Upgrade 8 Test book 1

May 21, 2019 | Author: Joana Cunha | Category: Educational Assessment, Teachers
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Short Description

Upgrade 8 Test book 1...


Placement tests Table of specifications


Test 1


Test 2


Test 3


Answer Key


Progress tests Unit 1 – Getting along Table of specifications


Test 1


Test 2


Test 3


Answer key


Unit 2 – Lets !a"e f#n


Table of specifications


Test 1


Test 2


Test 3


Answer key


Test $orrection criteria


Test $orrection gri%


ASA • Upgrade 8

Introduction More than ever, teachers need to possess a range of resources that wi invest the assess!ent of their t heir students" wor# with greater vaidit$ and r eia%iit$ eia%iit$&& The present set of  tests is designed to offer teachers opportunities to use resources that prepare students  %oth for interna and e'terna assess!ent& These Th ese three %oo#s %oo#s of tes tests ts !a"e two goals & The$ The$ ai! ai! to ai% teac!ers along t!e &long trail of assessment'  %$ providing resources the$ can use to assess their students at different stages of earning and, at the sa!e ti!e, !elp prepare st#%ents to face t!e e(ternal assessment c!allenge the$ wi encounter, namely t!e Key for Sc!ools Test & (ith this in !ind, a wide range of tests have %een created& )irst and fore!ost, a seection of t!ree placement tests has %een created in order to deter!ine where each earner stands and what their specific earning needs are& Then t!ree progress tests per #nit can %e used to assess the students" deveop!ent* each one can %e edited in order to create two different versions of the sa!e test or even to adapt the test to the specific group each teacher is wor#ing with& The tests herein incude a variet$ of ite!s and a eve of diff difficut$ icut$ appropriate appropriate for 8th graders& Third$ Third$, a set of 1) mini*tests , five for  each unit, ai! ai!ss to of offer fer !or !oree opp opport ortuni unitie tiess for teac teacher herss to asse assess ss the their ir stu studen dents" ts" deveop!ent and areas of strength and+or wea#ness with regard to the specific anguage ite!s taught in each unit& It is e'pected that the use of these gra!!ar tests wi infor!  %oth the teacher and the earner on the areas which need to %e further e'pored or  rec$ced with regard to the progress test at the end of each unit& (e %eieve the tests herein can aso %e viewed as an opportunit$ for for!ative assess!ent, which wi foster refection and discussion a%out teaching and earning  %etween teachers and students& (hat is !ore, the$ can %e reused or edited in order to reassess particuar particuar areas of wea#n wea#ness& ess& This %oo# coses with a +ock Key for Sc!ools Test which wi !a#e teachers and earners aware of the chaenge the$ wi face at a ater stage of their earning& (e hope a the !aterias wi prove #sef#l and !elpf#l& The Tea!

ASA • Upgrade 8


Tab ablle of spe peccific ica ati tio ons Placement Tests

$ontents Skills

A Listening compre!ension


/aily ro#tine


Types of -tems

0erb tense re"ision

.#mber of items










A%"erbs of fre#ency S#mmer !oli%ays

• +#ltiple c!oice /egree of a%ecti"es $onnectors

7 8ritten compre!ension

• Se#encing

When an% while • +atc!ing  Some an% any +o%al "erbs

• S!ort answer 3blank filling4 sentence completion4 rep!rasing5

• S!ort answer 3te(t compre!ension5 $ Lang#age

/ 8ritten pro%#ction


< ASA • Upgrade 8

• ;ssay 3:6 to )6 wor%s5

A – Listening compre!e compre!ension nsion

26 marks

are #se%= 1= Listen to t!e first part of t!e te(t an% tick 3 √5 t!e wor%s t!at are

16 marks

 bones s#bstances t!in sweet foo%s fres!ly bo%y m#scles %rink  !#ngry c!il% !eart !ealt!y grow n#trients #ickly

2= Listen to t!e first part of t!e te(t again an% say if t!e sentences

) marks

are Tr#e 3T5> ?alse 3?5 or -mpossible to Know 3-K5=

 a5 The food we eat is i!portant when we are growing up&  b5 Idea$ $ou

shoud drin# a itre of !i# a da$& da$&

ee!ents that are essentia for  c5 - foods have ee!ents

our heath&

 %5 .eath$ foods don"t

give us enough energ$& energ$&

 e5 /ou shoud eat a ot

when $ou are growing up&

,= Listen to t!e last part of t!e te(t an% fill in t!e blanks wit! t!e missing wor%s= In our dai$ ives, we use energ$ to thin#, wa#, actions& The b5 in the c5

) marks 3)(1 mark5

, %reathe and perfor! !an$ other 

it ta#es our %od$ to do these things co!es fro! two two paces0 paces0 fat reserves and the food we eat ever$ ever$ da$& da$& If $ou don"t eat heath$ heath$ %5

$ou" find that $ou are are feeing wea#& If $ou don"t don"t e5


the right nutrients, $our %od$ %od$ cannot

function proper$& http://hutchinsonm.hubpages.coma%ridged http://hutchinsonm.hubpages.com a%ridged and adapted, accessed in u$ 213


