Unit I - Introduction to Technical Writing

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TECHNICAL WRITING GENERAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the course, the student is expected to: 1. know the nature, properties of the different kinds of technical literature 2. know the basic techniques and apply the same in the preparing a technical report 3. gain proficiency in writing business letters as tools in business transactions to obtain good will and secure favourable responses 4. appreciate the importance of preparing technical reports and business correspondence 5. conduct research studies after knowing the nature, types, & methodologies of research. COURSE OUTLINE 1. 2. 3. 4.


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UNIT I - INTRODUCTION IMPORTANCE OF TECHNICAL WRITING We live in a technical world today. Our home and our office, marketplace or playground, as short or long journey – all depend on technicalities. A slight lapse may lead to tragedy. Remember Selendra 2 tragedy in Makati where police concluded as Gas explosion. All result of human failure. The failure in most of the cases was because of our lack of ability to exercise the technicalities in clear language. We live in a dynamic world. The ways and methods of expressions keep on changing at a rapid pace. Success in today’s world is commensurate with the familiarity of using technical gadgets in the most efficient manner. Modern day professionals, apart from working for his organization, collects information, gathers data, compares, analyses them, and prepares reports to understand the lapses that have occurred in the company and tries to find solutions to overcome them. The task of modern day professionals or executive is to prepare reports from time to time. The objective of the report is to help an executive understand and evaluate a problem so that he can take immediate actions and rationalize it. Likewise, writing report is important in our business dealings apart from our personal tasks. A good report in a business world includes the ability to understand a problem and then suggests solutions for it. A professional come in touch with a variety of people having different needs. Not all of them understand our ideas and thoughts. Hence, the need to communicate in a language that is understandable to all is one of the basic features of technical writing. DEFINITION & NATURE OF TECHNICAL WRITING Technical writing or report writing is giving an account or description of an aspect of a particular art, science, trade, or profession learned by experience, study, observation or investigation. Technical writing aims to get work done, to change people by changing the way they do things. (M. Jimmie Killingsworth and Michael K.Gilbertson) Technical writing is a writing desired to meet specific goals. The purpose of technical writing is for an effective communication. COMMUNICATION It is derived from the Latin word “communicatus” which means “to impart” or share. It is giving or exchanging of information, signals or messages by means of talking, gestures or writing. It is defined as imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing or signs. (American College Dictionary) Characteristics of Communication   

Communication is the transmission of signals from one person to another. It involves the conscious use of symbols directed towards some goal. Communication involves the perception of commonly understood symbolic stimuli or language.

Communication may bring about a change in a person or in an organization is used for a specific purpose.

Thus, we can define communication as “A dynamic process in which man consciously or unconsciously affects the knowledge or experiences of another through the use of words or symbols” ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION If communication is process, then its elements are shown by the model below. Noise Channel Source




Message Feedback

Shannon – Weaver Model Sender The sender is the first important element of a communication process. He transmits or disseminates information to those he wants to and to those who are in need of it. During the time the sender composes the message, the background, attitude and mood of the sender comes under scrutiny. A slight lapse on the part of the sender may affect the fortune of group, community or even a nation. The sender has to be responsible while sending a message. Message The message is also equally important. Message is the information that the sender sends. It is an idea, sometimes data, a meaningful utterance or statement issued by the sender. The message maybe in the form of words, symbols, gestures, etc. Nowadays, gadgets are available to send message in different forms. Channel It is the medium through which the sender transmits the message or idea. The selection of the channel depends on the mood and receivers’ expectation, and the situational need. It can be sent using technology, writing and other channels. When dealing with official responsibilities, written messages is more effective. Receiver The person for whom the message is intended is the receiver. For a successful communication process to take place, the type of relationship of the sender and

receiver comes into the picture. Familiarity facilitates decoding. People working in similar types of organization or discipline can understand and decode each other’s message better than others. The receiver should be careful in decoding message. Never jump to conclusions in haste for a hasty response may result in wastage of time and undue problems.

