V5 Robotics Training Guide

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This document contains proprietary information of DELMIA Corporation and is protected by Federal copyright law. The copyright in this document is owned by DELMIA Corporation, Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA. Any user of DELMIA Corporation software is authorized to view and print this document subject to the following conditions: 1. The document may be used for information purposes only by the user. 2. Any print made of this document, or portion thereof, must include this copyright notice, and be approved by the Education Services Department. 3. The information may not be disclosed to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of DELMIA Corporation. 4. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Any product, process, or technology described or exhibited in the document may be subject to other intellectual property rights reserved by DELMIA Corporation and are not licensed hereunder. DELMIA Corp. 900 N. Squirrel Road, Suite 100 Auburn Hills, MI 48326 (248) 267-9696 Copyright 1985-2004 by DELMIA Corporation IGRIP , Virtual NC , ENVISION , UltraArc , UltraGRIP , UltraSpot , UltraPaint , DELMIA V5 , Process Engineer ,and QUEST , are registered trademarks of DELMIA Corporation.

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. NT is a trademark of Northern Telecom Limited. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd.

1 Introduction Step


Delmia Working Contents PPR Ø



Delmia V5 Software Settings Ø


Getting familiar with the DELMIA V5 software user interface


Viewing all of the user interface menus and functions

IGRIP Workbench and Toolbars Ø

Reviewing the Workbench and Toolbars

2 Process Preparation Step


Starting a Project Ø



Reviewing the creation of our project

Resources Product and Moving Ø

Reviewing the Resources and Product for our project

3 The Project Step


Open the Project and Inserting Robots Ø



Creating a Area / Floor for the project Ø


8 9

Moving the geometries around the project

Mounting a Weld Gun Ø


Using the AEC Workbench

Placing and Assigning Robots Ø


Getting familiar with the Project and Insert the robots


Using the mounting function to attach the weld gun to the robot

Hide and Show Attachments Ø

Displaying/ Not Displaying the Attachment information

4 The Robotic Functionalities Step


Creating the Process Plan Ø



Fastener Assignment Ø


13 14

Assigning the resources to the process for the flow

Jogging a Robot Ø


Assigning welds to a process activity

Assigning the Robot Resources to the Process Ø


Getting familiar with the Project and creating the process


Using the Jog function to move a robots axis

Creating a Robot Task Ø

Create a Robot Task for the Robot




Jogging to the Weld Positions Ø



Editing the Height of the Robot Riser Ø


18 19 20

Step Step

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25 26

Creating a Robot envelope

Reach function for the Placement of Robots Reviewing the Robots location and Reach.

Reviewing the project through simulation in the Teach a robot

Tag Transformation for Weld Positions Using the Tag Transformation to move one of the welds

Creating via points within a path.

Using the Add Tag Icon Ø


Robot Envelope

Creating VIA Points in the Robot Path Ø


Using the Auto Place for the best position for the robots

Reviewing the Teach Dialog box and Edit Weld Points Ø


Defining the Robot controller profiles

Auto Placing Robots Ø


Use the Weld Study Analysis for verification of welds to the robot

Robot Controller Profiles Ø


Using the part design workbench to edit the height of the riser

Create and view a Weld Study Analysis Ø


Use the Jogging icon to move to the weld positions


Edit the path, and add a tag

Using Trace TCP in the Teach Dialog box Ø

Using the Trace function to view the path

5 The Weld Gun Functionalities Step




Weldgun Actions Ø Reviewing the Weldgun actions Dress Operations Ø



Using the Call Task Ø



Creating multiple programs, and calling them into one

Robot Task Simulation Ø


Using the Dress Operations to copy the data to other weld points


Run the Robot Task

Crash Analysis Ø

Using collision / clash function


6 The Advanced Functionalities Step


Adding a Icon to a Toolbar, Creating a Section Ø



Modifications to the Path Ø


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Running the process Simulation

Adding Welds Tags to the Path Ø


Editing the Pert Chart

The Process Simulation Ø


Running multiple simulations at once

Using the Pert Chart for Parallel Running Ø


Editing the path for configurations automatically

Multiple Resource Simulation Ø


Modify a path for the robot

Automatic Configuration of Singularity, Set Turn Numbers Ø


Reviewing the project through a section


Reviewing the projects paths

Automatic Task Collision for Zones Ø

Using the Automatic Task collision for I / O zones and Interference Zones

7 Data Information Step


I / O Map and Monitoring Ø



Exporting I/O Information Ø


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Exporting the data from the project

Data Readouts and Documentation Ø


Monitoring the I / O configurations in the project


Exporting the data from the Project

Listing Activities, or Products Resources Listing our objects in our Project

8 Advanced functions Step


Clamping Functions Ø



Using the Clamping functions to open close the clamps in the simulation

Offline Programming Ø

Using the OLP functions for the project


9 Auxiliary Device Functions Step


Setting up the Auxiliary Device Ø



Mounting a End Effector to a Robot Ø



Using the mounting function to attach the end effector to the robot

Teaching a Robot on the Rail Ø


Using the data for the Auxiliary device to run


Teaching with the Rail

Pick and Drop Actions Ø

Pick and drop the part

10 Remote Tool Center Point Procedures Step


Creating a Remote TCP Ø



Creating a New Tag Group Ø


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Create a path for the robot to follow

Creating a Pick and Drop Ø


Create a tags in our group

Creating a Robot Path Ø


Create a tag group to associate the tags

Creating Tags in the Group Ø


Start setting up the project for a remote tool center point for the robot


Utilize the pick and place to grab the part for the ped welder

Perform a SetTool for the fixed TCP Ø

Create a tag group to associate the tags

11 Exporting Data Step


Creating Movies and Pictures Ø

Using the Image functions




Title Working Contexts Process Product Resources

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes the V5 software approach using the Process, the Products, and the Resources. The Resource Centric Approach is also discussed.

In this approach, the user will have the ability to: • •

The user Physical Activities that will have Resource Assigned, and the Robots, also will have Active Tasks to be simulated. If the user changes their mind, the Resource Assignment has to be modified, and the Active task designated, No Process redesign is required! Time saving, allows for “what if” scenarios. This is where we create our project’s process flow. This tells the story of what activities we are going to do in this project. Ø We assign (link) from our ProductList and our ResourceList This is where we import all of our Products. They would mostly be e.g. car parts (steel, plastic), motors. Ø They are then linked to the activity function in the Process. This is where we import all of our Resources. This could be chairs, tables, the floor, manikins, tooling, conveyors, and fixtures. Ø Anything that is going to happen with this Resource is stored under its name in the ResourceList. We then link the “whatever” action to the activity in our Process. This way we can have multiple “whatever’s” and try the multiple ways in our Process, with a click of the mouse….

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Product Process

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Files are saved using these extensions. Process/ Product/ Resource (PPR) tree

The PPR tree is a 2D view of the process. It appears in the same view as the Inventory Space window. It lists all the parts, products and resources required to make a specific product, plus specific applications data. It also lists, in hierarchical form, the actions required to perform the process that produces the product. In V5, PPR trees are stored in process documents and have a .CATProcess extension.


A process is a series of actions or activities that alter parts. The end result of a process is the creation of a product or a part of a product.


Products consist of parts, which may or may not be grouped into assemblies. They appear in product structure documents; in V5, these documents have a .CATProduct extension. The difference between a product and a resource consists in how they are used with in a process. The end-result of the process should result in the creation of the product or products listed in the PPR tree.

product structure document

The product structure document is a key component in V5. It provides users with a way to organize product creation in a hierarchical format. Each product structure document can contain parts, which make up assemblies, which, in turn, make up products. Product structure documents have a .CATProduct extension


Resources consist of parts, which may or may not be grouped into assemblies. They appear in product structure documents; these documents have a .CATProduct extension. The primary difference between a product and a resource consists in how they are used within a process. The resources required during the process should be listed in the resource branch of the PPR tree. Many resources appear in V5 catalogs. Resources imported from catalogs cannot be broken down into discrete parts (e.g., selecting the mounting plate of a robot selects the entire robot, not just the mounting plate.)

The PPR Tree appears when the workbench opens.

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IGRIP – Software Settings

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to launch an IGRIP session and become familiar with the IGRIP workbench toolbars.

The Training Manuals are divided into modules and steps. Depending on the class, each module represents the configuration and each step in the module guides you through a procedure. A project will be created from start to finish.

Settings This reviews the setting required for our project. 1. Launch the software. To do this, click the icon on the desktop, or select Start / Programs / DELMIA, DELMIA V5. 2. In the menu bar, select Tools / Options. 3. Select General / General tab. In the save field, deactivate Automatic Save.

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4. In the Document tab click on Other folders (make sure it says Yes under the Active column). Click the Configure button. When creating a process, users may choose to obtain part geometry from another file. The original storage location of these files probably differs from the current location of files. When V5 attempts to read these files, it cannot find them because pointers inside of the data still point to the original location. Configure this location to link to the directories where the project is saved.

5. In the Other Folders window, search for the project and add the directory with the Add Tree button. Click on OK to complete this setting.

The project is then added to the linked document list. For this project, your teacher will detail the path.

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6. In the Environment Tools toolbar, the Toggle Manipulation Handle Mode command can be toggled On/Off. When toggled on, a green box appears around the selected object. This box makes the object easier to grab and move. 7. Under the General / Display / Navigation tab, deactivate the Preselect in geometry view option. Objects can now be chosen from the PPR tree only. If this option is active, objects in the 3D view are automatically selected by passing the mouse over them. Selections, in this made may be made that are not wanted. 8. Deactivate the Display manipulation bounding box option.

9. In the Navigation field, activate the Gravitational effects during navigation option. Select Z. This option is especially useful for a project with a floor; you can rotate around and the floor stays level with the viewpoint.

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10.In the General / Display / Performances tab note the settings for the 3D Accuracy, the 2D Accuracy, and the Level of detail fields. The values are at the lowest setting (as shown below) to give a more exact view of the geometry with this setting. A circle is displayed as round not as an octagon.

11.Scroll down in the Performance tab to the Miscellaneous field, and activate Save lineic elements in cache. This allows you to see wire frame geometry.

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12.The General / Display / Visualization tab displays the color settings for the software. For this project, change the background to white. Click on the down arrow or click on the pull down menu to see the available colors.

The default color for a clash (collision) is orange. If the robots are orange, the clash is difficult to see. Change the clash color in the Selected elements field

13.In the General / Parameters and Measure / Units tab, change the length of the units to inches.

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14.Use the General / Parameters and Measure / Report Generation tab to set the location and report content options. The default values are acceptable.

15.To hide constraints, in the General / Parameters and Measure the Symbols Tab click on Filter button. The Constraint Filter dialog box appears. In the Filter field, select Hide All then click on OK.

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16.In the Infrastructure / Product Structure / Cache Management tab / Cache Activation field, activate the Work with the cache system option.

17.In the Infrastructure / DELMIA Infrastructure / Simulation tab, adjust the simulation settings to match the options shown. Set the step size to 0.3 to make the simulation run faster.

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18.Select the Infrastructure / DELMIA Infrastructure / Robot Analysis tab. These settings determine what system behavior when tool center point (TCP) limitations are exceeded during a simulation. Additional options control TCP trace display in the 3D view.

The table below provides an explanation of the TCP trace parameters that you can set. The options take effect immediately and apply to all applications containing simulation commands.



Show point

Provides the color and symbol for each point within a TCP trace.

Show line

Provides the color, type of line, and line thickness for each TCP trace

Show axis

Provides the color, line type, and thickness for the axis of each TCP trace.

Delete path

A simulation's path is deleted when a new simulation is run. Otherwise, each path remains visible until the session ends. Text appears when a point/line/axis is (pre)selected by the user. The text contains information related to the current point. The text can contain any of the following data (if selected):

Show legends

• • • • • • • •

Name Time X axis Y axis Z axis Yaw Pitch Roll

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19.Select the Digital Process for Manufacturing / Tree tab. In the Hierarchy tree field, select all the items as shown.

20.Select the Digital Process for Manufacturing / DPM – Fastening Process Planner / Commands tab. In the Fastener Assignment field, Activate duplication assignment.

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21.Click on the DPM – Fastening Process Planner / Fastener Visualization tab. To see the coordinates, activate the Show the fastener(manuf)/tag option to see the coordinates.

22.Select the IGRIP / Robot Task Display tab. The Options dialog box appears:

Select the desired values, or accept the defaults. The various robot task display options are explained in the following table.

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Cartesian Target

These options are for tag, weld, and Cartesian targets.

Show X, Y, Z Values/Show Y, P, R Values

Checking these boxes causes these values to be displayed when the mouse is moved over the target.

Joint Target

These options are for joint and home targets.

Show Joint Values/Show Auxiliary Axes Joint Values

Checking these boxes causes these values to be displayed when the mouse is moved over the target.


Connects the operations.

Set/Wait Line

Shows the IO connections.

Show Actions

Displays as icons the actions in the viewer

Show Target Name

Shows the target name when the mouse is moved over the target.

23.Click on OK. Use the tasks contextual menu to activate the task display. The task display is not updated automatically.

24.Use Update All Tasks refresh the visualization.

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in the Sequence toolbar to

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25.Select the IGRIP / Teach Dialog Settings tab. No changes need to be made for this project, however, the following changes are possible:

• •

Select items from the “Data included in the table box” field and move it to the “Available Data” area using the left arrows. Data item order is changed with the up and down arrows. When the teach command table option is activated in the software, this is the order and selection that is used. The options list order determines the order in which the data fields appear in the teach table. Activate the Show Task visualization option to automatically display the task visually when teaching a task.

26.Set up the system for Offline Programming. To do this: a. Remove any Java version earlier than version 1.4 b. To determine the Java version installed on your computer: i. open a command prompt ii. type java –version in the directory where Java is installed

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c. d. e. f.

Download the latest version of Java from www.java.Sun.com Create the directory, c:\jdk extract the java files to this directory. Set your environment variables for CLASSPATH and Path to c:\jdk\bin Go to the Tools / Options / Offloading Programming tab. In the Java Executable field, insert the path, c:\jdk\bin\jave.exe

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27. In the AEC Plant / General tab, change the Grid step value to 0.5 in. This value affects the manipulation handle (used for easily moving a geometry); the manipulation handle snaps to the value set.

28.Change the Depth Effect value. To do this, in the main menu, Select View / Depth Effect. In the Near Limit field, activate the Fixed option and set the value to 100. In the Far Limit field, activate the Fixed option, and set the value to 500000. Now you can zoom in on an item in the 3D view, and the clipping planes modify to only display the center of the field of visions center.

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29.To change the size of the PPR tree, click on the line connecting the directories, and in the View toolbar click on the zoom in or out. The size changes

Click on the line again to get back to the 3D view. To display, or hide the PPR tree, select the F3 key on the keyboard. To deactivate the zoom capability, go to the Tools / Options / General / Display / Tree Manipulation tab and uncheck the Tree zoom after clicking on any branch option.

30.To find an object in the PPR tree, right-click on the object in the 3D view and choose Center Graph from the contextual menu.

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31.In the main menu bar, select View / Toolbars to view the list of toolbars.

32.Another way to view the toolbars is to drag them from their docking position. To do this, drag the move handle of the toolbar to the center of the geometry window.

33.Some of the toolbars have toolbars imbedded in them. Use the black arrow to expand the toolbar, and then select the move handle and drag it.

Keyboard Shortcuts Use this keyboard key (or combination)...



Exit the current dialog box (when there is one)


Get contextual online help

Shift + F1

Get help on toolbar icons

Shift + F2

Toggle the specification tree overview on and off


Toggle specification tree display on and off

Alt + F8

Run macros

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Shift + F3

Activate the graph is the model is active and inversely


Display the top of the graph


Display the bottom of the graph

Page Up

Relocate the graph one page up

Page Down

Relocate the graph one page down

Ctrl + Page Up

Zoom In the graph

Ctrl + Page Down

Zoom Out the graph

Up arrow

Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the top

Down arrow

Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the bottom

Left arrow

Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the left

Right arrow

Relocate the graph 1/10th (one tenth) of a page to the right

Ctrl + Tab

Swap active document windows

Alt + Enter

Run the Properties... command

Ctrl + C

Run the Copy command

Ctrl + F

Run the Search... command

Ctrl + G

Run the Selection Sets... command

Ctrl + N

Run the New... command

Ctrl + O

Run the Open... command

Ctrl + P

Run the Print... command

Ctrl + S

Run the Save... command

Ctrl + V

Run the Paste command

Ctrl + X

Run the Cut command

Ctrl + Y

Run the Redo command

Ctrl + Z

Run the Undo command

Another useful shortcut Clicking an icon lets you run the command associated with that icon only once. However, double-clicking an icon lets you use the associated command as many times as you want without having to click on the icon several times. Call outs are used throughout the project to give tips and expand explanations.

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Expanded explanations, examples, information, or facts…

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Open, and review a Workbench.

PPR tree

Workbench main menu bar

Software version / File name

Minimize / enlarge / close / Window

Compass 3D view Window size buttons Expand / collapse Current workbench

Click on line to adjust PPR tree

Some toolbars are hidden. Place the mouse over the arrows and drag the toolbar into the 3D view

Command prompt or other information

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Text window for command or function


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Other Basic Techniques •

• • • •

Sometimes when rotating or panning, the geometry disappears from view. To regain view, right-click the geometry in the PPR tree and select Reframe On from the contextual window. The geometry reappears and the view zooms to that geometry. Press and hold the Middle Mouse Button to move the model in the 3D view. Press and hold the Middle Mouse Button and the Left Mouse Button to rotate the model in the 3D view. Press and hold the Middle Mouse Button, press then release the Left Mouse Button, then drag the mouse vertically to zoom the model in the 3D view. Click on any line in the PPR tree, then use the mouse buttons as described above to adjust the size and location of the PPR tree.

The 3D Compass Use a graphic manipulator referred to as the 3D compass to perform a number of manipulations on objects created and managed by certain applications (for example, Product Structure, Assembly, FreeStyle Shaper, DMU Navigator, etc.). The 3D compass is also used to manipulate viewpoint representations ("cameras"), which capture viewpoints. The 3D compass is always active. Show and hide the compass by toggling the View / Compass command. Note that hiding the compass does not deactivate it. The compass is displayed by default in the top right corner of the document. The letters X, Y and Z represent the axes. The Z-axis is the default orientation. The point close to the Z-axis is the free rotation handle used for freely rotating the compass and the document's objects at the same time. The red square is the compass manipulation handle you use to drag the compass and place on objects to be manipulated. You can also rotate objects around this point. The base of the compass, the XY plane, is the privileged plane. This concept is not useful when simply using the Select command. It is only useful when using application commands that use manipulators, which require working planes.

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Reviewing the Compass Functions Right-click on an object to display its contextual menu. From this menu, select Snap Automatically to Selected Object. In the 3D view or in the PPR tree, select an object. The compass immediately snaps to that object. 1. To reset the compass to its default position, from the main menu select View / Reset Compass. 2. To move the compass, place the mouse pointer over the red box, and click the left mouse button or LMB. The pointer changes to a grasping hand. Drag the mouse and compass toward an object in the 3D view. The compass snaps to that object.

