Unigraphics NX8 - Trim Bodies

March 7, 2017 | Author: Gary Bam | Category: N/A
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Trim bodies View a topic Trim Body Untrim

Split Body Trimmed Sheet

Divide Face Delete Edge

Trim and Extend

1. Trim Body Use Trim Body to trim one or more target bodies using a face or plane. You can specify the portion of the body to retain and the portion to discard. The target bodies take the shape of the trimming geometry.   

You must select at least one target body. You can select a single face, multiple faces from the same body, or a datum plane to trim the target bodies. You can define a new plane to trim the target bodies.

Where do I find it? Application



Feature→Trim Body


Insert→Trim→Trim Body

Trim Bodies

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Trim a solid body to a face

This example shows how to trim a single, solid target body to the face of a sheet body. 1. On the Feature toolbar, click Trim Body 2. Select the target body to trim.

or choose Insert→Trim→Trim Body.

3. In the Tool Option list, make sure Face or Plane is selected. 4. In the Tool group, make sure that Select Face or Plane 5. Select the face of the sheet body.

is active.

A vector points toward the portion of the target body to be removed.

Trim Bodies

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6. (Optional) If the vector is not pointing toward the portion of the target body you want to remove, click Reverse Direction . 7. Click OK or Apply to create the Trim Body feature.


Trim Body dialog box

Target Select Body

Lets you select one or more target bodies to trim.

Tool Tool Option

Lists the type of trimming tool to use.

Select Face or Plane

Appears only when Face or Plane is the tool option. Lets you select one or more faces from a body or an existing datum plane to use to trim the target bodies. Multiple tool faces must all be from the same body.  

Trim Bodies

When the target is one or more solid bodies, the face trimming tool must form a complete intersection with all selected bodies. When the target is one or more sheet bodies, the face trimming tool extends automatically along a linear tangent, and fully trims all selected sheet bodies it drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)



intersects, regardless of whether the intersections are complete or partial. Specify Plane

Appears only when New Plane is the tool option. Lets you create a new reference plane to trim the target body. There are two ways to create a reference plane: Inferred list — Lists the methods for creating a plane. Full Plane Tool – Provides additional methods to create planes in the Plane dialog box.

Reverse Direction

Reverses the trim direction.

2. Split Body Use the Split Body command to split a solid body or sheet body into multiple bodies using a set of faces or a datum plane. You can also create a sketch internal to the command and either extrude or revolve it to create the splitting tool. This command creates an associative Split Body feature that appears in the history of the model. You can update, edit, or delete the feature. This command is useful in a modeling approach where multiple parts are modeled as a single part and then split as required. For example, a housing that consists of a base and a cover can be modeled as one part and split later.

Split Body feature

Target body Splitting plane Split Body feature

Trim Bodies

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 


When you split a solid body using a face, the face must be large enough to cut through the body completely. For help with creating a split body in a CAE workflow, see Split Body overview in the Advanced Simulation help. In earlier versions of NX, the Split Body command removed all parameters from a solid or sheet body that was split. As of NX 6 this is no longer true. Bodies are no longer automatically de-parameterized when they are split.

Where do I find it?

Application Modeling Toolbar Menu

Feature→Trim Drop-down→Split Body Insert→Trim→Split Body


Split a solid body using Extrude

1. On the Feature toolbar, from the Trim Drop-down list, select Split Body Insert→Trim→Split Body. In the Split Body dialog box, Select Body

, or choose

is active in the Target group.

2. In the graphics window, select one or more target bodies.

3. Under Tool, set the Tool Option list to Extrude. 4. Under Section, use the Sketch Section curves in the Sketch task environment. 5. Under Direction, use the Specify Vector sketch curves are to be extruded.

Trim Bodies

option to specify the sketch plane and sketch the options to specify the direction in which the

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Section curves to extrude Handles to specify the required extrude direction 6. Click OK or Apply to create the Split Body feature.


Split a solid body using Revolve

1. On the Feature toolbar, from the Trim Drop-down list, select Split Body Insert→Trim→Split Body. In the Split Body dialog box, Select Body

, or choose

is active in the Target group.

