Uncover For Ecuador 1 Year and Unit Plans

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5. Language through the Arts

EFL 4.5.7. Locate an and d i denfy selected selected l it iterary erary elem elements ents an and d te chniques in texts and relate those el eme ements nts to t hose in other oth er works works and to idenf y lite literary rary elements elements and techniques and relate relate those CE.EFL.4.19.  Find and idenf learners’ own ex learners’ e xper perie iences. nces. (Exam (Example: ple: seng, character, plo plot, t, t he heme, me, ele el e ments to the the le arn arne e r’s own experiences and to other works, including one’s peers, in point of view, view, i ma magery, gery, fo re reshado shadowing, wing, cl imax, etc.) (EGB9) order or der to present presen t personal respons re sponse e s and and interpretaons. interpr etaons. *Learners can locate and idenfy literary lite rary elements and techniques in other works, including one’s own. Learners can give personal responses to and interpret a variety vari ety of literary lite rary t exts, including including th those ose of o f a peer, r efe eferring rring t o det det ai ails ls an and d fe ature aturess of o f the t he text. text. (Example: text st st ru ructu cture, re, plot, ide ideas as,, events even ts,, vocab v ocabula ula ry, et et c.) (I.3, S.3, S.3, J.4) onsess to t o and and EFL 4.5.2. Compare and present personal and formal resp onse (ref.I.EFL.4.19.1.) interprr eta interp etaon on of publ p ublished ished lit l iterary erary wor works ks an and d the works of o f peers, referring to details an and d fe atu atures res o f the te text. xt. (E xample: te text xt st structure, ructure, plot, ideas, events, vocabulary, vocabulary, etc.) (EGB9) Clil pr projec oject: t: Montains Montains of Rice R ice Language Through the Arts: Create Cr eate a food truck truck

Methodolo gical St Stra rategies tegies

Unit No.:


Specic objecves of the planning unit

• Write th the e words next to the correct correct food picture • Listen, check and repeat the previous vocabulary • Put the food from exercise 1 in the correct category between food from animals/food fr om plants • Work with a partner. Ask if your partner likes the food inn Exercise 1. Answer with more informaon. • Join another pair. Tell them a bout the the food fo od your partner partn er likes and doesn’t like . • L ook at the lun lunch ch boxes photos. Wha Wha t do you see? • Read and listen list en to the arcle “What’s for lunc h. Art you yo u can eat”. e at”. What phot o shows shows Kazuyo’s ben b entt o box? box? • Read the arcle arc le,, “What’s “What’ s for lunch. unch . Art you can ea ea t”, one mor mor e me and answer the queson. • Work with a partner. Are your lunches like the one that Kaz K azuyo’s uyo’s explained exp lained in the arcle? arcle? How are t hey the th e same same o r dierent? • Complete the chart cha rt adding a /a /an, n, some/any with wit h countab countable le and uncountable uncountable nou n ouns ns . • Circle the t he correct answers using countable and uncountable uncountable nouns. • C om omplete plete th the e p ara aragraphs graphs with a, an an,, s ome, or any. Match the paragraph aragraphss wi th the the grocer gr ocery y baskets. Time in • You are at a supermarket. Choose C hoose five food f ood ite ite ms for your shopping s hopping baske baskett and draw them. Week Wee ks • Do you yo u eat food aer school? What do you eat? • Listen to Lucia and E than. What do they talk about? Who joins the conversaon at the end? • Listen again. a gain. Do they eat or dr dr ink these things? Fill in the chart wit h Yes or No. • Match the words words wi th the food pictures. Then listen and che c heck ck your answers. answers. • Match the th e meal mealss with with their th eir definion. • Work with wit h a partner. Wha Whatt do you usually usua lly eat fir each meal? Use the words from fro m e xe rcise 4 and your own own ideas. idea s. • C om omplete plete th the e chart cha rt with there there i s, are with much, many, and a lot of. • Complete the quesons and ans ans we rs with with the t he corr corr ect form of these is/are. • Com C omple plete te the quesons with with h ow much or how h ow many. The T hen n look a t the tray food pictu pic turr e and write answers with with a lot of, much o r many. many. • Work with a partner and talk about meals you like, Ask and answer quesons about about ingredients in in it. i t. • Jo in another another pair. Te Tellll th the e p ai airr about ab out your your p art artner’s ner’s meal. Conversaon • Watch or listen to the the teena er ers. s. Circle the food the t al alk k about from the list below.   Animal World Name of U nit:

* Describe an animal * Talk a bou boutt an animals' imals' ac a cons * Talk a bou boutt things you usually do * Talk a bou boutt your favo favorite rite animal * Talk abou a boutt "working" animals * Plan an E cuadorian animal animal parade p arade

Eval u aon

C onte n ts / Ski l l s 1. Communicaon and Cultural Awareness

 Interact act wit with h others others using usin g sel self-monitoring f-monitoring and self self-cor -correcng recng st st rategies as CE.EFL.4.3. Inter well as a ppro ppropriate priate non nonverba verball a nd oral c ommu ommunicao nicaon n features. * Lea rn rne e rs can em em ploy a r ang ange e of self-mo sel f-monit nit or oring ing and self-correcng self-c orrecng strategie strate giess an and d interpret and use appropriate verbal and nonverbal communicaon features featur es to commun ommunic icate ate in familiar contexts. (I.3 (I.3,, S.4, J. J.4) 4) (ref.I.EFL.4.3.1.)

EFL 4.1.5. Apply s elf-cor elf-corrr ec ecng ng a nd selfself- mo monitoring nitoring strategies in socia socia l and classroom interacons. (Example: asking quesons, starng over, rephrasing, rephrasin g, exploring a lternave pr pr onunc onuncia iaons ons or or wording, etc.) etc .) (EGB9)

EFL 4.1.7. In terpret and de de mo monst nstrate rate knowledge of of nonverbal nonve rbal and oral communicaon features by applying them in appr ap propr opriat iate e contex co ntextt s. (Example: (Exam ple: use of of s tress, intonaon, pace, etc.) etc. ) (EGB9) (EGB9)

Cultu re: H uskie uskies: s: The T he Inuit' Inuit'ss Be st Friend Video: Shark Aack! Do you like going t o museums? museums?

2. Oral Communicaon

EFL 4.2.2. Use a series of phrases and sentences to describe aspects of personal background, backgr ound, immediat immediat e e nvironment and m ae aers rs of immediate need in simple terms using grammacal structur struct ure e s learnt in class cla ss (alth ough the the re may b be e fre frequen quentt er erro rorr s w with ith te nses, personal pronouns, preposions, etc.). (EGB9) CE.EFL.4.8. Producon – Acc Accuracy uracy and Intelligi ntel ligibility: bility: Comm Communica unicate te needs needs and informaon informa on cle arly and in simple t erm erms, s, using u sing grammacal structures learned in class (although there may be fr eq equen uentt e rrors), eecvely and withou with outt undue u ndue eort. eort. worr ds and and expr expressions essions w which hich o ccur in conversaons Demonstrat Dem onstrate e a n abili ability ty to make appropriate appropriat e use of new n ew wor wor ds and and exp ressions in social EFL 4.2.9. U se new wo in the personal p ersonal and and educaonal e ducaonal domains, and make use of such terms interacons. *Learners communicate ona on a l informaon and basic eecvely immediateand needs an d deal and deal with othercan praccal everydaypers demands in familiar contexts, without undue e ort an d using using grammacal struc tures and vocabulary see n in cla class ss (alth ough there may be be frequ fre que e nt, basic errors). (I.1, (I.1 , I.2, I.3, S.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.8.1)

and expressions wherever ap appro propr priate iate an and d ne ne cessary. (EGB9)

wi th pr pr accal, everyday communicaon demands EFL 4.2.15. Deal with within fam f amiliar iliar contexts, ee eec cvely vely an and d wi thout thout u ndue ndue eo eorr t. (Example: meeng pe people, ople, e extending xtending and accepng accep ng invitaons, exchanging informa info rmaon, on, gi giving ving reasons, asking and answe answe ring que queso sons ns about rounes and preferences, etc.) (EGB9)

Vocabulary: Ac Vocabulary: Acon on verbs Listening: Convers a aons ons at a zoo z oo Conversaon: Conversao n: Asking for a nd gi ving direcons direcons Accuracy and fluency: Dierent g sounds: going Spea Spe a king outcomes: ask and answer quesons about animal's animal' s acons

3. Reading

simp le texts on familiar EFL 4.3.1. U nderstand main points in short simple subject s. (Exa mp mple: le: news about sports or famous people, descripons, descripons , CE.EFL.4.11. Dem  Demonstrate onstrate comprehension of main ideas and some de dett ails in short simple etc.) (EGB9) texts on famili familiar ar subjects subjects , making making use of contextual contextu al clues to ide idenfy nfy rele relevant vant infor nfor mao maon n in a text. *Learners can understand understa nd main main ideas and a nd some some details d etails in short simp simple le online or print texts on familiar subjects, subjects , using using cont ontextual extual clues to help idenfy the most relevant EFL 4.3.3. Find specific predictable predictab le informaon nf ormaon in short, simple texts in informaon. informa on. (Example ( Example:: tle t le,, illu illustr str a aons, ons, organizaon organiza on,, etc. ) (I.2 (I.2,, I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.11.1.) a range of ageage- and leve l-appropriate topics. (Example: biographies, biographie s, news arcles, narraves, memoir memo irss and a nd personal accounts, acc ounts, for for mal leers and emails, emails, etc.) et c.) (EGB9)

Rea ding: ng: Anim An ima a l Acons Acons Quiz Reading All about Hippos

4. Wring

print or digital lea l earning rning resource to EFL 4.4.2. Make and use a simple print reso urces, ces, i ncluding those created by one’s compare inf ormaon informaon order to demonstrate CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning resour understanand understanding dingcontrast and command and of a tin opic. (EGB9)) self se lf,, in order to compare and contrast informao infor maon, n, and choose appropriate appropriat e r esources according to the value, purpose and audience of each. *Learners can use a nd make simple learning resources, resources , both both online o nline a nd in print, in order to compare compare and contrast c ontrast informaon. Learners can choose appropriate resourc resour ce s and and cr ically evaluate the in inff or orm m a aon on in the t hese se resources, resources , according accordi ng to the value value,, purp purpose ose cally ly evaluate informaon from r eference eferences, s, i ncluding EFL 4.4.3. Cri cal and an d audience of each e ach.. (I. 1, I.3, I.4, J. 2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.16.1.) those found f ound on the the web, web , and and recom r ecomm m end print and digital digita l source source s to other learners. (EGB9)

Wring: A de Wring: descripon scripon of an animal an imal Grammar: Simple present vs. Present connuous

5. Language through the Arts

EFL 4.5.9. Engage in colla collabora borave ve acvies t hr hrough ough a variety of s tu tudent dent groupings to create and respond to l iterat iteratur ure e and other liter liter ary texts. abilit y to work collaboravely and to pa pa rc rcipa ipa te eecve eecvely ly in a (Example: small grou CE.EFL.4.22.  Show the ability groups, ps, co ope ra rave ve learn learning ing grou groups, ps, lite literature rature circles ci rcles,, variety of student groupings by by employing a wide range of creave thinking skills process wri process wring ng gr oup oups, s, etc.) (EGB9) through the compl compleon eon of acv acvies ies such such as playing pla ying games, brainstorming and problem solving. *Learner *Lea rnerss ca n collaborate collaborate a nd parcipa parcipa te eecvely eecvely in a variety of student groupings groupings by by employing em ploying a wide range range of cre ave thinking skills through the comp co mpleon leon of a cvies such as playing gam g ames, es, brainstor brainstor ming ng a nd problem problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J. J.1, 1, J.2, J.3, J.4 ) EFL 4.5.11. Parcipat  Parcipate e i n creave creave thinking thin king through brainstorming, (ref.I.EFL.4.22.1.) working workin g in group gro ups, s, games gam es and pr pr oble oblem m -solving tasks by showing the ability abilit y to accept a varie var iett y of ideas and capitalize capitalize o n other people’s people’s strengths. (EGB9)

