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Test Method UMA-1301 UMA-1303 UMA-1305 UMA-1306 UMA-1307 UMA-1309 UMA-1310 UMA-1312 UMA-1313 UMA-1314 UMA-1315 UMA-1316 UMA-1317 UMA-1318 UMA-1319 UMA-1321 UMA-1323 UMA-1325 UMA-1326 UMA-1327 UMA-1329 UMA-1330 UMA-1331 UMA-1332 UMA-1333 UMA-1334 UMA-1337 UMA-1338 UMA-1339 UMA-1340 UMA-1342 UMA-1343 UMA-1344 UMA-1357 UMA-1360 UMA-1361 UMA-1362 UMA-1363 UMA-1366 UMA-1367 UMA-1368 UMA-1370 UMA-1371 UMA-1372 UMA-1373 UMA-1374 UMA-1375 UMA-1376 UMA-1378
UMA-1380 UMA-1401 UMA-1402 UMA-1403 UMA-1404 UMA-1405 UMA-1406 UMA-1407 UMA-1408 UMA-1409 UMA-1410 UMA-1414 UMA-1415 UMA-1417 UMA-1420 UMA-1421 UMA-1422 UMA-1423 UMA-1424 UMA-2071 UMA-5235 UMA-5236 UMA-5237 UMA-5238 UMA-5239 UMA-5240 UMA-5243 UMA-5245 UMA-5246 UMA-5247 UMA-5248 UMA-5249 UMA-5251 UMA-5252 UMA-5253 UMA-5254 UMA-5255 UMA-5256 UMA-5257 UMA-5258 UMA-5259 UMA-5260 UMA-5262 UMA-5264 UMA-5265 UMA-5266 UMA-5267 UMA-5270 UMA-5273 UMA-5274
UMA-5275 UMA-5276 UMA-5278 UMA-5279 UMA-5280 UMA-5281 UMA-5283 UMA-5284 UMA-5285 UMA-5286 UMA-5288 UMA-5289 UMA-5290 UMA-5291 UMA-5292 UMA-5293 UMA-5294 UMA-5295 UMA-5296 UMA-5297 UMA-5298 UMA-5299 UMA-5300 UMA-5301 UMA-5302 UMA-5303 UMA-5305 UMA-5306 UMA-5307 UMA-5308 UMA-5311 UMA-5312 UMA-5313 UMA-5315 UMA-5317 UMA-5318 UMA-5319 UMA-5320 UMA-5321 UMA-5322 UMA-5323 UMA-5324 UMA-5325 UMA-5328 UMA-5330 UMA-5331 UMA-5332 UMA-5334 UMA-5335 UMA-5336
UMA-5337 UMA-5338 UMA-5339 UMA-5341 UMA-5343 UMA-5349 UMA-5351 UMA-5352 UMA-5354 UMA-5356 UMA-5357 UMA-5358 UMA-5359 UMA-5360 UMA-5361 UMA-5363 UMA-5364 UMA-5365 UMA-5366 UMA-5367 UMA-5371 UMA-5374 UMA-5375 UMA-5376 UMA-5378 UMA-5379 UMA-5380 UMA-5381 UMA-5382 UMA-5386 UMA-5387 UMA-5388 UMA-5389 UMA-5390 UMA-5391 UMA-5392 UMA-5396 UMA-5398 UMA-5399 UMA-5402 UMA-5403 UMA-5404 UMA-5405 UMA-5418 UMA-5419 UMA-5421 UMA-5422 UMA-5423 UMA-5424 UMA-5426
UMA-5427 UMA-5428 UMA-5429 UMA-5456 UMA-5457 UMA-5546 UMA-5549 UMA-5567 UMA-5568 UMA-5569 UMA-5570 UMA-5571 UMA-5572 UMA-5573 UMA-5574 UMA-5575 UMA-5577 UMA-5586 UMA-5724 UMA-5725 UMA-5726 UMA-5729 UMA-5742 UMA-5928 UMA-5978 UMA-5979 UMA-5980 UMA-5983 UMA-5985 UMA-5986 UMA-5992 UMA-5993 UMA-5994 UMA-5995 UMA-5996 UMA-5997 UMA-6010 UMA-6028 UMA-6029 UMA-6044 UMA-6045 UMA-6050 UMA-6053 UMA-6056 UMA-6057 UMA-6060 UMA-6063 UMA-6089 UMA-6095 UMA-6096
