User Manual VCL-TP

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 VCL-TP Teleprotection Equipment with Trip Counter Display

User Manual



Teleprotection Equipment

Warranty This Val This alia iant nt pr prod oduc uctt is wa warr rran ante ted d ag agai ains nstt de defe fect cts s in ma mate teria riall an and d wo work rkma mans nshi hip p fo forr a pe peri riod od of  one yea yearr fro from m the dat date e of shi shipme pment. nt. Dur During ing the war warran ranty ty per period iod,, Valiant wil will, l, at its dis discre cretio tion, n, either repair or replace products, which prove to be defective. For warranty service or repair, this th is pr prod oduc uctt mus mustt be be ret retur urne ned d to to a se serv rvic ice e fac facil ilit ity y des desig igna nate ted d by by Valiant. The The bu buye yerr sha shall ll pre repa pay y shi hipp ppin ing g cha harg rges es to Valiant and th the e com omp pan any y sh shal alll pa pay y shi hipp ppin ing g cha harg rges es to re retu turn rn th the e product to the buyer. However, the shall pay forr pr fo pro odu duc ctsret tsretur urn nedto fro ombuyer anot an othe her r cou ount ntry ry.all . the shipping charges, duties and taxes Valiant fr

Limitation of Warranty The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate mainte mai ntenan nance ce by the buy buyer er.. The buy buyerer-sup suppli plied ed fir firmwa mware re or int interf erfaci acing, ng, una unauth uthori orized zed modification or misuse, operation outside of the environmental specifications for the product or imp improp roper er sit site e pre prepar parati ation on or mai mainte ntenan nance. ce.

Exclusive Remedies The rem remedi edies es pro provid vided ed her herein ein are the buy buyer's er's sol sole e and exc exclus lusive ive rem remedi edies. es. Valiant sha shallll not be lia liable ble for any dir direct ect,, ind indire irect, ct, spe specia cial, l, inc incide identa ntall or con conseq sequen uentia tiall dam damage ages, s, whe whethe therr bas based ed on con contra tract ct or any leg legal al the theory ory..

Notice This manual contains information that is proprietary to Valiant Communications Limited. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without prior written approval appro val by Valian aliantt Commu Communica nications tions Limite Limited. d.

Safety Warnings The exclamation point within a triangle is intended to warn the operator or 


service personnel of ironme operation andch maintenance relating and its ope operat rating ing env enviro nment, nt, whi which could cou ld pos pose e afactors safety saf ety haz hazard ard.. to the product

 Always observe standard safety precautions during installation, operation and maintenance of this product. Only qualified and authorized service personnel should carry out adjustment, maintenance or repairs to this instrument. No adjustment, maintenance or repairs should be perf pe rfor orme med d by ei eith ther er th the e op oper erat ator or or th the e us user er..

UALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM Valia aliant’sproduct nt’sproducts s are desi designed gned and manu manufactu factured red unde underr a stri strict ct Qual QualityAssura ityAssurance nce Progr Pr ogrambasedon ambasedon theISO 900 9001:2 1:2015 015,, ISO1000 ISO10001: 1: 200 2007, 7, ISO1400 ISO14001: 1: 201 2015 5 andISO 18001:2007 philosophy and principles. Valiant pays very special attention to its vendor devel vendor developmen opmentt progr program am whic which h ensu ensures res an “end “end-pro -product” duct” of the highe highest st quality qual ity at the mostcost effe effectiv ctive e pric prices. es.

Valiant Communications




Teleprotection Equipment

Index Particulars Section 1: Product Description Product Overview Features and Benefits Performance Flexibility and User Programmability Maintenance Event and Alarm Logging Management and Monitoring Reliability Error Detection and Coding Time Clock  Application Diagram

P. No. 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10

Section 2: Technical Specification 64Kbps, G.703, 4-wire Data Interface 2.048Mbps, G.703 E1 Interface Optical Fiber Interface - Option 1 Optical Fiber Interface - Option 2 Optical Fiber Interface - Option 3 IRIG-B Time Synchronization Port Command Voltage Options