Clil pr proj oj ect: Chameleons eons Langua Lan guage ge Through Thro ugh the Arts: A rts: Plan an Ecu Ecuad adori ori an animal animal para de • L ook at the pic pictt ur ures es of the mixed-up animals. animals. Label each picture with two animal animals. s. • Listen, check and repeat. • Work with a partner. partner. Fi Fillll th the e chart. c hart. Put the an animals imals in Exercise 1 in the correct correct categories. cate gories. Some animals can go in mor mor e t ha han n one categor cate gory. y. • Cre C reate ate an animal like the one one exercise 1. Draw a picture of it, and describe It to a partner. • Describe your animal to the class. Look at the in the quiz. animals yo u see? seeCircle ? le your guesses. Use the clues • Read and listphotos listen en to the quiz. Do What you know t he do ansyou answers? wers? Circ to help you. • Listen and a nd check your answers to t o t he quiz. quiz. • Work with wit h a partner. Wha Whatt else el se do you know about about th the e animals anim als in the quiz? What What d o you know abou aboutt o th ther er a nima nimal’ l’ ac acons? ons? • Complete the chart cha rt using present connuous to talk talk a bout acvi acvies es that are happening now. • Complete the text with the present connuous forms of the verbs • Write quesons (Q) and answer (A) ( A) with the present co nn nnuous uous form of the verbs. • Work with wit h a partner. Act out an animal. Our partner gue guess ss es what what yo u’re doing and then Time in guesses the animal. Take turns. Week Wee ks • Do you go to the zoos? zoos? What are you y ourr favorite favo rite zoo animals? animals ? • L iste isten n t o people people talking king at the zoo. What animals are they looking at? a t? Number Number the th e animals from fr om 1 to to 4. (There are two extra extr a animals) • Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? • L ook at the pic pictt ur ures. es. Which animals are a re doing these acons? acons? Complete the sentence with the correct verbs. Then listen and check your answers. • Work with a partner. What other animals do acons in exercise 4? • Complete the chart cha rt using the the simple si mple pr pr esent and pre pre sent connuous • C ir ircl cle e the correct answer • Complete the ad with the simple present or present connuous form of the verbs • Work with wit h a partner. Wha Whatt are you yo u doing righ righ t now? What What do you usually do on Saturdays? • Work with a partner. Talk Tal k about about your favori te zoo animal animal.. Your pa pa rtner guesses the

Methodolo gical St Stra rategies tegies

animal. • Now pretend you a re the the z oo looki l ooking ng at a t your favorit favorit e animals. animals. Describe their acons to your partner. partn er. Y our partner d raws them. • Real talk: Liste n to the the teenagers. te enagers. How ma ma ny people people like e ach kind of museum? museum? • Listen Listen to Shelb Shelb aski askin n for direco direcons ns at amuseum. Com Com le lete te the co conver nversao saon n b usin

Unit No.:

Name of U nit:


Specic objecves of the planning unit

City Life

* Ask and answer quesons about a place * Ask and answer quesons about ancient things in your town * Talk a bou boutt an anc an cient city ci ty that you discovered scovered * Talk a bou boutt transportaon transportaon places in your city or town tow n * Talk about an interesng trip * Talk about a bout plac places es you usually usually go with your friends fri ends * Talk about how you get to school school * Reading about the Inca site Ingapirca * C re reate ate a monument monument for a city

Eval u aon

C onte n ts / Ski l l s 1. Communicaon and Cultural Awareness

EFL 4.1.1. Com Compa parr e a nd contra contra st or or al tradio tradions, ns, myths, f olkt kt ales and and literature lite rature from E cuad uador or andint ernaonal regions regions and cultures and idenff y similaries iden similaries a nd d ie ierences rences and a nd univ univ er ersal sal cultu cultural ral th themes. emes. (EGB9) tradi ons and literature literatu re from from Ec E cuador and CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradi beyond be yond in i n order to m an anifest ifest a n understandin understanding g of the re relaonshi laonship p b etwe etween en cult cu ltural ural per spec per specve vess and pracc pracces es and and by sharing cro c ross ss cultu ral experiences. * Lea rn rne e rs can compare a nd contrast contrast oral tradions, myths, folkt ales and and lit erat erature ure from fro m  Dii splay an understanding of th e r elaonship between the Ecuador and other other cultures c ultures in order to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship EFL 4.1.3. D praccess and pracce and perspec perspec ve vess of of dierent cultur cult ure e s by by recognizing reco gnizing and and bett we en cultur be cultural al pr pr acces a nd perspecves. Learne Lear nerr s can share share cross-cultural cro ss-cultural sharing cross-cultural experiences and ideas. (EGB9) experiences while nami nami ng unive unive rs rsa a l cult cult ur ura a l the the mes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

Culture: Geng Around in Hong Kong Video: Rome: Ancient and an d Modern Modern Wher e do you Wher you us ua ually lly go with your friends frien ds Ecuadorian Ecu adorian CLIL: Inca site Inga Ingapirc pirc a

2. Oral Communicaon

EFL 4.2.1. U nderstand phrases and expr expr essions related to areas of most most immediate priority prior ity within the personal and educao educao na nall domains, provided provide d speech speech is clearly and slowly arculated. (Example: (Example : da da ily life, free me, school acvies, etc.) (EGB9)

CE.EFL.4.6. Listening fo r Meaning: Understand and follow foll ow t he main main idea in spoken texts text s EFL 4.2.4. D ed educ uce e t he meani meanings ngs of unfa miliar liar phr p hra a ses and and words from a sett in se i n familiar everyday every day cont contexts, exts, provided speech is clear and an d arcula arcula te, and and deduce the context containing contai ning fami fami liar ele me ments nts . (Example (Example:: collo colloquial quial gr green eeng g s, meanings me anings of unfam u nfamili iliar ar words and phrases using cont cont ext clues and/or prior knowledge. exclamaons, interjecons, etc.) (EGB9) *Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in fami fa miliar liar e veryday cont exts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the t he meani meanings ngs of unfamiliar words and exch exchan ange gess through the use of context co ntext clues, provided speech is given sl owl owly y and clear ly and there is sucien suci entt vi sual suppor support. t. (I.3, S.1, S. 1, J.4) EFL 4.2.5. Understa  Understand nd mo most st cha changes nges in th the e topic to pic of discuss d iscussion ion if i f people people (ref.I.EFL.4.6.1.) spea spe a k slowly. slowly. (EGB9)

Follow ow main ideas in topics topics co vere vered d in othe ot herr curricular cur ricular EFL 4.2.8. Foll subject s with with the th e help of of visual vis ual support, using concepts and vocabulary vocabul ary that have been studied in advance. advance . (EGB9)

Vocabulary: Transporta Transporta on places Lisstening: A repo Li report rt on a schoo chooll t rip Conversaon: Sharing excing news Accuracyand fluency: Using were aer ae r singular s ub ubjects jects wh en they're part of a list Speaking Speaki ng outcome outcome s: ask and answer quesons about the past

3. Reading

EFL 4.3.6. Ap Apply ply learning strategies t o exami exami ne and interpret interpret a variety vari ety of wrien materials material s using using prior knowledge, graphic organ org anize izers rs,, con contt ext clues, note taking and finding words in a diconary. (EGB9) egie e s suc such h as using prior knowledge and graphic CE.EFL.4.13. Apply learning strat egi organizers orga nizers to interpret new informaon in a text, te xt, and assess this informaon a ccording to the the organizaon, organ izaon, subject area and purpose of t he text text , using using dierent dier ent criteria, including inc luding IC T tool t ools. s. *Learners can apply learning strategie s suc such h as using using pr prior ior knowl kn owle e dge and graphic orga or ganizers nizers to interpret new informaon in a text. te xt. Learners can assess this informaon EFL 4.3.8. Asse Assess, ss, compare and evaluate evalua te the quality of wrien texts and according to the organizaon, subject area a rea and pur pur pose of the text, through the use of vi visual sual p prr es ese e ntaons using dierent diere nt crit crit eria a nd ICT tools related relate d to the the die di e rent cr iteria, including ICT tools. (I.2, I.4, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.13.1.) organizaon organiza on,, subject area and purpose purpose of a text . (Examples of text types: editorials, leers to the editor, polical speeches, illustraons, charts, cha rts, adversements, etc.) (EGB9)

Reading: Pompeii Re ad ading ing My trip to Pue P uebla bla

4. Wring

EFL 4.4.1. Convey informaon and ideas through simple simpl e t ransaconal or or expositor exposit ory y texts on familiar subjects using ICT I CT tools and and conve no nons ns infor mao maon n and ideas and de de scribe feelings and a nd opini opinions ons in simple and features CE.EFL.4.15. Exp ress infor feature s of of English appr ap propr opriate iate to audience and purpose. purpose. (E GB GB9) 9) transaconal or e xpository texts on familiar subje ct s in order to influence an audience, whil hile e recog recog nizing tha tha t dier dierent ent te te xts ha ha ve die rent fe features atures and and showing the ability to use t he hese sersfeat ure e s appro appropr iate ly in and one’s one’s ownand wring. * Lea rne rn e canur convey infpriate infor orm m aon ideas and de scribe feelings describe feeli ngs a nd opinio opinions ns in simple simp le transaconal or expository texts tex ts on on fami fa milia lia r subje subjects cts in order to influen influence ce an an audie au dience, nce, while while r ecognizing that dierent text s have have dierent fea tur ture e s and showing showing the t he abili ab ility ty to use these features appropriately appropriate ly in one’s one’s ow o wn wring. (I. 3, I.4, S.3, J.2) EFL 4.4.5. Reco gn gnize ize that var various ious types of wr in ing g requir require e d ie ierent rent (ref.I.EFL.4.15.1.) language, forma formang ng and spe speccial vo ca bu bull ary. (Example: a recipe, a leer, etc.) (EGB9)

Wring: Wr ing: An An email about a place Grammar: Simple Simple pas p astt statements s tatements with regular and irregular verbs ver bs

5. Language through the Arts

EFL 4.5.9. Engage in colla collabora borave ve acvies t hr hrough ough a variety of s tu tudent dent iteratur ure e and other liter liter ary texts. abilit y to work collaboravely and to pa pa rc rcipa ipa te eecve eecvely ly in a groupings to create and respond to l iterat CE.EFL.4.22.  Show the ability variety of student groupings by by employing a wide range of creave thinking skills (Example: small groups, grou ps, co op(EGB9) e ra rave ve learn learning ing grou groups, ps, lite literature rature circles ci rcles,, process ss wri wring ng gr oups, oup s, etc.) through the compl compleon eon of acv acvies ies such such as playing pla ying games, brainstorming and problem proce solving. *Learner *Lea rnerss ca n collaborate collaborate a nd parcipa parcipa te eecvely eecvely in a variety of student groupings groupings by by employing em ploying a wide range range of cre ave thinking skills through the comp co mpleon leon of a cvies such as playing gam g ames, es, brainstor brainstor ming ng a nd problem problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J. J.1, 1, J.2, J.3, J.4 )  Parcipate e i n creave creave thinking thin king through brainstorming, EFL 4.5.11. Parcipat (ref.I.EFL.4.22.1.) working workin g in group gro ups, s, games gam es and pr pr oble oblem m -solving tasks by showing the ability abilit y to accept a varie var iett y of ideas and capitalize capitalize o n other people’s people’s strengths. (EGB9) Write : Eva's Eva's special dinne dinne r Languag e T hr hrough ough the t he Arts: Create a monument monument for f or a city city

Methodolo gical St Stra rategies tegies

Unit No.:


• Match the pictures of places in town to the words listed. • Listen, check and repeat the previous vocabulary. • Listen at a t sounds at dierent places plac es in town t own.. Wr ite the places from the previous exerc exer cise ise.. • Work with wit h a partner: Ask and ans ans we r que queso sons ns about ab out thre thre e place s in town from the previous previ ous exercise. Take notes on your partner’s answers. • Now join another another pair pai r and tell them about about your yo ur pa pa rtner answers. answers. • Read R ead the arcle about about the an anci cien entt town. to wn. Look Look a t the pictures and answer answer the listed quesons. • Read the arcle arc le again. again. Id en enfy fy if these ideas are from P ompe ompeiiii to day or or the past. • Work with wit h a partner an d answ answer er the listed quesons. • Complete the gramm gr ammar ar chart ch art (simple past past of be and the the re was/were to descr descr ibe t hings in the past) • C or orrr ect the sentences. sentences. R ewr ewrite ite th the e m with the arma arma ve and ne neg g a ave ve fo rm rmss of t he verbs. Time in • Write quesons wit with h the simple past of be. Then answer answe r t he quesons quesons with your own Week Wee ks informaon. • Sp ea eaking: king: Yo Y our lost city. I ma mag g ine that that you and your partner are explorers, explorers, and you find find a lost city like Pompeii. Be creave and prepare to tell the world about it! • Going places. place s. Where was your most interesng vacaon? What What was w as the ci ty or to town wn like? • Liste L isten n t o Leo talk talk to his class. What is he talkin ta lking g ab about? out? • Listen again. Number the events in order. • Vocabulary. T ran ransp sp or ortt a aon on places and preposions of place. plac e. Match the wo word rdss with the th e pictures. Then liste l isted d and che check ck your answers. answers. • Match the sentences sentenc es with with the t he pic pic tures. Then listen and check your answers. • Work with a partner. Talk Tal k about about transpor tran sportt a aon on places in i n your city or town. Where are they? • Complete the gramm gr ammar ar chart ch art (simple past past statements to talk about past events and an d acvies). • Name of U nit: Fun & Games * Ask and an d answer queso quesons ns about about spor sportt s and and acvies * Talk a bou boutt sumo wrestling * Ask and answer quesons about sports using simple past verbs

Specic objecves of the planning unit

* Exp re ress ss interest about sports * Talk a bou boutt a t radi radional onal sport sport * Read and discuss about recrea recre aon on parks pa rks in in Ec E cuad uador or * Talk and a nd discus discus s about about rules for Ecuadorian g ame amess

Eval u aon

C onte n ts / Ski l l s 1. Communicaon and Cultural Awareness

CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradi tradi ons and literature literatu re from from Ec E cuador and beyond be yond in i n order to m an anifest ifest a n understandin understanding g of the re relaonshi laonship p b etwe etween en cult cu ltural ural Compa parr e a nd contra contrast st or or al tradio tradions, ns, myths, myths, fol f olkt kt ales and and EFL 4.1.1. Com perr spec pe specve vess and pracc pracces es and and by sharing cro c ross ss cultu ral experiences. literature lite rature from E cuad uador or andint ernaonal regions regions and cultures and *Learners can compare compare and co contrast ntrast oral tradions, myt myt hs, folktal folktal es and and literatu liter aturr e from iden idenff y similaries similaries a nd d ie ierences rences and a nd univ univ er ersal sal cultu cultural ral th themes. emes. Ecuador and other other cultures c ultures in order to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship (EGB9) bett we en cultur be cultural al pr pr acces a nd perspecves. Learne Lear nerr s can share share cross-cultural cro ss-cultural experiences while nami nami ng unive unive rs rsa a l cult cult ur ura a l the the mes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

Culture: Ye Olde E nglish Faire Vide Vi deo: o: The Pa Palio lio What's your favorite sport and why? Ecuadorian CLIL: Samanes Park

2. Oral Communicaon EFL 4.2.11. Give short, basic descripons of everyday acvies and events within familiar fami liar contexts and use simple descripve language la nguage to comparr e and make b rief statements about obj compa objects ects an and d p oss osse e ssions. (Example: family, school, living condions, personal belongings, etc.) (EGB9) CE.EFL.4.9. Producon – Flue Fluency: ncy: Use si mp mple le langua ge t o descri describe be,, compare and m ake sta st a tem teme e nts a bout famili familiar ar everyday topics such as objects, p oss ossessio essions ns and rounes in EFL 4.2.12. Desc  Descri ribe be habits, rounes, past acvies and e xperiences strr uctured situaons and short st short conversaons. conv ersaons. Interacon Inter acon is wit with h reasonab reasonable le ease, ease, within wit hin t he pe pe rsonal and and educa educa onal domains. (EGB9) provided speech is given clearly, slowly and directly. *Learners can use simple simpl e languag languag e t oclassroom describe descri be,, compare comp are androunes and stat e fain state ct sshort about about fam iliar ever everyday yday topics such as possessions, c lassroom objects and shor t , st stfamiliar ructu ru ctured red situaons, inter inter acng wi with th rela relave ve ease. (I.3, I.4, S.4) S. 4) (r (ref.I.EFL.4.9.1.) ef.I.EFL.4.9.1.)

EFL 4.2.13 . Inter Inter act with reasonable ease in structured structu red situaons situaons and short conversaons wi within thin famili familiar ar contexts, provided t ha hatt speech is giv en clearly, slowly and directly. (Example: an interview given intervie w, an informaon informa on g ap acvity, acvity, etc.) (EGB9)

Vocabulary: Vocabu lary: Sports and ac acvies vies Liste ning: A convers a aon on about ab out a skateboard s kateboard compeon compeon Conversaon: Expressing interest intere st Accuracy an and d fluency: Using did (not (not do) d o) in the the pa past st tense Wh-q Wh-quesons uesons Speaking outcomes: ask and a nd answer answer yes/ no ques ques on onss ab about out past pa st events

3. Reading

CE.EFL.4.11. Dem  Demonstrate onstrate comprehension of main ideas and some de dett ails in short simple texts on famili familiar ar subjects subjects , making making use of contextual contextu al clues to ide idenfy nfy rele relevant vant infor nfor mao maon n EFL 4.3.1. U nderstand main points in short simple simp le texts on familiar in a text. subject s. (Exa mp mple: le: news about sports or famous people, descripons, descripons , *Learners can understand understa nd main main ideas and a nd some some details d etails in short simp simple le online or print etc.) (EGB9) texts on familiar subjects, subjects , using using cont ontextual extual clues to help idenfy the most relevant informaon. informa on. (Example ( Example:: tle t le,, illu illustr str a aons, ons, organizaon organiza on,, etc. ) (I.2 (I.2,, I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.11.1.)

Reading: Sumo Giant Giant s Reading A Te Teen en Athlete

4. Wring EFL 4.4.2. Make and use a s imp imple le print or digital lea l earning rning resour resour ce to compare and contrast informaon inf ormaon in order to demonstrate understanding understan ding and and command of a t opic. (EGB9)) reso urces, ces, i ncluding those created by one’s CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning resour self se lf,, in order to compare and contrast informao infor maon, n, and choose appropriate appropriat e r esources according to the value, purpose and audience of each. *Learners can use a nd make simple learning resources, resources , both both online o nline a nd in print, in order to compare compare and contrast c ontrast informaon. Learners can choose appropriate resourc resour ce s and and cr ically evaluate the in inff or orm m a aon on in the t hese se resources, resources , according accordi ng to the value value,, purp purpose ose and an d audience of each e ach.. (I. 1, I.3, I.4, J. 2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.16.1.)

Wring: Wri ng: A bio biography graphy of an athlete Grammar: Simple past Wh-quesons

5. Language through the Arts

CE.EFL.4.22.  Show the ability abilit y to work collaboravely and to pa pa rc rcipa ipa te eecve eecvely ly in a variety of student groupings by by employing a wide range of creave thinking skills through the compl compleon eon of acv acvies ies such such as playing pla ying games, brainstorming and problem

collabora borave ve acvies t hr hrough ough a variety of s tu tudent dent EFL 4.5.9. Engage in colla groupings to create and respond to l iterat iteratur ure e and other liter liter ary texts. (Example: small grou groups, ps, co ope ra rave ve learn learning ing grou groups, ps, lite literature rature circles ci rcles,, process proce ss wri wring ng gr oup oups, s, etc.) (E GB GB9) 9)

solving. * Lea rn rne e rs can collaborate and parcipate eecvely in a variety of student groupings by EFL 4.5.11 . Par Par ci pat pate e in creave thinking through thro ugh brai brainsto nstorr ming, ng, employing em ploying a wide range range of cre ave thinking skills through the comp co mpleon leon of a cvies working workin g in group gro ups, s, games gam es and pr pr oble oblem m -solving tasks by sh such as playing gam g ames, es, brainstor brainstor ming ng a nd problem problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J. J.1, 1, J.2, J.3, J.4 ) (ref.I.EFL.4.22.1.)

Methodolo gical St Stra rategies tegies

Unit No.:


Name of U nit:

Specic objecves of the planning unit

Eval u aon

C onte n ts / Ski l l s 1. Communicaon and Cultural Awareness

2. Oral Communicaon

3. Reading

4. Wring

5. Language through the Arts

Methodolo gical St Stra rategies tegies

6. BI BIBLIOG RA RAPH Y/ Y/ WE WEBG RA RAPHY (U (Usse APA VI ed edit ion ion norms.) DONE BY: TEACHER TEACHER (S) : Signature: Date:

REVI SED BY : N AME: Si gn atu re: Si gn atu re:

7. OB OBS ER ERVATION S: S: AP P RO VED BY : N AME: Si gn atu re: Si gn atu re:



Welcome Back

Transversal Axes

Unit Specic Obj O.EFL 4.1 Idenfy the main ideas, some details and inferences of wrien familiar subjects and contexts. O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate and value English as an internaonal language and O.EFL 4.6 Write Write short short descripve descripve and and informave informave texts texts related related to person person communicaon and wrien expression of thought.

There are no transversal axes for this unit.




1. Communicaon EFL 4and .1.1.Cultural CompareAwaren and co CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relaonship between cultural perspecves and pracces and by sharing cross cultural experiences. * Learners can compare and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order to aempt to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship between cultural pracces and perspecves. Learners can share cross-cultural experiences while naming universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

Ecuador and internaonal and universal cultural the

EFL EFL 4. 4.1. 1.3. 3. Ae Aemp mptt tto o disp displl an and d per persp spec ecv ves es of di dier ere e experiences and ideas. (EG

Culture: Picture It! Video: Anuj's First Day How do you spell your name? Ecuadorian CLIL: province flags

2. Oral Communicaon Communicaon EFL 4.2.3. Follow and unde idea/dialog idea/ dialogue ue of a movie movie o if deli deliv ver ere ed slowl lowl and and visu visu CE.EFL.4.7. Listening for Informaon: Follow and idenfy some main ideas EFL EFL 4 4.2. .2.6. 6. Use Use oth other er st stud uden en and details in short and straighorward spoken or audio texts set in familiar contexts, when delivered slowly and with visuals to provide contextual support. Use spoken contribuons in class as models for one’s



own sp own spe eec . * Learners can idenfy the main idea and some details in short straighorward spoken audio texts set in familiar f amiliar contexts when the message is delivered slowly and there is other contextual support. (Example: rules for a game, classroom instrucons, a dialogue in a scene from a cartoon or movie, etc.) Learners can use other classmate’s contribuons in class as models for their own. (I.2, I.3, S.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.7.1.)

EFL 4.2.7. Idenfy the main documentaries a an nd iin ntervi food and internaonal cust commentary. (EGB8)

Vocabulary: Classroom objects Colors Instrucons Listen about important announcements Accuracy and fluency: a vs an Rising intonaon in yes/no quesons Singular form of be for groups Speaki Spe aking ng outco outcomes mes:: Iden Idenfy fy class classroo room m objec objects ts a idenfy people in my school give and follow instrucons ask for help learning English talk about a school club

3. Reading  Use everyday re EFL 4.3.5. Us

CE.EFL.4.12. Use a range of reference materials and sources, both online th the e pur purpo pose se of an in inqu quir iry ya and in print, in order to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relaonships and relate ideas between dierent subject areas. * Learners can employ a range of reference materials and sources, both online and in print, in order to aempt to support ideas, answer inquiries, EFL 4.3.4. Aempt to find find relaonships and relate ideas between dierent subject areas. (I.1, I.2, order to support an idea or J.2) (ref.I.EFL.4.12.1.) Reading: It´s a new school year Reading computer club rules

4. Wring

CE.EFL.4.15. Express informaon and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple transaconal or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that dierent texts have dierent features and showing the ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own wring. * Learners can convey informaon and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple transaconal or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to aempt to influence an audience, while aempng to recognize that dierent texts have dierent features and showing the ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own wring. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.4.15.1.)

