Unlock Your Psychic Power

March 14, 2017 | Author: Rajesh Joshi | Category: N/A
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BE A PSYCHIC Do NOT think for one second that 'ESP' is science-fiction! Everyone has the 6th sense. EVERYONE! Some people are born with a gift that enables them to use some of their psychic abilities very often without effort. Many of us experience some form of ESP without any effort in our lifetimes. They might be labeled 'coincidences', or 'miracles' by skeptics. The problem with many of us is that we have to train our mind for a majority of our capable psychic abilities if we wish to use them more often, and preferably, at WILL. 'Training' is a big word for some as with dieting, it is a commitment to improving. If you stick with it, you WILL see results! If you BELIEVE it will work - NO if's, and', or but’s, you WILL see results! You must BELIEVE Believing is related to faith, pure and simple. Most religions incorporate the two principles seamlessly in their day to day rituals and belief systems. Did you know it has been scientifically proven we use only 10% of our brain power? Imagine what is possible, if you were using an extra 10, 20, 30, or 40% extra brain power?

How about 90%?

Welcome to the 'Be Your Own Psychic' series! Please read the entire book before doing suggested meditations, in order to enable you to have a better understanding of the information. The information you are about to read is of little value to you unless you apply it. YOU must do your part. Anything that is worth having is worth working for. After years of research plus investment in this field, I feel that this book will definitely change one's life for the better if information is applied as directed. If, we let it, the mind can give us anything that we ask. People function at one-tenth consciousness and at most one-tenth of their abilities. Everyone has tremendous latent powers within their subconscious mind. It is truly unfortunate that most people are not taught how to contact it. Are you serious about contacting your sub-conscious and thereby acquiring apparently miraculous results in your life? If you are:You must be "willing" to absorb new knowledge. You must "open your mind" to new ideas. You must "imagine". You must "visualize" that the knowledge is "flowing into you". You must believe.


MEDITATION Let us now discuss meditation. Meditation has many different uses and it can be applied into practically every aspect of your life. Children do it naturally. Have you ever watched a child so absorbed in play that he isn't even aware of anything beyond his fascination with his toys? If someone was to walk up behind him, the child would be troubled. Meditation requires that you acquire this type of absorption. This absorption is what refreshes and heals. Meditation is a very powerful tool. As our muscles relax, our mind will quiet down and our sagging spirits will revive. We are once again in control of our lives. Scientific research has repeatedly proven that meditation has many great benefits such as: slowing down our aging process alleviating pain letting us get by on less sleep lowering our serum cholesterol level reducing bacteria levels in our saliva thereby fewer cavities increasing blood flow to brain making us smarter better memory plus many, many more benefits too numerous to mention Everyone who meditates on a daily basis claims different benefits he or she acquired in these four levels:





LEARNING TO MEDITATE Learning to meditate can be fun and exciting, but you must keep these three important factors in mind at all times: (1) POSTURE - the important thing is to keep your spine straight because this positions your nerves just right and helps keep you alert. (2) BREATH - after you have relaxed your body, you want your breathing to be slow, even and diaphragmatic. By controlling the breath, you directly influence the autonomic processes in your body, like immunity, circulation and digestion. Breathing is the one body function that is both voluntary and automatic. (3) ATTITUDE - Try to have a relaxed, confident attitude before you start to meditate. Don't worry about "doing it exactly as outlined". Just do your best and with time you will discover the method that is "perfect for you". As a beginner, you will notice that your thoughts keep wondering .p wondering in one direction,

DAYDREAMING while meditating will not produce the same results.


MANTRA MEDITATION This meditation is very powerful. It is designed especially to help you overcome your inability to quiet your mind. Quieting the mind is one of the greatest stumbling blocks, which must be overcome in order to enable you to get the most out of meditation. When your thoughts wonder, return your attention to the mantra and begin again. Do not get upset or angry with yourself, simply start over. Before doing any meditations, one should mentally say a prayer. This prayer is very effective:

In the name of the holy ghost and with the aid of my spirit guides, I draw into my body white light for strength, guidance and protection. Thank you."