11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13

Teleprotection Commands


Transmission Standards and Compliance Teleprotection Standards and Compliance Power Supply Options Power Consumption EMI, EMC, Surge Withstand and other Compliances Environmental Electromagnetic Standard Compliance Compliance Regulatory Dimensions

14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16

Section 3: Panel Description and Connection Details Front View Front View Details Front Panel Details of Teleprotection Rear View with External Alarm Rear View with Display (DB25) Connector Rear View Description Rear Panel Description OAM Port Connection COM Port Connection USB Port Connection DC Input Connection 64Kbps co-directional G.703 Interface Connection E1 Interface Connection Optical C37.94 Interface Connection

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17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 3



Teleprotection Equipment

Index Particulars Optical C37.94 Interface (SFP) Connection

Command Selection Settings

P. No.

28 29

Section 4: OAM Description and Setup Rules OAM Default Settings Network Address Settings Default Usernames and Passwords SNMP Settings Description: OAM Card Super User - Definition  Assigning a new password User - Definition The OAM Password Strength Standards and Compliance  Audit User - Definition  Applicable Security Conditions

31 32 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 36 38 38

Section 5: HyperTerminal Settings


To HyperTerminal Hypuse erTe rminal settingsfor forexecuting COM Porthe t (RCLI S23commands 2) and USB Port HyperTerminal settings for 10/100BaseT Management Port Telnet without using HyperTerminal utility Retrieving Log file in text format using Web Browser

41 42 48 54 55

Section 6: USB Serial Port Drivers Installing USB Serial Port Drivers

57 58

Section 7: Flow Chart for Installation Flow Chart for Installation

65 66

Section 8: Ordering Information CORE UNIT without Network Interface and PSUs

67 68

 Add IRIG-B Time Synchronization option  Add Network Interface  Add Power Supply Options Select Command Voltage Option (Any one option)  Add Trip Counter Display Select SFP Option Support

68 69 70 70 70 71 71


Valiant Communications




Teleprotection Equipment

 e  g  a  p  s  s   i   h   T

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.   k  n  a   l a  a     l   l  l    y b y  b  n    o o   i  t  n    e e  t    n n  i    t t   f  e   is l e  s



Section 1

Teleprotection Equipment

SECTION: 1 Product Description

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

Product Overview

Product Overview Telep eleprotec rotection tion Equi Equipmen pmentt is an extre extremely mely reli reliable able and an d fle flexib xible le pro produc ductt tha thatt is ava availa ilable ble wit with h 1+1 Optical Link Redundancy (C37.94), 1+1 Power  Supply Sup ply and 8/1 8/16, 6, Dig Digita itall Trip Cou Counte nterr Dis Displ play ay Panell with 8 user configurabl Pane configurable e Exter External nal Relay  Alarm output options. Telep eleprotec rotection tion equi equipmen pmentt may be used inde independ pendentl ently y, in a stan standalo dalone ne poin point-to-p t-to-point oint appl applicat ication, ion, or as an integral extension of the VCL-MX Version 6, E1 Voice and Data Multiplexer solution to provide Telep eleprotec rotection tion over SDH or PDH data netwo networks. rks. Telep eleprotec rotection tion equipment equipment is extre extremely mely reliable reliable and flexible product product that offers up to 8, two-w two-way ay independent command channels, operated selectively or simultaneously over a wide choice and a variety vari ety of tran transmis smission sion inter interfaces faces.. The “T “Trip rip Count Counter er Disp Display” lay” shows the total number of “Trip Input / Trip Receive” and “Trip Output / Trip Send” commands on each of the 8 Teleprotection channels, individuall individually y. A manual displa dis play y cou counte nterr res reset et opt option ion is als also o pro provid vided ed which may be enabled or disabled by the system administrator. Trip Cou Trip Counte nterr Dis Displ play ay an and d Ala Alarm rm Ext Exten ensio sion n Un Unit it is des design igned ed as an opt option ional al ext exten ensio sion n of the Teleprotection Equipment to provide 8 Channel, Digital Trip Counter Display along with 8 External Relay Rela y Alar Alarm m outp outputs. uts. The Trip Counter Display and Alarm Extension Unit may be either powered from the Teleprotection Equi Eq uipm pmen ent, t, or di dire rect ctly ly fr from om a 48 48V V DC DC,, 110 10V V DC DC,, 22 220V 0V DC or 25 250V 0V DC po powe werr so sour urce ce.. 1+ 1+1 1 Re Redu dund ndan antt Power Pow er is als also o of offer fered ed as an opt option ion.. Transm Tr ansmissi ission on inte interface rface opti options ons incl include: ude: 

