Ulangan Harian C

November 10, 2017 | Author: Agus Pramono | Category: Aerobic Exercise, Physical Exercise, Vitamin, Breads, Foods
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Unit 2...


Tape Script for Review B Untuk guru: Guru dapat memanfaatkan soal REVIEW berikut untuk mengukur tingkat kompetensi siswa. Review unit ini terdiri dari dua bagian, yaitu soal pilihan ganda (mencakup listening dan reading) dan soal tertulis. Berikut teks yang dibaca guru pada Listening Section. This dialog is for questions 1 to 3. Doctor : Please tell me about your problem. Woman : I think a fish bone is hooked in my throat, Sir. It’s really painful. Doctor : Well, let me check it. Please open your mouth wide. Yeah, . . . like that. Now, stick out your tongue. Say, “Aah . . . !” Woman : Aaah . . . !! Doctor : Oh, I can’t see clearly from here. Let me check it from your nose. Woman : O.K. Doctor : Just sit straight like that. It will be a little bit uncomfortable, but it is O.K. Woman : I think I can endure it. Doctor : O.K., the checking is over. Thank you. Questions: 1. Where does the dialog take place? 2. What is the woman’s problem? 3. What the last thing does the man ask the woman to do? This text is for questions 4 and 5. Making crab soup is not difficult. What you need are two liters of fish stock, two medium-sized crabs, 100 grams ginger, 50 grams scallions, 50 grams Indonesian parsley, salt and pepper to taste. Now, let’s start cooking. First, make fish stock by boiling fish bones in 8 cups of water. Then, remove these bones after a few minutes. Wash the crabs, split into several parts. Cut the ginger into very thin slices as well as the scallions and Indonesian parsley. After that, heat stock for about 5 minutes. Put everything into the stock. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste. Your crab soup is ready to serve. Source: Jaka Priyana, Arnys Rahayu Irjayanti, Virga Renitasari, Interlanguage English for Senior High School Students X, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008

Questions: 4. Which of the ingredients is NOT used in cooking crab soup? 5. Why should you boil fish bones?


Mata Pelajaran Jenjang

: :

Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA

Kelas : X Semester : 1 (satu)


Nomor Induk


Tanda Tangan


Choose A, B, C, D, or E for the correct answer.

A. 1.

Listening Section A. At the dentist’s. C E.



B. At the doctor’s. At the florist’s. D. At Anis’ house. At an office.

She gets a runny nose. B. her mouth. C. hooked in her throat. D. fish. E. painful.

3. A. B.

Open her mouth wide. Stick out her tongue. C. D. E.

4. A. B. C. D. E.

1 2 3 4 5

She feels pain in A




She eats too much Her



Check her nose. Close her eyes. Sit straight.

Pictures sources: January 24, 2009 January 24, 2009 January 24, 2009 January 24, 2009


January 27, 2009


A. B. C. D. E.


What should we do if we just start our exercise routine? A. We should go all out. B. We should exercise for a shorter period of time at a faster pace. C. We should exercise for a longer period of time at a slower pace. D. We should exercise for a shorter period of time at a slower pace. E. We should exercise for a longer period of time at a faster pace.


Which statement is NOT TRUE about cooling down phase? A. We can be relaxed. B. We should do it fast. C. We should do it at about 5–10 minutes. D. We can have a chance to stretch our muscles. E. Our heart rate slowly comes down during the period.

To make it soft. To make fish stock. To make the crab soft. To make the soup tasteful. To make the soup delicious. This is the end of the listening section.


Reading Section

This text is for questions 6 to 8. Aerobic Dancing—What Makes A Good Workout? 

Warming-up Start off moving to something slow for about 5–10 minutes which will prepare you for more vigorous activities. Starting an aerobic routine too quickly can lead to injuries, so make sure you talk to your P.E. teacher or a doctor before starting any new aerobic routine.

This text is for questions 9 to 12. How to be Younger with Healthy Eating

High Impact After warming up, your main aerobic routine should last about 20–30 minutes. If you’re just starting your exercise routine, it’s better to exercise for a longer period of time at a slower pace than going all out until you feel like you’re going to drop dead. Cooling down Spend the last 5–10 minutes of your aerobic dance routine cooling down and relaxing. This will give you a chance to stretch your muscles and let your heart rate slowly come down.

