uniit 9 399-408 DepEd-IP

July 10, 2016 | Author: peucogco | Category: N/A
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The Effect of Different Light Quality to the Rate of Plant Transpiration

Situation: Plants of different species follow different pattern of transpiration. There are plants having leaves, which can easily wilt, and there are those, which can maintain their freshness and color longer. Considering the morphology of plants, transpiration process becomes greater when expose to different light quality (intensity). Some plants react easily to different light quality (intensity). Problem: Do all plants transpire at the same rate under different quality of light? Hypothesis: A. Plants exposed to direct sunlight transpire faster than exposed to fluorescent lamp and flashlight. B. The rate of transpiration among four plant samples is greater/increased under direct sunlight than artificial light sources. Related Studies Plant transpiration is the loss of water from the leaves and osmotically active substances are produced by photosynthesis. The process keeps the leaf cells hypertopic to the sap in the leaf veins. Hales (1900) explained that water rises in the plants owing to a pull at the top resulting from transpiration is affected by temperature, humidity and light intensity. Experimental Design A. Dependent Variables 1. Amount of water used and transpired 2. Different plant species B. Independent variables 1. Sunlight 2. Fluorescent lamp 3. Flashlight

BSE-Department of Education


C. Control variables 1. Garden soil 2. Sunlight D. Set-up Plant in plastic bottle without cover

Plant in plastic bottle covered with the upper half part of plastic bottle

E. Materials 12 1.5 Coca cola plastic bottles Garden soil (enough to fill 12 plastic bottle bottom) A pair of scissors or cutting tool 4 plant species (suggested: oregano, pansit-pansitan, camote, mayana) 3 cups water Fluorescent lamp Flashlight Spatula Graduated cylinder G. Procedure .

1. Cut across the plastic bottle four inches from the bottom and fill them with garden soil. 3. Transplant the plants into the plastic bottle bottom. 4. Water each plant with 1/4 cup of water and cover with the upper portion of the cut plastic bottle. (This will allow you trap and measure the amount of water that the plants transpire). Be sure to place labels on each plastic bottle top according to plant species and the light source to which it will be exposed. 5. Expose each plant species in three different light source. 6. After the light exposure, remove the upper portions of the plastic bottles carefully so that the water droplets will not be rolled off. Collect the water droplets from each container with a spatula and collect into a graduated cylinder to measure the volume. Record the volume. 7. Repeat the steps 4 and 5 several times to obtain more accurate results.


BSE-Department of Education

Result and Discussion Kinds of Plants Camote Mayana Oregano Pancit-pancitan

Amount of Water Transpired (ml) Exposed to Direct Exposed to Sunlight Fluorescent lamp 25 ml 15 ml 22 ml 10 ml 28 ml 10 ml 30 ml 12 ml

Exposed to Light bulb 10 ml 5 ml 4 ml 7 ml

Conclusion Plant metabolism is influenced not only by their morphological structure but more so with the environmental factors such as light intensity or light quality. The intensity of light depends on the sources. Plants that are exposed directly to sunlight transpire rapidly than exposed to artificial sources of light. It has been observed that the more intense the light is; the greater the temperature, transpiration is faster. A great loss of water affects the cell processes of plants, the freshness and health of floral life.

BSE-Department of Education


STRUCTURED INVESTIGATORY PROJECT Title: “Pandan” Leaves, Avocado Seed and Red Rose As a Source of Biological Stain Situation: Commercial stains are relatively expensive because materials used in manufacturing them are imported from other countries. Also, the synthetic chemical components present in the stain may be harmful. Some schools do not have commercial stain in slide preparation. There is a need to look for other sources of this substance because of its many uses. Problem How can we determine the effectiveness of natural biological stain in terms of visibility (light, moderate, or dark of the avocado seed, “pandan” leaves, or the red rose? Hypothesis Pandan leaves; avocado seed and red rose are effective substitute for biological stains. Experimental Design

Stain Avocado seed Rose petals Pandan leaves


Testing (pollen grains/onion cell) Amount of muriatic acid Amount of alcohol

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Materials: 3 bottles Alcohol - 60 % isopropyl 1 N hydrochloric acid Hydrochloric acid Pandan leaves Avocado seed Red rose Water Onion bulb

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Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4.