• Upgrade 8


7 – @ea%ing compre!ension

,6 marks

@ea% t!e following te(t abo#t ane=

Sat#r%ay Toda$ wasn"t a ver$ good da$& I got up ate %ecause !u! didn"t wa#e !e up There was no %read so I didn"t have an$ %rea#fast& I was hungr$ a !orning I arrived at the shopping !a haf an hour ate and Tina wasn"t there& he"s going to %e angr$ with !e I went shopping on !$ own and I spent too !uch !one$& I %ought so!e new %oots& 5

The$"re fantastic, %ut now I haven"t got an$ !one$ and I can"t %u$ tic#ets for the !usic concert& h dear I"! terri%e with !one$& I didn"t have an$ !one$ for the %us and I wa#ed ho!e& f course, it started to rain and I didn"t have !$ u!%rea M$ shoe has got a hoe in it and !$ foot got wet& (hen I got ho!e I was wet, cod and hungr$ I wanted to go out with Ti! in the evening, %ut


he was %us$& (onderfu In the end, I sta$ed ho!e and watched T with dad& The progra!!es were %oring& .e wanted to watch the foot%a !atch and I hate foot%a, so I went to %ed at 9&3 and wrote this :erhaps to!orrow is going to %e a %etter da$& I hope so In ;dwards, id $ou go to the cine!a?

%5 I didn"t spend !$ hoida$s at the %each&

:= Look at t!e following map an% fill in t!e gaps wit! t!e e(pressions from t!e bo(= Some are not #se%=

: marks

t#rn left t#rn rig!t go straig!t on ne(t to opposite go along in front of 

Tom is at the police station. He is asking for help to go to the train station. TomE @an $ou te !e the wa$ to the train station, pease? Ffficer onesE f course (hen $ou eave the poice station, turn right and a5

n the corner of :ine treet $ou" see a !en"s wear shop, b5 %5

Main treet& the %ar& c5


& /ou" find the train station in front of $ou&

/ – 8ritten pro%#ction

26 marks

8!at is a normal %ay like for yo# /escribe yo#r %aily ro#tine= Use t!e following #estions to !elp yo# write a te(t of abo#t :6*)6 wor%s= A (hat ti!e do $ou wa#e up?

A >o $ou have unch at schoo?

A (hat do $ou do %efore going to schoo?

A (hat do $ou do after schoo?

A .ow do $ou go to schoo?

A (hat ti!e do $ou go to %ed?

A (hat ti!e do $our essons start?

A – Listening compre!ension

26 marks

1= Listen to part 1 an% write t!e missing information for eac! sentence= a5 The surroundings are


b5 The schoo is the perfect pace for chidren


c5 ther chidren co!e fro! %5 @hidren earn in a

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

the word& environ!ent&

e5 The essons, activities and schoo trips are

for students&

2= Fr%er t!e sentences accor%ing to w!at yo# !ear in part 2=

) marks 3)(1 mark5

 a5 /ounger chidren sta$ in arger dor!itories&  b5 @hidren fee co!forta%e awa$ fro! ho!e&  c5 -cco!!odation is idea&  %5 Bo$s and girs sta$ in different houses&  e5 The chidren !a#e good friends&

,= Listen to part , an% matc! eac! beginning wit! its correct en%ing= Fne is not #se%=

a5 The chidren

315 ;ngish %rea#fast is served&

b5 The !eas are served

325 served %efore %ed&

c5 Three !ornings a wee# 

3,5 there are awa$s two hot choices&

%5 -t unch and dinner ti!e

3:5 in the dining roo!s&

e5 >rin#s and %iscuits are

3)5 at ho!e& 3B5 eat three !eas a da$&

) marks 3)(1 mark5

7 – @ea%ing compre!ension

,6 marks

@ea% t!e te(t=

S#mmer program @&T&/& is organiCed %$ ohns .op#ins Dniversit$ for students %etween the ages of thirteen and seventeen& There are !an$ different courses to choose 5

fro! in the hu!anities, !athe!atics, and sciences& ;ach student pic#s one course for the entire session& I attended @&T&/& at )ran#in and Marsha @oege in uring the wee#ends there were specia activities, dances, and trips to the !a and !ovies& I found !$ course !ore interesting and chaenging than nor!a schoo casses& The teachers respected our opinions and inteigence and we were a%e to


discuss topics usua$ not !entioned in schoo& -though the course was chaenging, it was en=o$a%e* we had pent$ of ti!e to co!pete ho!ewor# during the twohour evening stud$ ha and had no tests& I fee I earned a ot in !$ course& I rea$ en=o$ed !$ e'perience at @&T&/& I reco!!end it to an$one who wants to earn over the su!!er %ut doesn"t want to go to su!!er schoo&  %$ Fache @&, (estford http://www.teenink.com/summer_guide/program_reiews/article/!"#$%/Center&For&Talented&'outh/  a%ridged and adapted, accessed in anuar$ 214