  

IEEE IEE E C3 C37.9 7.94 4 com compli pliant ant Mul Multiti-Mod Mode e op optic tical al fib fiber er int interf erface ace for tra transm nsmiss ission ion ove overr sho shortrt-rea reach ch mul multitimode opt mode optica icall fib fiber er lin links ks IEEE C37.94 94 modulati modu on complian comp tsSing Single-M le-Mode ode optical optic interface inter transmiss tran ion over long long-re reac ach, h,C37. sing si ngle le-m -mod ode elation opti op tica cal l fi fibe berrliant link li nks (Accessories>Communications>HyperTerminal The following screen will appear:

Enter Ent er the nam name, e, sel select ect an ico icon n an and d the then n cli click ck OK. The following window will appear on your screen:

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Teleprotection Equipment

HyperTerminal Settings

Select the TCP/IP (Winsock) option from the drop over menu and click OK. The following window will appear on your screen:

Valiant Communications



HyperTerminal Settings

Teleprotection Equipment

Enter t he he I PA P Address o f th the s ys ystem in i n t he he Host addr address ess field. The default IP Address, which is already programmed at the factory / default in the memory of the syst sy stem em,, is To ch chan ange ge th the e IP Ad Addr dres ess, s, pl plea ease se re refe ferr to CL CLII co comm mman ands ds (O (OAM AM In Inte terf rfac ace e Configur Conf iguratio ation n Comm Commands ands)) of the user manu manual. al. Ente En terr th the e sy syst stem em IP ad addr dres ess s as sh show own n in th the e be belo low w sc scre reen en..

Click on OK. The following window will appear on your screen:

Welcome to System Manager  System Configuration Configuration:: PROCESS SSO OR RAM FLASH Version

: ARM92 926e 6ejj-s s @ 39 398 8 Mh Mhz z : 64 MBytes, DDR-1 : 512 MBytes, HYNIX SLC : x.y


Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

HyperTerminal Settings

Ne Next xt,, cl clic ick k on File in th the e ma main in me menu nu an and d th then en cl clic ick k on Properties.

The following window will appear on your screen:

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

HyperTerminal Settings

Next, click on Settings tab.

Change “Emulation” to “VT100” Next, click on “ASCII Setup” The following window will appear:

N ote: If the option of “Echo typed characters locally” is checked, you will receive double characters. Next, click on OK.

Valiant Communications



HyperTerminal Settings

Teleprotection Equipment

The following window will appear on your screen:

Welcome to System Manager  System Configuration Configuration:: PROCESS SSO OR RAM FLASH Version

: ARM92 926e 6ejj-s s @ 39 398 8 Mh Mhz z : 64 MBytes, DDR-1 : 512 MBytes, HYNIX SLC : x.y


Type the use userr nam name e an and d pas passwo sword rd to en enter ter sys system tem con config figura uratio tion n mod mode. e. User na name “systemuser” (case se sensitive) Password “systemuser” (case se sensitive) Prompt will be generated by the system. Now the user can access/configure the system with the CLI commands comm ands remo remotely tely,, over the 10/1 10/100Ba 00BaseT seT Ethe Ethernet rnet Port, usin using g the Hype HyperT rTermi erminal nal util utility ity.. Note: Ple Please ase sav save e the set settin tings gs bef before ore you exi exitt the Hyp HyperT erTerm ermin inal al win window dow for you yourr fut future ure use use..

