Union Galvasteel

May 5, 2019 | Author: Jam | Category: Paint, Manmade Materials, Building Engineering, Industries, Materials
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Short Description





Bacnotan Drive, Brgy., Real Calama City, Lag!na "an!ary ##, #$%&


INTRODUCTION  A. Mission 'e ()al ()alll (!** (!**ly ly *ro+ *ro+!ct !ct(( t)at t)at are are o +i(t +i(tin inct ct -!al -!alit ity y to crea create te val!e val!e an+ an+ (ati(action to o!r c!(tomer(.

'e ()all ()all contin! contin!o!( o!(ly ly im*rov im*rovee on t)e -!ality -!ality o o!r *ro+!c *ro+!ct( t( an+ (ervic (ervice( e( t)ro!g) innovation an+ creativity. 'e ()all r!n o!r !(ine(( in accor+ance it) t)e )ig)e(t et)ical (tan+ar+ o  integrity, tr!(t an+ *roe((ionali(m. 'e ()all *rovi+e or a or/ing environment t)at ill *romote t)e (aety an+ elare o o!r em*loyee(, !*lit t)eir ell0eing an+ create an atmo(*)ere or t)e contin!o!( +evelo*ment o (/ill(, en)ance *ro+!ctivity an+ *romote o**ort!nitie( or grot). 'e ()al ()alll mani manie e(t (t o!r role role a( a goo+ goo+ cor* cor*or orat atee citi citi1e 1en n y init initia iati ting ng an+ an+  *artici*ating in *ro2ect( t)at *romote grot) an+ (!(tainale +evelo*ment o t)e comm!nitie( )ere e o*erate.  B. Vision

To e t)e *reerre+ (!**lier o )ig) -!ality !il+ing material( an+ (ervice( to t)e con(tr!ction in+!(try. C. Hist History ory of Comp Company any UNION GALVA GALVASTEEL COR3ORATION COR3ORATION 4UGC5 (tarte+ a( t)e Union Steel 3lant Divi(ion o BACNOTAN CE6ENT INDUSTRIES, INC. 4Bacnotan5, a *ioneer  on t)e 3)ili**ine Cement In+!(try an+ commence+ commercial o*eration( in %789 %789 it) it) a galv galvan ani1 i1in ing g *lan *lantt in 3oro 3oro,, San San :ern :ernan an+o +o,, La Unio Union n or or t)e t)e man!act!re o Galvani1e+ Iron 4GI5 ()eet(. It (!(e-!ently e;*an+e+ o*eration( it) t)e galvani1ing *lant( in Ilang, Davao City in %78< an+ in Calama, Lag!na in %77$. T)e +ivi(ion a( (*!n o in %779 a( a (e*arate !(ine(( !nit an+ incor*orate+ incor*orate+ a( BACNOTAN BACNOTAN STEEL COR3ORA COR3ORAT TION. T)e com*any I %77& e(tali()e+ e(tali()e+ a mo+ern Contin!o!( Contin!o!( Galvani1ing Galvani1ing Line an+ a Colo Coating Line or  t)e man!act!re o *re*ainte+ galvani1e+ (teel coil( in Calama, Lag!na. In "!ne !ne #$$$ $$$, t)e com*any *any a( renam name+ UNION GALVASTEEL COR3OR COR3ORA ATION, ION, a name name t)at t)at i+enti i+entiie ie(( it( core core !(ine !(ine(( (( an+ ring( ring( Union Union Galva(teel a( a lea+ing ran+ o galvani1e+ an+ *re*ainet+ (teel rooing *ro+!ct( in t)e mar/et. To+ay To+ay,, UNION GALVA GALVASTEEL COR3ORAT COR3ORATION i( t)e mar/et lea+er in t)e man! man!ac act! t!re re an+ +i(t +i(tri ri!t !tio ion n o *re*a *re*ain inte te+ + galva galvani ni1e 1e+ + roo rooin ing g an+ an+ ot)e ot)er  r  galvani1e+ rooing an+ ot)er galvani1e+ (teel *ro+!ct( (!c) a( (teel +ec/ing,  !il+ing (y(tem(= com*onent( an+ in(!late+ *anel( or commercial, in+!(trial an+ re(i+e re(i+enti ntial al a**lic a**licati ation( on(.. T)e com*any com*any )a( t)e large( large(tt an+ mo(t mo(t +iver( +iver(ii iie+ e+ +i(tri!tion netor/ in t)e in+!(try, it) rollorming *lant(, are)o!(e( an+ (ale( oice( in (trategic location( t)ro!g)o!t t)e co!ntry. T)e com*any com*any i( one+ one+ y 3>IN6A 3>IN6A COR3ORA COR3ORAT TION, ION, a )ig)ly )ig)ly +iver( +iver(ii iie+ e+ )ol+ing com*any it) intere(t( in enter*ri(e( involve+ in )o!(ing, (teel rooing  *ro+!ct(, energy, e+!cation, an+ *roce(( o!t(o!rcing. 3>IN6 3>IN6A A a( a( o!n o!n+e+ +e+ in %7&8 %7&8 y a gro!* gro!* o *rom *romin inent ent !(i !(ine( ne((m (men en an+ in+!(triali(t( le+ y Am. Ramon V. +el Ro(ario, Sr., Don :ilemon C. Ro+rig!e1, an+ 6r. Erne(to O. E(caler. III. III.

