unit 1 test

November 4, 2018 | Author: mariacarlosmaria | Category: N/A
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tiger tracks 5...


 Tiger trackstracks- Unit 1- test test review review 1. Vocabul ocabulary ary-- gadget gadgets. s.  You  You use it to make make maths exer exercises. cises.  You  You usually use use it to write messages to your friends. friends.  You  You sometimes sometimes use it to read books. books.  You  You often often use it to listen listen to music.  You  You often often use it to take take photos.  You  You sometimes sometimes use it to play your favourite favourite music. music.  You  You use it to watch people people in the laptop. laptop.  You  You use it to save information. information.  You  You sometimes sometimes use it to charge your your battery.  You  You sometimes sometimes use it to cone mtrol mtrol time.  You  You often often use it to play play your favourite favourite games. games. . !omple plete. te. - " usu usual ally ly use use my satn satna av to ########################################## ### - " some someti time mes s use use my calc calcul ulat ator or to ######################################## - " of often us use my my ta table blet to to ########################################## #### - " of often ten use use my mp$ mp$ pla playe yerr to to ########################################## # - " nev never er use use my my hea headp dpho hone nes s to to ########################################## - " ofte often n use use my vide videog ogam ames es cons consol ole e to #####################################. - " sometimes use my webcam###################################### ####.. - " usu usual ally ly use use my my sto stopw pwa atch tch to to ########################################## - " of often ten use use my pend pendri rive ve to ########################################## ##. - " nev never er use use my char charge gerr to ########################################## ##.. - " us use my digi digita tall cam camer era a to ########################################## ## - " of often ten use use my mobi mobile le phon phone e to#########################################.  To  To make make my math math exercises exercises % to write messages messages to my friends% to to take take photos%talk photos%talk to my friends% to listen to my favourite favourite music% to play after school% school% to listen % to see people% to save information%to draw pictures%to control time%to charge my gadgets.


'obile phone

(ebca m

)atna v

)topwat ch

!alculat  Tablet or

*endri ve

,lways Usually ften )ometim es never  True or false. &on usually uses his pendrive. e often use his satnav. e sometimes uses his calculator. e sometimes uses his headphones. e often uses his tablet. ,nswer. +oes &on use his webcam/ Yes0 he often does. +oes he use his calculator/ +oes he use his pendrive/ +oes he use his headphones/ +oes he use his satnav/ +oes he use his mobile phone/ +oe he use his stopwatch/  Translate. arbara normalmente utili2a su tel3fono m4vil los 5nes de semana.

6lla algunas veces usa su usb para guardar informaci4n.

6lla nunca usa sus cascos para escuchar las noticias.

6lla a veces usa su table para leer comics.

+igital camer a

headphon es

7. )usan ,lbert

)ometimes (atch tv on 9ridays :o shopping

8ever :o to school at weekends Use his computer

(rite about what these people do. )usan.


ften *lay with her friends +o homework

usually &ead comic Take potos

always *lay basketball Use his  Tablet.

,nswer the ;uestions about the information on exercise 7. +oes she go to school at weekends/ +oes he go shopping/ +oes she use her computer/ +oes he play with his friends/ +oes he read comic/ +oes she read/ +oes she play basketball/ +oes he do his homework/ +oes he use his tablet/ +oes she go shopping/ +oes she watch tv on 9ridays/ (rite a paragraph about the things you do.

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