Uwise Gynecology and Breast

November 12, 2016 | Author: lizzy596 | Category: N/A
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UWISE--Gynecology and Breast Pathology Contraception and Sterilization Correct! The patient should be reassured since initially after Depo-Provera injection there may be unpredictable bleeding. This usually resolves in 2-3 months. In general, after oone year of using Depo-Provera, nearly 50% of users have amenorrhea. Correct! Emergency contraceptive pills are not an abortifacient, and they have not been shown to cause any teratogenic effect if inadvertently administered during pregnancy. They are more effective the sooner they are taken after unprotected intercourse, and it is recommended that they be started within 72 hours, and no later than 120 hours. Plan B, the levonorgestrel pills, can be taken in one or two doses and cause few side effects. Emergency contraceptive pills may be used anytime during a woman’s cycle, but may impact the next cycle, which can be earlier or later with bleeding ranging from light, to normal, to heavy. Correct! Ideal candidates for progestin-only pills include women who have contraindications to using combined oral contraceptives (estrogen and progestin containing). Contraindications to estrogen include a history of thromboembolic disease, women who are lactating, women over age 35 who smoke or women who develop severe nausea with combined oral contraceptive pills. Progestins should be used with caution in women with a history of depression. Correct! Oral contraceptives will decrease a woman’s risk of developing ovarian and endometrial cancer. The earlier, higher dose oral contraceptive pills have been linked to a slight increase in breast cancer, but not the most recent lower dose pills. Women who use oral contraceptive pills have a slightly higher risk of developing cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, but their risk of developing PID, endometriosis, benign breast changes and ectopic pregnancy are reduced. Both hypertension and thromboembolic disorders can be a potential side effect from using oral contraceptive pills. Condoms and intrauterine devices will not lower her risk of ovarian cancer. Incorrect! Correct answer is B. Tubal ligation has not been shown to reduce the risk of breast, cervical, or endometrial cancers, nor is there a decrease in menstrual blood flow in women who have undergone a tubal ligation. There is a slight reduction in the risk of ovarian cancer, but the mechanism is not yet fully understood. Correct! Approximately 10% of women who have been sterilized regret having had the procedure with the strongest predictor of regret being undergoing the procedure at a young age. The percentage expressing regret was 20% for women less than 30 years old at

the time of sterilization. For those under age 25, the rate was as high as 40%. The regret rate was also high for women who were not married at the time of their tubal ligation, when tubal ligation was performed less than a year after delivery, and if there was conflict between the woman and her partner. Correct! Both vasectomy and tubal ligation are 99.8% effective. Vasectomies are performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, while tubal ligations are typically performed in the operating room under regional or general anesthesia; therefore carrying slightly more risk to the woman, assuming both are healthy. She is morbidly obese, so the risk of anesthesia and surgery are increased. In addition, she has chronic medical problems that put her at increased risk of having complications from surgery. Incorrect! Correct answer is E. The levonorgestrel intrauterine device has lower failure rates within the first year of use than does the copper containing intrauterine device. It causes more disruption in menstrual bleeding, especially during the first few months of use, although the overall volume of bleeding is decreased long-term and many women become amenorrheic. The levonorgestrel intrauterine device is protective against endometrial cancer due to release of progestin in the endometrial cavity. She is not a candidate for oral contraceptive pills because of her poorly controlled chronic hypertension. The progestin only pills have a much higher failure rate than the progesterone intrauterine device. She is not a candidate for the coppercontaining intrauterine device because of her history of Wilson’s disease. Correct! The patch has comparable efficiency to the pill in comparative clinical trials, although it has more consistent use. It has a significantly higher failure rate when used in women who weigh more than 198 pounds. The patch is a transdermal system that is placed on a woman’s upper arm or torso (except breasts). The patch (Ortho Evra) slowly releases ethinyl estradiol and norelgestromin, which establishes steady serum levels for seven days. A woman should apply one patch in a different area each week for three weeks, then have a patch-free week, during which time she will have a withdrawal bleed. Correct! Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) methods such as contraceptive implants and intrauterine devices are a good option for this patient. Despite high up-front costs and the need for office visits for insertion and removal, LARC methods provide many distinct advantages over other contraceptive methods as Depo-Provera and oral contraceptives. While Depo-Provera is an effective form of contraception, it may not be the best choice in this woman with a high BMI. For this young mother who desires a reversible, but reliable form of contraception, the high effectiveness, continuation rate and user satisfaction of LARC methods would be of

