Undressing the Academy, or, The Student Handjob

December 13, 2016 | Author: Minor Compositions | Category: N/A
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Undressing the Academy, or The Student Handjob University of Strategic Optimism The weary student handbook genre is in ...


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Undressing the Academy, or The Student Handjob University for Strategic Optimism http://universityforstrategicoptimism.wordpress.com http://studenthandjob.wordpress.com ISSN 2044-8589 Cover design by Haduhi Szukis Interior design by the University for Strategic Optimism Released by Minor Compositions, London / New York / Port Watson Minor Compositions is a series of interventions & provocations drawing from autonomous politics, avantgarde aesthetics, and the revolutions of everyday life. Minor Compositions is an imprint of Autonomedia www.minorcompositions.info [email protected] Distributed by Autonomedia PO Box 568 Williamsburgh Station Brooklyn, NY 11211 Phone/fax: 718-963-0568 www.autonomedia.org [email protected]

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Postscript. Who are we? Students, we guess. At least, partly. Multiple voices, opinions and desires printed cheaply and stapled together at the spine. On second thoughts, who the fuck are you? Students we guess...? As an antidote to the institutional amnesia of the university – large numbers of brain cells flushed out to the job market and the job centre each year, as the new wave gurgles in – find here some profanities scratched onto cubicle walls. A partially drawn and badly conceived map of something we do not understand all the contours of, never could quite work out how all the partial views fitted together. The problems we face, the things that fuck us and fuck us off, things we wish we'd thought of earlier. If we have prevented just one child accepting lollipops from Michael Gove it will have all been worth it. Failing that, a door wedge is still a use value. Besides, we worked on it together and the work of engendering a collectivity is what is needed if we are to become the type of force capable of changing this entirely fucked and inherently unjust situation. Through a stroke of luck, it is also that collectivity which supplies the sustenance we need for this task. We have every faith that you are the person for the (hand)job.



Minor Compositions Other titles in the series: Precarious Rhapsody – Franco “Bifo” Berardi Imaginal Machines – Stevphen Shukaitis New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty – Felix Guattari and Antonio Negri The Occupation Cookbook User’s Guide to Demanding the Impossible – Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination Spectacular Capitalism – Richard Gilman-Opalsky Markets Not Capitalism – Ed. Gary Chartier & Charles W. Johnson Revolutions in Reverse – David Graeber Forthcoming: Communization & its Discontents – Ed. Benjamin Noys 19 & 20 – Colectivo Situaciones A Very Careful Strike – Precarias a la Deriva Punkademics – Ed. Zack Furness Art, Production and Social Movement – Ed. Gavin Grindon The Soy Children – Eduardo Molinari The [Open] Utopia – Thomas Moore & Stephen Duncombe As well as a multitude to come…

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