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Price; Rs.50.00
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CONTENTS 1.A short book on vaastu 2.Vaastu corrections without demolitions 3.I –IMMUNITY device
PREFACE My first book on vaastu titled THE AMAZING SCIENCE OF VAASTU was published in 1995.The book is the only title to treat the subject as purely a study of directional forces which had no connection with astrology, rituals and beliefs. The book appealed to the readers all over the country and has since reprinted over twenty times. It was also translated to Tamil & Kannada. As a practitioner of Vaastu I observed that in case of defective vaastu buildings the only option available in vaastu was a structural correction which was not possible in several cases although it is the most appropriate one. Hence the possibility of eliminating the effect of defects without structural modification had to be considered in the interest of people who had defective vaastu houses and were unwilling to resort to structural correction. In 1996, I started studying and experimenting with Fengshui devices which at least promised a better atmosphere in a defective vaastu house with rearrangement of furniture ,wall colors, plants, flowers and sound producing gadgets, movement based gadgets etc. Fengshui gadgets are based on correcting a field through positive vibrations from a source like wind chime, fish tank , fountain etc .While they were at times produced spectacular results I realized that as the devices themselves were not
producing any energy of their own most of the times the results were less than satisfactory.. It was while searching for self energy producing devices I studied the research that was being done abroad in this area. Based up on the material I gathered I developed a range of devices which used crystal energy to continuously release positive energy. The devices have been tried in the last two years in numerous buildings with very satisfactory results. It can now be confidently stated that by employing these devices one can certainly overcome the ill effects of vaastu in every structure. The first Chapter introduces the reader to a brief out line of vaastu and the remaining two Chapters deal with personal and structural vaastu protection devices. I do hope the book helps people to overcome vaastu defects and move towards a life of health & happiness.
CHAPTER – 1 A Short Book On Vaastu
The purpose of the book is to enlighten a reader about the principles of vaastu and the benefits one can expect from it. The present book is not based on any ancient treatises or school of thought. It is a summary of observations and conclusions arrived at by the author after doing research in this field for over 15 years. Every statement made here is verified
innumerable times before recording in this book. So that the book can be read quickly I have written the book summarizing the contents. WHAT IS VAASTU? 1.Vaastu is a science of structures .It deals with the impact of various directional energies on a building when it is built and completed. The building which comes in the way of a free flow of directional forces creates an atmosphere inside it which is different from what prevails outside. 2.Each directional force is in dynamic balance. It is made up of a positive half and a negative half which have equal potential but opposite in characteristics just like that of a bar magnet with two poles of equal strength but opposite characteristics at either ends. Understanding the nature of the various directional forces helps us to build a structure with an atmosphere more healthy and protective than what is present in the open. 3.Vaastu has nothing to with religion, one’s beliefs in God, rituals or astrology. . 4.How to use the directional forces surrounding a building so as to create an unusually beneficial atmosphere inside the building is the science of vaastu. BRIEF HISTORY Vaastu is a part of Yajurveda, the sacred text of Hindus and is believed to be around 4 to 5 thousand years old. There are thirty two books in Sanskrit language starting from Vishwakarama’s Vaastu Shastra. Mayamata is another great book which also is believed to be from Vedic times. In the modern times innumerable books have been published in various languages. However we need to look at it afresh in view of the total and summary changes that have taken place in the construction industry be it a home ,office, industry or condo. It is this effort that has made the author visit more than 5000 buildings both in
India and abroad and arrive at unfailing conclusions which can be verified by any one interested. IS VAASTU TRUE? An obvious question especially when a claim that a building can influence one’s health and fortunes are made, sounds preposterous .But I will give you some one liners and you can verify the truth yourself as we go along. HOW VAASTU WORKS? When a building is constructed the impact of the various directional forces creates typical forces at the corners. Vaastu is all about the importance, characteristics and the role they play. Here not much importance is given to the cardinal directions but only to the four corner directions. Just like the center point of a bar magnet has no pole strength the cardinal direction also does not have any directional energy .It is the end of a bar magnet which has the highest magnetic strength .In vaastu it is the corner energy that has maximum strength of the directional force If you take a building plan and designate the corners as Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest you have a more or less rectangular sketch. By joining the Northwest and Southeast corners by a straight line you get two triangles. The triangle with Northeast apex can be considered as a positive terminal and the triangle with Southwest corner as apex can be considered as negative terminal. There is a natural attraction between the positive and negative terminal and a flow of energy from Northeast to Southwest. The intensity of this energy can be increased by increasing the potential difference between Northeast and southwest .When the maximum potential difference is realized between the two corner potentials the energy liberated because of the difference fills the building with a rich and beneficial atmosphere. BENEFITS OF HAVING AN ENERGY RICHFIELD INSIDE A BUILDING 1. Excellent health enjoyed by all inhabitants 2. Progress in all spheres of life
