Uap Documents Reviewer

February 12, 2017 | Author: Vholts Villa Vitug | Category: N/A
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Professional Practice Reviewer



G-eneral Objectives







C-reative Endeavor

I-nterest of the Client P-rofessional Prerogative


The Spectrum of the Architect’s Services

UAP Doc 201 Pre-Design Services

“EPASSSSP” - NON CREATIVE – no design and construction

1. E-conomic Feasibility Studies 2. P-roject Financing 3. A-rchitectural Programming 4. S-ite Selection and Analysis* 5. S-ite Utilization and Land-Use Studies* 6. S-pace/Management Studies 7. P-romotional Services

* Must be EnP, Environmental Planner

MDPE – compensation method

Methods of Compensation

1. Percentage of Construction 2. Multiple Direct Personnel Expense MDPE

Architect Consultant Staff


-----------------------------E = Direct Cost

E + MP + RE = Project Cost; where MP (Marginal Cost = 30%), RE (Reimbursable Expense) Project Cost + AE = Professional Fee: where AE = Architect & Engineer Fee N– T– R– Mf – Min. Fee = 2.0 – 2.5 as Multiplier

3. Lump Sum/ Fixed Fee 4. Per Diem Plus Reimbursable Expense 5. Combination 6. Professional Fee and Expenses 7. Turn Key

Reimbursable Expenses Conditions:

1. Pertinent to the Project 2. Must occur within 100 K = radius 3. Mutual agreement

Schedule of Payments

CONTRACTOR 1. Downpayment - 20 – 50% of Project Cost 2. Progressive Billing – base on percentage of completion (not more than 1 month) 3. Final Billing/Payment - 98% Complete 4. Guarantee Bond – enforced for 1 year

ARCHITECT 1. Proposal Fee

– 5%

2. Schematic Design 3. Design Dev’t

– 15%

- 15%

4. Contract Docs

- 50%

5. Retention

- 15% = Liability 10%, Supervision 5%


– 5%

2. Prelim Drawings - 25% 3. Final Drawings

- 50%

4. Retention Architect

- 20% = 3 months after the acceptance of the

UAP Doc 202 Design Services: Regular Architectural Services

“PWSP” “SDCC” - Sequential

1. P-reliminary Design/S-chematic Design 2. W-orking Drawings/D-esign Dev’t Phase 3. S-pecifications and Other Contract Documents/C-ontract Documents* 4. P-art-Time Supervision/C-onstruction Phase*

*Under Contract Doc. Phase (Refer to UAP Doc 301 General Conditions of a Contract)


1. G-eneral Conditions – Execution, Intent – satisfaction to finish the proj., Correlation 2. A-greement 3. S-pecifications 4. S-pecial Provisions 5. D-rawings

*Under Construction Phase

Important Milestones of Construction


1. R-eference – Horizontal, Vertical 2. E-xcavation – min. depth .60m until stable – w/ signature of the Architect, must have a permit 3. R-ebars 4. C-oncreting 5. F-inishes – Mock up (samples)

5 M’s of Construction 1. M-achines 2. M-oney 3. M-anpower 4. M-aterial 5. M-inutes

PROJECT CLASSIFICATION UAP – degree of difficulty/complexity of design FCP – risk of occurrence of Fire NCP – use and occupancy



GROUP S-imple (Hangars) M-oderate (Art Galleries) E-xceptional (Aquariums) R-esidences M-onumental Buildings (Expositions, Mausoleums, Memorials) R-epetitive Buildings

DEFINITION Without partitions With partitions

MINIMUM BASIC FEE P50M & less 6% P50M & less 7%

Requires Consultants P50M & less 8% Single Detached or Duplex Requires Concepts

10% of Proj. Const. Cost

Construction of Similar Structures

1st Structure – MBF

12% of Proj. Const. Cost

2nd Structure – 80% of BF 3rd Structure – 60% of BF

H-ousing Projects

E-xtensive Detailing

A-lterations and Additions C-onsultations and Arbitration

Construction of several residential units

Succeeding – 40% of BF 1st Unit = 10% MBF = A 2 to 10 Units = A + (60% of MBF x N) = B 11 and above = B + (30% of MBF x N) ; where N = no. of units 15% of Proj. Const. Cost

