Unit 3 Test

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New Inside Out Pre-intermediate

Unit 3 Test

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Part A Vocabulary Relationship expressions 1

Complete the words.


Ben Ben is lo look okin ing g at you. you. I th thin ink k he he f__ f____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ you! you!


I really like Jennifer, but I’m too shy to c_____________ c_____________ her up.


Lulu Lulu is is stil stilll angr angry y with with Tom Tom after after th they ey had had a bi big g r__ r____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ at at the the we week eken end. d.


Ar Aree you you st stil illl wit with h Mar Maria ia,, o orr hav havee you you s___ s_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ up? up?

(4 points)

Narrative linkers 2

Compl omplet ete e th the e stor story y with with th the e narr narrat ativ ive e link linker ers s in th the e box. box.

A week later

At first

One night

That night

The next day

(1) ________________ I came home late from work. As I was passing my friend Gina’s house I saw someone standing on the doorstep. (2) ________________ I thought it was Gina, but then I remembered that Gina was away. It was another woman, and Gina’s husband, Matt, was kissing her on the cheek. I was horrified! (3) ________________ I couldn’t stop thinking about Gina. Should I tell her about the other woman? I didn’t know what to do. (4) ________________ I decided to send Matt a letter saying, ‘I know you are having an affair and I will tell Gina’. I didn’t sign si gn it. (5) ________________ I met Gina for a coffee. She was with the same woman! She said, ‘This is Matt’s sister. She’s staying with us for a couple of weeks.’ I never told Gina or Matt about the letter. (5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermedi Pre-intermediate ate Unit 3 Test © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008



Grammar  Past simple 3

Write the past form of the verbs.
















(5 points)


Write questions in the past simple.


When / me meet / your best ffrriend ?  ____________________________________  _________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________? __________?


Richard / go to school / with you ?


 _______________________________________________________  ____________________________________ _____________________________? __________? Where / your parents / get married ?  ____________________________________  _________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________? __________?


be / you / very busy / yesterday ?  ____________________________________  _________________ ______________________________________ _____________________________? __________?

(4 points)

Past simple and past continuous 5

Comp Comple lete te th the e tex textt with with th the e pas pastt sim simpl ple e or or pas pastt con conti tinu nuou ous s for form m of of the the verb verbs s iin n brackets.

Angie (1) _________________ (meet) Tony in London while she s he (2) _________________ (work) as a doctor at the hospital. Tony (3) _________________ (be) originally from the USA, but he (4) _________________ (teach) at the hospital for a few weeks during the summer. At first Angie (5) _________________ (not like) Tony at all. She (6) _________________ (not look) for a boyfriend and she (7) _________________ (think) Tony was too loud and confident. But during that summer they (8) _________________ (fall) in love. (8 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermedi Pre-intermediate ate Unit 3 Test © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008



Adverbs of manner  6

Compl omplet ete e wit with h adv adver erbs bs of mann manner er usin using g the the adj adjec ecti tive ves s iin n bra brack cket ets s.


Loui Louisa sa dr drov ovee __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ along along th thee road road to he herr ho house use.. (qui (quick ck))


You play the piano really ______________ ______________ . (good)


I walk walked ed __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ in into to th thee cl class assro room om – I love love En Engl glish ish!! (hap (happy py))


Bob alway lwayss aarr rriv ives es to too o __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ____ ___ __ . (l (laate te))

(4 points)

Useful phrases 7

Compl omple ete the the co conve nversati sation on with ith the the phr hra ases in the the box box..

Me too. Oh, I do. Neither am I. Neither did I. So do I.

Helen: Hel en: What What are you you doing doing tonig tonight? ht? Pa Paul ul::

I’m I’m goi going ng to th thee cin cinem ema. a.

Helen: (1) ________ _____________ _________ ________ ____ What What are you going going to see? Paul: The Legend of  Zorro.  Zorro. And you? Helen: The same! same! But I’m I’m not going going until the the 10 p.m. p.m. showing. showing. Paul: Pau l:

(2) ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ Shall Shall we we go togeth together? er?

Helen: OK. I think think it will be be great – I really really like like Antonio Antonio Banderas. Banderas. Paul: Pau l:

(3) ____ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ I’ve I’ve seen seen most most of his his films. films.

Helen: Really? Really? But I don’t don’t really really like Cather Catherine ine Zeta Jones. Jones. Paul: Pau l:

(4) ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ I think think she’s she’s lovel lovely. y.

Helen: Hel en: Well, Well, I d didn idn’t ’t lik likee Cabaret at all. Paul:

(5) __ _________ . But I still like her.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermedi Pre-intermediate ate Unit 3 Test © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008



Part B Pronunciation Irregular verbs [Track 5]


List Li sten en and and u und nder erli line ne th the e pas pastt ver verb b ffor orm m in in eac each h gro group up with with th the e diff differ eren entt v vow owel el sound.


k e pt had meant


r eea ad swam r ang


brou ght taught dr ank 


sle pt r eea ad f o ou ught


sang caught bought

(5 points)

Listening [Track 6]


Listen List en to th the e con conve vers rsat ation ion betw betwee een n Tom Tom and and h his is moth mother er.. Und Under erlin line e the the corr correc ectt information.


Tom is in England / Australia.


Tom is phoning because he has something important to say / misses his parents.


Tom met Kazz when she was selling ice creams / surfing .


Kazz is an actor / unemployed.


Tom and Kazz got married on the beach / in England .

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermedi Pre-intermediate ate Unit 3 Test © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008



Reading 10

Read Read th the e text text.. Are Are th the e sen sente tenc nces es tr true ue (T (T)) or or fals false e (F) (F)? ?


Ric ick k was was th thee own owner of a ca café fé in Cas asab abla lanc ncaa. __ ___  _ 


Rick bought two letters. ___ 


Rick Rick di didn dn’t ’t want want to se sell ll th thee llet ette ters rs beca becaus usee he he nee neede ded d tthe hem. m. ___  ___ 


Rick wanted to be with Ilsa. ___ 


As tth he pl plan anee was was le leav avin ing, g, Ric ick k es esca cape ped d with with Il Ilsa sa.. __ ___  _ 

 The American American Film Institute asked asked people to vote for the the best love story film. Top of the list was

Casablanca (1942)

with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.

Bogart played Rick Blaine, an American who was living in Casablanca, in North Africa, during the war. Rick had a café. One day someone in the café gave Rick two letters. The letters were very important because they could help two people leave Casablanca. One day Rick’s ex-girlfriend, Ilsa Lund, arrived at the café with her husband. They were in danger, and needed to leave Casablanca immediately. They wanted to buy the letters from Rick so that they could go to America together. But Rick was still in love with Ilsa and he didn’t want to sell her the letters. He wanted Ilsa to stay in Casablanca. At the end of the film Rick chose to help Ilsa and her husband and he gave them the letters. As the plane was leaving Casablanca, Rick told Ilsa to go with her husband. He did the right thing by helping her and her husband to escape from Casablanca.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermedi Pre-intermediate ate Unit 3 Test © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008


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