Feedback When a sender sends a message, he waits for a response. There are times when the sender doesn’t receive a response. The sender in such a situation starts checking what went wrong. The examination or evaluation of the receiver’s response is called feedback that helps the sender the effectiveness of the message. Nowadays, feedback is one of the best measuring scales to bring further improvement and overcome lapses in one’s work. While response is the reaction of the receiver, feedback is the analysis of the nature of the response. TYPES OF COMMUNICATION a. Interpersonal Communication It is a communication that takes place between two (2) persons. It is called interpersonal communication when one communicates with another using words or symbols. Its success depends on the familiarity of knowledge, background and experience of the individuals involved. This happens in small group discussion, meetings, interviews, letters, reports, etc. b. Intrapersonal Communication When an individual talks to himself is intrapersonal communication. The word “intra” means within and, thus, intrapersonal communication is talking to one’s self. c. Extrapersonal Communication Human beings also communicate with animals, inanimate objects and their surroundings. This is termed extrapersonal communication. COMMUNICATION FLOW a. Internal Communication is when information and ideas are exchanged within the organization. e.g. internal memo or advisories, informal exchange of information, etc. b. External Communication occurs when information and ideas are sent outside the organization. e.g. advertisements, announcements, collecting bills, etc. Forms or Channels of Communication a. Downward Flow Communication from higher authorities is sent to the bottom of the organization. Usually notices, reminders, announcement, instructions and others. b. Upward Flow

It comes from subordinates and moves upward to their superiors, junior level employees to their bosses. Communication through this means aim at helping the bosses perform their tasks efficiently and keeping them informed of recent developments. The medium can be phones, letters, reports, etc. c. Horizontal flow It is a communication that takes place between people of equal status and peer groups. This flow of communication takes place when some important decision is to be made. Decision regarding employment and retrenchment, signing contracts, agreements or collaborations, passing new policies, etc. are some of the topics discussed on this level. THREE ELEMENTS AT ONE OR MORE STAGES OF THE TECHNICAL WRITING PROCESS 1. The problem or subject matter is not so popular knowledge but, rather is so specialized that it belongs to art, science, medicine, engineering, architecture, business, or the like. 2. Study, investigation, observation, analysis, experimentation, and measurement to be able to collect accurate and precise information about the problem or subject matter. 3. The organization and presentation of the information thus gathered so that it will be clear and meaningful to the intended readers. The final product is of this three-stage process is called a TECHNICAL REPORT which may range from a simple letter or memorandum to a voluminous report or stack of books. CHARACTERISTICS OF TECHNICAL WRITING 1. Technical writing treats subject matter related to the fields of science and technology and lately has involved other disciplines such as economics, medicine, psychology, agriculture, radiology, business administration, and others. 2. Technical writing is characterized by certain elements such as the use of scientific and technical vocabulary, its use of graphs and visual aids and its use of conventional report forms. 3. Technical writing observes impartiality and objectivity, shows extreme care to convey information accurately and concisely and avoids any attempt to arouse emotion. 4. Technical writing uses certain complex writing techniques such as definition, classification, description of mechanisms, description of processes, exemplification, casual analysis and others. 5. Technical writing has practicality and power. Practical because it is situational and addresses a particular purpose and audience. Powerful because it make things happen. 6. Technical writing used to involve only engineers and architects as its primary audience. Today, however, technical writing begins to attract students from many disciplines. 7. Technical writing courses are worthwhile because they have a high carryover value beyond the college days. A study conducted by Professor Richard M. Davis of Engineers of Distinction led him to the following conclusions: -the respondents spent an average of 24.35 percent of their time writing, -the respondents spent 31 percent of their time working with other people’s written materials,

