Urban Renewal and Conservation

March 19, 2018 | Author: Divya Gor | Category: N/A
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Divya Gor

I 2012MUD016 I SPA Bhopal I semester III I Urban Renewal & Conservation I Assignment 1

Urban Renewal The process of redeveloping dilapidated or no longer functional urban areas. Reference: Collins English dictionary

The process where an urban neighborhood or area is improved and rehabilitated. The renewal process can include demolishing old or run down buildings, constructing new, up to date housing or adding in features like a theatre or stadium. Urban renewal is usually undergone for the purpose of persuading wealthier individuals to come and live in that area. Urban renewal often part of the gentrification process. Reference: www.m.businessdictionary.com/definition/urbanrenwal.html

Urban Renewal Urban renewal, comprehensive scheme to redress a complex of urban problems, including unsanitary, deficient, or obsolete housing, inadequate transportation, sanitation and other services and facilities, haphazard land use, traffic congestion and the sociological correlates of urban decay, such as crime. Early efforts usually focused on housing reform and sanitary and public health measures, followed by growing emphasis on slum clearance and the relocation of population and industry from congested areas to less crowded sites, as in the garden city and new towns movements in great Britain. Late 20th century criticism of urban sprawl prompted new interest in the efficiencies of centralization. Each country approaches urban renewal according to its means and its political and administrative systems. One of the chief activities of urban renewal is redevelopment, which is achieved through the clearance and rebuilding of structures that are deteriorated or obsolete in themselves or are laid out in an unsatisfactory way. Other aspects of urban renewal

Urban Renewal urban renewal involve the reuse of the land for new purpose, rehabilitation of structurally sound buildings that have deteriorated or lost their original functions and conservation – a protective process designed to maintain the function and quality of an area, for instance, by requiring or assisting adequate maintenance while preventing inappropriate development or in characteristic changes in the use of land and building. Ref: Encyclopedia Britannica

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