EFL EFL 4 4.4 .4.1 .1.. Aem Aempt pt to conv conv expository texts on familiar English a ap ppropriate tto o au audi

EFL 4.4.4 4.4.4.. Write Write to desc describ rib an audience. (Example: per

EFL 4.4. 4.5 5. Ae Aempt to recog cog formang and special voc


Wring: Simple present of be Subject pronouns Imperaves Write about classroom rules

5. Language through the Arts EFL 4.5. 4.5.1. 1. Make Make use of mai mai and wrien) to understand support. (EGB8)

CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral or in print). * Learners can understand, and aempt to predict, infer and deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral EFL 4.5.3. Aempt to make dierent levels of meaning or in print), especially when visual support is provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4) lite litera rall and and impl implie ied d mea meani nin n (ref.I.EFL.4.18.1.)

Clil Project: Write a poster with classroom rules Language Through the Arts: invent a gam

Methodological Strategies • Match the classroom objects and colors with the correct pictures. • Listen, check, and repeat the previous vocabulary.

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo A with online workbook and online

• Look at the pictures on Exercise 1. Write the colors of the pracce 1. classroom objects on the following vocabulary list. *Teacher's edion • Speaking: Check the items that are in your desk or your pracce 1. backpack and add another item Work with a partner and say *Class audio CDs pracce the items on your desk out loud. 1. • Look at the pictures. What is the calendar about? *Video DVD pracce 1. • Read and listen to the noces. Circle the best le. *Presentaon Plus DVDComplete the chart with the mes and places of the dierent ROM starter. events. BIBLIOGRAPHY: • Work with a partner. Make a list of acvies at your school. *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., Then say your favorite acvies. ac vies. with O'Dell,K P. (2015). • Complete the chart (Use the simple present of be to Uncover for Ecuador idenfy people and give locaons and dates. Subject pracce 1 Combo pronouns can replace the names of the people or things that Workbook With Online the sentences are about.) Then complete the sentences with Resources. Cambridge: the simple present forms of be. Cambridge Univ Press • Make the sentences in the previous exercise negave. Use *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., contracons. with O'Dell,K P. (2015). • Write yes/no quesons with the simple present forms f orms of Uncover Teacher's Edion be. pracce 1. Cambridge: • Write three false sentences about your or people in your Cambridge Univ Press. school. MATERIALS: • Work with a partner. Share your sentences. Ask and answer Computer, wring quesons to correct them. materials, CD player, DVD • Look at the club announcement at your school. Listen to player. them and check the club acvies. • Look at the pictures. Complete the labels and complete the labels with the correct verbs. Then listen check, and circle the correct answer. • Complete the chart (use imperaves to give commands or instrucons) • Look at the classroom rules. Write imperaves sentences with please. • Work with a artner. Give instrucons. Your artner does Specica Spec icaon on of Educaon Educaon Needs Needs Specica Spec icaon on of the adapt adapte e


Prepared by: Teacher: signature: Date: SCHOOL LOGO:

Revised by: Area Director: Signature: Date: NAME OF THE SCHOOL:

DINCU-Coordinaciòn DINCU-Coordinaci òn de Lengua Extranjera Extranjera (ACUERDO (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-








Unit No.


cves texts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of medium to interact globally. l informaon or familiar topics and use them as a means of


Ecua CLIL: Province Flags of Ecuador



ess trast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from f rom egions and cultures and idenfy similaries and dierences es. (EGB8)


y an understanding of the relaonship between the pracces t cultures by recognizing and sharing cross-cultural 8)



stand short, straighorward audio messages and/or the main cartoon (or other age-appropriate audio-visual presentaons) ls ro rovi vide de conte context xtua uall su or ort. t. Exam Exam le le:: an an anno noun unce ceme ment nt of ts’ contribuons in class as models for their own. (EGB8)



idea and some details of recorded news reports, ws reporng on seasonal fesvies, environmental issues, oms, climate, weather, etc., where the visuals support the

d colors

  ference material in order to select informaon appropriate to nd relate ideas from one wrien source to another. (EGB8)


the most important informaon in print or online sources in argument. (EGB8)


y informaon and ideas through simple transaconal or subjects using ICT tools and convenons and features of ence and purpose. (EGB8)

feelings/opinions in order to aempt to eecvely influence suade, negoate, argue, etc.) (EGB8)


nize that various types of wring require dierent language, bulary. (Example: a recipe, a leer, etc.) (EGB8)


  points in literary texts (authenc and semi-authenc, oral short simple everyday stories, especially if there is visual

predicons, inferences and deducons to demonstrate of literary works presented orally or in digital form, including s. (EGB8)


Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

d material to be applied


Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: SCHOOL YEAR: de 01-12-2015) 01-12-2015)





2. Unit Plan Unit Title Title

My World

Transversal Axes



Timeframe Weeks


Unit Speci Speci O.EFL 4.1 Idenfy the main ideas, some details and inferences of wrien subjects and contexts. O. O.E EFL 4.3 IIn ndependently read A2. 2.1 1 level text in Engl gliish as a source of ent O.EFL 4.7 Use spoken and wrien literary text in English such as poems, familiar famili ar subjects subjects in order to inspire inspire oral and wrien wrien producon producon at an A2. O.EFL 4.9 Create Create a ssense ense of a awaren wareness ess in terms terms o off accuracy when when learne learne expressions in order to reach an eecve command of spoken language.

There are no transversal axes for this unit.




1. Communicaon and Cultural Aw EFL 4.1.3. A  A empt to display an underst di die ere rent nt cult cultur ure es by by rrec ecog ogni nizi zin ng an and ssh h CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relaonship between cultural perspecves and pracces and by sharing cross c ross cultural experiences. * Learners can compare and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order to aempt to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship between cultural pracces and perspecves. Learners can share cross-cultural experiences while naming universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

Culture: Time Capsules Our World in a Box Video: The Yellow Ferrari What's your name? Where are you f  Young Sciensts  

2. Oral Communicaon Communicaon

EFL 4.2.3. Follow and understand short, audio texts set in familiar f amiliar contexts, when delivered slowly and movie movi e or or car carto toon on (o (orr oth other er age-a age-app ppro ropr prii with visuals to provide contextual support. Use spoken contextual support. (Example: an annou contribuons in class as models for one’s own speech. dialogue supported by facial expression *Learners *Lear ners can ide idenf nf the main idea idea and some details details in short



straighorward spoken audio texts set in familiar contexts when the message is delivered slowly and there is other contextual support. (Example: rules for a game, classroom instrucons, a dialogue in a scene from a cartoon or movie, ’

EFL 4.2 4.2.6. .6. Use Use ot othe herr st stud uden ents ts’’ contr contrib ibu u

Vocabulary: Personal items Countries, naonalies, languag Listening: Making new friends Conversaon: Meeng and gree Accuracy and fluency: fluency: Using Using de demonst monstrave ravess this, this, that, that, thes Falling intonaon wh-quesons Speaking Speaki ng outcomes: outcomes: ask and ans answer wer queson quesonss about people people

3. Reading EFL EFL 4. 4.3. 3.9. 9. Aem Aempt pt to de dem mon onst strrat ate e an a resources in order to strengthen literacy

CE.EFL.4.14. Display an ability to interact and engage with a wide range of ICT and classroom resources and texts by selecng and evaluang them in order to strengthen literacy skills and promote acquision. EFL 4.3.10. Select from and aempt to e *Learners can interact and engage with a wide range of ICT and to promote acquision and develop an a classroom resources and texts by selecng and aempt to evaluate them in order to strengthen literacy skills and promote acquision. (I.2, I.4, S.3, J.2, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.4.14.1.)

Reading: Jessica Watson - A Teenage Reading Meet the Team

4. Wring EFL 4.4.7. Use the process of prewring, process”) to aempt to produce well-co CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and details and by EFL EFL 4 4.4 .4.8 .8.. C Con onve vey y and and or orga gani nize ze in info form rma a employing various stages of the wring process, while using a paerns and structures in wring. (EGB range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and producvity. *Learners can convey and organize informaon inf ormaon through the use of facts and details and by aempng to employ various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and producvity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.17.1.)

Grammar: Possesive adjeves Wring: A personal profile

5. Language through the Art


EFL EFL 4. 4.5. 5.1. 1. Make ake use use of main main point ointss in lit lit understand under stand short simple simple everyda everyday y storie storie CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order to understand, predict, infer and deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral or in print). *Learners can understand, and aempt to predict, infer inf er and deduce literal and implied meanings in short, simple, everyday literary texts (online, oral or in print), especially when visual support is provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.18.1.)

Clil Project: The Land Down Und Language Through the Arts: Create an online

Methodological Strategies • Look at the technological items pictures and label them. • Listen check and repeat the previous vocabulary. • Work with a partner. Put the personal items in the correct categories. Some items can go I more than one category. • Describe a personal item from f rom the previous exercise to your partner, but do not say what it is. Your partner guesses it. Take turns. Once you have done find a dierent partner and repeat the acvity. • Look at the tle, photos and fact file. Who is the arcle about? Why is she famous? • Read and listen to the Jessica Watson arcle. What is Jessica’s favorite place? Her favorite thing? Her favorite color? Now correct the sentences below. • Pretend you are on a trip. Thin of ideas and complete the chart. • Complete the chart (subject pronouns, possessive adjecves, possessive ‘s or s’) • Now look at the sentences and underline the possessive adjecves on the text. • Write sentences with possessive ‘s or s’. • Complete the next chart with your worn informaon. Now work with a partner. Talk about your favorite things. Lastly join another pair, and tell hem about your partner’s favorite things. • Who are your friends? Listen to the boys talking. Are Sam and Mateo friends? • Listen again and select the correct answers on the following sentences.

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo A with online workbook and online pracce 1. *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1. *Video DVD pracce 1. *Presentaon Plus DVDROM starter. BIBLIOGRAPHY: *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover for Ecuador pracce 1 Combo Workbook With Online Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover Teacher's Edion pracce 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. MATERIALS: Computer, wring materials, CD player, DVD

• Look at the chart that contains, countries, languages. Complete the chart using thenaonalies, vocabulary. and player. • Work with a partner and pracce the new vocabulary. • Complete the chart (Use Wh/quesons to ask about specific informaon) • Now match the quesons with the answers. • Complete the quesonnaire with the correct queson words • Work with a partner. Put the words in the correct order to

Speci Spe cica caon on of Educa Educaon on Nee Needs ds

Speci Spe cica caon on of the ada adapt pt

Prepared by: Teacher: signature: Date:

Revised by: Area Director: Signature: Date:




DINCU-Coordinaciòn DINCU-Coordinaciò n de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A





2 Unit No. c Objecves texts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of familiar ertainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interacon. hort stories, comic strips, short magazine arcles and oral interviews on 1 level. s interact in English using high-frequency and level-appropriate

CLIL: Percentages and Pie Charts



anding of the relaonship between the pracces and perspecves of ring cross-cultural experiences and ideas. (EGB8)



straighorward audio messages and/or the main idea/dialogue of a ate audio-visual presentaons) if delivered slowly and visuals provide ncement of a bus delay, an intercom announcement at school, a /gestures and appropriate intonaon, etc.) (EGB8)



ons in class as models for their own. (EGB8)

s   ng , and those in introducons


's background and naonality


ility to interact and engage with a wide range of ICT and classroom skills and strategies. (EGB8)

valuate a range of both physical and digital texts and materials in order ppreciaon of the language. (EGB8)


draing, revising, peer eding and proofreading (i.e., ( i.e., “the wring nstructed informaonal texts. (EGB8)




on using facts and details in order to aempt to illustrate diverse )


rary texts (authenc and semi-authenc, oral and wrien) to s, especially if there is visual support. (EGB8)


r bullen board

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

d material to be applied

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: SCHOOL YEAR:


  e 01-12-2015)




2. Unit Plan Unit Title



Timeframe Weeks Periods

People in my life

Unit Specic O.EFLL 4.1 O.EF 4.1 Iden Idenfy fy the mai main n idea ideas, s, some some d deta etails ils and inf infere erence ncess of of wri wrien en t subjects and contexts. O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate and value English as an internaonal language and a O.EFL 4.6 Write short descripve and informave texts texts related to persona communicaon and wrien expression of thought.