3. Strong family bonds 4. Protection from chronic /degenerative diseases 5. Academical excellence of children 6. Protection from accidents, surgeries and theft 7. Protection from litigation 8. No barrenness etc THE ASSURANCE OF VAASTU Vishwakarma the founder of Vaastu Shastra enumerates the benefits of vaastu as under; ‘ THIS SCIENCE IS WHOLE AND COMPLETE .IT CAN BRING HAPPINESS TO EVERY ONE ON EARTH. IT CAN BESTOW ON EVERY HUMAN BEING THE FOURTYPES OF HAPPINESS WHICH EVERY ONE ASPIRES FOR; ;THEYARE; HAPPINESS IN MONEY MATTERS ,RIGHTFUL LIVING ,FULFILLMENT OF ALL WORLDLY DESIRES AND CAN BESTOW BLISSFUL STATE. BY A KNOWLEDGE OF THIS SCIENCE MAN BECOMES DIVINE. IT CAN GIVE EVERY ONE GREATEST HAPPINESS AND THIS IS THE DICTATE OF GODS.’ VAASTU IN ANCIENT INDIA Although the science is several centauries old there is nothing to support it was widely practiced in the olden days. Probably the lack of proper instruments to spread the knowledge could be one of the reasons. Still there are some temples which stand testimony to the claims of vaastu in India PRINCIPLES OF VAASTU The entire concept of vaastu is based on creating a very strong positive field and a weak negative field so that the complete neutralization of the negative field takes place inside the building. Further the excessive positive forces occupy the structure to form a protective
shield. GUIDE LINES 1. More open area in North & East. 2. Less open area in South & West 3. Level in North & East to be lower 4. Levels in South & West to be higher than floor level 5. Water body in Northeast 6. Kitchen in Southeast 7. Bed rooms in West & South 8. Master Bed Room in southwest 9. Attached toilets in Southeast or Northwest of each room 10.Staircase in Southeast or Northwest corner 11.A door in Northeast is mandatory 12.Another door can come in any other direction but must be in the positive half of that direction. 13.Sloped roofs should be towards North or East 14.When viewed the weight of the structure should be uniform every where or the West & South portions should be heavy compared to North or East half. One should follow these principles to get the best benefits. PROOF VAASTU WORKS. Vaastu is being practiced in more than 80% of the buildings in modern India .I myself have been associated in the planning of countless buildings all over India and USA., Switzerland ,France, Singapore, Malaysia and Srilanka. I have not come across a single instance where the owners have failed to reap the benefits of vaastu. VERIFY YOURSELF But my statement would not be enough .You need solid proof. Unlike other Para normal matters where hard proof or verification is difficult to come by one can easily verify the principles of vaastu easily. Here I will enumerate the problems that arise when defects are present in a building. The purpose for which a particular building is used is not important. The effect always follows. All you need to do is to check whether the statements are true. We are aware that the world’s two largest killers are CANCER & HEART ATTACKS. In spite of the giant strides of modern medical scienc these two
diseases continue to haunt the populace. Surely you will have come across a few families who had the misfortune of losing a loved ones to one of these diseases. The defects in a building which can result in the above problems are given below. Just check it yourself. 1. Master Bed Room in Southeast with Toilet in Northeast – BREAST CANCER 2. Master Bed Room in Southwest with Toilet in Southwest-HEART PROBLEMS/DEATH 3. Level of Northeast higher in the floor- MONEY PROBLEMS/HEART PROBLEMS 4. Master Bed Room in Northeast with toilet in Northeast ; BRAIN CANCER 5. Master Bed Room in Northwest with toilet in Northeast; LUNG CANCER 6. Master Bed Room in South with Toilet in Northeast; STOMACH CANCER OTHER EFFECTS WHICH YOU CAN VERIFY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Projected Southeast in a building towards East; Fire accidents ,surgery Projected Northwest in North; Financial loss/divorce/litigation Missing Northeast; No progress ,No progeny Projected Southwest towards West ;Premature death of husband Projected South of Southwest; death of wife Toilet in Northeast; never ending financial problems Toilet in Southwest; financial drain Level of North high ; efforts fail Level of East high; education of kids suffer.
That should be enough to start with. All you have to do is to study such defective buildings and check the incidents in the life of inhabitants to convince yourself that we are dealing with a science which has much to contribute to human welfare. If you would like to gain comprehensive knowledge about the subject visit and down load the book ‘AMAZING SCIENCE OF VAASTU’. If you are a USA resident then download the book ‘INDIAN VAASTU FOR AMERICAN HOMES’ Any questions you have on the subject will be answered .Send an email to sales@
Jul 2007
Chapter-2 ABOUT VAASTU DEFECTS & CORRECTION Chapter No.1 which gives a brief outline of vaastu will have given you a rough idea about the benefits of vaastu. Let us now understand why vaastu goes wrong and brings misery and financial loss to our lives.Now let us understand more about directional forces.
