Vaccum Cleaner
Short Description
INTRODUCTION This project is about fabrication of a dual powered outdoor vacuum cleaner, in which we will have a suction pump run by a dc motor. The outlet of the pump will be connected to a bin to hold the litter. The power to the dc motor will be provided by a battery, which will be charged by the solar panels mounted on top of the device. Provision is given to charge the battery in adverse conditions by electricity. The complete unit will be mounted on a trolley for easy movement. By this technology, the use of engines run by fuel for the same purpose can be eliminated as fuel is one depleting source of energy and the price of fuel in the recent years is an increasing curve on the graph, which is still increasing further. This device can be used in places like school, hospital, compounds, railway stations, bus stand and in lawns to carry away fallen leaves. This project is an attempt to clean the environment at a faster rate and by cost effective means.
Product Definition Vacuum cleaners (Vs! are made in a variety of shapes and si"es for domestic and commercial usea useand nd for for diff differ eren entt appl applic icat atio ions ns.. #ene #enera rall lly y, a vacu vacuum um clea cleane nerr can can be defi define ned d as $%n $%n electr electrica ically llyope operat rated ed applia appliance nce that that remove removess soiled soiled mater material ial (dust, (dust, fiber fiber,, thread threads! s! from from the surf surfac acee to be clea cleane nedb dby y airf airflo low w crea create ted d by a vacu vacuum um deve develo lope ped d with within in the the un unit it by an electrically powered vacuumgenerator vacuumgenerator or fan. The material thus removed is separated and stored in the appliance and the cleanedsuction air is returned to the ambient.&
'ultiuse Vacuum )or *utdoor +ard urfaces or Turf #reat for -uick cleanup of parking lots, playgrounds, airport ramps and more.
+ousehold and similar use vacuum cleaners of all types found in homes, offices, hospitals, hotels and shops.
Ideal For:
ondo%partment omple/es chools +ospitals hopping entres'alls %thletics omple/es tadiums%renas #arages ampgrounds
Scope of the study 0 )unctionality 1 the function of a vacuum cleaner is to $remove soiled material (dust, fiber,threads! from a surface to be cleaned by an airflow created by a vacuum developed within theunit by an electrically powered vacuum generator or fan&. 0 2nd use (domestic commercial! 1 this study focuses on products designed fordomestichousehold
institutionalenvironment such as shops, hospitals, offices and hotels, for removal of settled dust oncarpets and dry hard floors. Because of their specialist application, it is not sensible to includeindustrial vacuum cleaners used, for e/ample, on construction sites or in factories.
Evolution of vacuum cleaner
3aniel +ess of 4est 5nion, 6owa invented a vacuum cleaner in 789:, calling it a carpet sweeper instead of a vacuum cleaner. +is machine did, in fact, have a rotating brush like a traditional carpet sweeperand possessed an elaborate bellows mechanism on top of the body to generate suction of dust and dirt. +ess received a patent (5 ;o. >! for his invention of the vacuum cleaner on ?uly 7:, 789:.
W. McGaffey
The first manually powered cleaner using vacuum principle was the @4hirlwind@, invented in hicago in 7898 by 6ves 4. 'c#affey. The machine was lightweight and compact, but was difficult to operate because of the need to turn a hand crank at the same time as pushing it across the floor. 'c#affey enlisted the help of The %merican arpet leaning o. of Boston to market it to the public. 6t was sold for A7. *nly two are known to have survived, one of which can be found in the +oover +istorical enter. 'c#affey was but one of many 7=th century inventors in the 5nited tates and 2urope who devised manual vacuum cleaners. +e obtained a patent (5 ;o. =7,7C! on ?une 8, 789=.
6n 78>9, 'elville D. Bissell of #rand Dapids, 'ichigan created a pushpowered carpet sweeper for his wife, %nna utherland Bissell, to clean up sawdust in carpeting. hortly after, Bissell arpet weepers were born. %fter 'elville died une/pectedly in 788=, %nna took control of the company and became one of the most powerful businesswomen of the day. The company later added portable vacuum cleaners to its line of cleaning tools.
S. Thuran
*n ;ovember 7C, 78=8, ?ohn . Thurman of t. Eouis, 'issouri, submitted a patent (5 ;o. 9FC,:C
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