1= +atc! t!e pairs of e#i"alents= Fne isnt #se%= a5 attended & 5

315 difficut

b5 weird & 9

325 organised

c5 ran & 1

3,5 nor!a

%5 chaenging & 12

3:5 was present at

: marks

3)5 strange

2= -%entify fo#r positi"e t!ings abo#t t!e $=T=H= e(perience=

B marks 3:(1>) marks5

,= Are t!e sentences Tr#e 3T5 or ?alse 3?5 #stify t!e false ones wit! sentences from t!e te(t=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

 a5 The course was ess interesting and chaenging than schoo&

 b5 The$ discussed topics which were different fro! schoo&

 c5 The students didn"t have ti!e to do their ho!ewor#&

 %5 The tests were e'tre!e$ difficut&

 e5 The writer thin#s he earned a ot&

:= Answer t!ese #estions on t!e te(t=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

:=1= (hat institution is responsi%e for the course?

:=2= .ow !an$ courses does each student do per session?

:=,= (hat course did the writer ta#e?

:=:= (hat were the students i#e?

:=)= .ow ong did the casses ast?

$ – Lang#age 1= $!oose t!e correct a%"erb of fre#ency= a5 Good students ne"er 9 always do their ho!ewor#& b5 The Dniversit$ #s#ally 9 rarely organises the course during the su!!er %rea#& c5 /ou !ust fre#ently 9 ne"er go to %ed ate on schoo da$s& %5 @&/&T& casses often 9 always ast for 5 hours ever$ da$& e5 M$ %rother and I are such good friends that we often 9 rarely fight&

,6 marks ) marks 3)(1 mark5

2= $omplete wit! t!e correct form of t!e a%ecti"e in brackets=

) marks 3)(1 mark5

a5 That is the

 %oo# I have ever read 3goo%5

b5 (ho is the

 %o$ in the cass, ohn or Mi#e? 3tall5

c5 Fiding a %i#e is

than sitting on the couch pa$ing co!puter ga!es& 3!ealt!y5

%5 M$ new couch is !ore e5 Mar$ is

than the od one& 3comfortable5 than her sister& 3ol%5

,= Link t!e cla#ses from t!e col#mn A to t!e ones from col#mn $ #sing when or while= A


16 marks 3)(2 marks5 $

a5 I was waiting for the %us

3A5 the door%e rang?

b5 The$ were doing their ho!ewor# 

375 she fe and %ro#e her eg& 315 when

c5 :eter was ceaning his coset

325 whie

3$5 dad was coo#ing dinner&

%5 (ere $ou having a shower 

3/5 I saw a car accident&

e5 3anice was wa#ing down the street

3;5 3ean was washing the dishes&

:= oin t!e sentences #sing t!e wor%s in brackets=

16 marks 3:(2>) marks5

a5 arah attended ohn .op#ins Dniversit$& he went to the Dniversit$ of irginia& 3t!en5

b5 he fet worried& he didn"t !a#e new friends& 3beca#se5

c5 :au had to go to cass& .e preferred to ride his %i#e& 3b#t5

%5 (or# hard& /ou wi get %ad !ar#s& 3or5

/ – 8ritten pro%#ction /o yo# t!ink going to a s#mmer sc!ool is interesting 8!at are t!e positi"e an% negati"e aspects of t!is kin% of sc!ool 8rite :6*)6 wor%s e(pressing yo#r opinion=

26 marks

A – Listening compre!ension

26 marks

1= Listen to part 1 an% c!oose t!e correct option=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

a5 >isne$ (ord, no !atter how od $ou are, brings o#t t!e worst 9 brings o#t t!e best 9 lea"es t!e least out of $ou& b5 It !a#es $ou fee like a c!il% 9 like an ol% person 9 like ot!er people & c5 The staff awa$s are so attenti"e an% ba% 9 !elpf#l an% nice 9 angry an% ner"o#s& %5 It was s#c! a nice 9 s#c! a ba% 9 s#c! a #seless thing& e5 The$ see! to have afforda%e b#ses an% trains 9 prices for rooms 9 !arbo#rs an% towers &

2= Listen to part 2 an% matc! eac! beginning wit! its correct en%ing= Fne is not #se%=

a5 ur fa!i$ oves

315 hate the %us s$ste!&

b5 (e continue to

325 %e !ore %uses when the par#s cose&

c5 There shoud

3,5 to %e too far awa$&

%5 The %uses see!

3:5 %een connected %$ !onorai&

e5 - the par#s shoud have

3)5 no one eaving&

) marks 3)(1 mark5

3B5 a >isne$ :ar#s&

,= Fr%er t!e sentences accor%ing to w!at yo# !ear in part ,=

 a5 (e reserved unch&  b5 The >isne$ r& and Beaut$ and the Beast shows&  c5 (e were e'cited to return&  %5 @o!ing %ac# to >isne$ (ord&  e5 he oved ta#ing a picture&