Basically vaastu is all about directional forces. There are four cardinal directions namely North, South, East and West. There are four corner directions which are
1. Northeast 2. Northwest 3. Southeast 4. Southwest.
These directions are further subdivided as under.
Each cardinal direction is divided into its positive half and negative half. Thus we have Negative and positive half’s of North, Negative and Positive half’s of East Negative & positive half’s of South Negative and positive half’s of West
Similarly each corner direction has two parts as under.
Northeast corner has two parts; North of Northeast and East Of Northeast Southeast corner has two parts viz South of Southeast and East of Southeast Northwest has two parts viz North of Northwest and West Of Northwest Southwest corner has two parts viz. South of Southwest and West of Southwest.
IN nature all these directional forces have a free play. Any force will always have a a counter force which is equal in strength and opposite in polarity.
If you take a magnet there will always be two poles one positive or North pole and another negative or South pole. Similarly a battery has a Positive terminal and negative terminal again both of equal strength but different characteristics.
Harmony is an inherent character of nature. Thus all forces have to exist in harmony by creating its counter part. In nature once a force gets created an equal and opposite force also gets created so that the harmony in nature remains unaffected. Thus good and bad have always to exist in equal proportion.
We have seen above the various forces that operate on the surface of earth. Because all the forces exist with their negative counter parts a balance and harmony exist on the surface of earth.
This comes into our notice when for example we take a walk or sit for a while in a park, You will notice that you get charged and you become calm. The problems which appeared formidable at home now appear solvable. That is the reason why we are advised to take a walk or go to some park and relax when we are tense. The effect comes because there is harmony in nature. When you sit in this harmonious atmosphere it affects you positively with the result you become relaxed.
We saw the various components of corner and cardinal forces. Not all of them are good. An equal number of them are positive which means they can bring in positive health, positive results and positive wellbeing. The negative counter parts
bring the opposite namely ill health, negative feelings and make our approach negative.
Let us see which the good ones are and which the bad ones among these forces are.
POSITIVE FORCES The forces which come from the following directions are positive. In other words they are helpful forces which can bring health and happiness.
1. North Of Northeast 2. East of Northeast 3. West Of Northwest 4. South Of Southeast 5. Positive North 6. Positive East 7. Positive South 8. Positive West
The forces which come from the following directions are bad. 1. North Of Northwest 2. West Of Southwest 3. South Of Southwest 4. East Of Southeast 5. Negative North 6. Negative East 7. Negative South 8. Negative West
Thus there are eight positive forces and eight negative forces. The combination of both positive and negative forces releases an harmonious atmosphere over the surface of the earth as explained in the foregoing.
These forces require a medium to flow. The primary medium is ‘air’ although they also use water as a medium to some extent.
When we construct a building which may be a house, industry or business center we disturb the harmony which was prevailing earlier. We keep an entry and exit point thus allowing only two directional forces to enter. It is therefore very important where we keep them because if the door is such that the positive part of the force can gain entry then it will create a positive atmosphere. If we open the door for negative force then the effect on the inhabitants will be negative. It is important to recognize thus for a directional force to move there are two perquisites;
a) It needs a medium b) It needs a surface
I have already explained how air acts as a medium for the directional forces. Certain types of energies do require a medium for transmission. Take ‘sound’ for example. But for the air surrounding us, we will not be able to hear any one speaking or any sound on earth. But for some other types of energies a medium is not required. Thus the electromagnetic waves which transmit your TV programs do not need any medium. So also light.
Some types of energies need a surface to flow. For example water .Although it flows through gravitational force it needs a surface to move. The surface is earth or a pipe. Similarly for a directional force to move a surface is essential. The surface of the earth helps these forces to move.
Because of this quality of directional force, windows neither harm nor help the directional forces as they cannot enter through a window. Thus one can keep any number of windows without worrying the force beneath it is positive or not. This is because the forces rapidly decrease in intensity over the surface of the earth and is almost zero at sill level. Hence the door position is critical and window is not. Here the function of the window is limited to light and ventilation but these have nothing to do with the energy carried by the directional forces.
It is therefore easy to see that the position of the door in each direction is important. The ancient books on vaastu had very sensibly recommended one door
in each direction for a house. Thus every house was to have four doors. The position of the door in that direction was to be in the positive half. Thus a house can be made to allow only positive forces of each direction enabling the creation of a highly positive atmosphere. This step automatically denied entry of any negative force inside the building eliminating completely all ill effects on the occupants.
The setback areas therefore became critical in creating directional forces with desired intensity. This strong flow was let into the building by a properly placed door .A house built this way can enjoy all the benefits which the directional forces can bestow.
Unfortunately the importance of having a door in each direction was lost in time. Probably because of the safety factor the number was limited to two and in some cases to only the main door.
In modern cities the space shortage is so acute that one has to struggle and stretch to the limits of the plot boundaries to build adequate living space. In the process Man is denying himself the nature’s bounty which only can ensure health and happiness for every one on earth.