Transversal Axes

There are no transversal axes for this unit.




1. Communicaon and Cultural Awa CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and demonstrate an appreciaon of commonalies between cultures as well as the consequences of one’s acons while exhibing socially responsible behaviors. EFL 4.1.2. R  Re ecognize and demo * Learners can name similaries and dierences between dierent culltures an cu and gr groups (d (dieren aspects of cultural groups. Learners can demonstrate socially responsible (EGB8) behaviors at school, online, at home and in the community, and evaluate their acons by ethical, safety and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.2.1.)

Culture: Diwali Video: Robot Fighters What's your phone number? What's your email address? My Siberian Family Ecuadorian CLIL: Quinceanera par

2. Oral Communicaon Communicaon

CE.EFL.4.9. Producon – Fluency: Use simple llanguage anguage to describe, compare and make statements about familiar everyday topics such as objects, possessions and rounes in structured situaons and short conversaons. Interacon is with reasonable ease, provided speech is given clearly, and directly. *Learners canslowly use simple language to describe, compare and state facts

EFL 4.2.11. Give short, basic de use simple simple descrip descripve ve languag languag (Example: family, school, living

EFL 4.2.12. De Describe habits, ro educaonal domains. (EGB8)



, rounes in short, structured situaons, interacng with relave ease. (I.3, EFL 4.2.13. Interact with reaso familiar famili ar conte contexts, xts, provide provided d tha I.4, S.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.9.1.) informaon gap acvity, etc.) (

Vocabulary: Describing people Listening: A computer game Accu Accura racy cy an and d flue fluenc ncy: y: Word Word stre stress ss with with comp compar ar Speaking outcomes: Talk about my fa

3. Reading

CE.EFL.4.12. Use a range of reference materials and sources, both online and in print, in order to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relaonships and relate ideas between dierent subject areas. *Learners can employ a range of reference materials and sources, both online and in print, in order to aempt to support ideas, answer inquiries, find relaonships and relate ideas between dierent subject areas. (I.1, I.2, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.4.12.1.)

EFL EFL 4 4.3 .3.5 .5.. U Use se ev eve ery ryda day y rref efe ere of an inq nqui uiry ry and and rela relate te id idea eass f EFL 4.3.4. Aempt to find the support an idea or argument. ( EFL 4.3 4.3.7. .7. Read Read,, gat gathe her, r, view view a or orga gani nize ze and and di disscuss cuss rela rela on onss

Reading: A very Big Family! Reading My Best Friend

4. Wring EFL EFL 4. 4.4. 4.2. 2. Make Make an and d use use a sim sim informaon in order to demon CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning resources, including those created by one’s self, in order to compare and contrast informaon, and choose appropriate resources according to the value, purpose and audience of each. *Learners can use and make simple learning resources, both online and in print, in order to aempt to compare and contrast informaon. Learners can choose appropriate resources and aempt to crically evaluate the informaon in these resources, according to the value, purpose and audience of each. (I.1, I.3, I.4, J.2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.16.1.)

Grammar: Comparave Adjecve Possessive pronouns Wring: A descripon of a person

5. Language through the Arts EFL EFL 4 4.5. .5.4. 4. Cr Crea eate te pe pers rson onal al st stor or appropriate vocabulary CE.EFL.4.20. Create short, original original literary texts in dierent genres, including those that reflect Ecuadorian cultures, using a range of digital EFL 4.5.5. Aempt to gain an u tools, wring styles, appropriate vocabulary and other literary concepts. c oncepts. po poin intt of view view,, th them eme e an and d ot oth h *Learners can create short, original literary texts in dierent genres, including those that reflect Ecuadorian cultures, aempng to use a range


o g a oo s, wr ng s y es, appropr a e voca u ary an o er concepts. (I.1, I.3) (ref.I.EFL.4.20.1.)


EFL 4.5.6. Aempt to create features of a genre to create tradi

Clil: Write about "A personal profil Language Langua ge Through Through the Arts: Arts: Create Create a famil famil

Methodological Strategies • Look at Sarah’s scrapbook. Complete the profile about her family with the correct words. • Listen, check, and repeat the previous vocabulary. • Complete the diagram with the words from family and friends on the previous exercise. • Speaking: Make a family tree lithe the one in Sarah’s scrapbook. Draw or show pictures of your family members. Then tell your partner about your family. • Look at the pictures. What is the calendar about? • Read and listen to the arcle. Complete the following reading comprehension sentences and charts. • Work with a partner. What is a big family in your opinion? Is your family big, small, or average? • Complete the chart (Use have to talk about possessions, characteriscs, and relaonship) Then complete the sentences with the correct form of have. • Find someone in your class who can answer “yes” to each

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo A with online workbook and online pracce 1. *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1. *Video DVD pracce 1. *Presentaon Plus DVD-ROM starter. BIBLIOGRAPHY: *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover for Ecuador pracce 1 Combo Workbook With Online Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with

queson. Ask quesons forchart. more informaon complete the • Do you have friends play computer games? Which ones? • Listen to Carlos and Suzi talk about a computer game, check the things in the game. Listen again and correct the sentences listed below. • Label the pictures with the correct words. Then listen and check your answers. • Create an Avatar. Describe it to your partner. • Complete the chart (comparave adjecves and spelling rules) • Complete the paragraph with comparave adjecves and than. • Write the correct possessive pronouns for the underlines words. • Work with a partner. Describe and compare two people in Specicaon of Educaon Needs

O'Dell,K (2015).pracce Uncover1. Teacher'sP.Edion Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. MATERIALS: Computer, wring materials, CD player, DVD player.

Prepared by: Teacher: signature: Date: SCHOOL LOGO:

Specicaon of the adapted

Revised by: Area Director: Signature: Date: NAME OF THE SCHOOL:

DINCU-Coordinaciòn DINCU-Coordinaciò n de Lengua Extranjera Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A d





3 Unit No. Objecves exts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of familiar medium to interact globally. l informaon or familiar topics and use them as a means of


Ecua CLIL: Quinceanera Pares




nstrate an appreciaon of some commonalies c ommonalies and disncons across ted by gender, ability, generaons, etc.) including the students’ own.




scripons of everyday acvies and events within familiar contexts and e to compare and make brief statements about objects and possessions. condions, personal belongings, etc.) (EGB8)

nes, past acvies and experiences within the personal and


able ease in structured situaons and short conversaons within t speech is given clearly, slowly and directly. (Example: an interview, an EGB8)

  ve adjecves  




ce material in order to select informaon appropriate to the purpose rom one wrien source to another. (EGB8) ost important informaon in print or online sources in order to EGB8)


nd listen to informaon from various sources in order to aempt to ips between academic content areas. (EGB8)


le print or digital learning resource to compare and contrast strate understanding and command of a topic. (EGB8)


  ies by adding imaginave details to real-life stories and situaons, using nd elements of the literature learners have read or heard. (EGB8)  

nderstanding of literary concepts such as genre, plot, seng, character, er literary elements in order to apply them to one’s own creave texts. (EGB8)



an eecve voice using a variety of ICT tools, wring styles and typical stories, poems, sketches, songs and plays, including those that reflect onal and popular Ecuadorian cultures. (EGB8)    

" website

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

aterial to be applied

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: SCHOOL YEAR: 01-12-2015)



Unit Specic O O.EFL 4.1 Idenfy the main ideas, some details and inferences of wrien familiar subjects and contexts. O.EFL 4. 4.3 IIn ndependently re read A2 A2.1 lle evel te text in in En English a ass a sso ource of e en n O.EFL 4.7 Use spoken and wrien literary text in English such as poems, inte interv rvie iews ws on on fami famili liar ar sub subje ject ctss in ord order er to to insp inspir ire e oral oral and and wri wrie en n prod produ u O.EFL 4.9 Create Create a ssense ense of a awaren wareness ess in terms terms o off accuracy when when learne learne expressions in order to reach an eecve command of spoken language.

It's my life

Transversal Axes

There are no transversal axes for this unit.




1. Communicaon and Cultural Aware

CE.EFL.4.5. Display an appreciaon of and demonstrate respect for individual and group dierences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding relaonships based on communicaon and cooperaon. EFL 4.1.10. Recognize and * Learners can appreciate and show respect for individual and group esta es tabl blis ishi hing ng an and d ma main inta tain inii dierences by establishing and maintaining healthy and rewarding online base ba sed d on comm commun unic ica aon on a and face-to-face interacons. Learners can communicate and cooperate in a respecul, empathec empathec manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.5.1.)

Culture: It's a New Year! Video: Ali's Day What do you do aer school?

2. Oral Communicaon Communicaon EFL 4.2.11. 4.2.11. Give short, short, basi basi contexts and use simple d o CE.EFL.4.9. Producon – Fluency: Use simple llanguage anguage to describe, compare compare bjects and possessions. (E (EGB8) and make statements about familiar everyday topics such as objects, possessions and rounes in structured situaons and short conversaons. Interacon is with reasonable ease, provided speech is given clearly, slowly EFL 4.2.12. 4.2.12. Describe Describe habits and directly. educaonal domains. (EGB *Learners can use simple language to describe, compare and state facts



, rounes in short, structured situaons, interacng with relave ease. (I.3, I.4, S.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.9.1.)

EFL 4.2.13. Interact with re within familiar contexts, pr an inte interv rvie iew, w, an info inform rma a

Vocabulary: Aer - school acvies Accuracy Accurac y and fluency: fluency: Dierent Dierent sounds sounds of third person person simpl simpl Sp Spe eakin aking g out outco come mes: s: ask ask a and nd answ answe er q qu ues es on onss a abo bout ut ro

3. Reading EFL 4.3.1 4.3.1.. Under Understa stand nd m mai ai CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in about sports or famous pe short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to EFL EFL 4. 4.3. 3.2. 2. Make Make us use e of clu clu idenfy relevant informaon in a text. etc. to aempt to idenfy *Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online text types. (EGB8) or print texts on familiar subjects, aempng to use contextual clues to help idenfy the most relevant informaon. (Example: tle, illustraons, EFL 4.3.3. Aempt to find organizaon, etc.) (I.2, I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.11.1.) age- and level-appropriate Reading: Times Around the World Reading Madison's Blog

4. Wring EFL 4.4.7. Use the process “the wring process”) to a CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and producvity. EFL 4.4.8 .8.. Convey and orga *Learners can convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and illustrate diverse paerns details and by aempng to employ various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and producvity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.17.1.) EFL EFL 4 4.4 .4.9. .9. Se Sele lect ct an and d ae aem m revise and publish wrien producvity. (EGB8)

Wring: A blog spotpresent about your roun Grammar: Simple quesons Adverbs of frequency

5. Language through the Arts


EFL 4 4..5.7. Lo Locate an and a ae and relate those elements CE.EFL.4.19. Find and idenfy literary literary elements and techniques and relate those elements to the learner’s own experiences and to other works, including one’s peers, in order to present personal responses and interpretaons. *Learners can locate and aempt to idenfy literary elements and techniques in other works, including one’s own. Learners can give personal responses to and aempt to interpret a variety of literary texts, including those of a plot, peer,ideas, referring to details and features of the (Example: text structure, events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3, S.3, text. J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.19.1.)

