Download Upload, Insert, Update, Delete an Image Using PHP MySQL...
Upload, Insert, Update, Delete an Image using PHP MySQL On 2/06/2016 By Pradeep Khodke
Hello friends, after a long time i am going to post a simple tutorial yet useful in your web application or project, Simple Insert, Select, Update and Delete (CRUD) with Image using PDO Query. an Image will be Uploaded, Inserted, Updated and Deleted as well with MySQL. we already have a CRUD Tutorials but i haven't covered this, this tutorial is covered with proper image validation, let say only valid image extensions are allowed to upload and image size is also matters. So let'see image upload in php.
Database / Table "testdb" named database is used in this tutorial, so create it and paste the following sql code in your phpmyadmin it will create users table "tbl_users".
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `tbl_users` ( `userID` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `userName` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `userProfession` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `userPic` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`userID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=51 ;
now we have to create only 4 files php files which will handle our crud operations with an image and they are as follow.
Dbconfig.Php simple host/database configuration file created with PDO Query/Extension. change the credentials as per your configuration.
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