As long as all the four positive directional forces cannot gain entry in the desired strength to the house, the house cannot be conceived to have excellent vaastu. Even if the main door is kept in the right position we cannot lose sight of the fact that all helpful forces are unable to gain entry. Hence the best benefits are denied to a house which lacks all the four directional forces. So remember; each directional force can help you in your life. By closing the door on its face you are only denying its benefits. In case of apartments also the same problem exists.
The problem gets compounded when there is only one door (or two) but the doors are in the negative position. Here only a negative force can gain entry. Imagine a house which has a main door in North of Northwest. Here only one negative force enters and in the absence of a positive counterpart this force plays havoc in the lives of people who live in that house. The effect can get compounded if there are two doors one in the front and one at the back both in negative directions.
Most of the apartments are also plagued with single main door which is in the wrong position.
However an entry of a positive force in itself does not mean that the occupants get all the benefits. It is necessary that all the vaastu rules with reference to placement
incorporated as per vaastu. Only then there is a chance to get the benefits.
Even if all vaastu norms are followed, because of the lack of all positive components of every directional force the house may not yield the best benefits and there may be some areas where improvements remain unsatisfactory. Some times people wonder why their ambitions are remaining unfulfilled even though they have followed vaastu rules during construction of their houses. The strange truth is that all the eight positive forces are needed to make your life complete in all respects. Even if the house itself has perfect vaastu but all the directional forces which are positive in nature are not present in the building, all aspects of life cannot benefit. This is the reason why there will always be a sense of want in almost every house. Further a large number of defective houses also exist. Here for various reasons corrections may not be possible. All the same an effort is to be made to bring relief to the occupants of these houses also.
Man has always sought help from the unknown as he is aware that the unknown plays a very important part in bestowing him, health, wealth, prosperity and happiness. In his quest to get the blessings of this super power he has invented several devices. Yantras, Mantras, Homas, Yagnas, Symbols , Talismans etc have always been used all through the ages in different countries and cultures to realize one’s wish.
There is enough evidence to suggest that these are not all that ineffective. There are people who vouch for the efficacy of these devices and you can find ardent admirers of every system mentioned above.
Interestingly every civilization down the ages has resorted to this unusual method of currying favors from the cosmos. Perhaps the Chinese not only regarded the usage of symbols as a very potent device but also popularized it not only in their country but all round the globe. This subject is more popularly known as Fengshui or Wind & water signifying the carriers of the vaastu energy.
Among the more famous and popular Fengshui symbols are Wind chimes, Happy Buddha, Mandarin ducks, Fish tank, Fountains etc which are found in most of the homes.
Let us look into the theory behind using these symbols.
These fengshui gadgets and symbols work on the principle of vibration. Every object in nature both animate and inanimate vibrates at some particular frequency. The nature of vibration or rather the impact of the vibration on a person exposed to it depends on the type of vibration which in turn is based on its shape. Thus a lovely statue, a bunch of colorful flowers, a well manicured lawn emits positive vibrations which attract us, sooths our emotions and makes us cheerful. In other words they create an atmosphere which is positive in nature.
Now let us see how a fengshui works. Take for example a Happy Buddha. This is the figure of a man well fed; carrying plenty of riches with a broad smile on his face and a gentle and kindly look. He represents a person who is out to help you and is coming towards you to do just that. You cannot help smiling when you look at the funny figure. The smile on your face cheers you up. The effect is the same
on every person who glances at this figure. Thus we consider this symbol as a harbinger of happiness. Hence it is named Happy Buddha.
I have explained below, how some of these gadgets are believed to influence our lives.
A good quality wind chime generates a gentle, pleasant chiming sound which enters your ears through the gentle breeze. Here the gentle breeze itself is relaxing. When coupled with a musical chiming sound your mood is elevated and you become calm.
Even experts in psychology believe that watching the movements of a fish in a fish tank can be very soothing and is an anti dote to mentally stressed. This is because they are never in a hurry and gently move with grace from one point to other. This unhurried, relaxed movement somehow transmits itself to a soothing vibration telling us to slow down and relax. Hence the popularity of fish tank in house holds.
They are considered as the world’s most loyal male-female pair. They never change their partner and always remain absolutely loyal to their spouse. When one of them dies, the other refuses to cohabit with any other bird and invites death. The placement of the pair in a bed room is believed to bring harmony into the lives of married couples whose relationship may be under strain. But you may say’ I never knew about them. How keeping those in the room will help’. That is where according to Chinese the mysterious subconscious comes into play. Sure, you have not heard about them and outwardly they mean nothing to you. But your subconscious is carrying the impressions of a million years. Among these impressions is the knowledge it has gained at some point of time about these wonderful birds. Hence the moment your eyes fall on the pair of mandarin ducks the subconscious associates itself with a committed and happy married life. Your mind compares at subconscious level the bliss of a happy married life with that of conflict between the pair. It allows you to move towards amending the mistakes and see a way for enjoying martial bliss.
