Unaspected Planets in Your Birth Chart: Gifts and Challenges Unaspected planets in your birth chart are like wild, untamed animals within your psyche. hey hey can !run away away with your horoscope," horoscope," becoming becoming a defining trait within your personality personality whether whether you appro#e or not. not.
Unaspected Planets: $efinition Unaspected planets, referred to as peregrine planets by %oel yl, are those planets in your natal chart that lack any Ptolemaic aspect &i.e. con'unction, se(tile, s)uare, trine or opposition* with any other planet.
Guidelines for +nterpreting Unaspected Planets .
Unas Un aspec pected ted pla planet netss do not not conn connec ectt with with the the rest rest of the the psyc psyche he - muc much h like like someone in a foreign land, it is disconnected from the surroundings, and integration becomes challenging.
his can be mirrored as a feeling of disconnection in outer relationships, especially if a key body such as /un or 0oon is unaspected. 1ith unaspected Sun or Moon, Moon , there may be a feeling that the world doesn2t )uite )uite understand you. You may !march to a different different drummer."
Unaspected Unaspect ed planets can function either as strong talents or talents or e(cessi#e, o#ercompensatory habits: 4or e(ample unaspected Mercury could could suggest someone whose emphasis on thoughts or speech is pronounced, like the writer %orman 5incent Peale, who wrote !he Power of Positi#e hinking." 6owe#er, it could also suggest suggest someone that talks talks incessantly incessant ly out of ner#ous habit.
Unas Un aspec pected ted pla planet netss may may be inte interpr rprete eted d as stron strong g and domin dominant ant,, or e(cessi#e and and #ulnerable #ulnerable to isolation. isolation. Consider these multiple potentials when you interpret the unaspected planets within your own birthchart. birthchart.
Unaspected Planets: Possible 0eanings and 8eywords 6ere are some keywords you may want to consider when e(ploring the interpretation of unaspected planets in a horoscope.
Unaspected /un: +ntensified 9go $ri#e person with unaspected /un tends to march to a different drumbeat. here can be strong emphasis on self e(pression and leadership, as well as a strong need for ego recognition.
Unaspected 0oon: Possible 9motional $isconnection %atal 0oon with no ma'or aspects tends to magnify the needs represented by 0oon2s sign. good e(ample is /te#e ;obs, who had unaspected 0oon in ries &!the need to be %umber
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