Design of detailed Parts of appurtenances, special fittings, etc. Structures belonging to Groups 1 to 5 MBF + 50% of MBF Technical matters, P200, P500 service as an expert witness

UAP Doc 203 Specialized Allied Services SAS


SERVICES P-hysical Planning


50 HAS – P5000/HAS = A 50-100 – A + P4500/HAS = B 100-200 – B + P4000/HAS = C over 200 – C + P3000

Type II Subdivision Planning (Urban) MM, Cities, Regional Centers, Provincial Capitals

100 HAS – P3000/HAS = A 100-200 – A + P2300/HAS = B over-200 – B + P2000/HAS = C

Type II Subdivision Planning (Rural) other localities

100 HAS – P2000/HAS = A 100-200 – A + P1500/HAS = B I-nterior Design Licensed IND L-andscape Landscape Design Architect

over-200 – B + P1000/HAS = C 12 – 20% cost of work 10 – 15% cost of work

A-coustic, Engineer ECE Communication and Electronic Engineering Services C-omprehensive Must be an EnP Planning 1. Physical Component

10 – 15% cost of work

a. Same w/ Physical Planning b. MDPE

2. Economic Planning 3. Socio-Cultural 4. Transport 5. Legal & Administrative

Civil works (preparation of detailed engineering drawings and specifications, roads, drainage, sewerage, power and communication) – 4% cost of the development


UAP DOC 204 Construction Services


1. F-ull Time Supervision – Team or Individual, Quality Control, Evaluation, Records – Basic Salary if Architect 1- 1.5% 2. C-onstruction Management – CM - Team or Individual, Time and Cost Control, Coordination and Supervision – 1.5 – 3% of Construction Cost

3*. P-roject Management – PM – 2 – 5% (Refer to UAP Doc 206 Comprehensive Architectural Services)

Before Construction





Present – Identifies, accredits, recommends potential contractors & suppliers


Present – Advertising, Promotional Services, Building Administrator

UAP Doc 205 Post-Construction Services (Maintenance and Administration)

1. BE – Building and Equipment Maintenance

If the building is Safe and habitable – will issue – Certificate of Occupancy Good working condition and properly maintained

2. BG – Building & Grounds Administration

a. Billing of Tenants b. Security and Janitorial Services (Monitoring) c. Local Ordinances

Method of Compensation (BG) a. Fixed Salary Basis – monthly b. Percentage of Gross Rentals – 4-6%

UAP 206 Comprehensive Architectural Services (Scope from UAP Doc 201 to 205)

The Project Manager – PM – 2 - 5% of Estimated Project Cost, Combination Methods if performs in regular Architectural Services for the same project – will compensate separately.

Basic Functions a. Operates as a member of Owner-Architect-Engineer-Contractor b. Contractor – men and equipment, project delivery as per contract, Owner – funds are available to complete project w/in budget estimates c. Plan, Program, Monitor activities, Adviser of material cost and Construction methods, Exercise Overall cost control.

Detailed Functions a. Pre-Construction Phase

b. Construction Phase

UAP 207 Design-Build Services

Method of Project Delivery 1. DBA Design-Build Services by Administration - 7% of Proj. Const. Cost

Proj. Const. Cost. in addition to Architects fee for Regular Design Services (UAP 202) 10% (if residential proj.) + 7% = 17%

2. DBGMC Design Build by Guaranteed Maximum Cost

a. Lump Sum b. If the cost is exceeded by not more than 10% it is divided = bet. Architect and Client. However if the excess is more than 10% the Architect pays for all extra cost of the 10%

UAP Doc 208 Selection of the Architect & Methods of Compensation

1. Direct Selection 2. Indirect a. Referral from satisfied client b. Recommendation form another Architect c. Comparative Selection

3. Design Competition

Methods of Compensations (Refer to UAP Doc 201 Pre-Design Services) UAP Doc 301 General Conditions of a Contract

