc ig smvmrm sfi`k. Eolhmskþeh gay i``asoilaeey start ti s`rmm`f alh criwe eokm sigm earcm jmast.




^AE E  A Z Z O ^A Ot os a hay‟s diurlmy jy stacm`ia`f ig Fèrlþsalh tfriucf tfm wiihs ti Nèrlsta, aeilc tfm Ílcmrgal Zovmr wfmrm tfm eics arm ﬊iatmh hiwlstrmag. Xfm

nartfmr tfmy cmt, tfm wirsm tfm riahs jm`igm, alh tfm sky os ol`rmasolcey fohhml jy j y trmms. NNmw mw pmipem mvmr `igm tfos way, alh ot sfiws. Xfm sul fas aermahy smt wfml tfm `fara`tmrs ar-

rovm ol Nèrlsta, jut tfm tiwmr in tfm ieh stilm `fur`f, raosmh ol tfm marey Gohhem Acms, `al stoee jm ceogpsmh ol tfm giileocft. Ot os tfm iley stilm juoeholc ol

tfm voeeacm, wfism `ajols alh fiusms arm mx`eusovmey

LOEP EOLHMPKÞEH a t gm! A hmvoe‟s myms!‗ ―Zmh myms! Xfmy starmh at

gahm in wiih. Xfm rmst in tfm voeeacm os lit gu`f ti eiik at, wotf fiusms nir tfm voeeacmrs, a gihmst

􀀰󰀲-ymar-ieh Eolhmskþeh hims lit eiik eokm

cmlmrae stirm (alh pist iff`m), alh a sogpem voeeacm faee. Xfm stacm`ia`f riees hmmpmr olti tfm voeeacm, alh

gu`f, wotf fos rmsmrvmh tilm alh sgaee gusta`fm, jut fos pi`kmt wat`f olho`atms tfat fm

lmar tfm mlh in tfm focfriah tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs

`al smm tfm sawgoee jy tfm Nèrlsta Ptrmag, jmnirm tfm `ia`f turls ifl tiwarh Gèrta Karestrþg‟s Karestrþg‟s fiusm. Ot os a jmautonueey irlagmltmh juoeholc wfism eugjmr os a tmstagmlt ti ots acm.

os a su``mssnue gal. Fm wirks nir vil Gmo-

 dmr‟s sawgoee as Cittoh Faggarstrþg‟ Faggarstrþg‟ss assostalt alh rocft-falh gal. Eolhmskþeh os girm `autoius tfal Faggarstrþg was; sigm wiueh `aee ot `iwarho`m, jut fm `aees ot awarmlmss. Ot was tfos awarmlmss tfat gahm fog rmaeozm halcmr


 was lmar wfml fm wikm ti a jmast tryo tryolc lc ti cmt olti tfm fiusm wfmrm fm was stayolc. Fm

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ olvmstocatoil olti Faggarstrþg‟ss natm woee siil meo`ot a rma`toil ig Gèrta strþg‟

ral iut alh ﬊mh il firsm, jut lit jmnirm

Karestrþg, wfi `ilsohmrs tfmg a tfrmat, jut aesi ig Hiritma Pkytt wfi smms ol tfmg a `fal`m ti jrmak mm ig tfm Nrmm Ilms alh tfmor firrojem rmeocoil. Xfm Cagmgastmr `al usm tfm nieeiwolc

fm fah `aucft a ceogpsm c eogpsm in tfm gilstmr‟s

myms, eisolc fos golh as tfm crog put a `ursm il fog. Liw fm os faultmh jy tfm ceiw-

mvmlts ti quo`kml tfm pa`m in tfm cagm wfml lm`mssary, alh ti pusf tfm peaymrs tiwarh tfm filae `ililtatoil4

olc rmh myms starolc at fog, wfoem giurlolc wfat fm tfolks fas fappmlmh ti piir


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􀀱. Karestrþg troms ti ogpeo`atm tfm voeeacm promst, Olcvar Lystrþg. Pfm appria`fms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh asks ti spmak wotf tfmg ol provatm,

tfml spols a taem ajiut tfm promst gmmtolc wotf Faggarstrþg il tfm locft in fos hosappmaral`m. Pfm aesi `eaogs tfm promst, jmolc a Cih-nmarolc



sawgoee, emahmr in tfm Nrmm Ilms, alh tfm pmrsil wfi `iltries tfm `fur`f crog.   HIZIXMA PK_XX4  Gadir ealhiwlmr ol Nèrl³  sta alh gmgjmr in tfm Nrmm Ilms, jut j ut

gal, hmtmsts pmipem eokm vil Gmodmr wfi tfolk

walts ti emavm tfm `uet alh smee fmr ealh ti tfm sawgoee.

tfmy arm cihs `apajem in `ilqumrolc laturm. Fm

 waltmh ti meogolatm meogola tm tfm tmgptatoil tmgptato il Faggar-

  ^OEFMEGOLA PK_XX4 Hiritma‟s tmmlacm


strþg prmsmltmh ti tfism woeeolc ti sueey NNèrlsta èrlsta jy smeeolc tfmor ealh.

haucftmr wfi eivms laturm alh hrmags in emavolc Nèrlsta.   OLC^ OLC^AZ AZ L_PXZÞG4  Xfm voeeacm promst. Fas ³  li kliwemhcm in tfm Nrmm Ilms.   CIXXNZOH FAGGAZPXZÞG FAGGAZPXZÞG44 Jusolmss rmprm³  smltatovm alh lmcitoatir nrig tfm sawgoee, koeemh jy tfm `fur`f crog.   LOEP EOLHMPKÞEH4 EOLHMPKÞEH4  Faggarstrþg‟s assi`o³  atm wfi ﬊mh tfm `fur`f crog alh Nèrlsta.   A]C]PX ^IL GMODMZ4  Iwlmr in tfm earcm ³  sawgoee ol Fèrlþsalh, alh tfm peaymr

󰀺. Xfm promst Olcvar Lystrþg os ilti Karestrþg alh suspm`ts tfat sigmtfolc os wrilc. Fm hm`ohms ti eiik olti tfm sotuatoil fogsmen. Xfat

sagm locft tfm crog rolcs tfm `fur`f jmee at tfm strikm in twmevm, olho`atolc tfat sigmilm woee

hom tfm nieeiwolc locft. Xfm locft amr tfm jmee fas tieemh, tfm promst filhs tfm mltral`m usmh jy tfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms alh nieeiws tfm `avms ti tf tfmm crumsigm rotuae sotm, wfmrm fm hos`ivmrs acgmlts

`fara`tmrs‟ `eomlt.

in al ieh tmxt il fiw ti stip tfm `fur`f crog.

 Appaeemh jy tfm eom il wfo`f NNèrlsta èrlsta os jjuoet, uoet, fm emavms wotf tfm mvohml`m ti pmrsuahm mvmryilm

ti smee tfmor ealh. Jut wfml fm rm-mgmrcms ig tfm `avms, tfm `fur`f crog os waotolc nir fog, fo g, as tfm promst os liw smml as a tfrmat. Fm hmspmratmey troms ti ﬊mm olti tfm `fur`f, jut hims lit stalh

crog ti koee Hiritma Pkytt ‐ ot tmars fmr tfriat iut alh hracs away fmr haucftmr ^oefmegola, wfig Karestrþg fas hm`ohmh ti sa`rofi`m. Nir girm olnirgatoil, smm @ililtatoil il pacm 󰀸􀀿.

a `fal`m. Ol tfm girlolc fos `irpsm os niulh,

smvmrmh falh stoee `eut`folc tfm gmtae rolc in tfm fmavy wiihml hiir, wfoem tfm rmst in fos jihy


os eyolc il tfm staors, tirl apart eokm a `rugpemh ` rugpemh eman. A `fara`tmr wfi olvmstocatms tfm jihy woee filh ilm in tfm ieh tmxts (Falhiuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H), ulemss

Karestrþg pri`mmhs wotf tfm pacal rotuae ti sa`rofi`m  ^oefmegola.  ^oef megola. Aee gmgjmrs gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms wfi hi

tfmytfm aermahy jmml niulh. 􀀰. At tffavm m strikm strikm in in gohlocft goh locft, , tfm `fur`f `fur`f jmee jmee rolcs rolcs

crog, wfo`f `ilsohmrs tfmg a tfrmat. Karestrþg os

lit parto`opatm ol tfm rotuae arm atta`kmh jy tfm `fur`f

acaol, alh tfm lmxt locft alitfmr eonm woee jm

`eaogmh. Karestrþg rmaeozms tfat ol irhmr ti rmcaol fmr piwmr sfm gust hospism in tfm crmatmst traotir agilc tfm Nrmm Ilms4 Hiritma Hiritma Pkytt. Ot ``iueh iueh aesi jm al ippirtuloty ti hmgilstratm fmr piwmr ti tfm itfmr gmgjmrs jy pmrnirgolc a lmw rotuae

 wotff a lmw vo`t  wot vo`tog. og. Xfa Xfatt locf locftt sfm sml smlhs hs tfm `fur `fur`f `f

siil em wotf iley a nmw eiyae nieeiwmrs alh gu`f in tfm voeeacm‟s jeiih il fmr falhs, favolc meogolatmh aee tfrmats ti tfm `fur`f `f ur`f alh tfm Nrmm Ilms. Amr tfos seaucftmr li iutsohmr woee walt ti vosot Nèrlsta mvmr acaol, alh wotfol a ymar tfm sioe jm`igms girm nmrtoem tfal mvmr alh tfm nirmst tfrovms eokm lmvmr jmnirm ‐ si gu`f si tfat tfm eottem voeeacm os swaeeiwmh jy laturm. Nèrlsta jm`igms jut a hostalt gmgiry.

³ 00 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

XMVXP IN XZ]XF Pmvmrae ei`atoils ol tfos gystmry `iltaol mx`mrpts nrig ieh 1:tf `mltury tmxts (Falhiuts :J‐:H ) hms`rojolc tfm irocol in tfm `fur`f crog, wfmrm ot os, alh fiw ot `al jm stippmh. Xfmsm tmxts `iueh smrvm as `eums ` eums ti jm ul`ivmrmh ol a lugjmr in ways ‐ nir mxagpem tfriucf olvmstocatoil, olvmstocat oil, caololc tfm trust in `mrtaol voeeacmrs, ir

EI XOILP EI@AXOILP Jmeiw os a suggary in tfm gist ogpirtalt pea`ms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay vosot ol tfos gystmry4 tfm

 voeeacm faee, tfm `fur`f, tfm Pkytt rmsohml`m, alh tfm sawgoee. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs walt ti olvmstocatm itfmr ei`atoils, yiu arm mm ti ogprivosm, jut ot os

aesi pmrnm`tey aerocft ti sogpey mxpeaol tfat tfm pea`m

jy smar`folc a parto`uear hmah jihy. Mxa`tey wfmrm alh wfml tfmy arm niulh gay tfmrmnirm vary `ilsohmrajey, as tfmy arm mssmltoae ol sievolc tfm gystmry. Ot os aesi `ru`oae tfat tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs filh tfmg at a suotajem piolt ol tfm stiry. Xfm tmxt os tfmrmnirm hovohmh olti honnmrmlt stacms, si tfm `fara`tmrs woee filh tfm rocft stacm hmpmlholc il wfmrm tfmy arm ol tfm stiry (nir mxagpem, tfmy gocft filh tfm first part pa rt ol tfm @fur`f, tfm sm`ilh ol Hiritma Pkytt‟ Pkytt‟ss figm, alh tfm filae ilm at tfm Pawgoee, on tfmy ci ajiut ot ol tfat irhmr). Xfmy sfiueh jm s`attmrmh a`riss tfm honnmrmlt stacms in tfm gystmry ‐ tfm first `eum ( Falhiut :J ) sfiueh jm niulh rmeatovmey marey, mare y, si tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ulhmrstalh wfat tfmy arm hmaeolc wotf; tfm sm`ilh `eum (Falhiut :@ ) sfiueh jm niulh riucfey faenway tfriucf tfm gystmry; alh tfm filae `eum (Falhiut ( Falhiut :H ) sfiueh gark tfm jmcollolc in tfm @ilnriltatoil. Gakm surm tfat tfmy arm niulh nrmqumltey mliucf ti gaoltaol suspmlsm alh gigmltug, jut lit tii `eism ticmtfmr. Nolholc Nolhol c `eums tii marey gay hmtra`t nrig tfm gystmry, jut filholc tfmg tii eatm gmals ot gocft nmme eokm a Hmus Mx Ga`fola, alh lit filholc tfmg at aee woee gakm tfm @ilnriltatoil vortuaeey ogpissojem. Xfm ei`atoils nmaturmh ol tfos gystmry `igm wotf succmstoils il fiw tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `iueh ijtaol tfm tmxts, jut tfm Cagmgastmr gay in `iursm `igm up wotf itfmr itf mr ways alh girm suotajem pea`ms ti filh tfmg. Kmmp ol golh tfat tfm nurtfmr olti tfm gystmry tfm `fara`tmrs `fara`tmr s favm pricrmssmh, alh tfm girm tfmy kliw ajiut wfat os ciolc il, tfm masomr ot sfiueh jm ti filh tfm tmxts ‐ lit emast ti gologozm tfm rosk in tfmg gossolc tfm `eums ir cmttolc jiccmh hiwl ol tfm smar`f. At tfm sagm togm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs sfiueh jm covml togm ti rm﬊m`t alh nieeiw honnmrmlt emahs jasmh il tfm tmxts ‐ antmr aee, tfmrm arm galy pom`ms ti mxagolm ol tfm tf m gystmry.

ol qumstoilinosoltmrmst lit parttfmrm. in tfm gystmry alh tfat tfmrm os litfolc

GÈZXA KAZEPXZÞG‟P FIGM Gèrta Karestrþg eovms ol ilm in tfm iehmst alh filmst fiusms ol Nèrlsta, Nèrlsta, twi stiro stiroms ms taee alh juoet i ig g hark eugjmr, wotf mxquosotm laturm gitons `arvmh olti tfm na`ahm. Xfm fiusm fas jmml ol fmr nagoey nir cmlmratoils alh os ei`atmh lmar tfm sawgoee tfat aesi jmeilcs ti fmr. Xfm falh-`arvmh laturm gitons arm a rm`urrolc memgmlt olsohm tfm fiusm alh gay smmg

quotm spiiky at locft. Karestrþg os vmry omlhey alh sgoems divoaeey at

tfm lmw vosotirs jmnirm sfm sfiws tfmg upstaors upstao rs wfmrm tfmy gay semmp ol a riig wotf `ignirtajem julk jmhs. Pfm oggmhoatmey iflmrs fmr cumsts a fit gmae in vmlosil, jmmr, alh a speasf in aquavot. @emal-eovolc olhovohuaes gay favm watmr olstmah, wfo`f tastms gu`f msfmr tfal ot hims ol ]psaea. Pfm os si`oajem, jut

emavms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs aeilm on tfmy si wosf. Gèrta Karestrþg stays `eism ti tfm `fara`tmrs ol irhmr ti masoey kmmp al mym il tfmg. Pfm hims lit

 walt ti koee tfmg rocft away away,, as tfat `iueh emah ti lmw pmipem sfiwolc up alh sliipolc ariulh. Olstmah sfm fipms ti horm`t tfmor attmltoil ti tfm promst. @FAEEMLCMP

Gèrta kmmps a wat`fnue mym il tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hurolc tfmor stay at fmr figm, wfo`f gakms ot hoff`uet nir tfmg ti givm ariulh wotfiut fmr lito`olc.  At tfm sagm togm sfm hims lit walt ti hraw susposu spo-

`oil ti fmrsmen.  Sfml tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rmturl ti Karestrþg‟s Karestrþg‟s


figm (pmrfaps at locft), a su``mssnue ^OCOEAL@M  

³ 08 ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

tmst `al sfiw tfmg tfat sigmilm fas ruggacmh tfriucf tfmor jmeilcolcs. Pigmtfolc (progaroey a

 wmapil) gocft jm gossolc ig tfm pa`k in a `fara`tmr wfi naoemh tfm tmst. Pu`f otmgs arm stirmh ol

Karestrþg‟s riig at tfm sawgoee (smm pacm 󰀸􀀶). On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `il-

ilt Gèrta ajiut tfos, sfm  woee smmg sfi`kmh alh mx-

peaol tfat ^oefmegola Pkytt  was tfmrm mareomr ol tfm hay alh gust favm jmml tfm ilm  wfi smar`fmh tfmor pa`ks. ³ 

Eatm ol tfm gystmry tfmrm gay jm R@s√􀀱 gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Ilms waotolc

fmrm ti agjusf tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. woee first tfrmatml tfmXfmy `fara`tmrs jy

hmgalholc tfat tfmy emavm Nèrlsta oggmhoatmey ‐ tfmor tfolcs arm pa`kmh alh rmahy. Xfm `uet gmgjmrs woee emavm tfmg aeilm on tfmy appmar a ppmar ti jm emavolc Nèrlsta, jut hi lit stay eilc mliucf ti gakm surm tfat tfm `fara`tmrs a`tuaeey hi si. A PXMAEXF  tmst gay jm rmquormh. Ol tfm mvmlt in `igjat yiu `al filh tfm Nrmm Ilms‟ stats il pacm 󰀽󰀽. @E]MP ³ 


Gèrta Karestrþg oltrihu`ms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti Nèrlsta. Nèrlsta. Pfm mxpeaols tfat tfa t tfm voeeacm fas aeways jmml `eism ti laturm alh tfm surriulholc nirmst os sigmtfolc tfmy armtfat aee priuh in. Pfm `al aesi privohm jaso` olnirgatoil ajiut tfm varoius ei`atoils ol Nèrlsta. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ajiut Faggarstrþg sfm rmpeoms tfat fm `agm ti smm fmr alh waltmh fmr ti smee tfm sawgoee ti vil Gmodmr, wfo`f sfm lmmhmh sigm togm ti tfolk ajiut; amr aee, tfm sawgoee os fmr prohm alh diy.

³ 0= ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³


GIILEOCFX @AL JM HM@MO^OLC On tfm Cagmgastmr walts ti ol`rmasm tfm smlsm in gystmry alh lit rmvmae mxa`tey wfat kolh in vamsml os tmrrirozolc Nèrlsta, tfmrm os agpem ippirtuloty ti pealt peal t naesm `eums ajiut ot jmolc a wmrmwien. Ol irhmr ti nume tfmsm naesm suspo`oils, smvmrae emahs `iueh olho`atm tfat tfm atta`k il Faggarstrþg (alh pissojey itfmr vo`togs) tiik pea`m hurol c a nuee giil, alh pmipem gay favm fmarh tfm `fur`f crog‟s `ry ol tfm ilmintfat `iueh Eokm masoey jm gostakml nirlocft tfm fiwe f‐iwe wmrmwien. galy itfmr vamsml tfm `fur`f crog sfuls soevmr, alh yiu `iueh emt peaymr `fara`tmrs nolh `eums il honnmrmlt vo`togs wfmrm soevmr ijdm`ts (su`f as `iols ir a pi`kmt wat`f) favm jmml emnt ultiu`fmh, ti nume tfos suspo`oil.

―Xfm irmst os tfm crmatmst rmwarh Nèrlsta fas mvmr rm`movmh.‗ Pawgoee iwlmr Gèrta Karestrþg os a wigal ol fmr nirtoms alh ilm in tfm gist piwmrnue olhovohuaes ol Nèrlsta, as fmr sawgoee mg-

peiys galy in tfm ei`aes alh os al ogpirtalt siur`m in mvmrytfolc ig togjmr nir `il-

stru`toil ti wiihy rmsohums nir firmwiih. Ot os a pisotoil in piwmr sfm eivms ti jm ol. Fmr iley rovae os Hiritma Pkytt, tfm earcmst nirmst On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ajiut tfm jmast, ir  wfat ot was tfat atta`kmh atta`km h Faggarstrþg Faggars trþg alh Eolhmskþeh, Karestrþg stips alh wfospmrs tfat

iwlmr ol Nèrlsta, alh Karestrþg gust in-


tml pay earcm sugs in gilmy nir tfm rocft ti farvmst togjmr il fmr ealh. Jut Karestrþg tfos os lit tfm iley piwmr sfm smssms. os aesi tfm emahmr inpistfm Nrmm Ilms, a `uet wotf pacal memgmlts tfat

a`fur`f. ei`ae emcmlh tmeestiinjma quo`k earcm jmast cuarholc tfm Ot os saoh alh strilc, girm acoem alh halcmrius tfal a wien, wotf ceiwolc rmh myms, alh tfat tfism smmkolc ti hagacm fiey

mvmr sol`m tfm 􀀱󰀺tf `mltury fas `igprosmh tfm gist piwmrnue pmipem ol Nèrlsta. Pol`m tfm Nrmm Ilm‟s ealh os aesi cuarhmh jy tfm `fur`f crog, sfm usms ot ti fmr ahvaltacm jy pioltolc iut tfism wfi gocft tfrmatml tfm `fur`f alh emttolc tfm `fur`f crog takm tfmg. Gèrta wmars fmr jeilh faor ol a lmat jul, alh fmr vio`m alh `iggalholc prmsml`m `al straocftml aly ja`k. Pfm os ulgarromh alh fas jmml si nir a eilc togm, as sfm fas eottem

criulh mlh up ol ots gaw. Pfm cims il ti say tfat ot wiueh surmey ijmy sigmilm wfi fas toms ti su`f a pea`m, alh ogacolm on sigmilm wmrm ti usm ot nir tfmor iwl mlhs. Sotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC tmst a peaymr `fara`tmr rmaeozms tfm hms`roptoil in tfm

jmast gat`fms tfat in a `fur`f crog. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ajiut sigmilm wfi gmt wotf Faggarstrþg alh Eolhmskþeh, sfm

 woee say tfat tfmy vosotmh Hiritma Pkytt, wfi os tfm earcmst ol Nti èrlsta. Karestrþg `eaogson tfat tfmealhiwlmr Pkytts arm lit jm trustmh ( mspm`oaeey (mspm`oaeey tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ pa`ks favm jmml smar`fmh).

oltmrmst ol itfmr pmipem. Rfysoqum : Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` 8 Mgpatfy =   ZALCMH @IGJAX : ^OCOEAL@M : ³  GALOR]EAXOIL  8 IJPMZ^AXOIL  0 Gmltae Xiucflmss 0 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Zmvievmr, rotuae hacc haccmr mr ³  ³ 

Pfm `al aesi ogpey tfat sfm saw Hiritma spmak-


olc ti tfm promst alh suspm`ts tfmy arm `ilsporolc ticmtfmr. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `iueh usm PXMAEXF  ti slmak olti Gèrta Karestrþg‟s stuhy. Xfmrm tfmy filh fmr jurmau, alh il ot a emttmr tfat jmeilcmh ti

³ 0> ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

Faggarstrþg wotf olstru`toils ig vil Gmo dmr (Falhiut 󰀺M ). ). Gmltoilolc tfos ti Karestrþg

troccmrs Rfasm 􀀱 in tfm `iulthiwl, alh Gèrta says tfm emttmr sfiws a `emar gitovm nir tfm promst‟s ol vievmgmlt ol Faggarstrþg‟ Faggarstrþg‟ss hmatf. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm pricrmssmh a jot nurtfmr ol tfm gystmry alh stoee hi lit suspm`t tfm promst, ir on tfm stiry fas `igm ti a faet, pfasm


 ^O ACM M FA EE  ^ O E E AC Xfm voeeacm faee os a rmh twi-stiry juoeholc, alh tfm eaucftmr olsohm `al jm fmarh mvml jmnirm mltmrolc.

Fmrm a jul`f in voeeacmrs arm sottolc ariulh, hrolkolc aquavot, solcolc silcs, ir peayolc `arhs. Jut tfos fueeajaeiii stips as siil as tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `riss fueeajaei tfm tfrmsfieh, alh ot os ogpissojem lit ti nmme mxpismh4 tfmy arm iutsohmrs. Pigmilm guttmrs tfat ―lmw iut-

􀀱Karestrþg in tfm `iulthiwl i``urs. Oltfm a smroius asks ti spmak wotf peaymr tilm, `fara`tmrs. Pfm prmsmlts tfm emttmr ig vil Gmo dmr ( Falhiut 󰀺M ) alh mxpeaols wfy ot privms tfm promst‟s cuoet. Il`m tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm


spikml ti Karestrþg ajiut tfm emttmr emttmr,, pfasm 􀀱 in tfm `iulthiwl mlhs. Gèrta Karestrþg Karestrþ g `iueh stirm ilm in tfm ieh tmxts smrvolc as mssmltoae `eums ( Falhiuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H) ol a sanm ol fmr stuhy. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust

pass a @faeemlcolc PXMAEXF ir @faeemlcolc NIZ@M  tmst ti jrmak olti tfm sanm, ir @faeemlcolc GALOR ir @faeemlcolc EMAZLOLC  tmst ol `ilvmr-

sohmrstfmor arm fmrm,‗ fmrm, jutdiynue as eilcatgispfmrm as tfm peaymrwoee `fara`tmrs kmmp `iie‗tfm rmsugm, aetfiucf tfm voeeacmrs rmgaol isty tiwarh tfmg. Jut on tfmy jmfavm tfmgsmevms tfmy `al cmt a jot ti mat, wotf jmmr alh aquavot ti wasf ot hiwl.   @FAEEMLCMP

Xfm `faeemlcms at tfm voeeacm faee gaoley olvievm cmttolc tfm voeeacmrs ti taek. Nèrlsta Nèrlsta hims lit takm kolhey ti iutsohmrs ‐ mvmryilm galacms film il tfmor iwl, alh fas hilm si nir a vmry eilc togm. ³ 


olc tfmg. `fara`tmrs Zmsiur`ms ir focfmr `alReaymr masoey aflirh ti juywotf mvmryilm at tfm󰀽voeeacm faee a hrolk, NIZ@M gocft jmat sigm in tfmg ol arg-wrmsteolc, alh a su``mssnue GALOR]EAXOIL tmst `al gakm tfm voeeacmrs ipml up alh rmvmae `eums.

satoiltfm wotf Karestrþg. Ol ahhotoil, Karestrþg kmmps `ihm ol fmr sm`rmt riig at tfm sawgoee (smm pacm 󰀸􀀶).



O ag wrotolc tfos ol rmspilsm ti yiur prmvoius emttmr rm-

 carholc tfm hmvmeipgmlts ol Nèrlsta. Nèrlsta. Ol ahhotoil ti pur`fasolc ots mrtoem irmsts, tfm hos-

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al cmt sigm in tfm voeeacmrs ti ipml up alh privohm `eums jy ogprmss-


On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `ausm triujem jy a`tolc

ruhmey ir mvml accrmssovmey, ot gay wmee emah ti a ficft jmtwmml tfmg alh tfm voeeacmrs, wfism stats arm niulh il pacm 􀀰􀀶. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hmnmat tfm voeeacmrs, tfmy woee jm ajem ti nir`m `eums iut in tfmg. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm il ti Karestrþg (nir mxagpem on pfasm 󰀺 in tfm `iulthiwl fas i`-

`urrmh), a earcm criup in voeeacmrs `iueh agjusf tfmg ol tfm ja`kyarh. Pmm tfmor stats il pacm 􀀰􀀶.

`ivmry i al oril hmpisot hmpiso t fas gahm sm`urolc Nèrlsta a tip proiroty. Ot os gy ulhmrstalholc tfat gist i ot os

ei`atmh ulhmr tfm voeeacm `fur`f, wfo`f woee favm ti jm hmgieosfmh, jut O sfaee laturaeey olal`m ola l`m tfm `ilstru`toil i a lmw ilm. Sotf tfm gadiroty i ealhiwlmrs e alhiwlmrs il

Xfmy arm tfmrm ti oltogohatm tfm peaymr `fara`-

gy sohm tfos woee lit jm a prijemg. Imr tfmg wfat-

atta`k. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hmnmat tfmg tfm

mvmr ot takms. Xfos hmae gust ci tfriucf, ir tfm gist vaeuajem irm os at stakm.

 voeeacmrs arm arm tii aaoh ti say wfi smlt tfmg, jut falh ivmr tfm Nrmm Ilms‟ rijms, wfo`f tfm peaymr

tmrs alh hmgalh tfat tfmy emavm Nèrlsta at il`m. Pfiueh tfos privm ulsu``mssnue, tfm voeeacmrs woee

`fara`tmrs `al usm. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs usm

³ 03 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

emtfae nir`m tfm voeeacmrs `arry tfm rijms ol tfmor pa`ks. Xfmy `iueh aesi favm ilm in tfm ieh 􀀱󰀺tf `mltury tmxts (Falhiuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H). @E]MP

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al spmak ti tfm voeeacmrs alh cmt sigm `eums ajiut Nèrlsta alh tfm gossolc Faggarstrþg, as wmee as emarl a tfolc ir twi ajiut tfm tf m


On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ariulh ajiut a earcm jmast, a vamsml, ir sigmtfolc rmeatmh ti

tfm `fur`f crog, tfm voeeacmrs woee suhhmley ci quomt alh starm at tfmg wotf wo tf hrmah. OLPROZAXOIL  `al `ausm tfm voeeacmrs ti `aeg hiwl alh ipml up. Xfmy mxpeaol tfat a earcm jmast os pritm`tolc tfm `fur`f alh tfm cravmyarh. Li ilm fas fah a ciih eiik at ot, jut tfmy favm fmarh stiroms ajiut ot jmolc as earcm as a wien, jut emal alh

`fur`f crog.Faggarstrþg alh Loes Eolhmskþeh Cittoh `agm ti Nèrlsta riucfey twi wmmks aci ti olspm`t tfm nirmsts surriulholc tfm voeeacm, alh wmrm vmry ogprmssmh wotf wfat tfmy niulh. Galy ol tfm voeeacm waltmh litfolc ti hi wotf tfmg, jut tfat os aeways tfm `asm wotf iutsohmrs. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al aesi emarl tfat Faggarstrþg was iml smml vosotolc tfm Pkytt nagoey rmsohml`m. On tfmy ask wfmtfmr tfm voeeacmrs lito`mh alytfolc stralcm il tfm locft Faggarstrþg hosappmarmh, galy woee rm`aee fmarolc liosms ig tfm `fur`f alh smmolc a ﬊i`k in jea`k jorhs ﬊yolc tiwarh tfm


acoem, wotf rmh myms. Ot fas wat`fmh ivmr Nèrl

sta nir as eilc as tfmy `al rmgmgjmr, mvmr sol`m a sa`rofi`m was gahm galy `mlturoms aci. Sotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rm`iclozm tfat tfos os a `fur`f crog (on tfmy favm lit ficurmh ot iut aermahy).


XFM NÈZLPXA  ^OO E E AC  ^ ACM MZP ―Sm hil‟t lmmh aly iutsohmrs jitfmrolc us! ‗

nuee giil ig tfat horm`toil, as on sigmtfolc

fah startemh tfmg, alh sigm swmar tfmy fmarh a eiuh `ry ir fiwe. Sotf a su``mssnue IJPMZ^AXOIL tmst

Xfm voeeacmrs in Nèrlsta avioh tfm iutsohm  wireh, alh al h arm quotm fapp fappyy tfat tfm wire wirehh

sigm voeeacmrs rmgmgjmr favolc tfmor semmp hos-

os avioholc tfmg ol rmturl. Xfiucf tfm

turjmh tfm locft jmnirm jy sigmilm rolcolc tfm `fur`f jmees at gohlocft. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gmltoil tfat tfm `rmaturm os a `fur`f crog, cro g, tfmy

 voeeacm  voeea cm os sgaee sgaee,, ot os lit a pea`m wfm wfmrm rm yiu

 woee ahgot tfat tfm jmees aeways tiee il tfm locft

jmnirm ot cims fultolc. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ajiut wirk ol Nèrlsta, gist voeeacmrs woee say tfat tfmy arm eiccmrs ir mgpeiymh at tfm sawgoee. Jut sigm wfospmr tfat li ilm kliws wfat fohhml trmasurms eom ol tfm criulh, `ilsohmrolc fiw nmrtoem tfm sioe os

ol Nèrlsta Nèrlsta.. ³ 

sto`k yiur lism wfmrm ot hims lit jmeilc ir ask ullm`mssary qumstoils, alh pmipem usuaeey kmmp ti tfmgsmevms. As Nèrlsta os smen-sustaololc, galy in tfm ei`aes

arm fultmrs, itfmrs fisf ol tfm strmag, jut gist arm eugjmrda`ks, ol sigm `asms mg-

peiymh jy Karestrþg‟s sawgoee. Sfml tfmy tfm y arm lit wirkolc, galy spmlh tfmor locfts at tfm voeeacm faee ‐ solcolc, peayolc `arhs, ir favolc a hrolk.

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ajiut ogpirtalt

ficurms ol Nèrlsta, pmipem woee rmpey tfat Gèrta Karestrþg ―tfolks sfm os tfm qumml i tfm voeeacm‗ jm`ausm in fmr sawgoee, jut tfat Hiritma Pkytt ―os a`tuaeey

Rfysoqum 0 Rrm`osoil Rrm`osoi l : Eico` 1 Mgpatfy 1   @EIPM @IGJAX 0 NIZ@M  : ³  Gmltae Xiucflmss 1 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1 ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Axm ir klonm ³  ³ 

tfm ro`fmst, wotf aee tfm irmst sfm iwls, jut sfm lmvmr eokmh ot fmrm!‗ Gist guttmr ajiut tfm twi in tfmg lmvmr

cmttolc aeilc.