) marks 3)(1 mark5

7 – @ea%ing compre!ension

,6 marks

@ea% t!e te(t=

8!y yo# s!o#l% "isit Sy%ney> A#stralia $dne$ is a %eautifu cit$ in the Hdownunder countr$ of -ustraia& -ustraia !a$ %e a rough and pri!itive and %ut there is nothing rough a%out $dne$& The ver$ !odern and active cit$ is ver$ !uch aive& This cit$ is ocated in the southwest of -ustraia right near the coast& It is the argest and odest cit$ in -ustraia and that attracts !ore 5

tourists than an$ other cit$ in the countr$& 7eac!es

$dne$ aso has so!e of the %est %eaches $ou can find& If $ou pan to en=o$ the sun at the fa!ous Bondi Beach, don"t forget the ci!ate in the 1

southern he!isphere is the opposite of the northern he!isphere& -ustraia"s su!!er is in anuar$ and u$ and -ugust is the codest ti!e of  the $ear& f course, their su!!ers are !uch onger& /ou shoud e'pect a%out 8 !onths of 


sunshine& Lang#age

(hat !a#es $dne$ great aong with its uniJue attractions is that ever$one spea#s ;ngish& This !a$ sound o%vious %ut traveing to a strange countr$ where ever$thing is new !a$ %e difficut& If $ou cannot understand an$one, it !a#es it even harder& 2

Their variet$ of ;ngish is different fro! -!erican or British ;ngish& -nd it !a$ ta#e so!e ti!e getting used to& -ustraians !a$ use the sa!e words %ut the$ have different !eanings to those we use in the tates& Iospitality

If $ou need hep or have a Juestion, $ou wi find that -ustraians are nice and !ore 25

than happ$ to hep& I found that as#ing for hep resuted in hours of conversations& This is great fa!i$ vacation destination where the sun awa$s shines and the hospitait$ never ends& http://oices.(ahoo.com/wh(&isit&s(dne(&australia&)*$++.html a%ridged and adapted, accessed in anuar$ 214

1= $omplete t!is file abo#t Sy%ney wit! information from t!e te(t=

a5 @ountr$ b5 @haracteristics of $dne$ c5 ) marks5

2= +atc! t!e pairs of e#i"alents= Fne %oes not apply=

: marks 3:(1 mark5

a5 rough & 2

315 %us$

b5 pri!itive & 2 

325 organised

c5 active & 3

3,5 %e prepared for 

%5 e'pect & 14

3:5 wid 3)5 irreguar 

,= Are t!e sentences Tr#e 3T5 or ?alse 3?5 #stify t!e false ones wit! sentences from t!e te(t=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

 a5 There are not !an$ %eaches in $dne$&  b5 ;ver$one spea#s ;ngish in -ustraia&  c5 -ustraian ;ngish is i#e -!erican ;ngish&  %5 u$ and -ugust are cod !onths&  e5 -ustraians use the sa!e words as the -!ericans and the ;ngish&

:= Answer t!ese #estions on t!e te(t= :=1= (hat is the weather i#e?

:=2= (hat are -ustraians i#e?

:=,= (hen is -ustraian su!!er?

:=:= .ow ong is it?

:=)= (ho can visit -ustraia?

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

$ – Lang#age

,6 marks

1= $!oose t!e correct form of t!e a%ecti"e in eac! sentence=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

a5 oan is the s!orter 9 s!ort 9 s!ortest gir in her cass& b5 :atric# is a best 9 goo% 9 better student than Kieran& c5 (ho is the prettiest 9 prettier 9 pretty gir in our group? %5 I find cience a more interesting 9 "ery interesting 9 most interesting su%=ect& e5 The most fantastic 9 more fantastic 9 fantastic !onth of the $ear is u$&

2= $ircle t!e correct option=

: marks 3:(1 mark5

a5 -re there some 9 any %eaches in $dne$? b5 .ave $ou got a 9 an photo of the cit$? c5 I had any 9 no ti!e to visit the pera .ouse& %5 M$ friend :au visited some 9 any of the greatest attractions in the cit$&

,= Un%erline t!e correct option=

B marks 3,(2 mark5

a5 In $dne$ $ou cant 9 co#l%nt 9 may visit $dne$ .ar%our& b5 )ew tourists m#st 9 can 9 may resist the %eautifu views fro! the %a$& c5 There were so !an$ peope at the -T: Tower in $dne$ that we cant 9 m#st 9 co#l%nt see the cit$&

:= Link t!e cla#ses from t!e col#mn A to t!e ones from col#mn $ #sing when or while= A


a5 I was having unch

%5 (as Maggie istening to !usic e5 anice was wa#ing down the schoo



3A5 she was waiting for the %us?

b5 Bo% and Ted were ta#ing on the phone c5 Mo! was vacuu!ing

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

315 when

375 she sipped and fe&

325 whie

3$5 the ine %ro#e down& 3/5 !$ %est friend caed& 3;5 dad was washing the dishes&

/ – 8ritten pro%#ction 8!ic! co#ntry wo#l% yo# like to "isit 8rite :6*)6 wor%s e(pressing yo#r opinion=