Valiant Communications



Telnet through cmd

Teleprotection Equipment

Telnet without using HyperTerminal utility To Tel elne nett th the e sy syst stem em,, cl clic ick k on Start > Run ne next xt ty type pe te teln lnet et (a (as s sh show own n in be belo low w scre sc reen en)) an and d cl clic ick k on OK. Th The e de defa faul ultt IPAdd IPAddre ress ss,, wh whic ich h is al alre read ady y pr prog ogra ramm mmed ed at th the e fa fact ctor ory y / de defa faul ultt in th the me memory of of th the sy system, is is

The follo following wing scre screen en will appe appear: ar:

Welcome to System Manager  System Configuration: PR OC OCE SS SSO R RAM FLASH Version

: ARM926ej-s @ 398 Mhz : 64 MBytes, DDR-1 : 512 MBytes, HYNIX SLC : x.y


Type the use userr nam name e an and d pa passw ssword ord to en enter ter sys system tem con config figura uratio tion n mod mode. e. User na name “systemuser” (case se sensitive) Password “systemuser” (case se sensitive) Prompt will be generated by the system. Now the user can access/configure the system with the CLI commands comm ands remo remotely tely,, over the 10/1 10/100Ba 00BaseT seT Ethe Ethernet rnet Port, usin using g Telne elnett util utility ity..

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

Web Browser 

Retrieving Log file in text format using Web Browser  retr trie ieve ve th the e lo log g fi file les s fr from om th the e sy syst stem em ru run n an any y st stan anda dard rd we web b br brow owse serr an and d ty type pe sy syst stem em IPAdd IPAddre ress ss an and d To re press enter (http://OAM_CARD_ http://OAM_CARD_IP IPADDRESS/ ADDRESS/ with audit user username and password) as shown in below screen. The default IP Address, which is already programmed at the factory / default in the memory of of th the sy system, is is

The sys system tem wil willl pro prompt mpt for the use userna rname me and pas passwo sword, rd, as sho shown wn in the bel below ow scr screen een::

Enter Ent er the use userna rname me and pas passwo sword rd forAud forAudit it Use Userr. The def defaul aultt use userr na name me and pas passwo sword rd are as fol follow lows: s: Username: audituser  (case s en ensitive) Password: audituser  (case s en ensitive)

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

Web Browser 

The fol follow lowing ing scr scree een n wi will ll com come e aft after er pu putti tting ng the cor correc rectt use userr nam name e and pas passwo sword: rd:

To retrieve a log file in text format from the web server, right click on that log file and click on ‘Save Targ argetAs’ etAs’ and pro provid vide e ap appro propri priate ate pat path h to sav save e the fil file e as sho shown wn in bel below ow scr screen een

Valiant Communications



Section 6

Teleprotection Equipment

SECTION: 6 USB Serial Port Drivers

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

USB Serial Port Drivers

Installing USB Serial Port Drivers USB B se seri rial al po port rt is a pl plug ug an and d pl play ay de devi vice ce an and d it us usua uall lly y au auto to in inst stal alls ls it its s dr driv iver er in th the e co conn nnec ecte ted d PC PC.. In th the e US event eve nt tha thatt the USB por portt do does es not wor work, k, ple please ase fol follo low w the ste steps ps bel below ow to ins instal talll the dev device ice dri driver vers. s. 1. 2. 3.


Connec Conn ectt th the e US USB B se seri rial al po port rt wi with th co comp mput uter er th thro roug ugh h th the e US USB B Ca Cabl ble e pr prov ovid ided ed wi with th th the e sy syst stem em.. Open Ope n the CD / DVD DVD drive drive and and insert insert the the disk disk which which has has been been suppli supplied ed to you you along along with with the equipment. Next, right click on My Comp Computer  uter and choose properties. System properties will appear.

Click on ‘Hardware’ tab and choose the ‘Device Manager ’ option. The Device Manager will appea ap pearr on the scr scree een. n.

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

USB Serial Port Drivers


Next, g o to to t he he de d evice wh w hich s ho hows t he he “atte “attention ntion requi required” red” sign. Yo You wi w ill see a mal-functioned device under other devices named “Gadget Serial v2.4”. Next, right click on “Gadget Serial v2.4” and choose “Update Dr Driver”.


A “Hardware Update Wizard” will appear on screen. Choose the “No, not this time” option and cl click on on ‘Next’.

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

USB Serial Port Drivers


Next, choose the “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)” option and click on ‘Next’.


Next, choose “Search removableme lemed dia (floppy, CD-ROM….)” and click on ‘Next’.

