Upload Manual Bulk Payments_040216

December 21, 2016 | Author: Nakul Markhedkar | Category: N/A
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ENET HDFC Guide - Feb -16...


BULK TRANSACTIONS UPLOAD MANUAL ENet supports bulk processing of payments transactions. Bulk Payment modules available in ENet are A. Vendor Payments B. Salary- Beneficiaries with in HDFC Bank C. Salary- Beneficiaries with in HDFC Bank as with Other bank accounts D. Card Uploads - Money Plus E. Card upload Corporate Card A. Vendor Payments There is need of bulk processing of vendor payments as processing the payments on individual basis is time consuming. The payments to vendors are mainly done via following modes.    

RTGS NEFT Funds Transfer Demand Drafts payable par at all locations

The excel upload setup created for enabling upload of such payments over ENet. This is a Comma Separated Format (CSV), thus every field data is recognized by a comma. Thus please do not use commas in any field; otherwise the bank cannot verify the file. Please also do not use special characters File Structure

vendor payment file structure.xls

Open the Excel file provided by the Bank “Vendor Payment Input File ”

Vendor Payment Input File.xls

    

User need to enter data in sheet name Input sheets. Data to be enter as per instructions/ details given in from column be Output will be automatically populated in AD. Copy data from row 6 in column AD till the row till which records are inputted. Copy & Paste the selected details on to a new Notepad sheet (remember it’s without headers). As shown in the below screen shot.

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Please follow the below steps to name the file:  Click on File & Save As  Select the Destination wherein the file needs to be saved.  Enter the File Name (within “”) as follows: Client Code + Date + Month.Srl extension no. E.g.: “ABCD2007.001”  Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number.  The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  Year must not be included anywhere  Srl Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day.

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  

Once all the details are entered within the above message, just click on save. The file is ready for upload. Please go to the designated folder to view the file. If required, the file can be opened in a “Notepad” format to view the details. Pls note File Type in 001 or whichever srl mentioned while saving the file. Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number & class payments used. The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July) or 12 (December) The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July) or 12 (December) Year must not be included anywhere. Sr Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day. Flow for uploading File in Enter. Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

to be followed to upload Inputter will login to ENet -> Epayments Go to Cash Management Services Click on Disbursement and then upload Select the client code created specifically for Vendor Payments Select the transaction type as “Transaction level file upload” Click on upload button Message will be shown on successful upload of the file On authorization consolidated debit will posted in debit account

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B. Salary- Beneficiaries with in HDFC Bank This format is used for Salary/Reimbursement wherein the beneficiary account is with HDFC Bank. Important Points to Note  This is a Comma Separated Format (CSV), thus every field data is recognized by a comma. Thus please do not use commas in any field; otherwise the bank cannot verify the file.  Please also do not use special characters  The file format will be uploaded on ENet only after the Salary Client Code is created at the Bank’s end. File specifications Colum n

Field Description

Data Type

Mandatory / Optional

Max Length


F/w A/c #





Debit / Credit Indicator Txn Amount

Alphanu meric






Txn Narration




3 4

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o Should be numeric & of length 14 Should always be ‘C’ Amt of 10000 to be reflected as ‘10000.00’ Max length of 40.


Steps for File Creation Open the Excel file provided by the Bank “Salary file generation Utility.xls” Salary file generation Utility.xls

This is a 4 field format, which captures all the mandatory fields/details required to make the payment.

    

Please fill in the entire details row wise on the sheet, starting with Row 2. Field 1: Account No – This field indicates the beneficiary account no. Field 2: Credit – It’s a Credit indicator. Always mention “ C “(without “” in CAPITAL) Field 3: Amount Fields – Please fill in the all the relevant amount fields applicable to you. Please mention the amounts in the following format: Amount + 2 decimal points or 200.00. Field 4: Narration e.g. Salary for Nov 2010. Please ensure No special characters

Once all the details are provided in a particular spreadsheet, please select all the details from Row 1 Field F till the row wherein details have been filled. As shown in the below screen shot.

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Copy & Paste the selected details on to a new Notepad sheet (remember it’s with headers). As shown in the below screen shot.

