UMG8900 Documentation Guide

May 9, 2017 | Author: gtspaulding | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Huawei UMG8900 Documentation Guide...


Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide ..............................................


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture .........................................................


2.1.1 Product Manual ................................................................................... 2.1.2 Online Help.......................................................................................... 2.1.3 Release Notes .....................................................................................

2-1 2-11 2-12

Chapter 3 Documentation Application ..........................................................


3.1 Relationships between Documentation Components ............................. 3.2 Application Procedures .......................................................................... 3.3 Application Examples ............................................................................. 3.3.1 Product Manual Application Examples .......................................... 3.3.2 Online Help Application Examples ................................................. 3.3.3 Combined Application Examples ................................................... 3.3.4 Release Notes Application Examples ............................................

3-1 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-6

Chapter 4 Documentation Release ................................................................


4.1 Overview of Documentation Release ..................................................... 4.2 Release of Electronic Documentation .................................................... 4.2.1 Release Through CD ..................................................................... 4.2.2 Release Through the Internet ........................................................ 4.3 Release of Printed Documentation......................................................... 4.4 Release of Documentation After Version Upgrade ................................ 4.5 Version Revision .................................................................................... 4.5.1 Problems Feedback ....................................................................... 4.5.2 Revision Procedures ......................................................................

4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-3

Index .................................................................................................................


HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Documentation Guide V200R003

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway Documentation Guide Manual Version


Product Version




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Copyright © 2004 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

All Rights Reserved No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



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Notice The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this manual do not constitute the warranty of any kind, express or implied.

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Summary of Updates This section provides an update history of this manual and introduces the updates of contents.

Update History Manual Version



Initial field trial release


Initial commercial release

Updates of Contents Updates between manual versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest manual version contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Manual Version 2.31 This version adopts the new document template.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary

About This Manual Release Notes This manual applies to HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway V200R003.

Organization The manual consists four chapters in the manual. Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide introduces the compiling purpose and content arrangement of the guide. Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture describes the architecture, contents and usage of the documentation. Chapter 3 Documentation Application describes the application of the documentation through examples based on the relations between the components. Chapter 4 Documentation Release describes the release of the documentation, including the application for product manuals and feedback approaches. Index lists the indexes in this manual.

Intended Audience The manual is intended for the following readers: z

Technical marketing specialists


Installation engineers and technicians


Operation and maintenance personnel

Conventions The manual uses the following conventions:

I. General conventions Convention



Normal paragraphs are in Arial.

Arial Narrow

Warnings, Cautions, Notes and Tips are in Arial Narrow. Huawei Technologies Proprietary




Headings are in Boldface.

Courier New

Terminal Display is in Courier New.

II. Command conventions Convention



The keywords of a command line are in Boldface.


Command arguments are in italic.


Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... }

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.

{ x | y | ... } *

Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ] *

Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets and separated by vertical bars. Many or none can be selected.

III. GUI conventions Convention


Button names are inside angle brackets. For example, click the button.


Window names, menu items, data table and field names are inside square brackets. For example, pop up the [New User] window.


Multi-level menus are separated by forward slashes. For example, [File/Create/Folder].

IV. Keyboard operation Format


Press the key with the key name inside angle brackets. For example, , , , or .

Press the keys concurrently. For example, Huawei Technologies Proprietary


Description means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Press the keys in turn. For example, means the two keys should be pressed in turn.

V. Mouse operation Action



Press the left button or right button quickly (left button by default).

Double Click

Press the left button twice continuously and quickly.


Press and hold the left button and drag it to a certain position.

VI. Symbols Eye-catching symbols are also used in the manual to highlight the points worthy of special attention during the operation. They are defined as follows:

Caution, Warning, Danger: Means reader be extremely careful during the operation.