2. Select one or more target bodies.

Trim Bodies

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3. In the dialog box, under Tool, set the Tool Option list to Revolve. 4. Under Section, use the Sketch Section curves in the Sketch task environment. 5. Under Axis, do the following:

option to specify the sketch plane and sketch the


Use the Specify Vector specified sketch curves.


Use the Specify Point options to specify a point on the axis of rotation around which to revolve the specified sketch curves

options to specify the axis around which to revolve the

Axis around which to revolve the specified sketch curves Point on axis Specified sketch curves 6. Click OK or Apply to create the Split Body feature.


Split Body options

Target Lets you select target bodies. Select Body Tool

Trim Bodies

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Lets you select the tool. Available options are: 

Face or Plane — Lets you specify an existing plane or face as the splitting plane. Select Face Or Plane

Tool Option

New Plane — Lets you create a new splitting plane. Specify Plane

 

is available.

options are available.

Extrude — Extrudes the specified curves to create the tool body. Revolve — Revolves the specified curves to create the tool body.

Section Appears when Tool Option is set to Extrude or Revolve. Lets you select an existing curve or sketch a new curve. The specified curve is extruded or revolved to create the tool body. Select Curve Direction Appears when Tool Option is set to Extrude.

Lets you specify the direction in which the specified curves are to be extruded. Specify Vector Axis Appears when Tool Option is set to Revolve.

Lets you specify the direction in which the specified curves are to be revolved. Specify Vector

Specify Point

Lets you select a point on the axis of rotation around which to revolve the specified curves.


Keep Imprinted Edges

Trim Bodies

Retains imprint edges, which mark the intersection between the target body and the tool. Imprint edges can be useful later for meshing parts with bosses and ribs. In the following figure, the solid body on the left has been split with the Split Body command.

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If Keep Imprinted Edges is selected, imprinted edges are saved and revealed when you hide the top solid body.

If Keep Imprinted Edges is not selected, imprinted edges are discarded and not present when you hide the top solid body.

Note An existing edge can be considered an imprinted edge if it forms part of the intersection between faces from the target and the tool. When working in Advanced Simulation with an idealized part active, the Keep Imprinted Edges option becomes Auto Create Mesh Mating Conditions. For details about this option, see Split Body overview in the Advanced Simulation help.


Split Body failure conditions

If you are splitting a solid body, the split operation may fail if:  

The face being used to split the body is tangent to the face of the body. The face of the body is coincident with any joint of adjacent faces of the splitting sheet body.

Trim Bodies

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Solid body (cylinder) to be split Shaded face of the splitting sheet and the face of the body to be split are tangent Joint of the splitting sheet and the face of the body to be split are coincident Splitting sheet (multifaced) To resolve this problem, try the following.   

Extract sheets from the solid body. Trim the sheets with curves and/or planes. Create any necessary caps and sew the sheet bodies into a solid body.

3. Trimmed Sheet Use the Trimmed Sheet command to trim sheet bodies to intersecting faces and datums, and projected curves and edges. The following example shows a sewn sheet body trimmed by two intersecting surfaces and one set of projected curves.    

Sewn Sheet body to be trimmed. Intersecting surfaces selected as boundary objects. Curves selected as a boundary object. Selected projection direction for selected boundary curves.

Where do I find it? Application



Feature→Trimmed Sheet

Trim Bodies

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Insert→Trim→Trimmed Sheet


Trim a sheet using surfaces and curves

1. On the Feature toolbar, click Trimmed Sheet

or choose Insert→Trim→Trimmed Sheet.

In the Target group, Select Sheet Body is active. 2. Select the sheet bodies that you want to trim. In this example, the 9-face sewn fender sheet body is selected—between the intersection surfaces and the curves.

3. In the Boundary Objects group, with the Select Objects want to use to trim the selected sheet body.

option active, select the objects you

For this example, the two surfaces that intersect the fender are selected.

For this example, the three curves on the left are also selected.

Trim Bodies

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4. From the Projection Direction option list select the projection direction. For this example, Normal to Curve Plane is selected.