³ 06 ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

XFM @F ]Z@F  A L H X F M CZ A^ A^M M _A Z H Xfm ieh stilm `fur`f os ogpissojem ogpissoje m ti goss; ots ogpisolc squarm tiwmr alh na`ahm in cray stilm gakm ot al awmsigm socft, a rmgolhmr in a jycilm acm. ^ortuaeey tfm iley juoeholc lit gahm in wiih, tfm `fur`f os

ei`atmh il tfm iutskorts in tfm voeeacm, wotf ots cravm yarh na`olc tfm crmat, hark, alh gystmroius g ystmroius nirmst. Fohhml ulhmr tfm `fur`f arm tfm tullmes usmh jy

tfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms hurolc rotuae catfmrolcs.

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al vosot tfm `fur`f jy nieeiwolc `eums ig tfm voeeacm faee, ir jm olvotmh jy tfm promst fogsmen, wfi wf i os `uroius ti gmmt tfmsm stralcmrs. @FAEEMLCMP

Jmeiw arm a lugjmr in pitmltoae `faeemlcms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay na`m at tfm `fur`f alh tfm

cravmyarh. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs walt ti slmak olti tfm

`fur`f, gaoley ti a``mss tfm sa`rosty wfmrm Ol-

Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi mltmr tfm `fur`f eiikolc

cvar Lystrþg kmmps fos litms, ot takms a su`-

nir tfm promst woee jm crmmtmh jy Olcvar Lystrþg. Fm os togoh alh sfy, jut pmrnm`tey pieotm. Fm iml gmltoils waltolc wfat os jmst nir tfm voeeacm, alh ilm `al hmtm`t a `mrtaol ustratoil ol fos vio`m, jasmh il a smlsm in piwmremsslmss.

`mssnue PXMAEXF  tmst acaolst tfm promst‟s ^OCOEAL@M, ir GALOR]EAXOIL  acaolst fos IJPMZ^AXOIL , ti taek ti fog alh kmmp fog hostra`tmh wfoem sigm-

ilm mesm slmaks olti tfm sa`rosty. sa`r osty. Il naoeurm tfm promst rmgolhs tfmg tfat tfmy arm ol a fiusm in

³ 0? ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

Cih alh tfat tfmy jmttmr sfiw Fog tfm pripmr rmspm`t. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs pmrsost, fm woee lit fmsotatm ti tfriw tfmg iut, ir at emast gakm al awkwarh attmgpt.

GMHOM^AE GMHOM^ AE XMVX :J On yiu fmar tfm siulh in nemmolc jorhs, slappolc jral`fms, alh eiuh niitstmps, yiu sfaee jm ots lmxt vo`tog. Rray tfml tfat yiur natm woee jm swont; nir starolc olti ots olnmrlae cazm `al peulcm mvml tfm purmst golh olti gahlmss. ga hlmss. Xfism wfi tfrmatml tfm pea`m in Cih woee sunnmr ots wratf. Xfos nmee cuarhoal os iur i ur @fur`f Crog. Earcmr tfal a stac, strilcmr tfal a

 Appria`folc  Appri a`folc tfm crivm, c rivm, tfm peaymr p eaymr `fara`tmrs `fara` tmrs


gay gakm a ^OCOEAL@M  tmst. On su``mssnue tfmy smm a hark ficurm argmh wotf a jiw wat`folc tfmg

ig tfm wiihs! Aeeiw tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti rma`t alh a`t as tfmy smm fit. A naoemh tmst gmals tfat tfm ficurm takms tfmg jy surprosm, slmakolc

up il tfmg alh pissojey s`arolc tfmg. Piil sfm `igms nirwarh alh oltrihu`ms fmrsmen as  ^oefmegolaa Pkytt,  ^oefmegol Pk ytt, wfi fas `igm ti tfm nirmst n irmst ti fult. On sfm galacmh ti surprosm tfmg, ^oe-

jmar, alh girm acoem tfal a eylx, ot wat`fms ivmr Cih‟s a`rm. Zullolc nastmr tfal a firsm ot fults hiwl alyilm wfi mlhalcmrs tfos tfo s pea`m. Ot rmsts at tfm pea`m wfmrm tfm Eirh‟s Eirh ‟s myms arm wat`folc.

fmegola woee coccem at tfm na`t tfat tfmy hoh lit smm fmr `igolc. Pfm mxpeaols tfat sfm os tfm iley haucftmr in tfm wohiw Hiritma Pkytt, ilm in tfm earcmst ealhiwlmrs ol Nèrlsta, alh tmees tfmg  wfmrm ti filh fi lh tfmor t fmor fiusm. fius m. Pfm P fm os o s `emare ` emareyy vmry v mry


mx`otmh ti gmmt pmipem ig tfm iutsohm wireh, as sfm hrmags in emavolc NNèrlsta. èrlsta. On askmh ajiut

Mast in tfm tforh crmat stilm ti tfm lirtf os tfm mltral`m. Hmmp ol tfm jiwmes in Nèrlsta rmsts ots nmee cuarhoal. Xfm patf twosts alh turls, jut at tfm pea`m wfmrm tfm Eirh‟s naotf os jasmh eoms ots rmstolc pea`m, eokm a eocft ol tfm hark.

Faggarstrþg ir Eolhmskþeh, ^oefmegola rm-

 vmaes tfat tfmy `agm ti fmr nagoey‟s figm il smvmrae i``asoils ti smm fmr gitfmr gitfmr.. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs kmmp al mym il tfm mltral`m ti tfm Nrmm Ilms‟ `avms, tfmy woee mvmltuaeey lito`m voeeacmrs hosappmarolc tfriucf tfm

ipmlolc. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi nieeiw tfmg gust pass a PXMAEXF  tmst acaolst tfm eiikiut‟s ^OCOEAL@M  ti avioh hmtm`toil. Il naoeurm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee jm `fasmh jy R@ lugjmr in `uet gmgjmrs

GMHOM^AE XMVX :H Xfm `rume natm in tfm `at, japtozmh jy firm ol tfm lagm in tfm Eirh, cavm ot eonm almw. Liw ot wat`fms ivmr tfos pea`m, alh ot aeways woee, swirl ti jm ots pritm`tir. Iley wfml ots jilms sunnmr tfm sagm natm tfat il`m jriucft ot olti

(smm pacm 󰀽󰀽) ‐ ms`apm rmquorms a su``mssnue ACOE-

  tmst. tmst. A naoemh tmst gay rmsuet ol a ficft, ir dust tfrmatmlolc warlolcs lit ti pikm tfmor lisms ol itfmr pmipem‟s jusolmss. OX_ 

mxostml`m woee ot pmrosf.


Reaymr `fara`tmrs vosotolc tfm `fur`f ir tfm cravmyarh at locft rosk `igolc mym ti mym wotf tfm tmrrojem `fur`f crog wfi os cuarholc tfm

arma. Xfmy `al fmar ots crmat, tfuhholc niitstmps niitst mps `igolc ig olsohm tfm `fur`f, alh on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs sfiueh jrmak olti tfm juoeholc, tfm

 vamsml wiueh lit l it fmsotat fmsotatmm ti hmnmlh ot. Jut tf tfmm `fara`tmrs gay aesi `at`f a ceogpsm in ot wotf-

³ 82 ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

iut puttolc tfmgsmevms at rosk, mspm`oaeey on tfm

`fur`f, fos smvmrmh falh stoee `eut`folc tfm crmat

jmast os ol smar`f in a vo`tog4 tfm `fur`f hiirs seag ipml alh tfmy fmar al mlirgius `rmaturm rusfolc iut in tfm `fur`f. Sfatmvmr ot was, ot os fucm alh hark, wfo`f gakms ot hoff`uet ti spit,

oril rolc falhems il tfm hiirs, jeiih `ivmrolc

jut ol ots fastm ot woee startem a jul`f in jea`k

jorhs ol tfm cravmyarh alh gakm tfmg ﬊y ifl olti tfm sky. @fara`tmrs wfi smm tfm `fur`f crog nir tfm

first togm gust aesi gakm

tfm na`ahm wfmrm tfm rmst in tfm sgaee gal‟s gal‟s jihy appmars ti favm jmml tfriwl ariulh eokm a eman ol tfm wolh. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi mxagolm fos jihy  woee filh ilm in in Falhiuts 󰀺J-󰀺H.

a Nmar tmst. Xfm `fur`f crog‟s tip proiroty os ti hmnmlh tfm `fur`f alh tfm cravmyarh. Ot woee lit

atta`k on tfm R@s trmat tfm pea`m cmltey. Ol al ml`iultmr wotf tfm `fur`f crog tfmy woee smm a earcm jmast wotf ceiwolc rmh myms, criweolc gmla`olcey at tfmg, ots jrmatf turlolc ti stmag ol tfm `ieh aor. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs turl ja`k ot

 woee emavm tfmg aeilm, jut on tfmy hi lit tfm crog woee atta`k (smm pacm 󰀽󰀾). Sotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rm`iclozms tfm `rmaturm as a ³ 

`fur`f crog. Rfasm 󰀺 in tfm `iulthiwl i``urs. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `iueh wotlmss tfm crumsigm atta`k il tfm promst, jut ot wiueh eokmey jm girm mflm`tovm on tfmy arrovm antmrwarhs alh filh tfm promst‟s jihy ut-

tmrey hmstriymh, gu`f eokm Faggarstrþg‟s. Fm os eyolc il tfm stmps in tfm

³ 8󰀱 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

@E]MP Xfmrm os pemlty in ogpirtalt olnirgatoil ti ul`ivmr at tfm `fur`f alh tfm cravmyarh. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs spmak ti tfm promst ajiut


stilm ol tfm waee. Fohhml jmfolh ot os ilm in tfm al`omlt tmxts, tfm mssmltoae `eums (Falhiuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H).  Sotf a su``mssnue OL^MPXOCAXOIL tmst ol tfm cravm-


 yarh, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smm tfat sigmilm fas tromh ti swmmp tfm cravme patf ti fohm wfat smmgs ti jm tfm tra`ks in a earcm nmeolm, aegist

Faggarstrþg alh Eolhmskþeh, fm rmpeoms tfat

fm fah eottem `ilta`t wotf tfm iutsohmrs, jut gmt Faggarstrþg il a nmw i``asoils. Fiwmvmr, Fiwmvmr, tfm promst os lito`majey ul`ignirtajem taekolc ajiut Faggarstrþg, alh wotf a su``mssnue IJPMZ^AXOIL   tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al mxtra`t olnirgatoil ajiut Faggarstrþg favolc taekmh ti tfm promst

two`m tfm sozm in i n a criwl gal‟ gal‟s, s, emaholc away ig tfm `fur`f. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask tfm promst ajiut tfm `fur`f crog, fm woee mvahm tfmor qumstoils alh smmg sfi`kmh at tfmor succmstoil tfat ―a gil-

a crmat hmae ajiut fiw ti mlto`m varoius voeeacmrs ti smee tfmor ealh ‐ sigmtfolc tfat gahm tfm promst  vmry ul`ignirtajem. ul`ignirtajem.

stmr (as fm hms`rojms ot) wiueh jm eurkolc ol tfm fiusm in Cih. A GALOR]EAXOIL tmst `al gakm fog seop up jy rmnmrrolc ti ot as ― Nèrlsta‟s cuarhoal‗ alh mxpeaol tfat ot os a `fur`f crog tfat fas wat`fmh

Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi caol a``mss ti tfm sa`rosty  woee filh tfm promst‟ promst‟ss litms (Falhiut 󰀺N ). ). Fm wrotms



ivmr Nèrsta Nèrsta mvmr sol`m tfm `fur`f was juoet, as a

tfat Gèrta Karestrþg smmgmh vmry oltmrmstmh ol Faggarstrþg‟ss aflaors hurolc fos stay ol tfm voeFaggarstrþg‟ eacm. Fm mlhs jy wilhmrolc wfmtfmr sfm fas covml ol ti tmgptatoil alh woee tmgpt itfmrs ol tfm voeeacm ti smee tfmor ealh9 On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs pass a @faeemlcolc OL^MPXOCAXOIL

rmsuet in a `at jmolc juromh ol ots niulhatoil. On tfm `fara`tmrs kmmp askolc qumstoils, tfm promst `eaogs lit ti kliw alytfolc mesm4 ― mx`mpt tfat ot woee hi mvmrytfolc ti pritm`t tfos sa`rmh criulh .‗ .‗ On tfm peaymr

 tmst ol tfm sa`rosty, tfmy lito`m a eiism ³ 

OLC^AZ OLC^ AZ L_PXZÞG‟ P LIXMP Gs. Karestrþg rm`mltey `agm ti vosot nir a `up in `innmm. Sm fah a `ilvmrsatoil alh sfm `igpeogmltmh gm il fiw O ulotm Nèrlsta ol iur naotf. Fmr praosm wargmh gy fmart alh tfm wigal was vmry swmmt. Pfm tfml startmh askolc qumstoils ajiut Gr. Faggarstrþg,, tfm gal nrig tfm earcm sawgoee Faggarstrþg ol Fèrlþsalh. Pfm waltmh olnirgatoil ajiut

`fara`tmrs favm aermahy niulh Faggarstrþg, tfm promst‟ss tilm succmsts tfat Faggarstrþg was trypromst‟ olc ti hmsm`ratm Cih‟s a`rm, wfo`f emh ti fog jmolc atta`kmh jy tfm `fur`f crog. Pmar`folc tfm cravmyarh lmar ots jirhmr wotf tfm surriulholc nirmst, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee smm a earcm ﬊i`k in `riws ol tfm jral`fms ivmrfmah. A EMAZLOLC tmst `al ogpart tfm olnirga-

toil tfat `riws iml nmmh il `ahavmrs. As tfmy


Xi Gr. C. Faggarstrþg

tfm jusolmss hmaes fm was tryolc ti lmcitoatm, alh tfmrm was sigmtfolc ulsmtteolc ol fmr tilm in vio`m. O smm tmgptatoil ol fmr myms, tmgptatoil succmstolc tfat sfm os lit a cihnmarolc wigal. Rmrfaps sfm woee tmgpt tfm itfmrs ti smee tfmor ealh9

Gmmt gm at tfm `fur`f anmr hark. O favm sigm wirhs tfat gay fmep yiu ol yiur mlhmavir. Zmcarhs, O. Lystrþg

³ 8: ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

appria`f, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al sgmee tfm

stolk in sigmtfolc rittml ol tfm aor. Il`m tfmy rma`f tfm pea`m wotf tfm `riws, tfmy filh Fag-

garstrþg‟ss twostmh `irpsm eyolc il tfm criulh. garstrþg‟  A su``ms su ``mssnue snue GMHO@OLM  ir EMAZLOLC  tmst emahs ti tfm `il`eusoil tfat sigm fucm prmhatir gust

favm atta`kmh tfm gal ‐ a jmar ir a earcm wien arm tfm iley rmasilajem aetmrlatovms jasmh il Lirho` naula, jut on ot was a vamsml, ot `iueh favm

jmml alytfolc ig a `fur`f crog ir wmrmwien ti sigmtfolc gu`f wirsm. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi smar`f Faggarstrþg‟s Faggarstrþg‟s jihy woee filh a litm ol

HMP@ZORXOIL IN FAGGAZPXZÞG‟P JIH_  Xfm piir gal‟s rmgaols arm a crumsigm socft, alh al mx`meemlt ippirtuloty ti `rmatm al atgispfmrm in firrir. Hms`rojm ol hmtaoe tfm fohfo hmius olduroms alh tfm tmrrojem statm in tfm jihy, wfo`f `al jarmey jm rm`iclozmh as fugal. Aetmrlatovmey, tmrlatovme y, tfm Cagmgastmr `al rmah iut tfm nieeiwolc tmxt ir pirtray ot ol peay4

Xm putroh stml`f crmw ol`rmasolcey oltmlsm,

fos pi`kmt, wotf a gmssacm (Falhiut 󰀺C ) ig Olcvar Lystrþg ti `igm smm fog at tfm `fur`f. Ot

alh siil ots siur`m jm`agm apparmlt. Xm `riws s`attmrmh olti tfm aor, rmvmaeolc wfat tfmy fah mastmh upil ulhmr tfm sfrujjmry ‐ a jihy, smmgolcey hrmssmh ir sigm al`y i``asoil, jut liw ots film cargmlts fah jmml rmhu`mh ti jeiihy racs. Aetfiucf ot was fugal, ot eiikmh girm eokm sigmtfolc s igmtfolc tfriwl olti a pitati gasfmr. Ots jrikml eogjs wmrm  pioltolc ol hoflmrmlt hoflm rmlt horm`toils, horm` toils, alh tfiucf tfiuc f ots `fmst was a`olc tfm c riulh, tfm fmah fah

eiiks eokm tfm promst‟s falhwrotolc, jut a @fae-

emlcolc IJPMZ^AXOIL ir @faeemlcolc OL^MPXOCAXOIL  tmst `al rmvmae tfat ot os lit ‐ sigmilm fas tromh ti `ipy fos falhwrotolc. Ot was a`tuaeey wrottml jy Karestrþg ti eurm Faggarstrþg ti tfm cravmcrav m yarh alh `ast suspo`oil il tfm promst. On `ililtmh wotf tfm litm, tfm promst woee hmly favolc wrottml ot alh jm hmmpey iflmlhmh jy wfat


jmml twostmh ariulh, ti starm at tfm sky. Ilm mym was gossolc, gul`fmh jy ilm i tfm `riws, alh ol tfm mgpty si`kmt eovmh a `ieily i gac cits.. Xm daw was jrik  cits jrikml, ml, halc halceolc eolc ifl tfm savacmh a`m at al ihh alcem, alh tfmrm wmrm earcm `uts aeilc tfm sohm i tfm fmah, aeilc wotf pat`fms i jarm skuee, wotf toly garks gist eokmey pm`kmh jy tfm `riws. Jy liw tfm hry, jriwl jeiih eiikmh girm eokm tfm sioe il wfo`f tfm jihy rmstmh. Jut hmspotm tfm critmsqum statm i tfm jihy, ilm `iueh stoee smm tfm mar ol tfm gal‟ss na`m ‐ tfm gal‟ tf m tmrrir Faggarstrþg fah nmet as fm was tirl ti sfrmhs.

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm succmstolc jy sfiwolc ot ti fog. Fm hmgalhs tfat tfmy emavm Nèrlsta oggmhoatmey. Xfm `fara`tmrs `al usm IJPMZ^AXOIL  ti gmhoatmey. smm tfat fm os cmluolmey upsmt alh ocftmlmh jy tfm litm. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `ililt `il ilt tfm promst ajiut  vil Gmodmr‟s Gmod mr‟s peal ti tma tmarr hiwl tfm ``fur` fur`ff alh


givm ot (nir mxagpem jy sfiwolc vil Gmodmr‟s

emttmr), tfm promst rmpeoms tfat tfos os tfm first fm fas fmarh ajiut ot. Jut fm os hmmpey upsmt jy tfm ohma alh asks fiw tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al wirk nir a gal wfi wiueh mvml `ilsohmr hmstriyolc tfos ieh `fur`f. Fm sfrucs fipmemssey alh says tfat tfmitfmr voeeacmrs f ah tfmor fah fm wiueh lit favmonaly iptoil. Sotfway, a su``mssnue GALOR]EAXOIL  tmst fm olnirgs tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfat Hiritma Pkytt oltmlhmh ti smee fmr ealh, ol  wfo`f `asm gist in tfm voeeacmr voeeacmrss wiueh prija prijajey jey nieeiw suot.

³ 80 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

EMAZLOLC XMPX Sfml tfm R@s favm olvmstocatmh tfm gutoeatmh `irpsm alh vosotmh tfm `fur`f, tfmy `al at aly togm gakm a EMAZLOLC  tmst ti caol tfm olnirgatoil jmeiw. jme iw. Iley ilm R@ `al gakm tfm tmst alh iley ilm riee `al jm gahm. On tfm tmst naoes, tfm R@s woee lmmh ti filh tfm olnirgatoil mesmwfmrm, progaroey jy taekolc ti LR@s. ³ 

 Xfm firrofi` hagacm ti tfm vo`tog alh tfm vo`oloty ti tfm ieh `fur`f piolt ol ilm horm`toil4 a `fur`f crog. _iu

  ILM P]@@MPP4

rmgmgjmr tfm taems ajiut su`f jmasts cuarholc fiusms in Cih alh cravmyarhs acaolst eiitmrs alh tfomvms ‐ a vamsml ol tfm smrvo`m in Cih.  _iu iu rm`aee tfat a `fur`f ` fur`f crog   XSI P]@@MPPMP4  _ ³ 


os `rmatmh ol a vmry parto`uear way4 a rotuae in sa`rofi`m wfmrm al alogae os waeemh ol aeovm ol a `fur`f waee. Antmr tfos, tfm tf m `fur`f crog mltmrs ots smrvo`m as a cuarhoal.

―Xfm Eirh `al cuohm us tfriucf tfmsm togms i `falcm.‗ Olcvar Lystrþg Lystrþ g fas jmml NNèrlsta‟s èrlsta‟s promst nir galy hm`ahms, sol`m fm filosfmh fos m``em-



 Pol. Xfm `fur`f crog rm-

a`ts ti solnue a`ts. Jeaspfmgy acaolst Cih ir hmsm`ratoil in fiey sygjies woee spur ot olti a`toil.

soasto`ae stuhoms as a yiulc gal alh sfiue-

hmrmh tfm rmspilsojoeoty wfml fos prmhm`mssir traco`aeey hosappmarmh ol tfm nirmst ulhmr gystmroius `or`ugstal`ms. Olcvar os a togoh gal, jut aesi a crmat eostmlmr, alh fm aeways apprm`oatms tfism wfi `igm smmkolc siea`m ol tfm wirh in Cih.


Ijvoiusey, tfm promst fas li kliwemhcm

Xfm Pkytt nagoey figm os a rmh wiihml fiusm wotf

in tfm Nrmm Ilms alh tfm pacal memgmlts ol tfmor @frostoal naotf.

twi stiroms alh al ol`eolmh ol` eolmh riin, falhmh hiwl ivmr

Olcvar Lystrþg os sfirt alh tfol, wotf

os earcm alh spa`oius, a jot tii earcm nir Hiritma alh fmr haucftmr, wfi favm jmml ots iley i``upalts sol`m Hiritma jm`agm a wohiw. Jmfolh tfm fiusm ilm `al

cmlmratoils alh rmlivatmh togm alh togm acaol. Ot

faor tfat jarmey `ivmrs fos ol`rmasolcey jaeh higm alh a sgaee gusta`fm emaholc up ig ata`ems piolty il wfo`f a paor in riulh spm`armlism pmr`fmh.

smm tfm vast vaspmlhs st mxpalsm Hiritma‟ s nirmst, ^oefmegola eitsin in Hiritma‟s togm waekolc alhwfmrm fultolc. Pgikm `al jm smml rosolc ig tfm earcm `foglmy,

Rfysoqum 1 Rrm`osoil : Eico` 8 Mgpatfy 0   GMHO@OLM  0 EMAZLOLC 8 OLPROZAXOIL  0 ³  Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³ 

as tfm firm in tfm fmartf rarmey cims iut tfalks ti tfm mlhemss suppey in firmwiih. Xfmrm os aesi a sujstaltoae, jut sogpem, iutfiusm stalholc ol tfm yarh. Reaymr `fara`tmrs kli`kolc il tfm hiir arm crmmtmh


jy Hiritma, sgoeolc ol tfm hiirway, sayolc tfat sfm

³ 88 ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

 wilhmrmhh ffiw  wilhmrm iw eilc ot wiue wiuehh takm takm jmni jmnirm rm tfmy sfiw sfiwmh mh up. Pfm iflmrs tfmg `iflmm, salhwo`fms wotf wfmy juttmr, alh sogpem figmgahm `iikom `iikoms. s. Mvml tfiucf tfmy arm vmry wmee ifl, Hiritma alh ^oefmegol ^oefmegolaa hi lit kmmp

apart, ot hracs tfm core away. Li Li gattmr fiw farh  ^  ^oefmegola oefmegola troms, sfm `allit rmsost tfm mlirgius jmast alh os hraccmh ti tfm rotuae r otuae sotm. _iu `al aesi

aly smrvalts, `fiisolc olstmah ti falhem su`f hutoms

kot`fml wolhiw wfoem Hiritma troms ti jei`k tfm

tfmgsmevms ‐ a rarm tfolc tfos nar ig tfm `otoms.

ilt hiir. Piil Hiritma woee nmme tfm prmssurm

favm Hiritma s`rmag at fmr ti ms`apm tfriucf a

Jmeiw arm sigm `faeemlcms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay

il tfm hiir masm, alh rmaeozm tfat tfm `fur`f crog os fultolc fmr haucftmr. Hiritma ruls iut ti attra`t tfm crog‟s attmltoil, alh tfm peaymr `fara`-

na`mReaymr at tfm`fara`tmrs Pkytt rmsohml`m. wosfolc ti slmak away ti olvmstocatm tfm fiusm (alh filh Hiritma‟ Hiritma‟ss sm`rmt `a`fm)

tmrs `al fmar fmr hyolc sfromks sfm as os atta`kmh, nieeiwmh jy ^oefmegola‟s `aees nirasfmep tfm crog takms fmr away. Xi Xi filh iut wfat fap fappmls pmls lmxt, smm

`al hi si wotf a su``mssnue PXMAEXF  tmst acaolst

tfm @ililtatoil. On `igjat sfiueh i``ur, rm-



Hiritma‟s ^OCOEAL@M , ir GALOR]EAXOIL acaolst fmr

gmgjmr tfat tfm `fur`f crog fas progaroey `igm

 wfoem sigmilm os hostra`tolc fmr wotf `ilvmrsatoil. Xfm Pkytts `iueh jm wat`fmh jy Gèrta Karestrþg,

nir ^oefmegola alh pissojey ti koee fmr gitfmr.



Ot usms ots spmmh ti avioh a ficft, jut woee hmnmlh otsmen on lm`mssary. Xi `rmatm a smlsm in `fais alh firrir, ni`us il juoeholc up tfm `fur`f crog as

 wfi os `ilsporolc acaolst Hiritma. Ol tfat `asm

sfm os foholc ol tfm jusfms iutsohm iutso hm tfm fiusm. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al hmtm`t fmr wotf ^OCOEAL@M  alh lito`m a ficurm eurkolc ol tfm sfrujjmry. @at`folc fmr rmquorms a su``mssnue ACOEOX_  tmst,  tmst, itfmrwosm sfm hosappmars oltitfat tfmotnirmst. IlKarestrþg, su``mss tfmwfi peaymr `fara`tmrs smm os Gèrta hmnmlhs fmrsmen jy `eaogolc tfat Hiritma Pkytt os a halcmrius alh ulcihey wigal wirsfoppolc hark alh tmrrojem piwmrs. Karestrþg mxpeaols tfat sfm  was wat`folc ivmr tfm peaymr peaymr `fara`tmrs ti gakm surm tfat tfmy wmrm lit ol o l halcmr. Rfasm 􀀰 in tfm `iulthiwl i``urs. Xfm tfulhmrius stmps in tfm `fur`f crog arm fmarh ig iutsohm tfm fiusm, alh Hiritma asks mvmryilm ti stay

a halcmrius prmsml`m iutsohm tfm fiusm. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi ml`iultmr tfm crog nir tfm first

togm gust gakm a Nmar tmst. @E]MP smvmrae `eums, gistey Xfm Pkytt rmsohml`m `iltaols

rmeatolc ti tfm jusolmss arralcmgmlt Faggarstrþg `agm ti hos`uss. On tfmy arm eu`ky, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al aesi emarl ajiut tfm Nrmm Ilms alh tfm

`fur`f crog. On askmh ajiut Faggarstrþg, Hiritma olnirgs tfm `fara`tmrs tfat sfm gmt fog smvmrae smv mrae togms alh



olvotmh fog ti fmr figm. Pfm iwls girm nir-

mst tfal alyilm mesm ol tfm voeeacm alh waltmh ti smee ot ti vil Gmodmr‟s `igpaly, `igpaly, si tfm purpism in Faggarstrþg‟ss vosots was ti lmcitoatm a hmae tf Faggarstrþg‟ tfat at  wiueh satosny fmr. fmr.

olhiirs nir tfmor iwl sanmty. Iutsohm ot os pis-

sojem ti ceogpsm tfm sfapm in tfm coalt jmast alh ots ceiwolc rmh myms. Piil tfmrm os a earcm jalc as tfm `rmaturm tromsfmrsmen ti kli`k hiwltfm tfmhiir, iltsfiuthiir. Hiritma jra`ms acaolst


On ask wfy waltmh ti osieatoil smee fmr ealh, sfmtfmy alswmrs tfatHiritma sfm os tormh in tfm alh

olc nir tfm itfmrs ti emavm tfm riig. Jmnirm eilc

eogotatoils in Nèrlsta, alh tfat fmr haucftmr ^oe-

tfm hiir jrmaks hiwl alh tfm crog olstaltey

fmegola hmsmrvms ti smm tfm wireh4 kmmpolc fmr

tmars Hiritma‟s Hiritma‟s tfriat iut. Fmr eonmemss jihy naees ti tfm criulh, fmr fmah nieholc ivmr hum ti tfm

fmrm os hoff`uet mliucf! Sotf a su``mssnue su` `mssnue IJPMZ^AXOIL tmst, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs lito`m tfat Hiritma fas itfmr rmasils as wmee, jut pioltolc tfos iut woee iley s`arm alh upsmt fmr.

gossolc lm`k. Xfm crog jursts olti tfm fiusm

alh crajs ^oefmegola, jut olstmah in tmarolc fmr f mr

³ 8= ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

HIZIXMA PK_XX ―Nèrlsta `iueh usm sigm lmw jeiih.‗ Hiritma Pkytt os tfm earcmst ealhiwlmr ol Nèrlsta alh iwls gu`f in tfm voeeacm‟s nirmsts, ots gist ogpirtalt alh vaeuajem rmsiur`m. Hiritma os wmee awarm in ots wirtf,  wfo`f os wfy sfm os smeeolc smee olc eugjmr mxpmlsovmey tiamr Karestrþg. wohiwmh sfirtey covolc Hiritma jortf ti was ^oefmegola,  wfml fmr fusjalh fusjalh Altil homh ig al ol-

nm`toil amr `uttolc fogsmen il a saw jeahm.

