Ultrasonic Testing of Weld Joints (Pe-ut and Aut)

March 30, 2017 | Author: Rakesh Ranjan | Category: N/A
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Procedure For Ultrasonic Testing of Weld Joints (PE-UT and AUT)




Issued for Implementation






Issued for Implementation







Prepared By

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Approved By

Reliance Contents 1. Purpose …………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 2. Scope …………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 3. References …………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………3 4. Abbreviations and Terms ………..………………………………………………………………………………..3 5. Responsibilities …………….…………………………………………………………………………………………….4 6. Methodology …………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………4 7. Records


The following technique sheets shall be used for PEUT. Technique sheet 1 - Pipe to pipe joint equal thickness Technique sheet 2 – Pipe to fittings/ Pipe to pipe joint unequal thickness Technique sheet 3 – Set on nozzle Technique sheet 4 – Set in nozzle Technique sheet 5 – Tangential nozzle Technique sheet 6 – Dollar plate nozzle Technique sheet 7 – Set in through nozzle ASME Section VIII Div-1 Appendix 12

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Reliance 1.

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide the guide lines for the Ultrasonic Testing of the pipe weld using conventional manual pulse echo and automated phase array.


Scope The scope of this procedure covers the Ultrasonic testing of i.

Nozzle branch weld joints of equipment by PE-UT Nozzles from 2” NB and above (including Set-In and Set-On type), where shell thickness of the vessel / column is sufficient for testing.



Butt welds of pipes By PE-UT a.

Pipe welds of size 2” NB and above


Pipe thickness from 5.4 mm and above.

Butt welds of pipes By PA-UT a.

Pipe welds of size 8” NB and above


Pipe thickness from 6 mm and above

This procedure may be used for the testing of the weld joints in on line service having liquid / gases in the pipe line and is applicable for CS, AS and SS material for all the jobs in Reliance Projects.


References ASME Sec VIII Div. I

Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessel

ASME B31.3

Process Piping

ASME B31.1

Power Piping


Non-destructive Examination

Code Case 2235-9

Use of UT in Lieu of Radiography

CEN/TS 14751

Use of TOFD for examination of weld


Guidelines for Surface Preparation for UT.


Technical Requirement for UT Services


Format for PE Ultrasonic Testing Report

EPCMD-2-QM00-FMT-ME-231. Format for MUT/AUT scan plan


Abbreviations and Terms ASME

American Society of Mechanical Engineers


Automated Ultrasonic Testing


Distance Amplitude Curve




Domestic Tariff Area


Heat Affected Zone


Head of the Department

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Reliance IIW

International Institute of Welding


Jamnagar Export Refinery Project


Manual Ultrasonic Testing


Non Destructive Testing


Pulse Echo Ultrasonic Testing


Phased Array Ultrasonic testing


Quality Management Department


Society of Non-destructive Testing


Time Corrected Gain


Transmitter and Receiver



Time of Flight Diffraction Technique


Ultrasonic Flaw Detector


Ultrasonic Testing

Responsibilities •

Construction Managers/Engineer in Charges is responsible for implementing this procedure in their area.

HOD, QMD is responsible for maintaining this procedure.

DCC is the custodian of this document.




UT Equipment and Its Accessories ( PE-UT )


Equipment: Ultrasonic Flaw Detector (UFD) Any ultrasonic flaw detector capable of operating in the pulse-echo mode having DAC facility and minimum 100 memories with recording facility shall be used. The instrument shall be capable of operation at frequencies at the range of 1 MHz to 5 MHz and shall be equipped with a stepped gain control in steps of 1.0 dB or less. The time base must be linear within approx. 1% of full screen width over the maximum calibrated range used. The screen height amplitude control linearity shall be verified. The ultrasonic flaw detector shall have valid calibration status. Equipment shall be calibrated for vertical and horizontal linearity etc. on IIW V1 and V2 blocks as per Appendix–I and II of Article - 4 of ASME Sec-V. The UFD shall be selected from the following manufacturer. •


Kraut Kramer


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Reliance •


The use of any other models of UFDs, than the recommended as above, shall have prior approval from engineer-in-charge. 6.1.2

Probes Probes used with UFD shall be selected from the following manufacturers,



Kraut Kramer


The probe details are as follows, For straight beam inspection, TR (Transmitter and Receiver) probes having 5 mm to 10 mm crystal diameter with frequency of 2 to 5 MHz shall be used. Normal probe can also be used for straight beam inspection, provided the thickness of the job is more than 20 mm. For angle beam inspection, normal beam probes (5 mm dia. crystal) mounted on Contour shoe or probes having 8 X 9 mm crystal size, of different angles shall be used. Probe/Shoe Selection of angle/shoes