Note, Comment, Tip, Knowhow, Thought: Means a complementary


Huawei Technologies Proprietary

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Table of Contents

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide............................................................................ 1-1 Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture ...................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Product Manual ....................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Online Help............................................................................................................ 2-11 2.1.3 Release Notes....................................................................................................... 2-12 Chapter 3 Documentation Application ........................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Relationships between Documentation Components........................................................ 3-1 3.2 Application Procedures...................................................................................................... 3-3 3.3 Application Examples ........................................................................................................ 3-4 3.3.1 Product Manual Application Examples ................................................................... 3-4 3.3.2 Online Help Application Examples .......................................................................... 3-5 3.3.3 Combined Application Examples ............................................................................ 3-6 3.3.4 Release Notes Application Examples ..................................................................... 3-6 Chapter 4 Documentation Release .............................................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Overview of Documentation Release ................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Release of Electronic Documentation................................................................................ 4-1 4.2.1 Release Through CD .............................................................................................. 4-1 4.2.2 Release Through the Internet ................................................................................. 4-1 4.3 Release of Printed Documentation .................................................................................... 4-2 4.4 Release of Documentation After Version Upgrade............................................................ 4-2 4.5 Version Revision ................................................................................................................ 4-3 4.5.1 Problems Feedback ................................................................................................ 4-3 4.5.2 Revision Procedures ............................................................................................... 4-3

Huawei Technologies Proprietary i

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide

Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide This documentation guide describes the architecture, application, using method and releases of the documentation for HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway (Shorted as UMG8900 hereinafter). Through this documentation guide, you may have a close understanding of the package of documents of UMG8900 so as to easily use it for equipment installation, data configuration, troubleshooting, and so on. The composing hint of documentation for UMG8900 is shown in Figure 1-1.

Technical Manual

Operation Manual

Hardware Descriptioin Manual

Installation Manual

Documentation Guide

Maintenance Manual

Online Help

Acceptance Manual

Figure 1-1 Composing hint of documentation for UMG8900 The manuals for the UMG8900 include technical manuals, hardware description manuals, installation manuals, operation manuals and maintenance manuals. In addition, the online help and acceptance manual are provided. These manuals constitute the user information body of the whole equipment. This guide is composed of the following parts: z

Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide: Introduces the purpose and content arrangement of the guide.


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture: Describes the architecture of the documentation and the contents and purpose of each kind of documents.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway z

Chapter 1 Overview of Documentation Guide

Chapter 3 Documentation Application: Describes the application of the documentation through examples based on the relationships between the components.


Chapter 4 Documentation Release: Introduces the release of the documentation, including the application for product manuals and feedback channels.

Note: To use Huawei equipment and the documentation for the first time, please read Documentation Guide first to have a close understanding of the documentation architecture to correctly use the entire package of documents.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture

Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture The documentation includes product manuals, online help and release notes.

Note: The documents mentioned in this guide are not all required to be provided to customers. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. provides documentation to customers according to the specific contract items.

2.1.1 Product Manual Table 2-1 illustrates the product manuals of the UMG8900. Table 2-1 The product manuals of UMG8900 Manual


Documentation Guide

None System Description

Technical Manual

Architecture and Principle

Hardware Description

None Hardware Installation

Installation Manual

Software Installation System Commission Routine Operation

Operation Manual

Data Configuration

Performance Measurement

None Routine Maintenance Emergency Maintenance

Maintenance Manual

Parts Replacement Troubleshooting

Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-1

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture

Table 2-2 illustrates the contents of products manuals. Table 2-2 The product manuals of UMG8900 BOM


Contents Chapter 1 Overview Introduces the compiling purpose and content arrangement of the guide. Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture Describes the architecture, contents and purpose of the documentation.


Documentation Guide

Chapter 3 Documentation Application Describes the application of the documentation through examples based on the relationships between the components. Chapter 4 Documentation Release Describes the release of the documentation, including the application for product manuals and feedback approaches. Chapter 1 Introduction to the UMG8900 describes orientation and key benefits of the UMG8900. Chapter 2 System Architecture describes appearance, hardware and software architectures, and functions of major boards. Chapter 3 Services and Networking Applications details services supported by the UMG8900 and networking applications.


System Description

Chapter 4 OAM System describes components and services of the operation and maintenance system. Chapter 5 Technical Specifications introduces various technical specifications including performance specifications, physical specifications and environment specifications. Chapter 6 Installation profiles some characteristics and considerations of installation of the UMG8900. Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms lists the abbreviations and acronyms in the manual and their full names.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 System Architecture introduces the hardware architecture, logical architecture and software architecture. It also give a brief introduction to the subsystems. Chapter 2 Operation and Maintenance System describes the architecture of the operation and maintenance system and its implementation. Chapter 3 Clock System elaborates the technical features, components and functions of the clock system.