3. In the contextual menu, select Edit. The parameter for Compass Manipulation appears. The current coordinates of the compass manipulation handle (red square), with respect to the center of the world, are displayed in the axis fields for the Position option. •

Coordinates Set the coordinate values to move and rotate objects.

Increments Set the incremental values for translation and rotation.

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Conventions used in the online documentation Certain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA and DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications. The following text conventions may be used: The titles of CATIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text. File -> New identifies the commands to be used. The use of the mouse differs according to the type of action you need to perform. Use this mouse button whenever you read: Select (menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, ...) Click (icons, dialog box buttons, tabs, selection of a location in the document window, ...) Double-click Shift-click Ctrl-click Check (check boxes) Drag Drag and drop (icons onto objects, objects onto objects) Drag Move Right-click (to select contextual menu) Graphic conventions used in the Online Documents are denoted as follows: indicates the estimated time to accomplish a task. indicates a target of a task. indicates the prerequisites. indicates the scenario of a task. indicates tips indicates a warning. indicates information. Indicates basic concepts.

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indicates methodological information. indicates reference information. indicates the end of a task. indicates functionalities that are new or enhanced with this Release. Enhancements can also be identified by a blue-colored background in the left-hand margin.

When DELMIA software is launched, by default, it opens the workbench last used in the previous session. In this example, the default is the Fastening Process Planning workbench.

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IGRIP – Workbenches and Toolbars

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to launch an IGRIP session and get familiar with the IGRIP workbench toolbars.

The workbenches and the toolbars are described. Docking and undocking is practiced.

Robot Task Definition This workbench provides tools for 3D modeling at the workcell level. Robot Task Definition provides all the tools required to perform robotic feasibility studies and programming in an environment where product data and manufacturing resources can be integrated into a single 3D model. This model performs the basis for the development of robotic processes. Robot Task Definition allows you to test for robot reach and access in a complex manufacturing workcell. It provides tools for the development of robot programs and facilities to test those programs while checking for interferences. The output of Robot Task Definition is a workcell model that is ready for the next step: development of a complete manufacturing simulation with synchronization of all resources. These models can consist of a combination of multiCAD product models, legacy DELMIA D5 devices, and general CATIA V5 and V4 resource models. Robot Task Definition interacts with V5 Plant Layout so that users can either re-use the plant model or modify it. Robot tasks and tag definitions for robot motion are integral to Robot Task Definition. Users can create tags and add them to tasks or can create tags in free space for clearance moves. Robot Task Definition provides interactive jogging and robot teaching capabilities to develop and test robot tasks. These tasks can be simulated, one at a time. In addition to the basic setup commands, Robot Task Definition contains analysis tools. These tools add the following capabilities: basic measuring of distances and angles collision and band width analysis. It is expected that tool designers and simulation engineers will make excellent use of this product. 3 workbench toolbars.doc

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Workcell Sequencing This workbench is a powerful 3D simulation tool used to simulate robotic manufacturing processes. It builds upon the workcell model developed in Robot Task Definition, Human Task Simulation, or DPM Assembly Process Simulation. With Workcell Sequencing, the user can coordinate and review the functioning of multiple resources as they work in tandem. The interface is intended to enable task synchronization among any programmable resources such as robots or human models. The tools are synchronized using IO technology. Workcell Sequencing allows it to link the resource programs to the process planning, and so creates a bridge between the resource-centric programming and the high-level manufacturing process description. Design and manufacturing engineers can use Workcell Sequencing to see simulations of robotic movement. The simulation reproduces both simple and complex robotic manufacturing processes exactly as they are defined. 1. Start an IGRIP V5 robotics session. To do this, click on Start / IGRIP Robot Offline Programming.

To view the toolbars horizontally, drag them by their move handle, redock them in the top toolbar docking area, and drag them into the 3D view. Some of the toolbars have toolbars imbedded in them. Use the black arrow to expand the toolbar, and then select the move handle and drag it.

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Workbenches and Toolbars Robot Offline Programming



Off-Line Programming



PPR Tools Calibration



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Simulation Activity Management



Team PDM

Data Views



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View Standard



Simulation Analysis Tools

Environment Tools


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Layout Tools



Simulation Activity




The V5 General command toolbars appear in every workbench from this point on only toolbars specific to Workcell Sequencing, Robot Task Definition, and Device Building are covered.

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Workcell Sequencing


PPR Tools



IO Import/Export





IO Management RRS Connect



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Interference Zone

Device Motion ________________________


Robot Task Definition



Spot Weld Action


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Activity Management




Robot Management

Robot Controller



Simulation Activity Creation


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Device Building



Device Building

Device Building



Frames of Interest

Device Jog



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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Starting the Project

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This describes how to start a project from the beginning. The products and resources consist of parts that may or may not be grouped into assemblies. The part data is stored in product structure documents that have a .CATProduct extension. The difference between a product and a resource depends on how you wish to use them in your process. The end result of the process should be the creation of a finished product consisting of the products listed in the PPR tree. The resources used in the process to create the final product should be listed in the resource branch of the PPR tree. This procedure has: Loading products Loading resources In addition to loading resources using the Resource Context command (as described in this procedure), The robot catalog, can also be used.

This procedure reviews the different ways a project can be started. 1. By default, the software opens to the workbench used in the last session. To open the IGRIP – Robot Task Definition workbench select Start / IGRIP. The workbench opens with a new process document. Another example is if the software is open, and we want to start a new project. Close, or save the existing window (X) then we have a blue screen, (no workbench selected) for this example; close the Process window, (X).

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2. To start a new process document, select File/ New and the New dialog box appears. Scroll down, select Process, and click on the OK.

The workbench icon always appears in this corner (unless moved) Move the mouse over the icon to display the workbench name.

3. The PPR tree displays the Process consisting of: 1. ProcessList 2. ProductList 3. ResourcesList

4. Notice the displayed toolbars bordering the 3D view, and the Process Name, Process 2. There are two processes open. Click on the Close button for Process2.

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Products and Resources

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Products and resources consist of parts (which may or may not be grouped into assemblies) and appear in product structure documents. Files that contain products or resources have a .CATProduct extension. Products and resources differ in how they are used in a process. Products that are used to create the end-result of a process should be listed under the ProductList section of the PPR tree. Resources required during the process itself should be listed in the ResourceList branch of the PPR tree. The PPR tree serves as a tool to organize the digital manufacturing environment. The PPR paradigm allows the user to describe a scenario (i.e., the Process) for manufacturing, processing and transforming a series of items (which are embedded in the ProductList) with a number of resources (which are embedded inside the ResourceList), The relationships between the activities (or operations), products and resources are both accessible and editable inside the PPR Environment. Process documents are always using a PPR environment. The actors and the transformed items of a process must be imported into the PPR environment (as the sections which follow describe). However, a process can be created without these elements and then completed later as those elements are brought into the environment at a later stage in the process design project.

In this procedure, a product (RH Body Side Outer) and resources (tooling, tooling bases, robot risers) are inserted into the process.

1. In the main menu bar select Insert / Insert Product.

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2. The Import Window dialog box appears. Select the Product folder from the 3 Geometry folder, and Open.

The Product appears in the PPR tree and the 3D view.

3. Tooling is added next from the main menu. Select Insert / Insert Resource.

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4. The Import window appears. Go up one directory, select the Resource directory, and then select the Station.CATProduct. Click the Open button.

5. The Station appears in the 3D view.

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6. Using the View toolbar select the different Icons to change the 3D view.

7. Open the Quick view and View mode toolbars and try different commands. Also use the mouse to zoom in, out, and rotate. 8. Insert a resource. From the Resources direcrory, select the Fixture Base.CATProduct.

9. The bounding outline, and the compass is used to move the fixture base into position. Click on the Fixture Base Stn1. Notice that the text in the PPR tree is highlighted orange (default color), and, in the 3D view, the base is highlighted.

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10.Move the mouse over to one of the edges of the base. The side that you selected it moves in that direction. 11.The base can be rotated with the compass. To do this, right-click on the compass and, from the contextual menu, Select Snap Automatically to Selected object. 12.In the 3D view, click on the Base. Grab the circular line on the compass and move the mouse to rotate the base.

13.To be exact, right-click again on the compass, and select Edit from the contextual window. The Parameters for compass manipulation dialog box appears. 14.Type in –90 in the Along X / Angle field and click on the Apply button. 15.Grab the compass, as shown below, and move the base close to the station fixture.

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View the base from different positions to ensure that it is placed correctly…

16.Try to place the base under the station’s risers. Later the snap function is introduced for more exact placement. 17.Close this file. A different file with a complete setup will be used in the next step.

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Opening a Project & Inserting Robots

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics

(Removing from PPR Tree)


The Robot Task Definition workbench, allows you to test for robot reach and access in a complex manufacturing workcell. It provides tools for the development of robot programs and facilities to test those programs while checking for interferences. The output of Robot Task Definition is a workcell model that is ready for the next step: development of a complete manufacturing simulation with synchronization of all resources

In this procedure, a project is opened and robots and other resources are inserted. 1. In the main menu select File / Open, and select the 3Geometry / Process / Robotics.CATProcess. Click the Open button. Some of the data has already been set up. You will step through the inserting process..

Same page

This way everyone has the geometry in the same coordinates..

2. In the main menu, select Insert / Insert Resource. In the Resources directory, select the robot riser, Riser M.CATProduct, and Open. The riser appears.

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3. In the PPR Tree, Click on the Riser M; it highlights. Move the mouse over one of the lines on the edge and click and hold the mouse. The pointer becomes a hand. Move the mouse to drag the riser. Position this riser on the side of the tooling, as shown. Careful: If you select the riser M from the 3D view window, depending on what part you clicked on, that is the only part that will move….

4. Release the mouse button, and click anywhere in the 3D view to deselect Riser M. When not selected, the riser is no longer the default color orange. 5. Follow the same procedure to insert the resource, Riser S, and place accordingly.

6. Snap the compass to Riser M. To do this, right-click on the compass and choose Snap automatically to selected object from the contextual menu, Right-click again on the compass and select Edit. Click on Riser M from the PPR Tree. Place these numbers in the Parameters for Compass Manipulation dialog box, Apply and OK.

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7. Repeat the procedure for Riser S by clicking on the name in the PPR Tree.

8. Save as, this file in the Process directory, as Robotics1.CATProcess. 9. Reset the settings on the Compass. To do this, right-click on the compass and choose Snap automatically to selected object from the contextual menu, this deactivates this function. 10.In the Activity Management toolbar, click on the Catalog Browser. (Or in the main menu, click Insert / Catalog Browser.) 11.Select the Open file Icon. This sample catalog comes with the software, and like a Department catalog, we can shop for Robots, Tooling, etc. New Catalogs can be created and customized as desired…

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12.Check with the instructor for the path to the robot catalogs. (This location falls where they loaded the software in the computer).

Note the position to place each robot in the project that we are stepping through. The layout picture is at the end of this step. 13.Select the ABB.catalog, and click the Open button. The Catalog Browser now shows all of the robots in the catalog. Switch the view to Details.

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14.The Robot IRB_6400_24_150 is used in the project. Using the search for Filter command, all of the robots that start with IRB_6400. Select the options shown in the filter, click on Apply, and the results appear in the catalog browser. Click on OK in the Filter box to close this window. Click on the IRB_6400_24_150 text in the Catalog Browser.

15.The Robot now is attached to the pointer in the 3D view. Move the mouse and place the first robot around (encompass) the station. Notice that the world position values are shown, (if set in the options), or they appear in the command prompt field. The number changes as the robot changes position in the world. 16.When the robot is correctly positioned in the world, click the left mouse button, and another robot appears. 17.Move the mouse over the Riser M, and notice that the crosshairs change to a box and line. Position the robot as shown, and click on top of the Riser M. 18.Another robot appears. Position this robot on Riser S, and the final robot on the seventh axis rail, or gantry. Disregard the next robot, and Close the catalog Browser. This cancels the command. 19. Go into the Catalog for Fanuc robots and insert the S-420iS robot. The project should look similar to the example shown.

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Note the position of each robot and its number in relation to the product. The Positions are important when setting up the interactions between the robots.

Seventh axis, or rail

IRB 6400_24 150.2

IRB_6400 24_150.3


IRB 6400 24 150.1

20.For viewing ease, keep the rotation of the mouse relative to the floor. To do this, select the Tools / Options / Display / Navigation tab. In the navigation field, activate the Gravitational effects during navigation option and the Z (axis) option.

Incorrect insertion in the PPR tree 21.In the PPR tools toolbar, click on the Remove from PPR icon, and then, in the PPR tree, click on the item that you want to remove.

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Creating a Area

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

In this step, an area or floor is created.

In the Plant Layout workbench a floor, is created, saved, and imported into the project.

1. In the main menu, select Start / AEC Plant / Plant Layout. 2. In the Plant Layout toolbar, select the Area command.

The Area Creation dialog box appears.

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3. Change the X and Y lengths to 800in. To do this, Click inside the white text fields and type in the numbers. In the 3D view, select in the window the origin of the area. Select 0,0,0. (If you move the mouse around, in the geometry window, you will see the coordinates change).

4. In the View toolbar, select the Fit All In command. The entire floor is displayed in the 3D view.

5. Change the name of Product 12. In the PPR tree, right-click on Product 12 (you might have a different name). In the contextual menu, select Properties. In the Product tab of the Properties dialog box, change the text in the Part Number field to Plant Floor. Click on the Apply and OK buttons.

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6. The plant floor is created. Right-click on the name Area 1 in the PPR Tree, and under Properties, deactivate the Show area name option. Then click on the button Apply, and Ok.

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7. Save the floor. In the main menu, select File/ Save as. Select 3 Geometry / Resources and click the Save button.

8. Close this document (X in corner), and return to the current project. To insert the floor, select Insert / Insert Resources, and select the Plant Floor.CATProduct file.

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Placing and Assigning the Resource: Robots

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

In this procedure, the snap function is used to move robots and other components.

Robots, and the Robot Riser, are moved and positioned in the project. (Check the last page in this step to see how the finished project looks) 1. Select Robot IRB_6400_24_150.1, and move the mouse over the green line shown in the image. Click and hold the left mouse button down (changes mouse to a hand) and drag the robot up. As the robot moves, the position values change. Select various lines, in the bounding outline around the robot, and use the move functions. When completed, make sure that the robot is up in the air. Click in a blank area in the 3D view to deactivate this function. 2. In the Layout Tools toolbar, Click on the Snap icon.

3. The Snap Options dialog box appears. Accept the defaults. In the far left corner, under the bottom toolbar, the system prompts you to select an object to be moved. Select the Robot IRB_6400_24_150.1 from the PPR Tree.

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4. The selected robot turns orange, the Define Reference Plane (From) dialog box appears and a green compass is displayed on the robot showing the current orientation.

For this snap function, we will be using the Snap Option, Define Plane..

5. As you move the mouse pointer, a small white rectangle is displayed to show the selectable planes. A line normal to the rectangle shows the direction in which the snap will be performed.

6. Move the white rectangle and line to the desired plane and orientation as shown in this image and click the left mouse button. The green compass moves to this location and orientation. Note: This step does not need to be done if the green compass is initially in the desired location and orientation. 7. Click OK in the Define Reference Plane (From). The reference plane is set and the command prompt asks you to select an object to be snapped to. 8. In the 3D view, click in the center of the top plane of Robot Riser M. Orientate the rectangle and line as shown in the image. Right-click the compass and click OK in the dialog box. 9. The Snap Options Dialog appears. In the Select field, click Face. Click the OK button to align the two faces selected.

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Snap the rest of the robots, to the desired locations, if required. 10. Next, the robots are rotated so they face the fixtures. Right-click on the compass to get the contextual menu, and select Snap Automatically to Selected Object. Click on the Robot S-420iS in the PPR tree. Notice that the compass positions itself to the center of the Robot.

11.Right-click on the compass again, and select the Edit function. The Parameters for compass manipulation dialog box appears. In the Along Z, Angle, type in 90, and click on the Apply button. The robot rotates to face the tooling.

Yes, it gets easier…

12.Another way to use this dialog box is to place 90 degrees in the Rotation increment values. With the values set this way, the compass will rotate in 90-degree increments.

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13.When you are rotating the IRB_6400_24_150.1 robot, make sure that you select the Robot first, then the Riser M, (hold down the CTRL button) that way it rotates both using the Riser M’s compass. This places the robot and riser in front of the tooling.

14.Select the other robot IRB_6400_24_150.2, and rotate. The IRB_6400_24_150.3 make sure to select the Riser S, then the Robot. This rotates them around the Robots compass. 15.For the ease of programming (creating the robot path), select the S-420iS robot and make sure that it is placed at these coordinates.

16.In the Layout Tools Toolbar, select the Attach icon. You are prompted to select the Parent first select the Riser Top as shown, and then select the IRB_6400_1 (from the PPR tree).

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17.The Child Selection dialog box appears, select OK. The Parent – Child relationship appears.

18.In the Environment Tools toolbar, select Hide Attachment and click on the text to hide right-click on the text, and select Hide/Show from the contextual menu.

The layout of the Finished Project.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Mounting a Weld Gun

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure shows how to mount a weld gun to the Robot.

In this procedure, two weld guns will be inserted and mounted on each of the robots. 1. From the main menu, select Insert / Resource and select the Weld Gun1.CATProduct and the Weld Gun2.CATProduct in the Resources directory, under 3 geometries.

The weld guns are on top of one another…

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2. Select the Set Tool Icon from the Robot Management Toolbar. 3. The Robot Dressup dialog box appears. Select the Robot IRB_6400_24_150.1 and Device Name under Weld Gun 1, Click on the Rocker2#2.1 under the Weld Gun 1. The system recognizes the device name not the product name, click on Apply.

Do not select ok yet… we need some adjustments!!

Yes, if drawn with correct orientation it should line up, and you can click on the OK with no adjustments…but..

4. The end effector’s orientation is incorrect on the robot. Manipulate the compass to turn the end effector as shown (next picture).

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5. When completed, click on OK.

6. The Parent / Child relationship is displayed in the 3D view. 7. Follow the same procedure to mount the other weld gun. Use the Set Tool command to mount the weld gun to robot S420iS. 8. Right-click on the Child / Parent Relationship, and select the Hide/ Show command. (To hide the text and line). This will make it easier to see all the geometry; the text and lines will not interfere.

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Hide/Show Attachments

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure shows how to use the Hide/Show function using the Text that shows the Parent/Child Relationship.

In this procedure, commands in the Environment Tools toolbar are used to show and hide text. The Swap visible space function is reviewed. This is another way to hide all at once (Double Click on the Icon, and this keeps it active for more selections). 1. To make the parent / child relationship visible, in the Environment Tools toolbar, select the Show Attachment icon, and click on one of the robots in the PPR tree. 2. Click on the icon again, and select the other robot, so that both relationships are shown. 3. Double-click the Hide Attachments icon (icon stays orange). Click on the text, to hide it. Hide both relationships, and then click on the icon to deactivate. Where does it hide it? The text is placed in the swap visible space3D view. But…on some versions of the software, this is not available.

. 4. To view the data in the No Show area, click on the Swap visible space icon in the View toolbar.

