University of Tripoli Faculty of Engineering Petroleum Engineering

November 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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University of Tripoli Faculty of Engineering Petroleum Engineering

Applied Reservoir Engineering PE453  

Name: ESRA


Student number: 022160140  

Due Date: 30/1/2020 HW2



Q1.A 50 cu f tank contains gas at 50 psi and 50°F. It is connected to anoth another er tank that

contains gas at 25 psi and 50°F. When the valve between the two is opened, the pressure equalizes at 35 psi at 50°F. What is the volume o the second tank ? Soluton From ideal gas law

 PV =nRT    PV  n=    RT  ntotal=¿ n +n ¿ 2


 PV   P 1 V  1  1  P 2 V   2 2  =  +    RT   RT   RT   P V total= P1 V 1 + P2 V 2  35(50+V 2)=50x50+25V 2 By using solve:

V 2=75 f t 3 Q2.A high-pressure cell has a volume o 0.330 cu f and contains gas at 2500 psia and

130°F, at which condions its deviaon actor is 0.75. When 43.6 SCF measured at 14.7 psia and 60°F were bled rom the cell through a wet test meter, the pressure dropped to 1000 psia, the temperature remaining at 130°F. What is the gas deviaon actor at 1000 psia and 130°F? Soluton From real gas law:

 PV = znRT    A inital sae: sae: ni =

∗2500 0.75∗10.73∗( 130 + 460 ) 0.33

  = 0.174 mol For sandard conditon z = 1

 Psc V 2 =Zn2R T sc 14.7

n p = 2


∗ 1∗10.73∗( 60 + 460 )


  =0.115mol  nr =¿ n + n i



  =0.174-0.115   =0.059mol So The deviaton facor is equal :   z r


  PV  n r RT 



1000∗0.33 0.059∗10.73∗( 130 + 460 )


¿ 0.8835  mol.

Q3.A volumetric gas eld has an inial pressure o 4200 psia, a porosity o 17.2%, and

connate water o 23%. The gas volume actor at 4200 psia is 292 SCF/cu f and at 750 psia is 54 SCF/cu f.  a) Calculate the inial in-place gas in standard cubic eet on a unit basis. b) Calculate the inial gas reserve in standard cubic eet on a unit basis, assuming an  

abandonment pressure o 750 psia. c) Calculate the inial reserve o a 640-acre unit whose average net producve

ormaon thickness is 34 f, assuming an abandonment pressure o 750 psia.  d) Calculate the recovery actor based on an abandonment pressure o 750 psia.

Soluton he inital in-place gas:

a) G=


43560∗⌀∗( 1− Swc )  βg




∗0.172∗( 1− 0.23 ) 1


(  )



 cuft  scf 

  scf  ac ft 

¿ 1.68 MM 



 Reserve=Gi −Ga =43560∗ ∅∗( 1− Swc )∗

 1   1 −  βi  βa

) (

¿ 43560∗0.172∗( 1−0.23 )∗


  1   1 − 0.003425 0.01852


  scf  acft 

¿ 1.368 MM  c)

initial init ial Reserve Reserve=1.37∗640∗34

¿ 29.8112 MMscf 


 Rf =

reserve   ∗100 Gi




∗100 =81.23%


Q4)The ollowing pressure and cumulave producon data are available or a natural

gas reservoir:


Reservoir pressure ,psia

Gas deviation factor,z

2080 1885 1620 1205

0.759 0.767 0.787 0.828

cumulative production,MMMscf  0 6.873 14.002 23.687


888 645  a. Esmate the inial gas in place.

0.866 0.900

31.009 36.207

 b. Esmate the Gp at an abandonment pressure o 500 psia. Assume za = 1.00.

 c. What is the recovery actor at the abandonment pressure o 500 psia? Soluton:

Reservoir pressure psi 2080 1885 1620 1205 888 645

Gas deviaon actor,z 0.759 0.767 0.787 0.828 0.866 0.9

cumulave producon,MMMsc 


0 6.873 14.002 23.687 31.009 36.207

2740.448 2457.627 2058.45 1455.314 1025.404 716.6667


For mah mah soluton soluton he slope and G equal

[  ]

 p  z =-5.558∗10−8 m= ∆ [ G p ] ∆

 P  Pi  = −m G p  z Z i



0 =2740-5.558∗10 G pmax  G  pmax


=G =49.3 MMMscf 



 P  Pi  = −m G p  z Z i −8

500 =2740-5.558∗10 G p

G = 40 MMMscf   C) R f = reserve   ∗100= 40 ∗100=82 %



 Q5. Determine the original gas-in-place, ulmate recovery and ulmate RF at an

abandonment pressure o 500 psia or the ollowing reservoir. Gas specic gravity = 0.70(air = 1)

Reservoir temperature

= 150℉ 

 Original  Or iginal reservoir reservoir pressure = 3000 3000 psia Abandonment Abandonment reservoir reservoir pressure pressure = 500 psi Soluton:

