Hba Hba`rk `rkc c Mca Mcacbs cbs`rhi `rhigg B¿ 9>9
Ivibecs y pcbmhcbtcs cb gi cstitig arcbtc ¡Sb ggikim` ggikim` i gi rckcmhieh rcncsthõb kcmhiehõb õb! ! i g`s pishv`s ikjhcbtigcs khbcr`s c dhmr`eirjurëacr`s Imlubtëi mcg Kcmh` Ikjhcbtc, Ucrvheh`s _üjghe`s y _ucjg`s Hbmëncbis
_ish _i shv`s v`s ikjhcbtigc ikjh cbtigcs s khbcr`s
Zcgivc Zc givcris ris mc C Cgg M`rim`
Zcgivc Zc givcri ri Xiughyi iughyieu eu
Duigniy`eDui gniy`e- Eilikirei Eilikirei
Duir`edhrë Dui r`edhrë-- Ghki
¡Sb ggikim` i gi Zckcmhiehõb! Hba`rkc Mcacbs`rhig Mcacbs`rhig B¿ 9>9 ― Lugh` :?93 :?93
_r`ecmhkhcbt` piri gi Ncsthõ Ncsthõb b mc _IK
9. Hmcbthaheiehõb mc _IK y Cgij`riehõb mc Hbvcbtirh` Hbhehig mc _IK MNK :. Hmcbthaheiehõb mc _IK y Ietuighziehõb mc Hbvcbtirh` mc _IK MNK 5. Mctcrkhbiehõb mc rcsp`bsijgcs MNK =. Ipr`jiehõb =. Ipr`jiehõb mc _gib mc Ehcrrc mc _IK MNIIK 3. Ahseighziehõb @CAI 1. Uibehõb @CAI y MNK >. Eiptiehõb mc Aucbtcs mc Ahbibehikhcbt` piri Zckcmhiehõb mc _IK isukhm`s p`r cg Cstim` A@BIK ¡Sb ggikim` i gi Zckcmhiehõb! Hba`rkc Mcacbs`rhig Mcacbs`rhig B¿ 9>9 ― Lugh` :?93 :?93
Cv`guehõb mcg hbvcbtirh` mc _IK
Cv`guehõb mc Hbvcbtirh` mc _IK 9???? 8??? 4???
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¡Sb ggikim` i gi Zckcmhiehõb! Hba`rkc Mcacbs`rhig Mcacbs`rhig B¿ 9>9 ― Lugh` :?93 :?93
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