5. This 3D view has a green background indicating that this is the No Show area. A component hidden in the product structure appears in low highlights in the PPR tree.

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6. Click on the Swap Visible Space icon to bring you back to the main 3D view. 7. If there is a lot of data and the view is confusing, use the Hide / Show command to place some of the data in the No Show area. This area is for viewing only; and the main 3D view is the active view where functions are available. 8. Try the Hide / Show command with some of the geometry. Pick the geometry from the PPR tree or from the 3D view to see different results. Also, notice the icon in the PPR tree when executing the Hide / Show command. 9. When completed, make sure all the geometry is visible, excluding the Parent / Child relationships.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Creating the Process Plan


This procedure describes how to create a process plan in DPM Fastening Process Planner. There are two ways to create a Process: using customized activities, and using the standard default activities. Later, a Process Flow chart will be automatically created.

In this exercise, a process plan will be created for the RH Body Side Assembly. The standard commands in the Activities toolbar will be used. Using the Resource Centric approach in the next step, the tasks will be assigned to activities. Physical activities are imported into the process from a user activity library. Dress-up activities such as viewpoint, visibility, and text message activities are created under the process node. 1. Open to the DPM Fastener Process Planner workbench. From the main menu, select Start / Digital Process for Manufacturing / DPM Fastening Process Planner.

2. In the Activities toolbar, scroll the mouse over each icon to see the activity names.

3. Select the Insert Station Activity icon and click in the PPR tree, the word Process.

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4. The Create Activity dialog box appears. Click on the More >> button to see the Station Activity Attributes. Change the Name to Station 1 and click on OK. Create another activity and name it, Station 2. When you insert a station activity in the PPR tree, it will always be a successor to another station activity or a child of the main process. Stations activities children are other activities; it cannot be a child of, say a clamping activity.

5. Using the commands in the Activities toolbar to create the Stations (as shown). Make sure that you select the previous activity when inserting the new one. This will create your process that flows from activity to activity correctly. 6. If you do not have the proper process…

Follow the steps below to correct your process.

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1. In the Data Views toolbar, select the Open PERT Chart and click on the word Process in the PPR tree.

The PERT Chart Window appears showing the Activities. Select an activity box with the left mouse button and drag it to the desired location. The position of any activity in the PERT chart can be modified after changing an activity's position, it will automatically snap to the center of the nearest grid square when the mouse button is released. 2. To see the Text in the Activity boxes, from the main menu, select Window / Tile Horizontally. The names of the activities in the Pert Chart are easier to see….

3. With a split view, when a activity is selected it highlights in both windows.

Click on the + sign to view the activities under the stations process…

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Linking or Sequencing activities in the PERT chart The chart may be created with the links in place or it may not have the links in place. This procedure also explains how to modify existing links. The PERT chart appears below the PPR tree. Each box represents an activity. Each box can be manipulated and moved within the chart. 4. To delete the links, move the mouse over the line, and right click for the contextual menu. Select Delete. If needed, delete the links and create new ones so they match the process flow. 5. To create a link between two activities, click Click in the box that on the Link icon. you want to start the link, and then the box to link to. If no other links need to be created, click on the link command to deactivate it. To zoom in or out, click in the window (to make it active), and select the mouse functions for zooming…

Final Process

6. Close the Pert chart when completed.

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Facilitated Project:

Fastener Assignment

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to assign and view welds in a process welding activity, thereby managing and validating these Weld points well in advance of production.

In this exercise, the DPM Fastener Process Planner workbench will be used to assign the welds. 1. In the PPR tree, under Station 1, select SpotWelding 1. 2. In the Fastener Management toolbar, select the Assign fasteners from Product to an Activity command. In the PPR tree Products list, select Assembly Joints under the RH Body Side Assembly.1. If there is no welds showing under the fasteners available for assignment, make sure in the Tools / Options / Digital Process for Manuf / DPM – Fastening Process Planner / Commands / Activate Part Loading Constraints is deactivated.

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3. The Fastener Assignment dialog box appears. This displays the total number of welds and what activity the welds are assigned. At this point, no welds are assigned. Notice that there is a pull down window for in the List of Products with Fasteners and for the List of activities. Hold the Ctrl key down and select the Welds 1,3,5. Use the arrow to assign them to the selected activity. Welds are assigned and no longer available unless Allow Duplicate Weld Assignment is toggled on. (This is in the tools / options / Digital Process for Manufacturing / Commands) This would be toggled on if a parallel process were also being created. Welds can also be assigned depending on what parts have been loaded prior to the welding activity selected in the Process. Apply Part loading Constraints must be toggled on for this to take effect. We will not be using that function. 4. With the Fastener Assignment dialog box still open, select Station 1 >Spot Welding .2 from the List of activities or the PPR tree.

5. Select welds 07, 09, 11, and 13 and click on the arrow to move the welds and assign them to selected activity. At this time select the accountability tab and confirm that the odd welds have been allocated. 6. Notice that, while assigning welds the weld names appear in the 3D view when they are selected, they change color. Close the Fastener Assignment dialog box when finished.

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Weld Information or Weld ID 7. To continue to view the weld names, position the geometry conveniently in the 3D view. Expand the ProductList in the PPR Select the Show Weld ID in 3D window button. tree and select the RH Body Side Assembly. A weld ID dialogue box comes up. Verify that the All sub-products option is checked, and the Switch is yes, (double click on the product name if it is not) This activates them on, and off using the Apply button. Click on the Apply button a few times to see them turn on and off, then when they are off, Close.

8. The Assigned Weld information in the PPR tree.

9. Collapse the RH Body Side Assembly node in the Productlist.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Assigning the Robot Resources to the Process


This procedure describes how to assign products and resources to activities within the process. There are four methods that can be used to assign products and resources to activities: Using the Assign a Product/Resource command (Activity Management Workbench) This method allows you to define a relation from a list of relation types at the time of the assignment Using the Assign an Item and Assign a Resource commands (Activity Management Workbench) This method allows you to quickly assign a product or resource to an activity, without querying for the relation type Using the drag-and-drop method from within the PPR tree This method allows you to quickly assign a product or resource to an activity, without querying for the relation type Using the drag-and-drop method from the 3D viewer to the PPR tree This method allows you to quickly assign a product or resource to an activity, without querying for the relation type The purpose of a process and its associated activities is to transform items, which are represented by a specific set of data. This data may refer to products, welds, other fasteners, or points to inspect. Therefore, the more generic term "item" is used throughout the application. Because more than one resource is often needed for a particular activity, multiple resources may be assigned to an activity.

In this procedure the robots will be assigned to the welding, loading, and unloading activities. This creates a process that can be simulated.

Lets Talk and Review the different choices…

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Assigning a Product To perform the procedures described: • • •

The products and resources to assign must have been previously imported to the process (i.e., they are currently displayed in the ProductList and ResourcesList). The activities that make up the process have been created. The PPR tree for the process must be visible.

To view assigned resources on the PPR tree, the appropriate filter (Resources) must be enabled. We will review some of the icons:

Assigning a Product Method 1: Using the Activity Management Toolbar.

1. Click on the Assign an item icon. 2. Select the product to be assigned from the ProductList of the PPR tree. 3. Select the activity in the PPR tree that the product is to be assigned to. The selected product will then be shown in the Items folder of the selected activity. This is a way to assign a product so that it has no relation to saving to the PPR Hub. 4. Click on the Assign a product/resource icon. 5. Select the product to be assigned from the ProductList of the PPR tree. 6. Select the activity in the PPR tree that the product is to be assigned to. The selected product will then be shown in the Items folder of the selected activity. 7. Select the type of relation for the process/product and click OK. The product will then be shown in the Items folder of the selected activity: (Use the 1st option, they are explained below)

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Method 2: Using drag-and-drop from within the PPR tree 1. Use the mouse to select a product from the ProductList and drag it onto the desired activity. Products dragged from the ProductList to an activity are automatically assigned as items.

Method 3: Using drag-and-drop from the 3D viewer to the PPR tree with Products Selection mode 1. Click on the Products Selection icon from the Select workbench to activate the Product Select mode. Products Selection mode allows for products to be easily selected from geometry displayed in the 3D viewer. Without the Products Selection mode, clicking on the geometry in the 3D viewer selects only the individual lines, planes, etc. that are part of a product, but does not select an entire product. When enabled, Products Selection mode allows for the selection the entire product that a particular line or plane belongs to, and will highlight the selected product in the PPR tree. 2. Drag the selected part onto the desired activity on the PPR tree. Holding the CTRL key when clicking on the different products can make multiple part selections, and dragging the part last clicked to the desired activity on the PPR tree.

3. Click on the Products Selection icon

from the Select workbench to turn off Product Select mode.

Assigning a Resource Method 1: Using the Activity Management workbench

1. Click on the Assign a Resource icon. 2. Select the product to be assigned from the ProductList of the PPR tree. 3. Select the activity in the PPR tree that the product is to be assigned to. The selected product will then be shown in the Items folder of the selected activity. This is a way to assign a product so that it has no relation to saving to the PPR Hub.

4. Click on the assign a product /resource icon. 5. Select an element of the ResourcesList on the PPR tree.

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6. Select the activity in the PPR tree that the product is to be assigned to. The Assignment Type dialog box is displayed when the activity is selected:

7. Select the type of relation for the resource/product and click OK. The resource will then be shown in the Resources folder of the selected activity:

Method 2: Using drag-and-drop from within the PPR tree

1. Use the mouse to select and drag a resource from the ResourcesList and drop it on an activity. Elements dragged from the ResourceList to an activity will automatically be assigned as resources.

Method 3: Using drag-and-drop from the 3D viewer to the PPR tree with Products Selection mode 1. Click on the Products Selection icon

from the Select workbench to activate the Product Select mode.

Products Selection mode allows for products to be easily selected from geometry displayed in the 3D viewer. Without the Products Selection mode, clicking on the geometry in the 3D viewer selects only the individual lines, planes, etc. that are part of a product, but does not select an entire product. When enabled, Products Selection mode allows for the selection the entire product that a particular line or plane belongs to, and will highlight the selected product in the PPR tree. 2. Drag the selected part onto the desired activity on the PPR tree. Holding the CTRL key when clicking on the different products can make multiple part selections, and dragging the part last clicked to the desired activity on the PPR tree.

3. Click on the Products Selection icon

from the Select workbench to turn off Product Select mode.

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Using the Assignment Type Dialog Box

Process created Product ~ This relation is an output process. This relation should be selected when a product has been finished after this process. The product may be a completed part, a subassembly or a fully-assembled part e.g. with a process or final assembly Process processes product ~ This relation is an input process. This relation should be selected when a product is processed in a further process. The product may be a subassembly or a part that has been processed and completed in previous processes and that is not to be processed further, e.g. in a assembly process. Process first processes product ~ This relation is also an input process. This relation should be selected when a product is first processed by a process. The product may be a raw material from a parts bin. Process removed product ~ This relation is a disassembly process. Select this relation to remove a product. E.g., safety equipment for an assembly part or an assembly part removed directly.

Using the Assignment Type Dialog Box Process Uses Resource ~ This relation is used for Labor, Tools, Fixtures and any auxiliary Resource used/shared during Processing. • Defines the auxiliary Resources used by the Main Resource, while doing this Process. • This Relation indicated that the Resource is of type Labor or Sub Resource (Tools & Fixtures) in Quest • The Labor or Sub Resource Requirement of the Cycle Process is assigned for this Resource Class Process Runs on Resource ~ This relation is used for Main Resources such as Stations and Machines •

Defines this is the Main Resource (like a Machine) o which the Process Happens.

• Since Quest world view is Resource Centric (of the same PPR data), the Process is added to the Resource Process Attaches Resource ~ This relation is used in the Quest software. Process Detaches Resource ~ This relation is used in the Quest software.

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Unassigning a Product 1. Click on the Unassign an Item icon: (from the pull down toolbar)

2. On the PPR tree, select the activity that the item is assigned to. A dialog box will be displayed which lists all products currently assigned to the activity:

3. Select as many items in the list as desired, and click the Unassign button to remove those selected from the activity.

Unassigning a Resource 1. Click on the Unassign a Resource icon. 2. On the PPR tree, select the activity that the resource is assigned to. A dialog box will be displayed which lists all resources currently assigned to the activity:

3. Select as many resources in the list as desired, and click the Unassign button to remove those selected from the activity. During the assignment of products or resources, the system determines whether the current assignment duplicates any that already exist. Each product or resource can only be assigned to a particular activity within a particular process once. The assignment of a product or resource differs from the use of copy and paste commands. Copy and paste commands should never be used in place of assigning products or resources to operations; this will not work. The conventional method for assigning a product to a process (described in the previous section) utilizes either the Assign an item command or the drag-and-drop method, and results in an assigned product having a "Process processes product" relationship with the process that it is assigned to by default.

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In order to support the same relationships that are supported by the PPR Hub, DPM Process and Resource Definition now also provides the "Process first processes product" relationship to indicate that a product is being consumed by a process for the first time.

Assigning a product as Process first processes product

To assign a product to a process as "process first processes product," click on the First assign item located in the Activity Management command toolbar, pull down menu for Assign a item. With the First assign item activated, select the product to be assigned to a process: After the product has been selected, click on the process to assign it to: If the Items (first use in process) option is enabled in the Filter tab of the Tools -> Options page, Items assigned to a process as "process first processes product" will appear in a folder titled "Items (first use)" under the process in the PPR tree, as shown in the figure.

Now Lets assign our Product and Resources… Return to the IGRIP Robot Task Definition Workbench…

The Process consists of the activities that we have to do in chronological order for the project to flow..

In this exercise, assign our product from the Product List view to the Process view. In the PPR Tree, click so that the tree for the Stations is visible, and the ProductList tree. 1. Select the icon Assign a product/resource, and then select the Spot Welding.1 in Station 1. Select the S-420iS.1 from the Productlist.

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2. The Assignment Type dialog box appears, and since this is a product has been finished by the process select the Process Uses Resource, and OK.

3. Follow the procedure and assign the robots to the Stations as shown in the PPR tree. 4. Open up one of the robot, and take a look at the tree under the robots.

5. Notice the categories, and the Mounted devices. Notice that under the Spot Welding 1 and 2, the category, Items displays the welds that were assigned.

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How to unassign a Resource/ Product In the Activity Management Pull down windows on each icon, (black arrow) use the icon Unassign a Resource, and select that resource, or select the Unassign a item for the Product.

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Note: the Resource has to be unassigned first from a activity to remove it from the PPR Tree.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Jogging a Robot

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to review the Robots joint movements. This procedure explains how to jog a kinematics device. •

For devices with forward kinematics defined, use joint jogging only

For devices with inverse kinematics defined, use joint jogging or Cartesian jogging

In this exercise, the project will review the jogging functions of a robot. 1. In the View Toolbar, we will Hide /Show all of robots and risers, except S-420iS.1 and the weld gun that is mounted. Swap Visible Space allows you to flip from your chosen objects shown, vs. the hidden objects.

2. Another way is to Multi-select the required geometries, then right-click and select Hide/Show.

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3. The View that we see…

4. Select the Swap Visible Space Icon.

5. The rest of the project is shown. Select the Icon again to get back to our Robot with the Weld Gun.

6. Select the Jog a Device Icon. In the Robot Management Toolbar.

7. The user can now select three different ways to jog a device at this time. First, we can select the slide bars that are located on the dialog box. Second, we can use the device manipulation arrows located on each individual joint of a device. Third, we will be able to manipulate the compass in any direction to see changes based on the top of the device. Try all three ways.

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8. Notice if you go past the limits, an Output Window appears, and the robot changes to purple. This is a good time to play with the DOF controls, Linear Step, Angular Step and to look in the Cartesian page as well. The Robot changes to Red for singularity.

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9. To return the robot back to the home position, select the Predefined Position, Home_1. 10.Close all windows when done. 11.When complete, Hide / Show all of the geometries.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Creating a Robot Task

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This user-friendly function makes programming a robot less cumbersome, this provides the ability to take the fastener points assigned to a process activity and reuse them for creating a robot task. Based on the amount of fasteners assigned prior to selecting this powerful function, this will generate operations the robots will use in a matter of seconds.

This procedure explains how to create a robot task. A resource-oriented process dedicated to robot programming, a task is a linear sequence of activities called operations. Each operation can contain a motion activity (Move To) and a set of actions. 1. Select the Icon Create Robot Task from the Sequence toolbar.

This creates a Robot Path from existing data to create Weld Positions. But if this data changes, this is not reflected in the Robot Path.. a new one must be created..

Where does this information come from.. ? Usually the customer supplies the weld locations, and they are imported through the DPM Fastening Process Planner Workbench, and then allocated to the Activity… we did that previously

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2. Click on Spot Welding.1. This function automatically creates the robot program under the robot program tree, with the weld positions that we assigned previously.

3. Repeat this function for the Spot Welding 2.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Jogging to Welding Positions


This procedure describes how to move the robot to the weld locations to view the weld orientation.

In this exercise, we will take a look at the orientation of the welding tags in relationship to the weld gun. 1. In the Tools, Options, DPM Fastener Process Planner, turn on the Show the Fastener (manuf) tag. This will give the coordinates for each weld.

The color can also be changed using the pull down window..

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2. The XYZ Coordinates appear in the geometry window.

3. To see the weld names, switch to the (Start) DPM Fastener workbench, and select the Show Fastener ID’s in 3D window Icon, then the RH Body Side Assembly Product in the PPR tree. Return to the IGRIP Robot Task Definition Workbench. Did this function in previous steps..

4. Using our Robot Management Toolbar, select the Jog a device icon, and select the Robot S-420iS.

5. The Jog Dialog box appears.

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Notice the orientation of the compass on the weld gun. This will be compared to the orientation of each weld.

We will step through the welds using the compass.

6. Grab the red box of the compass and place it onto Weld 01. Make sure that the placement of the compass matches the correct orientation from the weld gun. 7. Follow through on weld 3, and Weld 5. Notice that the orientation of weld 5 is not correct. (Place the Robot back at its home position). This will be corrected later.

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Editing the Height of the Robot Riser

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

In this Procedure, we will be editing the height of the Riser M.

Using the different workbenches, we will edit the height of the robot riser, and save this new height. 1. Open up the PPR Tree for the Riser M.

2. Under the Body tree, Double-click; Double-click, on the Pad.1. This takes you to the Assembly Design workbench, then the Part Design Workbench. To verify, check the top right icon…

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3. The Pad Definition dialog box appears. Change the Length from 60 to 22 inches, Preview, and OK.

4. The body changes size. Now we will update the constraints.

5. To activate the part constraints, double-click, double on the name Riser M to activate all of the components that make up the riser. (The name should be blue) and we should be in the Assembly Design Workbench.

If the software defaults to the Product Structure workbench, click on Start / Mechanical Design / Assembly Design.

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6. Notice that there is a line from the body to the top. 7. In the main menu, select Edit / Update. This updates the product with the new changes, and also moves the robot.

8. To save the changes to this riser, File/ Save As, and select the Riser M, in the Resources Directory.

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9. To return to the previous IGRIP workbench, double-click on the word PROCESS in the PPR tree. This returns us to the IGRIP workbenches. Make sure you are in the Robot Task Definition Workbench.