most benefit. Emerging evidence indicates that increasing the use of LARC methods also could reduce repeat pregnancy among adolescent mothers and repeat abortions among women seeking induced abortion. (“Increasing Use of Contraceptive Implants and Intrauterine Devices To Reduce Unintended Pregnancy,” ACOG Committee Opinion, No. 450, 2009). Tubal ligation and Essure are permanent and are not appropriate for this patient.

Abortion Correct! The patient has a septic abortion. She has fever and bleeding with a dilated cervix which are findings seen with septic abortion. Threatened abortions clinically have vaginal bleeding, a positive pregnancy test and a cervical os closed or uneffaced, while missed abortions have retention of a nonviable intrauterine pregnancy for an extended period of time (i.e. dead fetus or blighted ovum). A normal pregnancy would have a closed cervix. Ectopic pregnancy would likely present with bleeding, abdominal pain, possibly have an adnexal mass, and the cervix would typically be closed. Correct! The management of septic abortion includes broad-spectrum antibiotics and uterine evacuation. Single agent antimicrobials do not provide adequate coverage for the array of organisms that may be involved and therefore are not indicated. A laparoscopy can be indicated if ectopic pregnancy is suspected, but it is unlikely in this case. Medical termination is not the best option since prompt evacuation of the uterus is indicated in this case. Correct! Antiphosphospholipid antibodies are associated with recurrent pregnancy loss. The workup for antiphospholipid syndrome includes assessment of anticardiolipin and beta-2 glycoprotein antibody status, PTT, and Russell viper venom time. There are multiple etiologies for recurrent pregnancy loss, which is defined as > two consecutive or > three spontaneous losses before 20 weeks gestation. Etiologies include anatomic causes, endocrine abnormalities such as hyper or hypothyroidism and luteal phase deficiency, parental chromosomal anomalies, immune factors such as lupus anticoagulant and idiopathic factors. Her history is not consistent with cervical insufficiency which is diagnosed typically in the second trimester by history, physical exam and other diagnostic tests, such as ultrasound. Serial cervical lengths or placement of a cerclage are not indicated in this patient. Treatment with 17-hydroxyprogesterone is indicated in patients with a history of prior preterm birth. Factor V Leiden mutation has not been associated with recurrent pregnancy loss. It can be associated with thrombotic events.