Repeat this prayer several times - while mentally visualizing white light entering your body from the top of your head, slowly penetrating your entire body then slowly extending outwards, until your entire body is completely surrounded in white light approximately three feet all around you.

ARE YOU READY TO MEDITATE This meditation should be done every morning, before eating, for ten minutes, gradually increasing time up to twenty minutes. This meditation will tend to keep you awake longer so if you decide to do it in the evenings please do it before your evening meal. Now that you have decided to meditate, choose a comfortable chair which allows you to sit upright, loosen or remove any tight clothing. If you are extra tense, you can shrug your shoulders, roll your neck and use your favorite body stretches. 1. Inhale a deep breath to the count of four and slowly exhale to the count of six. Repeat five times. 2. Assume normal breathing. 3. Close your eyelids and focus your eyes upwards to third eye. This is the point between eyelashes directly above the bridge of the nose. 4. Let your chin rest on your chest, head relaxed downward. 5. Let your hands rest easily on your lap, palms turned upwards as a sign of receptivity. 6. Make sure your spine is upright and also have the bottom of your feet rest on the floor thereby keeping you grounded. 7. Your mantra is the word "OM". Mentally repeat this word over and over without moving your lips or tongue. As you are mentally repeating your mantra "OM - OM - OM", if other thoughts enter just gently push them aside. By doing this MANTRA Meditation on a daily basis, you will feel inner peace, inner serenity. This inner serenity will glow to such an extent outwardly, your friends may even comment on it. I cannot repeat this enough, "This meditation is very powerful". Within thirty days, you yourself will surely notice a lot of little changes, all positive changes and just by doing this "MANTRA Meditation". You will surely notice its "miraculous healing powers awakening within you".

DO YOU NEED A MEDITATION ROOM? The serious meditater has one corner of a room or a small closet as his own "inner sanctuary". In this room, you should have a small table covered with a white cloth. Upon this white cloth, you should also place a picture or a statue of Jesus or Buddha or whoever represents your God. Whatever your belief, this is done merely as a symbol of GOODNESS. This greatly enhances your ability to meditate peacefully. To enable you to have better control of the subject of your meditation, you have to insulate yourself from outside influences. This is done by wearing a robe covering you from head to foot. This robe should also have a hood to go over your head. You can use a spare bed sheet or blanket for this purpose. Whatever you use, whether you buy a robe, or make your own, this robe must be used for meditation only. You must not wear it for any other purposes. It should also be kept safely away so that no one else can touch it or use it, because if another person touches it or tries it on, you then have that person's influence in the robe - which you are trying to avoid - and so you have another obstacle. By meditating under this insulated, isolated condition, you are immune from outside influences.

You may meditate with a loved one BUT it is strongly advised NOT to meditate in large groups because your meditation will be influenced by their thoughts.

THE POWER OF YOUR MIND The mind can give you all that you ask, providing you follow certain laws of nature. There is nothing mystical about this. Ordinary people from all walks of life have applied these principals and achieved their desired goals plus much more. Remember your beliefs, goals, desires, and dreams. Use focus. Practice. Commit. Believe. Get results. You can do ANYTHING. If that is something you somehow do not believe, then it will never happen. Believing you can do ANYTHING can make ANYTHING happen for you. Food for thought: Look around you. What do you see? You see a computer; you may see a window, any many, many other material (physical) objects. Who saw those objects FIRST? The creator- WHERE? In their mind…. Most of what is around today was born mentally inside the mind of an individual. And it is not limited to 'physical' objects either. Systems, plans, governments, and other systematical forms of information, laws, languages, and so much more, was born in the mind of an individual, first and foremost.

Are you creative? Do you have an imagination?

