Oktraduetoak 5D Nadciokg os kat flrd, ukicss ot‟s flrd surmlec. Tfos wls ny morst eicvcr puk mar tfc c-jaa`. Govc nc l jrcl` woii yl1 Jut scroausiy, flrd surmlec os kat flrd cotfcr. Lt lii. Skicss wc tl`c tfc t fc tcrn iotcrliiy. Tfos c-jaa` woii tclef yau cvcrytfokg yau kccd ta `kaw ta gct stlrtcd.
WFCZC TA UTLZT1 Tfos c-jaa` os gaokg ta stlrt wotf tfc jlsoes, sa om yau lrc lircldy mlnoiolr wotf tfc jlsoes, mcci mrcc ta s`op lfcld, ar sonpiy usc tfos c-jaa` ls l rcmcrckec guodc wfck kccdcd.
Tfos c-jaa` os gaokg ta lssunc sanc mlnoiolroty wotf Jickdcr, lkd okstcld os nclkt ta maeus ak mukdlncktlis rltfcr tflk tclefokg Jickdcr mran serltef. Tfcrc lrc pickty am _auTujc _auTujc tutarolis tutarolis mar tflt.
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