26 marks

Answer key Placement Tests Test 1 A – Listening compre!ension 1= Bones, su%stances, foods, %od$, !usces, chid, heath$, grow, nutrients, Juic#$& 2= a5 T* b5 IK* c5 T* %5 )* e5 IK& ,= a5 ta#* b5 energ$* c5 %od$* %5 foods* e5 eat& 7 – @ea%ing compre!ension 1= 1&1& %* 1&2& a* 1&3& %* 1&4& c* 1&5& a 2= a5 ate & 1* b5 angr$ & 4* c5 !uch & 4* %5 new & 5* e5 fantastic & 5& ,= a5 2* b5 4* c5 1* %5 3& $ – Lang#age 1= sta$ed* watched* were* wanted* went* wrote& 2= a5 4* b5 6* c5 1* %5 3* e5 5* f5 2& ,= a5 :0 ane watches T with her dad* :@0 ane is watching T with her dad& b5 :0 The #ids stud$ hard for the e'a!* :@0 The #ids are stud$ing hard for the e'a!& c5 :0 >o $ou go to the cine!a?* :@0 -re $ou going to the cine!a? %5 :0 I don"t spend !$ hoida$s at the %each* :@0 I a! not spending !$ hoida$s at the  %each& := a5 go aong* b5 opposite* c5 Turn eft* %5 go straight on&

Test 2 A – Listening compre!ension 1= a5 stunning* b5 aged 8 to 12* c5 a over* %5 safe and fun* e5 wonderfu e'periences& 2= a5 4* b5 5* c5 1* %5 3* e5 2& ,= a5 6* b5 4* c5 1* %5 3* e5 2& 7 * @ea%ing compre!ension 1= a5 4* b5 5* c5 2* %5 1& 2= !et ots of different #inds of peope* socia at!osphere was great* no one was eft out* the socia at!osphere was great& ,= a5 )ase L HI found !$ course !ore interesting and chaenging than nor!a schoo casses& & 1213& b5 True* c5 )ase L H we had pent$ of ti!e to co!pete ho!ewor#  & 15& %5 )ase L H had no tests  & 16& e5 True& := 4&1& ohn .op#ins Dniversit$ is& 4&2& ne&

4&3& he too# a writing course& 4&4& The$ were a nor!a teenagers& 4&5& The$ too# five hours ever$ da$& $ * Lang#age 1= a5 awa$s* b5 usua$* c5 never* %5 awa$s* e5 rare$& 2= a5 %est* b5 taest* c5 heathier* %5 co!forta%e* e5 oder& ,= a5 2 >* b5 1 @* c5 1 ;* %5 2 -* e5 2 B& := a5 arah attended ohn .op#ins Dniversit$ then she went to the Dniversit$ of irginia& b5 he fet worried  %ecause she didn"t !a#e new friends& c5 :au had to go to cass %ut he preferred to ride his %i#e& %5 (or# hard or $ou wi get %ad !ar#s&

Test , A * Listening compre!ension 1= a5 %rings out the %est* b5 i#e a chid* c5 hepfu and nice* %5 such a nice* e5 prices and roo!s& 2= a5 6* b5 1* c5 2* %5 3* e5 4& ,= a5 5* b5 4* c5 2* %5 1* e5 3& 7 * @ea%ing compre!ension 1= a5 -ustraia* b5 ver$ !odern and active and ver$ !uch aive* c5 southwest of -ustraia* %5 the argest and the odest cit$ in -ustraia& 2= a5 5* b5 4* c5 1* %5 3& ,= a5 )ase L H$dne$ aso has so!e of the %est %eaches $ou can find& & 78& b5 True& c5 )ase L HTheir variet$ of ;ngish is different fro! -!erican or British ;ngish& & 2& %5 True& e5 True& := 4&1& The weather is awa$s sunn$& 4&2& -ustraians are nice and !ore than happ$ to hep& 4&3& -ustraia"s su!!er is in anuar$ and u$ and -ugust is the codest ti!e of the $ear& 4&4& Their su!!ers are !uch onger& /ou shoud e'pect a%out 8 !onths of sunshine& 4&5& -ustraia is a great fa!i$ vacation destination& $ * Lang#age 1= a5 shortest* b5 %etter* c5 prettiest* %5 ver$ interesting* e5 !ost fantastic& 2= a5 an$* b5 a* c5 no* %5 so!e* e5 an$& ,= a5 !a$* b5 can* c5 coudn"t& := a5 1 >* b5 1 @* c5 2 ;* %5 2 -* e5 1 B&

Table of specifications Progress Tests 3Unit 15

$ontents Skills

A Listening compre!ension


Team UpJ


Types of -tems

.#mber of items










Present simple an% present contin#o#s

Lets Go 8il%J

• +#ltiple c!oice Past simple • Se#encing

7?? 7 8ritten compre!ension

When an% while • +atc!ing +o%al "erbs

Past simple an% past contin#o#s

• S!ort answer 3blank filling4 sentence completion4 rep!rasing5

• S!ort answer 3te(t compre!ension5 $ Lang#age

/ 8ritten pro%#ction

• ;ssay 3B6 wor%s5

A – Listening compre!ension

26 marks

Ho# are going to listen to some information abo#t $orey an% Angie> twin brot!er an% sister=