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Creating a Weld Study Analysis and Reviewing the Results

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure explains how to analyze the reachable and feasible zones around the free axis associated with a target such as a fastener. The definitions states yielded by analysis are: Feasible: the target can be reached without an collision Reachable: the target can be reached, but the robot and Weldgun collides with the products or tooling. Unreachable: the robot cannot reach the target.

In this exercise, use the Analyze Target Orientation to edit the positions of the welds automatically. 1. In the Robot Management Toolbar, Select the Analyse Welds for Robot icon, and then Select the Spot Welding.1 in the Process Station. This would automatically select the weld items or either the geometry or PPR tree, select the weld or tag group(s) that is targets for analysis. The targets appear in the dialog box. 2. Click on the Analysis Parameters tab. 3. Click in the Collision Objects box, and select the Station.1 from the PPR tree. 4. Delete any target by selecting the line containing the target and then pressing the Remove Target button. Select the Analysis Tab and review the functions listed below.

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Check Clash

Defines whether feasibility is needed

Check All

If this box is checked, the analysis will even if a feasible solution is found and will compute the feasible zone. Otherwise, the analysis will stop after the first feasible solution and will not compute the feasible zone.

Do Flip

Enable/Disable the flip analysis (invert the Z axis).


Select the robot on which to do analysis

Collision Objects

The algorithm will perform a clash analysis between the coupled robot and tool and the objects defined in this list. You can select items for this list from either the PPR tree or the geometry. Any selected object can be removed from this list using the Remove button.

Rotate Z

The Z resolution defines the accuracy of the analysis. The TCP gets rotated by this angle all along the range of check.


This tolerance is used for safety check. If the robot+gun gets closer than this value to the collision objects, the two groups are considered to be colliding.

Start/End Angle

Using the Start angle and End Angle editors, the user can define the range of checks for the welds selected in the list

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SELECT ALL OF THE WELDS (HOLD DOWN CTRL BUTTON) For our example, we will use the settings shown. - No Do Flip - Highlight all the welds (Ctrl) Start angle –180 deg, End Angle 180 deg - Collision object, Station 1 - Rotate Z every 15 Deg 5. Select the Results tab.

The table below explains the buttons and fields associated with the tab.



Target Report

This frame provides the feedback from the analysis. For each robot and target for an activity, a status will appear after a computation. The possible status results are: O = OK UR = Unreachable UF = Unfeasible

Sort by robot

The default presentation of the data is sorted by robot name.

Sort by fastener

By checking this option, the table is sorted by fastener or target name.

Display pie

Displays the results on the viewer in pie form: Red: Unreachable Green: Feasible Blue: Reachable White: Not computed yet Yellow: Feasible in flip mode


This button opens a save window. The computation data shown in the Target Report Frame is saved in a .txt file. This button is active if at least one fastener is unfeasible (KO).

Check KO

When this button is pressed, the current selection of robots and fasteners in the Path and Target Tab gets modified as follows:

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V5R16 All the unreachable and unfeasible fasteners get tested against all the robots that are part of the station/line except the original one. Users need then to replay the analysis to get a second report. This report will let users know to which robots the fasteners can be re-assigned.

Rotate Nearest

The X axis jumps to the middle of the nearest feasible area. This option minimizes the changes of orientation for the welds. This button can be checked at any time after the analysis has been performed.

Rotate Biggest

The X axis jumps to the middle of the biggest feasible area. This option minimizes the risks of collision for the robot. This button can be checked at any time after the analysis has been performed.


These buttons control the progress of the analysis.

6. Turn on the Display Pie Report, and Select all of the Activities, (CTRL), then click the Compute button in the Analyze area. The robot moves to the positions, and the results documented. 7. Click on the Weld 01. Using the Rotate X (Closest) we will position the Weld 01 orientation to the closest to the middle of the nearest feasible location. The Weld 01’s orientation changes.

8. Select OK to close the dialog window.

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9. In the Robot Management toolbar, select the Teach a robot icon.

10.Using the Teach Dialog box, step through the robot task using the Operations buttons, and then the Simulation Buttons. (Make a note, if in the simulation the Robot “flips” while going to one position to another. If it does, later, we will use the Set Turn Numbers to fix… )

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Robot Controller Profiles Motion Profile Accuracy Profile

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

The software uses default settings for the Motion and Accuracy profiles to optimize cycle time and increase the accuracy of robots as they perform their operations.

In this exercise, Motion and Accuracy Profiles will be created.

1. Expand Motion and Accuracy files for Spot Weld 1.

2. In the Robot Controller Toolbar,

select Motion Profile Icon.

Select the Robot S-420iS.1 to add a new profile and Motion.1 has been created.

3. Double click to edit Motion.1.

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Motion profile A motion profile is created using the Create and Edit Motion Profile command The purpose of the motion profile is to specify speed and acceleration values for the robot. One type of profile may set speed and acceleration parameters appropriate to a particular kind of move (e.g., moving to weld point) while another may set those parameters in a way appropriate to a different kind of move (e.g., a via point). The standard velocity vs. time profile for a move is modeled as a trapezoid, with equal magnitudes assumed for acceleration and deceleration. If the initial and final velocities are equal, this will result in equal acceleration and deceleration times. Based on the distance between points and the specified TCP speed, the velocity/time profile may end up being a triangle, i.e., the maximum speed may never be attained (see the following diagrams).

The motion profile's dialog box (after clicking on the More button) allows users to set the following options:


Acceptable Explanation values


Text string Absolute

Motion basis Percent Time

Speed value Numeric

The name that appears for the profile on the PPR tree and on all menu options Absolute: Selecting absolute means that the speed value (which must be expressed in terms of mm/seconds) is the average speed the robot will use. Percent: Selecting percent means that the robot will move a specified percentage of its maximum speed. Time: Selecting time means that the user provides a set time for the robot motion, and the robot calculates its speed to perform the move within that time. For absolute: For straight line motion, this speed specifies absolute TCP linear speed. For joint-interpolated motion, this value is divided by the maximum TCP linear speed to obtain the percentage of maximum joint speed. For percent: For straight line motion, specifies percentage of maximum TCP linear speed. For joint-interpolated motion, specifies percentage of maximum joint speed. For time: The programmed duration of the move

Acceleration* Percent Angular speed*


Angular Percent acceleration*

For straight line motion, the percentage of the maximum TCP linear acceleration For joint-interpolated motion, the percentage of the maximum joint acceleration For straight line motion, the percentage of the maximum TCP rotational speed For straight line motion, the percentage of the maximum TCP rotational acceleration

*Cannot be set when the motion basis equals time

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1. In our example, change the name to Custom Motion.1 the Speed value to 90%, and Toggle between the Motion Basics to view the results. Click on Apply, OK when done.

2. Select the Accuracy Profile from the Robot Controller Toolbar. Since the Robot is already selected, the results appear.

3. Double click on Accuracy.1. Accuracy profile An accuracy profile is created using the Create and Edit Accuracy Profile command. The purpose of the accuracy profile is to define the accuracy of a desired trajectory. When corner rounding is desired, users can select between two different algorithms to affect it. When speed is selected accuracy mode, the severity of the corner rounding effect is a function of the deceleration time. In the case of straight-line motion, if the accuracy value is set to 100%, then motion to the next point begins at the start of the deceleration profile, i.e., the robot will not decelerate. This produces the maximum radius for corner rounding. If the accuracy value is set to 50%, then motion to the next point will begin when half of the deceleration time has elapsed, i.e., the robot will decelerate for half of the time required to come to a complete halt, and then it will start the next motion statement. If the accuracy value is set to 0%, then the move will use the standard acceleration/deceleration profile. When the distance is the selected accuracy move, the accuracy value defines the radius of a virtual sphere, centered at the position to which the TCP is being moved. The corner- rounding motion begins when the robot's TCP reaches any point on this virtual sphere. Therefore, when the value of distance is non-zero, the robot's TCP will never reach the programmed position. To stop within the vicinity of a point, users can select "Flyby Mode = Off," "Accuracy Type = Distance," and then enter the desired tolerance in "Accuracy Value." The accuracy profile's dialog box (after clicking on the More button) allows users to set the following options:

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Acceptable values



Text string

The name that appears for the profile on the PPR tree and on all menu options


On: Selecting On means that the robot moves near, but will not stop at, a specific target (i.e., there will be no deceleration; the target is a via point).

Flyby Mode


Off: Selecting Off means the robot will stop at the point. Distance: As it moves near its target, the robot will move within a "virtual" sphere that has the target point as its center.

Accuracy Type



Radius of the target's surrounding Accuracy sphere Value

Speed: The speed represents the extent to which the robot decelerates as it rounds the corner. A speed of 0% enables the robot to move exactly to the target point; a speed of 100% means the amount of corner rounding will be very large.

For distance: The accuracy value represents the radius of the sphere.

For speed: A percentage of the deceleration speed at which corner Percentage rounding should begin. of deceleration

In our example, change the name to Custom Accuracy.1 and the Accuracy Value to 90%, and Apply, OK.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Auto Placing Robots

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This will review the Auto Place function for the robots that have been inserted.

This procedure explains how to compute a grid automatically, and the possible locations for a robot performing a specific robot sequence. The command asks the user to define a grid in which the robot might be positioned. The software checks the grid to find the place where the robot can be placed and still reach the tags defined for the robot sequence. 1. Select the Auto Place icon, in the Robot Management Toolbar. 2. Select the S-420iS robot. This is the robot that will be analyzed (you can select either the 3D geometry or the item from the PPR tree). The system prompts you to select a robot sequence. Select as shown. 3. The grid definition dialog box appears and a white cross appears on the geometry. Move the white cross to the place where you want the first corner of the grid box. Click on the area, then release the mouse button, and drag the mouse down, and click again. This makes an area that the robot will auto place itself for the best location. Select a similar area, as shown below, OK.

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4. White “+”s appears in the area, and the Auto Place dialog box appears.

The table below explains the output categories.



Analysis Mode Partial Reach (checked)

The origin and z axis of the robot TCP is superimposed with the target.

Partial reach (unchecked) (aka Full Reach)

The robot TCP is perfectly superimposed on the target.

Results Full

All the targets are fully reachable

Not reachable

At least one target cannot be reached


All targets can be reached, but only in partial mode (only seen if partial reach has been checked).


The robot clashes while trying to reach the targets. This mode is activated using the standard toolbars for simulation analysis.

5. Select the Compute button. The crosses on the grid change color according to the definitions in the Auto Place box. (You can alter these colors if you like by using the pull down menus on the Auto Place box.)

6. Select a point on the grid; the robot jumps to this location.

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7. Select this “+” for a general location.

8. Select the OK button. The grid disappears. Once you have performed the auto place command, the system remembers the data. If you select the auto place command again, the grid will automatically appear with the reachable colors for each cross set .

9. Once the Position is set, select the Save Initial State Icon. 10.Also if required, you can select the Save Management, Save Result Icon to save the data.

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Robot Location

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Robot Envelope

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure explains how to create a workspace envelope around a robot. This envelope defines a volume within which all the points are reachable with the selected tool profile. This is primarily used to find out a reachable position for the product. The envelope becomes a saved object on the PPR tree and can be shown or hidden.

In this procedure we will select the S-420iS Robot and create an envelope.

1. Select the Create Envelope command icon. 2. Select the robot S-420iS.

3. You can use the pull down menus to select the desired tool profile and mesh resolution. The available mesh resolutions are coarse, medium, or fine. Using the defaults, Select the Create button. 4. The envelope appears around the robot and in the PPR tree, as a Workspace under Analysis Objects.

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The inner and outer reachable surfaces are created. The wrist joints are held at their current position while generating the surface. By default the surfaces are created with the current Tool profile in effect. It can be overridden by selecting another tool profile. The Travel Limits for the first 3 positioning Joints in the kinematics’ chain are used to generate the limits of the surfaces. Forward kinematics solution is used to generate the envelope Workspace generation is limited to devices whose first three positioning joints fall into one of the eight generic type arm kinematics classes. Cartesian SCARA Cylindrical Block Bore Articulated Spherical Pendulum The singularity positions are not considered for the envelope creation.

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5. If you select the workspace with the Right Mouse Button, the context menu shown below appears: 6. Robots with fewer than three joints are not considered.

7. Select Save Workspace, you can create a .cgr file containing the workspace data 8. Hide / Show the envelope when done.

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Reach Function for the Placement of Robots

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This will demonstrate how to use the Reach function to place a robot in the project.

Using the Reach function, the robot will be positioned so that it will be able to reach the welding points. 1. Using the Swap visible space icon, right-click on the Parent Child relationship and delete. Return to the geometry window. 2. Create a link using the Attach icon between the Robot IRB_6400-1, (Parent), and the Riser M (Child).

Hide this link.

3. Select the Reach Icon in the Robot Management toolbar.

4. The Selected Groups dialog box appears, Select Robot IRB_6400_24_150.1, and the Robot Task 2, and OK.

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5. The Reachability Status box appears, and the compass snaps to the Robot. Move the robot away form the fixture, and we see the Targets Status change.

6. Find a position that the Status is Reachable. Similar to the picture, and Apply, OK. The coordinates for this Robot are:

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Reviewing the Teach Dialog Box and editing the Weld points


In this Procedure, the functions of the Teach Dialog Box will be reviewed.

In this exercise, Teach Dialog box functions will be reviewed. 1. In the Robot Management Toolbar, Select the Teach a robot icon, and then select our S-420iS robot. 2. The Teach Dialog Panel appears, and the Robot snaps to the Current Weld (Weld 01) shown in the Dialog box. 3. The Format shown for the Teach Dialog box is Compact. Select Table, and all the welds appear with the supporting data.

This is like the teach pendant that moves the actual Robot…

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You have to grab the corner and expand this dialog box to see all of the options.

Users can make the robot jump to an operation by selecting it in the table. Note that the options described above for inserting operations and modifying them also appear in the tabular format of the teach dialog box. Also, the teach dialog box can be resized. The column headings are: Virtual node (VN) Status (options are reachable, reachable but out of limits, unreachable) Type (of target) Via point (or not) Motion type Orientation Motion profile Accuracy profile Tool profile Reference Configuration Turn number PreAction PostAction

Depending on the task and robot, not all column headings will contain data. Select the operation to change. Because multi-selection is supported, select more than one operation at a time by using the CTRL key. Select a column heading that you want to alter (in this case, Motion Type). Click on the name in the title bar. A dialog box appears; use the pull down menu to select a different option (in this case, Linear Move).

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Select the OK button. The new motion type appears in the table associated with the correct operation(s). A specialized use of the Teach command is documented in Teaching a Robot to Follow a Curve (Path). 4. Make all of the Locations Linear moves.

5. Return back to the compact window. Click on the Current Pull down box. Step through, and edit Weld 05. Select the weld.

6. In our View / Render Style, Change the view to Perspective. Zoom in and by moving the compass check the new weld position if it is normal to the metal, and the Weld gun clears the tooling and fixture.

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7. When the position is achieved, (if required) click on Modify in the Insert Mode section.

8. Click on the different Operations buttons, and the Simulation buttons. 9. Click on the Jog Panel radio button to activate, the jog dialog box, and select the Home_1 under Predefined Position to return the robot to its home position. 10.Close the windows when complete.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Tag Transformation for Weld Positions


In this Procedure, translate and rotate manufacturing frames with one command called Tag Transformation.

In this exercise, the weld positions are verified, and edited where required. 1. Select Using the Teach a robot Icon, and stepping through the welds, of robot IRB_6400_24_150.1, we notice that weld 11 and 13 have to be adjusted. Close the Teach dialog box.

2. Click on the Tag Transformation Icon in the Tag toolbar.

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3. Select Weld 13, and holding down the CTRL key select Weld 11. The Tag Transformation Dialog box appears and the compass snaps to the last selected weld. Select the Options shown below and Grab the circular line, and rotate approximately 90 degrees. Notice that both weld locations move.

4. When the proper location is achieved, click on Close. 5. Move the robot to these locations through the Teach a robot icon to verify the gun orientation.

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Creating Via Points in our Robot Path

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Using the Teach Icon, create via Points for our Robot program.

This procedure explains how to create VIA Points. Using the Teach dialog box, inserting a home position, and various positions needed to reach the weld locations, with out any collisions.

from the Robot 1. Select the Icon Teach a Robot Management Toolbar, and select the S-420iS Robot. 2. In the Teach dialog box, there is the insert Mode section. Notice the Via Point box. 3. When opened, the Robot automatically snaps to the first weld position in the program.

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4. Grab the Compass and Back the Robot out of the weld position, (so it will clear the part) and using the Teach a robot, Insert mode, select the options shown. (Before/Via Point) 5. In the Current Pull down window, we see Operation.4 appear.

6. Move to a position above this. Insert another operation.

7. Then move to a pounce position, and create an Operation.

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8. Move to Weld 03, and then step the robot away from the part, and create a Via Point location after weld 3. 9. Create another via location after that one that moves toward the next weld, going around the clamping that is shown. Notice the red line showing the robot’s path. 10. Move to Weld 05, and using the compass, back the robot from the weld and create a Via Point after this welding location. 11.Select the Operation 6, (the Robot moves to that location) and create a Via Position after this location. These are the final positions back to the pounce position. OK, when done. The program should look like this.

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12.Right-click on the RobotTask.1 and select Properties to set up the sequence. In the Operation Order Tab, Click on the Operation 10, and using the Arrow Down, move this Operation to the end of the Robot Task.

13.Use the table below to determine which buttons to use to alter the sequence. Move selection up

Move selection down

14.When the order is done, Click on Apply, OK.

Insert selection

Cut selection

Copy selection

Paste selection

Delete selection

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15. Using the Properties dialog box, click on the Naming tab. Click on the name in the operation list, and in the Name Dialog section, type in the name. Click on Apply and it changes the name. Change the names as shown. When done, click on OK.

16.The PPR tree has changed to represent the new orientation of the RobotTask. 17.Click on the Teach a robot again, and make sure that the robot is at pounce. 18.In the Simulation Toolbar, select Save Initial State.

What that does is store the Robot at the 1st position, vs. the home position for viewing the simulation. (So it does not snap back there every time you run the simulation).

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19.Create 3 Via points only for Spot Welding.2, IRB_6400-1, approach to the first weld for RobotTask2. (IRB 6400 –1), as we did previously in the other program. 20.Right-click on the name, in the PPR tree, and in the Properties, change the first operation to Pounce and Apply, OK.

21.In the Simulation Toolbar, select Save Initial State.

What that does is store the 2 nd Robot at the 1st position, vs. the home position for viewing the simulation. (So it does not snap back there every time you run the simulation).

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Using the Add Tag Icon


The ability to reuse an existing tags in a Robot task, reducing the time to recreate a tag in the exact same location as a previous tag. This is another way to add via points to the Robot Task.

This procedure explains how to create a tag from the last position in the Robot Task program. 1. We will continue to add points to our RobotTask 2.

2. Select the Add Tag icon from the Sequence Toolbar. 3. Click on the RobotTask.2, and in the geometry window, select the Pounce. 4. Operation 8 is created.

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5. Right-click on RobotTask.2, Properties, and the tab Naming, to reorder the sequence as shown. Click on Apply, and OK.