Thus every fengshui gadget or symbol is believed to act by releasing helpful vibrations. Although fengshui gained popularity in a very short time in India and was eagerly embraced by people today it has lost much of the interest once it attracted from the public. This may be due to several reasons. Probably the expectation of those who installed them was very high. Another reason could be an error in the selection of the gadgets.
Fengshui devices are called cures. It is a very appropriate word. Just like for a disease the cure is selected depending on the person and the nature of disease, the gadget also should be selected depending on the kua number and the particular problem which
the person is facing. Similarly the placement of the
gadget is of paramount importance. When all these conditions are met with, there is a possibility of success.
It should be recognized that in themselves the fengshui gadgets or symbols not release any energy. It only works on the principle of natural vibration. It therefore becomes critical to make sure that the gadget is releasing positive vibrations.
For example by putting a wind chime in an obscure corner where there is hardly any air movement, no vibration can get released. Neither the gadget chimes. People believe that placement of the wind chime itself was enough which is not true.
Another important factor which results in a large number of failures is the fact that the gadget may not be releasing any helpful vibration at all. In China, Fengshui practitioners select and check the devices for helpful vibrations before giving it to the intended person. In India people buy the gadgets in malls and shops where the quality is suspect although they look alike with the genuine ones with the result the gadget may not be releasing any helpful vibration and just remains like a doll in the showcase.
As vibration and shape are at the root of the efficacy of a gadget, the origin becomes important. Remember that a gadget need not be giving the same type of vibration matching with its look. Depending on the sources of material that is used to make the gadget, negativity can also get embedded in it during the manufacturing process, as the raw material itself can be carrying a negative vibration. Hence before using such raw material cleansing it by energy cleansing method becomes important and essential.
Similarly the attitude of the person making it is very important. If the person is under physical stress due to some disease or under mental strain due to personal problems, the same negative vibration enters the gadget also and people who unwittingly use it get no benefit and in fact open themselves for further negative effects.
Even if a mentally and physically fir person makes the gadget all that one can say is that the gadget is free from negativity. This is not the same as saying that the gadget is giving positive vibration. It is necessary that a fengshui expert charges the device with energy vibration related to solving the problem of the user. This is probably the main reason why the rate of success is so low. And that explains why the gadgets are slowly disappearing from the malls.
Fengshui gadgets have been there for hundreds of years. But they have not solved the problem of one and all. We need a new class of gadgets which can release energy by processes which are different to Fengshui gadgets. Today we can work with materials like gem stones, crystals ,pyramid crystals, magnetic materials, precious
metal powders etc which are capable of releasing a continuous, beneficial energy irrespective of who handles it. In other words they are immune to such effects.
Further they can release a strong field that are heads and shoulders above
ordinary vibration device. For example, material like quartz releases energy when pressure is applied. This energy is more intense and today in the modern electronics world there is no device which does not use the property of quartz crystals for functioning.
By using a combination of raw materials which are similar to quartz and using ancient wisdom of symbols a new range of energy devices have been developed. If you are disappointed with fengshui gadgets then give them a try. You will be amazed at their efficiency.
These are to be used before laying the flooring. The energy plate is about 8inchesx8inches x10mm thick. It consists of two plastic plates between which an energy pad is moulded. It is sealed all round with aluminum foil.
After the base is prepared for laying the tile or granite flooring, place one plate in each corner of every room. Thus each room needs four plates. Here only bed rooms and living are to be considered. It is not required in kitchen (unless it is in the wrong sector). It is also not required in toilets and bath rooms. Just place the plate in each corner and cover the entire flooring with another cement layer before placing the floor slab or tile. Each energy plate releases a special type of energy which is not blocked by the over laid flooring slab. Thus every room gets enveloped with a pyramid field and you get all the benefits of pyramid energy in places where these are installed.
PRICE; Rs.2000.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;8" x 8”(Approx) Thickness;About 8 mm Weight;300 Gms
The Swastika symbol has been a subject of study for several years by the energy scientists. According to one estimate the Swastika is capable of releasing over a
million Bovis units of energy where as the human potential is only 6500 Bovis. Hence it can be a great source of energy at home. It is commonly seen in front of the houses and temples. It is written more to fulfill an ancient tradition but it is important to remember that the symbol is one of the most energetic one given to the humanity by the ancient sages. The problem is that the symbol itself is to be energized before it starts releasing the vibrations. This is not done. In other words it has to be ‘lighted’ to make it release the energy. It is more like a candle which is not lit. By using energy liberating materials a symbol made in the form of Swastika becomes a dynamic source of energy.
From the ancient times the Swastika symbol was recognized as divine and the use was
prevalent both among the Hindu and Buddhists religions. It is believed to bring good luck and happiness. Here the Swastika is engraved on a plastic plate and the energy pad is fixed in such a manner the energy is emitted in harmony with
the swastika shape.
Place the symbol right opposite to your main door on the wall. Another best way to use is to hang it near the Northeast corner where you can easily see it. You will find a real difference in your energy levels and things start looking brighter in your life.