Architecture and Principle

Chapter 4 Cascading System presents the architecture of the cascading system, the cascading implementation and the cascading switchover. Chapter 5 Signal Flow elaborates the signal flows and their paths within the equipment, including the control signal flow, service signal flow, operation and maintenance signal flow and clock signal flow. It helps to understand the functions of the whole equipment. Appendix A Corresponding Relationships Between Logical and Physical Boards describes the board names and the relationships between logical and physical boards. Appendix B List of Abbreviations and Acronyms lists all the abbreviations and acronyms and their full names in this manual.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Overview of UMG8900 profiles the system characteristics, main functions, system structure, networking applications, functional classification of boards, and auxiliary devices of the UMG8900. Chapter 2 Cabinets and Frames details appearance, structure, features and technical specifications of cabinets, frames such as power distribution frames and service frames, and other components such as fan boxes, air deflectors, cabling troughs and fiber coilers.


Hardware Description

Chapter 3 Boards elaborates the functions, appearance, indicators, DIP switches, jumpers, and related technical specifications of all boards. Chapter 4 Cables describes appearance, interfaces, pin definitions and functions of all cables. Appendix A List of Indicators explains status of all indicators for the sake of users’ query. Appendix B List of Boards presents names, power consumption and locations of all boards. Appendix C Impedance Transfer Box gives a brief introduction to the impedance transfer box. Appendix D List of Acronyms and Abbreviations lists abbreviations and acronyms and their full names in this manual.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Overview of Hardware Installation profiles the overall procedure of installing hardware components of the UMG8900. Chapter 2 Installation Preparations lists the pre-installation tasks, including preparing technical documents, tools and meters, and checking installation conditions in the equipment room. Chapter 3 Installing Cabinets guides you through planning, adjusting and fixing a single cabinet and combining adjacent cabinets based on the actual conditions of the equipment room. Chapter 4 Installing Internal Components introduces the categories of the internal components in a cabinet and the installation requirements. Chapter 5 Installing Power Cables Protection Grounding Cables presents connection and cabling of power cables protection grounding cables pertaining to equipment.


Hardware Installation

and the and the

Chapter 6 Installing Signal Cables covers the categories, appearance, connection and cabling of signal cables of the equipment. Chapter 7 Installing Cabinet Fittings presents the installation of door lintel, front and back doors and side panels of the cabinet. Chapter 8 Installing Peripherals describes the installation of terminal devices, alarm devices and auxiliary cables. Chapter 9 Hardware Installation Check defines the points to check after hardware installation completes. Appendix A Installing Cabling Rack introduces the components of the cabling rack as well as the installation of the cabling rack. Appendix B Engineering Labels for Cables introduces the materials and specifications of the engineering labels and the usage methods. Appendix C Installing Antenna System introduces the installation of global positioning system (GPS) antenna system, including the installation of accessory lightning arresters and the connection of cables. Appendix D List of Abbreviations and Acronyms lists abbreviations and acronyms and their full names in this manual.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Overview of Software Installation: introduces the main contents of UMG8900 UMGW software installation and provides installation procedures for the installation of various parts to give an overall description about installation. Chapter 2 Installing LMT Software: as management and maintenance client of equipment, LMT adopts standard graphic operation interface. Its software is based on Windows platform and the installation process is conducted with interactive mode. This chapter introduces the basic requirements of LMT software installation, basic process of installation and main settings after the end of installation. Chapter 3 Loading OMU Software Manually mainly introduces the basic operation procedures of manual loading if the OMU software cannot start up normally.


