Unit 5 Revision Checklist

February 20, 2017 | Author: Shafkat Sakeebur Rahman | Category: N/A
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Unit 5: Check List Thermal Energy – Heat and Temperature: 

Understand what is specific heat capacity

Remember the equation linking energy change and specific heat capacity:

Remember the units for specific heat capacity

Experiment on how to measure the specific heat capacity for both solid and liquid

Understand the difference between heat and temperature

Understand the concept of absolute temperature scale

Understand what is absolute zero

How to convert Kelvin to degrees Celsius and vice versa

Understand what is internal energy

Understand the difference between heating and working

Understand and draw graphs of substances being heated and know from the graph where change of state is occurring

Thermal Energy – Gas Laws and Kinetic Theory: 

Understand the concept of pressure

Equation of pressure for any fluid and pressure as force acting per unit area

Understand Boyle’s Law as it links pressure with volume and remember the equation for it

Remember the graphs for Boyle’s Law

Condition for Boyle’s Law

Understand the Pressure Law and how it connects pressure with temperature and remember the equation for it

Condition for the Pressure Law

Remember the graphs for the Pressure Law

Know the difference between ideal gas and real gas

Understand how Boyle’s Law and Pressure Law is combined to make the equation of state for an ideal gas

Know that the equation of state is the same as the ideal gas equation

Understand that the internal energy of an ideal gas is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of the particles within it

Understand the speed distribution curve for gases and how it depends on the temperature of the gas

Explain what happens to the particles when the temperature increases (three points to cover)

Know that the random distribution of the speed of gas particles means their kinetic energy are also randomly distributed

Understand the distribution depends on temperature

Equation for the kinetic energy of particles in a gas

Explain why the kinetic energy is average

Know that the average kinetic energy is proportional to the absolute temperature and how to derive it

Understand how the kinetic energy, absolute temperature and internal temperature are linked


Unit 5: Check List Nuclear Physics – Radioactivity: 

Explain what is background radiation

Name the sources of background radiation

Explain the cause of radioactivity

Explain what are the meaning of “spontaneous” and “random” to describe the nature of radioactivity

Remember the symbol, constituents, relative charge, relative mass of alpha, beta and gamma particles

Remember the ionising power, speed, penetrating power of alpha, beta and gamma radiations

What happens to alpha and beta particles due to their different ionising properties and how this can be used

Remember the equations for alpha and beta decay

Understand what is an isotope

Understand what is meant by the activity of an isotope

Know the formula for activity and its units

Explain what is the decay constant

Learn the definition for half-life

Formula for half-life

Graph for activity vs. Time

Know the equations for decay

Know the uses for radioactive isotopes

Nuclear Physics – Nuclear physics: 

Explain the concept of binding energy

Explain the concept of mass defect

Understand how mass defect and binding energy are inter-related using mass – energy equivalence equation

Explain the significance of binding energy per nucleon

Interpret the graph for binding energy per nucleon vs. mass number

Explain why ultimately all unstable nuclei turn into iron nuclei

Explain the process of fission and how it is initiated

Explain the process of fusion and how it is initiated

Explain how nuclear fission reactors work

Explain the mechanism of a fusion reactor and the need for high densities of matter and high temperature to bring it about and maintain it


Unit 5: Check List Oscillations – Simple Harmonic motion: 

Define simple harmonic motion (SHM) in terms of acceleration and displacement

Understand there is always a restoring force pulling or pushing the object back towards the midpoint

Understand the size of the restoring force depends on the displacement and the force makes the object accelerate towards the midpoint

Understand that the restoring force makes the object change its potential and kinetic energy

Explain the energy changes during simple harmonic motion

Explain the graph of energy against displacement for an object undergoing SHM (PE + KE)

Explain the graph of energy against time for an object undergoing SHM (PE + KE)

Understand and explain the equations for simple harmonic motion in terms of angular frequency and time

Draw the graphs for displacement, velocity and acceleration against time graphs for a body undergoing SHM

Understand that the frequency and period does not depend the amplitude

Know the time period and formula for a mass – spring system as a simple harmonic oscillator

Know the time period and formula for a simple pendulum as a simple harmonic oscillator

Understand that T does not depend on the mass and amplitude of the simple pendulum

Oscillations – Free, damped and forced oscillations: 

Define the terms: free, damped and free oscillations

Define the conditions for : free, damped and free oscillations

Define driving and driven system

Define resonance

Define the condition for resonance

Understand, explain and draw the graph of amplitude against driving frequency

Explain the effects of different amounts of damping: light, heavy, critical and overdamping

Explain how damping affects resonance and draw the different curves of amplitude to driving frequency graphs


Unit 5: Check List Astrophysics and Cosmology – Universal Gravitation: 

Understand that masses in a gravitational field experience a force of attraction

Know the equation relating Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Understand what is a uniform gravitation field

Know the equation for gravitational field strength

Understand that the gravitational field strength “g” varies from place to place

Understand how the field strength varies with distance away from a point mass

Understand the similarities and differences between gravitational and electric fields

Understand that energy is transferred when a mass or charge moves between equipotentials in a field

Astrophysics and Cosmology – Astrophysics: 

Know the different methods to determine astronomical distances

Define what is a parallax

Understand and explain the trigonometric parallax method to measure stellar distances

Understand the concept of standard candle and know what is a Cepheid variable

Understand the standard candle method of measuring astronomical distances

Define the AU (astronomical unit) ,the light-year and the parsec

Understand how the luminosity of a star depends on its temperature and surface area given by the Stefan – Boltzmann relationship

Understand what is a black body

Recall what is absorption spectra and how gases absorb particular wavelengths

Understand how the peak wavelength gives the temperature of the star given by Wien’s law

Know how to interpret the Hertzprung – Russell diagram

Understand that the Hertzprung – Russell diagram is a luminosity vs. temperature curve for stars

Astrophysics and Cosmology – Cosmology: 

Explain the life cycle of stars

Explain what is a main sequence star and know the different stages of stellar evolution

Understand that main sequence stars become red giants when they run out of fuel

Understand that low mass stars produce white dwarfs

Understand and explain how high mass stars may have different terminal life stages

Know what is a neutron star and its properties

Explain how neutron stars and supernova are produced

Explain how the Doppler Effect is used to find the distance of galaxies and age of the universe

Understand the Hubble’s Constant

Use the Hubble’s constant to find the age of the observable universe

Understand that the expanding universe gives rise to the Big Bang theory

Know the different possible outcomes of how the universe will be depending on the critical density


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