Please follow the below steps to name the file:  Click on File & Save As  Select the Destination wherein the file needs to be saved.  Enter the File Name (within “”) as follows: Client Code + Date + Month.Srl extension no. E.g.: “ABCD2007.001”  Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number.  The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  Year must not be included anywhere Upload Doc version 0.1

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Srl Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day.

Once all the details are entered within the above message, just click on save.  The file is ready for upload. Please go to the designated folder to view the file.  If required, the file can be opened in a “Notepad” format to view the details. Pls note File Type in 001 or whichever srl mentioned while saving the file. Flow for uploading File in Enet.         

Inputter will login to ENet -> Epayments Go to Cash Management Services Click on Disbursement and then upload Select the client code created specifically for HDFC Salary payments Input No transaction & total amount Select the transaction type as “Salary upload” Click on upload button Message will be shown on successful upload of the file On authorization consolidated debit will posted in debit account

C. Salary- Beneficiaries with in HDFC Bank as with other bank accounts This format is used for Salary/Reimbursement to HDFC bank as well other bank account holders in single file Important Points to Note  This is a Comma Separated Format (CSV), thus every field data is recognized by a comma. Thus please do not use commas in any field; otherwise the bank cannot verify the file.

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  

Please also do not use special characters The file format will be uploaded on ENet only after the Salary Client Code is created at the Bank’s end. If file contains Other bank & HDFC bank payments & file authorized after NEFT cut off, the disbursements will happen in next working day for both HDFC bank as well other bank beneficiaries

File Structure Sr,No FIELD NAME 1 Customer Reference No


2 3 4 5 6

Bene Name Bene Account No IFSC code Account Type Amount


70 30 11 2 15



Value date




Remarks Narration can be captured here Example Sal for Nov or Reimburse Nov

02 to be captured here mandatory 12.XX (12+ . + 2). It should be with decimals Date format: YYYYMMDD

Steps for File Creation Open the Excel file provided by the Bank “all bank pay.xls”

all bank pay.xls

  

Data to be enter as per instructions/ details given in from column be Output will be automatically populated in I. Copy data from row 6 in column AD till the row till which records are inputted. Copy & Paste the selected details on to a new Notepad sheet (remember it’s without headers). As shown in the below screen shot.

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Please follow the below steps to name the file:  Click on File & Save As

• •

Select the Destination wherein the file needs to be saved. Enter the File Name (within “”) as follows: Client Code + Date + Month. Srl extension no. E.g.: “ABCD2007.001” • Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number. • The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July) or 12 (December) • The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July) or 12 (December) • Year must not be included anywhere • Srl Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day.

Card Uploads For Card uploads, auto narration flag needs to be disabled. For the same, please mark mails to enet setup team with Domain id & client code details

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 Enetsetup-Mum/Customer Services/KamalaMills/HBL,  Rakesh Jadhav/CMS/Kanjurmarg-Mumbai/HBL,  Parag More/CMS/Kanjurmarg-Mumbai/HBL, D. Card Uploads - Money Plus For money plus card, client code used for Salary uploads/ Broker Payouts will be used. Our internal a/c no is 04992820000028 for parking the funds.

File Structure

Sr .No

TYPE: CSV Max Lengt Field Name h Remarks for Client


Static No





Indicator Transaction Amount


Card Number 16


Internal remarks Respective E-Net Dummy 04992820000028 for Money account number for Loading Plus Card Food Plus or Money Plus Card Should always be 'C' --> stands Should always be 'C' --> stands for credit for credit Total Amount to be loaded with Amount that is to be loaded on paise in decimal (e.g. 100.00) the respective Card 16 digit card no., 16 digit prepaid card no E.g. 42132803xxxxxxxx 4213XXXXXXXXXX11

Steps for File Creation Open the Excel file provided by the Bank “Input File Money plus .lax”

Input file money plus.xlsx

This is a 4 field format, which captures all the mandatory fields/details required to make the payment.