PRO PRODUCT DUCTS S AND AND BYBY-PRO PRODUCT DUCTS S Products: Rooing 3ro+!ct(? D!ratile •

PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4

Norminal Thicness

0)40 (( to 0)"0 ((

Feed !idth

1220 ((

"#ecti$e Co$era%e

100# ((

Paint Coatin% S&stem

$*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ top coat and ac coat paints)

 o-coat5 to ae o*en-c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit ac+lic topcoat Multi Color Paint Coatin% and poleste+ ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons +on5 !'lticolo+ and @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est

Module Distance

Standa+d : 300 (( a+iale : 100 (( (ini('(

Purlin S'acin%

/'al to !od'le istance

De'th of Ste' in Tile

Standa+d : 1# (( a+iale : ? (( - 2# (( 'pon +e/'est


 +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s

$nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels

D!ratile 6!lticolor 

PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards

Norminal Thicness Feed !idth "#ecti$e Co$era%e

Hot-dip Zinc-coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#; Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 0)40 (( to 0)"0 (( 1220 (( 100# ((

$*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ top coat and ac coat paints)  o-coat5 to ae o*en-c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit ac+lic topcoat Multi Color Paint Coatin% and poleste+ ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness Paint Coatin% S&stem

+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable @ood+ain a+iants Colors Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est Standa+d : 300 (( Module a+iale : 100 (( (ini('( Distance Purlin S'acin% /'al to !od'le istance

De'th of Ste' Standa+d : 1# (( a+iale : ? (( - 2# (( 'pon +e/'est in Tile )en%th

 +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels •


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils Substrate/ Reference Standards PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Norminal Thicness 0)20 (( to 0)"0 (( 91# (( and 1220 (( Feed !idth %?05 1040 and 10%0 (( "#ecti$e Co$era%e 22 (( Rib *ei%ht $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness+ =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable Colors+ @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est  +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s )en%th+ $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels •


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils Substrate/ Reference Standards PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Norminal Thicness 0)30 (( to 0)?0 (( 1220 (( Feed !idth 9"3 (( "#ecti$e Co$era%e 30 (( Rib *ei%ht $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable Colors @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est  +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s )en%th $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels •


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Substrate/ Reference Standards+

Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Nominal Thicness+ 0)20 (( to 0)"0 (( 91# (( and 1220 (( Feed !idth+ "#ecti$e Co$era%e+ 100# (( $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness+ =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable Colors+ @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est  +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s )en%th+ $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Substrate/ Reference Standards

Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Norminal Thicness 0)30 (( to 0)"0 (( 91# (( and 1220 (( Feed !idth "#ecti$e Co$era%e %?0 (( and 1040 (( $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7P+on5 !'lticolo+ and @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est Standa+d : 300 (( a+iale : 2"0 (( (ini('( /'al to !od'le istance Standa+d : 10 (( - 20 (( a+iale : ? (( - 2# (( 'pon +e/'est  +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels

6ega >i0Ri

PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4

Norminal Thicness

0)40 (( to 1)0 ((

Feed !idth

1220 ((

"#ecti$e Co$era%e

91? (( 7ole+ance B?  -#8

Rib *ei%ht

90 ((

Paint Coatin% S&stem

$*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ top coat and ac coat paints)

Also A$ailable Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Peie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est


>accoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons

 +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s

$nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels

>i Ri

PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils Substrate/ Reference Standards PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Norminal Thicness 0)40 (( to 0)"0 (( 1220 (( Feed !idth 91? (( "#ecti$e Co$era%e #0 (( Rib *ei%ht $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable Colors @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est  +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s )en%th $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels •


PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4

Norminal Thicness

0)20 (( to 0)"0 ((

Feed !idth

91# and 1220 ((

"#ecti$e Co$era%e

%?0 and 10"4 ((

Paint Coatin% S&stem

$*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ top coat and ac coat paints)

Also A$ailable Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7P+on Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est Module Distance

Standa+d : 300 (( a+iale : 100 (( (ini('(

Purlin S'acin%

/'al to !od'le istance


 +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s

$nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels •


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils Substrate/ Reference Standards PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Norminal Thicness Feed !idth "#ecti$e Co$era%e Rib *ei%ht

Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 0)40 (( to 0)"0 (( "10 and 4#% (( 4%0 and 322 (( #1)#0 ((

$*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ top coat and ac coat paints) Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable Colors @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est  +anspo+tale lent, 'p to 20 (ete+s )en%th $nsite =oll.o+(in .o+ lone+ panels Paint Coatin% S&stem


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils Substrate/ Reference Standards PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#; Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Norminal Thicness 0)30 (( to 0)"0 (( 91#(( and 1220 (( Nominal !idth %?0(( and 1040 (( "#ecti$e Co$era%e 22 (( Rib *ei%ht 1( Minimum Radius $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est In-plant c'+*in : 10 () lent, 'p to 2 () ,ei,t $n-site c'+*in : as applicale


D!rat)erm In(!late+ 3anel?

