Gold First Unit 4 Test VOCABULARY 1 Choose the option A, B, C or D that best completes the sentences.
I coul couldn' dn'tt get get my ______ _________ ____ _ arou around nd what what had had happen happened. ed. It was so unexpe unexpecte cted. d. A heart
D face
B stormed
C rained
D clouded
B flooded
C powerful
D strong
B rough
C tough
D dense
I thi think nk I put put my ____ ______ ____ ____ __in in it when when I men mentio tione ned d my my new new &o. &o. A face
C eye
$he___ $he______ ______ ____ _ fog fog made made it very very diffic difficult ult to drive drive along along the countr country y lane lane.. A hard
B look
"e had had ___ _____ ____ ____ ___ _ rain rain las lastt nigh nightt so the the roa roads ds are are und under erwa wate ter. r. A torrential
D face
He was was so angry angry that that that that he ______ _________ ____ou _outt of of the the room room slammin slamming g the the door. door. A thundered
C mind
He coul couldn' dn'tt _____ ________ _____ __ openin opening g the the envelo envelope pe whic which h cont contain ained ed his his exam exam result results. s. He was too scared. A see
B head
B eye
C foot
D hand
It was was ___ _____ ____ ____ ___ _la lack ck that that nigh nightt as as the there re was was no no moo moon. n. A pitch
B complete
C dark
D asolute
/7 2 Complete the paragraph using the correct form of the word in capitals at the end of the line.
$he two teenagers were 1 __________to get started on their camping trip.
$hey'd never een camping alone as their parents had always 2 __________
them efore ecause they thought it would & __________ their lives. However However DA!%$ the two oys had never really een ' __________so finally finally after a lot of
discussion their parents agreed they were * __________ to do anything anything stupid. )I+ $hey put up their tent near the river. $hey were __________ hot y the the time
they'd finished so they dived into the river which was - __________cold
much to their surprise. )fter eating their supper they went to ed ut they found it __________ to sleep ecause they were were so excited.
*H+$+,+*I)-/ 0 212 *earson ongman /$
GRAMMAR & Complete the paragraphs with the, a/an or '-' for /ero article.
odern exploration of the outh *ole egan in 142 when ,aptain cott led 1 _____ -ritish 5ational )ntarctic /xpedition accompanied y /rnest hackleton and 6r /dward "ilson. 7sing 2 _____ teams of dogs and sledges they aimed to e & _____ first people to reach the *ole. 7nfortunately ill health and lack of supplies meant they failed. ' _____ few years later hackleton led his own expedition and although he set a record for reaching * _____ farthest south he had to turn ack 4( miles efore the pole to save _____ lives of his men. In 1411 8oald )mundsen a 5orwegian set out with - _____ extremely well9organised team who were trained in skiing and dog9driving. )s a result they not only reached the *ole ut returned 1 days earl y 9 something which had never happened efore. )t the same time cott was also trying to get to the *ole again. $his time he succeeded ut only to find that _____ 5orwegian :lag had een placed there a month earlier y 8oald )mundsen.
/8 ' Put the 0erbs in bracets in the most appropriate past form.
y trip through )frica in 2; has so far een the highlight of my life. I 1 __________
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