Urine Stone

June 23, 2018 | Author: ganyesod | Category: Nature
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I TRACTATUS JOHANNIS ISAAC! DE URINA How to extract all tinctures thereby 

ou "ust #now that all tinctures$ white an% re%$ or howe&er they be$ are all extracte% in the sa"e way$ an% that it is all a wor# towar% the Re% an% the 'hite( ou "ust ta#e a lar)e earthenware *ot or cas#$ well )la+e%$ ,ille% with ol%$ clear urine( Set that on an ale"bic$ which "ust be bi)$ to)ether with its recei&er$ an% %istill all that you can( -lac# ,eces will stay at the botto"( Calcine these ,or about three hours so that they )low "o%erately. then %issol&e the" in a/ua co""uni an% boil it ,or two hours( A,ter this$ ta#e it ,ro" the A an% let it settle. %ecant the clear li/ui% abo&e the ,eces( Now$ *ut it bac# on the ,ire an% let it boil 0the li/ui%1 until a s"all ,lux a**ears on it( Then re"o&e it ,ro" the an% *ut it in the col% air or in a col% cellar( A clear salt will crystalli+e( Re"o&e this an% boil the 2T %own an% let it s*rout as be,ore( 3ather the salt a)ain( Ta#e the collecte% salts an% %ry the" in an earthenware *an( Use earthenware because it can )low )ently without "eltin)( Now$ %istill it a)ain in a/ua co""uni %estiilata an% *ut it bac# on the ,or a /uarter o, an hour( Then ta#e it ,ro" the ,ire$ let the ,eces sin# 0settle1$ an% *our o,, the clear as be,ore( our "ust always %ecant the clear while it is still war". then boil it a)ain until there is a s"all ,lux$ li#e beans( Set it a)ain in the col% air or in the cellar as be,ore( 4reser&e the sal that has s*route%$ an% a)ain boil the other 5 or urine$ which %oes not turn into sal$untiil there a**ears a ,lux$ as be,ore$ until it turns into sal( Then %ry the salt in an earthenware *an an% *reser&e it until I tell you how to use it( Then you "ust ta#e all the *rocesse% urine that has been %istille% with 6$ an% i, there is so"e i"*urity li#e an oil$ or so"e yellow ,attiness$ s#i" it o,, with a s*oon or with a ,eather$ so that the urine beco"es /uite *ure( Now$ *rocess this urine a)ain with ,ire$ into a )la+e% earthenware cas# with an aie"bic an% a reci*ient$ an% re*eat this until there are no "ore ,eces in the earthenware &essel or cas#( Always %iscar% the re"ainin) ,eces as they ha&e no &alue( A,ter this$ *rocess 0%raw o,,1 a)ain in the 7-$ an% so"e blac# ,eces will re"ain( Re*eat this until the water )oes o&er clear$ without any ,eces$ always throwin) the ,eces away( Then ta#e the a,ore"entione% salt$ which has been %rie%$ *ut it into the clari,ie% water an% into an ale"bic( Close it ti)htly an% set it on hot ashes ,or three to ,our %ays by which ti"e the salt is %issol&e% into clear water with no ,eces$ thus the tincture is now *re*are%2 This is now *ure as be,ore but %e&oi% o, its ,ecibus an% o, its coarse hu"ore( It has now beco"e so subtle$ that it is inex*ressible(80N(-( 9uan%o sal soi&itur in a/ua" claru" abs /ue ,ecibus tuna *rae*aratu" est1( O, this urine you shoul% ta#e six /uarters 05iertheil1 an% three /uarts o, *rocesse% 0%rawn o,,1 acetu"$ three /uarters o, a/ua &itae$ hal, a *oun% o, co""on salt$ hal, a *oun% o, eal"iac$ hal, a *oun% o, co""on caix &itae$ "ix all these to)ether an% let it %issol&e into clear water without ,eces( 7ow you ha&e a won%er,ul "atter which turns all calcea cor*oru" into their ,irst "atter$ that is$ into ( 'ith this water$ one can %raw out the blesse% 9uinta Eeaentt2a o, an% o, all thin)s which are re% an% white( Thus *re*are%$ this water re/uires ten or twel&e ri%es or tri*s 0Reisen1 an% a)ain %rawn o,,$ it retains all its *ower as i, it ha% not been use% at all( Howe&er$ one "ust recti,y this water(

HO' ONE CAN E:TRACT AN TINCTURE THE 'ISH 'ITH THIS 2;ATER Ta#e Sul*hur or Auri*i)"ent or Ochre or whate&er you woul% li#e to extract a tincture ,ro"( 4ul&eri+e the "atter ,inely an% )rin% the" to)ether with %istille% 0%rawn o, ,1 &ine)ar so it is li#e soa*( Then$ *lace this in a lar)e &essel an% set in the o&en on ashes or san% an% *our on it this clear urine$ or the a,ore"entione% water$ so that the &essel will be hal, ,ull( Then sto**er the &essel with a cor# an% "anually stir or sha#e it su,,icnetly so that the "atters will "ix 0incor*orate1 well( Then$ return it to the ashes or san% an%$ at ,irst$ )i&e it a s"all ,ire thus heatin) the li/ui%( in the /uic#est way out$o, all thin)s in the wOrl%( NOTA So that the Urine will be the stron)est$ you "ay want to throw in Sal"iac an% Sal Co""une 4rae*aratu" ana ? @9uintlein 0a ,i,th *artB1 an% then you will see the color as we ha&e *re&iously written about(
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