1= Listen to part 1= 8!at is t!e te(t abo#t Tick 3 √5 t!e correct answer=

) marks

 a5 )riends and friendship  b5 ;'tracurricuar activities  c5 ports 2= Listen to part 1 again an% c!oose t!e correct option=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

a5 @ore$ and -ngie en=o$ pa$ing a #inds of in%oor sports 9 o#t%oor games 9 e(trac#rric#lar acti"ities& b5 n particuar$ nice %ays 9 rainy mornings 9 col% e"enings , @ore$ and -ngie have %een #nown to #ic# around the soccer %a, toss around the %ase%a, or go on ong runs& c5 In =ust a !onth the twins wi go to grammar sc!ool 9 primary sc!ool 9 !ig! sc!ool & %5 -ngie is thin#ing a%out try !er !an% 9 begin to play 9 play in t!e lan% at a sport she has never pa$ed& e5 The$"re !a"ing a problem 9 facing a problem 9 sol"ing a problem a ot of teens face&

,= Fr%er t!e sentences accor%ing to w!at yo# !ear in part 2=

 a5 Ma#e sure it"s coo with $our parents&  b5 /ou thin# it"s !ore fun&  c5 @hoosing sports in high schoo is hard&  %5 /ou can awa$s tr$ another&  e5 The$ aren"t sure what the$" !ost en=o$&

) marks 3)(1 mark5

7 – @ea%ing compre!ension

,6 marks

@ea% t!e te(t=

7ore% looking for a new c!allenge /ou can watch %as#et%a, %ase%a, trac#, g$!nastics, tennis, aero%ics, voe$%a, and weight ifting on ;:E, or $ou can get out and en=o$ the! %$ =oining $our schoo tea!& Eot into tea! sports? There"s a )rench cu%, the de%ating tea!, chess cu%, student govern!ent, radio, newspaper, $ear%oo#, environ!enta cu%, 4., dra!a, choir, photograph$, tudents -gainst >estructive >ecisions, =aCC %and, 5

Business :rofessionas of -!erica, co!puter cu%, and !ore& o !an$ choices can see! e'cessive, %ut getting invoved in new activities with new peope is a fun wa$ to chaenge $oursef& .ere are so!e %asics and advantages of getting invoved& 7enefits of e(trac#rric#lar acti"ities

o what"s in it for $ou? /ou get to e'pore $our ph$sica, 1

creative, socia, and career interests& /ou" find friends0 tr$ing so!ething different !a$ %ring $ou in contact with peope $ou didn"t #now who share $our interests and curiosit$& /ou can get invoved with groups as a wa$ to get support 15

fro! other students with $our cuture or nationait$& - cu% or group can aso %e a great wa$ to !eet peope who are different fro! $ou& ) marks5

3)5 too !uch

,= Are t!e sentences Tr#e 3T5 or ?alse 3?5 #stify t!e false ones wit! sentences from t!e te(t=

D marks 3:(2 marks5

 a5 There are on$ disadvantages in doing e'tracurricuar activities&  b5 /ou wi !eet new peope&  c5 ;'tracurricuar activities !a#e no difference when tr$ing to get a =o%&  %5 :eope who are %us$ do not have %ad ha%its& := Answer t!ese #estions on t!e te(t=

D marks 3:(2 marks5

:=1= .ow can a group or a cu% %e good for $ou?

:=2= (hat do e'tracurricuar activities te other peope a%out $ou?

:=,= In what other wa$s can e'tracurricuar activities hep $ou?

:=:= (hat is the !ost %asic reason for =oining a cu% or a tea!?

$ – Lang#age

,6 marks

1= +atc! t!e wor%s to t!eir %efinitions= Fne %efinition isnt #se%=

a5 choir

315 peope who pa$ a ga!e or sport together 

b5 tea!

325 group of actresses and actors

c5 %and

3,5 peope watching a show or perfor!ance

%5 audience

3:5 !usicians who nor!a$ pa$ together 

e5 co!pan$

3)5 group of singers


3B5 a arge group of peope

) marks 3)(1 mark5

2= $!oose t!e correct option=

1) marks 31)(1 mark5

a5 -t the !o!ent she re!earses 9 is re!earsing for the pa$& b5 :au is st#%ying 9 st#%ies ver$ hard for his tests so that he !as 9 is !a"ing no ti!e to do his e'tracurricuar activities& c5 Mar$ and her sister take 9 are taking %aet essons ever$ da$& The$ are starting 9 start at 8 o"coc# and finis! 9 are finis!ing at 1 o"coc#& %5  Eow the$ get 9 are getting dressed for toda$"s show& The$ are taking 9 take part in a show ever$ wee#& e5 The two girs are enoying 9 enoy %aet ver$ !uch& f5 Bi$ and his %rother Foss like 9 are liking sports ver$ !uch& Bi$ is %oing 9 %oes %o'ing %ut his %rother prefers 9 is preferring foot%a& g5 Foss plays 9 is playing foot%a twice a wee#& o!eti!es his friends participate 9 are participating in training sessions& The$ are playing 9 play at the !o!ent&

