Uniformology - The Imperial German Army 1890-1914 Vol. I

February 12, 2017 | Author: gibbo64 | Category: N/A
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Imperial German Colonial Troops and Marine Infantry 1889-1913 This set is a combination on this subject from different sources. (cover) Native Troops from Knötel’s Uniformenkunde 1. Schutztruppe Officer’s Uniforms 2. Schutztruppe Uniform Details 3. Cameroon Schutztruppe 4. Schutztruppe Enlisted Men and Non-Commissioned Officers 5. Marine Infantry and Native Troops 6. Uniforms of the East Asia Occupation Detachment 7. East Asia Occupation Detachment and Marine Infantry 8. Combat in Africa by Knötel All Uniformology reproduction plates are reproduced from photos taken of the original first edition plates. No modern reproductions of any kind are used or duplicated. In some cases the quality of the originals does affect the quality of our reproductions, all plates are included in a given collection to keep it complete. Occasionally also some colors are darker or lighter than those used to modern offset printing might expect. The original plates were all hand colored and variations do occur. This publication and all contents herein © Uniformology, Box 81, Weatherford, Tx 76086 For more information on Uniformology prints and reproductions call 1-817-626-0586 or visit us on the web at http://www.uniformology.com.

The Flags and Standards of Imperial Germany from the original book by Martin Lezius

(F-2) 52 plates

from the original book by Martin Lezius

Flags and Standards of Imperial Germany (F-2) 52 color plates illustrating the flags and standards of Imperial Germany Ca. 1890. F-2-1 F-2-2 F-2-3 F-2-4 F-2-5 F-2-6 F-2-7 F-2-8 F-2-9 F-2-10 F -2-11 F-2-12 F-2-13 F-2-15 F-2-16 F-2-17 F-2-18 F-2-19 F-2-20 F-2-21 F-2-22 F-2-23 F-2-24 F-2-25 F-2-26 F-2-27 F-2-28

1st Bn 1st Foot Garde Regiment 2nd & F Bn 2nd Garde Regiment 3rd Garde Regiment 4th Garde Regiment 5th Garde Regiment Garde Fusilier Regiment 1Bn Kaiser Alexander Garde Grenadier Regiments Nr 1 2 Bn Kaiser Alexander Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr 1 Fusilier Bn des Kaiser Alexander Garde Grenadier Regt Nr 1 IV Bn des Kaiser Alexander Garde Grenadier Regiment 1 Bn des Kaiser Franz Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr 2 2 Bn des Kaiser Franz Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr 2 Fusilier Bn des Kaiser Königin Augusta Garde Grenadier Regiment 5 Garde Grenadier Regiment Nr 5 Garde Jaeger Bn Garde Schutzen Bn Garde Pioner Bn Fahn der Eisenbahn Truppen (Railroad Troops) Grenadier Regiment Kronprinz (East Prussian Nr.1) Grenadier Regiment King Frederick Wilhelm IV Grenadier Regiment King Frederick Wilhelm I Grenadier Regiment King Frederick the Great Grenadier Regt King Frederik I Nr. 5 Grenadier Regt Graf Kleist von Nollendorf Nr 6 Grenadier Regt King Wilhelm 1 Nr 7 Grenadier Regt King Wilhelm II Nr 10

F-2-29 F-2-30 F-2-31 F-2-32 F-2-33 F-2-34 F-2-35 F-2-36 F-2-37 F-2-38 F-2-39 F-2-40 F-2-41 F-2-42 F-2-43 F-2-44 F-2-45 F-2-46 F-2-47 F-2-48 F-2-49 F-2-50 F-2-51 F-2-52

Grenadier Regt King Wilhelm I Nr 7 Flag of the II and Fusilier Bn Leib Grenadier Regts King Frederick Wilhelm III Flag Fur Regt with white shoulder straps Flag Fur Regimenten with red shoulder straps Deutschordens Inf Rgt Nr 152 Flag For Line Infantry Regiment with yellow shoulder straps Flag For Line Infantry Regiment with blue shoulder straps Flag For Line Infantry Regiment with green shoulder straps Flag For Prussian Line Jaeger Bn Fusilier Regiment Fürst Karl Anton von Hohenzollern Nr40 Infantry Regiment Prinz Louis Ferdinand von Prussien Regimental Standard Life Cuirassier Regiment Gros Kurfurst Garde Cuirassier Regiment Dragoon Regiment Prinz Albrecht von Prussian Nr 1 Brandenburg Regiment of Dragoons Nr 2 Cuirassier Regt Czar Nicholas I Nr 6 Garde Dragoon Regiment Czarina Alexandra of Russian and 3rd Garde Uhlan Regiment Cuirassier Regiment Koenigen Nr 2 Uhlan Regiment von Schmidt Uhlan Regt. Von Schmidt No. 4 Hussar Regiment Von Zieten Nr 3 Jaeger Regiment Zu Pferd Nr 13 Line Pioneers Garde Foot Artillery Regiment Standard Ribbons and military school flag Garde Du Corps Standard