Software Installation

Chapter 4 Installing Host Software: introduces the software installation of equipment mainly, including the installation of upper layer software of board and BAM software installation of MOMU. The software installation of deice is performed mainly through software load. This chapter describes details for corresponding relationship between architecture and directory and between file and board of software load. It also describes the environment requirement and basic process of software load. It finally answers the frequent asked questions during installation. Chapter 5 Configuring Remote Maintenance System: the device provides remote maintenance mode but it needs to install the agent server of remote maintenance. This chapter mainly introduces the installation and setting of the agent server of remote maintenance. Chapter 6 Upgrading Host Software introduces the basic process of related software upgrade operation and patch load of device. Chapter 7 MML Command Upgrading Tools gives a brief introduction to MML command upgrading tools and the relevant operations. Chapter 8 Introduction to File System Directory: introduces the structure of LMT, board and BAM software file system to make the user familiar with the main corresponding relationship of the whole file system.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 System Commissioning Overview profiles the contents and procedure of system commissioning. Chapter 2 System Commissioning Preparations discusses in detail the preparations for system commissioning, including checking construction premises, technical documents, hardware and status, software version and running status, and communication between the LMT and host. Chapter 3 Data Configuration describes how to collect and plan configuration data, perform data configuration, and check data configuration. Chapter 4 Local Debugging describes how to check and debug boards, clock and cascading of the UMG8900. Chapter 5 Debugging of Interconnection with MGC describes how to check and debug the interconnection between the UMG8900 and MGC. Chapter 6 Debugging of Interconnection with RNC describes how to check and debug the interconnection between the UMG8900 and RNC.


System Commission

Chapter 7 Debugging of Interconnection with BSC/MSC/PSTN Switches describes how to check and debug the interconnection between the UMG8900 and BSC/MSC/PSTN switches. Chapter 8 Debugging of Interconnection with MGW describes how to check and debug the interconnection between the UMG8900 and other MGWs in the core network. Chapter 9 Signaling Transfer Debugging describes how to debug the signaling gateway built in the UMg8900. Chapter 10 Service Resource Debugging describes how to debug the EC, TC, MPTY and IWF resources of the UMG8900 by means of dial test. Chapter 11 Service Debugging describes how to debug services provided by the UMG8900. Chapter 12 H.248 Protocol Application presents an example to show the interactive H.248 messages between the UMG8900 and MSOFTX3000 in the typical networking application. Appendix A System Commissioning Records presents some debugging items for reference and tables for recording debugging process.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Local Maintenance Terminal System introduces components of the LMT system and procedures for maintaining the UMG8900 through the LMT. Chapter 2 System Management introduces functions about the UMG8900 system management, including user management, log management, file management, FTP management, hard disk management and routine test.


Routine Operation

Chapter 3 Service Management introduces such routine operations as frame management, board management, load, service bearer, resource management and interface management through man-machine language (MML) commands or the panel management function. Chapter 4 Alarm Management introduces alarm management functions including alarm report and alarm handling. Chapter 5 Tracing Management introduces service tracing process including interface tracing and call tracing. Chapter 6 Tone File Creating and Loading introduces how to translate tone material files into tone files that can be invoked by board software with tone file process tool, and how to load tone files to announcement resource boards. Appendix List of Abbreviations and Acronyms lists the acronyms in this manual and their full names.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Configuration Overview: covers the configuration procedures, configuration methods and preparations for the UMG8900 data configuration. Chapter 2 Configuring Hardware Data: elaborates the configuration related to the UMG8900 hardware, including the frames/cabinets, boards, clock, cascading, system time and system parameters. Chapter 3 Configuring Interconnection with MSC Server: focuses on the configuration related to the MSC server, including interfaces, signaling links, protocol parameters and call distribution rate. Chapter 4 Configuring Interconnection with RNC: introduces that the UMG8900 can provide ATM-based resources and embedded SG for signaling transfer between the RNS and the MSC server when it functions as a universal service bearing device.


Data Configuration

Chapter 5 Configuring Interconnection with BSC/MSC/PSTN Switch: introduces that the UMG8900 can provide TDM-based resources and embedded SG for signaling transfer between the BSC/MSC/PSTN switch and the MSC server when it functions as a universal service bearing device. Chapter 6 Configuring Interconnection Between MGWs: introduces that the UMG8900 can provide IP-based resources when it functions as a universal service bearing device. Chapter 7 Configuring Interconnection with SIWF: details the data configuration for the UMG8900 interconnecting with the SIWF. Chapter 8 Configuring Resource Parameters: describes the media resource processing for interoperation between different network services. Chapter 9 Configuration Examples: gives data configuration examples in different networking modes as well as configuration scripts and some common issues. Appendix A Data Configuration Checklist: provides a checklist for checking configuration data. Appendix B List of Acronyms and Abbreviations: presents all abbreviations and acronyms mentioned in this manual.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Overview introduces basic concept of performance measure, system architecture and function. Chapter 2 Operation Guide details performance measure operations by using performance management system.