-Most of the respondents felt the ability to write effectively is of critical importance to them, -Almost all reported that their responsibility increased, so did their need to write, -In promoting or advancing subordinates, almost all considered their (subordinates) writing ability. Graduates need to be able to communicate effectively with workers, supervisors and the general public. The need to enhance one’s communication skills and the writing skills in particular is a key factor for the success of one’s chosen field of specialization. QUALITIES OF A FINISHED TECHNICAL PAPER 1. The writing is marked by a no-nonsense approach to the subject it treats. Ideas are seldom introduced for their interest value alone, they must also be pertinent. 2. The purpose of the paper is usually spelled in the opening paragraph or two. All included information bears upon the realization of the stated purpose. 3. The vocabulary tends to be specialized. If the reader shares the writer’s professional specialization, the special terms need not be defined within the text. If he is a layman reader, these terms must be defined. 4. Sentences are highly specific and fact filled. 5. When appropriate to the material, numbers and dimensions are numerous, are usually in Arabic form and are exact and rather than rounded to the nearest whole number. 6. Signs, symbols and formulas may pepper the discussion. The terms may be listed and defined in the accompanying glossaries. 7. Graphs and tables may reinforce and expand upon the surrounding discussion. Figures and illustrations of all kinds are widely used. 8. Documentation and credits appear in notes and bibliographies. PROPERTIES OF TECHNICAL WRITING Reading a piece of technical writing leads one to discover its distinctive characteristics which differentiate it from other types of writing. One distinguishing mark of technical writing is aptly stated by Rufus Turner: “Truth is the soul of science”. Good technical writing never misleads or misrepresents. Properties of Technical Writing according to ZALL (the ABC’s of report writing) ACCURACY -stated facts must be accurate and correct -calculations must be correct -statements must be logical -correct usage of words (should not be interchanged) -As a whole, do not be contented with being understood, but always guard against being misunderstood BREVITY -report should be brief and/or short but complete A technical writer needs to be concise. One needs to be very specific to be concise. Take the saying “brevity is the soul of wit”. Means to be concise is to be wise. People in the business world are always busy. Time is gold to them. Nobody seems to have time to spare. Thus, everyone needs concise message. Go direct to the point. They don’t have so much time to decipher long message. Avoid moving around message. (Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra)

COHERENCE -logical togetherness of the material -clear passage of thought from one point to another CONFIDENCE -knowing more of the subject matter than anyone else -you become the authority -you must be convinced of your work DIGNITY -formality with respect to the words and its use -pronouns like “which” and “that” should be used. i.e. Miss Reyes informs us that a comet will . . and not Miss Reyes informs us a comet . . . -contractions like “don’t, can’t, want” and others should be avoided. -simple dignity can be achieved with straight forward expressions. EMPHASIS -main points are emphasized -there is distinction between main topics and illustrations or main points or subordinate points FACILITY -Facility is making the report easy to read -For facility, report writing should observe pacing, sequence, arrangement & continuity. 1. Pacing is presenting technical and unfamiliar information in small segments, explained and defined or illustrated before more of such information is presented. 2. Sequence is leading the reader from familiar to unfamiliar, simple to complex, from whole to parts. 3. Arrangement is emphasizing and balancing important parts to show their proper relationship and importance. 4. Continuity is showing the relation of one part to another, clearly stated, illustrated & emphasized. GRAMMATICAL CORRECTNESS -Refers to the communicative skills of the writer, i.e., correct grammar, spelling, etc. Technical writing should have a proper grammatical structure. This could not be ignored in technical writing. A technical writing should be free from errors and poetical experiments. A grammatically correct document brings a good impression. The omission of punctuation may mar your fortune. Wrong spelling is another detriment to your chances of getting an assignment. It reflects your background and at times your culture. (Sangeeta Sharma and Binod Mishra) HONESTY -Acknowledging the use of other people’s information or work either in footnotes or in text -It also involves reporting your own failures and mistakes as well as successes in the hope that it will provide a clue for some researcher working on a similar subject from a different angle. ILLUSTRATION -Graphics or visuals such as charts, diagrams, photos, graphs -It is used to show a trend, situation or movement JUDGMENT -Judicious weighing of evidence -The evidence must be

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most ample most pertinent most simple in explaining facts with least additional evidence most in harmony with the rest of the available evidence.