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

USB Serial Port Drivers


The “Har “Hardware dware Upda Update te Wiza Wizard” rd” will start searching the load the correct driver from the CD-R CD -ROM OM.. Pl Plea ease se do no nott cl clos ose e or st stop op th this is pr proc oces ess s as it as it ma may y ta take ke a fe few w mi minu nute tes s to co comp mple lete te..


The following screen will appear when the “Har “Hardware dware Upda Update te Wiza Wizard” rd” has successfully locate loc ated d the cor correc rectt dev device ice dri driver vers s and beg begins ins ins instal tallat lation ion of the req requir uired ed dev device ice dri driver vers. s.

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

USB Serial Port Drivers


After the installation has been successfully completed, the following following screen screen will appear appear.. Please click ‘Finish’ to c lo lose t he he w iz izard.


Next, again go the “Device Manager” where you will see the “attention required” alarm sign appearing in the “Other De Devices” category for the “USB Se Serial Po Port”.


Please “right cl click” on it and choose the “Update Dr Driver” option.

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

14 14..

Plea Pl easerep serepea eatt th the e pr proc oces ess s fr from6 om6 to10.


Click ‘Finish’ to close the Hardware Update Wizard.

Valiant Communications

USB Serial Port Drivers



Teleprotection Equipment


USB Serial Port Drivers

The USB Serial Serial comport comport has succes successfull sfully y installed installed in your your computer computer and you can can find it under  under  “Ports (COM and LPT)”. Please make a note and record the COM port number assigned to the virtua vir tuall USB Ser Serial ial COM Por Port. t.

Valiant Communications



Teleprotection Equipment

Section 7

SECTION: 7 Flow Chart for Installation

Valiant Communications


Flow Chart VCL-TP Teleprotection Equipment (E1 / Optical C37.94)


Unpack the system and

Power Cables,LMS Cable,USB Cable,Ethernet Cable, 8 pin i/o connector and mounting  Hardware

check all the accessories required

Connects the Cables Connect Local and Remote terminals over E1 cross cable

Connect the cables to the terminals

Connect the INPUT (Sense)and OUTPUT (Trip) wires to the 8 pin I/O connectors Connect the INPUT (Sense) and OUTPUT (Trip) connectors to the  terminals

Connect the Power Cable to Power up the terminals 

Wait for the equipment to complete the boot proes s

Please perform LAMP Test to check and make sure that the all Trip and Sense alarm LEDs are working fine

 All the input (Sense) and Output (Trip) LEDs shall go ON and then OFF

8 pin I/O Connectors provided with the equipment

Connect the 5 PIN External Alarm and Safety ground connector  Connect either the RS232/USB Cable or Ethernet cable to access and manage the terminals

LAMP Test push switch is given in front panel of the equipment

Connect the Power Cable to power-up the terminals

E1/Optical alarm status LED shall glow GREEN, if E1/ Optical signal is present Please check and make sure that the pin-outs of the E1 cable are connect or optical cable is connected properly


Please check the Sync E1/Optical alarms

No Alarm

Please access the local equipment through RS232 COM port/USB port/ Telnet or over  SSH

Baud rate: 115200 Data Bits: 8 Parity : None Stop bits: 1 Flow Control: None

Baud rate: 115200 Data Bits: 8 Parity : None Stop bits: 1 Flow Control: None

Local System


Manage and access

Telnet SSH

Default IP Address: Default Mask: 255.255.255


Default Login details

Telnet SSH

Default IP Address: Default Mask: 255.255.255

Manage and Configure

Remote System

Configure the equipment as remote CLI: setdefremote

Configure the equipment as local CLI: setdeflocal

Note 1: In a point-to-point application, where the two Telepotection Terminals are directly connected to each other over the E1 / Optical, one unit (local / Master unit) must be set to work in “internal” clock mode and the second unit (Remote / Slave unit) must be set to work in “looop-timed” clock mode. Note 2: In a network multiplexer application, where the two Teleprotection

Configure the clock in default CLI:setdefclock

Configure the clock in default CLI:setdefclock 

Configure the local terminal clock as recovered / looptimed CLI:systemclock=looptimed

Configure the local terminal clock as master  CLI:systemclock=internal

Measure delay between  terminals

Perform the delay test on local sytem CLI: manualtest

Perform the delay test on local sytem CLI: manualtest

Check the Test Result CLI : show/test/results/  manual/1

Please check the E1/Optical link and system configuration


Installation is successful

Terminals are connected to each other through a network multiplexer in a PDH / SDH network, one unit (local / Master unit) must be set to work in “internal” clock mode and the second unit (Remote / Slave unit) must be set to work in “looop-timed” clock mode.



