What does zoning regulates: Building character opulation density In!"igration reservation i# ii I#iii Iii#iv I# iv
$. a. b. c. d.
% clearance issued to a pro&ect that is allo'ed under the provision of the zoning ordinance as 'ell as other standards# rules and regulations re gulations on land use (ocational clearance )oning clearance *ariance +eed restrictions
Identify the type of street
a. b. c. d.
-!&unction +ead end !&unction /a""er
0. a. b. c. d.
he rehabilitation of deteriorated inner!city housing 'ith a favorable locations relative to the CB+ rban rene'al Gentrification rban sea" -uppification
%ccording to the "ultiple nuclei "odel of /arris and ll"an# this activity 'ill be located on the outs3irts of to'ns or 'here the outs3irts 'ere 'hen the develop"ent too3 place
a. b. c. d.
/igh class housing /eavy industry CB+ (o'er 4uality housing
a. b. c. d.
% type of restoration techni4ue that preserves the ob&ect 'ithout direct intervention on its "aterials6 has so"ething to do 'ith prevention or avoiding agents of degradation of the ob&ect 7s fabric# function# for" 8appearance9# intrinsic values and attributes ubstitution tatic restoration %nastylosis ;uasi!restoration
irst docu"ented settle"ent 'ith streets 'ith a narro' "ain street heading uphill and a 'ider ter"inal 'hich "ight be a social spot hiro3itia Catalhoyu3 Fericho +a"ascus
1,. a. b. c. d.
Gro'th in the proportion of a population living in urban areas +e"ography rban spra'l Conurbation rbanization
Identify the type of street
a. b. c. d.
/a""er +ead end !&unction -!&unction
1. a. b. c. d.
/a""er# !&unction and turn!around are eDa"ple of (andscape ele"ents Corridors treets Hodes
(e Corbusier proposed this type of develop"ent that is anchored on the ob&ective of decongesting the centers of our cities by increasing their densities by building high on s"all part of the total ground area @adburn @adiant city City beautiful Garden city
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