"Curiosity has its own reason for existing." --Albert Einstein

Origin of Astrology Astrology is most ancient science known to mankind. There are three main branches of Astrology today namely INDIAN VEDIC ASTROLOGY, WESTERN ASTROLOGY AND CHINESE or EAST INDIAN ASTROLOGY. An Astrologer is an interpreter of celestial phenomena and an Astronomer is a predictor of celestial phenomena. The study of Astrology and the belief in it, as a part of Astronomy is first found in a developed form among the ancient BABYLONIANS, and from there directly or indirectly spreaded to other nations. It came to Greece about the middle of 4th century B.C and reached Rome before the advent of Christian era. INDIA and CHINA Astronomy and Astrology developed largely independently. With the introduction of Greek culture into Egypt both Astrology and Astronomy were actively cultivated in the region of NILE during the Roman and Hellenistic periods. Astrology was further developed by Arabs from 7th to 13th century and in Europe in 14th and 15th century the astrologers were dominating the royal courts.

The Mayans of Central America and Aztecs also developed their own form of Astrology. Astrology can be divided into two camps, comprised of “NATURAL ASTROLOGERS” (i.e. astronomers) those who study the motions of heavenly bodies, timings of eclipses “JUDICIAL ASTROLOGERS” study the correlations between the positions of various celestial bodies and the affairs of human beings. Today astrology has gained wide spread popularity with general public...

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THE MASTER PLAN 1.You must know what you want, you must say what you want, you must write what you want and you must visualize what you want. Decide precisely what you want, be absolutely definite: What exactly do you want? You must state exactly what you want. You must visualize it - picture it in your mind - and hold that picture firmly before you. 2. In order to receive you must give. What are you going to give? 3. Your time limit must be feasible. You cannot expect it in five minutes. In (X) amount of months or weeks practically anything is possible. 4. What are you going to do to realize your ambition? 5. The written word is stronger than the spoken word BUT the two together are an unbeatable combination.

Do you want more money? Do you want to attract love? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to eliminate bad habits?

REVIEW THE MASTER PLAN If you want more money you must state exactly how much you want. Do not state "I want about one million dollars": This is not definite. In order to receive you must GIVE. Are you willing to help less fortunate people? If you willingly give to less fortunate without expecting anything in return, if you willingly help the less fortunate, you will definitely receive much much more. This is one of nature's laws. Suppose you want to lose weight. Are you willing to exercise and control diet? Are you looking for a husband or wife? If so, are you prepared to do your share to make a success of marriage? Do you have any bad habits? Are you willing to try to eliminate them? Now that you have decided exactly what you want - write it down as clearly and simply as possible. At the end, write: "I will give that I may receive." Read this daily in the privacy of your room. Do not let anyone see your plan. As you read your MASTER PLAN, feel it and be positive about it. Imagine that your plan is actually within your grasp. Believe in your plan. Do not let doubts enter. By adopting this plan, you will drive the thoughts into your subconscious and your sub-conscious will help you more than you can possibly imagine.

MASTER PLAN MEDITATION This meditation should be done every night for thirty (30) minutes. Reread your written MASTER PLAN. This meditation is the same as your MANTRA Meditation except, instead of repeating MANTRA; you will now use your powers of visualization. 1. Inhale a deep breath to the count of four and slowly exhale to the count of six. Repeat five times. 2. Assume normal breathing. 3. Close your eyelids and focus your eyes upwards to third eye. This is the point between eyelashes directly above bridge of nose. 4. Let your chin rest on your chest, head relaxed downwards. 5. Let your hands rest easily on your lap, palms turned upwards as a sign of receptivity. 6. Make sure your spine is upright and also have the bottom of your feet rest on the floor thereby keeping you grounded. 7. Now, visualize your MASTER PLAN. Visualize yourself on a large screen. You can now see yourself on a large screen, see the screen surrounded in white. See all your dreams, all your goals on this screen. See yourself wealthy, slim or with a partner. Whatever your plans, whatever your desires: see them on the screen. What can you see? What can you smell? What can you hear? What colors do you see? The more you practice this visualization, the sooner it will become reality. The power of visualization is very real - THOUGHTS are stronger than words. If, at first you are having difficulty visualizing believe you can and you will. Visualization must be practiced every day. People are unaware of its true power. If you are having difficulty, practice the following: Contd...