Pipe Dia

Probe Size

Parallel to weld axis

Circumferential to weld axis


5-8 mm Ø


45º (shoe)

5-8 mm Ø


5-8 mm Ø


45º (shoe)

5-8 mm Ø


5-8 mm Ø


45º (shoe)

5-8 and mm Ø


8×9 and 5mmØ

45º,70º 8×9mm

Flat shoe 45º,

5-8 and 10 mm Ø

> 8"


45º,60º/70º 8×9mm


10 mm Ø



For set on nozzle, the above table shall be followed. For set in nozzle, the scanning shall be carried out by 8 X 9 mm crystal size probes. 6.1.4

Couplant The couplant shall be a manufactured gel product, oil or cellulose paste or other suitable medium (oil and grease mixture ) which is non toxic and non corrosive. The couplant must be removed after examination by means of wiping with a cloth with the help of solvent / detergent.


Standard Blocks

For piping job the basic calibration block shall be a section of pipe of same nominal size, schedule, heat treated, equivalent P number material (as per clause T-434. of ASME Sec. V).

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Reliance Notches shall be prepared on outer as well as on inner surface of the pipe as specified in fig. T 434.3 of ASME Sec. V. DAC shall be drawn with 3 points.


For non piping job, (above 20” diameter non piping welds), the reference block shall be used from the same job or a flat basic calibration block as per clause T - 434.1.7.1. The reference block for non piping welds having diameter equal to or less than 20”dia., shall have curved calibration block and shall be used to scan the jobs having curvature at the range of 0.9 to 1.5 times the basic calibration blocks diameter. Non piping calibration blocks shall be as per T- 434.2 and cladding calibration blocks as per T- 434.4. ‘UFD’ Operator All the technicians shall under go a selection test and qualify the same prior to the deployment on the job as per “Procedure for the selection of UT technicians. (EPCMD-2-QM00-JEP-ME-038)”.


Inspection / Scanning Method

Preparation of Job Surface The base metal on either side of the weld shall be free from weld spatter, surface irregularities, or foreign matter that might interfere with the weld examination. The weld surface under examination shall be prepared to a smooth profile with a section flat at the top of weld to enable good contact with probe to permit examination for pipe sizes 10 inch and below. For pipe sizes 12 Inch dia and above no grinding is to be carried out to make weld joint flat at top. In case of spiral and longitudinal weld joints, the top surface as well as protrusion of of weld shall be flushed and both the sides of the weld joint shall be ground to smooth surface (150 mm length) for the examination. The surface for UT shall be prepared as per EPCMD-2-QM00-GUI-ME-002 “Guideline for surface preparation for Ultrasonic Testing”.

When both sides scanning is not possible, then in that case, at least one side scanning shall be carried out.

For identification of weld joints the optical letter V to be punched on the base metal at 12’ o clock position turning 90° degree (symbolic shown as > ) on the top of the weld joint and shall be considered as the reference point ( >) or zero point. All the recordable indications (print outs) shall be given with reference to zero point in the UT report. Punching and marking on the weld joint shall be done by the NDT Contractor. Reference points shall be hard punched on CS and AS joints and SS joints shall be marked with permanent marker.

Surface temperatures shall not exceed 50˚C / subject to couplant and probe service condition.


DAC Preparation.

DAC shall be prepared by using angle probes, taking into consideration the probe index and the weld edge distance. First point at 80% FSH ± 5% shall be established other two points shall be drawn based on the reference block (SDH or notch).

DAC for longitudinal weld scanning shall be made from circumferential notch with 45º and 70º angle probes to detect defect parallel to weld axis. From longitudinal notch, DAC is to be made from 45º angle probe to detect defect transverse to weld axis.

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Every NDE contractor shall establish the DAC on the standard reference block for his scope of job and get it approved by authorized representative of Reliance before starting examination on the actual job. Reliance NDT Coordinator shall maintain a latest list of standard reference block.


Time base calibration range

Angle probe: Calibration range shall be selected as per the job requirement.

TR or normal probe: Calibration range shall be selected as per the job requirement.



TR Probe: 1st Back Wall Echo to 80% of FSH

Angle probe: First point of DAC shall be set to 80 % of FSH.

Scan Plan: Before actual scanning, scan plan shall be developed by the operator and shall be approved by Reliance Engineer. The scan plan data shall be recorded in Form: EPCMD-2-QM00-FMT-ME-231.


