Unit 4 – Government Intervention Price Floor - Paper 3 Calculations Given the following Supply/Demand functions for rice:
Qd = 100 - 5P Qs = -50 10P 1. Calculate Calculate the Price Price and and Quantity Quantity euili!ri euili!rium. um. ". Calculate Calculate the Price Price and and Quantity inter intercept cept for the Demand Demand function. #. Calculate Calculate the Price Price inter intercept cept for the Supply Supply function. function. $. Graph the Supply Supply and Deman Demand d function. function.
!"e Government intervenes in t"e mar#etplace and places a Price Ceilin$ Ceilin$ on %ice %ice o& '15 per unit( 1. %llustrate %llustrate the the Price Price Ceiling Ceiling on your your e&isting e&isting graph. graph. ". Show and calculate calculate the the e&cess e&cess supply/dem supply/demand and in the mar'et mar'et place. #. %s the Price Price Ceiling Ceiling e(ective) e(ective) *hy/why *hy/why not)
!"e Government a$rees to purc"ase t"e e)cess suppl* in t"e mar#etplace( 1. +ow much much will will it cost the the Govern Government ment) ) ". Calculate Calculate the new new Demand Demand function function when the the government government purchases the e&cess supply.
Consumer+Producer ,urplus and !otal el&are .oss 1. Calculate Calculate the Consum Consumer er Surplus Surplus with with no Government Government %ntervention. ". Calculate the Producer Producer Surplus with no Government Government %ntervention. %ntervention. #. Calculate Calculate the Consumer Consumer Surplus Surplus with Governm Government ent %ntervent %ntervention. ion. $. Calculate the Producer Producer Surplus with with Government Government %ntervention.
Unit 4 – Government Intervention Price Floor - Paper 3 Calculations ,. Calculate the -otal *elfare *elfare oss oss with Government Government %ntervention. %ntervention.
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