Because gas is a strong uncon uncon in Temperature more than pressure, pressure, so we assume that the gas is constant. The correlaon used the calc  Ppc ∧Tpc   Ppc =677 + 15∗γg −12.5∗γ g 2 2  Tpc =168 + 325∗γg −12 12.. .5∗γ g

And then read the "z" rom chart :

P,psi 3000 2800 2550 2070


Gp, MM scf 0 580 1390 3040

Ppr 4.483 4.184 3.810 3.093

z 0.822 0.816 0.811 0.814

P/z 3647.9 3433.5 3146.2 2544.6



 Gi =

  −3647.9 =10055 MMscf  −3.628∗10−8 500


Gp@ Gp @ 500 psi =

−3647.9 −3.628∗10−



ulmate recovery ¿ 8585 MMscf  

ultimate ultim ate recovery recovery factor factor =

Gp   8585  ∗100= ∗100 Gi 10055

¿ 85 % Q6. A volumetric gas reservoir produced 600 MMsc o 0.62 specic gravity gas when

the reservoir pressure declined declined rom 3600 to 2600 psi. psi. The reservoir temperature temperature is reported at 140°F. Calculate: a) Gas inially in place. b) Remaining reserves to an abandonment pressure o 500 psi. c) Ulmate gas recovery at abandonment.  d) Recovery actor at abandonment. Soluton : A) Gas inially in place   Ppc =677 + 15∗γg −12.5∗γ g 2 7


¿ 677 + 15∗0.62−37.5∗0.622=671.885 psi


 Tpc =168 + 325∗γg −12..5∗γ g 2  ¿ 168 + 325∗0.62−12.5∗0.622=364.695 R ℉

 P   3600  Ppr = = =5.358  Ppc 671.885



Tres ( 140 + 460 )  = =1.645 Tpc 364.695

  Zi =0.8979   βgi=0.02827

 Tz  P

3  0.02829∗( 140 + 460 )∗ 0.8979   f t   ¿   =0.004234 3600 scf  3

 @ 2600 Ppr =3.869 ,Tpr =1.645 , Z @ 2600 =0.8450 , βg =0.005517

Gp@ @ 2600=( 43560∗ A∗h∗∅∗ So )  Gp 43560


 Gi =

∗ A∗h∗ ∗So= ∅




  βi 1−  β @ 2600

 1   1 −  βgi  βg @ 2600  



600 0.004234


  f t 

scf  600 MMscf 

=2.580 MMMcu  MMMcuft  ft 


2.580∗1   2.580   = =596.67 MMMscf   βi 0.004234



 f t  0.02829∗ zT  0.02829∗0.9484∗( 140 + 460 )   =0.0322   =  βg @ 500 = scf  500  P 3


Gr @ 500=( 43560∗ A∗h∗∅∗So )


Gr @ 500=2.580



  1 0.0322





 βg @ 500


80.12 MMMscf  


recovery at 500 psi =Gi−Gr =596.67 −80.12= 516.55 MMMscf    Ultimate gas recovery d)  Recovery factor =

516.55 Gp ∗100 =86.57 ∗100 = 596.67 Gi

Q7. The ollowing inormaon on a water-drive gas reservoir is given:

 Bulk volume = 100,000 acre-f Gas Gravity = 0.6 25% T = 140°F pi = 3500 psi

Porosity = 15%

Swi =

Reservoir pressure has declined to 3000 psi while producing 30 MMMsc o gas and no water producon. Calculate cumulave water inux. Soluton:   Ppc


=677 + 15∗γg −12.5∗γ g



¿ 677+ 15∗0.62−37.5∗0. 6 = 672.5 psi

2  Tpc =168 + 325∗γg −12 12.. .5∗γ g

 ¿ 168 + 325∗0.62−12.5∗0. 62=358.5 R ℉ 3

  f t   @ 3500 Ppr =5.2 ,Tpr = 1.67 , Z @ 3500 =0.88 , βg =0.00427 scf  3

 f t   @ 3000 Ppr = 4.46 ,Tpr =1.67 , Z @ 3000= 0.87 , βg = 0.004922 scf  G=

43560∗∅∗( 1 − S wc )∗ Ah

B gi

 ¿  43560∗0.15∗100000 ( 1− 0.25 )


 ¿ 115 MMMscf 

Gp Bg =G ( B g− B gi) + W e + W  p Bw W e =222.64  MMscf  72.68 MMscf  Q8.use the empirical correlaon to calculate calculate the (RF) or libyan water drive sandstone sandstone

reservoir eld Given daa:

H(net)= 60f 9

k= 0.15darcy

Swi =1.42 bbl/stb


 ∅ = 0.22 

 μo =0.5 cp 

 μw  = 0.4cp

Soluton: 2

  K  R =0.114+0.136log  +0.256 Swi −1.538 ∅ −0.00035 h  μ o %



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