PRICE;Rs.2300.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;8" x 8*(Approx) Thickness; 8 mm (approx) Weight;300 Gms
This plate is especially suited for young couples looking for more vitality, martial happiness and children. Hang it towards your feet in the bed room. The symbol represents the male sperm and the female egg, an energy symbol of cosmic creation.
Price; Rs.2300.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;8" x 8”(Approx)
Thickness;About 8 mm Weight;300 Gms
Ideal in business places. The symbol is the letter T. You are familiar with the T square which was carried by the engineering students of yester years. The letter T is for construction, growth, advancement and a bright career.
Hang it in your office right on the opposite wall at a height of seven feet. It ensures increased business and contacts. Here also the energy pad is inserted between two plastic sheets and the shape of T is engraved. The red color makes the symbol more rich in energy. Another important area to use the symbol is in the study rooms of kids. It induces the aptitude to study hard and dream of becoming big. Remember only a dreamer can grow in life.
Price Rs.2300.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;8" x 8”(Approx) Thickness;About 8 mm Weight;300 Gms
This is a very potent symbol representing the goat’ s head – an ancient symbol for wealth. Here again the symbol is made potent by red color. The energy pack is inserted between
two plastic plates with engraved symbol. Hang it right behind you in your office room at a height of seven feet. This is a wealth attracting symbol and highly recommended for a spurt in business.
Rs.2300.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;8" x 8”(Approx)
Thickness;About 8 mm Weight;300 Gms
We all know that pyramids are natural sources of energy. The high power pyramids are solid pyramids developed by us can cover a large area with pyramid energy. It has indefinite life and is used to establish a protective energy field around the structure.
FEATURES * Based on German research. * Works on the principle that quartz releases energy under mechanical stress * Solid construction * Composite made of QuOartz crystal matrixes * Binder made from precious stone powders * Binder contains electrically sensitive metal powders * Final bonding with Epoxy
* Not affected by weather conditions * No fall in energy even after years of use. * Endearing atmosphere when covered with this pyramid energy * Throws an aura of protection to the inhabitants. * Bother some professional /family /financial problems disappears miraculously * Agricultural fields can be protected from pest attack * Machinery break down /non cooperative labor problems get solved * Property finds a buyer when you have problem in finding one. * Occupants enjoy good health * Keeps away evil minded people. * Easy to install as it is buried under the earth outside the house. * Protects against earth radiation & sick building syndrome * Job opportunities comes f you are looking for one. * Career opens up for those who are frustrated. * Solves problems in finding a buyer
Your life health and fortunes are linked to your house !
Strange as it may appear this is absolutely true. The structure in which you live has an effect on your health, wellbeing , longevity, wealth, relationships -in short on all aspects of your life.
This concept is not new. It was discovered by ancient Indians who carefully observed the effect of dwellings on the inhabitants. This science was named Vaastu and is believed to be about 5000 years old.
The word 'vaastu' is derived from Sanskrit, the language of scholars in ancient India and means 'A structure built from materials on earth for housing’
But how?
As you are aware the earth spins on its axis which is North-South. Perpendicular it is East-West where we daily see the Sun rise and Sun set. These directions are called cardinal directions. The corner directions lie at an angle of 45 Degrees. Thus between North &East is Northeast, between South and West is Southwest and so on. Thus there are four cardinal and four corner directions.
Each direction is basically a force formed by a combination of gravity, wind movement, sun light and water flow above the ground and is termed 'directional
force'. Each directional force has a positive' and 'negative' half and exists in absolute harmony with the two half's having equal and opposite polarities.
On an open ground all the directional forces are at play and exist in harmony. That is the reason you feel invigorated when you are in natural environment like mountain tops, hill tops, cultivated land, forests etc.
A building comes in the way of flow of these natural forces. Depending upon the openings like windows and doors the strength of the directional forces becomes a variable with some becoming stronger and others weaker. Thus an imbalanced atmosphere gets created inside a building.
When you construct a building you have to keep an entry door compulsorily. At the best you may have one more door for accessing the back yard. In this scenario only two directional forces at best can enter the building and the remaining is shut off. Depending on the position of the doors the directional energy entering the building affects the field inside.
As stated earlier each directional force has both negative and positive parts. If the doors are so placed then the positive half of a directional force enters the building then you have a positive atmosphere in your house which means positive health,
positive growth, positive relationships and prosperity .On the contrary if the house main door faces the negative part of any direction then a negative atmosphere settles in the structure with all aspects of life becoming negative.
You can read more about this interesting subject by going to my site and by downloading the book. Now we shall see what happens when the house opens itself for a wrong directional force.