 

Source: December 3, 2008


How long should we do the warming-up? A. About 5 to 10 minutes. B. About 10 to 15 minutes. C. About 15 to 20 minutes D. About 20 to 30 minutes. E. As long as we can do.


Eat more vegetables, beans, olive oil, nuts and multigrain bread. Eat less red meat, butter and foods with sugar. Eat a diet that has a high level of cartenoids if you are light skinned. These are apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach. Any fruits or veggies with deep green, red and yellow coloration can help protect the skin. This has been shown to protect from UV and make the skin have a nice coloring. Water is vital to the body. It will help protect all organs, including skin, from the effects of free radicals. Foods that have vitamins lean proteins, and essential fatty acids as well as vitamins A and C and zinc help reduce wrinkling of the skin. When eating fruits and veggies, leave the skin on as much as possible (wash well) lightly cooked or raw to obtain more nutrients. Stay away from simple or high glycemic-index carbs that are usually high in

sugar and low in vitamin and mineral content. These include enriched bread or flour products, processed and refined foods, candy and soft drinks. These are often nutrient poor and high in sugar.  Eat whole grain cereals and breads or nuts and beans that include complex or low-glycemic index carbohydrates. Source: December 3, 2008 9.

Direction for use: Use a small pellet of cotton saturated with Manjur Toothache Remedy and fill in the exposed cavity of the sore tooth. Warning: If toothache persists, stop using this remedy and contact the dentist. Adapted from: Obat Sakit Gigi Cap Burung Kakak Tua

13. The people below should use the medicine, except ________. A. those who want to relief their toothache B. those who have swelling gums C. those who want their teeth clean from microorganisms D. those who have toothache E. those who want to have their teeth pulled

According to the text, we should eat more the following things, except ________. A. spinach B. beans C. rice D. carrots E. tomatoes

10. What helps protect organs from the effect of free radical? A. Water. B. Red meat. C. Apricot. D. Zinc. E. Beans.

14. How do we use the medicine? A. By putting it directly on the sore tooth. B. By dropping it to the sore teeth. C. By using a piece of cotton. D. By using a piece of cloth. E. By using tweezers.

11. What should we do when eating fruits and veggies? A. Cook them well. B. Cut them into thin slices. C. Eat them after being refrigerated. D. Leave the skin on as much as possible. E. Blend them before eating.

15. “If toothache persists, stop using this remedy and contact the dentist.” The synonym of the word ‘persist’ is ________. A. stop B. continue C. cease D. attack E. begin

12. According to the text, below are the food and drink we should avoid, except ________. A. enriched bread B. refined foods C. candies D. soft drink E. orange juice

This text is for questions 16 to 20. Gudeg Yogya (Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew) Ingredients: 5 onions 10 candlenuts 10 garlic cloves 4 bay leaves ½lb (250 g) green jack fruit 2½ tsp (12 g) coriander seeds 1¼ tsp (6 g) cumin ¼ cup (62 ml) coconut sugar 2 cups (500 ml) coconut milk

This text is for questions 13 to 15. Manjur Toothache Remedy Indication: To relief toothache, swelling gums, to clean teeth from microorganisms


2 tsp (30 g) tamarind 2 lb (1 kg) chicken (cut into small pieces with bone) 5 cups (1.25 l) water 2 inches bruised galangal

C. Five minutes after we boil it. D. Five minutes before we serve the gudeg with rice. E. Five minutes after we add chicken and vegetables.

Instructions:  First, cut green jack fruit 1 inch thick. Wash and boil until tender.  Grind onions, candlenuts, bay leaves and galangal until fragrant.  Add the chicken pieces, stir fry until chicken changes color.  Next, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to boil.  Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and vegetables are tender.  Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before it’s done, bring back to boil. Serve hot with rice.  This dish is sweet and usually served with shrimp crackers.

20. “Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and vegetables are tender.” (Step 5) The synonym of the word ‘tender’ is ________. A. hot B. fragrant C. delicate D. cold E. delicious II.

Source: Jaka Priyana, Arnys Rahayu Irjayanti, Virga Renitasari, Interlanguage English for Senior High School Students X, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008

16. Below are the ingredients we need to make gudeg Yogya, except ________. A. candlenuts B. tamarind C. bay leaves D. cinnamon E. shrimp paste 17. When should we add the green jack fruit? A. After we pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar. B. After we boil 4 cups of water and coconut sugar. C. After we simmer the chicken and vegetables. D. After we add coconut milk. E. After we cut the fruit. 18. What should we do with the coconut sugar? A. We should fry it until it changes color. B. We should simmer it until it is tender. C. We should boil it with the coconut milk. D. We should grind it with onions. E. We should boil it with water. 19. When should we add coconut milk? A. Five minutes before it’s done. B. Five minutes after we add the green jack fruit.


