Unit 1 Personal Development Progress Test FINAL

January 19, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Unit 1 Personal 1 Personal development Progress Test Name: _______________________________

Part 1 Reading Task 1 (7 points) Read the text below about performance management. Choose the best sentence from the list to fill each of the gaps and mark a letter (A – H). Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning, (0).  (0).   The challenges of performance management Companies always have them and employees always hate them. (0) _____E_____. So what exactly is the problem with performance management systems? Why are they so unpopular; and what can companies do to improve both their efficiency and their image? One fundamental reason why formal performance management paperwork. systems are (1) so disliked is that they are usually bureaucratic and involve mountains of time-consuming ________________. The other big problem for managers is reluctance to deliver negative feedback and fear of an employee’s reaction to it. (2) ________________. When the appraisal review meeting is the occasion on which an employee learns for the first time that his or her performance is regarded as unsatisfactory,, conflicts inevitably result. unsatisfactory As far as employees are concerned, any process that involves, or could potentially involve criticism and judgement is bound to be stressful. (3) ________________. When stakes are this high, it is imperative that the appraisal system is perceived as fair and objective; however this may be easier to achieve for some jobs than for others. In a competitive area, such as sales, performance can be assessed on the basis of easily measurable criteria such as number of new customers, quantity of sales, s ales, etc. However, if a job involves a large amount of teamwork or collaborative processes, such as for example, working in a research laboratory or a publishing house measuring individual performance can be a more complex issue. (4) ________________. ________________. Most performance management systems share two common characteristics. (5) ________________. If the objective of performance assessment is understood to be improving or enhancing performance, and therefore linked with training and personal development, the whole process becomes much more motivating for employees. (6) ________________. The second characteristic of successful  performance management is that it is ongoing. The The annual or bi-annual review should only be a small  part of a continuous process, the giving and and receiving of feedback, during which discussion of strengths and weaknesses arises naturally and is dealt with. For the employee, the appraisal meeting, when it comes, should feel like quality time with their manager in which to discuss their future development and aspirations as well their past performance. Within the time-poor, heavily task-orientated culture of most modern companies, managers may find it difficult to invest time in this sort of people-centred activity. (7) ________________. ________________. However, if ongoing feedback, both positive and constructively critical can become part of company culture, the  benefits for the organization are considerable. considerable. Personnel at all levels of the company not only stop feeling threatened by feedback, but are actually more likely to act upon it. When this starts to happen, you know your performance management system is a healthy one.

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  A In such environments, to encourage a culture of cut-throat competitiveness among employees could be counter productive. B They should feel that it is all about ‘how are you doing?’ rather than ‘what are you doing wrong?’ C People management often competes unsuccessfully with what seem at the time to be more  pressing matters – often large quantities of paper-work. pape r-work. D The first of these is that there should be a common understanding in a company that the objective of the system is improvement and not blame. E Human Resource departments devote huge amounts of resources to developing them; managers secretly consider them ineffective and a waste of their time. F The annual or bi-annual performance appraisal meetings can be particularly tough for middle managers who often have to juggle all the tasks involved in appraising an entire department with their usual work duties and responsibilities. G There are extreme cases: in some companies in the US, for example, employees whose

 performance rating falls fall s in the bottom 10 per cent cen t risk are routinely dismissed. di smissed. H This is made worse if the manager has not been willing or able to deal with problems as they arise.

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Task 2 (13 points)  Read the text below about good leadership. In most of the lines there is one extra word that is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT in the answer space below. If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS in the answer space. There are two examples, (0) and (00), at the beginning. The qualities of leadership

0 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Leadership is a hot topic in the business world. Hundreds of and thousands of books have been written on the subject, there exist numerous leadership courses and training programmes of all descriptions and in every business journal and magazine regularly publishes new articles about it, yet we never seem to get tire of the subject. Why is this it? What is leadership and why why is so important to us? Good leaders are of essential to businesses because they are able to unlock potential in individuals and in groups and organizations. Contrary to popular belief, a good leadership is not necessarily about telling to people what to do, but about inspiring them to see what they are capable of. Other characteristics that most good leaders share

8 9 10 11 12 13

are the openness to change and being prepared to listen. One of the most dangerous misconceptions about leadership is the belief that an effective leader is one who is always knows best. On the contrary, the best leaders are usually highly self-aware people who highly know their own strengths and weaknesses. Whilst there is no shortage of ambitious people in the business world, it does seems that there is a lack of gifted leaders. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the particular skills and qualities that define up a good leader are not only found as innate ‘gifts’, but may also be learned and acquired.

Answers 0 OF 00 CORRECT 1 ……………………………………………………………………….. 2 ……………………………………………………………………….. 3 ……………………………………………………………………….. 4 ……………………………………………………………………….. 5 ……………………………………………………………………….. 6 ……………………………………………………………………….. 7 ……………………………………………………………………….. 8 ……………………………………………………………………….. 9 ……………………………………………………………………….. 10 ……………………………………………………………………….. 11 ……………………………………………………………………….. 12 ……………………………………………………………………….. 13 ………………………………………………………………………..