Close your eyes: - Visualize an apple. Visualize the color red. - Visualize an orange. Visualize the color orange. - Visualize a banana. Visualize the color yellow. - Visualize a tree. Visualize the color green. - Visualize the sky. Visualize the color blue. - Visualize a plum. Visualize the color purple. - Visualize a violet. Visualize the color violet. - Visualize a wedding gown. Visualize the color white. If you can visualize any of the above, you can visualize anything. Believe you can and you will. I have discussed two meditations. By doing the MANTRA every morning and the VISUALIZATION every night, you are programming your sub-conscious to give you all that you ask. Nowadays many people think that money is everything. As long as one has enough money to feed, clothe and provide shelter, one should be grateful. We never have too much spirituality, we never have too much purity of thought and we never help others too much because in helping others we are helping ourselves. Now that you know the MASTER PLAN, it is suggested that you choose your desires with goodness for all as the main theme. The choice is yours.

Choose Wisely

DO YOU WANT TO SEE CLAIRVOYANTLY? Here is a little exercise which will enable you to do so. Do you have a crystal? If not, a diamond ring with one stone will be fine. You need something that shines. 1. You are completely relaxed sitting in your meditation chair. You are holding the crystal in the palm of your hand. 2. The lighting is so low that you can barely see the outline of the crystal. You know that you are holding it. You know you can see "something". 3. Look into the crystal without trying to see anything. Look into the crystal as though you were looking in the far distance. (MILES AWAY.) 4. As you keep looking into the crystal, it will gradually cloud, and you will then notice white clouds forming. Keep looking. Suddenly, the crystal will appear to be full of milk. 5. This is the critical time. Do not jerk. Do not let yourself become alarmed. 6. Then, as if by magic, the whiteness rolls away - the same as curtains being drawn to disclose a stage. 7. The crystal has apparently vanished because you now see the world. You now appear to be looking down upon the world. You will have a sensation of falling. Do not be frightened. Do not jerk. Remain in control. 8. Suddenly you are in a scene on earth. Regardless of the scene, do not be alarmed. No harm can come to you. Although you will not hear a sound, you will know everything that is being said. So it is that we see in clairvoyance. This exercise is easy providing you have faith. Even the skeptic will see results. Believe you can and you will. You will be able to see anything that has ever happened and anything that will ever happen. You want to make progress? Then you have to abide by certain rules - you have to keep calm, you have to take the middle road. Some people try so hard that they cannot "see the wood for the trees". Others are so lazy that "nothing at all is done". Go somewhere between the two extremes and your progress will be remarkable.

EVERYONE DREAMS EVERY NIGHT Do you remember you dreams? The true meaning of your dreams will not be found in some book written by someone else. Within weeks, you'll be able to predict many events in your life simply by being aware of the true meaning of your dreams. If you have difficulty recalling dreams, mentally, repeat to yourself before sleep: "I will recall all my dreams upon awakening and I will also know their meaning". Repeat seven times. Keep pen and pad beside bed. Upon awakening, remain in bed, keep eyes closed and jot down all major events in your dreams. If you have difficulty recalling dreams, think of important people, places or events in your life. This will often jog your dream memory. Whatever you remember, write it down. Many dreams will be easy for you to define because they will deal with your inner dreams, desires and fears. By examining yourself you will recognize these dreams immediately. One major player in dream recall is 'symbol association'. What do your dream objects (symbols) mean to you? When you think about them, how do they make you feel? What common things, and, uncommon things can you associate with your dream symbols? Is there a hidden message to be revealed? Every night in your dream journal, record your day's activities, etc., the same as you would if it were a diary. Include your thoughts and current concerns, future plans, and past events, anything that may be on the 'top' of your mind. By doing this you will soon learn the true meaning of your dreams. This daily analysis will greatly enhance your ability to predict many events in your life. NEED AN ANSWER? Do you have a major problem in your life or a minor problem? If it really bothers you and you really want an answer then before bedtime mentally repeat to yourself: "Tonight in my dreams I will be shown the answer or solution. I shall wake up in the morning with full recall. Thank you." Repeat seven times.