Section 8

Teleprotection Equipment

SECTION: 8 Ordering Information

Valiant Communications



Ordering Information

Teleprotection Equipment

Ordering Information CORE UNIT without Network Interface and PSUs Part VCL-TP-1531

Description VCL-TeleProtection VCL-T eleProtection Terminal Equipment 19-Inch, 2U High Rack mountable Supports : - Upto 8, 2-way 2-way indepe independen ndent-sim t-simultan ultaneous eous comm command and chann channels els which may be configured to operate selectively or  simultaneously over Optical / PDH / SDH network(s) - OAM [SNM [SNMP P, Telne Telnett (RJ45 (RJ45 Port) and Serial Port (USB and DB-9 COM Port)] - Grap Graphica hicall User User Interfac Interface e (GUI) (GUI) and and Networ Network k Managem Management ent Software (NMS), System Core Cables, Installation  Accessories, Documentation, System User Disk etc (Set)

Remarks BASE UNIT without Network Interface and PSUs

# Add IRIG-B Time synchronization option # Add Network Interface # Add Power Supply Option # Select Command Voltages Option # Add Trip Counter Display

# Add IRIG-B Time Synchronization option Part IRIG-B


Description IRIG-B Time Synchronizati Synchronization on Option 50 Ohms BNC Input

Valiant Communications

Remarks Optional



Teleprotection Equipment

Ordering Information

# Add Network Network Interface Interface Part 1534 1546 1572-0 157 2-085 850MM 0MM-FC -FC 1572-0 157 2-085 850MM 0MM-ST -ST 1572 15 72-M -MMM-FC FC 1572 15 72-M -MMM-ST ST 1572 15 72-S -SMM-FC FC 1572 15 72-S -SMM-ST ST 1572R-08 1572 R-0850MM 50MM-FC -FC

1572R-08 1572 R-0850MM 50MM-ST -ST

1572 15 72RR-MM MM-F -FC C

1572 15 72RR-MM MM-S -ST T

1572 15 72RR-SM SM-F -FC C

1572 15 72RR-SM SM-S -ST T



Valiant Communications

Description G.703 @ 64Kbps co-directional interface (RJ45) 2.048Mbps E1 digital data interface (RJ45) C37.94 C37 .94 pro protoc tocol ol op optic tical al fib fiber er 2Mb 2Mbps, ps, 0.5 0.5Km, Km, 85 850nm 0nm,,

Remarks  Any one Options

Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex FC, interface C37.94 C37 .94 pro protoc tocol ol op optic tical al fib fiber er 2Mb 2Mbps, ps, 0.5 0.5Km, Km, 85 850nm 0nm,, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex ST, interface C37. C3 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 2K 2Km, m, 13 1310 10nm nm,, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex FC, interface C37. C3 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 2K 2Km, m, 13 1310 10nm nm,, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex ST, interface C37. C3 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 20 20Km Km,, 13 1310 10nm nm,, Single-Mode (SM), Duplex FC, interface C37. C3 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 20 20Km Km,, 13 1310 10nm nm,, Single-Mode (SM), Duplex ST, interface 1+1 redu redundan ndant, t, C37. C37.94 94 proto protocol col opti optical cal fibe fiberr 2Mbp 2Mbps, s, 0.5Km, 850nm, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex FC, Interface 1+1 redu redundan ndant, t, C37. C37.94 94 proto protocol col opti optical cal fibe fiberr 2Mbp 2Mbps, s, 0.5Km, 850nm, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex ST, Interface 1+1 1+ 1 re redu dund ndan ant, t, C3 C37. 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 2Km, 1310nm, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex FC, Interface 1+1 1+ 1 re redu dund ndan ant, t, C3 C37. 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 2Km, 1310nm, Multi-Mode (MM), Duplex ST, Interface 1+1 1+ 1 re redu dund ndan ant, t, C3 C37. 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 20Km, 1310nm, Single-Mode (SM), Duplex FC, Interface 1+1 1+ 1 re redu dund ndan ant, t, C3 C37. 7.94 94 pr prot otoc ocol ol op opti tica call fi fibe berr 2M 2Mbp bps, s, 20Km, 1310nm, Single-Mode (SM), Duplex ST, Interface C37.94 protocol SFP based optical fiber interface (without SFP - the SFP must be ordered separately) ^ Select SFP Option from below [1 SFP per / each Card] 1+1 redundant, C37.94 protocol SFP based optical fiber interface (without SFP - the SFP must be ordered separately) ^ Select SFP Option from below [2 SFP per / each Card]



