Us Visa Question Answers

June 16, 2018 | Author: SatishKumarChowdary | Category: Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology, Software, Further Education
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Visa questions...


US VISA QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Most important sure shot questions! 1. Wh US " To pursue Masters in #omputer  S$ien$e.  S$ien$e. %. Wh on US " It is the $enter o' e($een$e in the 'ie) o' $omputer s$ien$e. Thats *h its most sou+ht a'ter Internationa earnin+ earnin+ $enter.  $enter. The US Uni,ersities ha,e +r+ r- 'a$iities 'or  resear$h. Moreo,er an MS )e+ree 'rom a Uni, in US has hi+h hi+h re$o+nition  re$o+nition /a$0 here in INIA an) *ou) hep me to esta/ish mse' in a +oo) position a'ter m MS. 2. 3o* $an u sa sa  it is the $enter o' e($een$e " The 4o/a 4iants are 'rom US to name a 'e*. 1. In the 'ie) o' 3ar)*are I5M INTE6 E66 37. 8. In the 'ie) o' So't*are MI#ROSO9T ORA#6E SUN:MI#ROS;STEMS 6INU the 'uture )eman) 'or IT 7ro'essionas is estimate) %% a0hs / 8C1? an ) no* it is 2 a0hs. %@. 4i,e me % reasons 'or +i,in+ u a ,ai) ,isa to u  5asi$a I ha,e /een a per'ormer passin+ m en++. In 'irst $ass.  I ha,e 'air 'or hi+her e)u$ation *ith an appi$ation an+e.  A/o,e a ,er supporti,e s$hoo an) parents.

%. What i' I )ont +i,e u a ,isa " I am sure per'ormers an) +enuine stu)ents are ne,er et )o*n at the $onsuate. " Ur the utimate Ju)+e. %-. O0 'ine i' I +i,e u a ,isa " Thanq 7ro'use. %B. Wh our 4RE s$ore is o* " The ,er/a se$tion is too tou+h. " It ha) its impa$t. 2C. Wh )i) not u *rite it a+ain " I thou+ht I *i ma0e amen)s *ith m TOE96 an) a$a)emi$ s$ores.

21. 3o* man /a$0o+ Wh " Unti m en++. I *as a +oo) stu)ent /ut )urin+ en++. I *as una/e to /aan$e /et*een m stu)ies an) sports so itte )ama+e *as )one /ut no* I ma)e stron+ amen)s that I *i *or0 har) an) a$hie,e *hat I *ant.

28. Wi u *or0 *hie stu)in+ " ;es i' it is reate) to m stu)ies i0e +ra)uate assistantship. 2%. U seem to /e ha,e *e prepare) " ItLs a i'etime inter,ie* 'or me an) so I )i) m home:*or0. 22. Wh itLs a i'etime inter,ie* " It +i,es a $ear )ire$tion to m $areer. 2?. Wh )i) u $ome 'or ehi instea) o' #hennai " I )i) tr 'or +oo) num/er o' )as. 2@. When u return /a$0 ho* mu$h )o u e(pe$t saar pa " ?:@ a0hs. " Than0s to +o/aiHation the pa pa$0ets are +oo) enou+h in INIA an) this is the  pa the are o''erin+ no*.

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