HAVE YOU EVER ARGUED WITH ANYONE? The earth is like a magnet. It has a North Pole and a South Pole. You probably know that in the Northern Hemisphere, water runs down the drain in a clockwise direction and counter-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. This North-South magnetism also has a great effect on humans. Did you know that by sleeping with your head facing North and your feet facing South, your body requires less sleep or should we say your body will be rejuvenated much more with the same amount of sleep. If you are ever in a mild or serious difference of opinion with anyone, always try to be sitting or standing or whatever, on the north side of the person. This way you will win the argument or at least it will be a draw. Experiment with this North-South and then you will realize its true power. The MANTRA and VISUALIZATION programs are very powerful. It is hard to change the habits of a lifetime overnight. It requires discipline. This discipline will pay for itself beyond your wildest dreams - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. While in altered states, secrets will be revealed to you but only when you are ready for them. Many psychics - seers - fortune tellers - whatever you want to call them have developed their abilities by following this program.

Detoxification of Mind Are negative thoughts and beliefs preventing you from moving forward with your goals and dreams? (I know they were for me...) If it's the same for you, it’s most probably time for you to detox your mind! Now - we all know that "Detoxification" often refers to the process of removing toxins from your 'body' to achieve better health and well-being. ...But what most people don't realize is that your "mind" can become incredibly toxic too! Below, I give you a great way to purge those nasty toxins from your mind! But firstly - How do you know if you have mind toxins? THE 'SYMPTOMS' OF A TOXIC MIND you’ll often feel: powerless, hopeless, intimidated, frustrated, ineffective and stuck. What this means is that your true brightness, intelligence and ability to succeed are diminished. Now, everyone can feel like this 'occasionally'. But if it's more than just occasionally for you -- then you're DEFINITELY suffering from toxin overload. 99% of the time, the "cause" of this mind toxicity is the deep-rooted emotional fears we have buried in our subconscious. My workshops are designed to REMOVE these nasty toxins from your mind and replace them with MUCH healthier "mind nourishing" nutrients. Now! Getting rid of these toxins is important! Especially if your desire to lead an emotionally, spiritually and mentally fulfilled life…

The first step is to find a way to "purge" these harmful negative thoughts and beliefs that are limiting and suppressing your natural power... Way you can detox your mind The first step is to open your "conscious awareness" of them by writing them down. Just start writing about how you feel about yourself, your goals, your dreams, and your life in general. You might end up with statements like these: "I feel so sick and tired of struggling. No matter what I do I can't seem to make changes. I really think I'm defective somehow because I can't do the things that other people find so easy. I'm doomed to live a life of mediocrity and lack. I'm powerless to change anything in my life." TWO DON'TS: Don't be alarmed at what you write...and don't edit yourself! Remember - you are purging your negative emotions - it's not expected to be pretty. Keep writing until you've covered everything you can think of...If you felt you had some mind toxicity (which most of us do!) -- You wrote down your limiting negative thoughts and beliefs. The Antidote! Firstly, ALL of those negative thoughts and beliefs you wrote down are literally limiting and suppressing your natural power, and polluting your potential! It's true. Unless you replace them with something more empowering - they'll continue to control EVERYTHING you Think, Say and Do. This time... Grab another sheet of paper and begin writing a positive statement that directly contradicts each negative one. HOWEVER, be sure you write it in a way that is believable to you. For example your antidote might look like this: "I am absolutely determined to make better progress on improving my life. I can make changes simply by taking one step at a time and believing in my own ability. I am learning new and powerful ways to conquer challenges and move forward. Other people appear to have it easy because they've probably been working on this stuff longer than I have. I will eventually reach the same state of