Correct! The prolonged dilute Russell viper venom time leads one to suspect that the etiology of recurrent pregnancy loss is due to antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. The treatment is aspirin plus heparin. There is roughly a 75% success rate with combination therapy versus aspirin alone. There is conflicting evidence regarding steroid use for treatment. 17-OH progesterone is used for the prevention of preterm delivery and not recurrent pregnancy loss. Correct! Medical abortion is associated with higher blood loss than surgical abortion. Early in pregnancy (less than 49 days) both medical and surgical procedures can be offered. Mifepristone (an antiprogestin) can be administered, followed by misoprostol (a prostaglandin) to induce uterine contractions to expel the products of conception. This approach has proven to be effective (96%) and safe. A surgical termination is required in the event of failure or excessive blood loss. Medical termination seems to be more desirable by some patients since they do not have to undergo a surgical procedure. It does not affect future fertility. Any termination of pregnancy, whether medical or surgical, can have psychological sequelae. Correct! Manual vacuum aspiration is more than 99% effective in early pregnancy (less than eight weeks). Age, parity and medical illnesses are not contraindications for manual vacuum aspiration. Although the risk of Asherman’s syndrome increases with each subsequent pregnancy termination, this patient may still undergo surgical termination as long as she understands risks and benefits. Complications of pregnancy termination increase with increasing gestational age. Incorrect! Correct answer is E. Both medical and surgical abortions are options for this patient, depending on her personal preferences. However, if she desires an autopsy, she must undergo a medical abortion in order to have an intact fetus. Abortion is legal until viability is achieved (24 weeks gestation) unless a fetal anomaly inconsistent with extrauterine life is identified. A dilation and curettage is performed if the fetus is less than 16 weeks, while dilation and evacuation can be performed after 16 weeks by those trained in the procedure. Induction with oxytocin at this early gestational age has a high failure rate. Incorrect! Correct answer is E. This patient is having heavy bleeding as a complication of medical termination of pregnancy. This is managed best by performing a dilation and curettage. It is not appropriate to wait six hours before making a decision regarding next step in management, or to just admit her for observation. Since the patient is not symptomatic from her anemia, it is not necessary to transfuse her at this time.

Correct! Even though the patient reports being pregnant, she is asymptomatic with no gestational sac in the uterus. First step in her management is to establish pregnancy by obtaining a Beta-hCG level. One should not assume she has an intrauterine pregnancy and perform a dilation and curettage or assume that she has an ectopic pregnancy and treat her with methotrexate or surgery until the pregnancy is confirmed. Correct! This patient has postoperative endometritis that could be due to introduction of bacteria into the uterine cavity at the time of dilation and curettage. It is important to begin antibiotics immediately. After starting antibiotics, an ultrasound should be obtained to look for products of conception. If found, the patient would then require a repeat dilation and curettage. A Beta-hCG level would not be helpful 2 days after the termination. Hysterosonogram is contraindicated when infection is present. There are no indications for laparoscopy in this patient. Vulvar and Vaginal Disease Correct! Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginitis. The infection arises from a shift in the vaginal flora from hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli to non-hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli, which allows proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. The majority of women are asymptomatic; however, patients may experience a thin, gray discharge with a characteristic fishy odor that is often worse following menses and intercourse. Modified Amsel criteria for diagnosis include three out of four of the following: 1) thin, gray homogenous vaginal discharge; 2) positive whiff test (addition of potassium hydroxide releases characteristic amine odor); 3) presence of clue cells on saline microscopy; and 4) elevated vaginal pH >4.5. Treatment consists of Metronidazole 500 mg orally BID for seven days, or vaginal Metronidazole 0.75% gel QHS for five days. Correct! Lichen sclerosus is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that most commonly affects Caucasian premenarchal girls and postmenopausal women. The exact etiology is unknown, but is most likely multifactorial. Patients typically present with extreme vulvar pruritus and may also present with vulvar burning, pain and introital dyspareunia. Early skin changes include polygonal ivory papules involving the vulva and perianal areas, waxy sheen on the labia minora and clitoris, and hypopigmentation. The vagina is not involved. More advanced skin changes may include fissures and erosions due to a chronic itch-scratch-itch cycle, mucosal edema and surface vascular changes. Ultimately, scarring with loss of normal architecture, such as introital stenosis and resorption of the clitoris (phimosis) and labia minora,