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Using Trace TCP in the Teach Dialog box

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Using the Teach Icon, run the simulation with the Trace TCP function on.

This procedure explains how to create a Trace of the Robot Program. 1. Select the Icon Trace TCP from the Robot Management Toolbar, and select the S-420iS robot.

2. In the Dialog box, click the TCP Trace Activation: to ON. 3. Select the Teach a robot Icon, and Click on the Track TCP to activate the function. Then using the simulation, Run the Simulation. Make sure that you are starting from pounce position. It draws a line, showing the Robot’s path.

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4. Go back to the Trace TCP Icon, and the path is in the Dialog box. 5. The options as shown on the side. After clicking on the Path, they become available. The options are: Delete, Hide/Show the path, and Export the points. 6. Clicking on the Export the Points, the information gets saved as an Excel worksheet. Click on the Export icon, and save the path as shown below.

7. Opening the file, here are the results.

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8. Right-clicking on the line shows the name of the point, and the allotted time. Click again on the icon, and use the Hide/Show for the Trace TCP.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Weldgun Actions

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Weldgun actions can be added to a simulation with user settings to match actual physical weldgun movements.

This procedure explains how to use the weld gun settings for Retract, and Weld actions. 1. Select the Icon Retract Action from the SpotActionLib Toolbar, and select the RobotMotion under Pounce in the RobotTask.2.

2. The Option dialog box appears, select After(Successor), and OK. 3. The Actions Configuration Dialog box appears. Notice that when you select the Predefined states, Home_1, Home_2, Home_3, the weld gun moves to that position. Select Home_3, and OK.

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4. The finished retract function. 5. Now for the Welding, we will set up the gun settings.

6. Click on the Weld Action icon, and select the Robot Motion in Weld 01. The Options dialog box appears, select after(successors), OK, and the Actions Configuration Dialog box appears.

7. On the Close Gun Tab, select Home_1. 8. In the Weld Time Tab, select .5 sec. 9. In the Open Gun Tab, select Home_2. 10.Select OK. This sets the gun movements for closing, welding, and semi-open.

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Dress Operations

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Weldgun actions can copied from one weld operation to many others within the same robot task, thus helping increase the productivity of the user.

This procedure explains how to use the Dress Operations to copy from one to another. 1. Select the Icon Dresses Operations from the Sequence Toolbar. 2. Select the Weld01, under robot S-420iS, it appears in the Dress Operations dialog box. Select the other two welds with the CTRL button. Notice that the Apply becomes active, click on the Apply.

Notice that the Weld functions are with the Weld Operations.

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3. For the last weld, Weld05, we want the gun to open up all the way, so double-click on the Weld under Weld05. The dialog box appears, in the OpenGun Tab switch it to Home_3, and OK.

4. Follow through with the other Welding Activity with Robot IRB_6400_24_150.1.

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Using a Call Task

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure explains how to create a robot task using the Call Task command. The Call Task command enables you to select multiple tasks assigned to a robot, call them sequentially within one task.

This procedure explains how we will set up a Call Task function. 1. Using our Menu select the Insert / Inserting a Resource function, and in the Resources Directory select the Tip Dresser 1. CATProcess. 2. Place the tip dresser at location shown.

3. Select the New Robot Task Icon, and select the Robot S420-iS. This creates a new Robot Task. 4. Right Click on the RobotTask, and in properties, change the name to Maintenance Program.

5. Create another RobotTask and call it Prog and Maint.

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6. Select the Teach a robot icon.

7. In the Teach Dialog box, select the Maintenance Program. 8. Click on the Insert. (This stores the home position of the other program) 9. Using the Jog panel in the Teach Pendant. Create a position similar on the approach to the Tip Dresser. Click on the Insert / Before. Move the Robot forward, into the tip dresser, and create a position, Insert / Before, and move it back, and create a position, Insert / Before.

10. Close the Teach Window. 11.Click on the Creates a Call Task Activity Icon, and our Prog and Maint under the Tasklist under the Robot.

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12.The Select Target Task Dialog box appears.

13.Select our RobotTask.1, then click on the icon again, and the Prog and Maint, and select our Maintenance Program. 14.Notice that the order is reversed. Right click on the Prog and Maint, and in Properties change the order so that the Maintenance program is the last one.

15.The finished RobotTask. 16.Switch to the workbench Start / IGRIP / Workcell Sequencing.

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17.Select the icon Set a Active Task, and select the Prog and Maint.

18.Run the simulation.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Robot Task Simulation

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Using the Robot Task Simulation, we will review the path created, and verify that the weld guns open and close.

This procedure explains how to use the Robot Task Simulation. 1. The RobotTask that was created for that program has to be assigned to that Activity. In the Resource Program, Select the Set an Active Task Icon, and select Spot Welding.1. 2. The Active Task Dialog box appears, select the S-420is then RobotTask.1, and OK. This is the Resource Centric Approach. If you had different RobotTasks, you could flip between them… with a click…..

3. Follow through with the same procedure and assign the Active Task to Spot Welding.2.

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4. We see the Assigned RobotTasks name beside the Robot Name.

There is two ways to run a Simulation, through both workbenches. If we want to run the whole Process, use the Workcell Sequencing, and when we want to run the robot program for one of the robots we use the Robot Task Definition.

Workcell Sequencing Workbench

Robot Task Definition

5. Click on the Process Simulation, and zoom into our workcell to view both of the robots. 6. Notice that the Process Simulation Toolbar appears. Click on the Run Icon, and the word Process, and notice that it steps through each activity and runs that assigned function.

7. When completed, click on the icon again to deactivate. 8. Return back to the Robot Task Definition Workbench. 9. Select the Icon Robot Task Simulation from the Simulation Toolbar.

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10.Select the S-420-iS Robot. The Select Task/Sequence appears. Select the RobotTask.1, and OK. The Process Simulation and the Simulation Control toolbars appear.

11.Click on the Run Icon to run through the simulation. 12.Notice that the gun settings will take into effect, and open and close. Remember this is only running the simulation for that one Robot…. When we want to run the simulation for the Process Activities we have to go into the Workcell Sequencing Workbench… we will do this soon….

13.If the robot’s wrist spins when you run the simulation, disregard this, as later in the project we will correct this automatically. Using Set Turn Numbers.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Clash Analysis

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Perform a clash analysis on the stationary aspects of the setup of the project, and on the dynamic interaction between each moving object.

This procedure explains how to use the clash detection to determine in any clashes exist in our project. The collision or clash checked is between the weld gun and robot, and the tooling and the geometry. 1. Select the Icon Clash from the Simulation Analysis Tools toolbar. 2. The Check Clash Dialog box appears. For the name, leave as interference.1. For the Type, we will do a Contact + Clash, and Between two selections.

3. For the Selections, Selection.1 is activated, so select the Weld Gun 2, and the Robot S420iS. Select these from the PPR tree, that way all of the components making up the resource will be selected. As they are selected, they highlight.

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4. Click in the Section2 window (activated it is blue), and select the RH Body Side Assembly (1), and the Station.1.

5. The Finished Check Clash dialog box. Click on Apply.

6. The Check Clash dialog box opens showing all of the Results and Conflicts. This is reviewed later, click on Apply to review the Check Clash Dialog box. Click on OK when done.

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No Conflicts shown. We will do an example to have a conflict

7. Select the Analysis Configuration Icon. 8. In the Analysis Configuration, we see the Available clashes. 9. Select the Clash, and use the arrow over to place it into the Selected category. 10.The type of analysis mode that we are going to do select from the pull down menu Highlight. 11.Click on OK. The Analysis Mode activation box appears, select Yes.

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12.Using the Robot Task Simulation, run through the path again. Hopefully you will have no collisions.

13. We will move a Via point so that we create a collision. In the RobotTask.1, click on Operation 7, as the tag point is highlighted in the geometry window.

14.Click on the tag point in the geometry window. This activates the tag point.

15.Grab (left mouse click, and hold) onto the “X” axis, and move towards the center of the part (knowing that the weld gun will hit). When done, click anywhere in the blank screen to disable this function.

To see better, we went into tools/options/ Display / Visualization, Selected Elements, and changed the color to blue…

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16.Notice that the under the Tag List, the ViaPoint is highlighted. Each RobotTask has a TagGroup. This topic is reviewed later. 17.In the Analysis Configuration dialog box, Change the settings from highlight to interrupt. Run the path again, and the Robot will stop when it comes into contact.

18.To review what created the contact, close the Simulation icon, and double click on the Interference Results.1 in the PPR tree under Applications. 19.The Check Clash dialog box appears, and click on Apply the data is updated in the List by Conflict tab.

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20. The Status column is showing that they are not inspected. Click on the 1st clash in the list. Follow through with the rest of the clashes. The column for status now should show Relevant. 21.The Preview window appears, and shows the collision. You can use the zoom; rotate tools to analyze the collision. click on 22.If this data is to be exported, the Export As Icon. Click Save. You can stipulate what directory you want it saved, or set the default in Tools/Options (Select PARAMETERS & MEASURE from the tree, then REPORT GENERATION tab to set the location and report content options)

23.This file is opened at the end of this step to show the results. 24.Following the previous procedure, move the Via location back to the original position. 25.Run the Simulation again, and make sure the path is collision free, and close all windows.

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This is the Results of the clash file.

Created by les 1 / 22 / 2004, 11: 56: 49

Clash Publish Interference.1 Clash Computation Specification Selection Mode Between Two Selections

Computation Mode Clash + Contact

Products Selected Selection 1

Selection 2

Weld Gun 2 (Weld Gun 2.1)

RH Body Side Assembly (RH Body Side Assembly.1)

S-420iS (S-420iS.1)

Station 1 (Station 1.1)

Computation Result Product(s) selected: 4 (clash: 4, contact: 0, clearance: 0) Interference

Product 1

Product 2

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Clash Comment




10166934pp (10166934pp.1)

Clash 0.135107 in



10166934 (10166934.1)

Clash 2.051933 in



10166934pp (10166934pp.1)

Clash 0.220399 in



10166934 (10166934.1)

Clash 0.751606 in


Result Description - 1

Interference resume Product 1

Product 2




10166934pp (10166934pp.1)


-0.135107 in

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Clash Comment


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Return to global results

Result Description - 2

Interference resume Product 1

Product 2




10166934 (10166934.1)


-2.051933 in

x32 Clash Analysis.doc


Clash Comment


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Return to global results

Result Description - 3

Interference resume Product 1

Product 2




10166934pp (10166934pp.1)


-0.220399 in

x32 Clash Analysis.doc


Clash Comment


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Return to global results

Result Description - 4

Interference resume Product 1

Product 2




10166934 (10166934.1)


-0.751606 in

x32 Clash Analysis.doc


Clash Comment


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Return to global results

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This procedure describes how to turn on a view to see the violation in a preview window and access additional data about the violation. Users can temporarily halt the simulation to observe the violation and then return to the simulation. This option works for dynamic clash analysis also. The Tools->Options->Digital Mockup->DMU Space Analysis->DMU Clash options must be set so that, in the Results Box section, First line automatically selected is checked. A simulation must be running. From the Interference Window, select the portion of the collision you want to see. 1. Run the Simulation again, with these settings;

When a collision appears, click on the warning and the simulation halts.

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The Check Clash dialog box appears.

Select the clash to view by double clicking on it. The preview window appears. To return to the simulation, press the OK button on the Check Clash dialog box, then the run button on the Process Simulation player.

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When a line is selected in the Interference Window, the Process Simulation player shows the same time as the one in the Interference window.

If the simulation is ended by deselecting the Process Simulation command or closing the Process Simulation player, the Interference Window becomes grayed out. The preview window and the Clash Check dialog box are saved in the Applications node of the PPR tree.

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Adding a Icon to a Toolbar Creating a Section

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Insert a icon into a toolbar to perform a section and review the sectioning options.

This procedure explains how to use the Customize icon, and create a section. 1. To Insert an Icon into the Robot Management Toolbar, In the Menu bar, select Tools / Customize. 2. The Customize Dialog box appears, and scroll down in the Toolbars tab, and Select Robot Management, and Add commands.

3. The Commands list appears, scroll down and select Sectioning, and OK. 4. Close the Customize list window. x33 Icon toolbar for Section.doc

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5. The Sectioning Icon appears in the Robot Management toolbar. 6. Click on this icon to activate Sectioning. Our screen changes as shown.

7. Notice there is a large yellow plane, and a coordinate system in the center. When the mouse is moved around the yellow plane area, Grab the green arrow, and drag the plane over the tooling. In the Preview window the latest section is shown.

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8. Select the Volume cut icon in the Sectioning Definition box, and the results are shown in the Process window. Notice that the objects have been cut in half

9. Using the Sectioning Definition dialog box, click on the Results tab. A few of these will be discussed, the rest refer to online documentation. 10.Click on the Export As Icon, and save the file in the Process Directory.

11.Opening the section up, it shows a representation of the section, in a 2D state. 12.Click on OK, and close the Preview Window, and right click on Section.1 and Hide/Show.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Modifications to the Path


Quick modifications to the path will be done, using the Teach a Robot icon.

This procedure explains how to use the settings that were previously created for Accuracy and motion, and activate them in the Robot Program.

1. Select Teach a Robot Icon and select the S420iS robot. In our Teach dialog box, select in the Format field, Table. 2. Highlight all the weld points, (hold down the ctrl button) and select Motion from the legend. The Parameter Selection box appears Select Custom Motion.1, and OK.

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3. Repeat this function for Accuracy.

4. The new Program.

5. When completed, select OK, and run the simulation.

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Automatic Configuration of Singularity

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics

Set Turn Numbers


Operators are always facing the task of trying to remove the singularity from their robot programs as they do feasibility studies. Set Turn Numbers allows automatic configuration of turn numbers for smooth robot motion.

Now if you were lucky enough not to set your robot in a position where the robots wrist doesn’t spin uncontrollably then this function will not have to be performed. 1. In the Sequence toolbar, select the Set TurnNumbers icon. Select the S-420iS robot.

2. The Set TurnNumbers dialog box appears with Cartesian Target Type selected. Leave the default settings and select Set. The command will run the robot through the path automatically, and configure the turn number s to the correct positions

3. Select Teach a Robot icon and run through the path to see the corrections.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Multiple Resource Simulation


The Multiple Resource Simulation command enables users to select tasks associated with more than one resource (e.g., multiple robots or multiple stations) and simulate those tasks simultaneously, even though the tasks run sequentially in the process document.

This procedure explains how we view running our Robots at once. 1. In the Workcell Sequencing workbench, Click on the Icon.

This command serves as a lead-in to the Process Simulation command. Once invoked, the Multiple Resource Simulation command, the Multi Resource Simulation dialog box appears. 2. Select the Robots as shown.

3. The dialog box lists all the resources in the PPR tree that have tasks associated with them. Use the pull down menu to select the tasks to run simultaneously. (Remember that NONE is an option for each resource's pull down menu.) Once the tasks are selected, click on the OK button, the toolbars associated with the Process Simulation command appear. 4. Click on the Run icon.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


The Pert Chart Running a Process in Parallel


Using the Pert Chart, the activities will be maneuvered to find the optimum sequence for the station or worcell.

This procedure explains how to edit our Process so that both robots will start at the same time. 1. Select the Open PERT Chart from the Data Views toolbar. The command prompt asks; what Process or Activity, select Station 1. The Pert window appears showing the process activity flow of the Station 1. Notice the links between the activities. Therefore Spot Welding 1 has to finish before Spot Welding 2 can start.

2. Right click on the link or line between Spot Welding 1, and Spot Welding 2, and delete. 3. Click on the Grey Box for Spot Welding 2 and move it below Spot Welding 1.

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4. In the Activity Management, click on Link the selected activities, and select Clamping 1, and Spot Welding 2. The linking activities dialog box appears, click OK Unhighlight the icon, and then do the same for Spot Welding 1 and Unclamping. The finished Pert Chart.

5. Close this window. (Second X in the right top corner). 6. Run the Process Simulation again, and both robots run at the same time.

The New PPR tree.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Running the Process Simulation


In this procedure, using the Resource Centric Approach, a RobotTask will be assigned to each Robot, and run through the simulation from beginning to end.

This procedure explains how run through the complete Process using the Simulation Icon. 1. For our PPR tree, select View / Tree Expansion / Expand First Level. 2. Open up our Process Station.1 and both of the Spot Welding Activities. These procedures were done in previous steps; make sure that you have them assigned….

3. In our Resource Program toolbar, select the Set an Active Task icon. 4. Verify in Spot Welding 1, 2 have tasks assigned.

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5. Using the Process Simulation Icon, run through the Process Activities.

Notice as the simulation is going through each Activity, it is highlighted in orange. Click on pause to stop the process simulation after Spot Welding 2. Deactivate the icon. This will also allow for all activities with programs to run as long as the set an active task has been activated for all the robots with programs. To run through Station.1, only, double click on Station 1 and the Process simulation will ONLY run through that Activity, Station 1.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Adding Weld Tags to the Path


Using the Teach toolbar, new weld tags will be added to an existing path, to make the project more complex with robot paths overlapping.

This procedure explains how we will add weld locations to the existing path. 1. Return back the Robot Task Definition Workbench (Start / IGRIP).

2. In the Robot Management toolbar, select Teach a robot, and select the S-420iS robot. The welds 8 and 10 are added to the RobotTask.

3. Using the Teach a robot icon, move the robot to the Operation (5) after Pounce. (Your number might be different).

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V5R16 Switch to the DPM Process Planner workbench, and select

How do I see the weld names again…

4. Grab the compass and place it onto weld 8. The robot moves to that location. Check the orientation of the weld. When acceptable use the settings shown and Insert.

If the robot will not reach, you might have to move it over… so move it, then Save Initial State.. IF you do not save…Robot will “Pop” back to the original spot ..

5. Move to this new tag point. Follow this same procedure for Weld 10. Add via points that are required to go around the geometry.

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6. In the PPR tree, change the names to the correct weld numbers. Right-click on the name in the PPR tree, in Properties, and change the operation name.

7. Run the Robot Task Simulation.

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8. When you are satisfied with your simulation, using the Dress Operations icon, select Weld01, (shows in the Reference window), holding the CTRL down, click on Weld08, and 10. Apply, and OK.

9. Return to the IGRIP Workcell Sequencing Workbench.

10.Double-click on the word Process

in the PPR Tree,

11.Run the Process Simulation (deactivate the icon when completed.)

12.The Robots collide! This will be fixed using I / O states…

x39 Adding Weld tags.doc

For this example we added the welds to the beginning of the RobotTask, but they could have been added to the end of the program, but then we could not utilize our Interference and I / O zones..

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Automatic Task Collision

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This feature has an automatic computation of interference zones based on robot collisions. This command analyzes a selection of robot tasks and automatically inserts within the tasks the needed IO instructions to model the interference zones.

In this exercise, the Automatic computation is used to create the interference zones for the welding robots. 1. Using the Interference Zones Toolbar, select the Automatic Task Collision Analysis.

2. The task Collision dialog box appears and the 2 tasks. 3. Select RobotTask.2, and then RobotTask.1. Selecting the RobotTask.1 second means this will be the robot that will be managing the I/O’s that are automatically created. (Click on the arrow down to select the tasks).