Performance Measurement

Chapter 3 Performance Measure Unit and Item introduces various measure units and measure index provided by UMG8900. Chapter 4 Precautions and FAQ gives some precautions and frequently asked questions (FAQ) in the performance measure process. Appendix List of Abbreviations and Acronyms gives the explanation and description of all abbreviations in this manual. Chapter 1 Overview of Routine Maintenance profiles device maintenance, regarding equipment room maintenance, network management, power supply and safety rules. Chapter 2 Guide for Routine Maintenance details tasks and procedures of routine maintenance, including daily maintenance, monthly maintenance and yearly maintenance.


Routine Maintenance

Chapter 3 Guide for Key Maintenance elaborates some key maintenance items, such as grounding system maintenance and dust cleaning. Chapter 4 Maintenance Commands lists the commands and descriptions about system management, device management, media gateway management and signaling protocol management. Chapter 5 Maintenance Records provides reference tables for you to record maintenance process. Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations lists all acronyms and abbreviations and their full names.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Emergency Maintenance Overview: gives a brief introduction to emergency maintenance, involving purpose, intended audience, applicable situation and precautions. Chapter 2 Emergency Maintenance Procedures: elaborates emergency maintenance procedure, for example, analyzing possible causes for a fault according to the phenomenon.


Emergency Maintenance

Chapter 3 Technical Guide for Emergencies: focuses on the emergency troubleshooting for hardware/transport fault, host overload and data modification error. Chapter 4 Data Backup and System Restoration: details how backup and restore data in emergency situation and emergency maintenance when the system can not recover automatically. Appendix A List of Acronyms and Abbreviations: presents all abbreviations and acronyms in this manual. Chapter 1 Overview of Parts Replacement covers an overview of the parts replacement about boards, cables, power distribution frame and fan frames. Chapter 2 Guide for Boards Replacement introduces the procedures for board replacement in case of maintenance, update or aging during the device operation.


Parts Replacement

Chapter 3 Guide for Cables Replacement introduces the replacement procedures for network cables, optical fibers, cascading cables, power distribution box, monitoring cables, signal cables in the alarm box, relay cables, clock cables and GPS feedback cables in case of cable maintenance, update or aging. Chapter 4 Guide for Other Parts Replacement introduces the replacement procedures for various system components in case of maintenance, update or aging, such as the transfer box, power distribution frame, fan frame, filter box, dust-proof fabric, LAN Switch, HUB and PC cards. Appendix A List of Abbreviations and Acronyms explains all the abbreviations used in this manual.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture


Contents Chapter 1 Troubleshooting Overview introduces basic flow and common methods of troubleshooting so that users have basic knowledge about troubleshooting. Chapter 2 Device Management Faults introduces faults and their handling that concern with device management. Firstly introduces common faults handling and faults classification, and then give some typical instances of device management. Chapter 3 Clock System Faults details faults and their handling that concern with clock system. Firstly introduces common faults handling and faults classification, and then give some typical instances of clock system fault.



Chapter 4 Connection Faults introduces faults and their handling that concern with other device in UMG8900 networking. Firstly introduces common faults handling and faults classification, and then give some typical instances of connection fault. Chapter 5 Service Fault introduces faults and their handling that concern with services. Firstly introduces common faults handling and faults classification, and then give some typical instances of service fault. Appendix A Fault Information Report Appendix B Error Codes and Causes Appendix C Acronyms





2.1.2 Online Help Table 2-3 illustrates the architecture and contents of the online help Table 2-3 architecture and contents of the online help Online Help GUI

Subcatego ry


O&M Subsystem

It provides the meanings of the interfaces, applications of the O&M functions in the O&M system and data configuration and system maintenance.


It provides the meanings of the interfaces and applications of the alarm management functions in the alarm management system.

Performanc e

It provides the meanings of the interfaces, applications of the performance management functions and descriptions of the involved performance items in the performance management system.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary 2-11

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Online Help

Chapter 2 Documentation Architecture

Subcatego ry



It provides the meanings of the interfaces, applications in the debugging system.