5. In the Region group, use the Select Region option to select those areas of the sheet within the boundaries defined by the curves and surfaces that you want to discard. 6. In the Region group, select the Discard option. 7. Click OK or Apply to create the trimmed sheet feature.


Trimmed Sheet dialog box

Target  

Lets you select the target surface body to be trimmed. Where you select the target body determines the region that is kept or discarded.

Select Sheet Body Boundary Objects Lets you select the trimming objects, which can be faces, edges, curves and datum planes. Select Objects Allow Target Edges as Tool Objects

Lets you can select the target's edges as trimming objects when this check box is selected.

Projection Direction Normal to Face

Projects the selected curves or edges with the surface normals.

Normal to Curve Plane

Projects the selected curves or edges onto the surface being trimmed as normal to the plane of the curves or edges.

Trim Bodies

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Lets you define the projection direction along a vector. Specify Vector is available to define the direction. You can click Vector Constructor direction.

Along Vector

Reverse Direction

or use the option list to define the

is available to reverse the direction of the projection.

The Project Both Sides check box is also available to project in the specified direction and the reverse direction. Region Lets you select the regions that will be kept or discarded when the surface is trimmed. Once the regions have been selected, chose one of the following options:

Select Region

 

Keep— Retains the selected regions when the surface is trimmed. Discard— Discards the selected regions when the surface is trimmed.

Note If you edit a trimmed sheet feature and deselect the Target sheet body and then reselect it at a different pick point, you may have to use Select Region to redefine the region to keep or discard. Settings Keep Target

Maintains the selection of the trimming boundary objects, so that you can use them again with other sheet bodies.

Output Exact Geometry

Outputs Intersection curves whenever possible. If that is not possible, a tolerant curve is produced.

4. Trim and Extend This option lets you extend and trim one or more surfaces using a set of tool objects composed of edges or surfaces.

Trim Bodies

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Trim Operation Two intersecting solid bodies. Selected body on the right is the object to trim (the target). The faces of the left body are selected as the limiting edges (the tool). The result is the body on the right is trimmed by the body on the left. Trim and Extend creates a TRIM_AND_EXTEND feature. Where Do I Find it? Insert→Trim→Trim and Extend Feature toolbar→Trim and Extend


Trim a sheet with another sheet

1. Choose Insert→Trim→Trim and Extend. 2. For the Type, select Until Selected. Select Face or Edge

in the Target group becomes active.

3. Select the faces or edges you want to trim in the graphics window.

Trim Bodies

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4. Selected target to trim highlighted 5. In the Settings group, select Natural Curvature for the Extension Method. 6. Click Select Face or Edge to trim against the target.

in the Tool group, and select the sheet edges to use as tool sheets

7. Selected edge to trim against the target highlighted 8. In the Desired Results group, select Delete for the Arrow Side option. The area on the target sheet that is on the same side as the arrow is discarded in the trim. The opposite side of the target sheet is retained. 9. Click OK to trim the target sheet against the tool sheet.

Trim Bodies

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10. Trimmed Target


Trim a solid body with a sheet body

1. Choose Insert→Trim→Trim and Extend. 2. For the Type, select Until Selected. Select Face or Edge

in the Target group becomes active.

3. For Selection Intent, select Body Faces. 4. Select the target body you want to trim.

5. Selected target body highlighted 6. Click Select Face or Edge use to trim against the target.

Trim Bodies

in the Tool group and select the tool edges of the sheet body to

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7. Three tool edges selected to trim against the body 8. In the Desired Results group, select Retain for the Arrow Side option. The area on the target body on the same side as the vector is retained in the trim and the opposite side is discarded. 9. Check the trim preview. In the example, the preview shows a line corresponding to the tool edges that crosses the target body. This line marks the boundary of the trim operation. 10. Click OK to trim the target body against the tool body.

11. Trimmed target body


Extend a sheet body

1. Choose Insert→Trim→Trim and Extend. 2. For the Type, select By Distance. Select Edge

becomes active.

3. Select the edges you want to extend.

Trim Bodies

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4. Selected target edges with preview 5.

Selected edges to extend

6. Preview of the extended edges 7. In the Extension group, type the value for the distance to extend the sheet body edges into the Distance box. In this example, we used a value of .37.

