microcontrollers and electronics, MCU Unit, beginners course,...
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
Logic Gates The term gate is used to describe describe a circuit that performs performs a basic logic logic operation. operation. All gates gates have have both both inputs inputs and outputs outputs.. The The number number of inputs inputs can vary dependin depending g on the gate in question but there is generally only one output. As discu discusse ssed d in unit unit 1 ther theree are three three prim primary ary logi logicc gate gatess from from !hic !hich h by vari variou ouss combinations all other gates can be made. These are the "#T $ate %inverter& the A"D $ate and the #' $ate. This unit revisits these gates gates and proceeds to introduce introduce a number of other gates.
NOT Gate (Inverter)
The "#T gate has a single input input and a single output. The gate very simply inverts the input. input. The symbol and truth table for the "#T gate are ar e sho!n belo!. Symbol nput A
#utput (
The circle on the symbol indicates that the output ( is the inverse %or complement& of the input A. Truth Table
A * 1
( 1 *
The above table is +no!n as a truth table. )n this table every possible combination combination of input is !ritten !ritten in order order and the output output is determ determined ined for for each input. input. There There are , possible comb combin inati ation onss in the case case of an n-inpu n-inputt gate gate.. )n other other !ord !ords s ther theree are t!o possib possible le combinations in the case of a one-input gate four possible combinations of input in the case of a t!o-input gate etc.. n
Boolean Expression Expression ( = A
or verbally ( / A bar0 oolean oolean algebra is the mathematics of digital systems. systems. A letter letter designates designates a variable variable and a bar over a letter designates the inverse %or complement& of the variable. 2ore generally a bar over a quantity designates the inverse %or complement& of that quantity.
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
AND Gate
The A"D A"D gate has multiple inputs and a single output. The output of any A"D gate is 3)$3 only !hen all of of its inputs are 3)$3. Symbol )nput A
#utput (
)nput 1
)n this case the output is 3)$3 %or logic level 1& only if the inputs A and are 3)$3 %or logic level 1&. Thus !e can !rite a table defining defining all the possible possible states that might occur for this t!o input A"D gate. Truth Table
A * * 1 1
* 1 * 1
( * * * 1
Boolean Expression Expression F = A . B
or verbally ( / A and 0 The A"D gate performs oolean 2ultiplication as illustrated in the timing diagram belo!. oolean multiplication follo!s the same rules as binary multiplication as discussed in unit ,. Timing Diagram
)"4UT A
)"4UT 1
Timing Diagram for an A"D gate
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
3-Input AND Gate
Symbol )nput A
#utput (
)nput 1 )nput 5
Truth Table
A * * * * 1 1 1 1
* * 1 1 * * 1 1
5 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1
( * * * * * * * 1
As can be seen !hen !e have a three input A"D gate the same rule applies as did for the t!o input gate i.e. A66 the inputs must be 3)$3 if !e are to achieve a 3)$3 on the output.
Boolean Expression Expression F = A . B . C
#r more commonly it is !ritten as F = ABC
)n boolean e7pressions !hen variables are !ritten ne7t to each other !ith no symbol in bet!een it is implicitly assumed that they are A"Ded. A"Ded.
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
O Gate
The #' gate can have t!o or more more inputs. The output of an #' #' gate is 3)$3 !hen one or more of the inputs are 3)$3.
Symbol )nput A #utput ( )nput 1
Truth Table
A * * 1 1
* 1 * 1
( * 1 1 1
Boolean Expression Expression F=A!B
#r verbally ( / A or 0 The #' gate gate perfor performs ms oolean oolean Addit Addition ion - not to be confus confused ed !ith !ith binary binary addition addition as discussed in unit ,. Timing Diagram
)"4UT A
)"4UT 1
Timing Diagram for an #' gate
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
3-Input O Gate
Symbol )nput A )nput 1
#utput (
)nput 5
Truth Table
A * * * * 1 1 1 1
* * 1 1 * * 1 1
5 * 1 * 1 * 1 * 1
( * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Again it can be seen from the table that the output is 6#9 only !hen all the inputs are 6#9.