Pfm raosmh fmr haucftmr il fmr iwl, alh tfm twi in tfmg arm vmry `eism. Hiritma os aesi a gmgjmr in tfm Nrmm

Ilms, as fmr nagoey was ilm in tfm voeeacm‟s niulhmrs. Jut sfm fas lmvmr gmltoilmh tfm

 Sotf GALOR]EAXOIL   ir IJPMZ^AXOIL  Hiritma mxpeaols tfat ot was sfm wfi tieh Faggarstrþg

`uet ti fmr haucftmr, wfi woee siil jm ieh mliucf ti jm olotoatmh ‐ sigmtfolc Hiri-

ajiut tfm oril hmpisot ulhmrlmatf tfm `fur`f,

tma fipms woee lmvmr fappml. Pfm filhs tfm `uet voem alh jrutae, alh wiueh eokm ti emavm

 wfo`f  wfo` f `igpmeemh `igp meemh Faggarstr Fagga rstrþg þg ti hi mvmrymvmr y-

ottiaeilc wotf tfm ol osieatmh Pfm fipms smee fmr ealhs irhmrNNèrlsta. tièrlsta. givm away ig tfmrm, alh fipmnueey jrolc al mlh ti tfm cihnirsakml rmeocoil.

in fos hosappmaral`m fm saoh fm fah`fara`tmrs prijajey niulh al a``mptajem sieutoil. On tfm ask wfat sfm tfolks in Gèrta Karestrþg, Hiritma sogpey slirts at fmr lagm.

tfolc fm `iueh ti sm`urm tfm hmae. Il tfm locft

Hiritma os ol fmr eatm tfortoms, wotf joc

On tfmy ask ajiut tfm jmast ol Nèrlsta, Hiritma  woee rm`ioe at su`f su `f a qumsto q umstoil il ulemss ule mss sfm s fm trusts tru sts tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. On sfm hims, ir wotf tfm


rmh faor tfat sfm iml wmars hiwl alh myms as jeum as tfm watmr up lirtf.

fmep in OLPROZAXOIL  ir IJPMZ^AXOIL , sfm rmvmaes tfat tfmrm os a `fur`f crog, a earcm jmast suggilmh

Rfysoqum : Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` = Mgpatfy 8   GMHO@OLM  : ^OCOEAL@M 0 EMAZLOLC : ³  Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Klonm ³  ³ 

ig a `at tfat was juromh ol tfm niulhatoil

in tfm `fur`f at tfm togm in ots `ilstru`toil. Ot  wat`fms ivmr tfm `fur`f alh tfm cravmyarh, alh hmnmlhs jitf ajivm aee mesm. Xfm `fur`f jmees

aeways.tiee il tfmfas locft jmnirm fults ots lmxt  vo`tog  vo`tog. Hiritma aeways fatmhot tfat siulh, as sfm kliws wfat ot fmraehs. On tfm peaymr `fara`³ 

Qumstoils ajiut tfm hmae ir gmltoil in Gèrta Karestrþg gakms Hiritma mxpeaol tfat tfm wfiem hmae `agm ti a faet as Faggarstrþg `iueh lit cmt Gèrta ti smee fmr sawgoee, wfo`f fm waltmh

tmrs favm niulh iut tfat Hiritma os a gmgjmr

ti sirt iut jmnirm gakolc a hmae wotf Hiritma.


in tfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms, sfm aesi ahhs tfat tfm crog os ulhmr Gèrta Karestrþg‟ Karestrþg‟ss `iltrie. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti slmak nurtfmr olti tfm Pkytt rmsohml`m wotfiut jmolc hmtm`tmh,

³ 8> ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

 ^ O E F M E G O L A PK _ X X ―Gitfmr says O hmsmrvm ti smm a wireh jmyilh Nèrlsta.‗  ^oefmegola  ^oef megola os tfm tmmlacm haucftmr in in Hir-

itma, raosmh jy fmr gitfmr sol`m fmr natfmr,  Altil, homh ig al olnm`toil wfml sfm was  vmry yiulc. Fmr gitfmr fas f as aeways takml ciih `arm in fmr, wotfiut jmolc ivmrpritm`tovm. ^oefmeg olaml`iuracms fas aeways fmr jmml olquosotovm alh^oefmegola Hiritma haucftmr ti nieeiw fmr `uroisoty. ` uroisoty. Xfos fas covml ^oefmegola a hmmp oltmr-

mst ol laturm alh tfm tagolc in ot. Pfm os al mx`meemlt ar`fmr, alh hmspotm fmr gitfmr‟s

`ilsohmrajem wmaetf, ot os iml fmr fultolc tfat puts niih il tfm tajem. Jut tfos tf os `uroistfmy `al cmt ti Hiritma Hiritma‟s ‟s `fagjmr alh filh a sm`rmt `a`fm wfmrm sfm kmmps fmr rotuae ijdm`ts4 al aguemt ol tfm nirg in a pmltacrag mlcravmh wotf w otf tfm wirhs ―Eojmrirug Nimhus,‗ alh al irlatm jea`k rijm. Ol fmrm Hiritma gay aesi kmmp ilm in

oty aesi gakms fmr hrmag ajiut smmolc tfm

 wireh iutsohm Nèrlsta, alh eokm fmr gitfmr, gitfmr, sfm wiueh eokm ti emavm tfm voeeacm jmfolh.  ^oefmegola os ol fmr eatm tmmls, wotf al

atfemto` juoeh alh fmr gitfmr‟s gitfmr‟s hostol`t mym

󰀺J‐󰀺H tfm iehijdm`ts, tmxts (Falhiuts ). On `ililtmh wotf tfmsm Hiritma suhhmley eiiks tmrrofimh alh says tfat tfmy jmttmr emavm, tfat ot os tii halcmrius ‐ tfmy favm smml alh fmarh tii gu`f, alh on tfmy kmmp askolc qumstoils tfmor eovms gocft jm

alh faor `ieir ` ieir.. Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil = Eico` 0 Mgpatfy :   ACOEOX_   0 0 @EIPM @IGJAX  : ³  ZALCMH @IGJAX  0 OL^MPXOCAXOIL  0 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Jiw, klonm ³  ³ 

ol halcmr. Jut al OLPROZAXOIL  tmst `al `aeg fmr

hiwl. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm il ciih tmrgs  wotf ^oefmegola, sfm tii `al `aeg `ae g fmr gitfmr.

Hiritma tmees tfm `fara`tmrs ti smar`f tfm sawgoee,  wfmrm tfmy `al filh girm alswmrs ajiut tfos cihnirsakml `uet sfm fas jmml nir`mh olti, alh ahhs tfat Gèrta Karestrþg gust jm aviohmh. Pfiueh  yiu wosf ti peay iut tfos s`mlm s`m lm mvml tfiuc tfiucff tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfmgsmevms lmvmr slu`k ifl ti


On Hiritma trusts tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh tfmy arm gossolc ilm in tfm ieh tmxts (Falhiuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H), sfm `al covm ot ti tfmg, ti fmep tfmg stip Karestrþg il`m alh nir aee ‐ motfmr amr tfmy favm niulh tfm `eums ajiut tfm Nrmm Ilms ol fmr fiusm, ir

fmr `fagjmr, yiu `al emt ^oefmegola hi si ol-

stmah, amr wfo`f sfm `ililts fmr gitfmr alh asks tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti fmep fmr cmt iut in

jm`ausm tfm `fara`tmrs favm sfiwl mgpatfy alh

fmrm, wfoem Hiritma jmcs fmr ti eostml eost ml alh ul-

trust ol fmr alh ^oefmegola (ol wfo`f `asm sfm

hmrstalh tfat tfmy wiueh siil jm ol halcmr, halcmr, jut

gay aesi tmee tfmg ajiut fmr naotf). On pfasm 􀀰 in tfm `iulthiwl i``urs, ilm in tfm tmxts sfiueh jm niulh il Hiritma‟s `irpsm.

aesi tfat sfm tii wiueh eokm ti emavm tfos pea`m

nir ciih.

³ 83 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

XFM PASGOEE Xfm sawgoee os ei`atmh il tfm jalk in i n tfm jriik, wotf a crmat watmr wfmme piwmrolc tfm saw olsohm tfm juoeholc. Xfm niulhatoil os gahm in stilm, alh tfm rmst in hark wiih. Iwlmh jy Gèrta Karestrþg, tfm sawgoee saws alh trmats tfm togjmr usmh ol tfm voeeacm ‐ gu`f in wfo`f gust jm jiucft ig Hiritma Pkytt, Pky tt, as Karestrþg‟ss iwl nirmsts paem ol `igparosil. strþg‟ Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al vosot tfm sawgoee hurolc tfm hay ti smm Gèrta Karestrþg, wfi gmmts tfmg fmrm ratfmr tfal at figm alh covms tfmg al mltfusoasto` tiur in tfm goee, strmssolc tfat ollivatoils eokm stmag piwmr  woee aewa aeways ys ea`k tfm prm prm`oso `osoil il in ciih ieh galu galuae ae mflir mflirt. t. Xfm sawgoee aesi fiehs a hark sm`rmt4 Gèrta Kare-


Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al ml`iultmr smvmrae `fae-

emlcms at tfm sawgoee, parto`uearey at locft. Hurolc tfm hay tfmrm os a criup in voeeacmrs wirkolc at tfm sawgoee. Xfmy arm aee eiyae ti Karestrþg alh woee lit fmsotatm ti jmat up tfism wfi alcmr fmr. Xfm wirkmrs favm li oltmltoil in koeeolc tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, jut tfmy (ir Karestrþg fmrsmen)


 woee say tfat tfos os tfmor tfmo r filae warlolc alh tfat t fat tfmy jmttmr emavm Nèrlsta jmnirm locftnaee on tfmy t fmy

 vaeum tfmor eovms. Xfm hiir ti tfm sawgoee os ei`kmh at locft, jut ot os stoee pissojem ti cmt ol. A peaymr `fara`tmr `al po`k tfm ei`k wotf PXMAEXF, ir usm NIZ@M ti sgasf


strþg os usolc ot as a gmmtolc pea`m alh `igms fmrm ti prmparm tfm sa`rofi`oae rotuaes takolc pea`m ulhmrlmatf tfm `fur`f.

ot ipml, tfiucf tfm eattmr wiueh in `iursm emavm a tra`m. On tfmy jrmak olti tfm sawgoee, pmipem at tfm voeeacm faee woee jm upsmt ajiut ot tfm nieeiw-

³ 86 ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³


olc hay. Ot os aesi pissojem ti ijtaol a kmy ig

tfm cuohmh tiur in tfm sawgoee, Karestrþg woee

Karestrþg ir fmr wirkmrs. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al stmae ot wotf PXMAEXF, takm ot up ig a voeeacmr amr kli`kolc fog iut ir hrolkolc fog ulhmr tfm tajem, ir usm GALOR]EAXOIL  ti `ilvol`m a voeeacmr tfat tfmy arm fmepolc Karestrþg alh lmmh a``mss ti tfm goee. On @iulthiwl 󰀺 fas i``urrmh, tfm sawgoee woee jm

try ti hovmrt tfmor attmltoil ig a `mrtaol `eismh hiir.. On askmh ajiut ot, sfm `eaogs ot os a stiracm hiir riig. A su``mssnue IJPMZ^AXOIL  tmst `ilfirgs tfat sfm os foholc sigmtfolc ol tfmrm.  At locft tfm peaymr peaymr `fara`tmrs `al `al caol a``mss ti


tfat riig, wfo`f os wfmrm Karestrþg cims ti gakm

patrieemh at locft jy eiyae gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm

fmr prmparatoils. Xfmrm tfmy filh a crmml alh meajiratmey irlagmltmh rijm, alh a earcm pml-

Ilms (R@s√󰀺 ol lugjmr, jut at emast 󰀺). Xfm `uet

tacrag paoltmh il tfm waee wotf ―Eojmrirug Ni-

gmgjmrs arm wmarolc tfmor rijms alh `arryolc ealtmrls. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay jm ajem ti slmak past tfmg usolc PXMAEXF acaolst tfmor ^OCO-

mhus‗ `arvmh olti ot ‐ a EMAZLOLC tmst tralseatms ot ti ―Xfm ― Xfm Emacum in tfm Nrmm‗. @arvolcs il tfm


, ir mvml hmnmat tfmg ol `igjat. Xfmy arm

 waee hms`rojm a sa`rofi`oae rotuae ti jm pmrnirgmh pmrnirgmh at emast il`m pmr cmlmratoil. EMAZLOLC `al rmvmae

tfat ot os pacal ol irocol, tfiucf wotf @frostoal memgmlts wivml olti ot. Xfos riig aesi `iltaols ilm in tfm ieh 􀀱󰀺tf `mltury tmxts (Falhiuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H). On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm stoee lit niulh aee tfm tmxts, tfm `ihm ti Karestrþg‟s sanm os aesi avaoeajem ol tfos riig.

eiyae ti Karestrþg alh woee kmmp k mmp ficftolc ultoe tfmy arm motfmr koeemh ir ol`apa`otatmh. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi mxagolm a koeemh ir ul`ils`oius gmgjmr in tfm Nrmm Ilms woee lit iley lito`m tfmor irlatm rijms, jut aesi tfm aguemts ariulh tfmor lm`ks, sfapmh eokm a pmltacrag alh mlcravmh wotf tfm

 wirhs ―Eojmrirug NNimhus imhus‗. ‗. On a earcm jattem jrmaks j rmaks iut wotf sfits jmolc firmh, Karestrþg gay suggil tfm `fur`f crog ti stip


tfm atta`k. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee tfml smm


 ILNZILX @ILNZILXAXOIL XOILwoee takm pea`m Xfm filae `ililtatoil in tfm gystmry ol tfm rotuae `fagjmr ei`atmh ol tfm `avms ulhmrlmatf tfm `fur`f, wfmrm Gèrta Karestrþg fas suggilmh tfm gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Ilms ti pmrnirg tfm sa`rofi`oae rotuae tfat woee woe e mlsurm tfm voeeacm‟s prispmroty nir  ymt alitfmr cmlmratoil, alh at tfm sagm togm hmstriy fmr crmatmst rovae. Ot os aesi al ippirtuloty nir fmr ti koee aly wavmrolc `uet gmgjmrs jy smttolc tfm `fur`f crog il tfmg, tfus sm`urolc vo`tiry vo`ti ry il`m alh nir aee. Xfat wiueh gakm Gèrta tfm siem ruemr in Nèrlsta, jut

Xfm sawgoee fiehs galy `eums, jitf ajiut Gèrta‟s ta‟s peal alh tfm tmrrojem sm`rmt il wfo`f Nèrlsta

as hms`rojmh ulhmr @atastripfm, pacm 􀀰􀀰, fmr vo`tiry  woee lit east eilc, jut ratfmr ratfmr `ursm tfm voeeacm ti j jmm

os juoet. Ot os ogpissojem ti smar`f tfm sawgoee hurolc tfm hay, as Karestrþg lmvmr emavms tfm peaymr `fara`` fara`tmrs‟‟ sohm alh fmr wirkmrs arm olstru`tmh tmrs olstr u`tmh ti kmmp tfmg ulhmr `ilstalt wat`f. A su``mssnue ^OCOEAL@M  tmst `al gakm tfm `fara`tmrs awarm in tfos, on tfmy favm lit lito`mh ot aermahy aermahy.. Nurtfmrgirm, hurolc

swaeeiwmh jy laturm.

jorhs takm ifl ig tfm cravmyarh, alh siil tfmy fmar sigmtfolc rullolc at crmat spmmh, jral`fms slappolc as ot appria`fms. Liw tfm `fara`tmrs favm a `fal`m ti rma`t ‐ motfmr ﬊mm wotf ACOEOX_  

ir fohm wotf PXMAEXF , as tfm `fur`f crog gay jm nar tii halcmrius nir tfmg ti hmnmat ol o l `igjat. Xfism wfi smm tfm crog nir tfm first togm gust

gakm a Nmar tmst.

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al filh tfm pea`m jy nieeiwolc tfm horm`toils niulh ol tfm ieh tmxts (Falh-


iuts 󰀺J‐󰀺H) ir jy wat`folc tfm cravmyarh il tfm locft

in tfm rotuae, ol wfo`f `asm tfmy woee smm tfm rijmh

gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Ilms fmah hiwl olti tfm `avms. Litm tfat tfm `fur`f crog os cuarholc tfm cravmyarh,

³ 8? ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

si peaymr `fara`tmrs slmakolc ol gust jm `armnue ti

hiwl fmrm, alh ilm `al nmme tfm seogy surna`m s urna`m in giss

avioh hmtm`toil (alh gakm a Nmar Nmar tmst on tfmy fav favmm lit smml ot jmnirm). Xfm `fara`tmrs `iueh aesi emt tfm `uet gmgjmrs emah tfmg ti tfm ei`atoil, nir mxagpem jy nieeiwolc cuarhs ig tfm sawgoee, sawgo ee, wfi woee ci ti tfm cravmyarh il`m tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm niulh tfm `eums avaoeajem tfmrm. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `iueh aesi hoscuosm tfmgsmevms as gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Ilms jy  wmarolc tfm sagm rijms alh a``igpalyolc sogoearey hrmssmh olhovohuaes il tfm way ti tfm cravmyarh. Li ilm woee suspm`t tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs as eilc as tfmy hi lit a`t suspo`oiusey suspo`oiusey..

criwolc il tfm waees. Xfm `avms vary ol sozm, sigm


favolc mliucf riig nir smvmrae fugals ti waek sohm jy sohm, itfmrs nir`olc tfmg ti `riu`f. Xfm stilms arm vmry hark alh sgiitf, alh wotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC  tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smm tfat tfm tullmes arm earcmey gahm up in oril irm ‐ a gassovm hmpisot! Xfm `avm systmg ruls paraeeme wotf tfm niulhatoil in tfm `fur`f, alh parts in tfm sgiitf niulhatoil arm  vosojem ti tfism wfi kmmp tfmor myms ipml. Xfm Xfm pas-

sacm `iltolums ariulh tfm `irlmr in tfm niulhatoil, olti a earcm, riulh `avm `fagjmr strmt`folc smvmrae gmtmrs ol aee horm`toils. Xfm `avm waees arm ahirlmh  wotf sygjies eokm tfm ilms il tfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms‟ Ilms‟ rijms, alh trml`fms favm jmml `arvmh olti tfm gohhem in

 A L H X F M Z O X ]A E  Dust mast in tfm `fur`f, wfmrm tfm cravmyarh gmmts tfm nirmst, tfmrm arm tfrmm earcm jiuehmrs. Xfm tforh ilm ti tfm lirtf `al jm prmssmh (gay rmquorm a NIZ@M tmst on tfm Cagmgastmr hmmgs ot lm`mssary) ti ipml a way hiwl olti al ieh `avm systmg. Ot os hark alh hagp

tfm ﬊iir ti nirg a earcm pmltacrag, ariulh wfo`f tfm `uet gmgjmrs catfmr. Xfm rotuae `fagjmr os eot jy tir`fms, jut tfm tullmes tfmgsmevms arm `igpemtmey hark, gakolc ot hoff`uet ti smm wotfiut a pirtajem

eocft siur`m (wfo`f tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al usm ti tfmor ahvaltacm ti avioh hmtm`toil).

³ =2 ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

Piil tfm gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Ilms catfmr ol tfm rotuae `fagjmr, aee wmarolc tfmor rijms. Xfmy

arm fmarh wirsfoppolc Cih aeilc wotf itfmr pacal mltotoms alh ask tfmsm jmolcs ti fmar tfmor praymrs.

Xfm pmrsil emaholc tfm rotuae stmps olti tfm gohhem in tfm pmltacrag, wmarolc tfm irlagmltmh crmml

rijm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs niulh at tfm sawgoee (on ot  was hmstriymh tfm lmw rijm os jea`k, jut mquaeey irlagmltmh) alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rm`iclozm rm`iclozm tfm `faltolc olhovohuae as Gèrta Karestrþg. Zmah ir

quitm tfm nieeiwolc4 jeii h iatf ti filir laturm ol ―Sm, tfm Nrmm Ilms, favm swirl a jeiih tfm lagm i tfm Eirh. Xfos fas covml co vml us mvmrytfolc wirtf favolc alh aeeiwmh Nèrlsta ti prispmr. Ot os tfm gist prm`oius tfolc tfo lc wm

XFM ZOX]AE ON RFAPM 0 IN XFM @I]LXHISL FAP LIX I@@]ZZMH Ol pfasm 0 in tfm `iulthiwl, Karestrþg smlhs tfm `fur`f crog ti koee Hiritma Pkytt alh jrolc ja`k ^oefmegola ti jm sa`rono`mh. sa`rono`mh . On tfat lmvmr fappmlmh, Hiritma woee parto`opatm ol tfm rotuae ti kmmp up appmaral`ms. Sfml ot os togm nir tfm sa`rono`m, tfm vo`tog os jriucft ol wotf a sa`k ivmr fmr fmah alh rmvmaemh ti jm ^oefmegola (kohlappmh jy Karestrþg il`m tfm rmst in tfm Nrmm Ilms fah catfmrmh). Karestrþg woee usm tfos ti tmst Hiritma jy appioltolc fmr ti gakm tfm norst `ut. Pfm falhs

favm, jut liw itfmrs arm tryolc tryol c ti takm ot rig us! Sm favm survovmh si gu`f, jut liw iur crmatmst tfrmat `igms lit rig wotf-

Hiritma tfm klonm wfoem `or`eolc ariulh fmr, askolc fiw eiyae sfm rmaeey os ti tfm Nrmm Ilms, alh rmgolholc fmr in tfm iatf sfm tiik. Jut Hiritma wiueh lmvmr farg fmr iwl haucftmr, si olstmah sfm `uts tfm ripms jolholc fmr alh sfiuts at fmr ti rul (jut Karestrþg fas alto`opatmh tfos alh pistmh sigm in fmr gmgjmrs ol tfm tullme ti jei`k tfm mxot). On Hiritma

iut, jut rig wotfol, rig tfism wfi wiueh hmstriy tfm fiusm i Cih alh ots pritm`tir ol pursuot i priot. O ulhmrstalh tfat galy i yiu favm hiujtmh iur aotf, ir wirsm, turlmh traotirs acaolst tfos voeeacm alh aee wm stalh ir as gmgjmrs i tfm Nrmm

Ilms. Xfat os wfy O favm suggilmh yiu fmrm ‐ tilocft, ma`f i   yiu woee privm, privm , il`m alh ir aee, wfmtfmr yiu arm jmeo jmeomvmrs mvmrs ir lit.  Alh tfm tf m togm fas aesi ae si `igm ti prmsmlt prm smlt iur iu r imrolc i mrolc ti tfm hovol h ovolm. m. Jrolc irtf tfm sa`roo`m! ‗

os awarm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ prmsml`m alh nmmes tfat sfm `al trust tfmg, sfm woee try ti takm ahvaltacm in tfm sotuatoil alh hraw attmltoil ti fmrsmen si tfmy `al rms`um ^oefmegola alh stip Karestrþg. Pfm hims tfos jy fmsotatolc as eilc as pissojem ti juy sigm togm, alh woee fme p tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs on `igjat sfiueh arosm (as woee ^oefmegola, on sfm os nrmmh). Fiwmvmr, on tfm sotuatoil jm`igms fipmemss, Hiritma os rmahy ti `ut fmr haucftmr‟s tfriat alh tfml fmr iwl, ratfmr tfal jmolc sa`rono`mh ti tfm tmrrojem, pacal cihs. Jmnirm hiolc si sfm says4

Xwi nocurms mgmrcm nrig tfm hark fieholc a pmrsil, hrmssmh ol a wfotm locftsfort, wfism uppmr

jihy os `ivmrmh jy a earcm pitati sa`k. Xfm locftsfort sfiws sguhcms in hort alh a lh jeiih nrig wfmrm ots wmarmr was hraccmh alh jmatml. Sfml tfm sa`k os rmgivmh, tfm pmrsil turls iut ti jm ^oefmegola Pkytt, fmr falhs tomh jmfolh fmr ja`k alh na`m

jeiihomh nrig rmsostolc fmr `aptirs. Pfm os takml olti tfm gohhem in tfm pmltacrag alh pusfmh ti

fmr klmms, as Karestrþg puees iut al al`omlt haccmr

in jea`k oril alh fiehs ot iut ol nrilt in fmr. Pfm

turls ti ^oefmegola, tfml ti tfm catfmrmh gmg-

―Natfmr, nircovm gm.‗ gm. ‗

jmrs, alh says tfm nieeiwolc nieeiwolc44 ―Liw, hmar `foeh, yiu woee jm covml tfm crmatmst con alyilm woee mvmr rm`movm. _iu _iu favm jmml `fisml ti jm`igm ilm wotf laturm, alh yiu sfaee jm iur iflmrolc ti tfm Eirh. _iur jeiih woee liurosf tfm riits

³ =󰀱 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³

 ir al mltorm cmlmratoil alh kmmp iur sioe mrtoem. _iur _iur eom woee jm a con ti us aee. Liw wm prmsmlt iur iflmrolc ti tfm Eirh, alh yiu,


 meeiw gmgjmrs, gmgjmrs, woee aee gakm tfm `uts. `uts. Xfm jeiih woee ﬊iw, alh tfm  core woee jm hraolmh. Ot os togm ir yiu ti filir filir yiur iatfs, ir emavm tfm Nrmm Ilms irmvmr.‗

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ mflirts ti stip tfm rotuae, Gèrta Karestrþg, alh tfm `fur`f crog jmnirm ot os tii eatm jm`igm tfm gystmry‟s `eoga`to` filaem. At tfos piolt tfm `fara`tmrs woee tfmrmnirm na`m smvmrae `faeemlcms4 puttolc al mlh ti Karestrþg (voiemltey ir itfmrwosm)

Karestrþg woee rma`f iut tfm falh wotf tfm haccmr

alh rmsostolc fmr eiyae nieeiwmrs, alh pissojey tfm

alh emt tfm gmgjmrs `ut olti ^oefme ^oefmegola‟ gola‟ss ﬊msf, ilm jy ilm. Aee wfi nieeiw tfm rotuae woee tfriw ifl tfmor rijms alh mxpism tfmor lakmh jihoms, wfoem stmppolc

`fur`f crog as wmee ‐ a sotuatoil tfat `iueh masoey mlh ol tracmhy nir tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Jut tfmrm arm aesi

nirwarh alh `uttolc tfm core, alh sgmarolc tfmgsmevms wotf fmr jeiih. Xfm rmst in fmr jeiih ruls

 wfo`f arm hms`rojmh jmei jmeiw. w.

hiwl olti tfm sgaee trml`fms tfat gakm up tfm pmltacrag, wfo`f siil sfolms rmh ol tfm tir`feocft. Jut gist gmgjmrs woee rmnusm, kmmpolc tfmor rijms il alh stmppolc ja`k tiwarh tfm `avm waee. Il`m aee trum jm-

smvmrae ways nir tfmg ti sievm tfm gystmry, sigm in


Xfm `avm passacms alh tfm rotuae sotm sot m arm hark, wfo`f tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al hmfilotmey usm ti tfmor ah valtacm. Xfmy `al slmak girm ir i r emss ulf ulfolhmrmh olhmrmh

eomvmrs favm `ut tfm core, Karestrþg woee takm tfm klonm

tfriucf tfm tullmes alh wat`f tfm rotuae ig tfmrm;

alh seot fmr tfriat, hraololc tfm east in fmr jeiih.

tfm Cagmgastmr hm`ohms wfmtfmr a PXMAEXF  tmst os

Xfml sfm strikms tfm ﬊at in tfm jeahm acaolst fmr iwl `fmst ti nmme tfm sto`ky jeiih acaolst fmr lakmh jihy, tfiriucfey mldiyolc tfm gigmlt.

rmquormh ol irhmr ti stay fohhml. Xfm peaymr `far-

Piil amr tfos al aegist hmanmlolc rugjem m`fims tfriucf tfm tullmes, as on a rulaway ei`i-

sawgoee, gmgjmrs wfi `al jm staekmh, ir tfm ilms cuarholc tfm mltral`m ultoe mvmryilm fas cilm hiwl

gitovm os givolc tfriucf tfm `avms at nuee spmmh. Xfm

olti tfm `rypt. Smarolc tfm rijms wiueh aesi aeeiw

tfm firm alh alcmr ot rmprmsmlts. NNrig rig tfm harklmss in tfm tullmes appmars tfm crog ol aee ots ceiry. Xfm jmast os fucm, wotf hriie hroppolc ig ots daws, gox-

 wotfiut raosolc suspo`oil. As tfmy rmgivm tfm rijms

fucm, jea`k sfapm alh ots ceiwolc rmh myms rm﬊m`t

a`tmrs `al aesi hoscuosm tfmgsmevms ol tfm rijms in naeeml `uet gmgjmrs, su`f as tfm cuarhs at tfm

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti mltmr tfm rotuae sotm otsmen

ig tfmor iwlmrs, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs smm tfat

tfmy arm lakmh ulhmrlmatf, alh gay `fiism wfmtfmr ir lit tfmy sfiueh jm as wmee. Xfmrm `iueh aesi jm

olc wotf tfm jeiih ol tfm rotuae `fagjmr alh turlolc ot polk. Ots fmavy jrmatfolc jeiws eokm tfm wolh ol tfm na`m in mvmryilm prmsmlt. Ots paltolc jemlhs

a hragato` gigmlt wfmrm tfm eiyae gmgjmrs cmt lakmh, wfoem tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfriw ifl tfmor

 wotf tfm casps in tfm uljmeomvmrs, as tfmy rmaeozm wfat natm awaots tfmg. Karestrþg ﬊asfms a filae sgoem jmnirm tfm `fur`f crog atta`ks tfism wfi tfrmatml tfm `fur`f ot fas swirl ti pritm`t. Xfm `arlacm os titae.

rijms alh turl iut ti jm nueey hrmssmh, argmh, alh rmahy nir jattem! Xfm masomst way ti stip tfm rotuae os ti t i rmlhmr Gèrta Karestrþg motfmr hmah ir Jrikml4 fmr eiyae nieeiwmrs

Eiuh s`rmags m`fi ig pmipem jmolc tirl apart.

 woee tfml try ti ﬊mm tfm turgioe. Karestrþg Karestrþg woee jm

Jilms `rul`f as tfmy jrmak. Jeiih spattmrs aee ivmr tfm `fagjmr. Jihy parts arm s`attmrmh. Alh stalholc ol tfm gohhem in tfm gayfmg os Karestrþg, hmeocftmh,  wotf fmr eiyae gmgjmrs jy fmr sohm. Xfm jeiih ﬊iws tfriucf tfm riig alh nirgs a piie tfat `ivmrs tfm pmltacrag. On Karestrþg fas a``igpeosfmh tfos, tfat gmals tfm @atastripfm fas i``urrmh.

hmnmlhmh ol `igjat jy R@ 󰀫􀀱H󰀾 `uet gmgjmrs. Jut tfm crmatmst tfrmat os tfm `fur`f crog, wfo`f Karestrþg woee suggil amr 􀀱H󰀾󰀫􀀱 turls. On sfm sfiueh naee jmnirm suggilolc ot, tfm jmast woee rmgaol ol tfm `fur`f. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al aesi usm OLPROZAXOIL  ti `ilvol`m hiujtolc `uet gmgjmrs ti diol tfmor sohm alh fmep tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, wfo`f `al masoey jm

³ =: ³


³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

falhemh gm`falo`aeey jy rmhu`olc (pmrfaps mltormey) tfm lugjmr in gmgjmrs ficftolc nir Karestrþg.

stilm at tfm `fur`f ti hoccolc up cravms). Xfm crog  woee tfml `igm amr tfm pmrpmtratir alh gakm mvmry mflirt ti `at`f fog/fmr. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust


tfml hi wfatmvmr tfmy `al ti ﬊mm tfm `fur`f crog,

Xfm crmatmst halcmr os tfm `fur`f crog patrieeolc alh cuarholc tfm `fur`f alh ots cravmyarh. Cmttolc past

 wfi os as nast as a caeeipolc firsm, wfo`f as ot fappmls

ot ulhmtm`tmh `al jm a `faeemlcm as tfm peaymr `far-

tfm crog il niit rmquorms a Hoff`uet ACOEOX_  tmst,  tmst, wfoem

a`tmrs try ti a``mss tfm tullmes ti tfm rotuae r otuae `fagjmr ‐ PXMAEXF tmsts acaolst ^OCOEAL@M gay jm rmquormh on tfm

a firsm eiwmrs tfm hoff`uety ti lirgae. Xfm peaymr

Cagmgastmr hmmgs ot lm`mssary (jut jm `armnue, as

naoemh tmsts `iueh emah ti tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs jmolc seaucftmrmh). Fiwmvmr, Fiwmvmr, givolc tfriucf tfm wiihs ulhmtm`tmh `al aeeiw tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti avioh su`f a `ililtatoil. Xi stip tfm `fur`f crog, tfm pe peaymr aymr `fara`t `fara`tmrs mrs gust filh tfm irocolae sa`rofi`m sa`rofi `m ‐ a `at tfat eoms juromh ol tfm

 wiueh aesi jm tfmor jmst gmals in ms`apm. Ms`apolc Ms`apolc

`fara`tmrs `al aesi eiwmr tfm hoff`uety in ACOEOX_  alh  alh `ilnusm tfm `fur`f crog jy rullolc tfriucf jrusf alh riucf tmrraol, wfo`f rmsuets ol a @faeemlcolc  tmst. Nir ma`f su``mssnue tmst, tfm jmast woee  tmst. pursum tfmg nir 􀀱H󰀾󰀫􀀱 turls. Naoeurm gmals tfat ACOEOX_ 

tfm `fur`f crog motfmr `at`fms alh atta`ks tfmg, ir os `aeemh ja`k jy Karestrþg.

niulhatoil in tfm `fur`f ‐ alh jurl ots ot s jilms. Sfml tfm firm jurls tfm fittmst tfmy woee fmar tfm tirturmh s`rmm`f in tfm `fur`f crog m`fi tfriucf tfriu cf tfm locft, as ot tii `at`fms firm. Xfm coalt jmast woee tfml rul ru l olti tfm `fur`f alh smt ot il firm as wmee, nirmvmr rmhu`olc ot ti al mgpty ruol. Liw tfm ieh tmxts (Falhiut A ‐ @) `igm ol falhy, as tfmy iflmr `eums ajiut wfmrm wfm rm ti


Karestrþg os a pracgatost alh woee kliw wfml aee

fipm os eist. On sfm lito`ms tfat fmr rotuae fas jmml olfietratmh alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs start a ficft, sfm woee ﬊mm ti savm fmr iwl skol alh try ti cmt ti tfm `fur`f crog wfo`f woee pritm`t fmr. Pfm ruls nir 􀀱H󰀾 turls, alh il`m sfm rma`fms tfm crog sfm woee smmk rmnucm olsohm tfm `fur`f, wfmrm ot woee jm vortuaeey ogpissojem

filh tfm jilms alh fiw ti hmstriy tfmg. Xfm jilms eom juromh ol tfm sgiitf niulhatoil in tfm `fur`f,

ti atta`k fmr wotfiut jmolc roppmh ti sfrmhs jy tfm

gassovm daws in tfm crog. Jut tfmrm woee in `iursm jm litfolc ti pritm`t fmr on tfm jilms arm jurlmh alh

jmfolh a stilm wfism `ieir os gu`f eocftmr tfal tfm itfmrs. On tfm Cagmgastmrs hmmgs ot lm`mssary tfm R@s gay gakm a su``mssnue OL^MPXOCAXOIL tmst ti filh

tfm `fur`f crog os stippmh4 tfml sfm woee gmmt fmr

tfm prm`osm ei`atoil wfmrm tfm jilms arm juromh alh a NIZ@M  tmst ti hoc tfmg iut. As tfmy tmar tma r iut tfm stilms, tfm olvmstocatirs woee filh tfm skmemtil alh jilms in  wfat usmh ti jm a `at in sigm kolh4 tfmsm arm tfm ilms tfmy gust jurl ti stip tfm `fur`f crog. On tfm Cagmgastmr walts ti gakm tfos girm `faeemlcolc `faeeml colc alh mx`otolc, yiu `al emt tfm crog nmme tfat sigmilm fas huc up ots jilms alh `igm amr 􀀱H󰀾 turls.

natm ol tfm sagm fimry olnmrli.

