Under The Roses Lenormand
March 18, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Introduction “Under the Roses” is a euphemism for buried secrets. The allusion comes from the Latin phrase Sub Rosa, which dates back to classical Roman times when the rose became bec ame the symbol symbol of conde condenti ntialit ality y and secre secrets. ts. The e!pre e!pressi ssion on became became well well known in "erman literature, e#entually ndin$ its way to %n$lish literature in the nineteenth century. Under the Roses Lenormand contains &' ima$es based on the (etit (e tit Lenor Lenorman mand, d, plu plus s altern alternate ate )hild, )hild, "entle "entleman man,, and Lady Lady cards. cards. *e$inn *e$inner er to ad#anced, there is somethin$ for e#eryone in this deck.
The Lenormand Deck The cards in the (etit Lenormand are used in combinations to e!trapolate meanin$s and identify past, present, and future in+uences on your life. The Lenormand eck is di#erse- it can be used to address lifes deep issues or for mundane in/uiries. 0ts $reat for $atherin$s or parties, as well as indi#idual readin$s. The ori$ins of the Lenormand racle stem from the reputation of 2lle. Lenormand, a famous card reader who died in 134&. The (etit Lenormand was named after her and published not lon$ after her death.
Keywords There are se#eral di5erent traditions 6or schools7 for the keywords. 8mon$ the main traditions used are the *el$ian9utch, :rench, "erman, and Swiss9"erman systems. ;owe#er, there are traditions in many parts of the world. 0t is not necessary to follow a specic tradition as lon$ as you desi$nate your keywords before readin$ th the e card cards. s. 0f you you do wi wish sh to nd nd a spec speci ic c tr trad adit itio ion n to work work wi with th,, an onli online ne Lenormand $roup would be a $ood place to look for a list and to make contact with others usin$ a particular tradition. 0n the followin$ list of keywords you will nd selections from the main traditions listed pre#iously, as well as words uni/ue to this deck. de ck. The list is intentionally set up to allow you to think about your choices. ;owe#er, if you currently use a specic tradition you will likely nd the keywords you are accustomed to usin$ here.
1 The Rider ision, 0nspiration. *ein$ inspired or seekin$ ones $oals.
1$ The Stork *e$innin$ *e$inn in$s, s, )han$e, )han$e, Transit ransition ion,, itality, >itality, )harisma, )harisma, 0lluminatio 0llumination, n, (ower, (ower, %ner$y, %ner$y, Radiance, Radiance, Resolution. esolution. Success or #ictory in a situation.
32 The oon )ycles, Shadows, Unseen, reams, elusion, (remonition. :antasies, Re#elation, %motions,
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