,= ?orm correct sentences #sing t!e present simple or t!e present contin#o#s an% t!e wor%s below=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

a5 usua$ + she + supportive + %e + ver$ + &

b5 now + for + eave + schoo + the$ + ?

c5 ;ngish + at + read + !o!ent + an + usan + %oo# + the + &

%5 assign!ents + she + I + rehearse + her + do + pa$ + the + whie + for + &

e5 not + #now + Mar$ + word + !ean + Hreieved + the + what + &

/ – 8ritten pro%#ction 8rite an email to a frien% telling !im9!er abo#t yo#r e(trac#rric#lar acti"ities= 8!ic! are t!ey 8!y %i% yo# c!oose t!em 8!at are t!e benefits of %oing s#c! acti"ities 8rite abo#t B6 wor%s e(pressing yo#r opinion=

26 marks

A – Listening compre!ension

26 marks

Ho# are going to !ear a te(t abo#t a teens fa"o#rite s#bects=

1= Listen to part 1 an% tick 3

5 t!e sc!ools s#bects w!ic! are mentione%=

 a5 ;ngish

 e5 .istor$

 b5 :h$sica ;ducation

 f5 Maths

 c5 @he!istr$

 g5 cience

 %5 Mora tudies

 !5 Geograph$

2= Fr%er t!e sentences accor%ing to w!at yo# !ear in part 2=

2 marks

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

 a5 /ou"d never ta#e the ti!e to thin# a%out the ee!ents&  b5 There"s no other cass that I rea$ !ind&  c5 epp puts in

coa%oration taent to choose the fi!s he wants to

e'ceent perfor!ing s#is& favourite fi!s with ohnn$ >epp is Edward 2cissorhands& It is one

%5 I thin# one of 



 %est parts&

e5 ;!!a Tho!pson"s screenpa$ for 2ense and 2ensibilit( was ver$ successfu&

the scar for the Best -dapted creenpa$& This !eans no other screenpa$ was as good as

,= Use t!e wor%s below to make sentences=

screenpa$ won &

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

a5 said + actress + arah + Keira Knighte$ + is + favourite + her + &

b5 watched + fi!s + she + a + has + her + &

c5 fi!s + !ore + prefers + :au + are + i@aprio + interesting + his + %ecause + &

%5 favourite + and + their + teven pie%erg + is + ac# + director + sa$ + ohn + &

e5 don"t + we + Fo%ert >owne$ r + i#e + our + %ut + friends + &

/ – 8ritten pro%#ction

26 marks

T!ink of a film yo# !a"e watc!e% recently an% w!ic! yo# enoye%= 8!at was t!e film abo#t 8!y %i% yo# enoy it 8rite a s#mmary of t!e film in abo#t B6 wor%s=

A – Listening compre!ension

26 marks

1= Listen to part 1 of t!is te(t abo#t a mo%el talking abo#t !erself= 1=1= (hich =o%s did this top !ode drea! of as a chid? Tic#  √ the correct options&

 a5 :resident

 c5 Eucear ph$sicist

 b5 ;ngineer 

 %5 Teacher 

 e5 >octor 

2= Listen to part 1 again to fill in eac! gap in t!e te(t wit! a wor%=

B marks 3B(1 mark5

(hen I was a $oung gir in Iinois, I coud never have even a5

a%out a ife i#e !ine&

I woud i#e to ac#nowedge and than# God for the b5 with a wonderfu, heath$ fa!i$ and a c5

good fortune I"ve had& I a! %essed that has given !e the opportunit$ to e'perience

so !an$ incredi%e things as we as opened the door to countess %5 M$ e5

: marks

 %ehind the creation of this f5

 L past, present and future& is to share with $ou so!e

of the things I"ve done, so!e of the things I"! current$ up to, and a itte of what I"ve earned aong the wa$& http://www.cindy.com/about-me (abridged and adapted), accessed in Ja nuary 2014

,= Listen to part 2 an% %eci%e if t!e sentences below are Tr#e 3T5 or ?alse 3?5=

 a5 @ind$ @rawford wor#ed in a cothing store&  b5 he is often as#ed for advice&  c5 H>o not oo# for !odeing agencies near $our cit$&  %5 @ind$ is in favour of !odeing schoos&  e5 )ew peope %eco!e successfu !odes&

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

7 – @ea%ing compre!ension

,6 marks

@ea% t!e te(t=

Iow to be a mo%elE a g#i%e Know t!e type of mo%eling yo# want to %o

The first step to %eco!ing a !ode is #nowing what t$pe of !odeing $ou want to do& There are Juite a few areas to choose fro!0 print !odes focus on !agaCine photo shoots whie runwa$ !odes wa# the catwa# for a%es& There are aso !ore co!!ercia options such as %eing a 5 swi!suit or cataogue !ode& :us siCe !odeing has !ade an i!pact in recent $ears too& Eo !atter which area $ou choose, !ost fe!ae !odes start at the !ini!u! height of 1,7 %ut coser to 1,75 is preferred& ?in% t!e rig!t agency

