Using RoundCube Webmail With ISPConfig 3 On Debian Wheezy (Apache2)
This guide explains how to install the RoundCube webmail application on a Debian Wheezy server running ISPConfig and Apache2, and how to enable the ISPConfig 3 plugins for RoundCube so that users can perform actions like changing their email passwords from within RoundCube. Roundcube webmail is a browser-based multilingual IMAP client with an application-like user interface; it comes with functions like MIME support, address book, folder manipulation, message searching and spell checking. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
1 Preliminary Note This tutorial assumes you are using Apache2 as the web server on your ISPConfig 3 server; this tutorial will not work for nginx. I'm going to install RoundCube from the Debian Wheezy repositories - it is a reasonably recent version ( vs 0.9.1 (current stable version)). RoundCube will be configured in such a way that it can be accessed from each vhost over the alias /webmail (e.g. If you are already using another webmail application like SquirrelMail, make sure you disable it completely or at least the alias /webmail. If you have installed SquirrelMail as a Debian package, you can find the alias in /etc/apache2/conf.d/squirrelmail.conf; either comment out the alias to just disable the /webmail alias or comment out the whole file to disable SquirrelMail completely. Don't forget to restart Apache afterwards.
2 Creating A Remote User In ISPConfig The ISPConfig 3 plugins for RoundCube work through ISPConfig's remote API. To use this API, we need a remote user. To create such a user, go to System > User Management > Remote Users and click on the Add new user button:
Provide a username and password for the user...
... and enable the following functions:
Server functions
Client functions
Mail user functions
Mail alias functions
Mail spamfilter user functions
Mail spamfilter policy functions
Mail fetchmail functions
Mail spamfilter whitelist functions
Mail spamfilter blacklist functions
Mail user filter functions
Then click on Save.
3 Installing RoundCube We can install RoundCube as follows:
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