may occur. Treatment involves use of high-potency topical steroids. There is less than a 5% risk of developing squamous cell cancer within a field of lichen sclerosus. Incorrect! Correct answer is C. This patient has signs and symptoms of trichomoniasis, which is caused by the protozoan, T. vaginalis. Many infected women have symptoms characterized by a diffuse, malodorous, yellow-green discharge with vulvar irritation. However, some women have minimal or no symptoms. Diagnosis of vaginal trichomoniasis is performed by saline microscopy of vaginal secretions, but this method has a sensitivity of only 60% to 70%. The CDC recommended treatment is metronidazole 2 grams orally in a single dose. An alternate regimen is metronidazole 500mg orally twice daily for seven days. The patient’s sexual partner also should undergo treatment prior to resuming sexual relations. Correct! Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) usually is caused by C. albicans, but is occasionally caused by other Candida species or yeasts. Typical symptoms include pruritus and vaginal discharge. Other symptoms include vaginal soreness, vulvar burning, dyspareunia and external dysuria. None of these symptoms are specific for VVC. The diagnosis is suggested clinically by vulvovaginal pruritus and erythema with or without associated vaginal discharge. The diagnosis can be made in a woman who has signs and symptoms of vaginitis when either: a) a wet preparation (saline or 10% KOH) or Gram stain of vaginal discharge demonstrates yeasts or pseudohyphae; or b) a vaginal culture or other test yields a positive result for a yeast species. Microscopy may be negative in up to fifty percent of confirmed cases. Treatment for uncomplicated VVC consists of short-course topical Azole formulations (1-3 days), which results in relief of symptoms and negative cultures in 80%-90% of patients who complete therapy. Incorrect! Correct answer is C. Lichen planus is a chronic dermatologic disorder involving the hair-bearing skin and scalp, nails, oral mucous membranes and vulva. This disease manifests as inflammatory mucocutaneous eruptions characterized by remissions and flares. The exact etiology is unknown, but is thought to be multifactorial. Vulvar symptoms include irritation, burning, pruritus, contact bleeding, pain and dyspareunia. Clinical findings vary with a lacy, reticulated pattern of the labia and perineum, with or without scarring and erosions as well. With progressive adhesion formation and loss of normal architecture, the vagina can become obliterated. Patients may also experience oral lesions, alopecia and extragenital rashes. Treatment is challenging, since no single agent is universally effective and consists of multiple supportive therapies and topical superpotent corticosteroids.

Incorrect! Correct answer is C. Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome consists of a constellation of symptoms and findings limited to the vulvar vestibule, which include severe pain on vestibular touch or attempted vaginal entry, tenderness to pressure and erythema of various degrees. Symptoms often have an abrupt onset and are described as a sharp, burning and rawness sensation. Women may experience pain with tampon insertion, biking or wearing tight pants, and avoid intercourse because of marked introital dyspareunia. Vestibular findings include exquisite tenderness to light touch of variable intensity with or without focal or diffuse erythematous macules. Often, a primary or inciting event cannot be determined. Treatment includes use of tricyclic antidepressants to block sympathetic afferent pain loops, pelvic floor rehabilitation, biofeedback, and topical anesthetics. Surgery with vestibulectomy is recommended for patients who do not respond to standard therapies and are unable to tolerate intercourse. Correct! Lichen simplex chronicus, a common vulvar non-neoplastic disorder, results from chronic scratching and rubbing, which damages the skin and leads to loss of its protective barrier. Over time, a perpetual itch-scratch-itch cycle develops, and the result is susceptibility to infection, ease of irritation and more itching. Symptoms consist of severe vulvar pruritus, which can be worse at night. Clinical findings include thick, lichenified, enlarged and rugose labia, with or without edema. The skin changes can be localized or generalized. Diagnosis is based on clinical history and findings, as well as vulvar biopsy. Treatment involves a short-course of highpotency topical corticosteroids and antihistamines to control pruritus. Correct! Mucopurulent cervicitis (MPC) is characterized by a mucopurulent exudate visible in the endocervical canal or in an endocervical swab specimen. MPC is typically asymptomatic, but some women have an abnormal discharge or abnormal vaginal bleeding. MPC can be caused by Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae; however, in most cases neither organism can be isolated. Patients with MPC should be tested for both of these organisms. The results of sensitive tests for C. trachomatis or N. gonorrhoeae (e.g. culture or nucleic acid amplification tests) should determine the need for treatment, unless the likelihood of infection with either organism is high or the patient is unlikely to return for treatment. Antimicrobial therapy should include coverage for both organisms, such as azithromycin or doxycycline for chlamydia and a cephalosporin or quinolone for gonorrhea. Uncomplicated cervicitis, as in this patient, would require only 125 mg of Ceftriaxone in a single dose. Ceftriaxone 250 mg is necessary for the treatment of upper genital tract infection or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Incorrect! Correct answer is C. Two serotypes of HSV have been identified: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Most cases of recurrent genital herpes are caused by HSV-2. Up to 30% of