-fter $ou have researched the right agencies, $ou wi want to contact the!& Most agencies have for!s onine where $ou can send in $our photos and persona info& These incude $our height, !easure!ents and weight& The$ wi aso want to see photos of $ou& i!pe digita photos are what !ost agencies reJuire& Ma#e sure to do a head shot and fuength shot& (ear no !a#eup and a si!pe tan# top and pants& Ta#e the photo in natura ight so peope can see $our features& rea%y to start working as a mo%el= 8rite a postcar% to a frien% telling !im9!er abo#t yo#r feelings as yo# arri"e in t!e city an% t!e s!ow yo# are going to participate in= 8rite abo#t B6 wor%s=

A – Listening compre!ension

26 marks

Ho# are going to listen to someone talking abo#t a festi"al=

1= Listen to t!e te(t= 8!at type of te(t is it Tick 3 √5 t!e correct option=

 a5 -dvertise!ent

 b5 Infor!ative

 c5 pinion

2= Listen to part 2 an% complete t!e gaps wit! a wor% or s!ort p!rase= >uring the period of a5

: marks

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

$ou can %u$ tic#ets for wee#end

1 or wee#end 2& It"s i!portant to b5

that $ou %u$

tic#ets for $our preferred wee#end& -ccess to the festiva is on$ possi%e if $ou have a c5 are %5

for $our preferred wee#end& If $ou a To!orrowand tic#et for the other wee#end,

access wi %e denied /ou e5

$our tic#ets for the

other wee#end& http://www.tomorrowland.com (abridged and adapted), accessed in February 2014

a5 Mini!u! age i!it for entr$ to the festiva b5 Teenagers who turn 18 in 214 c5 unda$ chec# in cosing ti!e %5 -ccess after this ti!e e5 )u Madness Feguar+@o!fort :ass tic#et hoders reentr$ conditions f5 >rea!ie :ac#age hoders reentr$ conditions

,= Listen to t!e te(t again to complete t!e table in note form=

B marks 3B(1 mark5

7 – @ea%ing compre!ension

,6 marks

1= $!oose a p!rase or p!rases to %escribe a festi"al=

: marks

 a5 -n organised series of concerts, pa$s, or fi!s&

 %5 It happens at the sa!e ocation&

 b5 It ta#es pace annua$&

 e5 The audience is awa$s the sa!e&

 c5 n$ teenagers attend it&

@ea% t!e te(t=

+y first Glastonb#ry e(perienceE -% go again I"! no festiva e'pert& I"ve never had an$ pro%e!s with ca!ping or an$ of the other things that are t$pica of festivas %ut after attending Feading )estiva in 28 and 29 I too# so!e ti!e awa$ fro! the festiva scene unti I was a %it oder and coud 5 appreciate it a a %it !ore& o, earier this $ear I went in for the resae of Gaston%ur$ tic#ets and guaranteed !$ first ever trip to the word fa!ous festiva, on a coach fro! Eorwich& itting at ho!e and watching Gaston%ur$ on T was not an option& In 211, I did =ust that and 1 tod !$sef I want to go to there& It"s i!portant during festivas not to focus on a the %ands $ou MDT see, %ecause there wi %e argu!ents and there wi %e !assive wa#s %etween the two different stages& /ou"ve got to save so!e ti!e to  =ust find une'pected taent& I discovered so !uch new !usic there as we as !usic I aread$ #new and oved and now have the possi%iit$ of sa$ing I"ve e'perienced ive& 15 The Foing tones were a persona preference L a piece of histor$ that I" re!e!%er a !$ ife& I heard heaps of !usic L the %eaut$ of it a is going fro! fied to fied istening to such a variet$ of tunes& The whoe festiva had a great vi%e& It was sunn$ for the rest of the ti!e after the initia out%urst& :eope s!ied, offered advice, and shared things& The wide variet$ of food was aweso!e and the !usic vi%rated 2 throughout& M$ Gaston%ur$ e'perience was incredi%e& I was uc#$ with the weather in the end, the peope I was with, the e'periences avaia%e, the freedo! of iving awa$ fro! the outside word, the !usic+arts and a the wonderfu perfor!ances& http://www.kettlemag.co.uk/article/m(&first&glastonbur(&e6perience&i7E87)$7##d&go&again a%ridged and adapted,  accessed in anuar$ 214

2= ?in% e#i"alents of t!e wor%s9e(pressions below in paragrap!s , an% := a5 concentrate

%5 favourite

b5 differences of opinion

e5 ots

c5 ver$ ong+%ig

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

,= #ote from t!e te(t to #stify t!e sentences below=

16 marks 3)(2 marks5

a5 The writer had attended other !usic festivas %efore going to Gaston%ur$&

b5 .is first e'perience of Gaston%ur$ )estiva was not co!pete$ satisfactor$&

c5 .e en=o$ed %oth new !usic and !usic he was aread$ fa!iiar with&

%5 o!e of his favourite !usicians were pa$ing at the festiva&

e5 The writer thin#s the festiva was great&

:= Answer t!e #estions on t!e te(t=

B marks 3,(2 marks5

:=1= .ow did he %u$ the tic#et for the festiva? :=2= .ow did he get to
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