Unit 1 - Act. 4

July 20, 2018 | Author: Obed Barbosa | Category: Leisure
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Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

Comenzado el martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016, 06:31

Estado   Finalizado Finalizado en martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016, 07:24

Tiempo empleado 52 minutos 39 segundos Puntos   17,0/20,0 Califi Cal ificaci cación ón 59, 59,55 de un máximo de 70,0 (85%) Comentario - Excellent job!!! Keep practicing. Pregunta 1 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Choose the correct paragraph according to the present continuous tense. Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. I am thinking to going to Germany. b. I am thinking to go to Germany. c. I am thinking of going to Germany. d. I am thinking of go to Germany.

Your answer is incorrect. La respuesta correcta es: I am thinking of  going to Germany.

Pregunta 2 Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

 According to the audio “HOW WE MET” MET ” choose the right option to the question. How was Lian's girlfriend? Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. She was very beautiful b. She was relaxing. c. She was very beautiful and funny. d. She was funny.

Your answer is incorrect. La respuesta correcta es: She was very beautiful and funny. http://campus11.unad.edu.co/invi l 10/m od/quiz/r eview.php?attempt= 10255



Pregunta 3 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

Choose the best option

Daves loves chocolate, but he  _________ too much or he will get fat. Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. Should eat not b. Shouldn't eat c. Should eat d. Ought to I go

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Shouldn't eat

Pregunta 4

Choose the best option

Incorrecta Puntúa 0,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

A: I think that the grade my teacher  gave me on my test is wrong. B: Really? You_________ to her  after class today. Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. should to talk b. ought go c. ought to talk d. ought talk

Your answer is incorrect. La respuesta correcta es: ought to talk

Pregunta 5 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

 According to the audio “Th “The e weather is great” choose the right option to the question.

Where do Diane and Doug want to go? Seleccione Selecc ione una:


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Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce




Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es:

Pregunta 6 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

A place where people can park vehicles Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. Window b. In a butchery c. River  d. Parking lot

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Parking lot

Pregunta 7 Correcta

 Answer the question accordin according g to the reading “A Special moment”

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

At the beginning of the story, where is the girl sitting?

Marcar  pregunta

Seleccione Selecc ione una:

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a. Next to the window.



Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

b. On the floor. c. In a chair. d. On the bed.

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: In a chair.

Pregunta 8 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Write the sentence grammatically correct (Por favor favor escribir escribir todo en minúscula y con un solo espacio entre palabras) thinks / should / she / you / go./

Respuesta: She thinks you should go.

La respuesta correcta es: She thinks you should go.

Pregunta 9 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Choose the best option

I’m going to visit your country. Where ____________ If I want to go shopping? Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. Should I do b. Should I go c. I should go d. ought to I go

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Should I go

Pregunta 10 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

A place where people meet, talk and drink Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. Cafeteria

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Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

c. Television d. Bakery

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Cafeteria

Pregunta 11 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

 Among the following four sentence sentences, s, three contain an error. Find the phrase with the correct spelling. Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. If your brother goes to Bogota, he has better wear warm clothes. b. If your brother go to Bogota, he has better wear warm clothes c. If your brother goe`s to Bogota, Bogota, he has better wear warm clothes d. If your brother gous to Bogota, Bogota, he has better wear warm clothes

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: If your brother  goes to Bogota, he has better wear warm clothes.

Pregunta 12 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Match the items on the right with the items on the left






La respuesta correcta es: DANCING – MUSIC, CYCLING – BIKE, CINEMA – MOVIES, READING – BOOK, SWIMMING – http://campus11.unad.edu.co/invi lSEA 10/m od/quiz/r eview.php?attempt= 10255



Pregunta 13 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

 According to the audio “HOW WE MET” MET ” choose the right option to the question.

Who answers the questions to the woman? Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. Carol b. Susan c. Ben d. Lian

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: Lian

Pregunta 14 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

 Among the following four sentence sentences, s, three contain an error. Find the phrase with the correct spelling. Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. When it is foggy it is important that you use your headlights on while driving b. When it is foggy it is important that you use your headlights on whaile driving. c. When it is foggy it is important that you use your headlights on wahile driving d. When it is foggy it is important that you use your headlights on whiale driving

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: When it is foggy it is important that you use your headlights on while driving

Pregunta 15 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0

 According to the audio “Th “The e weather is great” choose the right option to the question.

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What are they going to make ?



Marcar  pregunta

Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

Seleccione Selecc ione una:





Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es:

Pregunta 16 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Choose the correct answer according to the simple present

Where does he buy the food? Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. He buying the food at the store b. He buy the food at the store c. He is buys the food at the store d. He buys the food at the store

Your answer is correct. http://campus11.unad.edu.co/invi lLa 10/mrespuesta od/quiz/r eviewcorrecta .php?attemptes: = 102He 55

at the store

buys the food



Pregunta 17

Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

Choose the best option

Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

A: I'm so hot B: You________ your coat! Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. ought go b. should take off c. should to take off  d. should put on

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: should take off 

Pregunta 18 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Choose the best option

My mother is not feeling well, so I told her that she______________ to the doctor  Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. ought to go b. should eat c. shouldn’t go d. ought

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: ought to go

Pregunta 19 Correcta Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

 Among the following four sentence sentences, s, three contain an error. Find the phrase with the correct spelling. Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. This job is worst than my previous  job. I’m going to look for anohte anohterr job b. This job is worst than may previous  job. I’m going to look for anothe anotherr job c. This job is worse than my previous  job. I’m going to look for anouth anouther er job

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Unit 1 - Act. 4.Uni t 1 - Task: Gi vi ng advi ce

d. This job is worse than my previous  job. I’m going to look for anothe anotherr job

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: This job is worse than my previous job. I’m going to look for  another job

Pregunta 20

 Answer the question accordin according g to the reading “A Special moment”


What does Momma tell her daughter  about the box?

Puntúa 1,0 sobre 1,0 Marcar  pregunta

Seleccione Selecc ione una: a. It is magical. b. The jewels are expensive. c. She must never touch it. d. She can touch it when she is older.

Your answer is correct. La respuesta correcta es: She must never  touch it.

Finalizar revisión










9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 1 7 18 1 9 20 Finalizar revisión

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