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Part 2 Writing Task 1 (5 points) The table below shows the performance scores in selection tests of three candidates for a graduate management training programme at a multi-national company. The scores shown are for numerical reasoning (N), verbal reasoning (V) and creative thinking (C) and there are also some notes from the personal interview. Use the information from the chart to write a report comparing the strengths and weaknesses of the three candidates. Candidate Chen Li (F) Singapore Age 25

N 71%

V 69%

C 70%

Bellur Mehta (M) Indian Age 27 Thaddeus Wolf (M)







Amercan Age 23

Interview remarks Determined, decisive but very pleasant. Grew up in mainland China so has some small problems with English (in view of this, her verbal reasoning score is excellent). Seemed a bit shy and hesitant initially but ended up  building a very good rapport with the interview interview team – outstanding mathematical ability and IT knowledge. Very confident and charming (score on verbal reasoning test helped by the fact that he is a native English speaker) ambitious, astute – may lack maturity.

Write 150 – 170 words in the space below.

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Task 2 (5 points) Use the information to write a short job description for the post of Senior Systems Analyst with Red Shield Insurance in Vancouver Vancouver,, Canada. Company: Red Shield Insurance

Location: Vancouver, ancouver, Canada

Job: Full-Time Employee Level: Manager / Supervisor of Staff Red Shield of Vancouver Vancouver is the largest health insurance plan in British Columbia, with about $3.5  billion in revenue. Our mission is to ensure Canadians access to high-quality high-quality health care at a reasonable price. Minimum Bachelor's degree and 5 years of related experience in vendor-managed qualifications solution development and / or health care solution development and implementation. Maintains existing applications to support business unit requirements. Duties Provides application development services to create new applications, e.g. develops user requirements, creates and tests programs, is responsible for documentation and QA. Is responsible for new systems implementation. May be involved in all phases of systems development life cycle from client engagement through postimplementation evaluation. Knowledge of SDLC and PMLC. Skills Needed

Understanding of process and workflow analysis and how to apply this in system design. Decision making and critical thinking. Technical writing. A successful candidate must be also able to:  – work independently and interface with all levels of management.  – take abstract business requirements and turn them into technical documents that can be used by both the business units and IT.  – interface with the business units and IT to ensure functional and technical specifications are understood by both communities.

Write 200 – 250 words in the space below.

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Part 3 Listening Task 1 (9 points)  (Recording 1.01) You are going to hear three people giving advice about how get on at work. Match the ideas a)-h) with the speakers 1-3. Write 1, 2 or 3 next to each statement. You will hear the recording reco rding twice.

a) You should volunteer to do anything you think you can make a success of: it will increase your manager’s confidence in you.


 b) Managers will always push pus h you to the absolute limits o off what you can do.


c) Stay in control and learn to say no.


d) Don’t talk to your manager about office politics.


e) Your manager will only have confidence in you if you stay in their head.


f) Treat your manager as a human being, not just as an authority figure.


g) It’s OK to send your manager update emails all the time.


h) If you just work all the time, it’s a sign you don’t have much of a personal life.


i) Always laugh at the boss’s jokes.


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Task 2 (6 points) (Recording 1.07 – 1.11) You will hear part of a conversation between two people who are playing the truth game as part of a management skills development programme. For each question choose a), b) or c) as the correct answer. You will hear the recordings twice. 1 What does the first question ask about? a) The strategies the first speaker uses to stay calm.  b) The impression that the first fir st speaker makes on oth other er people. c) the first speaker’s ability to cope under pressure. 2 What does the second question relate to? a) How the speakers cope with failure.  b) How the speakers cope with wit h success. c) The importance of frankness and honesty. 3 In question three, how would you describe the first speaker’s attitude to money? a) He is generally very motivated by money.  b) He has never had enough en ough money, so he is very motivated by it.

c) Other things, such as relationships, are more important to him. 4 In question four, what does the second speaker dislike or want to change about herself? a) She doesn’t know.  b) She doesn’t want to answer the th e question. c) She’s never thought about it. 5 What does the last question relate to? a) The speakers’ plans for retirement.  b) Whether the speakers plan p lan to work abroad in the fu future. ture. c) Where the speakers hope they will be working in ten years’ time. 6 After alldoesn’t five dialogues, would you describe the female speaker? a) listening Someone to who stay calmhow under pressure and isn’t used to success.

 b) Someone who is used to success s uccess and is very motivated motivate d by money. c) Someone who copes well with failure and isn’t motivated by money.

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Part 4 Speaking (5 points) Prepare a one-minute presentation on one of these topics. You have one minute to prepare your talk. tal k. You may make notes.

  The personal qualities you need to be a good manager

  How to write a job description

  The glass ceiling

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