Ordering Information

Teleprotection Equipment

# Add Power Power Supply Option Option Part


DC024 DC048 DC110 DC220 DC024R DC048R DC110R DC220R  AC110  AC1 10  AC220  AC110R  AC1 10R  AC220R

1 x (-) 24V DC Power Supply Input 1 x (-) 48V DC Power Supply Input 1 x 110V DC Power Supply Input 1 x 220V DC Power Supply Input 2 x (-) 24V DC Power Supply Input [Redundant] 2 x (-) 48V DC Power Supply Input [Redundant] 2 x 110V DC Power Supply Input [Redundant] 2 x 220V DC Power Supply Input [Redundant] 1 x 110V AC Power Supply Input 1 x 220V AC Power Supply Input 2 x 110V AC Power Supply Input [Redundant] 2 x 220V AC Power Supply Input [Redundant]


# Select Command Voltage Option Part



Command Voltages : -48V DC

CV110 CV220 CV250

Command Voltages : 110V DC Command Voltages : 220V DC Command Voltages : 250V DC


# Add Trip Trip Counter Counter Display Part


DISP DI SP-1 -15 599-1 -15 597

Tri rip p Co Cou unte terr Di Disp spla lay y wi with th - 16 x Tri Trip(8 p(8 Send Send and 8 Receive Receive)) Counters Counters - 8 x User User configu configurabl rable e External External Rela Relay y Alarm Alarm outp outputs uts 19-Inch, 2U High Rack mountable Version

Note Not e 1:


The Trip Cou Counte nterr Di Displ splay ay and Alarm Alarm Ext Extens ension ion Un Unit it is an opt option ional al ext extra ra uni unitt whi which ch interconnects with the main Teleprotection unit through an interconnecting cable (supplied with wit h theTrip Co Count unter er Dis Displa play y andAla andAlarm rm Ext Extens ension ion Un Unit) it)..

Note Not e 2:

The Trip Counter Display and Alarm Extension Unit may, or may not be ordered with the Telep eleprotec rotection tion Equi Equipmen pment, t, depe dependin nding g upon the user requ requirem irements. ents.

Valiant Communications

Valiant Communications



Ordering Information

Teleprotection Equipment

^ Select SFP Option from below Part



EMOD EM OD 02 0262 62-T -TP P

SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 85 850n 0nm m,

Maximum 1 SFP per UNIT for 

500 meter, MM (Multi-Mode) EMOD EM OD 02 0294 94-T -TP P EMOD EM OD 01 0193 93-T -TP P EMOD EM OD 01 0194 94-T -TP P EMOD EM OD 02 0217 17-T -TP P

SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 13 1310 10nm nm,,

1569 & 2 SFP per UNIT for  1569R ONLY

2Km, MM (Multi-Mode) SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 13 1310 10nm nm,, 15Km, SM (Single-Mode) SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 13 1310 10nm nm,, 40Km, SM (Single-Mode) SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 15 1550 50nm nm,,

80Km, SM (Single-Mode) EMOD EM OD 01 0156 56-T -TP P

SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 15 1550 50nm nm,,

120Km, SM (Single-Mode) EMOD EM OD 02 0243 43-T -TP P

SFP SF P Tra rans nsce ceiv iver er,, Du Dupl plex ex LC LC,, 15 1550 50nm nm,,

150Km, SM (Single-Mode)

Technical specifications are subject to changes without notice.  All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective r espective owners. Revision 19 – March 11, 2020




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