Boolean Expression Expression F=A!B!C
"o! that the three basic gates have been considered they can be combined c ombined to generate other operations.
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
This is a combination of the A"D gate and the "#T gate in that order. Symbol )nput A #utput ( )nput 1
)nput A A1
#utput ( = A1
)nput 1
oth representa representations tions are equivalent equivalent.. "ote that the bubble0 bubble0 %o& in the top symbol indicates the presence of an inverter on on the output output line. The top representation is more common. The bottom representation indicates ho! a "A"D gate may be bro+en do!n. Truth Table
A * * 1 1
* 1 * 1
( 1 1 1 *
Boolean Expression Expression F = A
#r more commonly commonly
As can be seen from the table the inputs are A"Ded together and then "#Ted %inverted& to give the final output. output. The timing diagram sho!n sho!n belo! illustrates this. Timing Diagram )"4UT A
)"4UT 1
Timing Diagram for a "A"D gate
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
NO Gate
This is a combination of the #' gate and the "#T gate in that order. Symbol )nput A #utput ( )nput 1
)nput A A#' gate and the "#T gate %)nverter& in that order. Symbol nput A #utput ( nput 1
Truth Table
A * * 1 1
* 1 * 1
( 1 * * 1
As can be seen seen from from the the truth truth tabl table e the the inpu inputs ts are >#'e >#'ed d toge togeth ther er and and then then "#T "#Ted %inverted& to give the final output.
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
Boolean Expression Expression ( = A⊕1
Timing Diagram )"4UT A
)"4UT 1
Timing Diagram for an E7clusive "#' %>"#'& $ate
Direct app%ications o& t'e asic %ogic operations
%Terminology %Terminology - A it is a inary Digit. A byte is made up of @ bits. & 6ogic gates are the building bloc+s of computers. 2ost of the functions in a computer computer !ith the e7ception of certain types of memory are implemented !ith logic gates used on a very large scale. (or e7ample a microprocessor !hich is the main part of of a computer is made up of hundreds and thousands of logic gates. App%ication - 5omputers need to selectively manipulate certain bits in one or more bytes of data. Selective bit manipulations manipulations are achieved using a mas+. (or e7ample to clear %ma+e %ma+e all *?s& the right four bits in a data byte but +eep the information in the left four bits the data byte is A"Ded !ith 1111 1111****. ****. "otice that any bit A"Ded !ith ero !ill be * and any bit A"Ded !ith one !ill remain the same. Ex 1: 9hat is the resulting r esulting byte if 1*1*1*11, is A"Ded !ith the mas+ 1111**** ,F App%ication * + Another mas+ operation that is used in computer programming selectively ma+es certain certain bits in a data byte equal to 1 !hile not affecting affecting any other other bit. This is called setting setting %setting %setting a bit to 1&. This is achieved achieved using using the #' operatio operation. n. A mas+ is used used that contains a 1 in any position !here a data bit is to be set. Ex 2: 3o! !ould one force the most significant bit in a data byte to equal 1 but leave all of the other bits unchangedF
Digital Electronic Systems Unit 4
Active %o, inputs
An active lo! input is represented represented by either a small circle at the input input point to a gate or by a bar0 bar0 over the input variabl variablee on a data data sheet. This This small circle circle represent representss a "#T gate %inverter&. 5onsider 5onsider for e7ample e7ample 5S - chip select an active active lo! input to an integrate integrated d circuit. 5hip select is enabled only !h !hen en the input voltage voltage is lo!. The bar0 indicates indicates that the input is active lo!. Sho!n belo! is an e7ample of an A"D gate !ith active lo! inputs. )nput A #utput ( )nput 1
)nput A
A #utput ( = A.1
)nput 1
Truth Table
A * * 1 1
* 1 * 1
( 1 * * *
Timing Diagram )"4UT A
)"4UT 1
Timing diagram for an A"D gate !ith active lo! inputs.
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