confidence and mastery. I KNOW I have the power to learn, grow, and make my life into something meaningful and fulfilling." Once you've got your antidote ready, destroy the toxins. That sheet of paper you wrote all the negative stuff on? Burn it! Or rip it into tiny shreds and throw it away. Those thoughts are no longer part of your life. Then be sure to take the antidote every single day! Read your new empowering thoughts as often as you can, and do your best to internalize them as your new truth...They effortlessly remove the toxins from your subconscious by working DIRECTLY at the root-level, and bypassing the conscious mind. The problem is...Mental toxic buildup (MTB, for short) happens in your subconscious. A tiny-winy bit of toxins usually won't cause big problems, but if they begin to build up over time they can wreak absolute havoc in your life. That's true with both physical AND mental toxins. By taking this antidote on a regular basis, you minimize the buildup of mental toxins in your mind and AUTOMATICALLY empower yourself to do and be more than you ever believed possible...

Power That Moves Mountains I am going to pen about something that is very powerful: it is so powerful that it can cure any disease, dissolve any problem, and lead you to the ultimate freedom that you have been searching for a lifetime. This is something in our human nature. Every one of us has access to it, and can access it any time, anywhere. It is the Power of Love; power that can move mountains. The love that I am going to explain about is not love in its ordinary sense. It is hard to describe what the true meaning of love is, because no words can come close to its real meaning. The best description may be that love is oneness; togetherness with the universe and everything in it. When you are in love, you see everything as a part of you, and therefore you love everything as you love yourself. This togetherness with everything, this oneness with everything is the true meaning of love. When you are in love, you see no separation; you and everyone else are the same. It is separation that creates all the miseries; when we feel separate, we instantly disconnect with the infinite power, and we don't feel loved. Without separation, "You", "I" and "They" have no meaning; everything and everyone become ONE. If there isn't a "You", and if there isn't a "They", then who am I going to hate, who am I going to feel angry at? Nobody! Therefore, all hatred and anger will disappear, and what left is only LOVE. You will have no more opponents and enemies, as they will all be dissolved into the ONE. You and your enemies are one. When you look into their eyes, what you see is only a reflection of yourself; the loving and perfect being. You will see them as yourself, and you will forget how to hate. You will love your enemies as you love yourself. When you truly understand the meaning of love, you know that you will love everyone equally, regardless of their race, their color, their religion or their beliefs. You will love them as you love yourself regardless of whether they are your family, spouse, friends, opponents or enemies because you know that you and everyone else are perfect beings. In fact, if you can really see the oneness in everything, you won't even notice any differences in color, culture, or belief etc.; you will only notice that you and they are the same. They only appear to be different, but in essence they are all the same as you. Steam, water and ice are exactly the same thing; they only appear to be different. The essence of everything and everyone is the essence of love. Therefore, in order to see the true essence in everything, you must see

it from the point of view of love. You must become a loving person yourself, and then you will see a loving energy emanating from all things around you. If you are wearing green glasses, the world you see is green no matter what. If you see the world from glasses of love everything you see is love. You see love in yourself; you see love in others. To love is to totally accept the other being as they are. When you love yourself, you should accept every aspect of yourself; when you love others, you should completely accept them as they are. Never try to change them; only accept them. If you and everyone else are perfect, whole, and infinite, why should you change anything? When you are trying to change anyone, it is only because you see imperfection in them, and that is not true love. When you truly love someone, you see only perfection. The question that comes up in your mind may be that, if we don't want to change ourselves or anyone else, then where do the improvements come from? I say that if you are truly loving you would already have reached the highest state of freedom, and you don't need to improve. You are already perfect. What can you do to improve on perfection? You want to improve only when you see imperfection, then you are not truly in love. When you are in the state of perfect love, you are experiencing the ultimate happiness. You feel everything is alright nothing and no one can bother you anymore, you see only perfection. Everything will happen naturally and with ease. Love is also an attitude of giving; it is giving without strings attached. When you give something to someone with an expectation of gaining praise for yourself, or to get something from him/her in return, then you are not present in an attitude of giving. Giving with this kind of attitude is no better than not giving. The important thing is the attitude, not the actual money or things. You often see people donating millions to charity, but with an attitude to gain publicity, and fame. That is not true giving. The millions will not help much. If you hold an attitude of giving, without any selfishness attached, you are helping. The universe does not know the difference between a rupee and a million rupees; it only hears your feelings or your attitude. It will orchestrate all circumstances according to your feelings. Love can also solve every one of your problems. Every problem is caused by nonloving emotions, which keep you away from the light of truth. Therefore, when you are in love you won't have any problems, because they will be resolved naturally.