What experiments have you done recently? Write down the procedure of doing one of them.

Jawaban Review B



Pilihan Ganda


Listening Section


B. Percakapan diawali dengan laki-laki yang menanyakan masalah wanita itu, dan wania itu mengatakan bahwa sebuah duri ikan tersangkut di tenggorokannya. Kemudian, laki-laki itu mulai memeriksa mulutnya. Dari sini diketahui bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di tempat praktik dokter (at the doctor’s room), tetapi bukan ’dentist’ (dokter gigi).


C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat wanita itu, ”I think a fish bone is hooked in my throat. It’s really painful.” yang artinya ”Saya rasa ada duri ikan tersangkut di tenggorokan saya. Rasanya sakit sekali.”.


E. Kalimat terakhir yang dikatakan lakilaki itu adalah ”O.K., the checking is over. Thank you.” yang artinya ”Pemeriksaan telah selesai. Terima kasih.”. Sebelumnya, lakilaki itu mengatakan,”Now sit straight like that.” yang artinya ”Ya, duduk saja dengan tegak seperti itu.”. Jadi, hal terakhir yang harus dilakukan wanita itu adalah duduk tegak.


C. Dalam teks tersebut disebutkan bahwa bahan-bahan untuk membuat sup kepiting itu adalah ”. . . medium-sized crabs,

jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan teks, yaitu kalimat ”Spend the last 5–10 minutes of your aerobic dance routine cooling down and relaxing. This will give you a chance to stretch your muscles and let your heart rate slowly come down.” yang artinya ”Sediakan waktu 5–10 menit kegiatan aerobik rutin kamu dengan kegiatan pendinginan dan rileks. Hal ini memberi kamu kesempatan untuk meregangkan otot-otot dan membuat denyut jantung melambat.”.

100 grams ginger, 50 grams scallions, 50 grams Indonesian parsley, salt and pepper to taste.” yang artinya ”. . . kepiting berukuran sedang, 100 gram jahe, 50 gram daun bawang, 50 gram peterseli Indonesia, garam dan merica sesuai selera.”. Jadi, bahan yang tidak digunakan untuk membuat sup itu adalah (C) onion yang artinya bawang. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) adalah gambar scallion (daun bawang), (B) gambar ginger (jahe), (D) gambar parsley (peterseli), dan (E) gambar crab (kepiting). 5.


Reading Section


A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Start off moving to something slow for about 5–10 minutes . . . .” yang artinya ”Mulailah dengan melakukan gerakan lambat selama 5–10 menit.”. Jadi, kegiatan pemanasan berlangsung selama 5–10 menit.




C. Berdasarkan kalimat ”Eat less red meat, butter and foods with sugar.” yang artinya ”Kurangi makan daging merah, mentega, dan makanan yang mengandung gula (karbohidrat).”, makanan yang sebaiknya dikurangi/dimakan dalam jumlah sedikit adalah nasi karena nasi mengandung kadar gula tinggi.


A. Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan kalimat ”Water is vital to the body. It will help protect all organs, including skin, from the effects of free radicals.” yang artinya ”Air sangat penting bagi tubuh. Air membantu melindungi semua organ, termasuk kulit, dari akibat radikal bebas.”. D. Jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat dalam teks, yaitu ”When eating fruits and veggies, leave the skin on as much as possible.” yang artinya ”Saat makan buah atau sayur, usahakan selalu dengan kulitnya (tidak mengupas kulitnya).”

B. Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan kalimat ”First, make fish stock by boiling fish bones in 8 cups of water.” yang artinya ”Pertama-tama, buatlah kuah ikan dengan mendidihkan duri ikan dalam 8 mangkuk air.”.


C. Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan kalimat ”If you’re just starting your exercise routine, it’s better to exercise for a longer period of time at a slower pace than going all out until you feel like you’re going to drop dead.” yang artinya ”Jika kalian baru saja memulai latihan rutin, lebih baik berlatih dengan waktu yang lebih lama dengan gerakan yang lebih lambat daripada menggunakan seluruh tenaga sampai kalian merasa kalian akan mati.”.