UMA-6130 UMA-6157 UMA-6172 UMA-6188 UMA-6205 UMA-6220 UMA-6222 UMA-6234 UMA-6262 UMA-6274 UMA-6276 UMA-6285 UMA-6287 UMA-6288 UMA-6326 UMA-6328
Description Dimensions of plastic bottles. Top loa st!en"t# fo! "lass containe!s. $!ection fo!ce of p!e-"l%e ca!tons&case '!amma"e of co!!%"ate boa! '!amma"e of a "i(en mate!ial )mpact st!en"t# plastic containe!s&lis *nap on&cappin" fo!ce plastic clos%!es Dimens. plastic snap-on + t#!eae caps ,2 loss f!om lle bottles /e!penic%la!it of plastic bottles. A,T cont. mi"!. f!. all of pol. bottle ,!ease stin. soli&co!!. ca!ton + case '!ease !esistance of pape! an boa! A#. !esist. of ins&lac%e!s tape test *tatic + namic coe. of f!iction , ea !esistance of bottles an clos%!es *eal bon st!en"t# fo! p!e-"l%e compon. ,apac of !i"i + semi-!i"i containe!s ,ap. of !i"i + semi-!i"i containe!s * :ol%me of bottles )n !esist. to !%b&ab!asion ate! +fat ;ate! (ap. t!ansm !ate - "!a(imet!ic Ai! pe!meabilit of pape! boa!. '%!le /%nct%!e !esistance lms an s#eetin" Dimensions of pape! sacs )nte!nal imensions of co!!%"ate cases Moist%!e pape! an boa! comp. - o(en eatseal st!en"t#< no self-a#esi(e bon %!st p!ess%!e of pape! & boa! =m%llin> $"e c!%s# test fo! co!!%"ate boa! *t!ess-c!ac !esistance of plastics T!ansmission !ates - ca!!ie! "as met#o *tiness pape! boa! plastics. stics ,apacit "lass containe!s ="!a(imet!ic> :e!ticalit of "lass bottles. latness of top sealin" s%!face. T#e!mal s#oc test on "lass containe!s. %!st p!ess%!e of "lass containe!s. /!ints an p!intin" ins&li"#t stabilit ?esistance of p!ints to li%i p!o%cts ?esistance p!ints&p!intin" ins to ate! Tensile st!en"t# elon"ation&$-mo%l%s ;ate! abso!pti(eness =cobb met#o>. lat c!%s# !esistance. Tea! st!en"t# - $lmeno!f met#o. @on contact im. meas%!ements plastics o%! in paca"in" !obinson test Top loa st!en"t#&comp!ession !esistance ,apacit of ice c!eam containe!s.