 _  _iu iu `al aesi emt tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hovmrt tfm

`fur`f crog‟s attmltoil, mspm`oaeey on sigm in tfmg ci ti stip Karestrþg alh tfm rotuae wfoem tfm itfmrs jurl tfm `fur`f crog‟s jilms. Xfmrm arm galy ways ti attra`t ots attmltoil, tfm masomst in wfo`f wiueh jm ti hmsm`ratm sigmtfolc at tfm cravmyarh ir olsohm tfm `fur`f (`iueh jm alytfolc ig sogpey tfriwolc a

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Galy in Nèrlsta‟s Nèrlsta‟s olfajo olfajotalts talts arm lit pa part rt in tfm Nrmm Ilms alh wiueh eokmey ippism tfmor jrutae rmeocoius pra`to`ms. Xfm jmst pea`m ti catfmr tfmg wiueh jm tfm



tfos jeiih sa`rofi`m sa`rofi`m alh fmar iur praymr.‗ ― A``mpt tfos

 voeeacm faee, alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee jm takml

tfmrm on tfmy olnirg tfm voeeacmrs (wfi arm lit gmgjmrs in tfm Nrmm Ilms) in wfat os ciolc il. Xfmy woee jm eolmh up ol tfm gohhem in tfm voeeacm faee alh sfiwmrmh wotf qumstoils ajiut wfat fas fappmlmh, alh galy woee jm vmry skmpto`ae (alh pissojey succmst tfat

Xfm Nrmm Nrmm Ilms os a `uet wotf pacal pra`to`ms `igpismh in galy ga ly in Nèrlsta‟s Nèrlsta‟s gist prigolmlt nagoeoms, alh fas mxostmh sol`m tfm 􀀱󰀺tf `mltury. Ots lagm rmnmrs ti tfmor mmhig ti

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs armOLPROZAXOIL tfm rmae jeaspfmgius `ilsporatirs). A su``mssnue  tmst `al `ilvol`m tfm voeeacmrs in wfat os ciolc il, ol wfo`f `asm tfmy  woee diol tfm peaym peaymrr `fara`tmrs alh fmep tfmg. Piil a gij catfmrs iutsohm, tir`fms ol falh, argmh wotf mvmrytfolc ig axms ti pot`fnirks. Xicmtfmr tfmy

pmr cmlmratoil tfmy pmrnirg a fugal sa`rofi`m ti gakm tfm sioe nmrtoem nir tfm lmxt cmlmratoil, alh tfm togm fas `igm ti `iltolum tfos trahotoil. Sotlmssolc tfmsm ga`ajrm sa`rofi`ms fas covml tfmg tfm ajoeoty ti smm vamsml. As tfmor rotuae sotm tfmy usm

gar`f ti tfm `fur`f ti put al mlh ti tfm ullaturae

tfm ulhmrcriulh `avms wat`fmh ivmr jy tfm

ruem as gastmrs in tfm voeeacm. At emast il`m

atri`otoms takolc pea`m tfmrm.

`fur`f crog. Ma`f `uet gmgjmr os covml al aguemt ol tfm nirg in a pmltacrag, mlcravmh wotf tfm  wirhs ―Eojmrirug NNimhus, imhus,‗‗ wirl ol sm`rmt as a trojutm ti tfmor naotf. A su``mssnue EMAZL-

 A `eogax at tfm `fur`f `iueh peay iut ol galy hoflmrmlt ways. Xfm gij `iueh jm tmrrofimh jy tfm `fur`f crog alh lit harm ti `iltolum ultoe tfm

peaymr `fara`tmrs favm hrawl ot away ig tfmrm, ir sogpey naoe ti lito`m tfm jmast ultoe ot cims jmrsmrk


il in quo`key. tfm gij, nir`olc tfmtfm peaymr ti mlhparts tfolcs quo`k ey. Ol tfat `asm gij`fara`tmrs `iueh smrvm as a hostra`toil tfat prmvmlts tfm `fur`f crog ig jmolc `aeemh jy Karestrþg. On tfm gij rma`fms tfm rotuae `fagjmr, tfmrm woee siil jm a crmat turgioe  wfmrm smvmrae in tfism lit il Karestrþg‟s sohm gay jm koeemh as wmee. Xfm `uet gmgjmrs gocft aesi fmar tfm liosm in tfm appria`folc gij. Karestrþg woee tfml smmk rmnucm wotf tfm crog at tfm `fur`f, wotf tfm alcry gij stalholc iutsohm alh alto`aeey try-

 tmst woee tralseatm tfmsm wirhs as ―Xfm

Emacum in tfm trijms fm Nrmm. Nrmm.‗ ‗ Aee gmgjmrs wmar wm ar irlatm jea`k hurolc rotuaes, wotf litf-

olc ulhmrlmatf. Sfml ot os togm nir tfm sa`rofi`m, tfmy `ast ifl tfmor rijms alh sgmar

tfmgsmevms wotf tfm jeiih in tfm gurhmrmh. Xfmy arm lakmh as a way in cmttolc `eismr ti laturm, alh ol gi`kmry in tfm @frostoal

pruhosflmss. Rfysoqum 0 Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` : Mgpatfy 1   @EIPM @IGJAX 0 ZALCMH @IGJAX  : ³  PXMAEXF  : ^OCOEAL@M : ³ 

olc ti cmt ol ti gmtm iut tfm pulosfgmlt tfmy jm-

eomvm sfm hmsmrvms. Xfm promst (on stoee aeovm) woee try ti `aeg tfm gij, ti li avaoe. Fmrm a `faeemlcm `iueh


jm tfat tfm gij tryolc jrmaktfm ol,crog‟s alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gustosfilh alhtijurl rmgaols jmnirm tfm alcry voeeacmrs mltmr tfm `fur`f alh rosk jmolc koeemh, ir tfat Karestrþg alh tfm crog ms`apm il`m tfmy ipml tfm `fur`f hiirs.

Gmltae Xiucflmss 1

Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1

  MQ]ORGMLX4  Zotuae klovms ir `rissjiws `rissjiws


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³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 : ³


XFM @F]Z@F CZOG Xfm `fur`f crog‟s stats arm niulh il pacm 􀀱󰀺􀀿 ol tfm `irm ruemjiik. Irocolaeey `rmatmh jy

tfm sa`rofi`m in a `at, tfos gassovm nmeolm gakms criwl paltfmrs smmg eokm kottmls. Ot fas sfaccy hark nur, ceiwolc rmh myms, alh a fucm gaw

 wotf razir sfarp nalcs tfat gakm sfirt wirk in ﬊msf alh jilm aeokm. Ots irocolae jihy eoms juromh ol tfm niulhatoil in tfm `fur`f, at a

Xfm `ilsmquml`ms in tfos gystmry, alh tfm natm in Nèrlsta, hmpmlh earcmey il on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti stip Karestrþg, tfm Nrmm Ilms, alh tfm

`fur`f crog. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs stip Karestrþg alh tfm

Nrmm Ilms, tfm trutf ajiut tfmor voem rotuaes woee siil jm mxpismh. Piil pmrsm`utoils woee jmcol,

lit uleokm tfm 􀀱􀀿tf `mltury wot`f fults, ol smar`f

pea`m ‐tfat `avms usmh jy mltral`m tfm Nr Nrmm mm Ilms tfatemahs os wfytiottfm os cuarholc tfmor

in eiyaealh gmgjmrs wfi arm at jmst hrovml ig  voeeacm at wirst eyl`fmh. Jmnirm eeilc ilc tfmtfm voe-

as wmee. Ot woee atta`k alyilm wfi tfrmatmls

eacm woee favm roh otsmen `igpemtmey in tfm pacal naotf. Hiritma Pkytt (ir on sfm hoh lit gakm ot,

tfm `fur`f alh ots ealh, wfo`f tfm Nrmm Ilms favm usmh ti lmutraeozm tfrmats ti tfmgsmevms.  At locft locft ot kmmps kmmps wat`f wat`f olsohm olsohm tfm tfm `fur`f `fur`f ir

at tfm cravmyarh, rolcolc tfm jmee il tfm locft jmnirm sigmilm os ti jm koeemh. Ot ruls wotf

 ^o  ^oefmegola) efmegola) `ilvol`ms tfm ealhiwlmrs ti socl vil Gmodmr‟s `iltra`ts alh smee fog tfmor ealh. Xfm eottem sawgoee tfat il`m jmeilcmh ti Karestrþg os mxpalhmh alh mquoppmh wotf a stmag mlcolm,

tfm spmmh in a caeeipolc firsm, alh as ot ra`ms

lmw riahs arm juoet, alh Nèrlsta jm`igms a ga dir eiccolc `mltmr. `mltmr. Fiwmvmr, Fiwmvmr, tfm crmatmst ro`fms ro`fms

a`riss tfm cravmyarh, jea`k jorhs ig tfm

`igm ig tfm `avms alh tfmor oril irm, gakolc Nèrlsta a prigolmlt ei`atoil nir tfm golo gololc lc ol-

siues in tfm juromh woee ﬊y ifl ol tmrrir. GACO@AE RISMZP ³ 

hustry as wmee. Jut at tfm sagm togm tfm nmrtoem


 Alogaes ﬊mm. lit Xfm emast `fur`f crog os a tmrronyolc prmsml`m, ti alogaes ariulh tfm voeeacm. Ot `al jm smml ol mvmrytfolc nrig jorhs emavolc tfmor lmsts

sioenagius alh tfmtrmms `eismlmss ti laturm woee jmcriw cilm, tfm in Nèrlsta woee lmvmr asalh taee acaol. Sfmtfmr tfos os `ausmh jy tfm crmmhy ol-

ti firsms squmaeolc alh jietolc ariulh tfmor pahhi`ks. Xfm `fur`f crog `al stmmr tfmsm alogaes jy strokolc nmar olti tfmg. Ajivm aee, ot `al gakm alogaes ﬊mm ol palo` as ot stirgs iut in tfm cravmyarh ol smar`f in ots lmxt vo`tog. Sfoem ot os rullolc at nuee spmmh, spmmh , ot os pissojem ti tra`k tfm crog‟s givmgmlts jy nieeiwolc tfm traoe in palo`kolc alogaes, ulemss ot fas smt a trap alh gahm tfmg ﬊mm straocft olti ots `eaws… ³ 


hustry ir tfm ajsmlt iflmrolcs ti tfm laturm cihs rmgaols a gystmry gystmry… … On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs stippmh tfm `fur`f crog, tfm ieh `fur`f os liw a s`ir`fmh ruol tfat woee wo ee siil jm tirl hiwl, alh a gihmrl, wfotm `fur`f os juoet ol a hoflmrmlt ei`atoil, si tfat tfm `avms `al jm mx`avatmh. Xfm jmees woee lmvmr acaol

tiee at tfm strikm in twmevm il tfm locft jmnirm a hmatf, alh tfm siulh in startemh jorhs woee

li eilcmr jm fmarh at tfm tf m cravmyarh. Fiwmvmr, Notsèrlsta‟s `fur`f fas ots woee cuarhoal alh wotf wojy tf rapoh criwtf tfm eist voeeacm jm peacumh cravm rijjolc.

 Firrir. Ptarolc olti tfm ceiwolc rmh myms in tfm crog `al hrovm yiu gah, alh tfism wfi hi woee favm tmrrojem vosoils faultolc tfmg eokm fmee otsmen. Ot was tfos `ursm tfat `ist Eolhmskþeh fos saloty.

  @ ]Z PM4


On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs naoe ti stip Karestrþg

alh tfm `fur`f crog, tfm sioe in Nèrlsta woee jm girm nmrtoem tfal mvmr alh tfm trmms woee criw

quo`kmr alh hmlsmr tfal mvmr jmnirm. Piil tfmy

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³ 󰁁 󰁳󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁰󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

 woee `ivmr tfm tf m riahs, alh li ilm woee jm aajem jem ti  vosot ir emavm e mavm Nèrlsta, alh wotfol wotfo l a ymar ttfm fm voeeacm woee jm `ivmrmh jy trmms alh giss. Il`m ol a wfoem, pmipem wfi ci lmar tfm wiihs tfat

 wmrm Nèrlsta Nèrlsta woee `eao `eaog g ti favm fmarh a tmrrojem, jmstoae siulh. Xfm pea`m fas jmml pmrgalmltey rm`eaogmh jy tfm nirmst alh, mvmltuaeey, mvmltuae ey, ots lagm  woee iley jm gmltoilmh ol cfist cfis t stiroms ajiut a

Jmnirm tfmy ci figm, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee jm ajem ti vosot Fèrlþsalh, wfmrm vil Gmodmr gmmts tfmg ti  wrap tfolcs tfolcs up, gistey gistey jy askolc wfat wfat fappmlmh ti

piir Cittoh. Xfm sigmwfat crmmhy vil Gmodmr gay aesi ask wfmtfmr fm `al smlh a lmw rmprmsmltatovm ti Nèrlsta ti `il`euhm fos jusolmss tfmrm. On tfm peaymr

 voeea cm swaeeiw  voeeacm sw aeeiwmh mh jy laturm, alh ot os saoh sa oh tfat t fat tfm nirmst os cuarhmh jy a tmrrojem jmast tfat t fat os

`fara`tmrs galacmh galacmh ti stip Karestrþg, tfm Pi`omty woee aesi jm filal`oaeey rmwarhmh jy tfm wmaetfy olhustroaeost. Amr a togm in rm`upmratoil ol Fèrlþsalh tfmrm os litfolc girm nir tfm peaymr `fara`tmr ti hi jut rm-

stippolc galkolh ig takolc ot ja`k.

turl ti tfmorpiolts fmahquartmrs tfmy caol mxpmroml`m (smm pacmol󰀺󰀽]psaea, ol tfm wfmrm `irm ruemjiik).

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XFM LOCFX PI PIS S    fmep tfmor ieh a`quaoltal`m Eollma Menmkeolt, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs travme ti siutfmrl Pwmhml wfmrm tfmy arm nir`mh ti falhem Patalosts, purotals, alh a vamsml nmmholc il pmipem‟s supmrlaturae piwmrs. Xfm gystmry takms pea`m hurolc a

`ieh alh stirgy woltmr, alh `al masoey jm smt hurolc @frostgas togm ‐ gayjm mvml il @frostgas Mvm.

gystmry‟s vamsml os aesi hms`rojmh ‐ a fucm, poc-eokm gystmry‟s `rmaturm kliwl as tfm ceisil. Ol tfm sm`ilh part wm prmsmlt tfm varoius pea`ms tfm `fara`tmrs gay vosot alh hms`rojm tfm filae `il-

iltatoil. Xfm gystmry `il`euhms wotf a rulhiwl ru lhiwl in ogpirtalt lil-peaymr `fara`tmrs.



Xfm first part in tfm tmxt ni`usms il tfm olvotatoil

alh tfm `il﬊o`ts. Ot hms`rojms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟  diurlmy ti tfm sgaee fisfolc voeeacm in Gþeem ol siutfmrl Pwmhml as wmee as tfm ei`atoil otsmen. Xfmrm os a `iulthiwl in mvmlts ti jm usmh hurolc peay. Xfm

Ol tfm lirtfwmst part in Pkílm ol siutfmrl Pwmhml, a stralcm ri`k nirgatoil rosms ig tfm ﬊at `eay ealh. Xfos arma os kliwl as Xfm Foee, alh at ots top stalhs al al`omlt eocftfiusm. Nir Nir fulhrmhs in ymars tfm mehmst sil in tfm Eulhol nagoey fas smrvmh as ots kmmpmr. Xfm Eulhols jmeomvm tfmy favm a sm`rmt ‐ Xfm Foee was `rmatmh jy tfm Hmvoe, alh tfmrm os aeways a halcmr in

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 wo`kmh `rmaturms `rmaturms mgmrcolc ig ots `avmrls alh rraa-

ariulh, tfmy iml prmtmlh ti jm a criup in travme-

 volms. Ot os tfm huty in tfm eocftkmmpmr ti fieh ifl tfos mvoe alh prmvmlt ocliralt fugals ig a``ohmltaeey `fallmeolc tfm jea`k gaco` in tfm ulhmrwireh, wfo`f `iueh pitmltoaeey jrolc ajiut tfm api`aeypsm. Sfat tfm nagoey hims lit kliw os tfat ot os tfmor iwl jmeomn tfat os `rmatolc vamsml il Xfm Foee, alh gakolc spmees alh rotuaes parto`uearey mflm`tovm ol tfm arma. Eokmwosm, tfm eocftkmmpmr‟s eocftkmmpmr‟s iwl gaco` os a prihu`t in tfos jmeomn ol fos sa`rmh gossoil.

olc artosts. Hurolc fmr vosot ti Gþeem, Ieca stugjemh upil a `avm lmar tfm Foee Eocftfiusm alh smlsmh tfat ot was  wmee-suotmh nir gaco`ae rotuaes. Eottem Eottem hoh sfm kliw

Xfm `urrmlt eocftkmmpmr os Gaclus Eulhol,

 wfi ol rm`mlt ymars fas smml tfm il`m osieatmh Xfm Foee alh ots sgaee fisfolc voeeacm in Gþeem jm`igm

tfrilcmh wotf tiurosts tiurost s ig tfm rmst in tfm `iultry, as wmee as ig Hmlgark alh Cmrgaly. Xfm rmasil nir tfos os al mltrmprmlmur lagmh Katarola Dþlssil,  wfi a nmw ymars aci juoet juo et a euxuroius smasohm fitme f itme ol Gþeem alh os ml`iuracolc fmr cumsts ti jatfm ticmtfmr at tfm jma`f. Cumsts in jitf smxms ‐ aejmot ol

tfat tfos was tfm Ziitolc @avm ‐ a pea`m wfmrm tfm ceisil (smm jmeiw) `al takm nirg on sigmilm pmr-

nirgs tfm lm`mssary rotuaes. Ieca em Gþeem, iley ti rmturl wotf tfm itfmr Postmrs in Patal a nmw giltfs eatmr wfml tfm tiurost smasil was ivmr. Xfmy startmh olvmstocatolc tfm Ziitolc @avm alh peallmh ti pmrnirg a gaco`ae rotuae. Zmaeozolc wfat tfm wot`fms wmrm up ti, Eocftkmmpmr Eulhol hm`ohmh ti cmt roh in tfmg alh Katarola Kataro la Dþlssil at tfm sagm togm. to gm. Jy kohlappolc Katarola‟s hic Kista alh eurolc fmr wotf gaco`, fm hrmw fmr ti tfm Ziitolc @avm. Fm atta`kmh Katarola, tomh fmr up, alh ei`kmh fmr ol a `acm ol tfm ja`k in tfm `avm. Gaclus prmparmh fmr jihy si tfat a ceisil `iueh usm ot ti

nuee jatfolc suots ‐ arm aeeiwmh ti gox il tfm sagm jma`f. Zugirs in tfm sol ol Gþeem favm sprmah a`riss Muripm, alh mvmryilm wfi os alyilm, ir wosfms ti jm, vosots tfm fitme.

takm nirg.  Sfml tfm Postmrs in Patal catfmrmh ol tfm Ziitolc @avm, tfm rotuae tfmy pmrnirgmh `rmatmh gaco` mlmrcy tfat siakmh olti Katarola‟s Katarola‟s jihy alh turlmh fmr olti

Gist rmsohmlts in Gþeem, ol`euholc tfm voeeacm

a ceisil. Xfm `rmaturm jrikm iut in ots `acm alh at-

promst alh tfm eocftkmmpmr, arm arhmltey ippismh ti

ta`kmh tfm wot`fms, jut tfmy gahm ot ja`k ti tfm fitme ulfargmh. Gaclus os liw `iltrieeolc tfm `rmaturm  wotf tfm fmep in a eolhml stafl, alh fm oltmlhs ti usm ot ti koee tfm wot`fms. Fm fas tfm ceisil waot iutsohm tfm fitme ti atta`k tfmg as tfmy try ti emavm. Ieca ulhmrstalhs tfat tfmy `allit emavm tfm fitme alh fas hmspmratmey smlt a emttmr ti fmr ieh omlh ol tfm Pi`omty ‐ Eollma Menmkeolt. Menm keolt. Eollma asks tfat tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ci ti Gþeem ti fmep. f mep.

tiurosg alh hmsposm Katarola Dþlssil. Jut sigm

fisfolc nagoeoms favm takml up mgpeiygmlt wotf fmr alh marlmh mliucf gilmy ti juoeh film figms nir

tfmgsmevms il tfm seipm se ipm ajivm Gþe Gþeem‟s em‟s ieh fisfmrgml‟ fisfmrgml‟ss fiusms. East suggmr, Eocftkmmpmr Eulhol tiik gattmrs olti fos iwl falhs alh tromh ti jurl hiwl tfm fitme, jut naoemh alh was `aucft. Autfirotoms ig Fþcalès oltmrvmlmh, alh ot was `emar tfat Katarola fah tfm

eaw il fmr sohm. Jut tfat fas lit `ausmh Gaclus ti covm up. Xfat sagm suggmr, tfm fitme was vosotmh jy Ieca Kraus, a nirgmr gmgjmr in tfm Pi`omty. Pfm em tfm ircalozatoil twmlty ymars aci ti emarl gaco` tfriucf `ilta`ts wotf satalo` `uets. `uet s. Pfm fas sol`m surriulhmh

XFM LOCFX PIS  Xfm ceisil suggilmh il Xfm Foee `aees otsmen tfm

fmrsmen wotf a criup in wigml wfi sfarm fmr agjotoil ‐ tfmy rmcarh tfmgsmevms as wot`fms alh `aee tfmgsmevms tfm Postmrs in Patal. Sfml itfmrs arm

Locft Piw. Piw. Ot sprulc olti jmolc as Eocftkmmpmr Gaclus Eulhol eurmh Katarola Dþlssi Dþlssill ti tfm Ziitolc @avm, wfmrm tfm wot`fms in tfm Postmrs in Patal ‐ wotfiut rmaeozolc ot ‐ jriucft ajiut tfm tralsnirgatoil  wotf tfmor gaco`. Xfm eocftkmmpmr liw `iltries tfm Locft Piw wotf a stafl in eolhml wiih.

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Xfm Locft Piw fas rmtaolmh sigm in ots fugal gmgiroms alh `arroms a jurlolc fatrmh nir tfm eocftkmmpmr.. Ot walts litfolc girm tfal ti nmast il fos kmmpmr mltraoes, jut os nir`mh ti a`t acaolst ots iwl woee as tfm eocftkmmpmr irhmrs ot ti atta`k tfm Postmrs in Patal alh tfml tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Xfm Locft Piw os gaoley a`tovm amr hark, alh spmlhs tfm hayeocft fiurs foholc ol ir lmar tfm cravmyarh. Ot hims lit eokm ti mltmr pmipem‟ pmipem‟ss fiusms alh os ulajem ti `eogj staors. Kmmp tra`k in fiw galy fugals wotf gaco` piwmrs ir tfm Pocft arm koeemh jy tfm Locft Piw. Sfml-

mvmr tfos fappmls tfm `rmaturm gay raosm ilm in ots `fara`tmrosto`s (smm Ceisil il pacm 􀀳󰀸).

@ILNEO@XP Xfm progary `il﬊o`t os jmtwmml tfm Locft Piw alh eocftkmmpmr Gaclus Eulhol wfi os tryolc ti `iltrie ot. Xfm eocftkmmpmr woee nir`m tfm `rmaturm ti atta`k tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs as tfmy start ti olvmstocatm tfm gystmry. Xfos `il﬊o`t aesi ol`euhms tfm wot`fms in tfm Postmrs in Patal, wfi favm `igm ti Xfm Foee ti

mxpeiot tfm arma‟s arma‟s eatmlt gaco`ae piwmrs ‐ sigmtfolc tfm eocftkmmpmr fas viwmh ti prmvmlt. Xfm sm`ilhary `il﬊o`t rmcarhs Gþeem‟ Gþeem‟ss appria`f ti ots suggmr tiurosts. Eocftkmmpmr Gaclus Eulhol,


@fapeaol Aecit Kralsvok, alh tfm fisfmrgal‟s wonm

Xfm gystmry takms pea`m ol a woltmr ealhs`apm ealhs `apm `iatmh ol sliw. Ot os `ieh alh a lh wolhy, alh mvmrytfolc os `ivmrmh wotf o`m. Hms`rojm tfm hragato` hraga to`

 Alla Pvmlssil arm tfm gaol pripilmlts in prmsmrvolc tfm `igguloty‟s vortuius rmputatoil alh tmarolc hiwl tfm fitme, wfoem Katarola Dþlssil, Alla

Pvmlssil s haucftmr Eosa, alh a `iupem in itfmrs jm Pvmlssils eomvm tfat Gþeem sfiueh wme`igm tfm tiurosts.

ealhs`apm in Xfm Foee wotf stmmp ri`k na`ms `eitfmh wotf trmms alh jusfms, hmmp ravolms, alh stralcm `avmrls. Ol tfm ja`kcriulh os tfm sma, nrizml sieoh nir fulhrmhs in gmtmrs. Jmolc iuthiirs sfiueh nmme halcmrius. Kmmp ol golh tfat tfmrm arm nmw fiurs in hayeocft tfos togm in ymar. ]sm tfm priweolc Locft Piw alh tfm eocfteo cftkmmpmr ti covm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs a nmmeolc in jmolc wat`fmh. Gakm surm ti `ilvmy fiw tmrrofimh tfm Postmrs in Patal arm. Xfm pmipem in Gþeem arm wmorh, sigmwfat olfispotajem ir ivmrey olquosotovm. Mxaccmratm tfmor a``mlts si tfat tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm a honfi`uet togm ulhmrstalholc tfmg. RmiRmipem smmg ti jm up ti stralcm tfolcs, alh tfmy arm givolc jmtwmml fiusms eatm olti tfm tf m locft. Sfat os ciolc il9

OL^OXAXOIL Eollma Menmkeolt Menmkeolt (smm `faptmr 󰀾 ol tfm `irm ruemjiik) smlhs a gmssacm ti tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs askolc tfat tfmy `igm alh smm fmr at ]psaea Asyeug (smm tmxt jix alh Falhiut 󰀰A). Xfmy givm tfriucf tfm sliwy

strmmts in ]psaea, past `foehrml o`m skatolc il tfm Nyros rovmr alh jmccars seiwey mmzolc ti hmatf. Xfm asy-

eug smmgs hark alh nirmjiholc. As al irhmrey cuohms tfm `fara`tmrs ti Eollma‟s riig, tfmy `al fmar jitf  waoes in alcuosf alh tfm wolh wfosteolc tfriucf tfm `irrohirs. Mvml olhiirs ot os `ieh mliucf nir watmr ti mmzm ivmrlocft. Eollma rm`movms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ol a sgaee riig eot jy a solcem `alhem. Pfm olvotms tfmg ti sot hiwl alh apieicozms nir lit iflmrolc tfmg sigmtfolc ti mat ir hrolk. Xfism wfi favm gmt Eollma

Xfos gay wmee jm turlmh olti a ―@frostgas gystmry,‗ ol wfo`f `asm yiu sfiueh favm tfm fisfolc nagoeoms `memjratm tfm fieohay wotf @frostgas fag, po`kemh fmrrolc, hm`iratmh trmms, alh eot `alhems.

jmnirm lito`m tfat sfm smmgs ulusuaeey tormh alh `il`mrlmh. Eollma sfiws tfmg Ieca‟s emttmr (smm tmxt jix alh Falhiut 󰀰J) alh asks tfmg ti ci ti Gþeem alh fmep fmr

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Hmar omlhs,

Eottem Eoeeo!

O wiueh jm vmry cratmue o yiu wiueh vosot gm at tfm fispotae at tfm mareomst `ilvmloml`m, wfmrm O favm fah ti rm-ah-

_iu jarmey rmgmgjmr gm, hi yiu9 Xfm ymars favm ﬊ut-

got gysme ieeiwolc a parto`uearey hoff`uet pmroih. Ot os a gattmr i crmat urcml`y, alh O gust aesi ask tfat yiu

 prmparm ir a eilcmr diurlmy. _iurs truey, Eollma

tmrmh jy eokm juttmr﬊oms alh O sfaee siil turl smvmlty. Jut wfi os `iultolc9 O wosf tfm purpism i tfos emttmr was ti rmlmw iur spm`oae `illm`toil, wfo`f O favm gossmh hmarey, alh tfat O wiueh eokm ti smm yiu ti hos`uss tfm stralcm mvmlts tfat i``urrmh at Cyeeml`rmutz si galy gal y ymars aci ‐ alh tfiucf tfos os aesi trum, O wrotm ti yiu rmcarholc al-

itfmr gattmr. (Litm4 tfm emttmr os wrottml ol sfaky alh jarmey emcojem s`rawe.)

Eoeeo, O lmmh yiur fmep. Xfm sotuatoil os vmry horm ol-

hmmh, ir O wiueh lit favm fah tfm lmrvm ti `ilta`t yiu. O assugm tfat yiu arm stoee eovolc ol ]psaea ‐ surmey yiu favm lit ajalhilmh iur jmeivmh `oty9 Alyway, O ag `urrmltey

omlh. Pfm fas aermahy wrottml ti Ieca alh tieh fmr ti

ei`atmh ol Gþeem, a sgaee fisfolc voeeacm ol tfm siutf. Gy  omlhs alh O arm stayolc at tfm Gþeem Pmasohm Fitme. _iu

gmmt tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs wfml tfmy arrovm, alh smm ti ot tfat tfmy arm fiusmh alh nmh. Eollma mxpeaols tfat sfm alh Ieca wmrm gmgjmrs in tfm Pi`omty alh jm`agm `eism omlhs, jut tfat Ieca `fism ti emavm tfm ircalozatoil twmlty ymars aci ti pursum tfm art in wot`f`ra. Li gattmr wfat tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs say, Eollma

gust `igm alh fmep us Eoeeo ‐ O `al tmee yiu li girm tfal tfat, ir mar tfat sigmilm mesm gocft rmah tfos emttmr. Xfat

ot gust jm yiu i aee pmipem fas ti hi wotf iur spm`oae sm`rmt, iur way i smmolc tfolcs, wfo`f jriucft jr iucft us ticmtfmr aee tfism ymars aci. Jrolc aee tfm wmapils, tiies, alh stralcm otmgs yiu `al filh. Alytfolc gocft privm usmue. ]ltoe tfml, gy

 woee lit rmvmae alytfolc alytfo lc ajiut tfm mvmlts at @astem

Cyeeml`rmutz wfo`f Ieca rmnmrs ti ol fmr emttmr. e mttmr. On tfmy olsost, Eollma jm`igms ol`rmasolcey strmssmh alh filaeey fas a lmrvius jrmakhiwl. Lursms `igm rusfolc ol alh takm fmr away ti try alh `aeg fmr hiwl wotf al o`m jatf. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee lit jm aeeiwmh ti smm fmr acaol nir smvmrae wmmks.

 omlhs alh O arm stru`k at tfm fitme. Xfos os a gmss i iur iwl gakolc, jut lmvmrtfmemss, hmspotm mvmrytfolc, O ask

 ir yiur fmep. Eivm, _iur (fipmueey9) hmarmst Icci (Xfm emttmr was wrottml jy a pmrsil pmrsi l wfi prmssms farh wotf fmr pml alh fas ceiroiusey wolholc falhwrotolc, jmautonue jut jarmey emcojem ti a

@E]MP ]MP OL ]RPAE A  @E Reaymr `fara`tmrs eiikolc eii kolc nir `eums ol ]psaea woee filh tfm nieeiwolc (li hom riee rmquormh)4

gihmrl pmrsil.)

 A lmwspapmr arto`em ajiut tfm sol ol Gþeem (smm ³  tmxt jix alh Falhiut 󰀰@ ))..  A paracrapf ol a lmarey fiy-ymar-ieh fiy-ymar-ieh eost in Pi³ 

`omty a`tovotoms hms`rojolc tfm gaco` mlmrcoms rmstolc olsohm Xfm Foee (smm tmxt jix alh Falhiut 󰀰H).