We are going to set up the I / O States between the two welding robots… as we had the collision (clash) problems previously…

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4. The Results as shown. Click on the Next button, so that we are on the Result And Analysis tab.

5. Interval Distance 4 in (100 mm), Collision Tolerance 4 in (100mm), Interval Rotation 90 deg, and click on Drop Mark at check Interval. Click on the Compute button.

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6. In the Geometry window the robots step through the programs and place squares where there is interference. (drop mark at check interval what was highlighted in the Analysis box)

7. When the computation is done, use the scroll bar at the bottom to view the results for each of the positions.

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8. Select the Interlock Map tab; select the Set/Wait button, and Update Interference Zone bar, and Close. This imports all of the I/O waits and sets into the RobotTask.

9. For the interference zones to be set between the robots, follow through the same procedures, but select the Enter/Clear button, and Update Interference Zone. (We will not do this in this exercise)

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The two RobotTask programs.

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10. Run the simulation again, and the robots will wait for one another.

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I/O Map and Monitoring

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This will review the I/O Connections that was set up using the Automatic Task Collision.

This procedure describes how to view I/O Mapping, which is a static representation of the I/O connections within one or more robot tasks, and I/O Monitoring, which is a dynamic representation of the I/O connections as robot simulation takes place. 1. Using the IO Management toolbar, select the IO Map and Monitoring icon. 2. The dialog box below appears.

3. Select the robot task or tasks for which you want to see the mapping. The names of the tasks appear in the dialog box. Click on the Station.1 in the PPR tree.

4. Select the Display IO Map Information bar.

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If multiple tasks appear in the dialog box and you decide you do not wish to view the mapping for them all, you may select one or more tasks and press the Remove Selected Tasks button. 5. The IO Map and Monitoring Dialog box appears.

6. Select Sort by Task Name.

7. Checking the Graphic Display of IO Map box enables the IO map in the 3D view.

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8. When completed, exit the IO Map and Monitoring mode by selecting the IO Map and Monitor command (which is highlighted in orange) or you can press the Close button on the IO Map and Monitoring dialog box.

IO Monitoring

To use IO Monitoring, select the IO Map command,

then the Display IO Map Information button,

and then the Process Simulation command.

The Run the simulation

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9. As the simulation runs, the Force Selected Wait IO button becomes available, which enables a force selected wait IOs to release waiting.

10.Close all when completed.

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Exporting I/O Information

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to export IO information. The data can be exported in one of two formats: Excel spreadsheet Text file (tabs serve as the delimiters between data; consequently, this file can be opened as an Excel spreadsheet even after it is saved as text.) Two kinds of information are available: IO details: This includes information about the inputs and outputs defined for the resource involved, IO name, IO number and the interference zone name (if any). IO map: This includes information pertaining to the IO mapping between different IO items belonging to the resource involved. This data is provided in the form of output -> input connections. Users can choose to get both or either kind of IO data. The different types of data can appear in different files or in the same file

In this exercise, the export IO function is used for the S-420iS robot. 1. Select the Export IO Info icon.

2. The dialog box appears. Select what is shown, and OK.

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3. The save window appears, type in the name, and save it in the Process folder.

4. Open that file, and we see the IO data. (Yours may be different depending on the RobotTask)

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Data Readouts and Documentation

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

With the robot programs completed, create cycle time data readouts and graphics.

Using the Data Readout functions create documentation from this project. 1. Select the Data Readout from the Simulation Analysis Tools, and select the Display Icon in the Options toolbar.

2. Select the S-420iS robot, and all of the information is displayed.

3. In the Options toolbar, deactivate the icon, and activate the Sensor Icon. This will show you more of the data relating to the robot.

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4. Use the Select All, and the Observed changes to Yes. 5. Select the Process Simulation Icon.

6. Select the Run button, and when complete click on the Spreadsheet Tab.

7. Click on the Outputs, Graphic choice.

To save this data, click on the File, and save it into a directory.

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8. The Data is displayed graphically. Close all windows when completed.

9. For documentation for the projects select the generate documentation Icon. 10.The Process documentation dialog box appears.

11.For the script, go to the Intel_a\code\command and select the DocumentGeneratorHtml_WNT.CATScript, and Open.

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12.In the Generated Files path, Select our file directory HTML and call the file Station 1 Robotics, and Save.

13.Click on OK to start the script.

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14.A dialog box appears showing that the documentation is being created, once the documentation has been generated, go ahead and select OK.

15.Open up our files in the HTML directory.

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16.Close all windows after done reviewing.

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Listing Activities

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to view non-hierarchical lists of: • • • • • •

Products Resources Unassigned products Associated activities of a product Associated activities of a resource Hyperlinks

Using the Icons we will check our relationships with some of the objects. When viewing the product list, any existing sub-parts are also shown.

Listing Products or Resources 1. The system prompts you to select a process. Select either the List Products

or List

Resources icon. Select a single activity, or select the top-level process to view a list of all resources or products assigned to all processes. 2. A dialog box displays the products (or resources, if the List Resources command was selected) used by the selected activity, as well as the type of assignment the product or resource has.

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3. Click on the List Resources and select the word Process in our PPR tree.

For a long list of results, the list can also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on a column heading (Activity, Products, or Type of Assignment).

Listing Unassigned Products The List Unassigned Products command generates a list of products, which are not currently assigned to any activity. Select the List Unassigned Products icon

from the Data Views toolbar.

A dialog box lists any products that are not assigned to an activity: Double-click an entry in the list to highlight it and center its view within the PPR tree.

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Listing Associated Activities of a Product or Resource The List Associated Activities of Product and List Associated Activities of Resource commands allow you to select a product or resource from the PPR tree and list all activities that have the selected item in their ProductList or ResourcesList. Select the List Associated Activities of Product

or List Associated Activities of Resource

icon from the Data Views toolbar 1. Select a product or resource from the PPR tree. A dialog box appears with a list of activities that use the selected product or resource, and indicates the relation type for the product or resource. 2. Click on the List Associated Activities of Resource and select the S-420-iS robot in our PPR tree.

Double-click any entry in the resulting list of activities to highlight the selected activity and center its view within the PPR tree.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Clamping functions

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This will review Clamping procedures, opening and closing for the project.

In this procedure, set the clamping functions for one of the clamps in Station 1. 1. Click on the Creates a Predefined Move Activity icon. 2. Click on the Clamping.1 in Station 1 in the PPR tree. The Option dialog box appears, Select After, and OK.

We have two units that have the joints set up … to keep the file size small.. one will be used..

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3. Click on the Resource L-125-R.1 in the PPR tree, or the 3D view.

4. Select the Device Predefined State Closed, Duration 1.

5. The MoveDevice.1 appears below the Clamping. Click on it, and drag it up into Clamping.1.

6. Click on the icon again, and select Unclamping. Use the settings Opened, duration 1, and OK. 7. Grab the MoveDevice, and release it into the Unclamping.1.

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8. Click on the Open PERT Chart, in the Data Views.

9. Set the Links as shown, for Clamping and Unclamping, and then close the window.

10.Run the simulation.

11.To show the simulation starting with the clamp open, click on the Save initial state, OK.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Offline Programming

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Delmia OLP is a robotic solution for off-line programming of complex, multi-device robotic resources. This helps to reduce man-hours while greatly improving program accuracy.

In this exercise, the S-420iS robot is utilized. Create a download program from a RobotTask. 1. In the OLP toolbar, select the Offline Programming command. Select the S-420is RobotTask.1. 2. The software generates the Robot Program, and the robot program dialog box appears.

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3. Behind the scenes, an XML file has also been created, and this has been created in a directory on the C: drive. Go to c:\documents and settings\”User”\Local Settings\Temp.

Uploading 1. Preparing for an upload of an off-line program.

2. Go back to the Robot Task Definition Workbench. 3. Create a Robot Task inside of the Robot, so select New Robot Task icon and select the robot IRB_6400_24_150.1.

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4. Select the Upload Robot Program. 5. Select the New RobotTask. The Uploading dialog window appears, select the Robot Base Coordinates, and OK. 6. The new RobotTask is populated with an existing program. For this example we will use the one that we created. (also copy in the Misc folder under 3 geometry)

Make sure that the Files of type are XML Files…

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The Robot has the New RobotTask.1

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Setting up the Auxiliary Device

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Using the Define Auxiliary device Icon, the user will set up the links with the robot and the rail.

This procedure explains how to set up the devices with the rail, and jog the robot. 1. In the Robot Task Definition workbench, use the Snap Surface function in the Layout Tools toolbar, move the robot onto the rail (if not done previously).

2. In the Layout Tools toolbar, select Attach

and select the slide plate of the rail then pick the robot from the PPR tree in order to select the entire device. In the child selection, select OK. 3. Hide the Link in the Geometry window. 4. Select the Icon Define Auxiliary devices in the Robot Controller toolbar.

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5. The Define Auxiliary devices dialog box appears, select the robot, the rail, and click on Apply, Close. (Select from the PPR tree)

6. The Auxiliary Device appears in the List of auxiliary devices, then Close. 7. Select the Jog a device Icon in the Robot Management toolbar.

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8. A new tab appears in the Jog dialog box, Mechanism.1. Move the DOF control button, or use the Home Positions. When done, return the robot to the home position under Predefined position.

9. When done, close.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Mounting a End Effector to a Robot


In this Procedure, insert the End Effector and attach to the Robot.

In this exercise, insert the grippers into our project and attach one to the robot IRB_6400_24_150.2. 1. In the Tools / Insert, select Insert Resource. In the Path select …3Geometries / Resources / PedGripper.CATProduct, and Station_Gripper.CATProduct.

2. The names appears in the PPR tree, and the gripper appears beside the Fanuc robot. Grab and move the gripper over beside the Pedistal welder.

3. Move the Station Gripper close to the Robot IRB_6400_24_150.2. (Gripper under the area, floor)

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4. Select the Set Tool icon toolbar.

in the Robot Management

5. The Robot Dressup dialog Box appears. Following the command prompt, select the robot and the name appears under the Robot. Then select the Device, and the gripper appears. You can select from the geometry window. When done, click on Apply this places the end effector onto the robot.

Do not select OK yet… some adjustments need to be made!!

Yes, if drawn with correct orientation it should line up, and you can click on the OK with no adjustments…but..

6. The end effector’s orientation is incorrect on the robot, so grab the lines on the compass and turn the end effector as shown.

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7. When done, click on OK. 8. The Parent Child relationship appears in the 3D view. Right-click on the line or text, and Hide / Show. Later we will attach the other end effector, as that will have to be done differently.

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Teaching the Robot on a Rail

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Using the Rail, teach a program for the pick and the place for the part.

Assign the Resource to the Activity, and create a Path.

1. Select the Teach a robot icon in the Robot Management toolbar, and Select the IRB_6400_24_150.2.

2. From the Teach Dialog box, Toggle on the Jog Panel.

3. Using these degrees set the robot as shown below.

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4. Close the Jog window, and click on Insert in the Teach dialog box. 5. Click on the Save Initial State.

6. By grabbing and using the compass, swing the robot over the geometry as shown. Click on Insert in the Teach dialog box.

7. Lower the end effector so that it is in a general position over the part. Click on insert.

8. If preferred, click on the Tooling in the PPR tree, and Hide/show. When hidden, note the icons are grayed out.

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9. Lower the end effector so that it is in position to pick up the part, Click on Insert. Please note, we do not have to be accurate, just make sure it is close for the functionality…

10.We should have 4 Operations now. Create Operations from Operation 1, 2, and 3. Click on OK. (The first three operations)

11.Right click on the RobotTask.2, and in Properties, change the Operation names. And reorder them. This is so that the robot backs out of the tooling the same way that it entered.

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V5R16 Required tabs

12.Run through the RobotTask simulation. 13.Select Teach a robot again, and select the robot, and the last Operation. 14.In the Teach dialog box, select the Jog button, and in the Jog dialog box, select the position, Middle in the Mechanism.1 tab.

15.The robot moves to the middle of the Rail. Click on Insert in the Teach dialog window. 16.Close, OK these windows, and run the simulation.

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17.Also we can use the Reach function for the robot on the rail.

18.Select the Icon Reach, and select the RobotTask. 19.Select the Show Rail Analysis button, and the Rail Analysis section Appears, when done, OK.

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Pick and Drop Operations

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

Just like weldgun actions, gripper actions can also be created and these are picking, and drop which are available for the user to incorporate in to the simulation.

These procedures explain how we will assign Pick and Drop functions to the Robot. 1. In the PPR Tree, expand the RobotTask.3. 2. Select the Pick Action icon. 3. Click on Operation.4, and in that operation, select the Robot Motion, and in the Options dialog box, OK.

4. The Dialog box appears; select Close for the Device Predefined State.

5. Click on the PickPart tab, and select the items shown from the PPR tree, and OK. x50 Pick and Drop.doc

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6. With the Drop Action icon, select the last operation, and select as shown. (even though this is in the middle of the rail, we will drop it there)

7. If not done previously: In the Activity Management Toolbar, Click on Assign a resource. Click on the Unloading activity, then the robot IRB_6400_24_150.2. 8. With the completed path, assign that path to the robot to use in our project. Switch over to the workbench Workcell Sequencing.

9. In the Resource Program Toolbar, select the Set an Active Task icon. 10.Select our Robot under Unloading.1, and the Active Task dialog box appears. Select RobotTask.3, and OK.

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The finished Task. 11.Click on the Process Simulation to see the competed project.

If there are any positions that are not satisfactory, use the Teach a robot icon, and edit the positions.

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Steps in creating a Remote TCP for the Ped Welder

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to review functions for a Remote Tool Center Point for the Pedestal Welder. There is different ways to do this function, this is the “best practice” way.

In this exercise, we will go over all the procedures for a Pedestal Welder. 1. To do a remote Tool Center Point for the Gripper select the Snap function.

We do not use the Set Tool function for the Ped Welder…

2. The command prompt asks what to snap, select the Gripper from the PPR tree. (This way you get all components). Click on OK.

3. Then select the face of the robot plate, and select the Mode: Define Plane, and define the reference plane, select the Plane of the robot face plate.

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4. The gripper snaps to that location. Use the Manipulator snapped object section in the dialog box, and grab the line on the compass, and place as shown. Click on OK when done.

5. Using the Attach Icon, select the 6th axis of the robot and then the gripper from the PPR tree. Click on Enter on the keyboard. 6. Select the Jog a Device Icon. In the Robot Management toolbar and jog the robot to make sure that the gripper also moves.

If the robot moves out of the axis limits, the robot changes color, move the position back into the limits, and continue…

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Creating a New Tag Group

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

A tag group is a collection of tags that are grouped so that they can be manipulated together. Tags can only be created in a tag group. Once a tag group has been created, then insert tags.

In this exercise, we will create a new Tag Group. 1. Select the New Tag Group, icon.

2. The Tag Group dialog box appears. 3. Enter the name of the tag group PED_WELDER (or you could accept the default name). 4. Does the tag group need to be associated with a device or product? Yes. Click on the A Pillar Inner (Shown below in PPR tree), and the geometry name appears in the Owner Name. Make sure you select the A Pillar Inner from the RH Body Side Assembly.2

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An explanation of where to find the tag group on the PPR tree appears below. Select the device or product, either from the 3D inventory space or from the PPR tree. The name of the selected device or product appears in the owner name field; the path to the file containing the item's data appears beneath. The lock icon in the dialog box indicates that the product data is stored in a read-only file. Do you want the link mode to be local or modify reference? If you select locally, a positional link between the item and the tag group is created. If the object moves, the tag group will follow. The data is entirely created within the .CATProcess document and the .CATProduct file containing the device is not affected. If you select modify reference, then the .CATProduct file containing the product data will contain the new tag group. The tag group will be created as a child of the selected object, and you will need to save the .CATProduct file.

5. Select the link mode Locally and click OK. The new tag group appears on the PPR tree.

Where it is stored is shown below.

Owner Link






Location on PPR Tree The tag group appears under the tag list, which always appears in the resources list. (see "APWelds.1" in the image above).

The tag group appears under the tag list (see "Weldgroup.2" in the image above).

Note there are two other Tag Groups that are hidden in the TagList… Ped_Welder ex.1 Ped Path ex.1 These can be used instead of creating your own… but we will create one, and use one of these for our project. The other s are from our previous Robot Tasks..

The tag group appears under the modify product's name (see "WeldGroup.1" reference under "Product2" above).

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Creating Tags in a Group

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure describes how to create tags. Tags are created within previously created tag groups. Individual tags or tag groups can then be assigned to robot sequences. There is three ways to create the tags. Creating tags that are snapped to the geometry Creating tags that are located at the 0,0,0 coordinate Creating tags at the local origin of a product

In this exercise, we will use the function Creating Tags that will be snapped to the geometry.

1. With the new Tag Group created, select the New Tag Icon. 2. Select the newly created Tag Group, Ped Welder. The Define Plane dialog box appears. Select the Define Plane icon, if not already selected. Place 2 welds as shown.

Position for two welds If needed, hide all of the tooling and other parts…

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3. Place the crosshairs on the part, and when in correct position, click on the mouse. This stores the position, (turns green). 4. Zoom in to get a better view, and when completed, click on OK.

5. Follow the same process for another weld. The finished results.

6. Change the tags name by selecting the tag on the PPR tree, selecting Edit>Properties from the menu bar, and selecting the Tag tab from the Properties dialog box, or Right-click on the name, and select Properties.

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V5 IGRIP Tag type

V5R16 Purpose

Manufacturing Used to define a manufacturing target Design

Used, for example, to create joints between parts


Used to define the tool action point of a device. This is used when mounting the device. (See Mounting a Device on a Robot.)


Used to define the base of a device. This definition of base is used when mounting the device. (See Mounting a Device on a Robot.)


For user-specific purposes.

7. Enter the desired tag name, the tag type, as shown and select the Apply button. The table below explains the tag types. Finished Tag list.

If it is not to accurate view…

If the view is not clear, click on the eyes and change the Level of detail… try out each to see the difference

There are two different measures of detail: level of detail (LOD) and pixel culling. To see more detail, set pixel culling lower and LOD higher; to see less detail, set pixel culling higher and LOD lower.

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:


Creating a Robot Path

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure explains how to create a task. A resource-oriented process dedicated to robot programming, a task is a linear sequence of activities called operations. Each operation can contain a motion activity (Move To) and a set of actions.

In this exercise, we will use Tag Groups to create the Robot Task, or Path. 1. Select the New Robot Task Icon, and select the IRB_6400_24_150.3.

2. The command prompt asks you for a robot select it in the geometry window, and a RobotTask .4 appears in the Robot PPR tree.

3. In the TagList, Right Click on the Tag lists, and Hide / Show, the Ped_Welder ex.1.

4. Select the Add Tag Icon. This will allows to assign a Tag Group.

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5. Click on the RobotTask, under Program in the IRB_6400_24_150.3 then on the Ped_Welder ex 1 in the PPR tree. This is a path that was created for the moves for picking and placing the part.

This has taken a bunch of tags and has created the basic program for our Robot. Now we can take a look at the program… on our way to the final program…

6. Select our Teach a robot icon, then the robot, select the format to Table. If needed, Highlight them all, (hold down shift and select the first, then the last), and click on the word CONFIG in the table menu and change to config_1, and make sure the Motion type is JOINTMOVE.