Trace review

It provides the meanings of the interfaces, applications in the trace review system.

MML Update

It describes how to make the configuration files when the UMG8900 is upgraded.

Voice File

It describes the usage and basic operations of the tone file making tool.

Detail Alarm


The descriptions and handling suggestions to each alarm are also involved.

MML Command


It describes the functions, notes, parameters and examples for each MML command.



It describes the detailed information about boards, including functions, structures and appearances.

2.1.3 Release Notes Oriented to the formally released software version, the Release Notes is provided to describe the “changes” to the currently released version compared with the earlier version in functions, performance, operations and maintenance.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 3 Documentation Application

Chapter 3 Documentation Application 3.1 Relationships between Documentation Components Figure 3-1 illustrates the relations between the components in the documentation. Relaese Notes Routine Routine Routine Mainenance Mainenance Maintenance

Emergency Emergency Emergency Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance

Parts Parts Parts Replacement Replacement Replacement

TroubleTroubleTroubleshooting shooting shooting

Data Data Data Configuration Configuration Configuration

Performance Performance Performance Measurement Measurement Measurement

Hardware Hardware Hardware Installation Installation Installation

Software Software Software Installation Installation Installation

System System System Commissioning Commissioning Commissioning

System System System Description Description Description

Architecture Architecture Architecture and Principle and Principle and Principle

Hardware Hardware Hardware Description Description Description

Online Help

Documentation Guide

Routine Routine Routine Operation Operation Operation

Figure 3-1 Relationships between the components in the documentation The contents of the product manuals in the lower layer logically support that of the manuals in the upper layer. Part contents of the former manuals are referenced by the latter manuals, and the data generated during the application of the former manuals serve as the input to the latter manuals during application. Table 3-1 illustrates the relationships between the components for the documentation of the UMG8900. Table 3-1 Relationships between the components for the documentation of UMG8900 Manual


Documentation Guide

It describes how to use the product manuals, Online Help and release notes.

System Description

It introduces the system functions, features and technical indexes and provides overall product information for the operators to use the system preliminarily.

Architecture Principle


It provides the principles for using and operating the system.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 3 Documentation Application



Hardware Description

It supports query of hardware information required from other manuals. And part of its content can be used by system commissioning about detailed explanation of meanings of the indicator lights on each board and status of DIP switch jumpe0rs. It describes all the procedures of installing the product devices after they are shipped and delivered to the site.

Hardware Installation

The board configurations and equipment connection information recorded during the application of this manual serve as input data for data configuration. Therefore, this manual is used for data input to Data Configuration. It guides operators how to install software after hardware installation.

Software Installation

Such information as network configurations (for example, IP address) recorded during the application of this manual will serve as input data for data configuration. Therefore, this manual is used for data input to Data Configuration.

System Commission

It guides operators how to commission the system after software installation.

Routine Operation

It introduces operation functions of the device and guides the user in performing routine management and operation. Routine operation is the basis of maintenance so the user need to read this manual before doing the maintenance. It serves as a guide for data configuration of the system under certain conditions. The user needs to query about the exact meaning and usage of each command when using this manual so this manual and the MML online help are in reference and explanation relationship. After the system configuration, the “system configuration data” output of this manual will be used as input data for system commissioning of the system commission manual.

Data Configuration

It provides related operations and indexes for performance measurement of the system and guides the user in fulfilling data optimization for more effective running.

Performance Measurement

Performance measurement is also based on routine operation.

Routine Maintenance

It guides operators how to perform Routine Maintenance on the system. It hardly has coupling relation with the other manuals.

Emergency Maintenance

It guides operators how to perform Emergency Maintenance on the system. Some troubleshooting methods are introduced in operation manuals, installation manuals and maintenance manuals.

Parts Replacement

It guides operators how to replace boards and parts of the system.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 3 Documentation Application



Relationship It guides operators how to remove faults during system operation. Operators might selectively refer to the specific manual based on different types of the faults in actual practices.