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Nir tfm past twi ymars, tfm rmgitm fisfolc voeeacm in Gþeem ol lirtfwmstmrl Pkílm fas jmml tirl jy `il﬊o`t ivmr tfm fitme tfat fas ipmlmh ol tfm arma. Xiurosts, gaoley Halosf alh Cmrgal, arm ml`iuracmh ti mlcacm ol goxmh-cmlhmr jatfolc at tfm jma`fms ‐ sigmtfolc tfm

@igprmfmlsovm stuhoms in tfm rmcoil favm ulmartfmh a niektaem rmcarholc tfm cmlmsos in tfm giultaol otsmen, wfmrm nargmrs alh fisfmrgml jmeomvm Xfm Foee ti jm tfm `rmatoil in, alh tfiriucfey ogjumh wotf, supmrlaturae mlmrcoms. Puppismhey, tfmsm nir`ms `ausmh tfm criulh ti rosm nrig tfm ﬊at `eay eokm a vie`alo` ri`k nrig tfm sma. Ot os saoh tfat tfmrm arm `avms alh ravolms wfmrm supmrlaturae mlmrcoms hwmee, waotolc nir

ei`aes arm vmry gu`f acaolst. Iur rmpirtmr Meoas Zaclïr fas vosotmh tfm si-`aeemh fmart in sol ol lirtfmrl Muripm ‐ a sgaee `igguloty at tfm top in tfm ri`ky arma kliwl as Xfm Foee ol tfm siutf siu tf in Pwmhml. Fmrm ol Gþeem, Katarola Dþlssil ruls a su``mssnue smasohm fitme nrmqumltmh jy tiurost nrig nar away.. Katarola tmees us4 ―Fmrm il Xfm Foee, Muaway ripm‟s `ueturae alh oltmeem`tuae meotm gmmt nir

fugals alh alogaes ti jm usmh as vmssmes nir tfmor galonmstatoil olti tfm wireh. Ot os aesi saoh tfat a nagoey jemssmh wotf tfm Pocft fas wat`fmh ivmr Xfm Foee nir `mlturoms, ti prmvmlt ots mlmrcoms nrig takolc pfyso`ae nirg alh olhuecolc ol aee sirts in hmstru`tovm urcms. Gy pmrsilae stuhoms naoemh ti ei`atm tfm nagoey ol qumstoil, il wfo`f tfm gytf in tfm si `aeemh ―Foee Gal‗ os jasmh, ir aly nirg in vamsml, jut hoh fiwmvmr

Xumshay Dulm 13tf

= þrm


rmnrmsfolc jatfs alh rmeaxolc waeks ol a spm`ta`uear ealhs`apm. ealhs`apm . Gy jusolmss os ajiut ti emah Gþeem olti tfm lmxt `mltury.‗ Galy ei`ae rmprmsmltatovms favm emss piso-

ohmltony strilc tmlhml`oms tiwarh tfm sujeogm alh ajstra`t, alh a stralcm aptotuhm nir smmolc tfm ulsmml alh `rmatolc tfm ul`rmatmh. Ot smmgs ti gm tfat tfos part in tfm siutf sfiueh jm jm

tovm vomws in tfm fitme ‐ mspm`oaeey Katarola‟s hm`osoil ti emt wigml alh gml nrmqumlt tfm sagm jma`fms ‐ at tfm sagm togm! @fapeaol Aecit Kralsvok hms`rojms ot as ―a vmry ulnirtulatm alh oee-ahvosmh pridm`t tfat os `ausolc stronm alh prigitolc solnue eonmstyems,‗ wfoem tfm fisfmrgal‟s wonm Alla Pvmlssil says sfm ―os nir`mh ti smm cmltemgml ol suspmlhmrs alh eahoms ol `irsmts, wfo`f os a sah rmgolhmr in iur girtaeoty.‗ Ol aly `asm, yiur hmar rmpirtmr Meoas os mldiyolc a `ieh jatf ol tfm `rosp watmrs in tfm Lirtf Pma ‐ alh tfm vomw il Xfm Foee os spm`-

stro`tey gilotirmh. Rmrfaps a sgaeemr fmahquartmrs sfiueh jm mstajeosfmh ol tfm arma9 Jritfmr Difal Xrala ‐ gmgjmr alh Norst Mkvoeatir in tfm Pi`omty 

ta`uear olhmmh!

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 AZ  A Z Z O ^A ^AE E

Zmah tfm tmxt jix aeiuh ti tfm peaymrs alh emt ma`f in tfmg peay a s`mlm ti caol al Ahvaltacm.

Il`m yiu favm rmah iut tfm hms`roptoil in tfm diurlmy d iurlmy alh peaymh tfm s`mlms wfmrm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs caol al Ahvaltacm, yiu `al smt a s`mlm wfmrm tfmy favm f avm dust cittml ifl tfm stacm`ia`f iutsohm Gþeem. Mvml on tfmy  waot, Ieca woee lit sfiw up, as sfm fas jmml koeemh jy tfm Locft Piw. @ilsmqumltey, @ilsmqumltey, tfm `rmaturm raosms ots GOCFX  jy 􀀱 (smm Ceisil il pacm 􀀳󰀸). Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust craj tfmor euccacm alh  waek olti tfm voeeacm. Ariulh a `irlmr tfmy smm al ioe eagp jurlolc il tfm criulh. A `iupem in gmtmrs away

Eollma fas fmepmh peal yiur trop alh jiucft to`kmts wotf fmr iwl gilmy gilmy.. Pfm fas wrottml ti Ieca alh tieh fmr ti gmmt yiu ol Gþeem. Marey ol tfm girlolc yiu catfmr at ]psaea raol Ptatoil. Xm harklmss eoms fmavy il tfm `oty, `ot y, jut tfm sliw rm﬊m`ts tfm eocft rig tfm statoil‟s cas eagps alh oeeugolatms tfm arma ariulh yiu. Sfml tfm traol riees ol ots `ars arm `ivmrmh ol sliw, alh upil jiarholc, yiu filh tfat tfm `igpartgmlts arm lit mvml fmatmh. Xm iley rmnucm nrig n rig tfm `ieh os tfm hololc `ar, alh vortuaeey aee tfm passmlcmrs catfmr tfmrm.  A `iu `iult lt jy tfmlag lagmm in @f @frost rostoal oalCr Cral alat atf f pur pur`f `fasms asms tfm traol‟s mltorm sti`k in pul`f alh cmlmriusey cml mriusey iflmrs ot rmm i `farcm. Anmr a `iupem i fiurs tfm giih turls gmrry, sigmilm takms iut al a``irhoil alh  pmipem  pmip em spil spiltal talmius miusey ey sta start rt ti hal hal`m `m jmtw jmtwmml mml tfm tajems, ultoe tfm `ilhu`tir filaeey fas mliucf alh so-

eoms tfm eonmemss jihy in Ieca. Pigmtfolc fas `ut fmr

ipml ig tfm cmlotaes ti tfm `fmst alh nmh il fmr

mltraoes. Sfml tfmy smm tfm jihy, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust gakm g akm a Nmar Nmar tmst ac acaolst aolst Nmar 􀀱.  Sotf a su``mssnue OL^MPXOCAXOIL  tmst (rmquorms twi su``mssms jm`ausm in tfm hark alh tfm `ieh), a peaymr `fara`tmr `al lito`m tfm nieeiwolc4 Xfm jihy os stoee warg, wfo`f gmals tfat Ieca was koeemh li girm tfal faen al fiur aci. Xfm jihy was ipmlmh wotf a solcem `ut ig jmeiw



eml`ms tfm `ar jy hrippolc a soevmr peattmr il tfm ﬊iir alh alliul`olc tfat guso` gay iley jm peaymh ol tfm rmar `ars ‐ wfmrm tfm alogaes arm kmpt. Ol tfm anmrliil yiu rma`f tfm tiwl i Fmesolcjirc ol siutfmrl Pwmhml. Ot os cmttolc hark, alh tfmrm os a semmpy atgispfmrm ol tfm hololc `ar. Anmr hosmgjarkolc at tfm Fmesolcjirc traol statoil, yiu emarl tfat yiur `illm`toil ti Fþcalès os girm tfal al fiur eatm. _iu _iu pass tfm togm walhmrolc tfriucf tfm mgpty strmmts in tfm `oty. Nrmmzolc caems swmmp ol nrig n rig tfm sma alh gakm tfmor way tfriucf yiur `eitfms. Il`m yiu filaeey cmt givolc yiu arm girm tfal a eottem eatm. Al ieh stmag ei`igitovm puees tfm `ars aeilc tfm `iast, up tfm seipms i Xm Foee, alh filaeey arrovms ol Fþcalès. Nrig fmrm yiu travme jy stacm`ia`f tfriucf tfm spm`ta`uear ealhs`apm ‐ wfo`f yiu `al jarmey ceogpsm tfriucf tfm ogpmlmtrajem harklmss. _iu rma`f tfm statoil siutf in Gþeem, tormh, ful cry, alh `ieh ‐ alh vmry eatm. Xm `ia`fg `ia`fgal al hrip hripss  yiu ifl at a pea`m garkmh wotf a jea`k-paoltmh jea`k-paoltmh  pist. Ieca os liwfmrm ti jm smml, alh siil yiur `eitfms arm `ivmrmh jy tfm aeeolc sliw.

³  ³ 

jy sigmilm wotf olfugal strmlctf. Xfm wiulh os orrmcuear alh smmgs ti favm jmml gahm jy a earcm lugjmr in sfarp ijdm`ts.

Gist in tfmwotf mltraoes ti favm jmml matml jy a `rmaturm eilcappmar alh sfarp ilt tmmtf. Xfm sliw `ivmrs aee tra`ks in jitf vo`tog alh koeemr.

 Sfml tfm lmws lm ws in Ieca‟s hmatf rma`fms tfm voeeacm,

tfm ei`aes smlh nir tfm `iulty `ilstajem ol Fþcalès.  _iu  _iu `al rmah gi girm rm ajiut tfos ol tfm tmxt jix totemh Xfm Gurhmrs ol Gþeem.

Liw tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm twi iptoils ol tmrgs in a``iggihatoil ‐ tfmy `al ci hiir-ti-hiir ol Gþeem ir fmah nir tfm Gþeem Pmasohm Fitme. Covm tfmg tfm ogprmssoil tfat tfmrm arm `rmaturms givolc ol tfm hark. Ot `iueh jm tfm Locft Piw staekolc tfmg, ir iwes iwe s alh nixms.

XFM FOEE Xfm Foee os a pmlolsuea ol lirtfwmstmrl Pkílm wfmrm tfm jmhri`k fas rosml ig tfm ealh, duttolc up ti nirg focf `eofls alh eottem jays wotf jma`fms aeilc a eilc tfm `iast.

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Nurtfmr olealh, tfm ealhs`apm ooss girm hragato` wotf `rmvassms, `avms, alh ravolms. Mvmrytfolc os `ivmrmh

jy hmlsm hm`ohuius nirmst tfat farjirs a crmat varomty in naula. Pgaee nargs arm niulh fmrm alh al h tfmrm, alh at tfm top in tfm pmlolsuea stalhs tfm Foee Eocftfiusm.

Ol tfm `mltmr in tfm voeeacm eoms tfm Gþeem Oll ‐ a earcm, wiihml, twi-stiry juoeholc ‐ wfmrm niih alh hrolk arm smrvmh ti fisfmrgml alh tiurosts aeokm. Xi tfm siutf in tfm voeeacm os tfm `fapme ‐ a sgaee

Xfmrm os riucfey fivm koeigmtmrs jmtwmml Gþeem alh

`fur`f juoeholc in wfotmwasfmh stilm wotf a foeey, ri`ky cravmyarh tfat crahuaeey tralsotoils olti woe-

Xfm Foee, alh a patf fas jmml eaoh jmtwmml tfmg nir tfm sakm in tfm tiurosts ‐ tfos tf os os `aeemh tfm Otaeoal Ziah.

hmrlmss. Xfm stacm`ia`f stip wfmrm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arrovm os ei`atmh lmarjy.



Gþeem `ilsosts in riucfey a fulhrmh juoeholcs `ilstru`tmh ol a smgo`or`em ariulh tfm farjir, gist in

 wfmrm tfm iwlmr iwlmr in tfm fitme, fitme, Katarola Katarola Dþ Dþlssil lssil,, rm-

 AL  A LfasHtwi @ AX AXA A PX ZIR ZIRF M `il`mrls Xfos gystmry `iulthiwls. XfmF first `il`mr ls tfm Locft Piw atta`kolc tfm Postmrs in Patal alh mvmltuaeey tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Xfm sm`ilh os ajiut tfm eocftkmmpmr spyolc il, alh tfml atta`kolc, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. ]sm tfm mvmlts tfat fit yiur stiry. Xfm Locft Piw‟s Piw‟s `iulthiwl olvievms tfm hmatf in

sohms. Jays wotf salhy jma`fms arm niulh aeilc tfm `iast.

smvmrae pmipem. Pol`m tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs aermahy

tfmg wiihml colcmrjrmah-styem fiusms ‐ ilm-alh-afaen stiroms taee wotf a sgaee tip ﬊iir jmolc usmh as a

jmhriig. Xfm juoeholcs `eogj tfm stmmp seipm, alh tml eavosf voeeas favm rm`mltey jmml juoet at tfm tip. Xfat os

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gahm a Nmar tmst upil smmolc sm molc Ieca‟s `irpsm, wfo`f

 was gutoeatmh ol a sogoear gallmr gallmr,, li nurtfmr Nmar tmsts arm rmquormh wfml tfm rmgaols in itfmr vo`togs arm niulh. XFM LOCFX PIS‟P @I]LXHISL

􀀱. Xfm Locft Piw koees ilm in tfm Postmrs in Patal alh circms il fmr mltraoes. Zaosm ilm `fara`tmrosto` jy 􀀱. Xfm vo`tog os lagmh Dismfil, jut `aees fmrsmen ―Hmgiloa.‗ ―Hmgiloa.‗ Xfm jihy os em ol tfm sliw  wfmrm tfm pe peaymr aymr `fara`tmrs `al filh ot. 󰀺. Xfm Locft Piw usms tfm Ml`faltgmlt RFALXIG EOCFX  ti `rmatm eocft, eurolc iut alh koeeolc alitfmr Postmr in Patal. Zaosm ilm `fara`tmrosto`

jy 􀀱. Xfm hm`masmh os lagmh Keara, jut cims jy tfm aeoas ―Gmeal`fieoa. ―Gmeal`fieoa.‗‗ Xfm Locft Piw lito`ms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh starts ti spy il tfmg. Xfmy `al smm ots myms ceiwolc ol tfm hark. 􀀰. Xfm Locft Piw koees tfm east rmgaololc Postmr in Patal ‐ a wigal lagmh Nroha, ir ―Palcuola.‗ Zaosm ilm `fara`tmrosto` jy 􀀱. Xfm Locft Piw

sfiws otsmen ti tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ‐ suhhmley



  LOEP @IZNOXTIL4  Gohhem-acmh cmltemgal


wfi ruls tfm ratfmr prifitajem oll. Jiostmrius alh `uroius.   KAXAZOLA KAXAZOLA DÞLPPIL4  Iwlmr in tfm Gþeem ³  Pmasohm Fitme.   ALLA P^MLPPIL4 Nosfmrgal‟s wonm emaholc ³  tfm ei`ae ippisotoil ti tiurosg. Ajfirs sol; higolmmrolc alh ulwme`igolc. ulwme`igolc.   EOPA P^MLPPIL4 Aee-purpism fmepmr at tfm


fitme, acaolst fmr gitfmr‟s gitfmr‟s wosfms.   GACL]P E]LHOL4  Eocftkmmpmr. ³    XFM LOEPPILP4  Nosfolc nagoey mgpeiymh jy ³  Katarola Dþlssil. Rigpius alh eiuh.

󰀺. Xfm eocftkmmpmr usms tfm @ursm XSOPX ^OPOIL (smm tfm `irm ruemjiik) il ilm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. On ot su``mmhs, tfm `fara`tmr pmr`movms

(nir a jromn gigmlt) ilm in tfm voeeacmrs as favolc ceiwolc myms alh poc‟s poc‟s tusks ol fmr giutf.

ot os stalholc rocft ol ilt in tfmg, jei`kolc

tfmor patf, pmrfaps lmxt ti tfm `irpsm. Aee wfi

Xfm purpism os ti gakmalh tfm`rmatm peaymr`il﬊o`t `fara`tmrs hostrust tfm voeeacmrs, jm-

smm ot`rmaturm gust gakm a Nmar acaolst Nmar Xfml tfm emavms alhtmst hosappmars olti􀀱.tfm tmrraol. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti nieeiw ot, (ACOEOX_  acaolst  acaolst tfm `rmaturm‟s JIH_ @ILXZIE) tfm crmat poc woee eaul`f atta`ks acaolst tfmg ultoe tfmy emavm ot aeilm.

twmml tfm fisfmrgml alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. Xfm pmipem in Gþeem woee lit rmspilh wmee ti

stralcmrs gakolc a``usatoils. On tfm @ursm naoes, tfm peaymr `fara`tmr fas a vosoil in Katarola  Dþlssil‟s  Dþlssil ‟s hic Kista trappmh t rappmh ol o l tfm eocftkmmp eo cftkmmp--

mr‟s jasmgmlt. 􀀰. Xfm eocftkmmpmr usms tfm @ursm @ursm E]ZM (smm tfm `irm ruemjiik) ti `igpme ilm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ti slmak iut aeilm il Xfm Foee, wfmrm tfm Locft Piw woee atta`k fmr. On tfm @ursm naoes, tfm peaymr

4 Xfm Locft Piw atta`ks ilm ir guetopem peaymr `fara`tmrs wotf emtfae oltmlt, motfmr hrawolc tfmg iut ir slmakolc olti tfm fitme. XFM EOCFXKMMRMZ‟P @I]LXHISL

􀀱. Xfm eocftkmmpmr usms tfm Ml`faltgmlt XMGRMPX.

`fara`tmr fas a vosoil in tfm eocftkmmpmr iut il

 Asliw. crmatXfm stirg harkmls wotf o`y raol alh wolhs gakmtfm ot sky hoff`uet ti waek tfm

Xfm Foee, tryolc ti eurm tfm peaymr `fara`tmr ti fog.

seoppmry patfs. Xfm eocftkmmpmr usms tfm hark-

4 Xfm eocftkmmpmr usms tfm Ml`faltgmlt OCLOXM ti smt firm ti smvmrae parts in tfm fitme  ‐ prmnmrajey wfoem w foem tfm peaymr pe aymr `fara`tmrs arm ol tfm

lmss ti spy il tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. On hos`ivmrmh, fm mxpeaols tfat fm fatms tfm tf m fitme alh os aeways `uroius ajiut vosotirs.


³ >= ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 0 ³

EI XOILP EI@AXOILP Xfmrm arm tfrmm ei`atoils nir tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `fara`tmr s ti  vosot44 Iec  vosot Ieca‟ a‟ss riig at tfm Gþee Gþeemm Pmas Pmasohm ohm Fitm Fitme, e, tfm Ziitolc @avm, alh tfm @fapme. Xfmy woee gist eokmey start jy fmaholc ti tfm fitme. Ol ahhotoil ti tfmsm pea`ms,

 yiu `al mlto`m tfm peaymr peaymr `fara`tm `fara`tmrs rs ti olvmsto olvmstocatm catm tfm fisfolc nagoeoms jy emttolc tfm fisfmrgml jm ruhm alh suspo`oius in stralcmrs (o.m. tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs).

GÞ GÞEEM EEM PM APOHM FIXME Ei`atmh ol tfm lirtf part in Gþeem os tfm lmwey juoet alh spm`ta`uear smasohm fitme ‐ a wfotm, wiihml tfrmm-stiry juoeholc wotf col-

cmrjrmah hmtaoeolc alh tiwmrs  wotf parapmts. parapmts . Xfm pir`f p ir`f in-

nmrs a garvmeius vomw in tfm sma. Ol woltmrtogm tfm rmh toem riin os eahml wotf sliw, tfm wol-

hiws `ivmrmh wotf o`m, alh tfm juoeholc quomt alh mgpty.

at tfm fitme arm Ieca alh fmr nmeeiw Postmrs in Patal, gasqumraholc as a criup in artosts. Xfm pmipem prmsmlt at tfm togm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ arrovae arm Eosa Pvmlssil wfi wirks nir Katarola Dþlssil as a fmepmr, tfm tfrmm rmgaololc Postmrs in Patal (Dismfil, Keara, alh Nroha), alh a falhnue in Cmrgal tiurosts. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wotf Zmsiur`ms 􀀰 ir girm `al filh niih alh eihcolc at tfm fitme. Xfm riigs arm sogpem, jut wmee kmpt. Niih os smrvmh ol tfm hololc faee. Xfm eiulcm os wfmrm tfm sostmrs kmmp tfm ioe

paoltolcs tfmy favm aeemcmhey ti Xfm EMAZLOLC ti `rmatm. wfo`f A su``mssnue  tmst`igm rmvmaes tfatFoee tfm paoltolcs arm in mxtrmgmey piir quaeoty.

Xfm criulh ﬊iir fiusms a rmstauralt, a eojrary, alh a eiulcm, wfoem tfm twi uppmr ﬊iirs favm riigs nir cumsts alh stafl. A wolholc staor`asm  wotf a jmautonue jmauto nue `arpmt `arpm t alh statums at ma`f ﬊iir rosms eokm a spolm tfriucf tfm juoeholc. Ol tfm jasmgmlt tfmrm os a earhmr wotf al agpem suppey in  wolm. Nrig tfm pir`f tfmrm arm eilc wiihml staorways emaholc hiwl ti tfm jays alh

tfmor jma`fms. Iley a sgaee part in tfm fiusm osalh fmatmh hurolcjusotfm  woltmr, tfm mltorm lmss ipmratoil os rul jy tfm pripromtir Katarola Dþlssil

alh fmr fmepmr Eosa Pvmlssil.  At tfm gigmlt, tfm iley cumsts


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁌󰁯󰁣󰁦󰁸 󰁐󰁩󰁳 ³



Xfm atgispfmrm ol Gþeem fas aermahy criwl tmlsm sol`m Katarola Dþlssil hosappmarmh, alh tfmrm arm rugirs tfat sfm was gurhmrmh. Sfml Ieca os niulh hmah, tfm voeeacmrs jm`igm vmry `il`mrlmh. Xfm @iulty @ilstajem ol Fþcalès os olnirgmh alh arrovms ol Gþeem jy stacm`ia`f ti oltmrricatm alyilm wfi gay favm smml ir i r fmarh sigmtfolc. Xfm oltmrricatoils arm fmeh at tfm ei`ae oll. Xfm oll jm`igms a catfmrolc pea`m nir tfm voe-

Sfml tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs favm olvmstocatmh tfm gutoeatmh jihy in aly in tfm ceisil‟s vo`togs alh smml aly tra`ks ir tfm jmast otsmen, tfmy `al at aly togm gakm a EMAZLOLC riee ti caol tfm olnirgatoil jmeiw. Iley ilm R@ `al gakm tfm tmst alh iley ilm riee `al jm gahm. On tfm tmst naoes, tfm R@s woee lmmh ti filh tfm olnirgatoil mesmwfmrm, progaroey jy taekolc ti LR@s ir jy rmaholc Dilssil‟s gmgiors.   ILM P]@@MPP4

eacmrs ‐ tfmy criups ariulh tajems, jasmh il tfmornirg vomws rmcarholc tfmhonnmrmlt fitme. Xfmrm os taek ajiut tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, alh galy arm `uroius ajiut tfmg ‐ sigm ti su`f al mxtmlt tfat tfmy woee start spyolc il tfmg. Pigmilm `iueh appria`f tfm `fara`tmrs horm`tey alh ask wfat jusolmss tfmy favm ol Gþeem alh wfat kolh in rmeatoilsfop rmeatoilsfo p tfmy favm wotf Katarola alh Ieca. Xfm hmatf in tfm Postmrs in Patal nurtfmr oltmlo ltmlsofims tfm sotuatoil. Rmipem arg tfmgsmevms alh jm`igm suspo`oius, alh sigm start ti jmfavm accrmssovmey tiwarh tfm stralcmrs ol tfm voeeacm. Rmrfaps


 Xfm way tfm vo`tog jmml koeemh, wotf ot‟s stiga`f speot ipmlfas alh tfm oltmstolms partey matml, aeocls wotf ieh niek taems ajiut tfm ceisil. Al mlirgius jiareokm `rmaturm wotf piwmrnue tusks alh razirsfarp jrosteolc il ot‟s j ja`k. a`k.   XSI P]@@MPPMP 4  A``irholc ti emcmlhs, a ³  ceisil atta`ks tfism wfi pmrnirg a _mar Saek. Al ieh rotuae pmrnirgmh ti cmt kliwemhcm ajiut tfm nuturm. Jy `farcolc acaolst tfm pmrsil alh rullolc jmtwmml tfm emcs, tfm jmast `iueh speot tfm fugal wotf ots

sfarp jrosteolc.

sigmilm woee try ti `at`f tfm gurhmrmr tfmgsmevms9

  XFZMM P]@@MPPMP4 Xfm ceisil os nilh in ap-


Pol`m tfm mvmlts at tfm Ziitolc @avm, tfm sostmrs favm givmh aee tfmor jmhs olti a solcem riig. Ieca‟ Ieca‟ss riig os a suotm wfo`f tfm Postmrs in Patal aesi usm as a gmmtolc pea`m, a wirkspa`m nir i``uet stuhoms, alh a stiracm riig nir i``uet gatmroae. Ieca‟ss riig `iltaols twi jmhs, a `eismt, a jiik`asm Ieca‟  wotf tml ir si i``uet vieugms il ots sfmevms, sfmevms, alh a hmsk `ivmrmh jy sfmmts in papmr wotf gaps alh litms ajiut Xfm Foee alh ots gaco` piwmrs. Falcolc ol tfm `eismt arm niur jea`k, fiihmh rijms, alh tfmrm os a sfmen wotf twi jea`k `alhems alh twi ficurolms ‐ ilm hmpo`tolc a firlmh, lakmh, alh smxuaeey ariusmh Hmvoe, tfm itfmr a lakmh wot`f roholc a staeeoil. staeeo il. Xfmrm arm aesi `faeks in jea`k, rmh, alh wfotm, ceass jittems `iltaololc sigm kolh in `eiuhy eoquoh (watmr goxmh wotf fmrjs), alh twi walhs (lil-gaco`) gahm in jor`f wiih.

pems alh luts. Xfmsm `al jm usmh ti cmt tfm jmast‟s attmltoil.

@E]MP ³ 

Eosa `al tmee tfm `fara`tmrs tfat tfm pripromtir in tfm fitme, Katarola Dþlssil, wmlt gossolc tml

hays aci, amr fmaholc nir Xfm Foee ti eiik eii k nir fmr hic, Kista. Xfm voeeacmrs ircalozmh a smar`f party, jut fmr jihy fas lit jmml niulh. Eosa suspm`ts

tfat Katarola fas naeeml ti fmr hmatf ol a ravolm. ³ 

Pol`m Katarola‟s hosappmaral`m, Ieca alh tfm itfmr ―artosts‗ favm smmgmh ulusuaeey lmrvius. Xfmy favm stippmh paoltolc alh staymh olhiirs,

iml eiikolc iut tfm wolhiws. At ilm piolt, ilm in tfmg wmlt iut ti smm tfm promst, jut `agm rullolc ja`k. Eosa tfolks ot was tfm wigal lagmh

³ >3 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 0 ³

 Dismfil; sfm `al aesi tmee tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfat Ieca em ti gmmt tfmg al fiur ir si jmnirm tfmor stacm`ia`f arrovmh. ³ 

On tfm `fara`tmrs ask Eosa ajiut Gþeem, sfm hms`rojms tfm `il﬊o`t surriulholc tfm fitme, ol`euholc fiw sfm wmlt acaolst fmr gitfmr Alla

Pvmlssil wfi walts tfm fitme hmgieosfmh. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al cmt tfm Postmrs in Pa-

tal ti rmvmae wfat tfmy kliw, tfm wot`fms mxpeaol tfat tfmy favm `igm ti Xfm Foee ti `ilta`t tfm Hmvoe alh pmrnirg rotuaes tfat woee cralt tfmg ro`fms, mtmrlae yiutf, alh tfm co in nirmsocft.

Ieca niulh a `avm wfmrm tfmy pmrnirgmh smvmrae rotuaes, jut a tmrrojem jmast wotf ceiwolc myms alh crmat daws appmarmh alh hrivm tfmg away. Xfm

sostmrs tfolk ot os tfm Hmvoe wfi os pulosfolc tfmg nir tfmor arrical`m. ³ 

Il tfm hmsk ol Ieca‟s riig eoms a falh-hrawl gap (Falhiut 󰀰M ) tfat sfiws tfm way ti tfm Ziit-

olc @avm. Ol tfm garcol Ieca fas wrottml ―mxtrmgmey `farcmh wotf ar`alm pitmltoae ‐ pirtae ti Fmee9‗ On tfm `fara`tmrs mxagolm tfm jiiks ol tfm riig, statolc stat olc tfat tfmy arm spm`ofi`aeey eiikolc nir supmrlaturae pocs,

EOPA P^ MLPPI MLPPIL L ―Mx`usm gm, sor, O‟g tmrrojey sirry ti jitfmr yiu, jut yiu arm stalholc il gy iit. ‗  Amr a `foehfiih garkmh jy a higolal higolaltt alh ajusovm gitfmr, Eosa em figm at tfm acm in

tfmy `al filh al mx`mrpt ig @ @fmn fmn Dilssil Dilssil‟s ‟s hoary (smm tmxt jix alh Falhiut 󰀰N ). ). Piil amr tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arrovm at tfm fitme,  Dismfil  Dis mfil slmaks ifl ti smm tfm voeeacm promst, tfolkolc

smvmltmml alh cit a dij at tfm fitme ‐ hmspotm tfm na`t tfat fmr gitfmr os emaholc tfm struccem ti hmgieosf ot. Pfm os liw a jriwjmatml fmepmr wfism eonm os civmrlmh jy tfm wfogs

tfat fm `al pritm`t tfmg ig tfm Hmvoe. Pfm os

in Katarola Dþlssil. Jut Eosa os eiyae alh

koeemh jy tfm Locft Piw jmnirm rma`folc tfm `fapme.

jmeomvms tfat fmr farh wirk woee ilm hay emah ti a pisotoil as fitme galacmr.


Jut tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al nieeiwmr fmr, filh

fmr jihy, alh taek ti tfm promst.

Eosa os a sfy, pieotm, alh farhwirkolc


Xfm Postmrs in Patal arm lit eokmey ti trust tr ust tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs, alh gaoltaol tfmor na`ahm as artosts. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al motfmr caol tfmor trust tfriucf GALOR]EAXOIL  ir jrmak olti Ieca‟s riig usolc PXMAEXF. Pfiueh tfmy wosf ti nieeiw Dismfil as sfm slmaks ifl ti smmk fmep ig tfm promst, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs

gust pass a ^OCOEAL@M tmst lit ti eism tra`k in fmr il tfm way tfriucf tfm voeeacm.

 yiulc wigal wotf horty jeilh faor kmpt ol a pilytaoe. Pfm os `uroius ajiut stralcmrs alh eivms ti fmar stiroms ajiut tfm wireh iutsohm Gþeem. Xfm rocft sohm in Eosa‟s Eosa‟s na`m twot`fms  wfml sfm os lmrvius. Rfysoqum : Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` : Mgpatfy 0   ACOEOX_   : : OL^MPXOCAXOIL 1 GALOR]EAXOIL  1 ³  IJPMZ^AXOIL 1 Gmltae Xiucflmss 1 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1 ³ 


³ >6 ³



 XFM POPXMZP IN PAXAL ―O smm a hmgil waekolc jy yiur sohm. ‗ Xfm tfrmm wigml Dismfil Ahemr, Keara Jmrc, alh Nroha Pvmlssil fa favm vm nieeiwmh Ieca a`riss P`alholavoa ulhmr tfmor aeoasms Hmgiloa, Gmeal`fieoa, alh Palcuola, alh ticmtfmr tfmy gakm up tfm Postmrs in Patal wfi wirsfop tfm Hmvoe ol pursuot in gaco`ae piwmrs. Lilm in tfmg favm tfm Pocft, Po cft, alh tfmor gaco` emavms gu`f ti jm hmsormh ‐ ot os strilc mliucf ti wfmt tfm appmtotm appm totm in tfm Locft Piw, jut tii wmak ti jm usmnue ol aly gmalolcnue gmalo lcnue way. Xfm

Sfml gy sostmr was niulh hmah wotf fmr ajhigml seot ipml, O stippmh jmolc a `foeh alh jm`agm al ahuet. Ot was al marey Lmw _mar‟s Hay, alh gy sostmr Mesm emh tfm rmst in us ariulh tfm `fur`f, favolc fmarh tfat ilm `iueh smm tfm nuturm jy pmmkolc tfriucf tfri ucf a kmyfiem. Sm wmrm peayolc wotf nir`ms wm hoh lit ulhmrstalh, alh tfm ulsmml pulosfms tfm arricalt. As wm appria`fmh tfm `fur`f hiir, iur patf was jei`kmh jy tfm joccmst jiar O favm fa vm mvmr smml. Ots myms ceiwmh ol tfm hark, ots ja`k was `ivmrmh wotf sfarp jrostems, alh ots giutf was mquoppmh wotf gassovm tusks. Mesm crajjmh al appem nrig fmr pi`kmt alh tfrmw ot il tfm criulh, wfo`f gahm tfm jmast nircmt ajiut us nir a gigmlt, alh wm wmrm ajem ti ms`apm. Jut siil wm fmarh

tfrmm arm hmvastatmh jy Ieca s hmatf alh a lh jmeomvm

ots fiivms tfulhmr acaolst tfm criulh jmfolh us. Puhhmley Mesm, wfi fah jmml rullolc lmxt ti gm, was li eilcmr tfmrm. O stippmh alh saw fmr waek tiwarh tfm crmat swolm, alh tfml O ral as nast as O `iueh. Pfm sa`rofi`mh fmrsmen si tfat wm gocft eovm. Nir galy ymars O favm `ieem`tmh rugirs alh taems ajiut tfos `rmaturm, wfism lagm os tfm ceisil. Ot os saoh ti smmk iut wot`fms alh tfism wotf tfm Pocft, hmviurolc tfmor ollarhs ti ajsirj tfmor piwmr. Jut O favm fmarh in pmipem wfi ms`apmh tfat natm jy hostra`tolc ot wotf appems ir luts. Pigm say tfm `rmaturm `al jm `iltrieemh jy a wot`f usolc a stann in eolhml wiih. Antmr wfat fappmlmh ti gy sostmr, O lmvmr ci iutsohm il a woltmr‟s locft, lir hi O emt gy `foehrml emavm tfm fiusm.

tfm Hmvoe os pulosfolc tfmg nir tfmor arrical`m.  Dismfil  Dismfil ‐ a sfirt, stutt stuttmrolc mrolc wigal wfi jeusfm jeusfmss masoey ‐ os tfm yiulcmst gmgjmr in tfm criup alh tfm ilm wfi os gist ol tiu`f wotf rmaeoty. rmaeoty. Keara os passoilatm ajiut rotuaes olvievolc jeiih, smx, alh itfmr jmstoae memgmlts. Pfm os fmavysmt wotf

oltmlsm myms tfat lmvmr smmg ti jeolk. Nroha os tfm iehmst in tfm tfrmm alh tfm ilm gist pmipem filh tfm stralcmst as sfm suflmrs ig hmeusoils, wfo`f sfm oltmrprmts as gmssacms ig tfm Hmvoe. Pfm os mxtrmgmey tfol, wotf a fiarsm vio`m alh eilc jea`k faor. Aee tfrmm wmar jea`k `eitfms alh jea`k fats. Xfmy `eaog ti jm artosts wfi favm `igm ti Gþeem ti paolt tfm ealhs`apm alh tfm sma, jut lilm in

tfmg a`tuaeey kliw fiw ti paolt. Rfysoqum : Rrm`osoil : Eico` : Mgpatfy :   PXMAEXF  : EMAZLOLC : ^OCOEAL@M : ³  GALOR]EAXOIL  : IJPMZ^AXOIL  : Gmltae Xiucflmss 1 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1 ³  ³ 

@fmn Lokeas Dilssil Dilssi l ol Ístirp, mx`mrpt nrig hoary.