Prepare all the materials needed. Crush the pandan leaves, avocado seeds, and red rose separate. Mix 50% water and 50% alcohol and put it in the bottle. Put the pandan leaves, avocado seeds and red rose in the bottle solution, let stay for 24 hours. 5. Then add the hydrochloric acid to the mixture Result Testing Results (Onion Cell) Stain Avocado Stain Mean Value Rose Stain Mean Value “Pandan” Stain Mean Value

Light 11 0.63 7 0.46 13 0.86

Moderate 4 0.26 8 0.54 2 0.14

Dark 0 0 0

Light - it means that the stain is effective, distinctly observe the nucleus and some organelles. Moderate - you can see the cell but the nucleus is not distinct Dark - cell wall and nucleus, not distinct Stain Avocado Stain Mean Value Rose Stain Mean Value “Pandan” Stain Mean Value

Testing Results (Pollen Grain) Light Moderate 13 2 0.86 0.13 15 0 1.0 15 0 1.0

Dark 0 0 0

Conclusion Based from the result of the experiment it is observed that the most effective stain for onion cells is the pandan stain with the mean value of .86 than rose .46 and avocado .63, because it distinctly stained the cell wall, the nucleus, and some cell structures. Among the three stains, the pandan stain is the most effective stain and can be a substitute for the commercial stain.


BSE-Department of Education

Suggested Topics: 1. The Effect Green, Blue, and Red Light in the Cellular Morphology of the Developing Fern Gametophyte 2. Utilization of Wastes Materials from Citrus Fruit (Pomelo) 3. Tiesa Chips as a Nutritional Snack Food

BSE-Department of Education


SEMI-STRUCTURED INVESTIGATORY PROJECT II. Second Quarter Title: Production of Organic Insecticide from Ginger (Luyang Dilaw) Situation In Barangay Pugad Lawin, many wooden houses were established and suffered for termite infestation. Around ten wooden houses became dilapidated and were no longer durable due to the damages of termites. Various chemical insecticides had been sprayed but the said house pests still continue on destroying the wooden houses. Problem Can ginger (Luyang Dilaw) able to eliminate termites? Hypothesis 1. Ginger (Luyang Dilaw) can eradicate termite infestation in certain wooden houses. 2. Ginger (Luyang Dilaw) is organically effective than chemical Insecticide. 3. Ginger (Luyang Dilaw) can be used to eradicate other insects. Suggested Materials Related Studies Experimental Design • • • • • •

Dependent variables Independent variables Control variables Set up Materials Procedure

Result and Discussion Conclusion


BSE-Department of Education

Suggested Title: Pectin from Pomelo Peelings for Paint Production Situation Through the years, the problem on waste disposal biodegradable and nonbiodegradable. And remains unsolved. The government as well as the whole society suffers from this world - wide fact. One biodegradable waste is the citrus waste like peels, pulps and seeds. Some of them where made into food products like candies jams and pastries. They could also be used as an ingredient in making paint. Paints as an industrial product is increasingly in demand in our society. Houses, ships, vehicles, furniture’s and so on look better and longer when painted. Peelings of pomelo, a citrus fruit when extracted produces pectin. It has an ability to form viscous solutions and gel - like functions that can be used as a substitute binder for paints. Problem Can pectin extracted from pomelo peeling be a good substitute resin for paint production? Hypothesis Pomelo peelings will be good sources of pectin. This pectin when dissolved in water turn into viscous solutions which has the power to adhere to surfaces and bind pigments. This being its properties will make it a good substitute resin for paint production. Suggested Materials Related Studies Experimental Design • • • • • •

Dependent variables Independent variables Control variables Set up Materials Procedure

Result and Discussion Conclusion

BSE-Department of Education


Suggested Titles: 1. Comparative Study on the Effectiveness of Bacteria and Fungi to Clean Up Oil Spill 2. Using Indigenous Dye Stuff in the Production of Highlight Inks 3. Exotic Aquatic Products for Marketability Feast III. Third and Fourth Quarter Suggested Titles: 1. The Relationship Between Video Games and Heart Stress 2. Using Mango (Mangifera indica) Peeling Extract as Fabric Dye 3. Utilization of Biodegradable Wastes Into Organic Fertilizer Using Earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) 4. The Use of Banana Leaves (Musa sapientum) as Organic Food Wrappers 5. Fire Extinguisher from Chalk and Se Shell Mixture 6. Antibacterial Cream from “Alagao” Leaf Extract 7. School Grounds Soil Analysis 8. Which Houseplant Best for Hydroponics? 9. Can Fishwashing Replace Commercial Fertilizer? 10. Testing the Effect of Detergents on Plant Growth


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