S O S Services will now be reporting FT-IR FT-IR results in a new format. The results for soot, oxidation, sulfation, and nitration will be unitless whole numbers (UFM – Unsubtracted FT-IR Method number) that no longer represent % Allowable values. Please note that this new method is still to be utilized as a trending trending module. There will be samples and oil types that do not fit this model. Please refer to the technical paper “Unsm Subtracted FTIR Methodology for S O S Services” for further details. details. Also note that all information in this document was gathered utilizing a Perkin Elmer Oil Express FT-IR with Spectrum One software and the sm S O S Services Manager laboratory information management software. •
Shown below is a chart with comparisons for new soot values and the corresponding absorbance, %T, and % allowable values. Since soot is only the measure measure of light passage through a sample, there is a direct direct relationship between the absorbance value obtained at the instrument level and the resulting UFM, %T, and % allowable values.
* - Please note that this model does not include UFM guidelines for soot, nitration and sulfation sulfation in non-engine compartments. compartments. Those components do not provide crucial information for non-engine compartments.
Water Screen Possible Probable
% Water 0.10% 0.50%
UFM # 31 35
The UFM values for oxidation, sulfation, and nitration are not directly related to the absorbance value obtained at the instrument level. Absorbance is a single – point measurement, whereas our new method method of FT-IR analysis actually measures the peak peak area in a specific wavenumber range. Because this new measurement is no longer a single point, we are not able to directly correlate previous % allowable values with the UFM values you will see on your reports. reports. Shown above is a table summarizing summarizing the values for oxidation, sulfation, sulfation, and nitration to be used as guidelines during oil interpretation. Please refer to the technical paper listed above for more details. The water screen information comes out of the Spectrum One software software as Water Petroleum Lube. The value in this area is also a UFM number, and does not represent % water in the sample (see above table). Also, the % water and corresponding UFM number do not exhibit a linear relationship. Therefore, you cannot extrapolate % water data using the UFM number. A sample with a water petroleum lube UFM number of less than 31 will be sm negative for water screen. screen. S O S Services Manager will assign a water test to this sample and complete the test by entering a negative value. A sample with a water petroleum lube UFM number of 31 to 34 will indicate sm a possible for water screen, S O S Services Manager will assign a water test, and it will remain incomplete until a technician performs a physical confirmation of presence of water and enters the result. A sample with a sm water petroleum lube UFM number of 35 or greater will indicate a probable for water screen, S O S Services Manager will assign a water test, and it will remain inc omplete until a technician performs a physical confirmation of presence of water and enters the result. •
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