8. The preview updates with the new Distance value 9. For the Extension Method, select Natural Curvature. 10. Check the extension in the preview. If it is not what you expected, change the Distance value or other appropriate parameters in the Settings group. 11. Click OK to extend the target edges.

Trim Bodies

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12. Trim and Extend Feature


Create a corner using Trim and Extend

1. Choose Insert→Trim→Trim and Extend. 2. For the Type, select Make Corner. Select Face or Edge

becomes active.

3. Select the face or edge on which to create a corner.

4. Selected target face to trim 5. For this example, in the Desired Results group, set the Arrow Side option to Delete. 6. In the Tool group, click Select Face or Edge , and select the face or sheet edges to use as a tool to trim the target. A preview of the corner is displayed.

Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)



7. After the tool is selected, a preview of the corner displays 8. For this example, select Reverse Direction

. The direction of the tool on the target is inverted.

9. Tool is reversed 10. Check the corner in the preview. If it is not what you expected, go back and adjust settings in the Desired Results or Settings groups, or reselect objects, or click Reverse Direction 11. Click OK to create the corner.

12. Trim and Extend corner


Trim and Extend options

Type Specifies the trim and extend operation types.

Trim Bodies

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Extends edges using a value. No trimming occurs. Here is an example of trimming and extending along a planar distance:

Original sheet before extension. Selected edges highlighted (in red). Resulting extended sheet. Here is an example of trimming and extending along a 3D distance:

Original sheet before extension. Selected edges highlighted (in red). Resulting extended sheet. Percentage of Extends edges by a percentage of the total arclength of other selected 'measure' edges. No trimming occurs. Measured After selecting the target edges to extend and then the edges to be used for calculating the percentage amount of the extension, you can enter a percentage value in the % of Measured Edges box and press the Enter or Tab key. Here is an example of trimming and extending using 1 and 3 edge measuring sets:

Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)



Selected edge to extend One limiting edge selected (left) or three limiting edges selected (right) Resulting extended edge with one limiting edge (left) or three limiting edges (right) Until Selected Trims or extends a target using a selected edge or face as a tool. If you select edges for either the target or the tool, they may be extended before the trim. The amount of extension is automatically determined. If you select faces, no extension occurs before the trim. The selected faces are used only for trimming. When you make the selections, an arrow displays on the tool indicating the direction affected by the Arrow Side options (Retain or Delete). The arrow is derived from the face normal direction vector. Here is an example of trimming and extending using Until Selected with a sheet placed over a target solid:

Trim Bodies

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Selected body faces to trim (highlighted in red). Selected limiting edges (highlighted in red). Resulting trimmed body. Make Corner Forms a corner between the target and the tool Direction arrows display on the faces of the target and the tool. Depending on the Arrow Side option setting, the arrows point in the direction of the faces that will be kept or removed.

= Object to trim selected (highlighted in red) = Limiting edge (highlighted in red) = Make Corner selected = Final trim and extend feature. For a simple example, see Trim and Extend Make Corner. Edge to Move Appears when the type is By Distance or Percentage of Measured. Select Edge

Lets you select the edges to trim or extend. You can select only edges.


Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)



Appears when the type is By Distance. Enter a value for the limit distance to extend the selected object.

% of Measured Edges

Appears when the type is Percentage of Measured. Enter a percentage value to use with selected measure edges. The extension distance of the target object is the percentage of the combined length of all selected measure edges. Appears when the type is Percentage of Measured.

Select Edge

Lets you select the measure edges. You can select any edges for measure edges.

Target Appears when the type is Until Selected or Make Corner. Select Face or Edge

Lets you select the edges or faces to trim or extend.

Appears when the type is Make Corner. Reverse Direction

Reverses the direction of the limiting face. The direction arrow reverses and the Preview (if active) updates.

Tool Appears when the type is Until Selected or Make Corner. If an edge is selected, its face is used to limit the trim or extension of the target object. If Select Face or a face is selected, it can only trim the target object (that is, it cannot be used as an Edge extension limit). You can select a set of connected faces from a single sheet or solid, or a set of connected free edges of a sheet. Appears when the type is Until Selected or Make Corner. Reverse Direction

Reverses the direction of the limiting face. The direction arrow reverses and the Preview (if active) updates.