Clil Project: Mars Language Throught the Arts: Create a video of a

Methodological Strategies Look at the rounes photos and match them with the phrases. • Listen check and repeat the previous vocabulary. • Complete the arcle about a typical day in Philip’s life. • Work with a partner. Talk about your daily roune. • Look at the me zone map. When it’s 6:00 am in New York, what me is it in your town? • Read and listen to the posts on the online forum. Where is each person from. Her favorite color? Now complete the sentences below. • Think about your daily roune, what are you doing at these mes? Talk with your partner about it. • Complete the chart (Use the simple present to talk about rounes, habits and facts) • Circle the correct answers. Later make the sentences negave. • Complete the next chart with the simple present forms of the verbs. • Make a list of things you do and don’t do during the week, on weekends, and every day. Share the informaon with a partner. • What is a podcast? What do you listen to online? • Now listen to a podcast. What are the interviews about? . Circle the correct answers. • Complete the chart (simple present quesons), then circle the correct verb Do/Does to make quesons. Aer that answer the quesons. • Now add adverbs of frequency to the sentences to make them true for you. Then ask an answer quesons with a partner. • Work with a partner. Ask yes/no quesons about the topics listed here. Aer that change partners and share the detailed informaon of your previous partner. • Watch or listen to the teenagers. What to they they do aer school? Check the acvies, and tell your partner. • Listen to Bob on the phone with a receponist. Complete the conversaon with the vocabulary on the box. • Pracce the conversaon with a partner. • Repeat the conversaon in Exercise 3, but change the words in

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo A with online workbook and online pracce 1. *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1. *Video DVD pracce 1. *Presentaon Plus DVD-ROM starter. BIBLIOGRAPHY: *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover for Ecuador pracce 1 Combo Workbook With Online Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover Teacher's Edion pracce 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. MATERIALS: Computer, wring materials, CD player, DVD player.

Specica Speci caon on of Educa Educaon on Needs

Specica Spec icaon on of the adapt

Prepared by: Teacher: signature:

Revised by: Area Director: Signature:




DINCU-Coordinaciòn DINCU-Coordinaciò n de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A




4 Unit No. bjecves texts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of


ertainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interacon. short stories, comic strips, short magazine arcles and oral con at an A2.1 level. rs interact in English using high-frequency and level-appropriate


CLIL: In our solar system




appreciate individual and group similaries and dierences by g healthy and rewarding online and face-to-face relaonships nd cooperaon. (EGB8)


c descripons of everyday acvies and events within familiar scripve language to compare and make brief statements about xample: family, school, living condions, personal belongings, etc.)

, rounes, past acvies and experiences within the personal and 8)


asonable ease in structured situaons and short conversaons c onversaons ovided that speech is given clearly, slowly and directly. (Example: n gap acvity, etc.) (EGB8)

  e present forms: s, z, iz nes and acvies



points in short simple texts on familiar subjects. (Example: news ple, descripons, etc.) (EGB8) s such as tles, illustraons, organizaon, text outline and layout, nd understand relevant informaon in wrien level-appropriate pecific predictable informaon in short, simple texts in a range of topics. (EGB8)


of prewring, draing, revising, peer eding and proofreading (i.e., empt to produce well-constructed informaonal texts. (EGB8)




nize informaon using facts and details in order to aempt to nd structures in wring. (EGB8) pt to make eecve use of a range of digital tools to write, edit, ork in a way that supports collaboraon, learning and


pt to idenfy selected literary elements and techniques in texts to those in other works and to learners’ learners’ own experiences. (EGB8)


aily roune

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

d material to be applied

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature:


Date: SCHOOL YEAR: e 01-12-2015)





Timefra Weeks


2. Unit Plan Unit Title O. O.EFL EFL 4.1 Iden Idenfy fy the the mai main n ide ideas as,, som some e deta detail ilss and and infe infere rence ncess of of w contexts. O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate and value English as an internaonal language O. O.EF EFLL 4.6 4.6 Wr Writ ite e sh shor ortt des descr crip ipv ve e and and info inform rma ave ve te text xtss re rela late ted d to p expression of thought.

School Days

Transversal Axes

There are no transversal axes for this unit.


1. Com Commu muni nica cao on n an

CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relaonship between cultural perspecves and pracces and by sharing cross cultural experiences. * Learners can compare and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order to aempt to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship between cultural pracces and perspecves. Learners can share cross-cultural experiences while naming universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

EFL 4.1.1. C  Co ompar regi re gion onss and and cu cult ltu ur

Culture: A Do-It Video: Kun Can you use use your cel cel Ecuadorian CLIL: New

2. Oral Com EFL 4.2.2. Use a se environment and there may be freq

CE.EFL.4.8. Producon – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Intelligibility: Communicate needs and informaon clearly and in simple terms, using grammacal structures learned in class (although there may be frequent errors), eecvely and without undue eort. Demonstrate an ability to make appropriate use of new words and EFL 4.2.9. Aempt expressions in social interacons. do doma main ins, s, and and mak mak *Learners can communicate personal informaon and basic immediate needs and aempt to deal with other praccal everyday demands in familiar contexts, eecvely and without undue eort and using grammacal structures and


voca u ary seen n c ass a I.3, S.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.8.1.)


ere may e requen , as c errors . . , . , EFL EFL 4. 4.2. 2.15 15.. Aem Aem an and d with withou outt undu undu

Vocabulary: Pl Pla List Listen enin ing: g: A stude student nt's 's exp exper erie ien n Conversaon: Asking for Accuracy and fluency: Dierent Speaking outcomes: express opinions

3. Rea EFL 4.3.1. Underst people, d de escripo

CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to idenfy relevant informaon in a text. *Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or EFL 4.3.3. Aempt appropriate appro priate topics print texts on familiar subjects, aempng to use contextual clues to help idenfy the most relevant informaon. (Example: tle, illustraons, organizaon, etc.) (I.2, I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.11.1.)

Read Readin ing: g: Usi Using ng tth h

4. Wri EFL 4.4.7. Use the pr proc oces ess” s”)) tto o ae aem m

CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and EFL 4.4.8. Convey producvity. and structures in *Learners can convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and details and by aempng to employ various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and producvity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.17.1.)

Wring: An An email as Gr Gram amma mar: r: Verb Verb + iing ng fo forr

5. Language thr EFL 4.5 .5..7. LLo ocat cate a elements to those CE.EFL.4.19. Find and idenfy literary elements and techniques and relate those


elements to the learner’s own experiences and to other works, including one’s EFL 4.5 4.5.2 .2.. Comp Compar ar peers, in order to present personal responses and interpretaons. literary works and *Learners can locate and aempt to idenfy literary elements and techniques in other works, including one’s own. Learners can give personal responses to and aempt to interpret a variety of literary texts, including those of a peer, referring to details and features of the text. (Example: text structure, plot, ideas, events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3, S.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.19.1.)

Clil: W Wrrite about "K "Kyl Language Through Language Through The Arts Arts

Methodological Strategies • Where are the people and things? Label the pictures with the correct words. • Listen, check and repeat the previous vocabulary • Where do this things happen? Write the places from Exercise 1. • Work with a partner. Which places from Exercise 1 are in your school? What do you there? What’s your favorite place? Why? • Join another pair. Tell them about your partner’s favorite place. • Look at the tle and photos? Do you know anyone who does Kin Fu? Do you know any other kung fu moves? • Read and listen to the arcle “I can do Kung FU!” Correct the sentences.

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo A with online workbook and online pracce 1. *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1. *Video DVD pracce 1. *Presentaon Plus DVD-ROM starter. BIBLIOGRAPHY: *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with

• Complete chart (can forthat ability). rewrite each sentence to make itthe negave. A er Aer writeThen an armave sentence. • Look at the char. Write quesons and answers based on the informaon present in it. • Work with a partner. What acvies can your partner do?. • Look at the photo of Tom at school. What kind of school do you think he goes to? • Listen again are the statements true or false? • Match the words with the acvies pictures. Then listen and check your answers. • Match the acvies with their definion. • Work with a partner. What school subject do you have/ what are your favorite subjects? What subjects can you do well? • Complete the chart with object pronouns; verb+-ing form (gerund) for opinions. • Replace the underlines nouns with subject or object pronouns. • Write sentences to express opinions. Ass your own with the

O'Dell,K (2015).1Uncover Ecuador P. pracce Combo for Workbook With Online Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover Teacher's Edion pracce 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. MATERIALS: Computer, wring materials, CD player, DVD player.

object pronoun. • Ask and answer quesons about the acvies you enjoy doing. • Watch or listen to the teenagers. How many of them can’t use their phones at school? Can you? • Listen to Julia asking her teacher for permission to do something and complete the conversaon. Check the useful language chart for help.   Specica Speci caon on of Educa Educaon on Needs

Specica Speci caon on of th

Prepared by:

Revised by:

Teacher: signature: Date:

Area Director: Signature: Date:

SCHOOL LOGO: NAME OF THE SC DINCU-Coordina DINCU-Coor dinaciòn ciòn de Le Lengua ngua Extranjer Extranjera a (AC (ACUERDO UERDO MINISTERIA MINISTERIALL Nro. Nro. MINEDUCMINEDUC-ME-20 ME-2015-0 15-0016 016




Duraon Start


5 Unit No. Unit Specic Objecves ien texts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of familiar subjects and


and a medium to interact globally. rsonal informaon or familiar topics and use them as a means of communicaon and wrien


Ecua CLIL: New Millenium Schools


Cultural Awareness

int ernaonal and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and internaonal s and idenfy similaries and dierences and universal cultural c ultural themes. (EGB8)




ourself school Fu School l phone at school? Millenium Schools


ries of phrases and sentences to describe aspects of personal background, immediate aers of immediate need in simple terms using grammacal structures learnt in class (although ent errors with tenses, personal pronouns, preposions, etc.). (EGB8)


to use new words and expressions which occur in conversaons in the personal and educaonal e use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. (EGB8)



t to deal with praccal, everyday communicaon demands within familiar contexts, eecvely eort. (EGB8)



ces at school e at a performing arts school and giving permission owel sounds for can and can't about school subjects and acvies



and main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects. (Example: news about sports or famous s, etc.) (EGB8)


to find specific predictable informaon in short, simple texts in a range of age- and level. (EGB8)



Computer Lab


process of prewring, draing, revising, peer eding and proofreading (i.e., “the wring pt to produce well-constructed informaonal texts. (EGB8)


nd organize informaon using facts and details in order to aempt to illustrate diverse paerns ring. (EGB8)


ing for permission (gerund) for opinions



ough the Arts nd aempt to idenfy selected literary elements and techniques in texts and relate those in other works and to learners’ own experiences. (EGB8)




and aempt to present personal and formal responses to and interpretaon of published the works of peers, referring to details and features of the text. (EGB8)

ie's email request" : Describe a learning app

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

e adapted material to be applied

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: OOL: -A de 01-12-2015) 01-12-2015)








Timefra Weeks

2. Unit Plan Unit Title

Time to eat

Transversal Axes

O.EFL 4.1 Idenfy the main ideas, some details and inferences of and contexts. O.EFL 4.3 Independ Independently ently read read A2.1 level level text in English English as a sourc sourc O.EFL 4.7 Use spoken and wrien literary text in English such as subjects subje cts in order order to inspire inspire oral and wrien wrien produc producon on at an A2. O.EFL 4.9 Create a sense of awareness in terms of accuracy when order to reach an eecve command of spoken language.

There are no transversal axes for this unit.


1. Communicaon and Cu

CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relaonship between cultural perspecves and pracces and by sharing cross cultural experiences. * Learners can compare and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order to aempt to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship between cultural pracces and perspecves. Learners can share cross-cultural experiences while naming universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

EFL 4.1.1. Compare inte in tern rna aon onal al re regi gio o (EGB8)

EFL 4.1.3. Aempt of dier dierent ent cult culture ure

Culture: Ch Chino Me Me Video: Fishing in What do you usually h

2. Oral Commu EFL 4.2.10. Sustain collab col labora orave ve/pa /paire ire CE.EFL.4.10. Interacon – Interpersonal: Interpersonal: Parcipate eecvely in familiar and predictable conversaonal exchanges by asking and answering follow-up EFL 4.2.14. Ask and quesons, provided there are opportunies to use repair strategies (e.g. and family life, pro asking for clarificaon) and sustain conversaonal exchanges in pairs to points. (EGB9) complete a task, sasfy a need or handle a simple transacon.  


EFL 4.2.16. Iniate, conversaonal exchanges in order to complete a task, sasfy a need or handle transacon. (EGB9) a simple transacon, using a range of repair strategies. (Example: asking for clarificaon, etc.) (I.3, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL. 4.10.1.)