Negative North; litigation, misunderstandings, lack of harmony, restless Negative South; Loss of health, Chronic Diseases, delayed recovery, Negative West Loss of money in business Negative East; Surgery / accidents
Similarly inside a building the intensity of each directional force gets affected depending on the placement of utilities. This is especially important on the Northeast-Southwest line. Toilets, elevated /depressed levels and sloped roofs affect the field inside.,
For example a toilet in the wrong corner of your bed room gives rise to Diseases as under;
Southeast Bed Room with Northeast Toilet- Breast Cancer Southwest bed Room with Southwest Toilet -Heart Attack Northwest Bed Room with Northeast Toilet -Brain Cancer Northeast Bed Room with Northeast Toilet ; Blood Cancer Northwest Bed Room with Southwest Toilet; Nervous Diseases
In general a toilet in the Southwest corner of your bedroom results in chronic diseases related to heart, diabetes, kidney and stomach ailments . Toilets in Northeast results in Cancer, spinal chord problems, Joint diseases etc.
You can make a sample study yourself to verify the truths of these statements.
Similarly if you are sleeping in a room with roof sloping towards West Or South you will be facing repeated health problems, un-refreshing sleep, insomnia, nightmares etc. Students in such rooms do not fare well in their studies. Business carried out in such places run into loss.
So also is the case if the level of Northeast corner is raised and/or if the Southwest corner is depressed.
In all these cases it is practically impossible to undo the structural mistakes. It is
also not easy to change residences or business places..
The Hi Power Pyramid is developed using German technology to circumvent the problem. It is made of quartz crystals, special combination of gem powders, metal coils of different metals moulded in adhesive base to release a powerful energy radiation from the center. The pyramid is buried at a depth of 6inches after making a small hole of 9inch depth and 6x6 square. The alignment of the pyramid is extremely important. The face marked 'North' should face North direction. A small compass to enable you to identify North Direction is also supplied with the parcel.
In case of apartments/condos the pyramid is buried in an earthen pot. You can place plastic flowers or plant to camouflage it and blend with the interiors of the room.
By installing four such pyramids in all the four corner of the house /premises the entire building comes under the influence of a protective pyramid energy field. All the defects of wrong levels and placements are completely negated. Your home will become a healthy happy home and your business a flourishing one.
The size of pyramid which is a solid one is only 4x4x3inches. and weighs about a
pound. These are sent by airmail post to your address. A sketch showing the installation details is also sent with the parcel.
Just bury one each in one corner away from the corner of the building at a distance of 2 to 4 feet. at a depth of one foot. Cover the rest of the pit with mud. Only four pyramids are needed irrespective of size for Independent bungalows, Town homes, single family homes, apartments, condos. In case of apartments the pyramid is buried in a plastic or mud pot and kept in the corners. Cost of Pyramid Each including postage any where in the world.$99.00 each
Price; Rs.3000.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;4” x 4” x 3”(Approx) Weight;500 Gms
A Unique Power Device For Positive Energy
Features Of Octagonal Power Pyramid
*Dimensions worked out and finalized based on computer models. *Attracts energy from all 8 directions. * Specially designed power module emits high intensity orgone energy *This energy gets integrated with Pyramid energy giving rich positive energy. * Body made out of strong fiberglass reinforced plastic. *Lasts indefinitely * Can energize a normal home when placed in Northeast. *Can be left in place as long as desired.
[email protected]
1.Relief from aches & pains when placed in the Southwest corner of the bed room. 2.Quick recovery from illnesses 3.Children falling sick every other day will be infection free. 4.Protects against accidents. 5.Members feel lively ,energetic. 6.Good general health of all inhabitants. 7. Negativity in house gets reduced. 8.Things long pending picks up momentum. 9.Strife reduced considerably. 10.Establishes loving cheerful atmosphere.
AS SHANKU IN VAASTU Burying the pyramid in Brahmasthan ensures speedy and fast completion of the building .Believed to protect the inhabitants from all types of problems.
Rs.2000.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;7 “ x 11 “ (Approx) Weight;600 Gms
Energy Threshold For Wrong Entry Positions
A major vaastu defect can arise in the following cases whether it is an apartment or independent building or an office. 1. Entry door or exit door in a. Northwest of North, b. East of Southeast, c. West Of Southwest and d. South of Southwest. 2. Toilets in Southwest corner or northeast corner of the house.
3. Attached toilets in the Northeast or Southwest of the bed room. 4. Entry door facing lift or staircase. In all the above cases a negative energy field spreads out and fills the structure. The effect of these defects are as under: 1. Entry door in North Of Northwest- financial loss, litigation, misunderstandings, becomes a victim of cheating. 2. Entry door in East of Southeast - Accidents, Fires, surgeries, matrimonial discard. 3. Entry door in West Of Southwest- Tight finances, Health of Male affected. 4. Entry door in South of Southwest- Tight Finances, health of senior female member affected. 5. Toilet in Southwest Corner of the house - Heart problems/losing money 6. Toilet in Northeast corner of the house - Sickness /poverty 7. Toilet in Southwest corner of attached toilet -Heart attack 8. Toilet in Northeast corner of bed room - Chronic illness 9. Entry door facing lift /stairs- every problem gets magnified.