B. Pilihan jawaban ini, yang artinya kita harus melakukannya dengan cepat, benar untuk pernyataan yang salah karena tidak sesuai dengan keterangan mengenai kegiatan pendinginan dalam teks. Pilihan


E. Soal ini menanyakan jenis makanan atau minuman yang bukan termasuk yang harus dihindari. Pilihan jawaban (A), (B), (C), (D) salah karena termasuk jenis makanan/minuman yang harus dihindari sesuai dengan kalimat ”Stay away from . . . enriched bread or flour products, processed and refined foods, candy and soft drinks. These are often nutrient poor and high in sugar.” yang artinya ”Jauhilah . . . roti atau produk tepung yang diperkaya, makanan yang diproses dan dihaluskan, permen dan

minuman ringan. Semua makanan dan minuman itu mengandung kadar gizi yang rendah dan kadar gula yang tinggi.”. Pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya jus jeruk benar karena bukan termasuk makanan yang harus dihindari. 13.


yang lain salah karena merupakan bahan membuat gudeg Yogya; (A) artinya kemiri, (B) artinya asam, (C) artinya daun salam, dan (E) artinya terasi.

E. Kegunaan obat itu adalah ”To relief toothache, swelling gums, to clean teeth from microorganisms” yang artinya ”Untuk meredakan sakit gigi, gusi bengkak, untuk membersihkan gigi dari mikroorganisme”. Jadi, orang yang sebaiknya menggunakan obat itu adalah (A) yang artinya mereka yang ingin bebas dari sakit gigi, (B) yang artinya mereka yang gusinya bengkak, (C) yang artinya mereka yang ingin giginya bersih dari mikroorganisme, dan (D) yang artinya mereka yang sakit gigi. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang benar untuk soal pengecualian, yaitu orang yang tidak menggunakan obat ini adalah (E) yang artinya mereka yang ingin giginya dicabut. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Use a small pellet of cotton saturated with Manjur Toothache Remedy . . . .” yang artinya ”Gunakan selembar kapas kecil yang dibasahi dengan Obat Sakit Gigi Manjur . . . .”. Jadi, kita harus menggunakan obat itu dengan kapas.


B. Kegiatan menambahkan nangka muda (langkah kelima) dilakukan setelah (after) langkah keempat, yaitu ”Next, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to a boil. Add the green jack fruit and simmer until the chicken and vegetables are tender.” yang artinya ”Kemudian, tuangkan empat mangkuk air dan gula kelapa, didihkan. Tambahkan nangka muda dan didihkan perlahan-lahan sampai ayam dan sayuran menjadi empuk.”.


E. Pilihan jawaban ini benar berdasarkan langkah keempat, ”Next, pour 4 cups of water and coconut sugar, bring to boil.” yang artinya ”Kemudian, tuangkan 4 mangkuk air dan gula kelapa, didihkan.”.


A. Jawaban diketahui dari langkah terakhir, ”Finally, add coconut milk 5 minutes before it’s done, bring back to boil.” yang artinya ”Terakhir, tambahkan santan 5 menit sebelum matang, didihkan kembali.”.


C. Kata ’tender’ artinya ’empuk’. Kata ini memiliki arti yang sama dengan delicate. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya panas, (B) artinya harum, (D) artinya dingin, dan (E) artinya lezat.



Contoh jawaban: Self-Watering Garden



Materials: a large jar with an airtight lid gravels crumbly soil a ruler small plants, moss and 2 long sticks for planting.

B. Kata ’persist’ artinya ’berlanjut’. Kata ini memiliki arti yang sama dengan ’continue’ yang artinya ’berlanjut’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah; (A) dan (C) artinya berhenti, (D) artinya menyerang, dan (E) artinya mulai. D. Yang bukan merupakan bahan membuat gudeg Yogya adalah (D) cinnamon yang artinya kayu manis. Pilihan jawaban


Steps: 1. Pour 2 cm of gravel into the jar, then add an equal layer of soil. Use a stick to make holes for the plants, leaving some space between them. 2. Lower in the plants using the two sticks. Push down the soil around them and add the moss. Pour in water until the soil is soaked. 3. Press down on the soil again and leave the jar open for three days, so some water evaporates. Replace the lid and watch your plants grow. Source: J. Bingham, The Usborne Book of Science Experiments, London, Usborne Publishing Ltd, 1991.


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