Desired Results Appears when the type is Until Selected or Make Corner. You can select options to retain or delete trim material. Arrow Side

Retain Points the arrow displayed on the tool in the direction of the faces that will be kept on the target. You must first select a face or edge as the limiting tool for the arrow to display.

Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)



Delete Points the arrow displayed on the tool in the direction of the faces that will be discarded on the target. You must first select a face or edge as the limiting tool for the arrow to display.

Limiting tool sheet direction arrow (vector) Tool sheet Target solid to be trimmed Resulting bodies for Retain (top) and Delete (bottom) Note When you use Arrow Side with Make Corner, you may get these error messages: 

An error stating that multiple bodies cannot be created. If this happens, try reselecting the tool faces or edges so the target is not split into multiple bodies. An error stating that trimming resulted in all faces being deleted. If this happens, try changing the Arrow Side setting.

Settings Extension Method

Specifies the type of continuity for an extension operation. 

Natural Tangent The extension is linear in the direction of the tangent to the face at the selected edge. This type of extension is tangent (C1) continuous.

Natural Curvature The extension of the face is curvature continuous (C2). This is done by using an algorithm that ensures C2-continuity at the start of the extension, and then tends toward linear after a small distance.

Trim Bodies

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Mirrored The extension of the face reflects or "mirrors" the shape of the face being extended, where possible.

The angular deviation of an extended surface between Natural Tangent and Natural Curvature is usually about 3 degrees.

Selected edge to extend Natural Tangent Natural Curvature Mirrored Note Note: The shape of the mathematical surface that underlies the face being extended can have a noticeable effect on the shape of the extended face. If two faces that appear to be identical have different underlying mathematical surfaces (such as an analytic and a b-surface), performing the same extension on each face can lead to different results. The geometry immediately surrounding the edge to extend can also have an effect on the shape of the extension. When you create an extension using Natural Tangent, a G2 discontinuity may be created at the boundary of the underlying surface. Extend as New Face (Keep Old Face)

Keeps the original edges on the target or tool face. The input edges are unaffected by the trim or extend operation, and remain in their original state. New edges are created based on the output of the operation and are added as new objects. This option works only if edges are selected for input.


The tolerance value used to create the feature. The default is taken from the tolerance setting in Modeling preferences.


Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)



Generates a preview only when you specify sufficient parameters.


Show Result displays what the result looks like using the actual computation to create it. The currently assigned part shading colors are used for the display. When you click OK or Apply to create the feature, the software reuses the Show Result computation, making the creation process faster.

Show Result

Undo Result exits the result display and returns you to the dialog box. Undo Result

5. Untrim The Untrim command enables you to remove imposed boundaries and extends planar, cylindrical, and conical faces in the linear direction of the selected face. Instead of extracting multiple faces and then extending them, use the Untrim command to perform additional modeling tasks on a specific region of an existing model. You can use faces of a solid body, or a sheet body as input. The selected faces are copied and extended along their axis to create an associative untrim feature. Note An untrimmed face is inherently unsewn. For more information about the Unsew feature, see Unsew. The following graphic shows an untrim feature.

Where do I find it?


Modeling, Shape Studio



Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)




Create an Untrim feature

1. Choose Insert→Trim→Untrim to open the Untrim dialog box. Select Face is active. 2. Select the faces you want to untrim. Selection Intent options are available on the Selection Bar to aid selection of faces.

3. Selected face to untrim 4. (Optional) Under Settings select the Hide Original check box to hide the original body. 5. Click OK or Apply to untrim the selected faces and create an untrim feature.

6. Untrim feature with original body shown


Untrim options

Face Lets you select the faces you want to untrim. Select Face Settings Hide Original

Trim Bodies

Lets you hide the original body after the untrim feature is created.

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6. Divide Face Use the Divide Face command to divide one or more faces of an existing body (or bodies) using multiple dividing objects like curves, edges, faces, datum planes, and/or solid bodies. The faces are associative. You can use Divide Face to create parting edges on models of parts, patterns, molds, or dies.

