Understanding the Male G-Spot
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The document describes everything you wanted know about the male G-spot with special focus on Indian male. The diagrams ...
Understanding the Male G-spot Introduction The G-spot was named for a German scientist, Dr. Ernst Grafenberg, who wrote an article in the 1950's discussing the area in question. It is probably not called the Grafenberg spot because it takes longer to say Grafenberg than it does to say Gee. A Practical Explanation of the Male G Spot The male G Spot, or prostate, is a small gland that is located in front of the rectum and under the bladder. Seminal vesicles, the glands that produce over 50 percent of the substances that make up semen, sit directly above the prostate. Finding and stimulating the male G Spot can be a very pleasurable experience, and can also be beneficial in helping to prevent prostate disease. A periodic prostate massage is sometimes recommended by urologists as a way to release tension around the nerve endings. Finding the male G Spot is much easier than finding the female G Spot, but it does require a willingness to try something new. Step 1: Empty your bladder and wash your hands. Also, trim your nails to avoid injuring delicate anal tissue. Step 2: Lie down on your back with your legs facing a wall. Place a towel under your buttocks, then lean your legs against the wall behind your bed. Step 3: Put a small amount of lubricant on your perineum and your index finger. Gently massage the area, pressing down on your anus a few times to relax your sphincter. Step 4: Slowly and gently insert your index finger inside your anus. Make a conscious effort to relax your sphincter if it feels uncomfortable. Your prostate will be located about 2 inches inward, and will feel like a small bump about the size of a chestnut. Step 5: Stimulate your G Spot by using gentle thrusting movements and pressure. Combined with other stimulation techniques, massaging your G Spot can produce a very powerful orgasm. For a man, experiencing an orgasm as the result of prostate stimulation is one of the most pleasurable sexual feelings possible. However, because of its delicate location, an explanation of the male g spot is a helpful tool. Unfortunately, not everyone is comfortable with the idea of exploring the anal area, either alone or with a partner. For those who are, reaching orgasm – or just enjoying the pleasurable feeling of having their prostate area touched and stimulated – is a unique experience that can open the door for new encounters. However, before jumping in, it is important to find an informative, trustworthy explanation of the male g spot.
The terms “male G spot” and “prostate” are interchangeable when it comes to erotic stimulation and for the purpose of providing an explanation of the male g spot. It is usually very easy to find and becomes more relaxing over time. The male g spot is found by locating the prostate, a gland consisting partially of muscle that contributes some of the fluid found in semen. The gland is located about an inch or two inside the anal canal, towards the front of a man’s body. Stimulation occurs by placing a welllubricated finger (or a toy specifically and safely designed for this purpose) inside the anus, slowly and gently, and searching for the prostate. Remember the important points of the explanation of the male g spot, since the gland itself is only about the size of a walnut. Although it is stimulated indirectly, a man immediately knows when he or his partner has found it. In fact, some men experience instant arousal that may include an erection, making it a worthwhile experience to spend time memorizing this explanation of the male g spot. Once the male g spot has been located, it can be stimulated using different types of movements. The most common is stroking, but it pays to experiment. Above all else, stay as relaxed as possible and refer to this explanation of the male g spot to keep things moving along smoothly. There are some important things to keep in mind for a pleasurable male G spot massage. • • • • • • • • • •
Massage all the body first and take 30 minutes or so Concentrate on the buttocks for 10 minutes using kneeding, vibrating, light spanking and other massage stokes. Try blowing on the anus as this is very pleasurable. Next use a good lubricant on the anus and surrounding area. It is good to use laxex gloves at this stage for heath reasons. Massage around the anus and sit bones. Press around the entrance of the anus to relax the outer rectum ring of muscles. Press on the anus with a door bell stroke. If the anus is relaxed enough you will find you slowly enter the anus. Make sure you use a lot of lubricant on and in the anus. When you have entered the anus ask for feedback on the male G spot area. Do not use too much pressure on the male G spot. 2
The G-spot feeling of Indian Male In one sentence, it can be said beyond any hesitation that G-spot is a spot in our body which holds the key to a healthy life. Many exercises are prescribed by Joga gurus of India to stimulate and tighten the G-spot for better and longer sexual life. Asanas like Janushirasana, Bhadrasana, Matsendrasana etc. yoga excercises like Kapalbhati, pranayam. anulom-bilom stimulate the Gspot by pressing, squeezing or stretching it directly and thereby increasing the flow of blood to and from the G-spot. Bhadrasana is generally recommended for girl and ladies. Regular practice of this asana helps them in easing out the labour pain before, during and after the child birth. Janushirasana and matsyendrasana are generally recommended for males particularly those suffer from obesity related diseases e.g. diabetes, blood pressure etc. These diseases in long run cause erectile dysfunctions in male. When the G-spot loses it strength there is chance for diseases related to prostrate glands. Unlike females, Indian males don't like the direct pressing of G-spot. This is mainly due to the difference in the entry route of male and female in reaching G-spot. For female it is on their genital part and women like to be touched, pressed and inserted in and around this spot. For men to touch the G-spot one has to enter through the anus which is neither liked by Indian male nor Indian female. Instead they greatly liked the sensual touching, caressing, smooching and kissing by the partner on the outer area of the G-spot which is just above the anus and on the resting place of testicles (see the arrow head on the picture below).
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