Unit 1: Brands

October 1, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Wor wih wih a paner s soe of your av avourit ouritee brads br ads hen answe these the se uestos 1

o you  Wo yo buy ay o th ollowng brans? Why / Why no Coa-ola IBM oyoa Moals

Ia nra Elr oogl Mrcsnz

Mcrosot rg Itl sy

Tso Noa asug Marboo

han Kloggs For Chna Mobl

2 Wh Wh o th th brans abov abov o yo thn atr atr n th topt Itr Itrbran bran st n n bot b ot 999 a 2 27 7 C C your answr o pag 4  r yo surprs surprs 3  so o th th bas abov whh nrst yo Wha ag a a  qats qa ts os o s ach

on hav s ths wos an phrass to hlp yo vau or oy uabl ashonabl

pa rtt par pv sxy

tss coo sophstcat

wl-a rlab n

ass tyh

 How loyal ar you you to th brans yo hav chosn or xapl wh n yo b y ans

o you always buy Lv Lvs s Why o popl p opl buy brans sl bras bra s 5 Why o you thn so popl sl

 6

Lise to two speae speaers rs talng tal ng aout rad  rads s Wha reasos reaso s does eac  D Lise perso gve gve o o ng or disliki disl iki g bads? Whih Whi h perso do you agree with?


T 1 •• BRAD

Brand management


Mac Ma c hese wrd wrd paersps  er  ea igs_ 1 2  4 

loyaty mage strethg awaeess name

6 launh 7 leyle 8 range 9 plaement 10 edorsemet

 he set o produts ade by a ompay om pay g)  the use o a welknown person p erson to adertse produts h when produts are used n ilms or  programmes  the ntroduto o a prodt to the market ) the legth o tme people peop le otnue ot nue to buy a produt

1 leader 1 researh

k) the peenage o sae saess a ompay ompa y has

 ustoers ustoers o a sml ar age nome leel or soal group m the best-selng best-selng produt or brand   a aret  )   normaton about what onsuers wat or eed n )  te seod best-sellng best-sellng podut or brad  a arket

1 share 14 hallenger 15 


 the tte ge to a produt by the o mpany that maes t  us usgg an estg estg nae on a oth othe e type o o produ c) te deas and beles people hae about a rand d the tendeny to always always buy a partula brand b rand  how alar people are wth a brand or ts logo ad sloga


Cpee hese seeces wi wrd parershps r Exercise A_ 1

No oe o e reognses our log logoo or soga We need to spend mor moree o aderts adertsg g o rase

.t,,4. C� . . ?J.  ?J. 

 Consuers who who alway alwayss buy oy whe they eed a new T ar aree showng   .  . .   .  .    ashon ashon desgner wo wo launhes hs o r e own own perume s an eaple o

Thee             o Meredes MeredesBen Ben s suh that ts ts produts are are seen as sae sae elable 4 Th luuros well made ad epense P R  D   T

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M A R   T

Mros rosot ot s the .  . .   .   .   oputer oputer sot sotwa ware re 9 M 0 In outres out res wth ageng ageng populao popu laos s the oer·6s oer·6s age group s beog beo g a

nr n rea eas sng ngly ly po pota tat t . ..  . .. .

1 Pep Peps s s the            arboa arboated ted so sott drnks drnks 1 Fous groups and onsuer onsuer su suey eyss are wa ways ys o ondut ondutg g            

Dscuss hese uesns u esns.. 1 What are te adatages ad dsadantages or opanes o pdut dut endosemens 

ow an an ompanes ompan es eate eate br ad loyalty

ge ay eamples o suessu suessu or unsuessul rand  rand strethng str ethng 3 a you ge See e OVO-RM for the iGlssa

4 Thnk Thn k o a eap or epese dea or a produt l au   What other market segets an you det de t eg young youn g sges om panes take  they star to lose market mar ket share 6 What aton an ompanes



    

Successful brands

Chris Cleaver

Wtch the ntervew on the OVORM.

Buiding ux uxuy uy brands

ri i lvr lvr i Mngng Dct Dcto o,, B B in in  Brnd Brn d  Drgon Drgon Brnd. Brn d.   r tn o t fit p of of h nrviw nd tck t point h h  h mk

 brand brand  1 hp popl po pl to bo alar wth wth a produt  g a produt a dntty 3 ra th a o a produt or r 4 nabl nabl th targt targt onur to dd  thy thy want th produt prod ut or not not 

 1 i inn o t cond cond prt of t invw nd n d nw t qi q ion. on.

o  fin p In which wh ich wo wy wy     lvr  14 in o compny hpd Nok?


T nk o tr tr bnd yo  y y lik nd dic wt pping nd prv' pr v' id thy th y commn ct ct  to yo

Wh   bnd g of Dior

Sk i h ric on h oppo Ski oppo pg q qckl ckly y nd y whch of h h  folowing pont   niond: n iond:

What  th an a n nton o a brand

1 Th hgh pro arg o bag

 Itng n arkt that ay tak o t to grow rady dy to pay a lot o oy or ry hgh·u alty thng bau 3 Popl ar ra thy ar batl 4 u udng dng utor uto r loyalty through rady·to-war

Rd h rcl nd compl th no n h p p blow. Th Thnn corct corct th n mtk.

nd or    alu o a tor

o harh harholdr oldr

nd or xpao blnc

good t g out ou t o o bad t  t t o orgaaton

atan rnard rnault

rat typ 

/ \

warr  d Catlla wa


wly allano nwn


wha app xt

popl ro drnt ountr


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Restless pursuer of luxury's future by Vanessa riedma

Sydny Toldano (Dior C xtve)  one o h logst logs t erving c tv n th lxy ndury A th ndustry  5 go gobal,  mt balace th demad of haeodrs ad the valus of a htorc abl h d fo excsvity and t ned or xpanson 0 H rounly ommncae wit h demandn demandng g bo, Bard Aaut main harehoder of hrtian Dor and a nmb of reatve ype ncldng Dor othe deigner 5 Jon Gaano ad jeweery degner Vre de atean Th best dvic dvice e I ver gOI wa hat, wn time ar bad yo nd to g Qu o the oc; whn hngs ar good yo can pnd m 1 th oganiation,' ay Mr Toldano who trave almot vey we  on o Dio  ores ond he wod Yo hav to look or wness look or wa s appnng xt . For Forg g  acaor acaor Undtand  peop fom drt couris and wha they wa It wa by pendig me  ha i the 1980 or xampl wh he wored
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