Face to be divided

Dividing curves

Divided face

Portion of divided face extruded and subtracted from parent solid

Where do I find it?




Feature→Divide Face


Insert→Trim→Divide Face


Divide a face

1. On the Feature toolbar, click Divide Face or choose Insert→Trim→Divide Face. 2. In the Faces to Divide group, with Select Face active, select one or more faces to divide. For this example, the top face is selected for dividing.

Trim Bodies

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3. In the Dividing Objects group, with Select Object active, select the objects to divide the face. For this example the closed curves (on the surface) are selected.

Note If the curves do not lie on the surface, from the Projection Direction list, select the required direction, and provide any needed additional selections. 4. (Optional) In the Settings group, select the Hide Dividing Objects check box, to automatically hide the dividing objects. 5. (Optional) In the Settings group, select the Do Not Project Curves That Lie in Faces check box for faces that are divided by curves that lie on those faces. For this example, the check box is selected. 6. Click Apply or OK to create the divide face feature.


Divide Face dialog box

Faces To Divide Lets you select one or more faces to divide. Select Face Dividing Objects Lets you select curves, edges, faces or datum planes as the dividing objects. Select Object

Trim Bodies

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Projection Direction Lets you specify a direction to project the selected objects onto the surface being divided.  

Normal to Face — Makes the projection direction of the dividing object normal to the selected face, or faces, to be divided. Normal to Curve Plane — Makes the projection direction normal to the plane of the curves when you select coplanar curves or edges as the dividing objects.

Projection Direction If the selected set of curves or edges do not lie in the same plane, the projection direction is automatically set to Normal to Face. 

Along Vector — Specifies a projection vector for the divide face operation. Specify Vector becomes available and you can click Vector Constructor or use the option list to specify the direction.

Reverses the displayed vector direction. Reverse Direction Settings Hide Dividing Objects

Hides the dividing objects after the divide face operation. Controls the projection of any curves that lie within faces and are selected as dividing objects.

Do Not Project Curves That Lie in When selected, the portions of dividing objects that lie within a face are not Faces projected to any other faces that are selected for division. When not selected, dividing curves are projected to all faces to be divided.

7. Delete Edge Use the Delete Edge command to delete an edge or chain of edges from a sheet body. You can use it to remove a hole, or to untrim an exterior boundary. If you want to remove specific edges from a sheet body, use the Delete Edge command. If you use the Untrim command the sheet body is copied. The copy is returned to its natural boundaries and you may need to retrim some edges.

Trim Bodies

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Delete Edge



Where do I find it? Application

Modeling, Shape Studio


Insert→Trim→Delete Edge

Mục lục Trim bodies ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.




Trim Body ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1.

Trim a solid body to a face ....................................................................................................................... 2


Trim Body dialog box ................................................................................................................................ 3

Split Body .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.

Split a solid body using Extrude ................................................................................................................ 5


Split a solid body using Revolve ............................................................................................................... 6


Split Body options ..................................................................................................................................... 7


Split Body failure conditions ..................................................................................................................... 9

Trimmed Sheet ............................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.

Trim a sheet using surfaces and curves .................................................................................................. 11


Trimmed Sheet dialog box...................................................................................................................... 12

Trim and Extend ............................................................................................................................................. 13 4.1.

Trim a sheet with another sheet ............................................................................................................ 14

Trim Bodies

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Trim a solid body with a sheet body ....................................................................................................... 16


Extend a sheet body ............................................................................................................................... 17


Create a corner using Trim and Extend .................................................................................................. 19


Trim and Extend options ........................................................................................................................ 20

Untrim ............................................................................................................................................................ 27 5.1.

Create an Untrim feature ....................................................................................................................... 28


Untrim options ....................................................................................................................................... 28

Divide Face ..................................................................................................................................................... 29 6.1.

Divide a face ........................................................................................................................................... 29


Divide Face dialog box ............................................................................................................................ 30

Delete Edge .................................................................................................................................................... 31

Trim Bodies

drive24ward (meslab.org/mes)

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