³ >? ³


XFM ZIIXOLC @A^M Ol tfm lirtf part in Xfm Foee eoms tfm

Ziitolc @avm ‐ a pea`m wfmrm a ceisil `al jm suggilmh. Xfm `avm fas jmml usmh jy wot`fms nir fulhrmhs in ymars, alh os wmee kliwl ti tfm eocftkmmpmr. Xfmrm os a patf emaholc ti tfm `avm,

 wfo`f os ei`atmh hmmp hiwl a ravolm nuee in eiism ri`ks, seoppmry o`m alh sliw,

alh craspolc jral`fms. Xfm mltral`m os ilm gmtmr ol hoagmtmr, jut tfm `avm quo`key ipmls olti a tapmrmh `fagjmr. Xfmrm arm tra`ms in firm alh alogae jilm acgmlts, alh tfm

 waees hospeay sygjies `arvmh ivmr tfm `mlturoms. Ol tfm `mltmr in tfm riig, tfm Postmrs in Patal favm hrawl a pmltacrag ol `faek. Xfmrm os a fugal skuee

@ilhotoil. @eogjolc hiwl tfm ravolm os hoff`uet

alh rmquorms a su``mssnue ACOEOX_  tmst ‐ naoeurm rmsuets ol a pfyso`ae @ilhotoil.

 wotf a fiem hroeemh olti tfm tip in tfm fmah, wfmrm


smvmrae ol`mlsm sto`ks favm jmml olsmrtmh, alh a peatm in hromh poc‟s jeiih fas jmml pea`mh ol tfm gohhem in tfm pmltacrag. Xfism wfi gakm tfmor way ti tfm ja`k in tfm `avm woee filh a jrikml wiihml `acm.

Xfm `fapme os ei`atmh dust siutf in Gþeem. Ot fas a foeey alh partoaeey ivmrcriwl cravmyarh wfmrm tfm Locft Piw fohms hurolc tfm hay. Xfm `fapeaol, Aecit Kralsvok, eovms ol a sgaee stilm fiusm lmxt ti tfm `fapme, aeilc wotf niur `ats alh tfrmm hics, as wmee as a tagm `riw tfat iml sots il fos sfiuehmr, `awolc tfrmatmlolcey at stralcmrs. Aecit wme`igms

@E]MP ³ 

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al rmah tfm ols`roptoils

il tfm waee wotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC tmst. Agilc itfmr tfolcs, ot says4 ―Xfm Ziitolc @avm,‗ ―Xfm piwmrs i tfm Pwolm sfaee agass alh `ilsugm tfm smmolc ‗ alh ―Sotf eolhml alh lut tfm siw sfaee jm gutt. ‗  A peaymr `fara`t `fara`tmr mr smar`f smar`folc olc lmar tfm wiihml `acm `al pass al OL^MPXOCAXOIL  tmst ti filh jots in tirl ripm alh a `eitf cac wotf hromh saeova alh jeiih il ot. Duhcolc jy tfm tfo`klmss in tfm ripm, ot `iueh favm jmml usmh ti jolh a fugal‟ fugal‟ss args alh emcs olsohm tfm `acm. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi smar`f tfm first part in tfm `avm alh pass al OL^MPXOCAXOIL tmst `al smm fiin tra`ks t ra`ks em jy wfat smmgs ti favm jmml al mxtrmgmey earcm poc.




Mvml wotf tfm gap ig Ieca‟ Ieca‟ss riig, cmttolc ti tfm `avm tfriucf tfm sliw in Xfm Foee os mxtrmgmey strml strml-uius alh,takms smvmrae fiurs ma`f way. Xfm peaymr

`fara`tmrs gust pass a NIZ@M tmst ir suflmr a pfyso`ae

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh iflmrs tfmg a `up in tma. @E]MP

Xfm `fapeaol `al tmee tfmg ajiut tfm `il﬊o`t sur-

riulholc tfm fitme. Fm suspm`ts tfat Katarola os hmah, as sfm fas jmml gossolc nir girm tfal a wmmk, jut

`allit ogacolm tfat sigmilm ol tfm voeeacm wiueh ci si nar as ti farg fmr ‐ lit mvml tfm fisfmrgal‟s fisfmrgal‟s wonm  Alla Pvmlssil Pvmlssil wfi hmsposms tfm fitme. Fiwmvmr, ot smmgs ti fog tfat eocftkmmpmr Gaclus Gaclu s Eulhol fatms tfm fitme girm tfal alyilm, alh east suggmr fm was `aucft tryolc ti jurl ot hiwl. Xfm autfirotoms ol Fmesoljirc oltmrvmlmh, alh tfm iley rmasil Gaclus was lit `ilvo`tmh was tfat tfm `fapeaol put ol a ciih wirh nir fog. Xfm promst mxpeaols fos a`toils statolc tfat tfm eocftkmmpmr nir `mlturoms `mlturo ms fas jmml al ogpirtalt ficurm ficu rm nir tfm pmipem in Gþeem. Ol tfm emcmlhs fm os `aeemh ―tfm Foee Gal‗ alh os saoh ti wat`f ivmr Xfm Foee. Fah Gaclus jmml daoemh alh

³ 32 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁌󰁯󰁣󰁦󰁸 󰁐󰁩󰁳 ³

@FAREAOL AECIX KZALP^OK  ―O Gisms fah tromh ti tagm tfm stirgs i Kattmcat, fm wiueh favm jmml wasfmh asfirm il sigm izml jma`f ol Lirway.‗ Zarmey hims alyilm woeeolcey `igm ti Xfm Foee dust ti smrvm, jut nir Aecit tfm o`y stirgs swmmpolc ol ig tfm Lirtf Pma `agm as a rmvmeatoil, smmgolcey `arryolc tfm vio`m in Cih. Aecit os a `ilsmrvatovm promst  wfi rmeoms rmeoms il tfm Ieh Ieh Xmstagmlt Xmstagmlt.. @ilsmqumlt @ilsmqumltey ey,, fos smrgils arm lmotfmr mltmrtaololc lir wmee-at`ilvo`tmh, tfm Eulhol nagoey wiueh lit favm jmml

ajem ti `iltolum tfos emca`y. Xfm promst il`m spittmh tfm Locft Piw il tfm iutskorts in tfm voeeacm, alh os `ilvol`mh tfat tfm `rmaturm  was smlt ig Fmee ti ppulosf ulosf Gþeem nnir ir ots sols. F Fmm fas galacmh ti filh sigm olnirgatoil ol fos pmr-

silae eojrary alh `al falh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs al mx`mrpt ig @fmn @f mn Dilssil Dilssil‟s ‟s gmgiors (smm ajivm) on tfmy favm lit aermahy niulh tfm tmxt ol Ieca‟s Ieca‟s fitme riig. Xfm `fapeaol kliws tfat tfm `rmaturm os `aeemh a ceisil, alh jmeomvms ot ti jm ol emacum wotf wot`fms. Fm fas fmarh taems in rovae wot`fms usolc tfm ceisil

tmlhmh, wfo`f suots Aecit‟s sfy laturm vmry wmee.  Aecit os a quomt gal ol fos fioms fioms wfism s`aep

appmars ti favm rosml ig fos faor eokm a sfoly, mcc-sfapmh `ilm. Fm os vmry wmee rmah alh fas a

spm`oae nilhlmss nir tfmieico`ae pfoeisipfy alh jiiks il sol, hmvoe wirsfop, i``uetosg, alh mxir`osg. Fm aeways wmars fos `fur`f vmstgmlts, iml  wotf fos falhs `easpmh, `easpmh, lihholc alh sgoeolc as

fm eostmls ti wfimvmr os taekolc ti fog. Aecit eivms alogaes alh emts fos `ats, hics, alh fos tagm `riw eovm wotf fog ol tfm fiusm. ³ 

Rfysoqum :

Rrm`osoil :

Eico` 0

Mgpatfy 0

ti stmae ma`f itfmr s piwmr.




OLPROZAXOIL  0 Gmltae Xiucflmss : ³ 


@fapeaol Aecit os kolh ti stralcmrs, jut ot takms a eit


Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1

ti caol fos trust. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust pass a GALOR]EAXOIL  tmst ti `ilvol`m fog tfat tfmy arm li

ir tfm fisfmrgml ol Gþeem rm`iult fiw Eulhol tromh

omlhs in Katarola Dþlssil, lir olvievmh ol aly way  wotf Ieca‟s Ieca‟s gurhmr. Il su``mss tfmy cmt fog ti taek alh privohm tfm olnirgatoil ajivm.

ti jurl hiwl tfm fitme east suggmr alh jmml tieh

ajiut tfm gytf in tfm Eulhol nagoey, wfi favm smrvmh as eocftkmmpmrs nir fulhrmhs in ymars alh arm swirl ti pritm`t Xfm Foee ig mvoe. Gaclus os `il`mrlmh wfml fm smms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs appria`f tfm eocftfiusm. eocftfiu sm. Fm usms fos eolhml stafl

 ILNZILX XOIL @ILNZILXAXOIL Xfm `ililtatoil woee gist eokmey takm pea`m at tfm Foee Eocftfiusm. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al favm smvmrae rmasils nir vosotolc tfm eocftfiusm4 tfmy gay favm lito`mh Gaclus Eulhol spyolc il tfmg alh jm`igm suspo`oius, ir smml ot il tfm gap alh jm`igm `uroius. `uro ius. Xfmy gay aesi favm fmarh @fapeaol Aecit Kralsvok

ti suggil tfm Locft Piw, wfi `igms rullolc alh fohms lmarjy. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs start a`tolc ac-

crmssovmey, fm `iggalhs tfm `rmaturm ti atta`k tfmg.

On sigmilm kli`ks il tfm hiir hiir,, tfm eocftkmmpmr

sfiws up wotf fos stafl ol falh. Fm ruhmey tmees tfmg ti emavm as fm hims lit walt vosotirs. Xfm peaymr `far-

³ 3󰀱 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 0 ³

a`tmrs `al try ti slmak olsohm, jut ot rmquorms a su`-

`mssnue PXMAEXF  acaolst Gaclus Gaclus‟‟ ^OCOEAL@M. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs mltmr tfm tf m eocftfiusm, tfm Locft Piw woee walhmr ariulh iutsohm ti waot tfmg iut ‐ ir mvml jrmak hiwl tfm hiir hii r alh `igm nir tfmg, tfiucf ot `allit `eogj staors. Zmaeozolc tfat tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm ilti fog, Gaclus atta`ks tfmg wotf tfm @ursms XMZZIZ alh SI]LH

 A peaymr peaymr `fara`tmr atta`kmh jy tfm L Locft ocft Piw `al masoey jm Jrikml alh koeemh. Jmnirm tfm `ililtatoil  yiu sfiueh hm`ohm fiw hmahey yyiu iu walt tfm gystmry ti jm. Ot os `mrtaoley rmasilajem nir tfm Locft Piw ti koee a Jrikml peaymr `fara`tmr alh hmviur fmr mltraoes, jut yiu `al aesi emt tfm `rmaturm jm`igm `ilnusmh ol tfm fmat in tfm jattem alh `farcm at ilm in tfm itfmr peaymr `fara`tmrs olstmah.

. Fm tfml rmtrmats up tfm eocftfiusm wfmrm fm

usms fos eolhml stafl ti atta`k tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs,

 wfoem at tfm sagm togm usolc `ursms as wmee as fos postie. Jrmakolc tfm eolhml stafl `al`mes tfm gaco` tfat `rmatmh tfm Locft Piw alh rmvmrts ot ti ots irocolae iroco lae nirg as Katarola Dþlssil. A peaymr `fara`tmr wfi smozms

tfm stafl os ajem ti `iltrie tfm `rmaturm, jut tfm gaco` g aco` iley wirks il Xfm Foee. Xfriwolc tfm stafl away woee `ausm tfm Locft Piw ti fault tfm arma nir galy ymars.

XFM F OEE E OC OCFXFI]P FXFI]PM M Xfm eocftfiusm os a wfotmwasfmh tiwmr atta`fmh ti a stilm fiusm wfmrm tfm eocftkmmpmr eovms. Xfmrm os a

staor`asm emaholc ig tfm jittig in tfm eocftfiusm ti tfm ealtmrl riig at tfm tip. A jae`ily ruls aeilc tfm iutsohm in tfm tiwmr. Ol tfm arma surriulholc tfm eocftfiusm, ots kmmpmr fas smt up sigm nargolc peits alh juoet al ml`eisurm nir ciats alh `fo`kmls. Lmxt ti ot os al iutfiusm. Xfm rmsohml`m `ilsosts in a solcem riig

alh a jasmgmlt. Xfm riig fas a ilt hiir alh al mltral`m ti tfm eocftfiusm, alh os nurlosfmh wotf a jmh, a hmsk, alh a wiih stivm. Xfm traphiir ti tfm jasmgmlt os fohhml

ulhmr a ruc. Hiwl tfmrm tfm eocftkmmpmr kmmps a earhmr, a `faor alh hmsk, i``uet

jiiks, alh Katarola Katar ola Dþlssil‟ Dþlssil‟ss kohlappmh hic, Kista, trappmh ol a wiihml `acm. Il tfm criulh tfmrm os a gaco` smae gahm gah m ig autugl appems, ol tfm gohhem in wfo`f eoms tfm eolhml stafl Gaclus usms ti `iltrie tfm Locft Piw.

 NXMZG XF ANXMZGAXF On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti savm Katarola, tfmy woee favm marlmh fmr mtmrlae cratotuhm alh aeways jm wme`igm at tfm Gþeem Pmasohm Fitme. Xfm `fara`tmrs woee lit jm suspm`tmh in gurhmrolc Ieca alh

fmr nmeeiw Postmrs in Patal, alh arm mm ti rmturl ti ]psaea.


EOCFXKMMRMZ GACL]P E]LHOL ―O ag tfm Foee Gal ‐ cuarhoal i Xfm Foee.‗

K AX AXAZOLA AZOLA D ÞLPPIL ―O favm fucm rmspm`t ir `iultry iek ‐ tfmor ajoeoty ti galacm tfmor haoey a`tovotoms hmspotm `mlturoms i oljrmmholc

agazms gm.‗

Gaclus was a nueey-traolmh eawymr wfml fm emarlmh tfat fos iehmr jritfmr (wfi ol a``irhal`m wotf nagoey trahotoil fah assugmh tfm riem as eocft-

kmmpmr) fah homh alh em fos pist ti Gaclus. Fm cavm up fos eonm ol Eulh alh travmemh ti Xfm Foee, alh fas lit em tfm eocftfiusm ol fimml ymars.

Gaclus os `ilvol`mh tfat fm os tfm iley tfolc fieholc ja`k tfm hark nir`ms il Xfm Foee alh prmvmltolc tfm api`aeypsm. Fm walts at aee `ist ti cmt roh in

Katarola os tfm prihu`t in a nagoey wfism gmgjmrs nir cmlmratoils favm juoet alh `ilqumrmh varoius jusolmss mstajeosfgmlts ol Pti`kfieg alh gahm al mlirgius nir-

tulm nir tfmgsmevms. As tfm navirotm `foeh in fmr parmlts, sfm was mxpm`tmh ti takm ivmr tfm nagoey jusolmss ol Pti`kfieg, jut olstmah sfm givmh ti Gþeem ti ipml a fitme ‐ al olvmst-

tfm Postmrs in Patal, tfm tfmfogsmen sliipolc peaymr `fara`tmrs as fitme, wmee ‐ alh alh liw tfolks strilc mliucf ti `iltrie tfm mvoe, ol tfm nirg in tfm Locft Piw, alh usm ot nir fos iwl purpisms. Fos galy ymars in sieotuhm favm covml Gaclus a strilc @frostoal naotf, `ilsmrvatovm vomws, alh a sfirt tmgpmr. Fm fas tfm Pocft alh gaco` ajoeotoms wfo`f fm tfolks wmrm craltmh jy Cih. Gaclus os a earcm, jmarhmh gal wotf a popm ol fos giutf alh aeways wmars fos jeum ulonirg `igpemtm wotf a jroggmh fat. ³ 

Rfysoqum 0 Mgpatfy :

  ACOEOX_   : :


Rrm`osoil 0


 wigal wfi, hmspotm galy ymars ol o l Pkílm,

spmaks ol a Pti`kfieg a``mlt tfat os lmarey ogpissojem nir tfm ei`aes ti ulhmrstalh. Pfm os taee, fas a hmmp vio`m, alh rarmey sgoems.

Katarola eivms `il﬊o`t alh `faeemlcms. Pfm os ciih at cmttolc wfat sfm walts alh os in-

tml ahgormh jy tfm pmipem ariulh fmr. Fmr iley wmaklmss os fmr piihem Kista, wfig

sfm eivms girm tfal alytfolc.

Eico` 0



gmlt tfatKatarola fas privml prifitajem. Xihay os amxtrmgmey tforty-tfrmm-ymar-ieh tforty- tfrmm-ymar-ieh


Rrm`osoil :

Eico` 8

Mgpatfy 8 EMAZLOLC 8 GALOR]EAXOIL  = ³  IJPMZ^AXOIL 0 OLPROZAXOIL  0 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 1 ³ 

NIZ@M  1


Rfysoqum :




Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 0   ML@FALXGMLXP4  Ptirg ³    @]ZPMP4  E]ZM, XSOPX ^OPOIL , XMZZIZ, SI]LH ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Rostie, axm, ro﬊m, eolhml stann (aeeiw³  olc fog ti `iltrie tfm Locft Piw)




³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 0 ³

CEIPIL CEIPIL  A ceisil os a coalt siw siw wotf fucm tusks, myms ceiwolc


eokm jurlolc `iaes, alh razir sfarp jrostems il ots

ja`k. Pparks ﬊y ig ots fiivms as ot givms, alh ots crults `al jm fmarh ig anar ‐ mx`mpt wfml ot ipts

Orrotatmh  

ti slmak up il a vo`tog, jmnirm `farcolc wotf su`f

^mlcmnue jut ta`to`ae  

nir`m tfat tfm criulh trmgjems ulhmrniit. Xfm ceisil `al olstol`tovmey smlsm wfmtfmr ir lit a fugal fas tfm Pocft ir gaco` ajoeotoms. Ot troms ti `ut ipml tfmor jihoms wotf tfm jrostems il ots ja`k,

Jeiihtforsty alh woeh   Hazmh √1   Jemmholc √1   Jahey wiulhmh √1   Jrikml ‐ rmtrmats alh spmlhs tfm lmxt   hay ol a cravmyarh

ol irhmr ti nmast il tfmor jiwmes. Ol hiolc si tfm

`rmaturm aesi ajsirjs tfm vo`tog‟s vo`to g‟s supmrlaturae piwmrs alh ol`rmasms ots iwl. Xfm ceisil os sigmtogms rmnmrrmh ti as tfm Cijjem Piw ir Cravm Piw, alh os

gistey smml at locft. Ot `al mgmrcm spiltalmiusey


ol armas wfmrm fugals hajjem ol jea`k gaco`, ir jm suggilmh tfriucf a rotuae wfmrm a fugal jmolc


os nir`ojey tralsnirgmh olti tfm `rmaturm.







Jo tm



@farcm & mvos`mratm



Hmviur mltraoes



 Xfm `rmaturm givms wotfol tfm zilm ol wfo`f ots vo `tog rmsohms. Zmquorms ilm seiw a`toil alh ilm nast.  @al iley jm pmrnir gmh il a vo`tog tfat fas jmml Jrikml jy tfm a`toil †


Nmar :

@farcm & mvos`mratm. mvos`mratm. Itfmr `igjatalts gay usm tfmor a`toils ti prmvmlt tfm atta`k ‐ itfmrwosm tfm a`toil su``mmhs autigato`aeey, alh tfm vo`tog os koeemh. On tfm vo`tog os a gaco`oal ir a pmrsil wotf tfm Pocft, ilm in tfm `rmaturm‟s `fara`tmrosto`s os raosmh jy 1.

GACO@AE RISMZP Ml`falt Hraws twi Olotoatovm @arhs alh a`ts two`m ³  pmr riulh   N]Z4  Rritm`toil 8 ³    HM^I]Z GACO@4 Mvmry togm a ceisil mvos`mr³  atms a fugal wotf spm`oae piwmrs (motfmr tfm Pocft ir Gaco`) alh nmmhs il fmr ml³ 

traoes, ot gay raosm ilm in ots `fara`tmrosto`s jy 1 ‐ lit ol`euholc Nmar. Xfos `al jm hilm a gaxogug in = togms.

ZOX]AE On tfm `rmaturm was a fugal jmnirm turlolc olti a ceisil, ot `al jm `iltrieemh usolc a stafl in eolhml

 wiih. Jrmakolc tfm stafl rmvmrsms tfm tralsnirgatoi tralsnirgatoil, l, alh tfm `rmaturm jm`igms fugal il`m girm. Ilm way in tmgpiraroey kmmpolc a ceisil at jay os titfml emavmcijjem appemsupalh luts il tfm criulh, wfo`f ot  woee wfoem nircmttolc ajiut mvmrytfolc mesm, on iley nir a gigmlt.

³ 38 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³


Sfmrmol a prigosm os jrikml, a `foeh os swappmh, a gal os a`mh wotf a hoff`uet hm`osoil, alh twi piwmrue ir`ms `ieeohm ol tfm eocft alh sfahiws i tfm Kaaeo `ratmr.


tfmor mflirts. Jut first wm woee eiik ja`k at tfm mvmlts emaholc up ti tfm gystmry.

Xfos first sm`toil hms`rojms tfm ja`kcriulh in tfm

gystmry alh tfm `il﬊o`ts il wfo`f ot os jasmh. Xfmrm os al olvotatoil ti ko`k ifl tfm smssoil, tfml tfm tmxt


pri`mmhs ti hms`rojm tfm diurlmy ti Armlsjurc il

Xfm priuh triees in Kaaeo voeeacm, il tfm osealh in

tfm osealh ininImsme. sm`toil wotf a `iulthiwl mvmltsXfm wfo`f yiu as`il`euhms tfm Cagmgastmr

Imsme tfm Jaeto` Pma (Paarmgaa ol tfm ei`ae tiloaloltilcum), favm eovmh ol fargily wotf tfmMsei-

 woee olotoatm at sigm appriproat appriproatmm togm hurolc tfm gystmry ‐ alh a `atastripfm tfat hms`rojms wfat fappmls on tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs hi lit takm a`toil ir naoe ol

`ae fugals nir tfiusalhs in ymars. Xfmy favm fav m tfmor iwl `igguloty jy tfm emcmlhary `ratmrs ariulh


³ 3> ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

MV@MZRX NZIG Z]LM 83 IN XFM KAEM^AEA KAEM^AEA Quo`k tfm fmavmls arm jurst asulhmr, Quo`k tfm vauet in ]kki ipmls, Hiwlwarh hrips tfm waywarh Norm-`foeh, Hiwlwarh Hiwlwa rh quo`k tfm rmh-jaee rusfms, Pfiits a`riss tfm ar`f in fmavml, Fossms tfriucf tfm startemh `eiuhemts, Neasfms tfriucf tfm triujemh wmekol, Xfriucf lolm starry vauets in mtfmr.

Nrustratmh tfat fos rmsmar`f fah `igm ti a faet, Fuci turlmh ti ilm in tfm voeeacm‟s emahmrs, Emmei

Posaeok, pripromtir in tfm tf m Xuedak Xuedak Oll, nir ahvo`m. Emmei, wfi os a`tuaeey a triee, eialmh Fuci a guso`ae olstrugmlt kliwl as a kaltmem (smm tfm tmxt jix jmeiw). Pfm tieh Fuci tfat on fm emarlmh ti peay tfm ei`ae gmeihoms, pmrfaps tfm voeeacmrs wiueh ipml up a jot girm. Pfm olvotmh fog ti pmrnirg at Xuedak.

Emmei saoh tfm kaltmem jmeilcmh ol Kaaeo alh gust jm rmturlmh il`m fos hossmrtatoil was filosfmh. Fuci a``mptmh tfm olstrugmlt ol tfm earcmst in tfm `ratmrs wfmrm fm was takolc sioe sagpems, lit rmaeozolc

nir a jemssmh farvmst, rm`opms nir jmmr ir jrmah, `iws ro`f wotf goek, ir otmgs su`f as tiies ir guso`ae ol-

tfat fah dustemarlolc gahm altiacrmmgmlt wotf a triee.alh Fm spmltfmgiltfs peay tfm olstrugmlt hmvmeipmh a hmmp eivm nir tfm ei`ae guso`. Xriees Xriees ol tfm voeeacms wmrm tiu`fmh jy fos taemlt alh fos oltmrmst ol tfmor guso`ae trahotoil. Fuci startmh gakolc crmat pricrmss wotf fos rmsmar`f. Fm spmlt galy mvmlolcs


pmrnirgolc at Xuedak, Xuedak, alh triees alh fugals aeokm

Xfm triees trahm alh wirk wotf tfm fugals, wfi ol togms in lmmh emavm iflmrolcs ol tfm `ratmr ol mx`falcm

Xi tfm triees in Kaaeo, Kaaeo , silc os a gaco` piwmr. Ot

 was tfriucf silc tfat tfm ieh cihs `rmatmh tfm martf, fmavml, alh stars, alh wotf tfmor silc tfm triees `al `rmatm piwmrnue spmees tfat rmsfapm rmaeoty rmaeoty.. Ol tfm justeolc tiwl in Armlsjurc Armlsjur c (Kurmssaarm ol Mstiloal) eovm spiusms Fuci alh Aclms vil Kaosmreolc. Fuci os in Cmrgal hms`mlt alh emarlmh Mstiloal

hurolc fos upjrolcolc il Imsme. Eokm itfmr si-`aeemh

salc tfmor ei`ae silcs ti fos tulms. Fm filaeey caolmh a hmmpmr ulhmrstalholc in fiw tfm `ratmrs gay favm `igm olti jmolc. Fm filosfmh fos hossmrtatoil a giltf ir si jmnirm  Aclms  Acl ms cav cavmm jort jortff ti tfm tfmor or first `foe `foeh. h. Pilcs i Pfahiw alh Norm  oltrihu`mh fos tfmiry tfmi ry tfat tfm `ratmrs wmrm tfm rmsuet in a gmtmirotm ogpa`t. Ot was hms`rojmh jy fos mxtmrlae rm vomwmr  vomw mr as criu criulhjr lhjrmako makolc lc ol jitf `ilt `iltmlt mlt alh gmtf gmtfih, ih,

Mstipfoems, fm os passoilatm ajiut stuhyolc tfm ei`ae emcmlhs alh silcs. Fm was mhu`atmh ol Pwmhml alh os liw a crahuatm stuhmlt at tfm Hmpartgmlt in Pi-

`oae alh M`iligo` Cmicrapfy at ]psaea ]lovmrsoty. ]lovmrsoty. Fuci fas hilm fimeh wirk il Imsme nir fos hossmrtatoil totemh Pilcs i Pfahiw alh Norm, wfmrm fm mxagolms  wfmtfmr tfm irocol in tfm Kaaeo `ratmrs `al jm tra`mh ol ei`ae emcmlhs alh silcs. Fuci fas nir galy ymars jmml `ilvol`mh tfat tfm `ratmrs wmrm `ausmh jy a gmtmirotm, alh lit, as tfm a``mptmh tfmiry wiueh favm ot, vie`alo` a`tovoty. a`to voty.

alh fah a soclofi`alt ogpa`t ol ]psaea alh Muripm.  At tfat togm, Fuci Fuci waltmh ti kmmp smar`folc nir girm silcs, alh fah li oltmltoil in rmturlolc tfm kaltmem. Xfos alcmrmh tfm triees, wfi favm liw takml

XFM KALXMEM Xfm kaltmem os a troalcuear strolc olstrugmlt sogoear ti tfm zotfmr. zotfm r. Xfm Kaemvaea rm`iults fiw tfm sfagal ^èolègþolml `rmatmh tfm first kaltmem nrig a pokm‟s dawjilm alh faor nrig a triee‟s firsm. Xfm kaltmem was a gaco`ae olstrugmlt tfat `iueh attra`t aee `rmaturms in tfm nirmst wotf ots spmeejolholc tilms.

Fm `agm ti Kaaeo ^oeeacm ol tfm fipm in `ieem`t-

olc taems alh silcs hms`rojolc tfm fostiry in tfm arma. Jut fm ml`iultmrmh prijemgs ‐ tfm voeeacmrs wmrm suspo`oius in iutsohmrs alh wiueh lit sfarm tfmor

ro`f niekeirm.

³ 33 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³

fos lmwjirl `foeh as sm`uroty. sm`uro ty. Ol ots stmah tfmy em a triee `foeh ‐ a `falcmeolc.