first-episode cases of genital herpes are caused by HSV-1, but recurrences are much less frequent for genital HSV-1 infection than genital HSV-2 infection. Genital HSV infections are classified as initial primary, initial nonprimary, recurrent and asymptomatic. Initial, or first-episode primary genital herpes is a true primary infection (i.e. no history of previous genital herpetic lesions, and seronegative for HSV antibodies). Systemic symptoms of a primary infection include fever, headache, malaise and myalgias, and usually precede the onset of genital lesions. Vulvar lesions begin as tender grouped vesicles that progress into exquisitely tender, superficial, small ulcerations on an erythematous base. Initial, nonprimary genital herpes is the first recognized episode of genital herpes in individuals who are seropositive for HSV antibodies. Prior HSV-1 infection confers partial immunity to HSV-2 infection and thereby lessens the severity of type 2 infection. The severity and duration of symptoms are intermediate between primary and recurrent disease, with individuals experiencing less pain, fewer lesions, more rapid resolution of clinical lesions and shorter duration of viral shedding. Systemic symptoms are rare. Recurrent episodes involve reactivation of latent genital infection, most commonly with HSV-2, and are marked by episodic prodromal symptoms and outbreaks of lesions at varying intervals and of variable severity. Clinical diagnosis of genital herpes should be confirmed by viral culture, antigen detection or serologic tests. Treatment consists of antiviral therapy with acyclovir, famciclovir or valacyclovir. Correct! Pessary fitting is the least invasive intervention for this patient’s symptomatic prolapse. Although a sacrospinous ligament suspension would be an appropriate procedure for this patient, it is invasive and not an appropriate first step. Transvaginal tape is used for urinary incontinence and has no role in the management of this patient. An anterior repair can potentially help with her symptoms, depending on what is contributing most to her prolapse but, again, it is invasive. Topical estrogen is unlikely to properly treat her prolapse and related symptoms. Sexually Transmitted Infections and Urinary Tract Infections Correct! The patient is most likely infected with herpes. Herpes simplex virus is a highly contagious DNA virus. Initial infection is characterized by viral-like symptoms preceding the appearance of vesicular genital lesions. A prodrome of burning or irritation may occur before the lesions appear. With primary infection, dysuria due to vulvar lesions can cause significant urinary retention requiring catheter drainage. Pain can be a very significant finding as well. Treatment is centered on care of the local lesions and the symptoms. Sitz baths, perineal care and topical Xylocaine jellies

or creams may be helpful. Anti-viral medications, such as acyclovir, can decrease viral shedding and shorten the course of the outbreak somewhat. These medications can be administered topically or orally. Syphilis is a chronic infection caused by the Treponema pallidum bacterium. Transmission is usually by direct contact with an infectious lesion. Early syphilis includes the primary, secondary, and early latent stages during the first year after infection, while latent syphilis occurs after that and the patient usually has a normal physical exam with positive serology. In primary syphilis, a painless papule usually appears at the site of inoculation. This then ulcerates and forms the chancre, which is a classic sign of the disease. Left untreated, 25% of patients will develop the systemic symptoms of secondary syphilis, which include low-grade fever, malaise, headache, generalized lymphadenopathy, rash, anorexia, weight loss, and myalgias. This patient’s symptoms are less consistent with syphilis, but she should still be tested for it. Human immunodeficiency virus is an RNA retrovirus transmitted via sexual contact or sharing intravenous needles. Vulvar burning, irritation or lesions are not typically noted with this disease, although generalized malaise can be. HIV can present with many different signs and symptoms, therefore risk factors should be considered, and testing offered. Trichomonas is a protozoan and is transmitted via sexual contact. It typically presents with a non-specific vaginal discharge. It does not have a systemic manifestation.