3.2 Application Procedures Figure 3-2 illustrates the documentation application procedures. Understand System

System Description

Quick Start

System Introduction

Install System

Hardware Installation

System Configuration Data

Commission System

MML Command Online Help


Software Installation System Commissioning

Accept System

O&M Online Help

Performance Measurement

Cabinets and Cables

Install Hardware Install Software

Data Configuration

System Entities

Maintain System

Process Routine Operations

Routine Maintenance

Remove Faults


Emergence Maintenance

Emergence Maintenance

Parts Replacement

Parts Replacement

Performance Online Help

Alarm Online Help

Figure 3-2 Documentation application procedures

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 3 Documentation Application

To use Huawei equipment and the documentation for the first time, please read Documentation Guide first to have a close understanding of the documentation architecture and correctly use the package of documents. Refer to the release notes to obtain its features when using the documentation.

3.3 Application Examples 3.3.1 Product Manual Application Examples The application examples of each manual are shown in Table 3-2. Table 3-2 Product manual application examples Task description


Chapter and section

Learn quickly about the service capability supported by the system

Service functions and networking belong to system description. According to the Figure 3-2, you should check Technical Manual System Description.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 3 “Services and Networking Applications” provides relevant information.

Learn about the detailed operation and maintenance principles of the system

The task belongs to principle introduction. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Technical Manual Architecture and Principle.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 2 “Operation and Maintenance System”

Learn about the connection of the cascading cables inside the equipment

The task belongs to installation. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Installation Manual Hardware Installation.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 6 “Installing Signal Cables” provides relevant information.

Learn about the interfaces and indicator lights of the NET board

The task belongs to hardware description. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Hardware Description Manual.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 3 “Board” provides relevant information.

Learn about how to load the OMU board manually

The task belongs to software installation. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Installation Manual Software Installation.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 3 “Loading OMU Software Manually” provides relevant information.

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Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 3 Documentation Application

Task description


Chapter and section

Query the detailed alarm information of the system

The task belongs to the operation. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Operation Manual Routine Operation.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 4 “Alarm Management” provides relevant information.

Add one SCTP link to the MGC

The task belongs to the configuration. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Operation Manual Data Configuration.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 3 “Configuring Interconnection with MSC Server” provides relevant information.

Query the CPU occupation rate

The task belongs to performance statistics. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Performance Measurement Manual.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 3 “Performance Measure Unit and Item” provides relevant information.

Learn how to restore the data

The task belongs to the maintenance. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Maintenance Manual Emergency Maintenance.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 4 “Data Backup and System Restoration” provides relevant information.

Replace cables

The task belongs to parts replacement. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Maintenance Manual Parts Replacement.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 3 “Guide for Cables Replacement” provides relevant information.

Iu interface interconnection faults

The task belongs to the troubleshooting. According to Figure 3-2, you should check Maintenance Manual Troubleshooting.

According to Table 2-2, Chapter 4 “Connection Faults” provides relevant information.

3.3.2 Online Help Application Examples Online help includes the GUI interface operation help, MML help, board introduction help and detailed alarm information. You can use them with the corresponding interfaces. For the GUI interface operation help, the system supports the shortcut key. You can press in the current interface to invoke the corresponding operation help information. Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-5

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 3 Documentation Application

For the MML command help, when executing a command or double-click a command on the navigation tree, you can see the corresponding help information for the MML command on the top right corner of the main interface. The panel management function provides the help information about board introduction. Select a board to be queried and click [Board Introduction] on the shortcut menu to invoke the help information about the specified board. For the detailed alarm help, select a specified alarm on the Alarm Management System and click [View Help Info] on the shortcut menu to invoke the corresponding help information about the alarm. Alternatively, you can double-click an alarm and click [More Info…] on the popup box to invoke the corresponding help information.

3.3.3 Combined Application Examples The online help is complementary to the manuals. Through the online help, you can acquire detailed reference or index information. Take a configuration task as an example, the manuals describe the specific configuration procedures and major parameters while the MML online help elaborates all the related parameters.

3.3.4 Release Notes Application Examples Task: To have a clear understanding of the changes to the software features of UMG8900 V200R003B01D031 compared with the earlier version. Application: You may search in “Software feature update” of “UMG8900 V200R003B01D031 Update Description” released together with the version for the changes.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary 3-6

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 4 Documentation Release

Chapter 4 Documentation Release The release of the documentation varies with different document types, as described below.