Examination: The weld joints shall be examined as follows,

TR probe: Before performing the angle beam examination, a straight beam examination shall be performed on the volume of base material through which the angle beam will travel to locate any reflectors that can limit the ability of the angle beam to examine the weld volume. Both side of the weld joint (up to two skip of the max probe angle to be used) and top weld shall be scanned with TR probes to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning. Scanning shall be carried out in zigzag and weaving motion to ensure the compete coverage of the surface.

Angle beam probe: (To detect defect parallel to weld axis): All welds shall be scanned with two different angle beam probes. Angle of the probe is selected based on the actual job thickness by preparing the weld geometry drawing and the scanning location /areas. One angle probe is 450 and other angle is selected based on the base material thickness (90-t, where t is the thickness of the pipe). However for thickness 8"

8×9 mm

45º, 70º 8×9 mm 45º, 60º/70º 8×9 mm

8×9 mm

10 mm Ø

Scanning technique (a)

TR probe scanning shall be carried on the area where angle beam scanning is to be carried out. The both side of the weld joint (up to two skip of the max angle probe to be used) and top weld shall be scanned with TR probes to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning.


Angle beam Scanning(to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried from both side of the weld side from ½ to 1 ½ skip distance or 1 to 2 skip distance depending upon the requirement .


Angle beam Scanning (to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried out as detailed in clause no. of this procedure.

Note: DAC range to be verified with by 1:1 graph plotting.

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Reliance PE-UT Technique Sheet No. 2 Weld joint Type

: (1). Pipe to fitting and, (2). pipe of unequal thickness joint.

Fit up data

: For Type (1). Datum mark on pipe For Type (2). Datum mark on (pipes) both side of the weld.

Surface preparation : Weld top shall be ground flat. Diameter

: 2 inch NB and above

Probe and shoes

: As given in the following table


: 4 MHz for CS/AS up to 25 mm thk. and 2 MHz above 25 mm thk. 2 MHz for SS

Pipe Dia

Probe Size 58mmØ 58mmØ 58mmØ 8×9 and 5mmØ

2" 3" 4" 6" > 8"

Probe/Shoe Angle of probe/shoe TR


Parallel to weld axis

Circumferential to weld axis


45º (shoe)

5-8 mm Ø


45º (shoe)

5-8 mm Ø


45º (shoe)

5-8 mm Ø

45º,70º 8×9mm

Flat shoe 45º,

5-8 and 10 mm Ø

45º,60º/70º 8×9mm


10 mm Ø


Scanning technique (a) TR probe scanning shall be carried out on one side of the joint on the area where angle beam scanning is to be carried out.. The scanning to be carried on the surface ( up to two skip of the max probe angle ) to be used, top weld and heat effected zone of the fitting side to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning from (1) Pipe side in case of pipe to fitting joint (2) Pipe with lower thickness in case of pipe to pipe joint of unequal thickness (b) (c) (d)

Angle beam scanning (to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried out from HAZ of fitting side to other side of weld up to 1½ skip distance or 1 to 2 skip distance depending on the requirement. Angle beam Scanning (to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried from top of the weld as detailed in clause no. of this procedure. Scanning shall not be done from the thicker pipe or fitting side where inside tapering has been carried out.

Note: DAC range to be verified with by 1:1 graph plotting. EPCMD-2-QM00-JEP-ME-031, Rev:01 Confidential © Reliance. All rights reserved

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Reliance PE-UT Technique Sheet No. 3 Weld joint

: Set-On nozzle

Fit up data

: Datum mark on Nozzle side


: 5.4 mm and above

Surface preparation

: Welds shall be ground flat.


: 2 inch NB and above

Probe and shoe

: As given in the following table


: 4 MHz for CS/AS up to 25 mm thk. and 2 MHz above 25 mm thk. 2 MHz for SS

Pipe Dia 2" 3" 4" 6" > 8"

Probe Size 5-8mmØ 5-8mmØ 5-8mmØ 8×9 and 5mmØ 8×9mm

Probe/Shoe Angle of probe/shoe Parallel to weld axis

Circumferential to weld axis

45º,70º,(shoe) 45º,70º,(shoe) 45º,70º,(shoe)

45º (shoe) 45º (shoe) 45º (shoe)

45º,70º 8×9mm

Flat shoe 45º,

45º,60º/70º 8×9mm




5-8 mm Ø 5-8 mm Ø 5-8 mm Ø 5-8 and 10 mm Ø 10 mm Ø

Scanning technique (a) TR probe scanning to be carried out on branch nozzle to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning. In addition to that, TR probes scanning to be carried out from equipment in side on the weld joint wherever possible. (b) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried out with two angle beam probes from ½ to 2 ½ skip distance based on the requirement of the branch nozzle... (c) Angle beam Scanning (to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried from top of the weld as clause no. of this procedure.