Voca Vocabu bula larry: Mo List Listen enin ing: g: A ccon onve vers rsa aon on abo abo Conversaon: Ord Accuracy and fluency: Linking Sp Spea eaki king ng ou outc tcom omes es:: ask ask and a ans nsw w

3. Readin EFL EFL 4. 4.3. 3.1. 1. Und nde ersta rsta or famous people, CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to idenfy relevant informaon in a text. *Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online EFL 4.3.3. Find spe or print texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help idenfy the appropriate topics. most relevant informaon. (Example: tle, illustraons, organizaon, etc.) (I.2, formal leers and I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.11.1.)

Reading: Art You Reading Let's Cel

4. Wrin EFL 4.4.7. Use the pr proc oces ess” s”)) tto o pro prod du CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and producvity. *Learners can convey and organize informaon through the use of facts and details and by employing various stages of the wring process, while using a range of digital tools to promote and support collaboraon, learning and

EFL 4. 4.4 4.8. Convey a and structures in w presentaon, etc.)

producvity. (I.1, I.3, S.4, J.2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.17.1.)

Wring: An arcle about Grammar: Gram mar: some/any some/any with countabl countabl

5. LLa anguage th throu

CE.EFL.4.19. Find and idenfy literary literary elements and techniques and relate those elements to the learner’s own experiences and to other works, including one’s peers, in order to present personal responses and interpretaons. *

EFL 4. 4.5 5.7. Locat cate a to those in other w of view, imagery, f


works, including one’s own. Learners can give g ive personal responses to and interpret a variety of literary texts, including those of a peer, referring to details and features of the text. (Example: text structure, plot, ideas, events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3, S.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.19.1.)

EFL 4.5.2. Compare work wo rkss and and the the wor wor ideas, events, voca

Clil Cl il pr proj ojec ect: t: Mont Montai ai Language Through the Arts:

Methodological Strategies • Write the words next to the correct food picture • Listen, check and repeat the previous vocabulary • Put the food from exercise 1 in the correct category between food from animals/food from plants • Work with a partner. Ask if your partner likes the food inn Exercise 1. Answer with more informaon. • Join another pair. Tell them about the food your partner likes and doesn’t like. • Look at the lunch boxes photos. What do you see? • Read and listen to the arcle “What’s for lunch. Art you can eat”. What photo shows shows Kazuyo’s bento box? • Read the arcle, “What’s for lunch. Art you can eat”, one more me and answer the queson. • Work with a partner. Are your lunches like the one that Kazuyo’s explained in the arcle? How are they the same or dierent? • Complete the chart adding a/an, some/any with countable and uncountable nouns. • Circle the correct answers using countable and uncountable nouns. • Complete the paragraphs with a, an, some, or any. Match the paragraphs with the grocery baskets. • You are at a supermarket. Choose five food items for your shopping basket and draw them. • Do you eat food aer school? What do you eat? • Listen to Lucia Lucia and Ethan. What do they talk about? Who joins the conversaon at the end? • Listen again. Do they eat or drink these things? Fill in the chart with Yes or No. • Match the words with the food pictures. Then listen and check your answers. • Match the meals with their definion.   Specica Speci caon on of Educa Educaon on Needs

Prepared by: Teacher: signature: Date: SCHOOL LOGO:

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo B with online workbook and online pracce 1. *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1. *Video DVD pracce 1. *Presentaon Plus DVD-ROM starter. BIBLIOGRAPHY: *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover pracce For Ecuador 1 Combo A Workbook With Online Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover Teacher's Edion pracce 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press. MATERIALS: Computer, wring materials, CD player, DVD player.

Specica Speci caon on of th

Revised by: Area Director: Signature: Date: NAME OF THE SCH

DINCUDIN CU-Coo Coordi rdinac naciòn iòn d de e Lengua Lengua Extran Extranjer jera a (ACUERD (ACUERDO O MINIST MINISTERI ERIAL AL Nro. Nro. MINEDUC MINEDUC-ME -ME-20 -201515-001 001




Duraon Periods




6 Unit No. nit Specic Objecves wrien texts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of familiar subjects e of entertainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interacon. oems, short stories, comic strips, short magazine arcles and oral interviews on familiar level. learners interact in English using high-frequency and level-appropriate expressions in


CLIL: Where does it grow?



ltural Awareness and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and s and cultures and idenfy similaries and dierences and universal cultural themes.

to display an understanding of the relaonship between the pracces and perspecves s by recognizing and sharing cross-cultural experiences and ideas. (EGB8)


ts Lano Japan ve for lunch?




a conversaonal exchange on a familiar, everyday subject when carrying out a d learning acvity in which there are specific instrucons for a task. (EGB9) answer straighorward follow-up quesons within familiar contexts, such as school ided there are opportunies to ask for clarificaon, reformulaon or repeon of key



maintain and end a conversaon to sasfy basic needs and/or handle a simple



e food t ae-school snacks ring food owel sounds with an er quesons about food


nd main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects. (Example: news about sports descripons, etc.) (EGB9)


ific predictable informaon in short, simple texts in a range of age- and level(Example: biographies, news arcles, narraves, memoirs and personal accounts, mails, etc.) (EGB9)



an Eat! ebrate!


rocess of prewring, draing, revising, peer eding and proofreading (i.e., “the wring e well-constructed informaonal texts. (EGB9)


nd organize informaon using facts and details in order to illustrate diverse paerns ring. (Example: cause and eect, problem and soluon, general-to-specific (EGB9)


a special meal e and uncountable nouns

h the Arts  

d idenfy selected literary elements and techniques in texts and relate those elements orks and to learners’ own experiences. (Example: seng, character, plot, theme, point reshadowing, climax, etc.) (EGB9)



and present personal and formal responses to and interpretaon of published literary s of peers, referring to details and features of the text. (Example: text structure, plot, bulary, etc.) (EGB9)


ns of Rice reate a food truck

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

adapted material to be applied

OOL: 68-A de 01-12-2015)

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: SCHOOL YEAR:





2. Unit Plan Unit Title

Animal World

Transversal Axes



Timefra Weeks

Unit O.EFL O.E FL 4.1 4.1 Idenf Idenfy y the the main main idea ideas, s, some some d deta etails ils and infere inference ncess of of wri wrien en t contexts. O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate and value English as an internaonal language and a O.EFL 4.6 Write short descripve and informave texts related to persona expression of thought.

There are no transversal axes for this unit.


1. Com Commu muni nica caon on and Cultur Cultur EFL 4.1.5. A  Ap pply self CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using self-monitoring and self-correcng strategies as asking quesons, st well as appropriate nonverbal and oral communicaon features. * Learners can employ a range of self-monitoring and self-correcng strategies and interpret and use appropriate verbal and nonverbal communicaon c ommunicaon features to EFL 4.1.7. Interpret communicate in familiar contexts. (I.3, S.4, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.3.1.) them in appropriate

Culture: Huskies: The Inuit's Video: Shark Aac Do you like going to mus

2. Oral Communica

CE.EFL.4.8. Producon – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Intelligibility: Communicate needs and informaon clearly and in simple terms, using grammacal structures learned in class (although there may be frequent errors), eecvely and without undue eort. Demonstrate an ability to make appropriate use of new words and expressions in social interacons. *Learners can communicate personal informaon and basic immediate needs and deal with other praccal everyday demands in familiar contexts, eecvely and without undue eort and using grammacal structures and vocabulary seen in class (although there may be frequent, basic errors). (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.8.1)

EFL EFL 4 4.2 .2.2 .2.. Use Use a ser serii environment and m (altho (although ugh there there ma EFL 4.2.9. Use new domains, and make EFL EFL 4. 4.2. 2.15. 15. De Deal al wit wit with withou outt undu undue e eor eor informaon, giving r


Vocabulary: Acon v Listening: Conversaons Co Conv nver ersa sa on on:: As Aski kin ng for for and and gi Accuracy and fluency: Dierent Sp Spea eaki king ng ou outco tcome mes: s: ask ask an and d ans answe werr qu ques es 

3. Reading EFL EFL 4. 4.3. 3.1. 1. Unde Unders rstta famous people, des CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate comprehension of main ideas and some details in short simple texts on familiar subjects, making use of contextual clues to idenfy relevant informaon in a text. EFL 4 4.3 .3.3 .3.. F Fin ind d sspe peci ci *Learners can understand main ideas and some details in short simple online or print EFL t o p i c s . ( E x a m p l e : b i texts on familiar subjects, using contextual clues to help idenfy the most relevant informaon. (Example: tle, illustraons, organizaon, etc.) (I.2, I.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.11.1.) emails, etc.) (EGB9)

Reading: Readin g: Animal Animal Acon Acon Reading All about Hip

4. Wring EFL 4.4.2. Make and CE.EFL.4.16. Make use of simple learning resources, including those created by one’s self, in order to compare and contrast informaon, and choose appropriate a ppropriate resources or orde derr tto o de demo mons nstr tra a according to the value, purpose and audience of each. *Learners can use and make simple learning resources, both online and in print, in EFL 4.4.3. Crically order to compare and contrast informaon. Learners can choose appropriate com mmend pr print a resources and crically evaluate the informaon in these resources, according to the reco value, purpose and audience of each. (I.1, I.3, I.4, J.2, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.16.1.) Wring Wri ng:: A desc descrip ripon on of a Gra ramm mmar ar:: Sim Simpl ple e pr pre esen sent vs. vs. Pr Pre e

5. Lang Langu uage age th throu rough t Unit 7 CLIL: Reples (Scien CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboravely and to parcipate eecvely in a varietythe of student groupings by employing a wide range ofbrainstorming creave thinking through compleon of acvies ac vies such as playing games, andskills problem solving. EFL EFL 4 4.5 .5.1 .11. 1. Pa Par rci cipa pa *Learners can collaborate and parcipate eecvely in a variety of student groupings solving tasks by sho by employing a wide range of creave thinking skills through the compleon of (EGB9) acvies such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.22.1.)

Clil project: Chamele Language Through the Arts: Plan an Ecu

Methodological Strategies



• Look at the pictures of the mixed-up animals. Label each picture with RESOURCES: two animals. *Combo B with online workbook • Listen, check and repeat. and online pracce 1. • Work with a partner. Fill the chart. Put the animals in Exercise 1 in the *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1. correct categories. Some animals can go in more than one category. *Video DVD pracce 1. • Create an animal like the one exercise 1. Draw a picture of it, and *Presentaon Plus DVD-ROM describe It to a partner. starter. • Describe your animal to the class. BIBLIOGRAPHY: • Look at the photos in the quiz. What animals do you see? • Read and listen to the quiz. Do you know the answers? Circle your *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover guesses. Use the clues to help you. pracce For Ecuador 1 Combo A • Listen and check your answers to the quiz. • Work with a partner. What else do you know about the animals in the Workbook With Online Resources. Cambridge: quiz? What do you know about other animal’ acons? • Complete the chart using present connuous c onnuous to talk about acvies Cambridge Univ Press *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with that are happening now. • Complete the text with the present connuous forms of the verbs O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover • Write quesons (Q) and answer (A) with the present connuous form Teacher's Edion pracce 1. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ of the verbs. • Work with a partner. Act out an animal. Our partner guesses what Press. MATERIALS: you’re doing and then guesses the animal. Take turns. Computer, wring materials, CD • Do you go to the zoos? What are your favorite zoo animals? • Listen to people talking at the zoo. What animals are they looking at? player, DVD player. Number the animals from 1 to 4. (There are two extra animals) • Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? • Look at the pictures. Which animals are doing these acons? Complete the sentence with the correct verbs. Then listen and check your answers. • Work with a partner. What other animals do acons in exercise 4? • Complete the chart using the simple present and present connuous • Circle the correct answer • Complete the ad with the simple present or present connuous form of the verbs • Specicaon of Educaon Needs

Specicaon of the

Prepared by: Teacher: signature: Date:

Revised by: Area Director: Signature: Date:

SCHOOL LOGO: NAME OF THE SCH DINCU-Coordinaciòn DINCU-Coordinaciò n de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-001 MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A 68-A de




Duraon Periods



7 Unit No.  Specic Objecves exts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of familiar subjects and


medium to interact globally. l informaon or familiar topics and use them as a means of communicaon and wrien