This publication and all contents herein © 2003 by Uniformology, 105 Coates Trail, Weatherford, Texas 76086 phone 1-187-629-9205

Knötel's German Army Ca. 1900 scenes from the peace time armies of the German States G-15 1. The Prussian General Staff in parade dress: Adjutant of Line Regiments, General of the Kaiser's Suite in parade uniform, General of Artillery in field uniform, General of Cavalry in Hussar uniform, Flügel Adjutant, General Adjutant, General of Infantry, Adjutant to the Crown Prince , Adjutant of Cuirassiers. 2. Review of the Bavarian Troops by Prince Regent Leopold of Bavaria: Regimental Commander, General Officer, Prince Regent Leopold, Infantrymen 3. King Albert of Saxony addressing his officers after a parade: Staff , Infantry , Jaegers, Horse Artillery, Hussars, Train, Carabiners, Pioniers, Foot Artillery, King Albert, General, General Adjutant, Uhlans, Grenadiers, War Ministry, Garde Reiters 4. Bavarian General in the field: Infantry Officer (Adjutant), General Staff Officer (Adjutant), Chevauleger Officer (Adjutant), General 5. Observing the enemy on the march: Infantry Officers, Officer of Uhlan Regiment Nr. 19 (Adjutant), General Staff Officer, General 6. Saxon General Staff: Stabsordonnatz, Garde Non-com, Engineer Officer, Captain of the General Staff, General Staff Officers, Major of the General Staff in frock coat 7. The General Staff Building: Major of Artillery, Officer of the Army, Captain of Cavalry, Major of Cavalry, Lieutenant of Infantry, General Staffs Major Adjutant, Captain, Legal Officer 8. On Guard in the Courtyard of the Palace: Palace Guard (gala dress), Life Guard of the Empress (gala dress), Officers in gala uniforms: Lndwher Cavalry, 11th Hussars, Field Artillery, 3rd Dragoons, 9. The Parade Grounds at Potsdam: Life Guard Hussar, Garde du Corps, Life Guard Hussar Officer, Garde Cuirassier Officer, Garde du Corps Officer, Garde du Corps oOfficer in Gala, Officers 1 and 2 Dragoon Regiments, Officers of 1,2,3 Uhlan Regiments, 10. The Parade Field at Tempelhoff: 1st Foot Garde Reg, 1 Garde Reg Garand Regiment Kaiser Alexander Grenadier and Grenadier Sergeant, Garde Fusilier Regiment Fusilier, 2nd Foot Garde Grenadier Reg. Grenadier and Drummer, 4th Garde Reg. Grenadier, 3r Garde Grenadier Reg Princess Elizabeth, 3rd Garde Grenadier Regiment Princess Elizabeth Grenadier Officer and Fusilier 11. Saxon Garde Reiter and medical troops 12. In Bivouac: 17th Cuirassier Rgt Trumpeter, 8th Cuirassier Rgt Cuirassier, 7th Cuirassier Rgt Officer, Paymaster, 6th Cuirassier Rgt Officer, 3rd Cuirassier Rgt. Officer 13. At the point of the advance garde: Dragoon Rgt Princess Olga (Württemburg No. 25) 14. Picketts: Dragoons of the 1st Dragoon Rgt, Officers of the 2nd, 8th and 11th Dragoons 15. 1st Brunswick Hussar Rgt., 22,20, 17th Dragoon Rgts Officers, Officers and Troops of the 24th Dragoon Rgt., (Hessian), Wachmeister 19th Dragoon Rgt (oldenburg) 16. Bavarian Chevaulegers on Reconnaissance 17. Staff Headquarters: Prussian Chasseur a Cheval, Bavarian Chasseur a Cheval, 18. Cavalry Attack: 10, 13, and 3rd Uhlan Regiments 19. On the Firing Line: Life Gendarme, Staff Ordonnance Officer, Feldjäger, Garde Jaeger Officer, Line Jaegers, Garde Schutzen 20. At the Rendevous Place: 1st Baden Life Grenadiers Rgt. 109, 8 Rgt Inf. Rgt. Nr 14, III Bat Schwerin, II Bat Strelitz, Inf Rgt. No 116, 4 Grossherz Hess Inf Rgt No 118, Grand Dukes Life Rgt. Nr 115 Drum Major, 21. Officers in Bivouac, Sergeant and Soldier of Oldenburg Inf. Rgt. No 91, Thüring Inf. Rgt. 94, Anhalt Inf. Rgt. No. 93, Brunswick Regiment No. 92 Officer and Standard Bearer

