
June 30, 2018 | Author: api-33562418 | Category: Poetry, Cognition, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognitive Science, Communication
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Date: 10th Nov 2014

Unit 3 Language Planner Grade: 4 Unit length: 5 weeks

Stage 1  Desired !esults "sta#lished Goals: To develop the knowledge and skill of poetry, through engaging with different texts (Presenting, R, W, Sp and L). $on%e&tual $on%e&tual Understandings: Understandings: Students will understand that . . . .  . When writing poes, the words we !hoose and how we !hoose to use the ena"le us to share our iaginings and ideas a"out the world The stru!ture of poetry in!ludes identifia"le features #ifferent visual te!hni$ues produ!e different effe!ts and are used to present different types of inforation.

"ssential 'uestions: What is poetry% What is the purpose of poetry% &ow do poets express theselves through words% &ow are different styles of poetry stru!tured% What are the features of different types of poes%

Students will know that. that. . .('nowledge) Poetry is a re!ognia"le text type #ifferent types of poetry have spe!ifi! stru!tures Poetry !an "e used to express thoughts and i deas.

Students will be able to . . . . . (Skills) opose a poe, !ontaining* +n appropriate stru!ture to the type of o poe Poeti!literary Poeti!literary devi!es (figurative o language) Word !hoi!es that enhan!e the eaning of o the poe -iew visual inforation and show o understanding "y asking relevant $uestions and dis!ussing possi"le eaning (shape, for and !olour of poe displayed).

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Stage 2  (ssess)ent "viden%e Word in !entre is 1poetry2). Pre*(ssess)ent: rayer /odel 0 provide students with a !opy for the to !oplete. ( Word Per+or)an%e ,asks: ,asks: Students !reate and re!ord an original 3poe4. They use either* a photo, audio or video, to re!ord a reading and display their poe. They need to in!lude an explanation of* what style of poe they have !reated5 whi!h features it !ontains5 identify thees, iaginings and ideas5 and the reason "ehind the words !hosen eg to 6ustify the use of siile and etaphor et!.

-ther "viden%e: Dis%ussions of different kinds of poes Sharing own poes with the !lass. • •

Moderation of assessment:

Stage 3  Learning Plan Learning (%tivities: (in!lude differentiation) Students highlight stru!ture and features of poetry (7SW saples5 Writing un saples5 hildren2s poetry ar!hive fro poetryar!hive.org) 8se of graphi! organiers to anal./e and to %reate  poes (Read, Write, Think 1thee p oes52 Poetry raes fro S!holasti!2s 3Writing with Writers4 Reading and listening to poes written "y poets (Rhying ouplets 0 9uatrain, &aiku, in$uain, Lieri!k, #iaante (:enny ;ther 0 Spellodroe) 3Pla.4 with words for poes with tools, e.g. 'ids2 /agneti! Poetry 'it4 (play.agneti!poetry.!opoe'idskit). •


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