CLIL: Chameleons and other reples



al Awareness -correcng and self-monitoring strategies in social and classroom interacons. (Example: rng over, rephrasing, exploring alternave pronunciaons or wording, etc.) (EGB9)


nd demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and oral communicaon features by applying contexts. (Example: use of stress, intonaon, pace, etc.) (EGB9)


Best Friend ! eums?


s of phrases and sentences to describe aspects of personal background, immediate aers of immediate need in simple terms using grammacal structures learnt in class be frequent errors with tenses, personal pronouns, preposions, etc.). (EGB9)


ords and expressions which occur in conversaons in the personal and educaonal use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. (EGB9)  

praccal, everyday communicaon demands within familiar contexts, eecvely and t. (Example: meeng people, extending and accepng ac cepng invitaons, exchanging easons, asking and answering quesons about rounes and preferences, etc.) (EGB9)


rbs  at a zoo ing direcons sounds: going ns about animal's acons



d main points in short simple texts on familiar subjects. (Example: news about sports or ripons, etc.) (EGB9)


fic predictable informaon in short, simple texts in a range of age- and level-appropriate graphies, news arcles, narraves, memoirs and personal accounts, formal leers and

s Quiz pos



use a simple print or digital learning resource to compare and contrast informaon in e understanding and command of a topic. (EGB9))


valuate informaon from references, including those found on the web, and d digital sources to other learners. (EGB9)


n animal ent connuous

e Arts  




te in creave thinking through brainstorming, working in groups, games and probleming the ability to accept a variety of ideas and capitalize on other people’s strengths.


ons adorian animal parade

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments



adapted material to be applied

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: OL: 1-12-2015)






2. Unit Plan

Unit Un it Titl Title e

City Life

Transversal Axes



Timefra Weeks

Un O.EFL 4.1 Idenfy Idenfy the main ideas, ideas, some details details and inference inferencess of wrie contexts. O.EFL 4.3 Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source of e O.EFL 4.7 Use spoken and wrien literary text in English such as poems, subjects in order to inspire oral and wrien producon at an A2.1 level. O.EFL O.E FL 4.9 Crea Create te a sense sense o off awaren awareness ess in in ter terms ms of accur accuracy acy when when lear learn n reach an eecve command of spoken language. There are no transversal axes for this unit.


1. Comm Commun unic ica aon on and and Cul Cultu tu CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradions and literature from Ecuador and beyond in order to manifest an understanding of the relaonship between cultural perspecves and pracces and by sharing cross c ross cultural experiences. * Learners can compare and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship between cultural pracces and perspecves. Learners can share crosscultural experiences while naming universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

EFL 4.1.1. Compare in inte tern rna aon onal al re regi gio o (EGB9)

EFL EFL 4. 4.1.3 1.3.. Disp Display lay a cultures by recogni

Culture: Geng Around in Video: Vid eo: Rome: Rome: Ancie Ancient nt a an n Where Whe re do do you usuall usually y go w wit it Ecuadorian CLIL: Inca site

2. Oral Communica EFL EFL 4 4.2 .2.1 .1.. Und Unde ersta rsta personal and educ me, school acvi

CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning: Understand and follow the main idea in spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts, provided speech is clear and arculate, and EFL 4.2 .2.4 .4.. Dedu Deduce ce t deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases using context clues and/or prior EFL elem el emen ents ts. . (E (Exa xamp mpl l knowledge. *Learners can grasp the general meaning of spoken texts set in familiar everyday contexts and infer changes in the topic of discussion, as well as deduce the meanings EFL EFL 4. 4.2. 2.5. 5. Und Unders ersta of unfamiliar words and exchanges through the use of context clues, provided speech is given slowly and clearly and there is sucient visual support. (I.3, S.1, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.6.1.) EFL 4.2 .2..8. Fol Follow m using concepts and


Voca Vocabu bula lary ry:: Tran Transp spor orta ta  Listening: A report on a s Conversaon: Sha Sharing ex exci Ac Accu curracy cya and fluency cy:: Using were ae err singular s Speaking outcomes: ask and answer q

3. Reading EFL 4.3.6. Apply lea knowle kno wledge dge,, graph graphii CE.EFL.4.13. Apply learning strategies such as using prior knowledge and graphic organizers to interpret new informaon in a text, and assess this informaon according to the organizaon, subject area and purpose of the text, using dierent EFL 4.3.8. Assess, c criteria, including ICT tools. cr crit iter eria ia and and IC ICT T too too *Learners can apply learning strategies such as using prior knowledge and graphic editor edi torial ials, s, le leers ers t organizers to interpret new informaon in a text. Learners can assess this informaon according to the organizaon, subject area and purpose of the text, through the use of dierent criteria, including ICT tools. (I.2, I.4, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.13.1.)

Reading: Pompei Reading My trip to P

4. Wring

CE.EFL.4.15. Express informaon and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple transaconal or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that dierent texts have dierent features and showing the ability to use these features f eatures appropriately in one’s own wring. * Learners can convey informaon and ideas and describe feelings and opinions in simple transaconal or expository texts on familiar subjects in order to influence an audience, while recognizing that dierent texts have dierent features and showing the ability to use these features appropriately in one’s own wring. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.4.15.1.)

EFL 4.4.1. C  Co onvey i using ICT tools and

EFL 4.4.5. Reco Recogn gniz iz vocabulary. (E (Exam

Wring: An email about Grammar: Simple past statements with r

5. Langu angua age th thro rou ugh t Unit 8 Value: Where do y

CE.EFL.4.22. Show the ability to work collaboravely and to parcipate eecvely in a variety of student groupings by employing a wide range of creave thinking skills through the compleon of acvies ac vies such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. EFL 4.5 .5..11. Parcip *Learners can collaborate and parcipate eecvely in a variety of student groupings solving tasks by sh by employing a wide range of creave thinking skills through the compleon of (EGB9) acvies such as playing games, brainstorming and problem solving. (S.2, S.4, J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.4.22.1.)


Write: Eva's special d Language Through the Arts: Create a

Methodological Strategies • Match the pictures of places in town to the words listed. • Listen, check and repeat the previous vocabulary. • Listen at sounds at dierent places in town. Write the places from the previous exercise. • Work with a partner: Ask and answer quesons about three places in

Resources RESOURCES: *Combo B with online workbook and online pracce 1. *Teacher's edion pracce 1. *Class audio CDs pracce 1.

town fromjoin theanother previous exercise. notes onyour yourpartner partner’s answers. *Video DVD pracce 1. • Now pair and tellTake them about answers. *Presentaon Plus DVD-ROM • Read the arcle about the ancient town. Look at the pictures and starter. answer the listed quesons. BIBLIOGRAPHY: • Read the arcle again. Idenfy if these ideas are from Pompeii today or *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with the past. O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover • Work with a partner and answer the listed quesons. pracce For Ecuador 1 Combo A • Complete the grammar chart (simple past of be and there was/were to Workbook With Online describe things in the past) Resources. Cambridge: • Correct the sentences. Rewrite them with the armave and negave Cambridge Univ Press forms of the verbs. *Goldstein, B., Jones, C., with • Write quesons with the simple past of be. Then answer the quesons O'Dell,K P. (2015). Uncover with your own informaon. Teacher's Edion pracce 1. • Speaking: Your lost city. Imagine that you and your partner are Cambridge: Cambridge Univ explorers, and you find a lost city like Pompeii. Be creave and prepare Press. MATERIALS: to tell the world about it! • Going places. Where was your most interesng vacaon? What was the Computer, wring materials, CD player, DVD player. city or town like? • Listen to Leo talk to his class. What is he talking about? • Listen again. Number the events in order. • Vocabulary. Transportaon places and preposions of place. Match the words with the pictures. Then listed and check your answers. • Match the sentences with the pictures. Then listen and check your answers. • Work with a partner. Talk about transportaon places in your city or town. Where are they? • Complete the grammar chart (simple past statements to talk about past events and acvies). • Complete the sentences with the simple past forms of the verbs. Idenfy the ones that are regular from the irregular ones. Remember to

Specica Speci caon on of Educa Educaon on Needs

Specica Spec icaon on of th

Prepared by: Teacher: signature: Date: SCHOOL LOGO:

Revised by: Area Director: Signature: Date: NAME OF THE SCH

DINCU-Coordinaciòn DINCU-Coordinaciò n de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-001 MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A 68-A de




Duraon Periods



8 Unit No. it Specic Objecves texts, in order to produce level-appropriate crical analysis of familiar subjects and


tertainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interacon. short stories, comic strips, short magazine arcles and oral interviews on familiar


rs interact in English using high-frequency and level-appropriate expressions in order to


Ecua CLIL: Inca Site Ingapirca



ral Awareness and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and s and cultures and idenfy similaries and dierences and universal cultural themes.

n understanding of the relaonship between the pracces and perspecves of dierent zing and sharing cross-cultural experiences and ideas. (EGB9)


Hong Kong Modern your friends Ingapirca


nd phrases and expressions related to areas of most immediate priority within the onal domains, provided speech is clearly and slowly arculated. (Example: daily life, free es, etc.) (EGB9)


he meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words from a context containing familiar : colloquial greengs, exclamaons, interjecons, etc.) (EGB9)


nd most changes in the topic of discussion if people speak slowly. (EGB9)


ain ideas in topics covered in other curricular subjects with the help of visual support, vocabulary that have been studied in advance. (EGB9)



n places hool trip ng news bjects when they're part of a list esons about the past


rning strategies to examine and interpret a variety of wrien materials using prior organizers, context clues, note taking and finding words in a diconary. (EGB9)


ompare and evaluate the quality of wrien texts and visual presentaons using dierent ls related to the organizaon, subject area and purpose of a text. (Examples of text types: the editor, polical speeches, illustraons, charts, adversements, etc.) (EGB9)


i ebla



formaon and ideas through simple transaconal or expository texts on familiar subjects convenons and features of English appropriate to audience and purpose. (EGB9)


e that various types of wring require dierent language, formang and special le: a recipe, a leer, etc.) (EGB9)


a place gular and irregular verbs


he Arts  


u usually go ith your friends?

ate in creave thinking through brainstorming, working in groups, games and problemwing the ability to accept a variety of ideas and capitalize on other people’s strengths.



inner monument for a city

Evaluaon Acvies / Techniques / Instruments

adapted material to be applied

OOL: 01-12-2015)

Approved by: Vice-Principal: Signature: Date: SCHOOL YEAR:





2. Unit Plan Unit Title

Fun & Games

Transversal Axes



Timefra Weeks

Unit S O.EFL 4.1 Idenfy Idenfy the mai main n ideas, ideas, some some details details and inferen inferences ces of wrien wrien tex contexts. O. O.EF EFLL 4 4.2 .2 Ap Appr preci eciat ate e and and va valu lue e Eng Engli lish sh as an inte intern rna aon onal al lang langua uage ge and and a m O.EFL 4 4..6 Wr Write short d des esccripve an and iin nformave ttex extts re related to to p per erssonal i expression of thought.

There are no transversal axes for this unit.


1. Communicaon and Cultural EF EFLL 4.1. 4.1.1. 1. Com Compa parr inte intern rna aon onal al re regi gio o CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral tradions and literature from Ecuador and beyond (EGB9) in order to manifest an understanding of the relaonship between cultural perspecves and pracces and by sharing cross cultural experiences. experience s. *Learners can compare and contrast oral tradions, myths, folktales and literature from Ecuador and other cultures in order to demonstrate an understanding of the relaonship between cultural pracces and perspecves. Learners can share cross-cultural experiences while naming universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2, J.1) (ref.I.EFL.4.1.1.)

Culture: Ye Olde English F Video: The Palio What's Wha t's yo your ur favori favorite te sport sport an Ecuadorian CLIL: Samanes

2. Oral Communica EFL 4.2.11. Give sh simple descripve (Example: family, s CE.EFL.4.9. Producon – Fluency: Fluency: Use simple language to describe, describe, compare and make statements about familiar everyday topics such as objects, possessions and rounes in structured situaons and short conversaons. Interacon is with reasonable ease, provided speech is given clearly, slowly and directly. *Learners can use simple language to describe, compare and state facts about familiar


EFL 4.2.12 4.2.12.. D Descr escrib ib domains. (EGB9)

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