4.1 Overview of Documentation Release This chapter introduces the documentation release in different forms and at different time, and the version revision. It includes: z

Release of Electronic Documentation


Release of Printed Documentation


Release of Documentation After Version Upgrad


Version Revision

4.2 Release of Electronic Documentation The package of documents can be divided into electronic documentation and printed documentation according to different release media. The electronic documentation is released through the online help, CD-ROM and the Internet. The online help is delivered together with the software as an integrated part of the latter.

4.2.1 Release Through CD Delivery attached documentation includes both printed product manuals and CDs storing the product manuals. The electronic documentation is stored in PDF format and you can run Acrobat Reader (attached to the CDs) to read it. By running Acrobat Reader, you can locate what you want in a single document or between documents. You can also freely zoom in or out the window and print certain pages, the pages in a specified scope, or the whole document with excellent quality.

4.2.2 Release Through the Internet Huawei releases the latest documentation through the Internet for the products, including the UMG8900. z

Technical support website

Website: Http:// You may directly register at the website for an account and log in using the registered user name and password later. The delivery attached documents and other documents are free for downloading. Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-1

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway z

Chapter 4 Documentation Release

Huawei website

Website: Http:// You can visit this website to browse information about Huawei and enter the technical support website linked with this website. For release of the package of documents, contact Huawei by email. Email address: [email protected]

4.3 Release of Printed Documentation The printed documentation can be released in the loose-leaf form or in the normal binding form. Usually, the former form applies to the manuals accompanying the equipment and the latter form applies to subsequent documentation.

Note: For your information, the last page of each manual is printed with the printing date of the manual when a package of documents is released.

4.4 Release of Documentation After Version Upgrade The upgrade of product version can enhance the product function and improve product








documentation is also upgraded to keep consistent with the product and support the hardware and software functions. The upgraded documentation is released through the following modes: z

Release through the Internet

The latest documentation is released on Http://support for clients’ downloading. z

Release through CD

The upgraded part or the latest whole package of documents is released through CD to clients. z

Release through printed documentation

The upgraded part is released in the normal binding form, or the latest whole package of documents is released in the loose-leaf form. After version upgrade, the documentation can be released in one or several of the above modes according to actual conditions such as the version upgrade effect on the documentation and the number of users of this version.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-2

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway

Chapter 4 Documentation Release

4.5 Version Revision To eliminate errors in the documents and guide related personnel effectively to maintain the equipment, Huawei makes a set of strict procedures for problems feedback, confirmation and modification.

4.5.1 Problems Feedback Huawei welcomes any proposal and suggestion from users, and will respond to and solve any problem quickly. You can send feedbacks about the documents in the following methods: z

Send an email: [email protected]


Call Huawei customer service hotline: 86-755-28560000


Send a fax to Huawei customer service center: 86-755-28560111


Contact the local technical support office of Huawei

For the problem in the manual, attach the chapter and section where the problems locate to modify the problems. For problems in the manuals, attach the relevant chapters and sections so that the problems can be revised promptly.

4.5.2 Revision Procedures Problems about the documents from users will go quickly to the documentation development department of Huawei. The documentation development personnel handle the errors according to their priority. The errors affecting the reliability of the equipment operation are given the highest priority. The errors in printing and page arrangement will be eliminated in the next version. The documentation development department of Huawei will distribute the updated documents to each customer in the proper way.

Huawei Technologies Proprietary 4-3

Documentation Guide HUAWEI UMG8900 Universal Media Gateway


Index A


Architecture and Principle, 2-2

Parts Replacement, 2-10 Performance Measurement, 2-9


problem feedback methods, 4-3

contents of products manuals, 2-1

Product manual application examples, 3-4

contents of the online help, 2-11



Relationships between the documentations, 3-1

Data Configuration, 2-8

release mode of the upgraded documentation, 4-2

Documentation Guide, 2-1

Routine Maintenance, 2-9 Routine Operation, 2-7



Emergency Maintenance, 2-10

Software Installation, 2-5


System Commission, 2-6

forms of the documents, 4-1

System Description, 2-1



Hardware Description, 2-3

the components in the documentation, 3-1

Hardware Installation, 2-4

the documentation application procedures, 3-3 Troubleshooting, 2-11


types of the documentations, 1-1

Lists of the product manuals, 2-1


Huawei Technologies Proprietary i-1

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