Unit 3 Language Planner Grade: 4 Unit length: 5 weeks
Stage 1 Desired !esults "sta#lished Goals: To develop the knowledge and skill of poetry, through engaging with different texts (Presenting, R, W, Sp and L). $on%e&tual $on%e&tual Understandings: Understandings: Students will understand that . . . . . When writing poes, the words we !hoose and how we !hoose to use the ena"le us to share our iaginings and ideas a"out the world The stru!ture of poetry in!ludes identifia"le features #ifferent visual te!hni$ues produ!e different effe!ts and are used to present different types of inforation.
"ssential 'uestions: What is poetry% What is the purpose of poetry% &ow do poets express theselves through words% &ow are different styles of poetry stru!tured% What are the features of different types of poes%
Students will know that. that. . .('nowledge) Poetry is a re!ognia"le text type #ifferent types of poetry have spe!ifi! stru!tures Poetry !an "e used to express thoughts and i deas.
Students will be able to . . . . . (Skills) opose a poe, !ontaining* +n appropriate stru!ture to the type of o poe Poeti!literary Poeti!literary devi!es (figurative o language) Word !hoi!es that enhan!e the eaning of o the poe -iew visual inforation and show o understanding "y asking relevant $uestions and dis!ussing possi"le eaning (shape, for and !olour of poe displayed).
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Stage 2 (ssess)ent "viden%e Word in !entre is 1poetry2). Pre*(ssess)ent: rayer /odel 0 provide students with a !opy for the to !oplete. ( Word Per+or)an%e ,asks: ,asks: Students !reate and re!ord an original 3poe4. They use either* a photo, audio or video, to re!ord a reading and display their poe. They need to in!lude an explanation of* what style of poe they have !reated5 whi!h features it !ontains5 identify thees, iaginings and ideas5 and the reason "ehind the words !hosen eg to 6ustify the use of siile and etaphor et!.
-ther "viden%e: Dis%ussions of different kinds of poes Sharing own poes with the !lass. • •
Moderation of assessment:
Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning (%tivities: (in!lude differentiation) Students highlight stru!ture and features of poetry (7SW saples5 Writing un saples5 hildren2s poetry ar!hive fro poetryar!hive.org) 8se of graphi! organiers to anal./e and to %reate poes (Read, Write, Think 1thee p oes52 Poetry raes fro S!holasti!2s 3Writing with Writers4 Reading and listening to poes written "y poets (Rhying ouplets 0 9uatrain, &aiku, in$uain, Lieri!k, #iaante (:enny ;ther 0 Spellodroe) 3Pla.4 with words for poes with tools, e.g. 'ids2 /agneti! Poetry 'it4 (play.agneti!poetry.!opoe'idskit). •
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