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    

Please fill in the entire details row wise on the sheet, starting with Row 2. Field 1: Account No – This field indicates the beneficiary account no. Field 2: Credit – It’s a Credit indicator. Always mention “ C “(without “” in CAPITAL) Field 3: Amount Fields – Please fill in the all the relevant amount fields applicable to you. Please mention the amounts in the following format: Amount + 2 decimal points or 200.00. Field 4: Card No ( 16 digits)

Once all the details are provided in a particular spreadsheet, please select all the details from Row 1 Field F till the row wherein details have been filled. As shown in the below screen shot.

Copy & Paste the selected details on to a new Notepad sheet (remember it’s with headers). As shown in the below screen shot. Upload Doc version 0.1

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Remove blank line created in note pad file due to copy paste by pressing back space Please follow the below steps to name the file:  Click on File & Save As  Select the Destination wherein the file needs to be saved.  Enter the File Name (within “”) as follows: Client Code + Date + Month.Srl extension no. E.g.: “ABCD2007.001”  Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number.  The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  Year must not be included anywhere  Sal Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day.

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Once all the details are entered within the above message, just click on save.  The file is ready for upload. Please go to the designated folder to view the file.  If required, the file can be opened in a “Notepad” format to view the details. Pls note File Type in 001 or whichever srl mentioned while saving the file. Sample file BR31120203.001

Flow for uploading File in Enet.         

Inputter will login to ENet -> Epayments Go to Cash Management Services Click on Disbursement and then upload Select the client code created specifically for Broker Payouts Input No transaction & total amount Select the transaction type as “Broker payout” Click on upload button Message will be shown on successful upload of the file On authorization consolidated debit will posted in debit account

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E . Card upload Corporate Card For processing uploads of corporate cards, the vendor payment structure is used, which is detailed in point A in manual. Our internal a/c no is 02400440011570 for parking the funds for corporate card uploads. Hence in beneficiary A/c no field you need to mention the same. You need to mention the corporate credit card no. in O. In column C please enter any value less than 13 digits (example A001). Steps for File Creation Open the Excel file provided by the Bank “Corporate Card generator.xls” Corporate card generator.xls

    

User need to enter data in sheet name Input sheets. Data to be enter as per instructions/ details given in from column be Output will be automatically populated in AD. Copy data from row 6 in column AD till the row till which records are inputted. Copy & Paste the selected details on to a new Notepad sheet (remember it’s without headers). As shown in the below screen shot.

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Remove blank line created in note pad file due to copy paste by pressing back space Please follow the below steps to name the file:  Click on File & Save As  Select the Destination wherein the file needs to be saved.  Enter the File Name (within “”) as follows: Client Code + Date + Month.Srl extension no. E.g.: “ABCD2007.001”  Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number.  The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July ) or 12 (December)  Year must not be included anywhere  Srl Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day.

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  

Once all the details are entered within the above message, just click on save. The file is ready for upload. Please go to the designated folder to view the file. If required, the file can be opened in a “Notepad” format to view the details. Pls note File Type in 001 or whichever sol mentioned while saving the file. Sample File RBI31120203.001

Client Code is a code created by the bank & it indicates your debit a/c number & class payments used. The date must always be the date of upload on the bank’s we-site & must be of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July) or 12 (December) The Month must be the month of file upload & must always of 2 digits E.g.: 07 (July) or 12 (December) Year must not be included anywhere. Sr Extension Number indicates the no of the file as on date. E.g. 1st file of the day would show 001 & 200th file of the day would be 200 etc. The file name again starts from 001 each day. Flow for uploading File in Enet. Steps to be followed to upload

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Inputter will login to ENet -> Epayments Go to Cash Management Services Click on Disbursement and then upload Select the client code created specifically for Vendor Payments Select the transaction type as “Transaction level file upload” Click on upload button Message will be shown on successful upload of the file On authorization consolidated debit will posted in debit account

For any Support related queries, please contact ENet Banking Support on: Email: [email protected] Contact No’s: 022 30752469 / 2470 / 2471 /2472 For any Documentation related queries, please contact ENet Banking Support on: Email: [email protected] Contact No’s: 022-30751915/14/2088

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