KNOWLEDGE -The communication of knowledge is one of the chief functions of report writing. -Knowledge is gained by the reader from the technical report. LOGIC -Thinking straight -Putting things in their proper perspective -Statements must not contradict each other -Words must be used in a consistent sense -Statements must move in one direction -Judgments must not be based on a few data -Cause and effect should be clearly distinguished from simple sequence -Conclusions should not be inferred if they have no connection with the data -An authority should not be accepted if he is biased and not an expert in that particular field MECHANICAL NEATNESS -Neatly typed and well margined -Free from typographical errors, cross-outs NORMAL PROCEDURE -Conformity to standards -Making the report easier to understand OBJECTIVITY -Impartial point of view of the writer -To achieve this is to avoid the use of the first person (I, me, my) except in short informal reports. QUALIFICATION -Qualifying is explaining the circumstances surrounding your work because it might have affected the results you are reporting “This is true under this given condition” -What factors were constant and factors were variable as you worked. STRAIGHT SENTENCES -The subject coming first followed by the verb -Limit a sentence to one idea or two closely related ideas THOROUGHNESS -Treat your subject fully so that your report shall have a lasting value. -How to achieve thoroughness? 1. Prepare a checklist of requirements in the planning stage, 2. Marking off each requirement as it is fulfilled, 3. Use the checklist again in the revision stage for a final recheck UNITY -Unity implies that all the details and facts in the report are clearly relevant to the main point under the discussion. -Ask the question, “What has this to do with the subject?” -Draw a line from the subject of a paragraph to the subject of the next. -Make an outline VERACITY -Veracity means truthfulness. -Truth is the soul of science. -Sticks to facts.

-It does not indulge in evasion, equivocation or shifting the issue. VIEWPOINT -A report is written from a certain viewpoint – that of a reporter, teacher or researcher, or the like. - The viewpoint is established with the first sentence should be maintained throughout the report. Thus, if you begin talking like a professor, stick with that voice to the end. WORD CHOICE -Technical words may be used in a technical report -Avoid pompous (self-important, arrogant pretentious), ornate (complicated, complex) words and especially vague words YOU-POINT -Technical writing is writing exclusively for an intended reader ZEST -Enthusiasm, keenness, passion for writing -If you get tired or bored, take a break or go for a walk or get some sleep, then, resume working with a fresh mind so that it could bring out the best result.

OPINIONS OF WELL-KNOWN ENGINEERS Mr. C.F. Kettering in a letter to Professor A.C. Howell, wrote: A man’s language, as a rule, is an index of his mind. A clearly written paper or report indicates sound reasoning and reliable results. Success in engineering and research depends as much upon the ability to present ideas convincingly as it does upon the ability to perform calculations and experiments Mr. Leonard J. Hanson, Manager of Technical Publications for the Honeywell Regulatory Company Knowledge is power-but it is only when the power is converted into “work” that the knowledge is of any value. The efficiency factors in the transfer of energy in this case are directly proportional to one’s ability to communicate with others. Accordingly, poor writers will operate less efficiently and their knowledge will be of less value. This fact should be pointed out to every student early in his school career. Mr. Nicolas W. Classen, Civil Engineer, ASCE Engineers must be able to communicate effectively, whether they are in the academic field, private industry or public service. We are professionals in our particular line of work. We know our job; we know that we know our job, but we are only going to get credit for what other people realize we know. That is why it is vitally important that we be able to communicate with people, that we be able to present an idea and get across it. KINDS OF TECHNICAL LITERATURE 1. BUSINESS LETTERS 2. DIFFERENT TYPES OF TECHNICAL REPORT 3. INSTRUCTION MANUALS 4. ABSTRACTS

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