The patient is most likely has candida vaginalis. Clinically women have itching and thick white cottage cheese like discharge. They may also have burning with urination and pain during intercourse. Herpes simplex viral infections are characterized by viral like symptoms preceding the appearance of vesicular genital lesions. A prodrome of burning or irritation may occur before the lesions appear. With primary infection, dysuria due to vulvar lesions can cause significant urinary retention requiring catheter drainage. Pain can be a very significant finding as well. Treatment is centered on care of the local lesions and the symptoms. Sitz baths, perineal care and topical Xylocaine jellies or creams may be helpful. Anti-viral medications, such as acyclovir, can decrease viral shedding and shorten the course of the outbreak somewhat. These medications can be administered topically or orally. Syphilis is a chronic infection caused by the Treponema pallidum bacterium. Transmission is usually by direct contact with an infectious lesion. Early syphilis includes the primary, secondary, and early latent stages during the first year after infection, while latent syphilis occurs after that and the patient usually has a normal physical exam with positive serology. In primary syphilis, a painless papule usually appears at the site of inoculation. This then ulcerates and forms the chancre, which is a classic sign of the disease. Left untreated, 25% of patients will develop the systemic symptoms of secondary syphilis, which include low-grade fever, malaise, headache, generalized lymphadenopathy, rash, anorexia, weight loss, and myalgias. Bacterial vaginosis is due to an overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria and characterized by a grayish / opaque foul-smelling discharge.

Trichomonas is a protozoan and is transmitted via sexual contact. It typically presents with a non-specific vaginal discharge. It does not have a systemic manifestation. Correct! It is estimated that 38% of hepatitis B cases worldwide are acquired from sexual transmission. Post-exposure prophlaxis should be inititated as soon as possible but not later than 7 days after blood contact and within 14 days after sexual exposure. In individuals who are unvaccinated but exposed to persons who are HBsAG positive, recommendations are to receive a dose of HBIG (Hepatitis B Immune Globulin) and the HBV (Hepatitis B Vaccine Series). If the source is HBsAG negative or unknown status, then only the HBV series is used. If the exposed individual has been vaccinated and is a responder then no further treatment is necessary. If the exposed individual is vaccinated and a non-responder, then HBIG plus HBV or HBIG times two doses is used. Because the incubation period for the virus is six weeks to six months, checking liver function and immunologic status at this time is not indicated. Incorrect! Correct answer is E. The most likely cause of the symptoms and signs in this patient is infection with a sexually transmitted organism. The most likely organisms are both N. gonorrhoeae and chlamydia, and the patient should be treated empirically for both after appropriate blood and cervical cultures are obtained. Since the patient also has a high fever, inpatient admission is recommended for aggressive intravenous antibiotic therapy in an effort to prevent scarring of her fallopian tubes and possible future infertility. Incorrect! Correct answer is D. Although salpingitis is most often caused by sexually transmitted agents such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, any ascending infection from the genitourinary tract or gastrointestinal tract can be causative. The infection is polymicrobial consisting of aerobic and anaerobic organisms such as E. coli, Klebsiella, G. vaginalis, Prevotella, Group B streptococcus and/or enterococcus. Although diverticulitis and gastroenteritis should be part of the differential diagnosis initially, the specific findings on examination and ultrasound are more suggestive of bilateral tubo-ovarian abscesses. Even though this patient does not have the typical risk factors for salpingitis, the diagnosis should be considered and explained to the patient in a sensitive and respectful manner. The patient should also be questioned separate from her partner regarding the possibility of other sexual contacts. Correct! The signs and symptoms of acute salpingitis can vary and be very subtle with mild pain and tenderness, or the patient can present in much more dramatic fashion with high fever, mucopurulent cervical discharge and severe pain. Important diagnostic criteria include lower abdominal tenderness, uterine/adnexal tenderness and mucopurulent cervicitis. Incorrect! Correct answer is D. Although some patients can be treated with an outpatient regimen, this patient should be hospitalized for IV treatment, as she has nausea and vomiting so she might not be able to tolerate oral medications. She is also at risk for noncompliance with an outpatient treatment regimen. It is important to treat aggressively in order to prevent the long-term sequelae of acute salpingitis. You would not wait for culture results before initiating treatment. Her recent sexual contacts should also be informed (by