Run the simulation. Next we will add the Pick and Place so the Robot picks up the part, comes close to the ped welder, and then places the part and returns to home position.

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Creating a Pick and Drop Edit the Operation Positions

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

This procedure explains how to create a Pick and a Place, and edit some of the Operations for the Robot Program.

In this exercise, we will use the RobotTask Path. 1. In the PPR tree, expand the RobotTask. 2. Click on the Teach a robot icon in the Robot Management toolbar. 3. The Dialog box appears. Using the Operations Steps buttons step the program to the position where the robot is picking up the part.

4. Select the Pick Action Icon. 5. The Icon asks for which Operation, Click on the Operation that we stepped to, in the RobotTask.4, and select After, and OK.

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6. Select the Picking Object, the gripper from the PPR tree, and the dialog box appears, and select Home for the Device Predefined State.

For the ease of the project, and viewing the end effectors are very simple, and we are more concerned in the functions than the intricacy.

7. Click on the PickPart tab, and select the gripper from the PPR tree, and the part from the 3D view, then OK.

8. Using the Teach a robot icon, move to the drop position, knowing this Operation number, Click on the Drop Action Icon, and select the Operation (10). Select After (Successor), and OK.

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9. The Actions Configuration dialog box appears, select as shown, OK.

10.The Drop action appears in our RobotTask.

11.Using the Teach a robot icon, run the simulation, then place the Robot at the First Operation, and click on Save Initial State icon. Very Important! What that does is store the Robot at the 1 st position, vs. the home position for viewing the simulation. (So it does not snap back there every time you run the simulation).

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V5 IGRIP Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics


Performing a SetTool for the Fixed TCP


This procedure describes how to set up the spot welds for the Remote Tool Center Point.

In this exercise, we will use the previous tags, and insert them in to the path, and utilize the Remote TCP, and assign that RobotTask to the robot in the process. 1. With the Robot at the Home position, set the tool to the robot, and assign the FIXED TCP. Select the Set Tool, icon. 2. The Robot Dressup dialog window appears. Select the Robot IRB_6400_24_150.3 and the device select the Ped Welder (no not the gripper). In the Mode function, click on Fixed TCP, and Click the Coordinate system at the Weld cap. Click on OK when all selections are completed.

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3. The two weld positions that were created will now be added to the path. Select the Add Tag Icon. This allows us to add a tag, or a tag group. 4. Under the Robot, Program select the RobotTask.4, and then under the TagList, Ped_Welder.1, and they appear in the RobotTask.1 at the end of the path. (Also you could use the Ped_Welder ex.1)

5. Using the Teach a Robot icon, step through the program to where the robot is in front of the Ped Welder. 6. Remember this Operation Number (7) for the next steps…

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7. Right-click on the two new operations, and in the properties, general, llabel. Rename them to Weld 1, and Weld 2.

8. Right-click on the RobotTask.1, and in the Properties, select the Operation Order Tab. Click on the Weld 1, 2, and reorder them after the operation that we adjusted previously.

9. Select the Teach a robot icon, and in the Teach dialog box, select Table.

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10.Set up the variables for the two weld positions. Holding down the CTRL Key, select the two welds. Click on the top table name for the Tool and CONFIG, and change accordingly.

Notice that the ones following also change, as they had the default setting, and were not set; therefore they accepted the ones that were changed above. Follow through with the same procedure, and set those to the default setting as shown.

11.To view, run the simulation.

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12.If your locations are off, use the Teach dialog box, and modify the two weld positions. 13.If the gripper is spinning a few times and that is not required, click on the Set TurnNumbers icon, and click on the RobotTask. If not, then continue on #15

14.When the Set TurnNumbers dialog box appears, select the defaults, and click on Set. This automatically sets up all of the configurations if they are spinning from one tag to another. 15.Run the simulation again to see the changes if this function was required. The default value for all turn numbers is 0. This command looks at each operation within a task and its target and computes the turn number based on the shortest angle computation.

16.Next, add gun actions to the two welds. Click on the Weld Action icon, select the RobotMotion under Weld.1 and select the options as shown, and OK.

17.Click on the ped_welder.1 under WELDER_PEDISTAL. For the close gun select Home_1, weld time .5 Open Gun Home_2 and OK. Follow through the same steps for Weld 2.

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18.Assign this RobotTask.1 to the Robot in the Activity Process. Switch to the Workcell Sequencing Workbench. (Start/) 19.Expand the process so that we have Station 2, Spot Welding and the resources shown. Click on Set an Active Task icon, and click on the SpotWelding.3. This will allow you to select what RobotTask this robot is to perform in the activity.

20.That active task is now assigned to the robot.

This way if you have multiple programs for that Robot, select the one that you want that activity to perform… or try different Robot tasks in a snap !

21.Now using the Process Simulation, run through the completed process.

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Creating Movies and Pictures

Facilitated Project:

RH Body Side Assembly with Tooling and Robotics V5 IGRIP

In this exercise using the Image selections, and the project, capture images and create a movie.

With the completed project, capture images, create a movie, and view the created files. 1. In the Tools Menu, the Image / Capture ~ Album ~ Video. Select the Capture Icon. 2. For the ease of viewing, right-click on the TagList, and Hide/Show all. 3. The Capture toolbar appears. One of these icons will be activated by default.

Make sure this icon is activated.

The command activated by default in the Capture toolbar depends on the type of document active when displayed by the toolbar. When a Part or Assembly document is active, the Pixel command is activated. When viewing the specification tree in a document, the Vector command is activated.

4. Click on the Options icon

to see the capture icons dialogue box.

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5. In the Capture Options dialogue box click on the General tab. Locate the window labeled Banner. Enter a text annotation there that will appear on the captured document. 6. Check the Capture Only Geometry option to capture the geometry without background. Note that this option cannot be used for vector images. 7. The Pixel tab sets the following options, provided the Pixel mode is activated. (Otherwise, the tab is grayed): 8. Select the White background, and in the album, select .tiff. Some of the settings

check the White Background option if you want the capture to be taken on a white background check the Capture White Pixels as Black option if you want to print white pixels as black on the resulting capture check the Anti-Aliasing option to modify the appearance of lines in order to make the jagged edges look smoother check the Constant Size Capture option if you want the captured images to be the same size when displayed to a scale of 1:1, whatever their resolution set the Rendering Quality factor which determines the quality of output: Low (screen): the quality of the output matches the screen resolution Medium Highest Custom.

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The higher the setting, the greater the quality of the capture. Use the Preview icon to compare captures made with different rendering quality factors. If selected, Custom value, the More... button will be activated to access the Image size dialog box:

This dialog box enables the print Width, Height and Resolution: First, choose the Resolution, either in pixels/inch (.dpi) or in pixels/cm. The highest the resolution, the longer the capture generation (and with a price to pay in performance) Define the print Width and Height. The values indicated in the Pixel Size group box are displayed for information only to give an idea of the image size in pixels, according to the Print Size defined. Click the Album... button to define the preferences for storing the images captured in the album:

• •

Select the desired file format from the pull down list. Select the compression type: § Packbits (default option) § No compression (if you do not want to compress the file) § JPEG § HUFFMAN § Fax Group 4

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Select the JPEG compression type, the Quality slider is activated to define more precisely the compression quality (from 0 to 100 %). the higher the value, the better the quality.

9. Click on the Vector tab.

10.Set the Semantic Level to Low. In the Save as Properties window, enter CGM. (Explained further in this step) Click on the Properties button, and the Advanced Configuration dialogue box appears.

Ø There are four tabs available on the Advanced Configuration dialogue box. Ø Verify with your instructor which tabs are applicable for your application. 11.Once satisfied with your parameters, click OK in the Advanced Configuration dialogue box, and in the Capture Options dialogue box. to capture the screen image and store it in the Album. A 12.Click the Capture icon progress bar will appear while the captured image is generated. Once the captured image is generated, the Capture Preview window opens: 13.Zoom into our tooling, and click on the Capture Icon.

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14.The Capture Preview window opens. 15.This window provides a preview of the captured image that will be stored in the album when clicked on the Album


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This window also enables the following icons to: cancel the image (and close the Capture Preview window) save the image under another name and/or another format. To do so, click the Save As icon, give a name to the image then navigate to the desired location before clicking OK to confim the save. Refer to Saving Images to Other Formats for detailed information print the image by clicking the Print icon to open the Print dialog box. Refer to Customizing Print Settings Before Printing Your Documents for detailed information copy the image to the clipboard open the album.

16.Click the Album

icon to store the image in the album.

17.Click the Open Album the album.

icon or select the Tools / Image / Album... command to display

The album is displayed, listing the current contents of the album.

18.In the Album dialogue box, double-click on the Capture_000. Click on the last two icons, and review their functions.

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Zoom the image in this Print Preview box for better visualization. In this example, this is 34% the size of the original image in the album. At the bottom of the preview window, the text annotation entered in the capture options dialogue box at the beginning of the exercise is shown. 19.Select the Select Mode Icon. This allows us to select a window around the object to be imaged. 20.Zoom into a clamp and click over the top of the clamp, and drag the mouse to the lower corner, see illustration. (We have hid the floor so the screen captures have a white background).

21.Click on the Capture

and save the

selected Picture in the album,

and open

the Album

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22.There are the two pictures that we have taken.

23.The Erase icon is just what it implies. Simply highlight the desired capture in the Album dialogue box to be erased, and click on this icon. 24.Click on the blue circle with lower case i This icon allows the user to edit the properties of the picture. Look closely at the dialogue box below. Click on the memory tab to see additional options. Take some time to experiment with the options. Close the box when done, OK.

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25.Now click on the last icon on the right. This icon allows the user to modify a picture. Look closely at the dialogue box that appears. Take some time to experiment with the options. Close the box when done.

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Finally, take another look at the Capture toolbar.

This is the Save As icon Select a format from the list. The formats you can save to depend on the format (pixel or vector) in which the image was originally saved. For pixel images, the formats are: HP/RTL (UNIX only) JPEG Fair Quality (*.jpg) JPEG Medium Quality (*.jpg) JPEG High Quality (*.jpg) JPEG Lossless (*.jpg): very few applications (MS Office, MS Photo Editor) recognize the JPEG format without loss of information). TIFF True Color (*.tif) TIFF Indexed Packbit (*.tif) TIFF True Color Packbit (*.tif) TIFF Indexed (*.tif) TIFF Grey Scale Packbit (*.tif) TIFF BW Packbit (*.tif) RGB (SGI Format) Not Compressed (*.rgb) Windows Bitmap (*.bmp) (Windows only) For detailed information about JPG and TIFF format, browse the following Internet sites: http://www.jpeg.org

and http://www.ijg.org


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A bitmap is a set of pixels arranged in lines and columns and is fully described by its width and height, its color depth (bits per pixel) and its compression scheme. The format common format is true color (24 bits per pixel). An additional color component, called Alpha component, may be used to define the transparency of each pixel. The bitmap format generally supports compression (either lossless or lossy). Some of these bitmaps are coded on 8 bits and the pixels are indexed on a color table, called the palette. The advantage of bitmap files is that they can reproduce complex scenes (for instance photographic or photo-realistic images) that could not be reproduced using basic geometrical shapes. The following table summarizes information about bitmap files and the various formats you can use to save your images in the album:

Bit depth 1










































Maximum size in pixels




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Standard bitmap storage on MSWindows Very few applications support the lossless JPEG mode Successor of the GIF format


Supported by very few applications


Very popular and general format recognized by most imaging applications

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For vector images, the formats are: Windows Metafile (Windows only)

PostScript: PostScript is a page description language that supports text, vector graphics and bitmaps. It is device-independent and implements an industry standard for communicating graphic information between applications and hardware devices such as printers. For detailed information about PostScript, browse the following Internet site: http://www.partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/PDFS/TN/PLRM.pdf

PDF: Portable Document Format is a platform-independent page description file format designed for platform exchange. It may contain text, vector graphics and bitmaps. For detailed information about PDF, browse the following Internet site: http://www.partners.adobe.com/sn/developer/acrosdk/DOCS/PDFRef.pdf

Vector files contain geometrical descriptions of the image elements. These elements may be lines, dots, rectangles, circles, polygons, splines, text with font information or bitmaps (only in metafiles) and are used to reconstruct the final image. Each element has its own attributes specifying its size, its relative position in the whole image, its color and filling type. The advantage of vector files over bitmap files is that image scaling does not affect image appearance. When zooming bitmap files, pixels become visible as shown in the example below:

Vector image

Bitmap image

The following CGM vector formats are supported: CGM ISO CGM CALS CGM ATA.

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CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) is an ANSI/ISO standardized platformindependent format used for the interchange of vector and bitmap data. CATIA Version 5 supports the CGM Version 1 and Version 3 standards. CGM Version 3 adds vector primitives such as Bezier and Nurbs, improved font and text support as well as bitmap compression. The CGM-ATA and CGM-CALS profiles which are specific subsets of the Version 3 standard are also supported. For detailed information about CGM formats, browse the following Internet site: http://www.cgmopen.org

The table below summarizes the purposes of the above mentioned formats: Purpose


Data Exchange

Format HP-GL/2RTL










On UNIX only, and if you save to a vector format, click the Options... button to set further save

options associated with saving rasterized images: DPI: resolution in dots per inch (DPI) width height and click OK or Cancel. Note that high quality images require longer computation time.

Click the Save button. You do not need to open the album first to save images to other formats. The Save As... icon is also available by selecting the Tools->Image->Capture... command and clicking the Save icon in the Capture toolbar, allowing you to save to a file directly (without saving the image in the album).

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Ø This is the Print icon

Ø This is the Copy icon Ø These icons perform the functions they imply. You can save the image to a database. You can print the file. You can copy to a clipboard.

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Creating a Movie 1. Close all previous windows and select from the Tools / Images. 2. The Video Recorder dialog box appears.

3. Click on the Properties, and Select the Open Icon, and select the (where the path is to) 3 geometry / Movie Pic. Click on the Movie tab, and change the frames per second to 20. When done, OK.

4. To run the Process simulation, make sure that you are in the Workcell Sequencing Workbench, and select the Process Simulation Icon.

5. The Process Simulation dialog box appears, change the run speed to .5.

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6. Click on the Record (Red Button) on the Video Recorder box, and then click on Run in the Process Simulation box.

7. The Process is simulated, and when completed, click on the Stop recording. When competed, close all of the dialog boxes.

button to stop the

8. In the Explorer, open up the directory where the movie was stored. 9. Double click and watch your simulation.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder


IGRIP Workbenches and Toolbars

Device Building

This procedure describes how to launch an IGRIP Session and get familiar with the IGRIP Workbench Toolbars.

This exercise will show the user interface menus and toolbars. Device Building provides a complete set of tools for modeling mechanical systems that are typically used in the manufacturing process. Such systems include robotic end-effectors (grippers, weldguns, etc.), positioning devices, stamping presses, milling machines, lathes, and tracked vehicles. The target is generic modeling of forward-kinematic devices that can only be driven in joint coordinates. Device Building allows the user to define a mechanical system in terms of rigid bodies (called parts) and articulated joints. The parts may originate from CATIA, DELMIA, or other CAD sources. The joints may characterize a combination of mechanical constraints (such as rotation about a fixed axis) and geometric constraints (such as following the surface of a part). Finally, the mechanical system may include closed-kinematic loops, where a collection of parts forms a closed chain. After a device has been created, the user may define a set of predefined positions (called "home positions") and a timetable to be used when moving between them. Tools are provided to directly manipulate the joints of a device and observe the resulting configuration. Basic display attributes such as color, display mode, etc., will also be set at the device level. For those dealing with legacy data, Device Building can load all CATIA V4 kinematic models and most Deneb/DELMIA device files. The user may perform a variety of analyses on these models, but cannot directly modify them or save the results to disk. It is expected that tool designers and simulation engineers will make excellent use of this product. 1. Start a V5 Robotics Session click on Start / IGRIP / Device Building.

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Device Building


Let’s go into the Device Building and review the Toolbars.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder


Opening the Project Inserting a Toolbar

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will open our project, and Insert a toolbar from another workbench.

We will open our Ped Welder, and create the working environment. 1. Go to 3 Geometry \ Ped Welder, and Open Ped Welder.CATProduct

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Device Building


2. We are starting with this example as if we have positioned all the parts needed to create the Ped Welder, already in position. 3. We see that all the parts that are needed to create the Ped Welder are positioned in the PPR Tree at the Root Level; this is necessary in order to create a joint mechanism in V5. 4. Right Mouse click on the Compass and select Snap Automatically to Selected Object. This will allow the user to select an object and have the Compass snap to the objects zero design position.

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Device Building


5. Insert a new Toolbar into Device Building Workbench from another Workbench.

6. In the Menu, select Tools / Customize menu bar.

a. b. c. d. e.

Pick the Toolbars tab Select New… Select Plant Layout Select ArrPslGenDesignTB, “OK”. Close. (The Toolbar appears)

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Device Building Facilitated Project:


Attaching Parts

Ped Welder

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will use the attach function to create sections.

We will use our Ped Welder, and start creating the Mechanism. 1. Select the Right mouse button, select Cylinder10 from the PPR Tree or graphically and pick Hide/Show.

2. This will allow us to view the Piston10 that is located inside the Cylinder. 3. We need to attach Holder18, Shank21, and Cap1 as Children to Piston10, so as Piston10 (Parent) moves vertically up and down we will have all the parts moving in unison.

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Device Building


4. Select from the New Toolbar: Attach. 5. Select Piston10 as the Parent then (hold down Ctrl button) pick Holder18, without selecting OK from the pop-up window, select Shank21, and Cap1 in that order as Children of Piston10, and then click on OK.

6. In the relationship created, the Green line is the Parent and the red represents the Children. 7. Now we can test the Attach function by selecting Piston10 and the Compass moves to the zero design position of the part. Now move the Compass in any direction, and the parts are attached and move with the Piston.

8. To move back to the original position, select Undo (view/reset compass).

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, and reset the Compass

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder


Creating a Frame for the Piston

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create a Frame for the Piston.

We will create our frame for the mechanism. 1. Now that we have the parts attached to the Piston, we can create a joint axis that will lead us to creating a Prismatic joint for the Ped Welder.

2. Select from the Frames Toolbar, the Frames of Interest Icon, and then select Piston10. What is being created is a storage area for different Frame Types that can be used on a device.

3. Click on the Frames of Interest.1 from the PPR Tree and notice that the Compass will jump to the zero design position of the Piston.

4. Select Frame Type then Frames of Interest.1 under Piston10. Select the type of frame that you want to create in this case select Design.

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Device Building


5. Select from the Define Plane dialog box: Define Plane using Compass

6. Now if we zoom in on the Compass we can see that the (w) axis, it’s lying down horizontally and we need to have it point vertically.

7. Do not select OK at this point; we need to modify the compass position.

8. We need to change the Compass position so that the (w) axis faces vertically. If we don’t change the position of the (w) axis then the joint will run horizontally instead of vertically, as we need it. 9. Important note: Prismatic as well as Revolute Joints are based on the position of the (w) axis. Prismatic will move along as well as the Revolute will rotate around the (w) axis. 10. Double click on the Compass and we get a Compass Manipulation Box.

