University Clinic, U.E.W: Presentation On
September 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNIVERSITY CLINIC, U.E.W Presentation on
Mrs Happy Kpodo Physician Assistant
OBJECTIVES At the end of this session, the participants will be able to:
Verbalize denitions related to infection control List modes of transmission of infections and portals of entry of bacteria Explain universal precautions Explain the workers role in preventin! spread of infections "emonstrate proper hand washin! techni#ues, application applic ation and removal of !loves
"escribe appropriate techni#ues for cleanin! up spills $%&%&$'
(nfection control ) the set of methods used to control and prevent the spread of disease
(nfections * are caused b by yp patho!ens atho!ens +! +!erms erms
-ommunicable disease ) disease spread fr from om one person to another
(nfectious disease ) disease caused c aused by a patho!en +!erm or bacteria
-ontaminated ) means dirty, soiled, unclean
"isinfection ) cleanin! so that !erms !erms +patho!ens are destroyed
.ode of transmission ) the t he way !erms are passed from one person to another
.ucous membranes ) membranes that line body cavities that open to the outside of the body $%&%&$'
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5ody 6uids ) tears, saliva, sputum +mucus cou!hed up, urine, feces, semen, va!inal secretions, pus or other wound draina!e, blood
2ouchin! 2 ouchin! the the infected person or their their secretions secretions
2ouchin! 2 ouchin! somethin! somethin! c contaminate ontaminated d by the inf infected ected person7
Any body openin! of an uninfected person which allows patho!ens to enter
4ose, mouth, eyes, rectum, !enitals and other mucous membranes
-uts, abrasions or breaks in the skin
WHO IS AT RISK?? Anyone whose resistance to disease decreases 3easons for lowered resistance: a!e, existin! illnesses, fati!ue and stress 2he elderly have weaker weaker immune systems and a lower resistance to patho!ens Elderly are hospitalized more often, increas increasin! in! the chance for hospital*ac#uired infections
3ecovery lon!er in the elderly
8hat is infection prevention and control9 8
(nfection prevention and control measures aim to ensure the protection of those who mi!ht be vulnerable to ac#uirin! an infection both in the !eneral community and while receivin! care due to health problems, in a ran!e of settin!s7
2he basic principle of infection prevention and control is
8hat is (nfection -ontrol9 Wo!e "o
atient to atient to
Wo!e Vi#i"o P$"ien"
8orker Visitor atient
Vi#i"o "o Wo!e Vi#i"o P$"ien"
;/0(2AL& ;EAL2; -A3E A- shorta!es oor structures to support (- practices
Impacts of Health Care-Associated Infections (HAI) HAI can:
Increase patients’ suffering. Lead to permanent disability disability..
Lead to death. rolong hospital stay.
Increase need for a higher le!el of care.
Increase the costs to patients and hospitals.
3(4-(LE0 /1 (41E-2(/4 -/423/L 13
AI,* is to break the links in the chain&cycle of infection thus reducin! the likelihood of spread7
2his process process employs employs control control measures measures known as @S"$n&$& In(e*"ion Con"o' Pe*$%"ion#- 7
Additional& Expanded& 2ransmission*based +contact, droplet and airborne precautions
"eterminants of revention
0uccessful prevention depends upon:
a knowled!e of causation,
dynamics of transmission, identication of risk factors and risk !roups, availability of prophylactic or early detection and treatment measures, an or!anization for applyin! these measures to appropriate persons or !roups, and continuous evaluation of and development of procedures
0tandard recautions /0
5ecause it is not always possible to tell who is infected, these practices should be the approach for the care of $'' patients $'' the time
1ormerly known as A%ni.e#$' A%ni.e#$' )e*$%"ion#B )e*$%"ion# B
Te$" eey )$"ien"2)e#on $# $ )o"en"i$' 3io4 h$5$&.
Adopt standard infection control practices to protect p rotect patients, self and collea!ues from infection7
=se practical, common sense
S"$n&$& Pe*$%"ion#
8ear !loves if you may come in contact with blood, body 6uids, secretions and excretions, broken or open skin, human tissue of mucous membranes
5a! all disposable contaminated supplies
-lean all surfaces that may be contaminated with infectious waste, such as beds, wheelchairs and shower chairs
PRECAUTIONS NS STANDARD PRECAUTIO Healthcare workers workers must treat all all blood & body fluids as infectious.
If it is wet and not yours...use a barrier!
;and ;y!iene
ersonal protective
e#uipment CED
reventin!&mana!in! r eventin!&mana!in! sharps
Environmental Environme ntal cleanin!
3isk mana!ement&assessment
(solation 0ta> health
Linen handlin! and disposal
8aste disposal
inuries 0pilla!es of body 6uids
Aseptic techni#ue
H$n& Hygiene 20
Ty)e# o( h$n& hygiene
6 7$o "y)e# o( h$n& 9$#hing
0ocial&routine hand washin!
;y!ienic hand washin!
0ur!ical hand wash&scrub
1#e o( $'*oho' h$n& %3
H$n& Hygiene 21
H$n& 9$#hing: 1or more than $FFyears, studies have shown that ;and washin! i# "he #ing'e 7o#"
e:e*"ie 7e"ho& "o )een" "he "$n#7i##ion o( in(e*"ion.
;and washin! neither re#uir re#uires es h%ge +n$n*i$'
ine#"7en" nor *o7)'e; "e*hno'ogy
"our # moments for HA$% H"&I'$'
e* e
Hygiene Fingen$i'# are recommended to be kept short, clean, and
free from nail polish7
A"i+*i$' n$i'# should not be worn when performin! invasive procedures or when in contact with patients7
Re7oe $'' 9i#" $n& h$n& e9e''ey. 8earin! of ewelry such as rin!s and wrist watches allows hoardin! of bacteria7
Coe cuts and abrasions with waterproof dressin!s7
0teps in ;and washin!