T!anspa!enc of tea lte! mate!ial /aca"in" - ;ei"#t of a component *,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas%!ement o(e!all len"t#&it# *,, /aca"in" - @oncontact meas%!ement e-nest len"t#&it# *,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas%!ement of o(e!all #ei"#t *,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas%!ement of !im-#ei"#t *,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas int inent B eCt !etention -*,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas%!ement of t%b all an"le *,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas%!ement of stacin" pitc# *,, /aca"in" - ;all t#icness meas%!ement *,, Top loa st!en"t# *,, /aca"in" - A#esion of eco!ation *,, /aca"in" - $lect!ostatic c#a!"e eca time *,, /aca"in" - )mpact st!en"t# fo! t%bs *,, /aca"in" - ,%ttin" acc%!ac *,, /aca"in" - ,olo%! of s%bst!ate *,, /aca"in" - :ol%me of a t%b *,, /aca"in" - @oncontact meas%!ement of o(e!all Dia"onal *,, /aca"in" - @on contact meas of eCt. !etention ia"onal *,, '!ease !esistance test pape!boa! ,M/?$**)@ T$*T - ,??U'AT$D ,M/@$@T* '?AMMA'$ =A*)* ;$)'T> - ,??U'AT$D A M$A*U?)@' ,??U'AT$D ,A*$ D)M$@*)@* $D'$ ,?U* T$*T - ;A$D A@D U@;A$D M$T D$@T ?$*)*TA@,$ T$*T - TT$* D?/ )M/A,T ?$*)*TA@,$ *T?$** ,?A,E ?$*)*TA@,$ ,*U?$* A@D )@)* *T?$@'T T$*T TT$* B ,*U?$* DF@AM), :$?T),A AD T$*T - TT$* B *T?$** ,?A,E ?$*)*TA@,$ - TT$* /?DU,T ?$*)*TA@,$ - )GU)D* A?A*)@ ?$*)*TA@,$ - )@)*$D /A,E* ,E)@' T$*T )?$ T$A? A**$**M$@T *$A* - ,D AD T),E@$** B '?AMMA'$ $?$,T)@ ?,$ - ,A?T@* =$U?/$ A@D :$ /?)@T$D /?DU,T ?$*)*TA@,$ - /;D$?* ;AT$? A*?T)@ T$*T - /A/$?A?D MAT$? T?A@*)T T?)A /?T, A@D $:AUAT)@ *TAT), ,$),)$@T ?),T)@ TA$? *T)@$** T$*T M)*TU?$ :A/U? T?A@*M)**)@ ?AT$ *)D$ *$A AD$*):$ T$*T - ,A?T@* ,M/?$**)@ ,A*$* ,A?T@* A@D /A?T)T)@* 'A ,M/?$$@*):$ A?A*)@ T$*T *UT$?A@D ?U T$*T *,?$-T-*,?$ ,A)/$? =?D;@> ? , )M/A,T T$*T - ;$D$D /A*T), *,UTT$ M$T ; )@D$ =M..)> /FM$?* - ' D)//$D :UM$ - *)D MD$*
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K/K TA,E *T?$@'T /?$**U?$ *$@*)T) D$T$?M)@AT)@ AT ,?U* ?$*)*TA@,$ /: )M *U))TF - MA?$ T$*T ,?$A*$ =*,?$> $@D ?,$&$),)$@,F - , $?$,T)@ ?,$ - ,A?T@* =@?T AM$?),A D?/ T$*T *$,@DA?F /A,E - )@)*$D ,A*$ $T$@D$D *T?A'$ $AE T$*T =@A> D?/ T$*T ? // TT$* =@A> ,M/ATA))TF ;$)'T ** T$*T =@A> ;$)'T **&,M/ATA))TF TU$* *TA,E T$*T ? *)//)@' ,@TA)@$?* *,T, TA/$ T$*T ? )@E ? *)E *,?$$@) $T$@D$D /?DU,T ,@TA,T T$*T ? *)E = ?$$I$ TA; T$*T ? A$* =@A> )MM$?*)@ T$*T ? A$* =@A> ,M/?$**)@ *T?$@'T A@ U@,A//$D TT$ /?DU,T ,@TA,T T$*T =@A> D)M$@*)@A-/A/$?* B )M* A?A*)@ T$*T =AT ? /?)@T$D MAT$?)A* A)? $AEA'$ T$*T =AM)@AT$ TU$*> ,U? A*T@$** T$*T =/?)@T$D MAT$?)A *$AA))TF T$*T $ect of *$* on plastic components Use of Tool Mae!s Mic!oscope Meas%!in" co!!%"ate case imensions - ?*, Lat blan Meas%!in" co!!%"ate case imensions- !ap a!o%n Lat blan Meas%!in" co!!%"ate case imensions %sin" assemble case Meas%!in" t#e laLat it# of LeCible paca"in" mate!ials )nte!action of p!inte pac mate!ials to li%i p!o%ct ?esistance of LeCible paca"in" to poe!s ,M/?$**)@ *T?$@'T )*T$? /A,E* ,M/?$**)@ *T?$@'T ,A//$D TT$* D?/ T$*T /?)MA?F /A,E ?$) A'* A@D )*T$? /A,E* A D?/ T$*T /?)MA?F /A,E - TT$* A D?/ T$*T- /?)MA?F ,A?T@* /U,$* A@D ?$) A'* A A*$D T?A@*)T T$*T)@' Top loa meas%!ements of an Ae!osol ?,$ T T$A? ,A?T@ /$??AT)@* :)?AT)@ T$*T - )@)*$D /A,E* U?*T T$*T ? )$D TU$ *tiness of leCible ilms Meas%!in" a!to! placement on t%bes D!op )mpact ?esistance - T%bes :e!tical c!%s# test fo! t%bes *ie seam st!en"t# - t%bes @D *T?$@'T /?)@T AM)@AT)@ @ A?D /T)MUM $AT *$A - )M* A@D ,M/*)T$* $AEA'$ T$*T T A**$M$D ? @ & /A,E Meas%!in" t#e s%!face nis# of !oll on balls :is%al inspection of )nection mo%le plastic components
:is%al inspection of :ac%%m fo!me components M$A*U?$M$@T ?$,*$ *T?)/ ,U?:ATU?$ abel Dimensions - inte!label "ap on !eel etc. *A,$T *$/A?AT)@ ?,$ ?emo(al o!ce - *nap-on ,los%!es Use Test Act%ato!s & /%mps abel A#esion & /!o%ct pacit of /lastic ilm - ,ont!ast ?atio T),E@$** A@D '?AMMA'$ =A*)* ;$)'T> '$@$?A A@D :)*UA )@*/$,T)@ DA?T )M/A,T ?$*)*TA@,$ $@D* A@D /),E* =M$*>- ;:$@ *A,E UT$ )D$@T)),AT)@ T$*T- ,??U'AT$D ,A*$* *eal ;it# Meas%!ement - leCibles Meas%!ement of Top oa of ,an ea an *#o%le! 'eomet!ic Dimensionin" an Tole!ancin"
