User Manual SOLIGOR 30 DA E

March 26, 2017 | Author: kestabacsi | Category: N/A
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SoLrGOF| ZoomAutoFlosh30DA Multi-Dedicoted

6 7 8 I t0 tl t2 t3 l4 l5

l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22

Bedienungsonleitung Instruction Mqnuql )

Nomentlolure l . Fl osH h eod 2.C ompulSerens or Foot 3.H orS hoe Mounti ng Flosh 4.Zoom/Bounce Heod (okulolot & Dislonre 5.Aperlure 6.B ouncAengl Indi e c ol or /' 0N/0Ftswitfh 8.Aulo(heckLomp Switch 9.FilmSpeed Selertor 10.Auto0ff lndicolor Seleclor Swikh I L MonuoUAutomolic 12.(omero Selerlor Switch Lighlr 13.tloshReody Flosh TeslButlon (homber 14.Bollery 15.Mounling FoolLock Swikh 16.150FilmSelerlor | /. FilmSpeed Seleclor Swilch 18.D INFi l mS peed S rol e | 9.Aperlure Srole 20.Dislonce Scole ft ondm 21.AuloAperlure Ronges Indirotor 22.Zoom HeodPosilion loodingthe Bofferie! chomber firslmove Toopenlhebofiery thecover 2 mmdownwords. loodfour 1.5V ol c ol i ne boi l eri es or 1.2V N i (od lhe bofieries mokingsurel0 respe(l (orre(t+ /-0rderos i ndi c olon edthei nchomber.Then close sideoflhebofiery mber funrtion lheboltery cho ondcherk fhe0Nt0FF ofthefloshunilbymoving "0N".lfthebofier(7)l0 p0sili0n swilch

properly thefloshreody iesorelooded light',villglowcftero fewsetonds.

lightdoesnot Note:lfthefloshreody glowwilhin30s,reploce oll botleries if Remove lhe botlelies bynewones. y oui nl end nol l ous el hefl os uni h fforo theflosh longerperiod oftime.When unil hosnol beenusedfor o cerloin l honus uol lo l i me,i l w i l ll ok el onger loodthecondensor.

Mounlingthe llosh Unitlo fhe Comero Beloremountingthe floshto the comelo, odiusllhe romeroseleclor posilion: (12)to lhecorrecl switch 0 = 0l y mpus MIP= MinollolPenlox N = N i k on ( = (onon fo Thefloshunilmovolsobemounled lypes feoluringhol-shoe othercomero conlocl(lhe comero selector switch In lhis moyremoin ol onyposifion). hovefo be coseoll romeroseflings thel l os h done monuolS l yl .i de ontol he mounling foolondrolote lhe comero's dire(lion. lock(15)in lheindicoled N0lelt is0dvis0ble toswilrh lheoower ' thefloshonor off(7)before mounting it fromlhe rometo. detoching

SeletfFilmSpeed cokulotor. (9)ond(17) It4ove theselerlor swilches E xomnl e: l0 theposili0n lhofconesponds tothe Filmspeed lS0100filmso e ein d u se . modeA l{bl uel -F2.8 Filmsoeed lS0100Aufomoli(0perolion 2 - F5.6 To ensureoolimumfunrtionof lhis nrodeA{red) llo ihu n ilto g e th e r yo u r omero. Nowswilrhpower wilh 0N(7)ondtokethe reodlheromero's inslruclion monuol pirlure ossoonosthefloshreody light TheS0ilG0R30 DAZoomAutoflosh gr0w !. feolures o zoomfloshheod. Movethe zoomfloshheodforword orbockwordsAufomotk0perolionwhen Using youore (omeroswilhoulTronsmission unlilitmotrhesthefocol lenglh of u 5 in g . lhe DedirofedFunrfions Focol length ZoomHeod (omeroswifh lorol ploneshufier of Lens Posilion S[Rromeros withrlolh-rurloin foro 28- 35m m W + pl one shul ter usuol feol l y ure o x'synwideongle diffusor chronizolion of l/60s or longer. (omerosfeoluringo melol-curloin 35- 50m m W 50- 85m m N forololoneshuller0rein moslroses 85mmupwords T synrhroniw zed i thl /rzs sorl /roo sshufterspeed. 0flenlhex-synrhronizolion scole Theoperlure onddislonre rokulotor is morkedontheshultersneed check withlhe inlhe conesponding shows dislonreswilhon "x".Plehse of your5LRcomero. (m& ft) forlheoulomotic ronges AI slruetions

ondA2. Comeros fecfuring(enlrol [hoose lheoulomotic mode oaording DiophrogmShufier tolhedistonre tobeilluminoted: Thiscomero lypeboosls ofox-synchroAl (blue) 2 - ll m nizotionfor oll shufiersDeeds. VVe ol 50mmfocol lenglh would,however, recommend lo useo A2(red)1.5- 5.5m shutter thotmokhes soeed thesiluool 50mmfocol length liongiven.Aso stondord lhe shufter Therequired 0perlure sefling(0nnow speed ofr/rzss should beused. Pleose bereodfromlhescole ontheoperlure followtheinstruclions 0fy0ur(0mer0.