Ae$# h$n "h$" $e (eectiveness7 E>ective when alcohol content is at least IF*JFK7
How to clean your hands…
Pe#on$' Po"e*"ie Eerent types and combinations of Es provide an individual physical barrier which prevents contamination
E *appropriate only if it does not permit blood or other potential infectious materials to pass throu!h to the health workers clothes, uniforms, under !arments, skin, eyes, mouth or other mucous membranes7
Personal Protective Equipment
PPE when ontaination or s"#ashin$ with b#ood or body f#uids is antii"ated Dis"osab#e $#o%es P#asti a"rons
Fae as&s 'afety $#asses( $o$$#es( %isors )ead "rotetion Foot "rotetion
F#uid re"e##ent $owns
ersonal rotective E#uipment: 6/
0tandard recautions ='oe#: (f contact with blood or body 6uids may occur
F$*e 7$#! 2 eye )o"e*"ion: (f contact with blood or body 6uids may occur
: =o9n (f contact with blood
or body 6uids may occur
Ri#! A##e##7en"
No risk of contact/splashing with blood/body
fluids - PPE not required
Low or moderate risk of contact/splashing wear !o"es and #!asti$ a#ron
%i& risk of contact/splashing - wear gloves,
plastic apron, gown, eye/face protection
0e#uence for "onnin! E $7
.ask or 3espirator
0e#uence for "onnin! E H7
Go!!les&1 Go!!les &1ace ace 0hield
E $7
0e#uence for 3emoval of E %7
Go!!les&1 Go!!les& 1ace 0hield
0e#uence for 3emoval of E H7
0e#uence for 3emoval of E 7
.ask or 3espirator
Wo Wong ng %#e o( PPE?
"ont for!et to 8EA3 itM
"E-/42A.(4A2(/4 +reparin! F7'K bleach solution Using liquid bleach % Chloine in !le"ch ########################### ####################### ####
# $ P"t& o' w"te 'o e"ch p"t o' !le"ch.
% Chloine de&ied
Ea!"le# $o !a%e a 0&'( chlorine solution )ro! 3&'( bleach 3&'
* 1 + , * 1 + 6 "arts water )or each "art o) bleach
$hus to !a%e 0&'( chlorine solution add 1 "art bleach to 6 "arts water&
"E-/42A.(4A2(/4 +reparin! +reparin ! F7'K bleach solution
Strength o) concentrate -(.
/re"aration o) 0&'( solution
U&ing !le"ch ele"&ing t"!let&
(ollow the m"n)'"ct)e m"n)'"ct)e*& *& in&t)ction&+ &ince pecent"ge "ctive chloine in the&e pod)ct& v",.
$ p"t !le"ch to p"t& o' w"te
$ p"t o' !le"ch to 0 p"t& o' w"te.
$ p"t to $ p"t& o' w"te.
$ p"t o' !le"ch to $0 p"t& o' w"te.
L$%n&y P'$"e# $n& e$"ing %"en#i'# S"e"ho#*o)e# >*$n $'#o %#e #)ii"
C'e$ning An& Di#in(e*"ion O( S%($*e# Sa'e $!eanin o' sur'a$es
ut on clean !loves
Use 0.5% solution and an adsorbent material
8ipe up by cleanin! from the outside +cleanest to the inside +dirtiest
0(LL0 ut on clean !loves
eal with any spills !vomit, blood, e"creta or urine# immediately.
Put on clean gloves
Pour C&!orine (.)* so!ution in an adsor+ent materia! and $o"er t&e s#i!!. T&en #our t&e $&!orine o"er t&e adsor+ent materia!. Take $are to a"oid s#!as&.
$ipe up immediately by cleaning from the outside !cleanest# to the inside !dirtiest#
!inse# , &lean with water and soap
'ever pic( up glass, glass , even with gloved hands
4ever pick up !lass, even with !loved hands
"ispose of !loves and cleanin! e#uipment and supplies $%&%&$'
nen $n Di#)o#$'
5ed makin! and linen chan!in! techni#ues
Gloves and apron * handlin! contaminated linen
Appropriate laundry ba!s
Avoid contamination of clean linen
;azards of on*site ward*based launderin!
A#e) A#e)"i* "i* Te*hn e*hni
T$n#7i""ing in(e*"ion
advice when su>erin! infection
Re)o" $**i&en"#2%n"o9$& in*i&en"#
4eedle stick inuries
8aste "isposal 8aste should be sorted and dispo disposed sed o> on app appropriate ropriate container $7
-linical waste
;(G; risk? risk?
potentially&actually contaminated waste includin! body 6uids and human tissue
NELL/8 plastic NELL/8 plastic sack, tied prior to incineration
%7 ;ousehold waste * L/8 risk
paper towels, packa!in!, dead 6owers, other waste which is not dan!erously contaminated
3'$*! plastic sack, tied prior to incineration
H7 ;azardous &chemical waste* 5rown 5rown&&3ed ed bins bins and bin liners
harmaceutical waste7
8aste dispos disposal al
8aste disposal
In Reie9
(nfections can be transmitted in the hospital settin! via contact, droplet, or airborne spread
;and hy!iene is the #ing'e 7o#" e:e*"ie 7e"ho& $n& reduces the risk of transmission of patho!enic or!anisms
Adherence to (solation recautions prevents transmission of disease to you and to other persons
Appropriate use of E and safe handlin! of sharp
devices can reduce your risk of exposure to blood borne patho!ens
A 6
Th$n! Yo%G
“I don't see the glass as halfempty or half-full.
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