Comments ,ombine into UMA-5242 ?eplace it# )nt *t UMA-6059 %se instea ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t UMA-1417 %se instea ,ombine it# UMA-5576 ,ombine into UMA-5287 @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-5241 ,ombine into UMA-5241 ,ombine into UMA-5241 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# UMA-6592 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-6608 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-1302 ,ombine into UMA-5241
?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-1324 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-1359 ,ombine into UMA-1302 ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-1328 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-6626 ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-5241 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ,ombine into UMA-6626 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 mo(e to int st bsolete in )nte!spec since 17&06&09 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ,ombine into UMA-1311 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )*-11502 @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 17&06&09 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ,ombine into UMA-6608 ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-1377 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 06&02&06 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07
bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&06 ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-1359 an UMA-1379 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 ,ombine into UMA-1311 bsolete in )nte!spec since 06&02&06 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ,ombine into UMA-6482 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-1341 ,ombine into UMA-5327 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-6608 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t
?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 13&06&07 @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ,ombine into UMA-6608 bsolete in )nte!spec since 13&06&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 06&02&06 ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 13&06&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 mo(e to int st ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 06&02&06 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 06&02&06 @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 *e $%ipment oes not eCist anmo!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace b int st @o lon"e! !e%i!e bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t
bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 ?eplace b int st bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 ,ombine into UMA-1302 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 ?eplace it# UMA-6614 bsolete in )nte!spec since 01&03&07 bsolete in )nte!spec since 02&03&07 ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e - %se UMA-6221 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-6592 ,ombine into UMA-6592 ,ombine into UMA-6592 ,ombine into UMA-6592 ,ombine into UMA-6608 ,ombine into UMA-6608 ,ombine into UMA-1302 ,ombine into UMA-1302 ,ombine into UMA-1341 ,ombine into UMA-1341 ,ombine into UMA-1341 ?eplace b int st ,ombine into UMA-6482 bsolete in )nte!spec since 24&04&07 ?eplace b int st @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-1341 @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t ,ombine into UMA-6088 ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e
@o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-6612 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-5329 @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-5250 ?eplace it# )nt *t ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e ?eplace it# )nt *t @o lon"e! !e%i!e @o lon"e! !e%i!e ,ombine into UMA-6614 ,ombine into UMA-6482 @o lon"e! !e%i!e
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