22. Arrivial in maneuver quarters, Line Infantry (rank and file and Captain) , Line Grenadiers (Grenadier and Drummer) , Line Infantry: Staff Officer, Musician, Captain, Adjutant, and Drum Major. 23. 1st Saxon Field Artillery Rgt. Nr. 12 24. Returning from the Parade, Garde Field Artillery, Line Field Artillery, Line Foot Artillery 25. Pontoon Train on the March, Train Trumpeter, Train Officer, Train 26. Saxon Pioneer Bat. . Nr. 12, Officer and Trumpeter of Saxon Train Bat. Nr. 12 27. Railroad Troops in training at Tempelhoff 28. Medical Troops in the field, Infantry Under Officer, injured soldiers, medical troops 29. Military Cadetts and military school students at a railroad station 30. New recruits arriving at the barricks 31. Standing Instruction 32. Dragoon trooper standing guard 33. Hussar and Uhlan Troops destroying telegraph lines 34. 1st Baden Heavy Cavalry Regiment in the field 35. Jaeger Troops at target practice 36. Infantry on maneuvers marching through a town 37. Infantry marching in the rain 38. Mealtime 39. Infantry in summer dress relaxing while on march 40. Infantry advancing 41. Bavarian Infantry and Jaegers 42. Dismounted Uhlans on winter manoevers 43. After the Training 44. Colonial Troops in Combat in Africa All Uniformology Artworks are (©) Copyright 1993-2002 and are the property of Uniformology, All Rights Reserved. No part of this page and/or all pages herewith-hereafter may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise-without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. These pictures/images are all copyrighted and digitally watermarked and may never be considered to be in the public domain. The pictures/images cannot be used for any commercial use whatsoever, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner/holder of any and/or all picture/images. These picture/images may not be posted on any other web sites, news groups, or bulletin boards, electronic or otherwise. They may not be resold, or given to another person. The pictures/images are for personal enjoyment only, and may not be used as an inducement for any commercial venture herein-hereof-hereafter. All Uniformology pictures/images (and many more in our files), are available as stock for use in almost any commercial publishing application. It is important to please send us an e-mail if you are interested in such licensing, thank you. Uniformology, 105 Coates Trail, Weatherford, Tx 76086 For more information on Uniformology prints and reproductions call 1-817-626-0586 or visit us on the web at http://www.uniformology.com

The Imperial German Army Ca. 1895 This interesting set of prints was originally published in Akron, Ohio, USA in 1895. The art is taken from liberally copied plates from Knötel and other artists. Some of the prints are very similar to illustrations found in our Imperial German Army set G-15 by Knötel. Much of the artwork, color and printing is actually better than the originals. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.` 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Kaiser Wilhelm II and his staff Colonel of Infantry Regiment von Lützow (1 Rhein) No. 25 Emperor Alexander Guard Grenadier Regiment Württemburg Infantry Regiment No. 125 2nd Infantry Regiment of Guards, Bodyguards to The Crown Prince of Saxony Trumpeter, Pommeranian Fusilier Regiment No. 34 Colberg Grenadier Regiment “Graf Gueisenan” 2nd Pommeranian No. 9 “Night Pickett” Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg Grenadier Regt. No. 89 2nd Platoon Bodyguards of the Empress - Guard Gendarmes Kettledrummer of the Garde Du Corps of Prussia Officer of Guard Hussars, Full Dress 2nd Hannoverian Dragoon Regiment No. 16 Saxon Garde Reiter Regiment Grand Duke of Hessia’s Dragoon Regiment Uhlans, “Riding Exercise” 7th Regiment of Cuirassiers “Von Seydlitz” Captain 1st Regiment of Hussars 1st Regiment of Uhlans Prussian Hussars destroying railroad tracks Prussian Horse Artillery 8th Regiment of Heavy Artillery

All Uniformology reproduction plates are reproduced from photos taken of the original first edition plates. No modern reproductions of any kind are used or duplicated. In some cases the quality of the originals does affect the quality of our reproductions, all plates are included in a given collection to keep it complete. Occasionally also some colors are darker or lighter than those used to modern offset printing might expect. The original plates were all hand colored and variations do occur. This publication and all contents herein © Uniformology, Box 81, Weatherford, Tx 76086 For more information on Uniformology prints and reproductions call 1-817-626-0586 or visit us on the web at http://www.uniformology.com.

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