Rooing 3U 3anel







R"SISTANC"- R (E - DF  @

T*"RMA) CONDUCTANC"C  @  (E - DF 


012 .3




012 .3




012 43




012 43 ; 0;243





=A)U" 9 %/m min5




DIN "N 4.??:

. mm5 ; : mm5 Pre'ainted %al$ani@ed steel or other metallic coated material


3593 mm5 ; 3573 mm5

PAN") )"NT*

Trans'ortable len%th

Stan+ar+ 3U 3anel


PAN") T*IC,N"SS 7((8


T*"RMA) R"SISTANC"- R (E - DF  @

T*"RMA) CONDUCTANC"- C  @  (E - DF 


012 43




012 43 ; 0;2 43




0;2 43 ; 0;2 .3




0;2 .3 ; 0;2 93




0;2 93 ; 0;2 83





DIN "N 4.??:

"FF"CTI=" CO="RA"

44: mm5


3 mm5 ; 933 mm5 . mm5 ; 93 mm5 0 also a$ailable u'on re(uest 2


Pre'ainted %al$ani@ed steel or other a''licable material


3593 mm5 ; 3573 mm5

PAN") )"NT*

Trans'ortable len%th

In+!(trial 3ro+!ct(? Door "am

PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards+

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Norminal Thicness+ 0)?0 (( - 1)20 (( Feed !idth+  Bamb !idth+  Bamb *ei%ht+ Steel rade + inc Coatin% + A''lication +

1%" (( and 199 (( %00 ((5 ?00 (( and 900 (( 2100 (( St+'ct'+al 'alit5 ield St+ent, 2%# !pa (in) 7G+ade C8 Also A*ailale : Co((e+cial 'alit5 C 1"0 !pa (in) Z120 S'ited .o+ +esidential5 co((e+cial and ind'st+ial) applications


PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards +

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Norminal Thicness +

0)?0 ((5 1)00 ((5 1)20 ((

1220 (( "#ecti$e Co$era%e+ 1020 (( St+'ct'+al 'alit5 ield St+ent, 2%# !pa (in) 7G+ade C8 Steel rade + Also A*ailale : Co((e+cial 'alit5 C 1"0 !pa (in) Z120 - Z1?0 inc Coatin% + An t+anspo+tale lent, )en%th + ecin .o+ +esidential5 co((e+cial and ind'st+ial A''lication + Feed !idth +


PRODUCT INFORMATION Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Substrate/ Reference Standards+

Norminal Thicness+ 0)?0 ((5 1)00 ((5 1)20 (( Feed !idth+ "#ecti$e Co$era%e+ Steel rade + inc Coatin% + )en%th + A''lication +

40" (( and "10 (( 2"1 (( and 4"# (( St+'ct'+al 'alit5 ield St+ent, 2%# !pa (in) 7G+ade C8 Also A*ailale : Co((e+cial 'alit5 C 1"0 !pa (in) Z120 - Z1?0 An t+anspo+tale lent, ecin .o+ +esidential5 co((e+cial and ind'st+ial

C 3!rlin( @ Batten(

Lig)t 6etal :rame(

B!il+ing Sy(tem 3ro+!ct(? 3re*ainte+ Coil( @ S)eet(

PRODUCT INFORMATION Substrate/ Reference Standards+

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%#

Hot-dip ##& Al'(in'(-Zinc Coated Steel Coils PNS 1993:2004; JIS G 3321; AS! A %92; IS$ 93"4 Norminal Thicness+ 0)30 (( to 0)?0 (( 91# (( and 1220 (( Feed !idth+ $*en c'+ed ,i, pe+.o+(ance /'alit epo p+i(e+ and poleste+ Paint Coatin% top coat and ac coat paints) S&stem Also A$ailable u'on Silicone !odi6ed Poleste+ 7S!P8 and Pol*inlidene io'+ide 7Paccoat : 4 - ? (ic+ons Thicness+ =ed5 G+een5 >eie5 >l'e5 $+ane5 @,ite5 >+on5 !'lticolo+ and A$ailable Colors+ @ood+ain a+iants Special Colo+s also a*ailale 'pon +e/'est

GI Coil( @ S)eet(

PRODUCT INFORMATION Product Reference Standards Nominal Thicness Nominal !idth Surface Treatment/Finish

Hot-dip Zinc-Coated Steel Coils PNS 1990:2004; JIS G 3302; AS! A "#3; IS$ 3#%# 0)30 (( to 2)0 (( 91# (( and 1220 (( C,+o(ated5 (ini(iKed to +e'la+ spanle

2%# !Pa5 (in 7405000 psi8 140 !Pa5 (in 72053"0 psi8  
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