her and/or with her consent) and treated. According to the 2010 CDC treatment guidelines, there are two options for parenteral antibiotics covering both gonorrhea and chlamydia. Cefotetan or cefoxitin PLUS doxycycline or clindamycin PLUS gentamicin. For outpatient treatment, the 2010 CDC guidelines recommend ceftriaxone, cefoxitin, or other thirdgeneration cephalosporin (such as ceftizoxime or cefotaxime) PLUS doxycycline WITH or WITHOUT metronidazole. There are alternative oral regimens as well. http://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment/2010/pid.htm Correct! The rate of tubal infertility has been reported as 12% after one episode of PID, 25% after 2 episodes and 50% after three episodes. Salpingitis can develop in 15-30% of women with inadequately treated gonococcal or chlamydial infections and can result in significant long-term sequelae, such as chronic pelvic pain, hydrosalpinx, tubal scarring and ectopic pregnancy. Given this patient’s history, her inability to conceive is most likely due to the long-term sequelae of a sexually transmitted infection. Although the patient had a LEEP, risk for cervical stenosis is low. She is having regular cycles; therefore, anovulation and luteal phase defect is less likely. This case emphasizes the importance of aggressive screening and treatment protocols for sexually transmitted infections, as well as counseling regarding abstinence and safer sex practices. While endometriosis can cause tubal occlusion, her clinical presentation is not consistent with endometriosis. Correct! Acute cystitis in a healthy, non-pregnant woman is considered uncomplicated and is very common. Escherichia coli causes 80 to 85 percent of cases. The other major pathogens are Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecalis and Proteus mirabilis. The physician must consider antibiotic resistance when determining treatment. Incorrect! Correct answer is D. Mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic urinary tract infections are common in female patients. Urinary tract infection must be considered in patients who present with low pelvic pain, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, hematuria or new issues with incontinence. In addition, routine screening of pregnant patients for asymptomatic urinary tract infections at each prenatal visit is recommended in order to prevent urinary tract infection, which can cause preterm labor. A pelvic ultrasound is not indicated at this point. Pelvic Relaxation and Urinary Incontinence Correct! Overflow incontinence is characterized by failure to empty the bladder adequately. This is due to an underactive detrusor muscle (neurologic disorders, diabetes or multiple sclerosis) or obstruction (postoperative or severe prolapse). A normal post-void residual (PVR) is 50-60 cc. An elevated PVR, usually >300 cc, is found in overflow incontinence. Stress incontinence occurs when the bladder pressure is greater than the intraurethral pressure. Overactive detrusor contractions can override the urethral pressure resulting in urine leakage. The mixed variety includes symptoms related to stress incontinence and urge incontinence.

Correct! Urge incontinence is due to detrusor instability. Though the testing may be simple (using a Foley catheter and attached large syringe without the plunger, filling with 50-60 cc of water at a time) or complex (using computers and electronic catheters), the uninhibited contraction of the bladder with filling makes the diagnosis. Genuine stress incontinence (GSI) is the loss of urine due to increased abdominal pressure in the absence of a detrusor contraction. The majority of GSI is due to urethral hypermobility (straining Q-tip angle >30 degrees from horizon). Some (30 degrees from horizon). Some (
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