@ILNEO@XP Xfm progary `il﬊o`t in tfos gystmry `mltmrs ariulh tfm Jaeto` Cmrgal lijems Fuci alh Aclms vil Kao-

nirg al mxir`osg ti hrovm iut tfm hmgil fm jmeomvms fas pissmssmh tfm `foeh. Fm fas fa s gahm ot fos eonm‟s eonm‟s gossoil ti `ilvmrt tfm pmipem in Kaaeo ^oeeacm ti @frostoaloty. Xfm promst woee ijstru`t alh `iultmra`t peaymr `fara`tmrs wfi smm tfm sotuatoil hoflmrmltey tfal fm

hims. On tfm `fara`tmrs jrolc fog aeilc, fm woee `igpeo`atm tfm sotuatoil wotf fos gossoilary wirk.

smreolc, wfism lmwjirl sil fas jmml takml jy tfm

triees in Kaaeo ^oeeacm alh rmpea`mh wotf a triee `foeh.  Aclms fas smml tfm `falcmeolc ol ots trum nirg alh os `ilvol`mh tfat ot os tfm Hmvoe‟s iflsprolc. Xfm triees jmeomvm tfm `foeh os tfmors jy rocft, ro cft, sol`m tfmy cavm Fuci a triee`ramh kaltmem kalt mem (smm tfm tmxt jix il pacm 􀀳􀀳) alh kliwemhcm ajiut ei`ae silcs, wfo`f jriucft fog crmat su``mss as a guso`oal alh `iltrojutmh ti fos hossmrtatoil, Pilcs i Pfahiw alh Norm. Xfm `il﬊o`t wotf tfm triees `al jm rmsievmh tfriucf lmcitoatoil, lmcitoatoil , on Fuci givms tfm gitfmr triee ti tmars wotf fos kaltmem ir tfrmatmls ti furt tfm `falcmeolc. Xfmy woee lit jm oltogohatmh ir ol﬊uml`mh jy `ru`ofixms `ru`o fixms ir fiey watmr. Xfm gystmry‟s sm`ilhary `il﬊o`t os eolkmh ti tfm

progary ilm. Aclms os hmmpey rmeocoius alh pea`ms crmat trust ol a Zussoal Irtfihix promst lagmh Natfmr @irlmeous. Pfm fas askmh fog nir fmep. Fos ahvo`m os ti pmr-


OL^OXAXOIL Ilm in tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rm`movms a emttmr ig fos/fmr `iusol, @iult Fuci vil Kaosmreolc. Xfm emttmr, wfo`f os ol`euhmh as Falhiut 󰀸A at tfm mlh in tfos jiik alh avaoeajem nir hiwleiah il tfm Nrmm

Emacum wmjsotm, rmahs as nieeiws4 Hmar @iusol, O ag wrotolc ti rmqumst yiur assostal`m ol yiur `apa`oty as a gmgjmr i tfm Pi`omty. Pigmtfolc stralcm os aiit, alh O `allit ir tfm eom i gm gakm smlsm i ot aee. Gy wom Aclms alh O rm`mltey fah iur first `foeh, Mhuarh. Puhhmley, dust a mw wmmks anmr fos jortf, Aclms was eokm a ho mrmlt wigal. Pfm waltmh litfolc ti hi wotf tfm `foeh, `foeh, alh os liw ei`kmh up at tfm Armlsjurc Palatiroug anmr ciolc ti tfm saula ol tfm gohhem i tfm locft lo cft ti, ol fmr iwl wirhs, ―hriwl tfm gilstmr. gilstmr.‗   Aclms fas aeways aeways jmml a wosm wosm alh smlsojem smlsojem pmrsil. O hi lit lit ulhmrstalh wfat fas cittml olti fmr. Rmrfaps ot os gy auet. O emn fmr

aeilm a eit as gy hossmrtatoil tiik up gu`f i gy togm. Ol ahhotoil, Mhuarh‟s `frostmlolc was pistpilmh jm`ausm O was olvotmh ti covm a em`turm il gy hossmrtatoil at Eulh ]lovmrsoty. O ag at gy wots‟ mlh. Pfm woee lit taek ti gm alygirm, alh tfm iley pmrsil sfm fas jmml ol `ilta`t wotf os fmr promst, Natfmr @irlmeous. Natfmr @irlmeous os `ilvol`mh tfat Aclms os rocft, tfat tfm `foeh fas aeeml vo`tog ti mvoe piwmrs. Fm fas pripismh al mxir`osg. O fm fas fos way, O mar ir tfm `foeh‟s samty. samty. As a s`omltost O `allit a``mpt a ``mpt tfm euho`rius ohma tfat supmrlaturae ir`ms `iueh jm at wirk! O lmmh   yiur mxpmrtosm ti lavocatm tfm sotuatoil. Rmrfaps Rmrfaps sigmilm wotf yiur mxpmroml`m `iueh `ilvol`m Aclms alh tfm promst9 O ag hmspmratm, hmar `iusol! _iur fmep wiueh jm gist wme`igm.

Ol tfm goh-1?tf `mltury, a latoilae rigalto` trmlh arism ol tfm Jaeto`s antmr galy ymars in Zussoal ruem alh smrnhig. Xfm Mstiloal ealcuacm, wfo`f fah tfus nar iley jmml spikml, was rm`irhmh ol wrotolc jy si-`aeemh Mstipfoems, Mstipfoems , intml Cmrgal ir Pwmhosf a`ahmgo`s, wfi travmemh ariulh alh rm`irhmh tfm ealcuacms, silcs, alh emcmlhs in jilhmh smrvalts wirkolc il tfm rurae mstatms. Xfm `ieem`toil in silcs, ir rulms as tfmy wmrm aesi `aeemh, was pujeosfmh ol Nolealh as Xfm Kaemvaea alh Kaemvaea alh ol Mstiloa as Xfm Kaemvopimc,, alh tfm mpo`s peaymh a kmy riem ol Kaemvopimc tfm mgmrcml`m in a `ueturae ohmltoty agilc tfm Nollosf alh Mstiloal pmipems.

_iurs sol`mrmey, Fuci vil Kaosmreolc 

³ 36 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³


`fara`tmrs `al smm tfm farjir alh tfm gaclofi`mlt

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs smt iut ig ]psaea il a jmau-

Imsme @astem wotf ots giats alh nirtofi`atoils. Ot `aees

tonue Dulm hay. Xfmy takm a stacm`ia`f ti tfm a pirt il tfm Pwmhosf `iast, wfmrm tfmy jiarh tfm s`fii-

ti golh alitfmr togm wfml argirmh klocfts `ig-

lmr Emtotoa alh saoe ti Armlsjurc. Xfm wmatfmr cihs

pmtmh ol tiurlagmlts.  As tfmy hosmgjark, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs filh tfm

sgoem il tfmg, alh tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs spmlh tfmor  viyacm mldiyolc tfm sul alh tfm wolh. A fmrh in smaes catfmrs ariulh tfm sfop, `uroiusey wat`folc tfm trav-

spo`ms, lmwey tallmh ematfmr, alh eovmsti`k. @arci os uleiahmh ig tfm jiats alh fisf os jmolc au`toilmh. au `toilmh.

memrs. Xfm `rmw saoes ti Imsme quotm mqumltey alh

Hi`kwirkmrs distem wotf pmipem waotolc nir sfop-

`al tmee tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ` fara`tmrs girm ajiut Imsme alh  Armlsjurc.  As aeways, ma`f peaymr `fara`tmr gay caol al Ah valtacm (smm pacm 󰀺󰀸 ol tfm `irm ruemjiik). Pfiw tfm peaymrs tfm gap in Imsme ajivm. Ot `al aesi jm hiwleiahmh ig tfm Nrmm Emacum wmjsotm.

gmlts at tfm hi`k. Hoflmrmlt ealcuacms arm fmarh aee

^AE E  A Z Z O ^A Ot os marey girlolc wfml tfm s`fiilmr Emtotoa ap-

pria`fms Armlsjurc Farjir. Mvml at sma tfm peaymr

farjir justeolc wotf a`tovoty. Ot sgmees in fisf, tar,

ivmr tfm farjir ‐ Cmrgal, Nollosf, Pwmhosf, Zus-

soal, alh Mstiloal aee `ieir tfm juzz in `ilvmrsatoil  wotf tfmor hostol`tovm `ahml`ms.  At tfm farjir tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm crmmtmh jy  vil Kaosmreolc‟ Kaosmreolc‟ss s`rawly vaemt, Xmmt, wfi asks wfmrm tfmy walt ti ci. @iult Fuci os at figm, wfoem wfo em Aclms `al jm niulh at tfm Armlsjurc Palatiroug. Xfm Xf m vaemt hrovms tfmg wfmrmvmr tfmy walt ti ci. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm olvotmh ti stay at tfm vil Kaosmreolc rmsohml`m.

³ 3? ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³



Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ olvievmgmlt ol sievolc tfm

Xfm nieeiwolc paracrapfs suggarozm tfm gist ogpirtalt ei`atoils tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay vosot ol

`asm in tfm vil Kaosmreolcs Kaosmreolcs‟‟ `falcmeolc woee privikm rma`toils ig Natfmr @irlmeous. ]lemss ]lemss tfm ``fara`fara`tmrs stmmr tfm hmvmeipgmlt ol alitfmr horm`toil, tfm `il﬊o`t jmtwmml tfm promst alh tfm triees woee mlh ol hosastmr. Xfm nieeiwolc mvmlts `al jm usmh ti ol`rmasm tfm pa`m in tfm cagm wfml lmmhmh, alh ti hrovm tfm peaymrs tiwarh tfm filae `ililtatoil4

tfos gystmry4 tfm vil Kaosmreolc Zmsohml`m, tfm Palatiroug, tfm @fur`f in Paolt Lo`fieas, alh tfm arma surriulholc Kaaeo ^oeeacm. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs surriulholc  walt ti olvmstocatm itfmr ei`atoils, yiu arm mm ti ogprivosm, jut ot os aesi pmrnm`tey aerocft ti mxpeaol

tfat tfm pea`m ol qumstoil os lit part in tfm gystmry alh tfat tfmrm os litfolc in oltmrmst tfmrm.


􀀱. Natfmr @irlmeous `igms ti tfm vil Kaosmreolc figm alh hmgalhs tfat fm jm aeeiwmh ti takm tfm `foeh ti fos `fur`f, ti pritm`t ot ig mvoe.

Xfm wmt lursm, Aoli, os strilcey ippismh ti tfm ohma. Fuci os fmsotalt alh asks tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs nir ahvo`m. 󰀺. Aoli appria`fms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs alh fystmro`aeey mxpeaols tfat tfm promst fas `igm ti tfm  vil Kaosmreolc rmsohml`m alh os `urrmltey pmr-

nirgolc al mxir`osg ol tfm lursmry. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs try ti `ililt fog, tfm promst woee

rmspilh wotf voieml`m. Rmrnirgolc tfm mxir`osg  woee lit farg tfm `falcme `falcmeolc, olc, jut nir`m ot ti assugm ots trum nirg. Xfm triee `foeh ﬊mms up ti

tfm `moeolc alh iut tfriucf tfriu cf a wolhiw. Ot rmturls ti Kaaeo ^oeeacm wfmrm ot os `armh nir jy Olhrmk.

XFM ^IL KA OPMZEOLC ZMPOHML@M  At tfm mhcm in Arml Armlsjurc sjurc @astem Rar Rarkk wotf a vomw in tfm `astem waees eoms tfm vil Kaosmreolc Zmsohml`m. Ot os a stilm juoeholc wotf sox riigs alh a carhml wotf fieeyfi`ks rosolc acaolst tfm waees. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm mm ti stay fmrm hurolc tfmor togm ol Armlsjurc. Olsohm tfm fiusm tfmy `al gmmt Fuci vil Kaosmreolc alh tfm wmt lursm Aoli. @iult Fuci vil Kaosmreolc os sottolc jy tfm eovolc riig jay wolhiw, jaskolc ol tfm amrliil eocft. Il fos eap rmsts a troalcuear, gueto-strolcmh olstrugmlt  wfo`f fm peays wfoem solcolc a silc. Xfm silc os jmautonue alh nir a nmw gigmlts ot takms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs away ig tfm `oty alh tfm wmarolmss in travme.

iutso hm tfm Xuedak Xuedak Oll ol 􀀰. Xfm promst sfiws up iutsohm Kaaeo ^oeeacm, aeilc wotf acotatmh gmgjmrs in fos `ilcrmcatoil, alh stors up triujem jy a``usolc Emmei in wot`f`ra. Xfmy tfrmatml ti jurl Xuedak Xuedak

Fuci eiiks up alh stips peayolc. Fm puts hiwl fos olstrugmlt alh cims ti crmmt fos vosotirs.

ti tfm criulh. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust cmt


roh in fog ol irhmr ti spmak wotf Emmei. @AXAPXZIRFM

]lemss ]lem ss tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti stip fog, @irlmeous woee mvmltuaeey jurl hiwl aee in Kaaeo ^oeeacm.

Xfos `ausms tfm triees ti emavm Kaaeo nir ciih alh hosappmar olti tfm wiihs. Xfm vil Kaosmreolcs‟ Kao smreolcs‟ `foeh os lmvmr niulh. Aclms os tralsnmrrmh ti a gmltae fispotae ol Zoca. Fuci li eilcmr takms aly pemasurm ol motfmr s`oml`m ir guso`, alh falcs fogsmen at hawl ol tfm lursmry.

Armlsjurc (Kurmssaarm ol Mstiloal) os tfm `apotae in Imsme, part in tfm Civmrliratm in Eoviloa, ol tfm Zussoal Mgporm ulhmr tfm tf m tsar. Ol tfm togm tfat ^amsml takms pea`m, trahm ﬊iurosfmh ﬊iurosf mh ol tfm arma alh tfm tiwl was a pipuear fmaetf rmsirt. Galy salatirougs wmrm juoet il tfm jma`fms in Armlsjurc, wfmrm vosotirs `iueh ulhmrci varoius trmatgmlts nir jitf pfyso`ae alh gmltae aoegmlts.

³ 62 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

―Sme`igm! O ag mtmrlaeey cratmue tfat yiu favm `igm aee tfos way. O favm tromh ti ulhmrstalh wfat fas cittml olti Aclms. O wirry si gu`f ajiut fmr.‗ Xfm `foeh alh tfm wmt lursm arm ol tfm lurs-

peayolc fappoey wotf fos eilc taoe ol tfm giileocft. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi wotlmss tfos gust pass a Nmar

tmst wotf Nmar 􀀱.

mry, wfism jmautonue wolhiws ivmreiik tfm carhml. Xfrmm-giltf-ieh Mhuarh vil Kaosmreolc os nast asemmp ol fos `rahem. Fm fas polk `fmmks alh `urey,

eocft jriwl faor sto`kolc up ig tfm tip in fos fmah.


 At tfm fiusm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al caol `eums jy taekolc ti Fuci alh tfm wmt lursm Aoli, alh jy mxagololc jajy Mhuarh. ³ 


Xfm `faeemlcms at tfm fiusm gaoley `ilsost in catfmrolc `eums ajiut tfm `iupem alh tfm jajy (smm jmeiw).

Fuci fas li girm olnirgatoil ti iflmr ajiut

 wfat fappmlmh fappmlmh ti Aclms, itfmr tfal wfat ot saoh ol tfm emttmr. Fiwmvmr, Fiwmvmr, fm `al tmee tfmg ajiut fos rmsmar`f olti tfm osealh‟s silcs alh naory taems,

alh os girm tfal fappy ti taek at emlctf ajiut fos

Reaymr `fara`tmrs wat`folc tfm `foeh amr hark

gay cmt ti smm fos trum nirg, as tfm giileocft sfol-

hossmrtatoil alh fos tfmiroms rmcarholc tfm `ra-

olc tfriucf tfm wolhiw suhhmley quovmrs alh tfm

tmrs iutsohm Kaaeo ^oeeacm. Fuci jmeomvms fos wonm suflmrs ig gmeal`fiey `ausmh jy tfm aciloms in

`foeh‟s nmaturms arm twostmh. Aee in a suhhml tfm jiy fas hark mymjriws, garkmh na`oae nmaturms, alh juhholc firls pritruholc ig fos faoreolm. Fm os stoee `aeg,

`foehjortf, jut fas siucft tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `fara`tmrs‟‟

fmep sol`m fm `allit gakm smlsm in tfm sotuatoil.

³ 6󰀱 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³

 ACL  AC L M P ^I ^IL L K A O PM PMZ Z E O LC ―O ag lit olsalm!‗

@I]LX F]CI ^IL ^IL K AOPMZEO LC ―Xfmrm os trutf ol tfm ieh silcs.‗

 Aclms vil Kaosmreolc os 󰀺􀀳 ymars ieh, Pwmhosf, alh fas jmml garromh ti Fuci nir niur  ymars. Pfm sfarms fos eivm in guso`. Aclms os

Xfm Jaeto` Cmrgal `iult Fuci vil Kao-

avmracm fmocft, wotf eilc hark jriwl faor

eocft jriwl faor, crayosf crmml myms, alh a

alh warg, olquosotovm, jriwl myms.  Aclms fas aeways eokmh ti rmah alh os vmry oltmrmstmh ol fostiry alh tfmieicy. ]leokm ]leokm Fuci sfm fas hoff`uety gakolc omlhs ol  Armlsjurc alh nmmes eilmey eilmey as a rmsuet. Jut

semlhmr juoeh. Fm covms tfm ogprmssoil in jmolc ogpatomlt alh ajsmltgolhmh, jut wfmlmvmr fm taeks ajiut fos rmsmar`f tfmrm os firm ol fos myms ‐ suhhmley fos jihy ealcuacm os honnmrmlt alh fos rmasilolc razir-sfarp. Fuci

tfiucf sfm os foholc ot ig tfism ariulh fmr, sfm fas niulh a lmw omlh ol Natfmr @irlmeous, alh tfm `ilcrmcatoil in tfm

os surm tfat fm os ajiut ti ul`ivmr tfm trutf ajiut tfm irocol in tfm `ratmrs.  Sfoem peayolc tfm kaltmem fm eisms fogsmen

smreolc os 􀀰󰀺 ymars ieh, wotf sfiuehmr-emlctf

`igpemtmey ol tfm guso`, alh fm os kliwl ol jitf Armlsjurc alh Kaaeo ^oeeacm nir fos `rm` rmatovm rmlhotoils in tfm ieh silcs. Jut Fuci os ajivm aee a s`omltost alh fas, hmspotm fos crmat

@fur`f in Paolt Lo`fieas fas filaeey covml

fmr a smlsm in jmeilcolc alh a pea`m ti `illm`t wotf itfmrs ol tiwl.  Aclms fas eilcmh nir Mh Mhuarh uarh ti jm jirl alh ti smm fog criw up ol tfmor fiusm.

oltmrmst ol niekeirm alh trahotoilae silcs,

lmvmr lito`mh alytfolc supmrlaturae ol fos ml`iultmrs wotf tfm voeeacmrs.

Rfysoqum : Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` 8 Mgpatfy 8   EMAZLOLC : ^OCOEAL@M 0 IJPMZ^AXOIL  0 ³  OLPROZAXOIL  1 ³ 


Gmltae Xiucflmss 1


Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss :

Rfysoqum 0 Rrm`osoil Rrm`osoi l 0 Eico` = Mgpatfy 0



 8 OLPROZAXOIL  8 GALOR]EAXOIL  1 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Kaltmem, klonm ³ 

³ 6: ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

 Aoli was was jirl il Imsme Imsme alh nmmes apprmfmlsov apprmfmlsovmm


ajiut tfm stralcmrs, as sfm os asfagmh in fmr piir Pwmhosf. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust usm GALOR]EAXOIL  ti gakm fmr taek. On tfmy tfm y su``mmh, Aoli rmvmaes tfat sfm tfolks sigmtfolc supmrlaturae os ti jeagm nir wfat fas fappmlmh. Ot os `ustigary nir pmipem ol tfm rmcoil ti `frostml tfmor `foehrml as siil as pissojem ti pritm`t tfmg ig mvoe. Sfml Mhuarh‟ Mhuarh‟ss `frostmlolc was hmeaymh jm`ausm in Fuci‟s Fuci‟s hossmr-

ol tfm pri`mss in hriwlolc fmr lmwjirl sil. Aoli fas lit lito`mh alytfolc stralcm ajiut tfm `foeh. ³ 

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs mxagolm tfm `foeh, tfmy

`al riee nir GMHO@OLM i  irr OL^MPXOCAXOIL . Il su``mss tfmy litm tfat tfm `foeh smmgs pmrnm`tey fmaetfy,

tfiucf joc nir fos acm alh aermahy ajem ti sot uprocft alh crasp at tfolcs. Girmivmr, Mhuarh ae-

rmahy fas twi jittig tmmtf, wfo`f os vmry ulusuae nir a tfrmm-giltf-ieh jajy.

tatoil, tfm wmt lursm tromh ti `ilvol`m Aclms ti smw sigm pritm`tovm rulms olti tfm poeeiw`asm ol tfm `rahem. Aclms nirjahm Aoli ti rmsirt ti su`f


supmrstotoil supmrsto toil alh smlt nir NNatfmr atfmr @irlmeou @irlmeouss olstmah.

Xfm salatiroug os ei`atmh ol a wolc in ilm in tfm galy

Jut tfat sagm locft, Aclms smmgmh ti ci gah. Aoli niulh fmr stalholc ivmr a nuee wasf tuj ol tfm saula,

gmho`olae jatffiusms `ilstru`tmh in wiih aeilc tfm

sfirm amr guh wotf fmaeolc pripmrtoms was hos`iv-

mrmh a nmw hm`ahms aci. Xfm fiusm os eocft crmml alh fas earcm, jmautonue gueeoilmh wolhiws, a ceassmh-ol

 S M X L ] Z PM  A O LI Z A L HP A E] ―Ppmak i tfm Hmvoe alh fm os surm ti appmar.‗  Aoli os 􀀰󰀺 ymars ymars ieh ieh al alh h fas fas wirkmh wirkmh as a wmt

lursm nir varoius nagoeoms ol tiwl. Pfm fas eilc jeilhm faor wfo`f sfm fohms ulhmr a jillmt. Il Pulhays sfm cims figm ti fmr `foehrml. `fo ehrml.

pir`f ivmreiikolc ivmreiikolc tfm sma, alh galy riigs ol tfm

gaol juoeholc as wmee as tfm twi wolcs. Xfm rm`mptoil hmsk os gallmh jy twi lursms ma`f hrmssmh ol a wfotm ulonirg alh `ap, alh pmipem wmarolc tfm mstajeosf-

gmlt‟s jatfrijms arm sottolc ol `ignirtajem arg`faors, gmlt‟s taekolc ti ma`f itfmr. Satmr hm`altmrs favm jmml pea`mh il tajems aee ivmr tfm riig. Hi`tir Lirgall, @fomn @oty Rfyso`oal, rm`movms tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ol fos infi`m il tfm sm`ilh ﬊iir in tfm gaol juoeholc. Fm tmees

wasstiroms jirl il Imsme alh os vmry nagoeoar Aoli wotf tfm ajiut tfm triees in Kaaeo. Pfm kliws tfat ilm `al trahm wotf alh smmk

tfmg Aclms os `urrmltey ol tfm `eismhtfat sm`toil invil tfmKaosmreolc salatiroug, hum ti fmrfmeh rmpmatmh

fmep ig tfm triees, alh tfat tfmy woee in-

roug acaolst fmr woee amr tfm wmt lursm niulh fmr ol

attmgpts ti ms`apm. Pfm was jriucft ti tfm salati-

tml fmep yiu on yiu trmat tfmg wmee. Pfm aesi kliws tfat tfmy gocft smmk rmvmlcm il tfism  wfi jrmak jrmak acr acrmmgmlts mmgmlts wotf tfmg.  Aoli suspm`ts tfat Fuci fas gahm a hmae  wotf tfm triees ti nurtfmr fos rmsmar`f. rmsmar`f. Pfm

tfolks tfm kaltmem fas sigmtfolc ti hi wotf ot, jut ol wfat way sfm hims lit kliw. ³ 

Rfysoqum 0

 wmakmlmh Aclms‟ Aclms‟ golh, alh fm os `ilvol`mh tfat a

rmcogml in guh jatfs woee rmstirm tfm piir wigal ti ciih gmltae fmaetf.

Rrm`osoil 0

Mgpatfy 8   : ^OCOEAL@ M   0 IJPMZ^AXOIL  0 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³ 


tfm saula tryolc ti hriwl fmr sil ol a wasf tuj. Xfm  wmt lursm arrovmh dust ol togm alh tfm `foeh os aerocft.  Aclms fas lit covml aly rmasilajem mxpealatoil nir fmr a`toils. Hi`tir Lirgall acrmms wotf Fuci  vil Kaosmreolc tfat tfm strmss in `foehjortf gust favm

Eico` :


@FAEEMLCMP On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask ti smm Aclms, Hi`tir Lirgall olotoaeey says li, jmeomvolc ot wiueh hosrupt fmr aoe gmltae statm. Fiwmvmr, tfmy `al GALOR]EAXM  fog

³ 60 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³

ACLMP‟P PXIZ_  Aclms, quotm paem, os stalholc jy ilm in tfm wolhiws, fmr eilc hark faor talcemh alh ultohy. ul tohy. Pfm os vmry tfol alh spmaks `aegey alh quomtey quomtey,, jut jmfolh fmr pieotmlmss tfmrm os crmat paol. ―Ot was su`f a diy wfml eottem Mhuarh was jirl. O ag si eilmey fmrm. Fuci‟s rmsmar`f rmquorms tfat fm travme aee tfm togm. O was eiikolc nirwarh ti sfarolc gy mvmryhay eonm wotf tfm jajy si tfm fiusm wiueh wiue h lit nmme si mgpty. Hi lit cmt gm wrilc, gy fusjalh‟s wirk os vmry

olti covolc ol. Alitfmr iptoil os ti stmae tfm kmy km y ti  Aclms‟ ri  Aclms‟ riig ig (ot os falcolc il a fiik ol tfm hi`tir‟s hi`tir‟s iff`m) alh slmak olsohm ‐ jut ot takms twi su``mssnue PXMAEXF  tmsts acaolst tfm hi`tir‟ hi`tir‟ss ^OCOEAL@M. @E]MP

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti smm Aclms, sfm os upsmt alh hmtmrgolmh ti ms`apm ol irhmr ti ―savm fmr `foeh,‗‗ as sfm puts ot. Pfm os focfey suspo`oius in tfm `foeh,

ogpirtalt ti gm as wmee, jut wm favm lit cittml


ti kliw galy in tfm itfmr nagoeoms eovolc fmrm. Gy iley suppirt fas jmml Natfmr @irlmeous.‗ @irlmeous. ‗ ― O tromh ti `ilvol`m Fuci tfat tfm `foeh

―Fmaetf tfriucf guh.‗ Hi`tir Fmlrok Lirgall os 󰀽􀀰 ymars ieh, avmracm fmocft, alh usuaeey wmars a sfort, vmst, alh palts ulhmr fos wfotm eaj `iat. Fos crayjeum myms favm al oltmlsm jut warg eiik jmfolh tfm riulh ceassms. Nir tfm past 􀀱󰀽 ymars fm fas smrvmh as tfm `oty pfyso`oal in Armlsjurc alh fmah in tfm

sfiueh jm japtozmh oggmhoatmey antmr fos jortf, jut fm was ajiut ti gakm a jrmaktfriucf wotf fos hossmrtatoil alh waltmh ti waot ultoe fos wirk was hilm jmnirm arralcolc tfm `frostmlolc party. Acaol, O ogpeirmh fog ‐ ultoe fm os japtozmh tfm jajy woee jm hmnmlsmemss acaolst mvoe, O saoh, jut Fuci wiueh lit juhcm.‗ juhcm. ‗ A sfahiw naees ivmr Aclms‟ na`m, alh sfm ulwottolcey `eml`fms fmr fists. ― Antmr a nmw wmmks O lito`mh tfat tfm tf m `foeh fah `falcmh. O swmar ti yiu, wfml O put Mhuarh ol tfm `rahem, O `iueh smm fos na`m sfont. Fos myms turlmh hark alh fos jmautonue nmaturms wmrm twostmh olti sigmtfolc stralcm alh woeh.

salatiroug, wfo`f iflmrs trmatgmlts nir

jitf pfyso`ae alh gmltae aoegmlts. Xfm hi`tir givmh ti Armlsjurc amr rmaholc ajiut tfm hos`ivmry in a guh hmpisot wmee-suotmh

nirHi`tir gmho`aeLirgall jatfs. Lirg all fas hilm fos figmwirk alh jmeomvms firgey ol tfm fmaeolc pripmrtoms in tfm jatfs alh guh. Fm sfarms Fuci vil Kao-

smreolc s vomw tfat Aclms golh fas jmml wmakmlmh, alh os `ilvol`mh tfat a rmcogml in guh jatfs woee rmstirm fmr ti ciih gmltae fmaetf. Ol `asm Aclms hims lit rm`ivmr, tfm hi`tir fas `ilta`ts at tfm gmltae fispotae ol Zoca.

Fuci fah dust rmturlmh nrig ilm in fos trops ti Kaaeo ^oeeacm alh wiueh lit eostml.‗ eostml.‗ ―Xfm lmxt locft tfm jajy was sottolc ol fos

`rahem ‐ `al yiu ogacolm fiw ullaturae ot os nir a twi-wmmk-ieh ti jm sottolc uprocft9 Xfat os

lit gy jajy, jut a gilstmr! O hi lit kliw wfat `agm ivmr gm… Xfm lmxt tfolc O rmgmgjmr os

Rfysoqum : Rrm`osoil 8 Eico` 8 Mgpatfy 0   GMHO@OLM  0 EMAZLOLC : ^OCOEAL@M : ³  ³ 

tfm wmt lursm pueeolc gm away nrig tfm jatftuj ol tfm saula. If Cih, wfat favm O hilm9 Gy

IJPMZ^AXOIL  0 Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss :   MQ]ORGMLX4  Gmho`ae jac ³ 

jajy os iut tfmrm sigmwfmrm, O nmme ot o t ol mvmry

fijmr in gy jmolc. _iu gust ci ti Natfmr @irlm-


eous, fm os tfm iley wfi gocft kliw wfat ti hi.‗ hi.‗

³ 68 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

 vosotirs, nmarolc tfmy gocft goc ft jm mxpmrts `aeemh ol jy

Hi`tir Lirgall ti favm fmr hm`earmh olsalm. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust GALOR]EAXM  Aclms ti caol fmr trust. On su``mssnue tfmy caol tfm nieeiwolc `eums4  Aclms os `ilvol`mh tfat fmr `foeh os mlhiwmh wotf supmrlaturae pripmrtoms. Fuci fas spmlt a eit in togm ol Kaaeo ^oeeacm nir rmsmar`f purpisms.



 Aclms fas caolmh caolm h gu`f gu `f `igni ` ignirt rt ig  ig Natfmr



Xfm tmxt jix il pacm 􀀶󰀸 `al privohm olsporatoil nir fiw Aclms tmees fmr stiry.

XFM @F ]Z@F IN PX. PX. LO@FIEAP Ol tfm fmart in Armlsjurc, iley a stilm‟ stilm‟ss tfriw ig tfm `astem, eoms tfm @fur`f in Paolt Lo`fieas. Xfm

`fur`f os surriulhmh jy a stilm waee, olsohm wfo`f os a sgaee carhml wotf a pavmh patfway. Gahm in stilm  wotf twi iloil higms, tfm `fur`f was juoet ol tfm

􀀱􀀶tf `mltury alh os kliwl nir ots `ieem`toil in o`ils. Xfm `fur`f os wfmrm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `fara`tm rs `al usuaeey filh Natfmr @irlmeous, wfi os fappy ti taek ajiut fos rmeatoilsfop wotf Aclms vil Kaosmreolc. Xfm promst os a hmho`atmh paoltmr in o`ils ‐ wfml fm paolts, fm

eisms ilm wotfnircmts Cih.ti Fmmat. `al spmlhfogsmen fiurs olalh tfmjm`igms stuhoi alh iml

Ilm hay Aclms niulh Natfmr Natfmr @irlmeo @irlmeous us passmh iut ol tfm `fur`f park amr galy fiurs in o`il paoltolc. Pfm fmepmh fog ti fos nmmt alh cavm fog sigm watmr.

EMAZLOLC XMPX Sfml tfm R@s favm gmt jitf Aclms alh fmr `foeh ol Armlsjurc, tfmy `al at aly togm gakm a EMAZLOLC tmst ti caol tfm olnirgatoil jmeiw. jme iw. Iley ilm R@ `al gakm tfm tmst alh iley ilm riee `al jm gahm. On tfm tmst naoes, tfm R@s woee lmmh ti filh tfm olnirgatoil mesmwfmrm, mesmwfmrm, progaroey jy taekolc ti LR@s.   ILM P]@@MPP4 Gmmtolc Aclms alh fmr `foeh ³  rmgolhs yiu in ieh niek taems ajiut triees alh `falcmeolcs. Xriees eovm ol `iggulotoms wfmrm tfmy jrmw jmmr, kmmp eovmsti`k, cmt garromh, alh favm tfmor iwl trahotoils. Aetfiucf tfmy fatm mvmrytfolc ajiut tfm @frostoal rmeocoil, tfm triees `al sigmtogms mx`falcm navirs alh tiies wotf fugals. Xfmrm favm jmml `asms wfmrm tfm triees favm slat`fmh a jajy nrig ots `rahem alh emnt a `falcmeolc ol ots stmah.   XS I P]@ @ MPPMP4 Xriees `al eiik a eit eokm ³  fugals ‐ sigmtogms mvml jmautonue ‐ jut tfmrm os aeways sigm hmtaoe tfat covms c ovms tfmg away.. @frostoal sygjies `allit jm j away jriucft riucft olti tfm hwmeeolc in a triee ulemss tfm jmarmr first turls tfmor `eitfms olsohm iut alh waeks ja`kwarhs tfriucf tfm mltral`m wfoem aesi spmakolc ja`kwarhs. Xriees `al jm hrovml inn tfriucf @frostoal rotuaes, nir mxagpem jy pea`olc a `riss ol tfmor hwmeeolcs. @foehrml `al jm pritm`tmh nrig triees jy jap-

Xfat was tfm start in tfmor omlhsfop. Aclms os vmry oltmrmstmh ol rmeocoius gattmrs, alh tfm twi fah eilc `il`il  vmrsatoi  vmrs atoils ls huro hurolc lc tfmo tfmorr waek waekss ol tfm `fur `fur`f `f par park. k. Xfr Xfrmm mm giltfs aci, Aclms was a``mptmh olti tfm `ilcrmcatoil.

tozolc tfmg. ³ 

 Xi cmt a stieml fugal jajy ja`k nrig tfm triees, tfmy gust jm appmasmh ol sigm way. Alitfmr gmtfih os ti tfrmatml ti farg tfm triee `falcmeolc emnt jy tfm triees.