In all these cases an Energy Threshold is a satisfactory solution to solve the problem.
The threshold is a plastic box done with teakwood color. It comes in Lengths of 24'',30''and 36'' to suit different size doors. If there is threshold it is fixed in front of the door to serve as a threshold. If there is a threshold already then this threshold is placed either above it or by its side. A little MSEAL is used to fix it in place.
The energy threshold holds different crystals under pressure so that a continuous energy gets liberated from its surface. This effectively bars the negative energy be it from the toilet or the wrong direction of the main door entering the structure.
Price; Rs.3000.00 any where in India including postage. SIZE;3” x 2” X 24” or 30” or 36 “ Thickness;About two inches Weight;500 Gms For more details contact author.
-IMMUNITY -Day Long Protection from harmful radiations. The I-IMMUNITY is one of the greatest inventions of modern times. We have all seen how bad vaastu affects the subtle energy fields resulting in lack of peace of mind, Impaired health and disturbed relationships. This disturbance arises due to the atmosphere in which we live. Some times .when a person resides in a structure which is against vaastu principles. The disturbed atmosphere inside the building (The two faces of Idisturbs the flow of Yin & Yang inside the body which affects both IMMUNITY) the body and mind. While the effect on the body is experienced in the form of fatigue, restless sleep and lack of appetite which makes way for the development of more serious and chronic ailments the effect on the mind leads to disinterestedness, lack of drive ,lack of ideas and robs the person the pleasure of work and happiness in what he is doing. It is also possible that the reasons for your problems do not lie in the structure at all. After all being a busy executive you do not get all the time to spend in your cozy house. More often than not it is just a couple of hours at night (which even that, the handsome salaried BPO executives. deny themselves) only to dash off into the vortex of the pressure center from morning till late in the evening. Even when a person notices these disturbances there are no easy way outs for him. Either it is meditation or seeking psychiatric help. These are not easy paths to take and hence one is likely to suffer in silence and his helplessness comes out in the way of irritation which others find it hard to accept and therefore shy away from him.
The modern fast paced of life, pressures at work, financial pressures and social pressures and the very act of wearing a smile while driving in our highly congested roads, the very acting of trying to meet the expectations in the work, the very act of trying to be a good husband and a dutiful father are enough to make the life of every one stressful and unbearable. We need a simple device which can establish a protective shield to our body from all these assaults. First we need a serene mind which remains undisturbed from the pressures all-round. If we are in such a mind automatically we breathe health to our body and thus both mind and body arte healthy. The device has been extensively tested in the leading institutions the world over. Developed in Australia the inventor traveled worldwide and even the Indian Institute Of Science, Bangalore has tested this device. Dalai Lama and Sri Satya Sai Baba have blessed the device. The I-IMMUNITY is not a mantrik or numbojumbo device and is not ritualistic. On the other hand it is made by applying the advanced principles of electromagnetism in micro circuits which responds to the body electricity and establishes a rhythm in the energy circulating in the body. The device effectively achieves a balance in the Yin & Yang forces that circulate inside the body there by ensuring a return to sound health of mind and body without any conscious effort on the wearer's part. The I-IMMUNITY is a unique device which was scientifically designed to bring 'matter' in better harmony with it's 'pre-material blueprint' and counteract electromagnetic radiation which can be detrimental to our health and well-being. The I-IMMUNITY is an active device and strengthens your own internal harmonic vibrations through the Universal law of entrainment. The device reduces negative effects caused by mobile phones, overhead power lines, VDU's, geopathic zones, vaastu defects, electrical appliances, people around us, etc. and helps generally to reduce stress. Tests conducted at various Universities and institutes have shown the beneficial effect on various forms of matter. Scientists, clairvoyants and religious leaders support the device I-IMMUNITY is a Field Effect Device (FED) and has a harmonizing effect on matter through the 'morphogenetic field', the aether, pre-physical energy, zero point energy...or whatever other name people give the 'energy which was before matter and out of which all matter consists' (E=mc2). Physical expressions of the infinite information contained in that 'field' can be encouraged to appear more perfect in physical reality once these 'expressions' are brought into better alignment or harmony with their blueprint (see R. Sheldrake, R. Steiner, R. Gerber and many others). Some general customer comments •
Reduced stress levels - Less worries - More restful sleep - Happier and better able to cope with life - Sometimes amazing improvement in feeling of well-being
- Pain behind the ear associated with the use of mobile phones disappears in some cases within seconds •
'Sensitive' people can feel the energy coming from the device - gentle, smooth, warm is what they mainly say. ORDERING : The cost of I-IMMUNITY is Rs.3000/- including postage. It is in the form of a small pendent. A leather string is supplied along with it. Wear it like a mala. Make sure the circuit face is in touch with your body.
Contact A.R.Hari .Details given elsewhere in the website. Mobile;9448411209 Tel;918026718656