Ut Level III Paper

April 16, 2017 | Author: hskumarreddy | Category: N/A
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NAME : SIGN : UT LEVEL III –SPECOFIC Answer question 1 through 8 with reference to procedure AHS/GEN-UT/01 1.

Procedure AHS/GEN-UT/01 Is Applicable To A. B. C. D.


Ultrasonic equipment requirements as per above procedure A. B. C. D.


Ultrasonic examination of TKY joints in offshore application Ultrasonic examination of weld joints of structural joints Ultrasonic examination of weld joints other than a& b above None of the above

It shall be plush echo a scan equipment capable of generating frequency over the rang 0.5-10 MHG. It Shall Be Able To Work With Both Combined & Separated Transmitter & Receive Probe A & B ABOVE NONE OF THE ABOVE

Check of calibration during examination shall be carried out A. B. C. D.

At 4 hour intervals It depends on the discretion of the operator Need to be carried out None of the above is true


which is the reference hole diameter for weld thickness 1 inch or less A. 2.4 mm B. 3.6 mm C. 4.8 mm D. 1.6 mm


Which the following statement is true? A. Each probe pass shall overlap minimum of 20% of probe active element dimension perpendicular to the direction of scan B. Rate of probe movement shall not exceed 15mm per second C. Scanning shall be performed at minimum of twice the reference level D. All of the above are true


Straight beam scanning is done

A. B. C. D. 7.

To substitute angle beam scanning To detect laminar reflectors which might affect interpretation of angle beam results to detect straight reflectors None of the above

Which of the statements below are false A. For sensitivity setting basic calibration block with basic calibration reflection shall be used. B. For calibration blocks of dissimilar metal welds the material selection shall be based on the material on the side of the weld from which the examination will be conducted C. Surface finish of calibration block shall be representative of the surface finish of the component D. The material of basic calibration block shall be of same product from and material specification or equipment p number grouping. E. None of the above


During straight beam scanning A. Records all area giving indications equal to or greater than the remaining back reflection B. Where laminar reflectors interfere with the angle beam scanning, the angle beam technique shall be modified to examine the maximum feasible volume within the specified examination volume C. The examination for planer reflector shall be performed on the entire volume of weld (when possible)and adjacent base material D. All of above are applicable

Answer question 9 thro 12 W.R.to procedure AHS/CAL-UT/01 9.

Horizontal linearity shall be


A. +0.5% of full scale B. +1.0% of full scale C. +2.0% of full scale D. +4.0% of full scale Amplitude control linearity requirement of equipment is A. Within 20%of nominal amplitude ratio B. Within 5% of nominal amplitude ration C. Not specified


For screen height and amplitude control linearity calibration to block to be used is A. B. C. D.


Basic calibration block 10W block 11W V1block 11W V2 block

The frequency of calibration shall be A. 12 months B. 12 months or whenever the equipments is repaired C. 3 months or at the beginning of each period of extended used whichever is less or after repair or at any time malfunctioning is suspected D. Is not defined in the procedure


As per D1.1 the reference block used for distance and sensitivity calibration shall be

A. IIW block B. Any block other than IIW block provided the reference level sensitivity for instrument/probe combination is adjusted to be the C. A & B above D. None of above 14.


As per D1.1(Dynamically loaded structured) the scanning level for a sound path of >2-1/2 through 5 inch is A. 20 db above zero reference B. 25 db above zero reference C. 35 db above zero reference D. 45 db above zero reference As per B1.3 a linear type discontinuity is unacceptable if the amplitude exceeds reference level and length exceeds A. 6.4 mm for T ≤ 19mm B. T/3 for 19mm ≤ T ≤ 57mm C. 19mm for T > 57mm D. All of above are true


Which of the following statements are true according to API1104 A. A shallow crater crack with a length of 3.5mm is acceptable B. Liner indications (other than cracks) interpreted to be open to surface are unacceptable if they exceed 1 inch in total length in a continuous 12 inch length of weld or 8% of the weld length. C. Both A & B above D. None of above


In UT examination of 25 mm thick weld an indication of length 4 mm is observed which is characterized as lack of fusion. According to ASME Sec. VIII Div.1 this is A. B. C. D.


Acceptable Not Acceptable Acceptance depends upon the depth of flaw None of above

As per ASME VIII DIV.1 what is the slag length acceptable for a 75 mm thick weld? A. B. C. D.

6 mm 25 mm 19 mm None of above

Answer question 10 thro’ 25 W.R to ASME Sec.V 19.

SA 435 is applicable for A. B. C. D.


Straight beam examination of plates of thickness 12.5 mm and above Straight beam examination of plates of thickness below 12.5 mm Angel beam examination of plates None above

As per SA 435 amplitude calibration is carried out A. Using a test block having a 1.6 mm Ø.SDH


B. Using a test having ¼ inch Ø.FBH C. Using the job plate and setting first back wall echo at 50 to 75% of FSH D. None of above According to SA 577, any discontinuity indication that A. Is 50%of DAC having length equal to half of the thickness is not acceptable B. Equals or exceeds DAC is not acceptable C. Condition b above but the length of the discontinuity should be more half of the thickness


Ultrasonic testing as per SA 577 is done using A. B. C. D.


SA 578 is applicable for straight beam exam A. B. C. D.


A 3% depth natch in the plate to be tested A 3% depth natch in a calibration plate of ultrasonic similar material A 2.4 mm Ø,SDH A & B are true

Of unlimited thickness range For thickness range 5 mm to 150mm For thickness 3/8’’ and above For thickness not exceeding

As per SA 578 the recordable indications are A. All discontinuity indications causing complete loss of back reflection B. All indication with amplitudes equal to or greater than 50% of the initial back reflection and accompanied by 50% loss of back reflection C. Condition a for any plate thickness and B for plate thickness ¾ “ and over D. None of the above


As per SA 388 for straight beam exam. Which of the following indication are to be recorded A. In the back reflection technique individual indication equal to or exceeding 10%of the back reflection from an adjacent area free from indications B. In the reference block technique indications equal to or exceeding 100% of the reference amplitude C. Both A & B D. Above the technique are not applicable to SA 388 Answer question 26 thro 30 W.R to AS/NDT/01


Training requirements for UT is A. B. C. D.


Level I- 40 hours and level II- 80 hours Level I- 39 hours and level II- 40 hours Level I- 40 hours and level II- 40 hours None of above

Experience requirements for UT level II is




A. Minimum 200 hrs in UT and minimum 400 hours in NDT B. Minimum 200 hrs in UT and minimum 600 hours in NDT C. Minimum 65 hrs in UT and minimum 130 hours in NDT D. None of above Vision examination requirement s for UT level I or level II is A. Near distance acuity checked annually B. Color perception using pseudo Is chromatic color vision test plates checked every 3years C. Both A & B D. None of above Requirements for UT general examination is A. It shall be approve by the NDT level I II B. It shall be address he basic principles of ultrasonic testing C. It shall address the basic principles of the ultrasonic testing but need not be approved by the NDT level I II D. A & B above An Ultrasonic level I A. Performs calibrations, tests and evaluation for determining the acceptance or rejections of tested items in accordance with codes / standards B. Performs calibrations, tests and evaluation for determining the acceptance or rejections of tested items in accordance with specific written instructions from the NDT level III C. Records test results but have no authority to sign reports D. Receives instructions or supervision from an NDT level ll or NDT lll E. B,C and d are true

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