1. Establishes the relationship bet: a. Architect and Client b. Contractor and Client c. Architect and Contractor

2. Establishes the norms of conduct a. must have an Architect b. must have an Engineer c. its “Conditions”

3. Current Standards of the Practice whether in DESIGN and CONSTRUCTION

Section 1 – Definition of Documents (Glossary of Terms)

Section 2 – Laws Regulation a. Site Conditions b. Permits c. Taxes d. Royalties

e. Patents f. Surveys

Section 3 – Equipment Materials “Quality and Quantity” Section 4 – Premises Temporary Facilities

“TEMPACIL”* a. Office – bedroom for Architect b. Quarters – for staying workers c. Warehouse – storage d. Accessway – road ways, bridge, hoist (elevator) e. Enclosure f. Signage g. Trial usage

*contractors expense

Section 5 – Protection a. Property (work area) b. Adjacent Property and Existing Utilities c. Life, work, and Property during emergencies

Section 6 – Labor, Work, and Payments

Labor – characteristics/quality No. /quality, no. of workers signed by YOU

Work – duration and deadlines; if delay P20,000 per day. Liquidated Damages = 0.01 of the Contract Sum “by the government”


Contractor 1. Progressive Billing – partial % of Completion 2. Request for inspection

Architect will issue (if accept) a. Certificate of Acceptance < b. Certificate of Payment – Owner for payment – pay or not pay c. If 65% completion – the contractor will issue of non-financial obligation (certificate)

Section 7 Relationship bet. Architect and Sub-Contractor

5 copies of Drawings to:

a. Contractor b. Owner c. Office of the Building Official (OBO) d. Fire Dept. e. Site

Laws Affecting Real Estate Housing, General Design, Construction, etc. 1. PD 1096 – The National Building Code 2. PD 1185 – The Fire Code of the Philippines – Enforced by PNP Gen. Hermohenes Ebdane 3. PD 957 – The Condominium & Subdivision Buyers Protective Law 4. BP 220 – Socialized Housing Law 5. BP 344 – Law Enhancing the Mobility of the Disabled (Accessibility Law)

Laws that regulate the Practice of Architecture 1. RA 545/RA9266 – the Architecture Law 2. EO 164 – Regulating the Hiring of Foreign Consultants 3. PD 49 – Intellectual Property Law 4. PD 223 - PRC Law

5. LOI 1000 – Letter of Instructions, mandating government support only to APO (Accredited Professional Organization) See print out of PRC 6. RA 9283 – Copyright Law

PD – Presidential Decree BP – Batas Pambansa EO - Executive Order LOI – Letter of Instruction RA – Republic Act

Additional Terms:

1. According to RA9266 – all projects either big or small must have a contract. LAWYER – NOTARY – REGISTER OF CONTRACT 2. Contractor – pays for the Building Permit (cannot be reimbursed, not included in Estimates) 3. Architect cannot be a Contractor at the same time. 4. Contractor is profit motivated; Builder is completion motivated; Contractor holds the money; Builder doesn’t hold the money. 15 days can a contractor, atter giving due notice to the owner/architect suspend work or terminate a contract. Responsible for the payment of insurance for personal injury and to property; Responsible for the As-Built Plans of the Project 5. 2% per annum – Interest (if money is not fully collected) 6. TOR – Terms of Reference

7. Building Permit – validity 120 days, valid 12 months if constructed has not commenced; exception government structure; excepted if P15,000 proj. cost 8. Notary – to legalize document with series no., document no., etc. 9. Arbitration – can file a case after 30 days 10. Specifications – are printed documents stipulating the procedural aspects of the contract 11. Variance – is the minimum possible deviation from standards which is permitted to make a highly beneficial housing project. 12. Project duration is computed immediately from the receipt date of the NTP 13. Design of any religious structures is assessed professional fees 14. Competitive bidding is mandatory for public work projects 15. 7 Days – affectivity of a Construction contract from receipt of Notice of Final Payment 16. Civil Code – liability of Architect for Regular Design of structures – 15 years 17. PERT – Prog. Evaluation Review Technique 18. CPM – Critical Path Method

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