11.Type in 90 degrees under Rotation Increment for Along V and click either rotation arrow to rotate along the (v) axis in order to rotate the Compass with the (w) axis pointing upward.

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Device Building


12.Close the Compass Manipulation Box. 13.Now that we already have selected Define Plane using Compass go ahead and select OK.

14.We can see that a Frame is created at the Compass or the zero design position of the Piston.

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Device Building


Facilitated Project:

Creating a Frame for the Base

Ped Welder

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create a Frame for the Base.

We will create the frame for the Base of the Ped Welder. This is the similar procedure that we previously created.

1. Now we need to create a Frame for the part that will not move, which in this example is the base of the Ped Welder. 2. Select the Frames of Interest base.

and then select

3. 4. Select Frame Type and select the Frames of Interest located under base. 5. Since we already have the Compass in the location that we need it to be, go ahead and make sure Define Plane with Compass is selected along with Design frame and select OK. 6. Now we have two frames that are in the exact same position for two different parts. 7. Now we can see if we open each Frames of Interest that we have Design frames that are unique to the base and the Piston.

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Device Building


Creating a Joint from a Axis

Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create a Joint.

We will create a joint from the frames. 1. In the Device Building Toolbar, and use the Arrow Down to display the Kinematic Joints Toolbar, Pull this toolbar out.

2. Select the icon Joint from Axis the Joint Creation using Axis box appears.


3. Select New Mechanism and give it a name or the default is fine.

4. Under Joint Type select Prismatic.

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Device Building


5. Under Axis 1 select Design1 frame from base\Frames of Interest then under Axis 2 select Design1 frame from Piston10\Frames of Interest.

6. So the dialog box should look like this and select OK.

7. Go to the PPR Tree and open Applications there the data is stored for the Mechanism that has been created.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder


Setting the Joint Limits and Jogging

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will set the Joint limits for the Ped Welder.

We will create the limits. 1. To complete the final pieces for a kinematic device we will do the following. 2. Select the Fixed Part icon, the New Fixed Part Dialog box appears, (accept the defaults) and click on the base in the PPR Tree.

3. Double click on Prismatic.1 from Joints. 4. We get the Joint Edition dialog box. Here we will set the defaults for the motions.

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Device Building


5. Toggle on the Length Driven button. Input 0mm into Lower Limit and 100mm (or 4.5in) Upper Limit. Click on OK. We get the confirmation Information box. Select OK.

6. Right mouse button, select Cylinder10 and select Hide/Show to view cylinder again.

7. Now we can select Jog Mechanism Welder.

and select the Ped

Jog using the command.1 pull bar, or type in numbers. (Notice the Mechanism moving) Reset then Close when completed.

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Device Building


Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder

Creating Home Positions

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create home Positions for the Piston.

We will create home Positions for the Ped Welder. 1. Make sure the Ped Welder is reset (open) from the previous step. 2. Select the Home Positions Icon from Device Attributes Toolbar. 3. The Home Position Viewer dialog box appears. Select New.

4. The Home Position Editor dialog box appears, and Type Open under Home Position Name, and click on OK.

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Device Building


Select New again and move Command.1 slider to 100mm (or 4.5in) or type 100mm (or 4.5) and type in Closed then pick OK.

5. Now Home Positions have been set. (Close this window)

6. Now we can Jog the Mechanism with the new Home Positions by selecting in the Jog Dialog box, the Open or Closed predefined Position.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Ped Welder


Creating Tool Center Point

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create the Tool Center Point for the Ped Welder.

We will create the Tool Center point for the joints created. 1. Select Close from Home Position and zoom in on the Welding Caps.

2. Open Frames of Interest under base in the PPR Tree. (Make sure that the compass does not have the snap automatically to selected object highlighted)

3. (Click on the + sign to open)

4. Select Frame Type and the select Frames of Interest under base and pick Tool.

5. Select Define plane at center of circle

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Device Building


6. Pick three points around the circle to place the plane and select OK. (The color of cap may need to be changed for better visibility).

7. In the Measurement Toolbar, Between

Select Measure

and pick surface of Cap1 and Cap2.

8. Select Tool1 and move it between Caps for new position of TCP.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:


Opening a Project

Rocker Gun

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will open our project, and create a revolute joint.

We will open our Rocker Gun and create the working environment. 1. Go to 3 Geometry \ Weldgun.

2. Open Rocker Gun.CATProduct.

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Device Building


3. We are starting with this example with all the parts positioned as to create the Rocker Gun. 4. We see that all the parts that are needed to create the Rocker Gun are positioned in the PPR Tree at the Root Level; this is necessary in order to create joint mechanisms in V5. If we are not at the Root Level, creating a mechanism will not work. 5. RMB click on the Compass and select Snap Automatically to Selected Object. This will allow the user to select an object and have the Compass snap to the objects zero design position. If we click on ROCKER1:CAP7_1.1, we see the compass snap to the cap. 6. Click on the Compass again, and remove the Snap Automatically to Selected Object, and view reset the Compass.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:


Attaching Parts

Rocker Gun

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will use the attach function to create sections.

We will create sections from attaching parts. This will create the moving mechanism. 1. We need to attach the Shanks, and Caps as Children to each Holder, so as the Holders (Parents) rotate we will have all the parts moving in unison. 2. Select from the New Toolbar: Attach.

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Device Building


3. Select HOLDER1 as the Parent then pick SHANK1, The Child Selection dialog box appears, without selecting OK continue and select CAP7_1 in that order click on OK. Repeat the same steps for HOLDER2, SHANK2, and CAP7.

4. So we can see the relationship we have just created. The Green line is the Parent and the red would represent the Children. 5. Now we can test the Attach function by selecting HOLDER1 and the Compass moves to the zero design position of the part. Now move the Compass in any position and we see the parts are still attached and moving with the HOLDER.

6. To move it back to its original position, simply select Undo

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Creating a Frame for Holder 1

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create a frame for Rocker Holder 1.

We will create a frame for Rocker1 Holder1. 1. Now that we have the parts attached to the HOLDER1 we can go ahead and create a joint axis that will lead us to creating a revolute joint for the Rocker Gun.

2. Select the icon Frames of Interest then select HOLDER1. What is being created is a storage area for different Frame Types that can be used on a device.

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Device Building


3. With the Snap automatically to selected object highlighted on the compass, Select Frames of Interest.1 from the PPR Tree and notice that the Compass will jump to the zero design position of the HOLDER1.

4. Select Frame Type then the Frames of Interest.1 under HOLDER1. Select the type of frame that you want to create in this case select Design.

5. Select from Define Plane dialog box: Define Plane using Compass

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Device Building


6. Now if we zoom in on the Compass we can see in this view that the (w) axis is pointing vertically and we need to have it point Horizontally. Do not select OK at this point; we need to modify the Compass position.

7. We need to change the Compass position so that the (w) axis faces horizontally. If we don’t change the position of the (w) axis then the joint will revolve incorrectly crashing into the Bracket. 8. Important note: Prismatic as well as Revolute Joints are based on the position of the (w) axis. Prismatic will move along as well as the Revolute will rotate around the (w) axis.

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9. Double click on the Compass and we get a Compass Manipulation Box.

10.Type in 90 degrees under Rotation Increment for Along U and to click either rotation arrow rotate along the (u) axis in order to rotate the Compass with the (w) axis pointing horizontally.

11.Close out the Compass Manipulation Box. Now that we already have selected Define Plane using Compass go ahead and select OK.

12.We can see that a Frame is created at the Compass or the zero design position of HOLDER1. 13.Note: The user Compass and the actual Design Frame may not visually match at this time after the selection of OK.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Creating a Frame for the Bracket

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create a Frame for the Bracket.

We will use our Rocker Gun and create the frame for the Bracket. 1. Now we need to create a Frame for the part that will not move, which in this example is the BRACKET1 of the Rocker Gun.


2. Select the Frames of Interest then select BRACKET1.

3. Select Frame Type

and Frames of Interest located under BRACKET1.

4. Since the Compass is in the location that we need it to be, go ahead and make sure Define Plane with Compass is selected along with Design frame, and select OK.

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5. We previously rotated the Compass to place the (w) axis horizontally, go ahead and rotate again to match the previous Frame. Now we have two frames that are in the exact same position for two different parts.

6. Now we can see if we open each Frames of Interest that we have Design frames that are unique to the BRACKET1 and HOLDER1.

7. Repeat the same steps: Creating a Frame, and Frame type for HOLDER1 now for HOLDER2.9 (make sure that you rotate the compass for the frame type)

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Creating a Joint from a Axis

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create a joint from our axis.

We will use our Rocker Gun and create the Joint. 1. In the Device Building Toolbar, and use the Arrow Down to display the Kinematic Joints Toolbar, Pull this toolbar out.

2. Select Joint from Axis and Joint Creation using Axis box appears.

3. Select New Mechanism and give it a name or the default is fine.

4. Under Joint Type select Revolute. 5. Under Axis 1 select Design1 frame from BRACKET1\Frames of Interest then under Axis 2 select Design1 frame from HOLDER1\Frames of Interest.

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6. The dialog box should look like this and select OK.

7. Select Joint from Axis again but don’t select New Mechanism, we are adding to the Mechanism already created earlier. Under Joint Type select Revolute again\Under Axis 1 select Design1 frame from BRACKET1\Frames of Interest then under Axis 2 select Design1 frame from HOLDER2\Frames of Interest, the dialog box should look like this and select OK.

8. Go to the PPR Tree and open the Applications branch and we see the two joints created.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Setting the Joint Limits, and Jogging

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will set our Joint Limits for the Rocker Gun, and Jog and verify them.

We will use our Rocker Gun and set our limits for the joints created. 1. To complete the final pieces for a kinematic device will do the following. Select Fixed Part. 2. The New Fixed Part Dialog box appears. The defaults are shown as Mechanism 1, which is correct, and select the BRACKET1.

3. Double click Revolute.1 from Joints. We get the following dialog box.

4. Toggle on Angle Driven. Input 0 degrees into Lower Limit and 6 degrees Upper Limit.

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5. So it should look like this, then OK.

6. Repeat for Revolute.2 Input –6 degrees into Lower Limit and 0 degrees for Upper Limit 7. So it should look like this.

8. And we get this result, Click on OK.

9. Now we can select Jog Mechanism

and select the Rocker Gun.

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10.Using the slide bars we can see if the angles are correct. 11.We can see there is a collision with the HOLDERS and we need to modify both of them so that we have a correct Open position. 12.So double-click again Revolute.1 and Revolute.2 and flip the numbers for the degrees since we created the Rocker Gun in the closed position we want the degrees to work for us and open the HOLDERS to an Open position. (Note now +6 degrees)

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13.Select Jog Mechanism and positions are correct.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Creating Home Positions

Device Building

This procedure describes how we will create Home Positions.

We will open our Rocker Gun and create the Home Positions 1. See Prismatic Joint Creation Manual and apply Rocker Gun

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Device Building


Facilitated Project:

Other Commands


Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes the remaining commands for Device Building Workbench.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will review the toolbars

Mechanism Properties that’s what it is. It will give you the properties of the mechanism you just created or want to view.

Home Positions

Time Table

we just covered. Creation of multiple jog positions.

. Edit the time that each jog position will take.

Travel Limits . Another way of editing the travel limits that we see in the Jog panel instead of double-clicking the Joint from the PPR Tree.

. Select the weld gun caps that you want during a weldgun search or creating a Tool Tips simulation. These Tool Tips that you specify will not be included during collision analysis.

Mechanism Dressup . If there are still parts that have not been added to your mechanism, this will help you add them.

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Device Building

Update Positions creation.


. This will place constraints (O rings) that make up a joint at the origin of

We see that the Piston on the left is in the Close position, which is the modified position. On the right after selecting Update Positions and picking the device, the piston is set back to the original creation point, in this case it’s the Open position.

Import Delmia D5 Component . This will allow us after certain user options have been set to bring in D5 legacy components for use in DELMIA V5.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Creating Home Positions

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will create Home Positions.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will open our Rocker Gun and create the Home Positions 1. See Prismatic Joint Creation Manual and apply Rocker Gun

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Device Building Facilitated Project:

Rocker Gun


Adding Tool Center Point

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will add the Tool Center Point to the Rocker Gun.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will add the Tool Center Point.

-Adding Tool Center PointSee Prismatic Joint manual, and apply to Rocker Gun

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Device Building Facilitated Project:



Opening our Project, and Setting Options

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will be creating a clamp with a Prismatic and a Revolute Joints.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will open our Clamp, and set the options for Gravitational effects. 1. Select the file folder 3 Geometry \ Tooling, and open Training_Clamp_1.CATProduct. To find the files easier, change the Files of Type to CATProduct.

2. Once again we are starting this example with the parts needed to create the Clamp already in position. 3. We see that all the parts that are needed to create the Clamp are positioned in the PPR Tree at the Root Level; this is necessary in order to create joint mechanisms in V5.

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Device Building


4. RMB click on the Compass and select Snap Automatically to Selected Object. This will allow the user to select an object and have the Compass snap to the objects zero design position. 5. To change the plane of rotation, Go to the Tools menu bar and select Options. 6. Select Display 7. Select the Navigation tab 8. Go to Gravitational effects during navigation, Select Y 9. OK 10.The Compass changes orientation, and in the geometry window the geometry rotates around the Yaxis.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:



Creating Design Frames for Prismatic Joints

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will be creating Design Frames for Prismatic Joints.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will use our Clamp, and set the Design Frames.

1. Select the Frames of Interest icon, R_pstn.pdb.

then Select L-110R:L-110-

2. Now and a placeholder for Frame Types has been created. Click on the Frames of Interest, and the compass snaps to the cylinder.

3. Select Frame Type and select the Frames of Interest, just created.

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4. The Compass is already located and oriented in the correct direction select OK and a new Design frame has been created and also populated in the PPR Tree.

5. Now that we still have the Compass located at the piston zero design position we will create another Design frame for the Bracket that will be our fixed part. 6. MAKE SURE THAT THE COMPASS DOES NOT LEAVE THIS LOCATION, OR YOUR AXIS WILL BE IN THE WRONG LOCATION 7. Create another Frame of Interest for L-110R:L-110-R_0.pdb and Frame Type (Design) and select OK.

8. We have created the Design frames for both the Piston and Bracket that will be used for Prismatic joint, and now we will create the Design frames for the clamps that will be used for revolute joints.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:



Creating Design Frames for Revolute Joints

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will be creating Design Frames for Revolute Joints.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will use our Clamp, and set the Design Frames.

1. Select L-110R:L-110-R_1.pdb and select Frames of Interest we see that the Compass jumps to center of the circle of the part.

2. Create a Frame Type and select Design. Once again we are seeing that the Compass doesn’t need to be rotated since it is positioned and oriented in the proper angle. Select OK.

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Device Building


3. For the L-110R:L-110R_0.pdb, we need to create a Design Frame Type for the Bracket again and place it at the Compass position. 4. Click on the Frame type Icon, and click on the Frames of interest, and OK.

We see that confusion could occur if we didn’t keep track of all our design frames, so we have the opportunity to rename frames now. 5. RMB click on Design 1 from L-110R:L-110-R_0.pdb and go to Properties then the Tag tab and rename to Piston Design 1, rename Design 2 to Clamp Arm 1 Design 2.

6. So the name of the Design Frame for the Bracket at the Piston location is different from the Design Frame located at the first Clamp Arm (Design 2)

7. Rename the remaining Design frames to match the image.

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8. Click on the L-110R: L-110-R_2. NOTICE THE COMPASS IS ON THE OTHER AXIS 9. Create a new Frames of Interest and Frame Type for L-110R:L-110-R_2.pdb. Change the name after the next Frame type created, (If you change the name now, it will not recognize the compass, and default out)

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Device Building


10.Click on a new Frame Type then click on L-110R: L-110R_0.pdb, rename to match image below. 11.MAKE SURE THAT THE COMPASS IS STILL ON THE AXIS AS PREVIOUS PICTURE

12.At this point edit your PPR Tree so it looks like the image below.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:



Creating Prismatic and Revolute Joints from Design Frames

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will be creating Joints from Design Frames.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will use our Clamp, and set the Design Frames.

1. Go to Kinematic Joints Toolbar, embedded in the Device Building Toolbar. (Use the black arrow down)

2. Select Joint from Axis appears.

and Joint Creation using Axis box

3. Select New Mechanism and give it a name or the default is fine.

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4. Under Joint Type select Prismatic. 5. Under Axis 1 select Piston Design1 frame from L-110R:L-110-R_0.pdb\Frames of Interest. Then under Axis 2 select Piston Design1 frame from L-110R:L-110R_pstn.pdb\Frames of Interest. 6. So the dialog box and PPR Tree should look like this and select OK.

7. Again, under Joint Type select Revolute. Match the image below with your dialog box and PPR Tree again and select OK.

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8. Repeat revolute joint for Clamp Arm 2 Design3 in the Frames of Interest for the Bracket and Clamp Arm 2 Design1 in the Frames of Interest for the Clamp.

9. After this is complete following the examples from above the Joints branch under Mechanisms should look like this. One Prismatic joint and two revolute joints.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:



Editing the Joints, and Jogging

Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will use the Editing Tool.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will edit our Joints and jog them to verify the Clamp. 1. We need to edit each joint in order to have kinematics; we will do this by the doing the following. Double-click Prismatic.1 and we have a dialog box appears. Fill out the length driven, and Joint limits in dialog box as we see it in the image.(100 mm or 3.94in) Select OK.

2. Double-click Revolute.2 and match your dialog box once again with the data below.

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Device Building


3. Repeat again for Revolute.3 and match your dialog boxes with the image below.

4. So now we have edited each joint with increments that we need in order for the joints to move in certain millimeters and degrees. We can see also that in the Mechanism branch of our PPR Tree the Commands branch is populated with our edits.

5. Now we need to have a Fixed Part so that we are able to have a device that will have kinematics.

6. Select Fixed Part

and select the Bracket graphically. Now we get the pop-up

we see below.

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7. Select the Mechanism.1, which at this time is our only mechanism. We are able to select different mechanisms when needed or create a new as you can see from the image. Now select the Bracket and we get the Information box below.

8. You are now ready to jog the Mechanism Commands that are the joints we just created.

. We get the Jog panel with three different

9. Now as we use the Slide bars we see that the edits we made are incorrect so we can go ahead and edit these joints again just by double-clicking the joints in the PPR Tree.

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Device Building


10.Change to the images below or you can experiment yourself.

11.Now Jog the device again and see your edits work for you.

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Device Building Facilitated Project:


Creating Home Positions


Device Building

ͽ±°»æ This procedure describes how we will create Home Positions for our Clamp.

Ю±½»¼«®»æ We will create with our clamp Home Positions.

1. Select Home Positions Icon, and select New. The Home Posture Editor Opens, in the Home Position area, Type in Open and select OK.

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Device Building


2. Select New again and move Command.1 slider to the right, and type in Closed then pick OK. 3. The Home Positions have been set. Close all the windows.

4. Now we can Jog Mechanism with Home Positions.

x80, Pris, rev 6 Creating Home Postions.doc

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