Exposure Conlrol Theoutorheck l omp(8)w i l lgl owofter exposure l0 confirm exoctexposure wheno floshhusbeenlixedin oulomqlicmode.

therkwilh lheoulorheck lomp(8)it theoutomoli( modewill be sufli(ienl.lf nol, chonge lhe bounre gelc l os er ongl e, l o y ourobi ecor f useo filmwithhigherlilmspeed.


Monuol0perotion AutoPowerOFF l. Move lheseleclor (ll)lo'M". swilch In orderto sofelhe bolleries'energy, 2. Adiuslthefilmspeed 0l lhe operlhefloshpower (17). oulomoticolly lurnsoff l urerok ul ol or ofterI lo 3 minules olterexoosure.3 . Foc us y ourobj ecclhec ondk the di s Aslongosthefloshreodylightglows ton(eonyourlens.Nowreodfrom thefloshis slillreody forexposure. lf (20)the0perlure thedislonce scole l hi si snoll hecose, move the0N /0Ft lo besel. sw i kh(7)ro'0FF'ond ro"0N 'ogoi n. 4. Adiusl the0perlure selling0fyour lensos indicoled on lhe operfure lndirettFlosh s rol e(19). Inorderlo ochieve osofterilluminotion5. When using lhewideonglediffusor, or speciol effecls, wollsondreilings reodlhe operlure lromsrole"W movbeusedfor indirecl flosh. bulselecl lhenexloperlure slepl0 l . Werecommend tow orki ntheouto. bes elony ourl ens(ex reod : f5.6moticmodeAI forindirert flosh. s elf4). 2. Adiusf lheconeclbounce ongleol thefloshheod(theongleof inci- Servite i sol mosl equol denre totheonglofe Thisfloshunitincludes o highvoltoge (hecklhe sizeonddis- (ondensor. reflection). In coselhe floshdoesn'l tonce ofyourobjeclond choose lhe w0Ikpr0perly, never lry l0 rep0ir il 0n "T"or"N "os posi ti on per yourot/l/n. zoom heod theforollengthof yourlens.The Pl eosreturn e i l l oy ourS 0Ll G0R deol er zoomfloshheodmoybetiltedup- oro l oc ol S 0Ll 00R s erv i (e ogenl . words in lhelollowing steps: 0,45, piclures 65,90.tor colored beslresultsmoybeexpecled wilhwhite wollslceillngs forreflerlion only. 3. Wererommend lodooflosh testano t-

Guide Numbers: Zoom Heod Position/focol length Gu i dNeo . (ot150100) W(+wideonglediffusor) 28- 35mm l 5 W 35- 50mm 24 N 50- 85mm 27 T 85-200mm 30 Angle of(overoge withwideongle diffusor uplo 28mnr forLenses' Zoom Heod W uplo 35mm Zoom Heod N uplo 50mm Zoom Heod T unto85mnr Power 5upply: 4 X 1.5 Volcoline bolferies 0r4 x 1.2 VNi(od bofieries Flosh Recycling Time:0.5lo 0.8s witholcoline bofieries Number oftloshes:100to 800witholcoline bofieries AuloSetlings: A l -operrure t2.8/l S 0100 A2 - operfure t 5.6/ lS0100|

Aulo Ronge: A l : I l o l l m,A 2:0.9 to 5.5m Bounce Flosh Heod' 00,450,650,900 AuloPower 0ff: oulomolicolly oflerI min tlcshReody lomp: ovoilohle Aulo[herklomp: ovoiloble Mounting Fool lock: ovoiloble (Eslondords posed Technirol Stondards: Dimensions: 72x 45x 165mm Weighl: 250g (withoul bolteries) Accesory included: wideonglediffusor 28mm


Dedicoled funrtions Conon: floshreodyindication, oulofloshsyn(ro setling syslenr (onlrol & oulooDerlure

0lmypus Minolto: Nikon, Pentox:

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5perificotions oresubiect fo chonge withoulpriornolice.

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