Note: DAC range to be verified with by 1:1 graph plotting. EPCMD-2-QM00-JEP-ME-031, Rev:01 Confidential © Reliance. All rights reserved

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Reliance PE-UT Technique Sheet No. 4 Weld joint

: Set-In nozzle

Fit up data

: Datum mark on shell side.

Surface preparation : Weld shall be ground flat. Thickness

: 9 mm and above

Dia. of the nozzle

: 2 inch NB and above


: TR probe -10 / 5 - 8 mm crystal dia. Normal probe – 5-8 mm crystal dia. Angle beam probe 45ºand 60º/ 70º.


: 4 MHz for CS/AS up to 25 mm thk. and 2 MHz above 25 mm thk. 2 MHz for SS

Scanning technique (a) TR probe scanning from nozzle inside and from shell inside/outside on the weld to cover entire weld volume. Also on shell side up to datum marking to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning. (b) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried out from shell inside or out side from ½ skip distance to 1 ½ skip distance as per datum marking. (c) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried from top of the weld as detailed in clause no. of this procedure.

Note: DAC range to be verified with by 1:1 graph plotting.

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Reliance PE-UT Technique Sheet No. 5 Weld joint


Fit up data


Tangential nozzle Datum mark on shell side .

Surface preparation :

Weld shall be ground flat.



9 mm and above

Dia of the nozzle


2 inch NB and above



TR probe – 10/5-8 mm Dia, Normal probe – 5-8 mm Dia Angle beam probe 45ºand 60º/ 70º.



4 MHz. For CS and AS up to 25 mm thk and 2 MHz above 25 mm thk. 2 MHz for SS

Scanning technique (a) TR probe scanning from nozzle inside and from shell inside/outside on the weld to cover entire weld volume. Also on shell side up to datum marking to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning. (b) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried out either from shell inside or out side from ½ skip distance to 3 ½ skip distance based on the requirements to cover the total weld volume and as per datum marking. (c) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried from top of the weld as detailed in clause no. of this procedure.

Note: DAC range to be verified with 1:1 graph plotting.

EPCMD-2-QM00-JEP-ME-031, Rev:01 Confidential © Reliance. All rights reserved

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Reliance PE-UT Technique Sheet No. 6 Weld joint


Dollar plate type nozzle

Fit up data


Datum mark on shell side .

Surface preparation :

Weld shall be ground flat.



9mm and above

Dia of the nozzle


2 inch NB and above



TR probe – 10 /5-8 mm crystal Dia, Normal probe – 5-8 mm crystal Dia Angle beam probe 45ºand 60º/ 70º.



4 MHz. For CS and AS up to 25 mm thk and 2 MHz above 25 mm thk. 2 MHz for SS

Scanning technique (a) TR probe scanning from Dollar plate nozzle up to the weld and from shell inside or outside, top of the weld and heat effected zone to cover entire weld volume to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning. (b) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried out either from shell inside or out side from ½ skip distance to 1 ½ skip distance as per requirement. (c) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried from top of the weld as detailed in clause no. of this procedure.

Note: DAC range to be verified with by 1:1 graph plotting.

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Reliance PE-UT Technique Sheet No. 7 Weld joint


Set in through nozzle

Fit up data


Datum mark on shell side

Surface preparation :

Weld shall be ground flat.



9mm and above

Dia of the nozzle


2 inch NB and above



TR probe – 10/5-8 mm crystal Dia, Normal probe – 5-8 mm crystal Dia Angle beam probe 45º and 60º/ 70º.



4 MHz. For CS and AS up to 25 mm thk and 2 MHz above 25 mm thk. 2 MHz fo SS

Scanning technique: (a) TR probe scanning from nozzle inside to cover entire weld volume. Also from shell inside or outside up to datum marking to identify any reflectors which may interfere during angle beam scanning. (b) Angle beam scanning (to detect defect parallel to weld axis) to be carried out at right angle to the weld axis on shell side with two angle beam probes from ½ to 1 ½ skip distance based on the requirement. (c) Angle beam Scanning ( to detect defect transverse to weld axis) to be carried from top of the weld as detailed in clause no. of this procedure.

Note: DAC range to be verified with by 1:1 graph plotting.

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