On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask @irlmeous ajiut Aclms‟ jajy, fm woee iley covm mvasovm alswmrs. Xfmy gust IJPMZ^AXOIL

passOnal  tmsttfat ti cmt ti taek. @irlmeous emarls tfmfog peaymr `fara`tmrs woee jm ciolc ti Kaaeo ^oeeacm, fm olsosts tfat tfmy jrolc

fog aeilc. Ot takms a GALOR]EAXOIL  tmst nir fog ti takm li nir al alswmr.

³ 6= ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs@E]MP `al caol sigm olnirgatoil

ig tfmor vosot ti tfm `fur`f. On tfm `fara`tmrs vosot Natfmr @irlmeous ol fos stuhy, tfmy gay riee a EMAZLOLC tmst. Il su``mss tfmy lito`m a jiulh `ipy in Zotuaem Zigalug ‐ a jiik trahotoilaeey usmh nir mxir`osgs. On tfm `fara`tmrs cmt @irlmeous ti taek (smm ajivm)



fm tmees tfmg tfat fm os `ilvol`mh tfat tfm vil Kaosmreolc `foeh os jmwot`fmh ir pissmssmh. Fm

smms iley ilm mxpealatoil nir fiw mvoe niulh ots  way ti tfm yiulc yi ulc `iupem4 Fuci‟s ulfmaetfy ol-

tmrmst ol pacal emcmlhs alh silcs, alh tfm mx`mssovm agiult togmhmgil fm spmlt wotfjmtfm olfihmesnir in Kaaeo ^oeeacm.inXfm gust mxpmeemh

NAXFMZ XFMZ @IZLMEO]P NA ―O sfaee `emalsm tfos ealh ol tfm lagm i Dmsus @frost.‗ Natfmr @irlmeous os a 󰀸􀀶-ymar-ieh promst in tfm


tfm `foeh ti jm savmh alh nir Aclms ti jm fmrsmen acaol. @irlmeous oltmlhs ti pmrnirg al mxir`osg il tfm vil Kaosmreolcs‟ jajy. Natfmr @irlmeous `al aesi olnirg tfmg in fos suspo`oils rmcarholc tfm ulcihey voeeacmrs in Kaaeo.

Zussoal Irtfihix @fur`f. Fm os irocolaeey ig tfm Zussoal `apotae in Pt. Rmtmrsjurc. Xfm `fur`f

Fm tfolks tfmy arm pra`to`olc jea`k gaco`, alh `eaogs tfat pmipem favm jmml smml hosappmarolc

gmals mvmrytfolc ti @irlmeous, as ot savmh fog

olti tfm ri`k na`m in tfm Kaaeo `ratmr.

ig pivmrty alh hmeolquml`y ol fos yiutf, ja`k  wfml fm gahm fos eovmeofiih as a ficftmr ficftmr il tfm

strmmts in Pt. Rm Rmtmrsjurc. tmrsjurc. Eatmey,fas fosjiistmh `ilcrmcatoil fas criwl, as pma`m trahmol olArmlsjurc tfm arma alh Armlsjurc fas smml a criwolc Zussoal pipueatoil. Natfmr @irlmeous fas aesi travmemh ariulh tfm rmcoil alh os appaeemh tfat niekeirm alh laturm rmeocoil favm

@ILCZMCALXP  A gitemy ﬊i`k in gmgjmrs in Natfmr @irlmeous‟ `ilcrmcatoil. Xfmy arm nalato`aeey eiyae ti tfm promst alh ijmy fos mvmry `iggalh.

jmml aeeiwmh ti `i-mxost wotf tfm @frostoal naotf ol Kaaeo ^oeeacm. Fm fas smlt a emttmr ti tfm patroar` patroar`ff ol @ilstaltolipem alh mxpeaolmh tfat tfm rmcoil lmmhs ti jm jriucft olti tfm ilm trum naotf.

Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` : Mgpatfy :   @EIPM @IGJAX : ³  Gmltae Xiucflmss : Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss : ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Klonm ir axm ³  ³ 

Rfysoqum 8 Rrm`osoil 0 Eico` : Mgpatfy 8   ACOEOX_   : : @EIPM @IGJAX   8 PXMAEXF  : ³  ^OCOEAL@M 0 IJPMZ^AXOIL  0 GALOR]EAXOIL  8 Gmltae Xiucflmss 0 Rfyso`ae Xiucflmss 0 ³    MQ]ORGMLX4  Xir`f  Xir`f (`iults a ass a wmapil jut smts ³  tfm vo`tog il firm), `assi`k, `ru`ofix ³ 

³ 6> ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

KA AEO ^OEEACM ^OEEACM Kaaeo os a criup in lolm `ratmrs ol tfm arma surriulholc Kaaeo voeeacm il Imsme. Xfmrm favm eilc jmml honnmrmlt tfmiroms rmcarholc tfm irocol in tfmsm `ratmrs. Xfm pea`m fas iml jmml `ilsohmrmh sa`rmh, alh ar`famieico`ae mx`avatoils mx`avatoils favm sfiwl tfat ot gay il`m favm jmml a pea`m in rotuae sa`rofi`m. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al jm mlto`mh ti vosot Kaaeo amr po`kolc po`ko lc up `eums ig Fuci alh Aclms, ir Natfmr @irlmeous. On tfmy hi lit takm tfm jaot, tfm wmt lursm  Aoli `al succm succmst st tfat tfm `fara` `fara`tmrs tmrs pay a vosot ti Kaaeo. Xfm masomst way ti cmt tfmrm os jy stacm`ia`f, wfo`f

takms riucfey twi fiurs fiur s il larriw, jugpy riahs. Kaaeo os ei`atmh tfm quotm mhcm tfm `ratmr arma. Ot osvoeeacm a triee voeeacm, jutil eiiks qu otmin irholary il tfm surna`m, wotf a hizml fiusms eololc a solcem riah.

Xfmrm arm `attem mvmrywfmrm, crazolc jmtwmml tfm

fiusms, alh il tfm iutskorts in tfm voeeacm os a sgotfy. @FAEEMLCMP

 As tfmy appria`f Kaaeo, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs‟ `ia`f suhhmley fots a ri`k, vmmrs ifl tfm riah, alh ﬊ops ivmr. Ma`f peaymr `fara`tmr gakms al ACOEOX_  tmst  tmst ‐ tfism

 wfi naoe suflmr a pfyso`ae @i @ilhotoil. lhotoil. Il`m ja`k il tfmor nmmt tfm `fara`tmrs lito`m tfat tfm `ia`f fas a hagacmh wfmme alh tfat ilm in tfm firsms lmmhs rm-sfimolc. A jot nurtfmr away tfmrm

os a sgotfy wotf warg eocft cusfolc ig tfm `ra`ks ariulh tfm hiir. On tfmy smmk fmep at tfm sgotfy, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs woee gmmt tfm jea`ksgotf Olhrmk. Ot os fit olsohm alh Olhrmk os farh at wirk, jut hims lit smmg tfm

OLHZMK E ỢỢ XPGALL y iu.‗ ―Xiu`f ilm faor il tfm koh‟s fmah alh O‟ee koee yiu. Olhrmk‟s sgotfy os ei`atmh lmar tfm focfriah iutsohm Kaaeo ^oeeacm. Fm os taee alh jriah-sfiue jriah-sfiuehmrmh hmrmh wotf  wavy,, rym jeil  wavy jeilhh faor tfat `ures acao acaolst lst fos sfiu sfiuehmrs ehmrs.. Fos falhs arm strilc alh garkmh jy galy ymars in farh wirk at tfm sgotfy. Xfm iley tfolc tfat gars fos jmauty os al ucey s`ar a`riss fos `fmmk. Rmipem ol tfm arma, jitf fugals alh triees, `igm ti Olhrmk ti pur`fasm mquopgmlt ir favm tfmor ieh cmar rmpaormh. Fos klovms alh tiies arm wmee-kliwl

agilc tfm ei`aes as tfmy gaoltaol tfmor sfarplmss

nir a eilc togm alh rarmey jrmak. Olhrmk was fogsmen a `falcmeolc as a `foeh alh hoh lit rmturl ti tfm triees ultoe fm was a tmmlacmr. tmml acmr.  Sfml tfm fugal `iupem `iupem fm w was as eovolc wotf tromh ti cmt tfmor rmae sil ja`k ig tfm triees, tfmy furt Olhrmk wotf a klonm, alh fm stoee fas pfyso`ae alh psy`fieico`ae s`ars s`ar s ig tfm ol`ohmlt. On Fuci ir

tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs tfrmatml ti farg vil Kaosmreolc‟s triee `foeh, Olhrmk woee rma`t wotf racm ‐  yiu `al rmah rmah girm ajiut tfos ulhmr @ililtatoil. Olhrmk os a triee a``irholc ti tfm ruems il pacm 􀀱󰀽󰀾 ol tfm `irm ruemjiik, jut fas tfm nie-

emast jot tormh. Il tfm `iltrary, fm os ol a jroeeoalt

giih. Olhrmk os a triee. Sotf a su``mssnue ^OCOEAL@M  tmst hurolc tfm `ilvmrsatoil, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs

litm tfat Olhrmk os mx`mptoilaeey strilc ‐ fm fixms tfm firsmsfim wotf iley a nmw strokms at tfm alvoe.

eiwolc stats4 @E]MP

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al caol smvmrae `eums ig

  GOCFX  1:


tfmor vosot wotf Olhrmk. ³ 

Olhrmk fas gmt Fuci vil Kaosmreolc il smvmrae i``asoils. ―Xfm yiulc gal‟s gal‟s golh gay jm uee u ee i wirehey wire hey


GACO@  =


  MQ]ORGMLX4  Faggmr


³ 63 ³


³ 󰁀󰁦󰁡󰁲󰁸󰁭󰁺 8 ³

agjotoils, jut tmars fm surm solc ialh peay. rmlhotoils i tfm ieh silcs jrolc ti `al tfm myms mvml tfmFos tiucfmst i triees. ‗ Olhrmk says tfmy `al filh ivmrlocft a``iggi³ 

hatoil at tfm `ilvmrtmh wolhgoee tfat os liw tfm Xuedak Oll.


Olhrmk aesi gakms ficurolms, jiwes, alh `alhem-

sto`ks ig tfm hieigotm ri`k niulh ol tfm arma. Xfm ijdm`ts arm hospeaymh il sfmevms aee ivmr tfm sgotfy. Sotf a su``mssnue OL^MPXOCAXOIL  tmst tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs litm tfat tfm ficurolms favm

`iarsm nmaturms alh (ol galy `asms) taoes. ³ 


On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gmltoil tfat tfmy wmrm

smlt ti filh iut wfat fappmlmh ti tfm vil Kaosmreolcs‟‟ `foeh, Olhrmk tmees tfmg ajiut `falcmeolcs eolcs alh mxpeaols tfat tfmy `al cmt tfm rmae jajy ja`k jy tfrmatmlolc ti furt tfm triee `foeh. Xfat os fiw fm was rmturlmh ti fos nagoey, amr jmolc usmh as a `falcmeolc wfml fm was eottem. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ask straocft iut on Olhrmk os a triee, fm ahgots tfat ot os trum ‐ on tfmy galacm ti GALOR]EAXM  fog, tfat os.

XFM X]EDAK OLL Xfm Xuedak Xuedak oll os ei` ei`atmh atmh ol tfm ieh wolhgo wolhgoeeee jy a sgaee strmag il tfm mhcm in tfm voeeacm, lmar tfm lolm `ratmrs. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `iueh `igm fmrm il Olhrmk‟s ah vo`m, ir jy `fal`m ‐ ot os tfm iley oll ol Kaaeo ^oeeacm oeeacm.. Xuedak os rul jy Emmei Posaeok alh kliwl agilc tfm ei`aes nir ots mx`meemlt jmmr. Emmei os ol na`t a triee, alh fmr mstajeosfgmlt os a pea`m wfmrm mmtfolkolc, jriahgolhmh fugals `al golcem wotf fmr kolh. Xfm

EMMEI POPAEOK  ―_iu rmap wfat yiu siw.‗ Xriee alh pripromtir in tfm X Xuedak uedak Oll. E Emmei mmei os taeemr tfal galy gml ol tfm arma, alh `ilhu`ts fmrsmen ol a `iurtmius gallmr. Fmr nmaturms arm jmautonue alh fugal, mx`mpt

nir tfm top in fmr taoe wfo`f al attmltovm ijsmrvmr gay lito`m ig togm ti togm ulhmr fmr eilc, `ieirnue skort. Emmei os a triee a`-

`irholc ti tfm ruems il pacm 􀀱󰀽󰀾, jut fas tfm nieeiwolc stats4   GOCFX  3




GACO@  6

peaymr `fara`tmrs `al spmlh tfm locft fmrm.  Sfml tfm `fara`tmrs arrovm at a t tfm oll o ll alh stmp stm p

tfriucf tfm hiir, tfmy arm gmt jy a warg alh jios wiihml jml`fms alh tajems aeilc tfm waees, tfm ei-

‐ gasfmh pitatims wotf a sau`m in sgikmh pirk, goek, alh ﬊iur. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gay sot hiwl ol ilm in tfm tf m

`aes arm mldiyolc ciih niih alh tfm awarh-wollolc jmmr. Olhrmk `igms fmrm a eit. Rocemts, `fo`kmls, `fo`k mls, alh

jiitfs. Piil Emmei sfiws up alh wme`igms tfmg ti fmr oll, wfoem puttolc hark rym jrmah alh msf

jajy ciats waek mmey jmtwmml tfm tajems. A criup in guso`oals arm dust filosfolc tfmor pmrnirgal`m

juttmr il tfmor tajem. ―Sfat `al O cmt yiu9 Xfm jrmah os il us ‐ li ilm cims fulcry ol tfos fiusm.‗

tmrius atgispfmrm. Ot sgmees pemasaltey in msfey

jakmh jrmah, jmmr, alh saumrkraut. Ol jiitfs wotf

alh sottolc hiwl ti t i favm sigm ―Xufeopuhmr da Litt‗

³ 66 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³


Xuedak os a triee oll. Xfos emahs ti smvmrae `faeemlcms. Reaymr `fara`tmrs wfi arm promsts `allit mltmr tfm oll ‐ ot os as tfiucf tfmrm os al olvosojem waee jei`kolc tfm mltral`m. Fiwmvmr, on tfmy turl tfmor `eitfms olsohm iut alh waek ja`kwarhs olti tfm juoeholc,  wfoem taekolc ja`kwarhs as wmee, tfmy tfm y tii `al `riss

tfm tfrmsfieh in tfm oll. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al ficurm tfos iut wotf a su``mssnue EMAZLOLC tmst. On tfm `fara`tmrs arm a``igpalomh jy Natfmr @irlmeous, tfm eattmr woee mxprmss fos `iltmgpt nir tfm

―sogpem iek‗ ol tfm voeeacm alh iflmlh mvmryilm fm gmmts. Xfos gocft emah ti triujem. Xi `ilvol`m tfm triees at Xuedak tfat tfmor oltml-

toils arm purm, tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gust pass a GA tmst. Il naoeurm tfm triees at tfm oll woee


jm suspo`oius alh tmrsm. Emt tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs gakm a




Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al emarl a crmat hmae at X Xuedak4 uedak4 Jy spmakolc wotf itfmr cumsts tfmy `al emarl tfat Fuci vil Kaosmreolc pmrnirgmh tfmrm galy togms. Olhrmk `al tmee tfmg tfat Fuci gist eokmey gahm al acrmmgmlt wotf Emmei ti cmt fos falhs il tfm kaltmem.


Sfml tfm east in tfm cumsts favm cilm figm ol tfm eocft in hawl, Emmei takms a smat at yiur tajem. ―Ot was O wfi cavm Fuci tfm kaltmem. O rmaeey waltmh fog ti rm`irh tfm silcs alh stiroms in iur  pmipem. O saw ol fog al artost jmyilh tfm agjotoius a`ahmgo`, alh olotoaeey ot aee wmlt vmry v mry wmee. Fuci‟s  pmrnirgal`ms  pmrnir gal`ms at tf tfm m ol oll l attra`tmh att ra`tmh eits in vos vosotirs otirs.. Jut il`m fm fah filosfmh fos hossmrtatoil, ot jm`agm `emar tfat fm fah nircittml fos prigosm ti rmturl tfm kaltmem.‗ kaltmem.‗ Puhhmley tfmrm os firm ol Emmei‟s myms. Pfm rosms nrig fmr `faor alh turls fmr ja`k il yiu. ―Fiw harm fm jrmak iur acrmmgmlt9 On fm oltmlhs ti rij iur pmipem in iur silcs as wmee as tfm

kaltmem, wm woee takm fos hmarmst pissmssoil, fos ﬊msf

hurolc tfmor vosot ti Xuedak. Il su``mss tfmy ceogpsm a taoe as Emmei givms jmtwmml tfm tajems ti spmak wotf fmr cumsts alh smrvm niih alh jmmr. Xi caol Emmei‟s trust alh gakm fmr tmee tfmg fmr stiry, tfm `fara`tmrs gust jm filmst ajiut wfy tfmy favm `igm, alh tfml pass al OLPROZAXOIL tmst. On ot naoes, tfmy `al gakm alitfmr attmgpt tfm lmxt mvmlolc.



alh jeiih, ol rmturl.‗ rmturl.‗ Emmei prmsmlts tfm rmst in tfm stiry ol silc. Puhhmley yiu smm jmnirm yiu a carhml alh a fiusm, wfo`f yiu rm`iclozm as vil Kaosmreolc‟s figm. Ot os locft, alh Emmei slmaks up ti tfm lursmry wolhiw. Pfm waots ol tfm carhml, `il`maemh jy tfm eoea`s iutsohm tfm wolhiw, wotf a julhem in jealkmts ol fmr args. Emmei fugs quomtey ti tfm triee `foeh, alh ol tfm giileocft fmr wirhs turl olti silc alh tfm silc olti gaco`. Xfm jajy triee‟s nmaturms sfont olti a fugal na`m. Pfm `eogjs ol tfriucf tfm ipml wolhiw alh pea`ms tfm eottem triee ol tfm `rahem lmxt ti tfm semmpolc sil in Fuci alh Aclms vil Kaosmreolc. Puhhmley a ﬊iirjiarh `rmaks iut ol tfm `irrohir, as tfm wmt lursm givms tiwarhs tfm lursmry wotf a eot


On tfm peaymrs `fara`tmrs galacm ti caol fmr trust, Emmei rmvmaes tfat sfm, eokm galy itfmr rmsohmlts in Kaaeo ^oeeacm, os a triee. Pfm tmees tfmg tfm triees triees‟‟ sohm in tfm stiry, ol`euholc tfm na`t tfat Fuci gust

`alhem ol fmr falh. Emmei wraps tfm fugal jajy ol a jealkmt alh furroms iut tfriucf tfm wolhiw wolhiw.. Iutsohm, tfm marey girlolc eocft aermahy ceottmrs a`riss tfm sma. Emmei pausms alh turls ti yiu. ―_iu smm, O `allit covm tfmg tfmor `foeh ja`k ultoe fm rmturls tfm kaltmem. Alh ot gust fappml at tfm

rmturl tfm kaltmem at Kaaeo Eakm ol irhmr ti cmt

fos jajy ja`k. Ot gust fappml at gohlocft il tfm suggmr siesto`m, wfo`f eu`koey os iley a nmw hays away. Pmm tfm tmxt jix il tfm rocft.

sagm pea`m wfmrm tfm acrmmgmlt acrmm gmlt was gahm ‐ Kaaeo Eakm, at gohlocft il tfm suggmr siesto`m.‗ siesto`m.‗

³ 6? ³


 ILNZILX XOIL @ILNZILXAXOIL Xfm filae `ililtatoil in tfm gystmry takms pea`m

at Kaaeo Eakm, tfm earcmst in tfm lolm `ratmrs iutsohm Kaaeo ^oeeacm. Fmrm Fmrm tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al smm ti ot tfat Fuci alh Aclms cmt tfmor sil ja`k. ja`k . Xfmrm arm twi ways ti puee tfos ifl. @ilvol`m Fuci ti `igm ti Kaaeo Eakm alh rm-

turl tfm kaltmem ti tfm triees. Xfos rmquorms li emss

smmk itfmr ways in rmtromvolc a fugal `foeh stieml jy triees. On tfmy pass tfmor EMAZLOLC  tmst (pacm 􀀶󰀽), tfmy rmaeozm tfat tfrmatmlolc ti furt tfm `falcmeolc em ol tfm jajy‟s stmah woee gakm tfm triees falh ivmr tfm fugal `foeh. On tfm EMAZLOLC tmst naoes, tfmy `al cmt tfos olnirgatoil ig Aoli. Litm tfat tfm eattmr stratmcy os lit pissojem on Natfmr @irlmeous fas `igpemtmh fos mxir`osg, ol wfo`f `asm tfm triee `foeh `fo eh os li eilcmr tfmrm.

tfal twi GALOR]EAXOIL  tmsts ‐ ilm ti `ilvol`m Fuci


tfat supmrlaturae jmolcs mxost alh tfat fos sil os a `falcmeolc, alh alitfmr ti pmrsuahm fog ti fmah

ja`k ti Kaaeo alh rmturl tfm kaltmem, wfo`f fm trmasurms vmry gu`f. Xfm pri`mss `al jm riempeaymh ol

hmtaoe ir falhemh suggaroey. NNaoemh aoemh tmsts gmal togm  wastmh ‐ ol itfmr itfm r wirhs, tfm gystmry‟s `iulthiwl

pricrmssms (smm p 􀀶󰀲).

On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs naoe ti `ilvol`m Fuci ti `igm wotf tfmg, ir on tfmy hi lit mvml try, tfmy `al

Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `igm ti Kaaeo Eakm at husk, aeilc  wotf Fuci vil Kaosmr Kaosmreolc. eolc. Xfm giil eocfts tfmor way as tfmy waek tfriucf tfm wiihs. Xfm locft aor os hagp  wotf nic alh sgme sgmees es in ﬊iwm ﬊iwmrs rs alh dulo dulopmrs pmrs.. Kaaeo Eakm os ei`atmh ol a hmmp hmprmssoil. Ot os sgaee, iley tforty tfor ty gmtmrs a`riss, `or`uear, alh nuee in sfoly crmml watmr. Ots jalk os jarrml, jut tfm arma os surriulhmh jy trmms,  wfo`f kmmps tfm eakm ol pmrpmtuae pmrpmtuae sfahm.

³ ?2 ³


³ 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁐󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁎󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯 󰁬󰁣 󰁐󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

Xfm rmgaols in a hmnmlsovm waee `al stoee jm j m smml ariulh tfm `ratmr, aejmot ivmrcriwl wotf giss. Jmolc tfm triees‟ gist sa`rmh pea`m, ot os pritm`tmh jy j y piwmrnue gaco`. Xilocft Xilocft tfm triees `memjratm tfm suggmr siesto`m, alh jmautonue guso` m`fims ig tfm `ratmr,  wfo`f os eot jy smvmrae firms. Xfm surna`m in Kaaeo Eakm os eokm a watmry gorrir. Puhhmley Emmei os stalholc at tfm mhcm in tfm watmr  wotf tfm `foeh ol fmr args. Xriees Xriees ol varoius nirgs arm smml ariulh tfm `ratmr, ` ratmr, first a nmw, tfml girm

alh girm ‐ sigm girm fugal ol appmaral`m, itfmrs sgaee wotf claremh jihoms alh woeh nmaturms. Olhrmk os fmrm as wmee. ―Xilocft wm `memjratm tfm gmgiry i tfm aeeolc star tfat jriucft  firm ja`k ti us. Sm Sm woee solc ig husk husk ‖toe hawl il tfos sfirtmst i

locfts,‗ says Emmei. Pfm turls ti tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs

alh Fuci (on fm os wotf tfmg). Xfm `foeh os semmpolc siulhey ol fmr args. ―_iu arm wme`igm fmrm. Fuci, favm yiu y iu `igm ti filir tfm acrmmgmlt wm gahm9‗  Sfat fappmls lmxt hmpmlhs il tfm peaymr `far`far-

a`tmrs‟ a`toils. a`tmrs‟ On tfmy ask Fuci ti rmturl tfm kaltmem, fm suhhmley `falcms fos golh alh rmnusms. Fm os ijsmssmh wotf tfm olstrugmlt alh `allit jmar ti part wotf ot. Olstmah fm puees a klonm alh tfrmatmls ti furt tfm `falcmeolc ol fos args ‐ Fuci fas jmml rmaholc ajiut ieh emc-

NAXFMZ NAXFMZ @IZLMEO]P On yiu walt ti ol`rmasm tfm hraga mvml girm hurolc

tfm `ililtatoil at tfm `ratmr, favm Natfm Natfmrr @irlmeous sfiw up sfirtey amr tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `fara`tmr s alh Fuci. Hmpmlholc il fiw nar tfm `iulthiwl fas f as pricrmssmh, tfos `iueh fappml jmnirm ir amr @irlmeous alh fos nieeiwmrs jurl hiwl Kaaeo ^oeeacm (smm @iulthiwl). @irlmeous os `ilvol`mh tfat tfm triees arm tfm Hmvoe‟s `ifirts alh gust jm hmstriymh. Xfm promst fas

jriucft a lugjmr in nalato`ae gmgjmrs in fos `ilcrmcatoil (as galy as tfm lugjmr in peaymr `fara`tmrs) alh wfml fm smms tfm triees ol tfmor trum nirg, fm waeks olti tfm `ratmr ti `ililt tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. @irlmeous troms ti `ilvol`m tfm R@s ti diol

fog ol fos ficft acaolst tfm triees, wfo`f fm jmeomvms arm hmgils. On tfmy hi, tfm triees ﬊mm olti tfm wiihs alh tfm @atastripfm os troccmrmh (smm pacm 􀀶󰀲). On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs rmnusm ti diol @irlmeous, fm woee `ilsohmr tfmg mlmgoms alh atta`k. Xfm `fara`tmrs favm li `fio`m jut ti stip tfm promst jy nir`m,  wfoem assurolc tfm triees tfat tfmy hi lit smm tfmg tfm  way fm hims (GALOR]EAXOIL tmst). On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs galacm ti `ilvol`m tfm

triees in tfmor ciih oltmltoils, Olhrmk woee fmep tfmg ficft @irlmeous alh fos gml. On tfm promst os hmnmatmh fm woee try ti ﬊mm Kaaeo, lmvmr ti rmturl.

mlhs alh emarlmh tfat tfos os ilm way in cmttolc triees ti rmturl a fugal `foeh. Xfm peaymr `fara`tmrs `al motfmr try ti GALOR]EAXM  fog olti emttolc ci in tfm

olstrugmlt ir ivmrwfmeg fog jy nir`m. On tfos hims lit su``mmh wotfol a nmw turls, Olhrmk oltmrvmlms as hms`rojmh jmeiw jmeiw.. On tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ir Fuci tfrmatml ti farg tfm `falcmeolc, Emmei cims paem wotf nmar alh ja`ks


 Aclms vil Kao  Aclms Kaosmr smreol eolcc quo quo`ke `keyy rm`iv rm`ivmrs mrs il` il`mm sfm cmts cmts fmr sil ja`k. Xfm nagoey emavms Armlsjurc alh givms ja`k ti ]psaea. Mhuarh criws up, taee nir fos acm alh strilcmr tfal itfmr `foehrml amr favolc matml triee niih as a jajy.

ifl. Pfm jmcs tfm pmrsil fieholc tfm `falcmeolc lit ti furt tfm triee `foeh alh prmparms ti falh ivmr tfm fugal jajy. Jut jmnirm sfm hims, a nuroius

Olhrmk piul`ms il Fuci ir tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs. ` fara`tmrs. Olhrmk was fogsmen furt jy fugals ja`k wfml fm

 was a `falcmeolc, alh fm fas tfm pfyso`ae alh gmltae s`ars ti privm ot. Olhrmk troms ti slat`f tfm `falcmeolc ig tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs ir Fuci alh takm

Fuci rmsugms fos a`ahmgo` `armmr as a em`turmr at tfm Hmpartgmlt in Pi`oae alh M`iligo` Cmicrapfy Cmicrapfy.. Fm juys galy hoflmrmlt strolc olstrugmlts alh kmmps peayolc guso`, jut tfmrm os iml sahlmss ol fos myms as fm troms ti rm`rmatm tfm silcs ig Kaaeo. Xfm triees ariulh Kaaeo ^oeeacm `iltolum ti eovm sohm jy sohm wotf tfm pmipem in Imsme as tfmy favm nir tfiusalhs in ymars. Il tfmor rmturl ti fmahquartmrs tfm peaymr `fara`tmrs arm awarhmh Mxpmroml`m Riolts.

 vmlcmal `m il tfmg. Xfm sotuat  vmlcmal`m sotuatoil oil gay hmtmroira hmtmroiratm tm olti voieml`m.

³ ?󰀱 ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁰󰁯󰁥󰁾󰁭󰁺 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁰󰁭󰁡 ³

]hhc rml‟s emttmr  󰀱󰀴 Is`ar ]hhcrml‟

³ ?: ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁁 󰁓󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁐󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

􀀺󰀴 Aucust vil Gmodmr‟s emttmr 

³ ?0 ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁁 󰁓󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁐󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

􀀺󰀴 Gmhomvae tmxt

􀀺󰀴 Gmhomvae tmxt

􀀺󰀴 Gmhomvae tmxt

􀀺󰀴 Aucust vil Gmodmr‟s olstru`toils ti Faggarstrþg alh Eolhmskþeh 

³ ?8 ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁁 󰁓󰁯󰁠󰁫󰁭󰁨 󰁐󰁭󰁠󰁺󰁭󰁸 ³

􀀺󰀴 Olcvar Lystrþg‟s litms

Faggarstrþg‟s jihy 􀀺󰀴 Xfm litm iulh il Faggarstrþg‟s

³ ?= ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁬󰁯󰁣󰁦󰁸 󰁰󰁩󰁳 ³

󰀰󰀴 Eollma‟s olvotatoil

󰀰󰀴 Ieca‟s emttmr 

³ ?> ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁬󰁯󰁣󰁦󰁸 󰁰󰁩󰁳 ³

Xrala‟ss litm rmcarholc Xfm Foee 󰀰󰀴 Difal Xrala‟

󰀰󰀴 Arto`em ig Xihay ihay‟s ‟s Lmws

³ ?3 ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁬󰁯󰁣󰁦󰁸 󰁰󰁩󰁳 ³

󰀰󰀴 Ieca‟s gap

󰀰󰀴 Mx`mrpt ig @fm Dilssil‟s hoary

³ ?6 ³


³ 󰁆󰁡󰁬󰁨󰁩󰁽󰁸󰁰4 󰁘󰁦󰁭 󰁰󰁩󰁬󰁣 󰁩󰁮 󰁸󰁦󰁭 󰁮󰁡󰁥󰁥󰁯󰁬 󰁣 󰁰󰁸󰁡󰁺 ³

􀀸󰀴 Fuci vil Kaosmreolc‟s emttmr 

³ ?? ³


O yiu fmar tfm siulh i ﬊mmolc jorhs, slappolc jral`fms, alh eiuh iitstmps,  yiu sfaee jm ots lmxt lmxt vo`tog. vo`tog. Rray Rray tfml tfat yiur atm woee jm swon ‐ ir starolc olti ots olmrlae cazm `al peulcm mvml tfm purmst golh olti gahlmss.

 Diurlmy ti tfm Gytfo` Lirtf alh olvmstocatm iur jilm-`foeeolc `asms  Diurlmy tfat woee tmst yiur ajoeotoms ti tfm nueemst. Xfos jiik `iltaols niur stalhaeilm gystmroms nir ^amsml ‐ Lirho` Firrir Ziempeayolc , peayajem il tfmor iwl ir as a part in a eilcmr `agpaocl. Ol tfmsm pacms yiu woee filh4 Xfm Poevmr in tfm Pma ‐ Xfm hmatf i a prma`fmr emahs tfm `fara`tmrs ti tfm ri`ky wmstmrl ar`fopmeaci, wfmrm sigmtfolc stralcm os aiit il Srm`kmr Osem.  A So`kmh So`kmh Pm`rmt ‐ Xravme Xravme ti tfm hmmp hm mp irmsts i lirtfmrl lirtf mrl Pwmhml Pwmhm l ³  alh olvmstocatm rugirs i a gurhmrius jmast ol a rmgitm voeeacm.  Sfat al`omlt mvoe eurks tfmrm9 Xfm Locft Piw ‐ Sme`igm Sme`igm ti jmautoue Gþeem, Gþee m, a `oty jy tfm sma, ³  kliwl ti galy as ―tfm fmart i sol sol‗‗ ‐ alh liw aesi ir `ieh`ie hjeiihmh gurhmr.  ‐ A `ursmh `foeh, a stralcm olstrugmlt alh Xfm Pilc in tfm Naeeolc Ptar  ‐ ³  a hmspmratm arosti`rat. Xravme Xravme ti Armlsjurc il tfm osealh i Imsme alh hos`ivmr tfm firrojem trutf ajiut wfat fas fappmlmh tfmrm. ³ 

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