you are in love you won't have any problems, because they will be resolved naturally. Start practicing love in your life-the more you are able to love, the freer you are, and the happier you are. Got this small ‘STRANGENESSS’ in e-mail which I am sharing with you Isn't it strange how Rs. 20/= seems like such a large amount when you donate it to temple, but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn't it strange how 2 hours seem so long when you're at place of worship, and how short they seem when you're watching a good movie? Isn't it strange that you can't find a word to say when you're praying, but you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend? Isn't it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible/ Quran / Gita, but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel? Isn't it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games, but they do whatever

extend and repeat gossip? Isn't it strange how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say, but we question the words in the Bible and other holy books? Isn't it strange how everyone wants a place in heaven, but they don't want to believe, do, or say anything to get there? Isn't it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded right away, but when we are going to send messages about God, we think about it twice before we share it with others? IT'S STRANGE- ISN'T IT?

The power of colors their significance in human life We are blessed to be living in the era where people have understood the power of colors and their affect on human life. Colors have been used for healing purpose since ages. They play a major role in setting up our mood, emotions, feelings and state of mind. Most places require specific type of colors which responds to the nature of work done there. For example, most of the hospitals were painted green and white earlier, but nowadays they all are painted in vibrant and flashy colors, so as to stipulate the mind and hence the healing happens easier and faster. Most people are aware of the fact that the bedroom should not be painted bright or vibrant as these types of colors can inhibit sleep. All planets correspond to specific colors and thus colors play a very important role in Astrology too. For example planet Mars is red, Jupiter is yellow, Mercury is green and Venus is white and so on… Colors can sooth or irritate our eyes. Medical fraternity has confirmed that colors can raise blood pressure and even upset our appetite. Since long time colors have also been form of communication: red means stop and green means go. Every nation has different color of their national flag which has specific meaning to it. Multi-national companies conduct lot of research and even engage color analysts to know which colors to be used in their advertisements and promotional campaigns. Colors tend to send a subliminal message to our brain which can be the root cause success or failure. It is interesting thing to note that every individual has personal opinion about colors. Everyone has its own favorite color. No one is neutral when it comes to

colors. There are always colors which we like more than others and some we don’t like at all. By knowing which color corresponds with our energy and horoscope we can accomplish our goal easier and faster.

Colors and their meaning Orange is the color of SUN. SUN is considered the life giver to entire universe. WHITE is the color of purity, sincerity and perfection. It is also the color of Moon planet. YELLOW is the color of planet JUPITER which cheers and removes darkness. It has great importance in one’s life astrologically if one wants to earn fame. Yellow color is the color of wisdom. RED color corresponds to planet MARS which blesses the individual with physical strength. Mars helps you in gaining victory over illness. It also signifies desire and lust. GREEN is the color of planet MERCURY. It gives the individual the cleverness of a good business person. DARK BLUE is the color of planet SATURN. Astrologically it is considered preceptor for the individual when he or she is under his influence. When Saturn is happy with you he will endow you with all worldly pleasures. Planet VENUS is also of WHITE color. He blesses us with creativity, and all forms of arts. Black color is associated with occult and witchcraft. So while concluding I advise people to use the color which is required to gain easier and faster healthy, wealthy and peaceful life.

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