U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

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U2000 V200R016C10

Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide Issue





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Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

About This Document

About This Document

Scope This document provides the information about U2000 Northbound inventory file interface. The document also provides the operation guide for connecting the NMS. This document only describes how to use and configure general functions and does not describe user-defined functions. If you want to know how to use and configure user-defined functions, apply for related function documents from Huawei.

Product Versions The following table lists the product version related to this document. Product Name




Intended Audience This document is intended for: Network management engineers

Change History 02 (2016-03-20) This is 02 version for V200R016C10. Compared with issue 01 (2016-02-25) of V200R016C10, no change. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

About This Document

01 (2016-02-25) This is 01 version for V200R016C10. Compared with issue Draft A (2015-12-30) of V200R016C10, no change.

Draft A (2015-12-30) This is a draft for V200R016C10. Compared with issue 01 (2015-09-20) of V200R016C00, the change is: Add BTS3202E and BTS3202E LTE.

Organization 1 Introduction to Northbound Inventory File Interface This introduces the definition of the northbound interface and the northbound inventory file interface provided by the U2000. 2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface Before interconnecting the NMS and the U2000, you need to conduct an interconnection commissioning. Based on the commissioning result, determine whether the northbound inventory file interface meets the conditions for interconnecting with the NMS 3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files This chapter describes the exported inventory management files. 4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface The NMS interconnects with the U2000 through the northbound inventory file interface. If a fault occurs when the NMS is obtaining inventory data, rectify the fault by referring to this part.

Conventions Symbol Conventions The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Symbol

Description Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide


About This Document

Description Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss, performance deterioration, or unanticipated results. NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal injury. Calls attention to important information, best practices and tips. NOTE is used to address information not related to personal injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

General Conventions The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Convention


Times New Roman

Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.


Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in boldface. For example, log in as user root.


Book titles are in italics.

Courier New

Examples of information displayed on the screen are in Courier New.

Command Conventions The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)




The keywords of a command line are in boldface.


Command arguments are in italics.


Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... }

Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ]

Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }*

Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all items can be selected. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

About This Document



[ x | y | ... ]*

Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Convention



Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles are in boldface. For example, click OK.


Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">" signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows. Format



Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2

Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl +Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2

Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)




Select and release the primary mouse button without moving the pointer.


Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and quickly without moving the pointer.


Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the pointer to a certain position.

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide


Contents About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii 1 Introduction to Northbound Inventory File Interface........................................................... 1 1.1 Definition of Northbound Interface................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Definition of Northbound Inventory File Interface........................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Using the Inventory File Interface..................................................................................................................................2 1.4 Technical Specifications of Northbound File Interface.................................................................................................. 3

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface.................4 2.1 Checking License (Inventory File Interface)..................................................................................................................6 2.2 Negotiating the Interconnection Parameters for the Inventory File Interface................................................................ 6 2.3 Modifying the Inventory Export Configuration File...................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Setting an Inventory Export Task................................................................................................................................. 10 2.5 (Optional) Configuring the U2000 for Actively Uploading Files over the Northbound Interface...............................10 2.5.1 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Public and Private Keys) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 2.5.2 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Password Authentication) ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 2.6 (Optional) Manually Exporting Inventory Management Files..................................................................................... 29 2.7 Verifying Interconnection............................................................................................................................................. 29

3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files...................................................... 32 3.1 Exporting Inventory Management Files....................................................................................................................... 33 3.1.1 NE Types for Inventory Management Export........................................................................................................... 33 3.1.2 Types of Inventory Management Export Files.......................................................................................................... 35 3.1.3 Directory of Inventory Management Export Files.....................................................................................................36 3.1.4 Naming Convention of Inventory Management Export Files................................................................................... 36 3.1.5 Format of Inventory Management Export Files........................................................................................................ 38 3.1.6 Policies for Deleting Exported Inventory Management Files................................................................................... 42 3.2 Operations Related to Inventory Management Export................................................................................................. 43 3.2.1 Automatically Exporting Inventory Management Files............................................................................................ 43 3.2.2 Stopping Automatic Exporting of Inventory Management Files.............................................................................. 43

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface......................................... 45 4.1 Common Troubleshooting and Information Collection (Inventory File Interface)......................................................47 4.2 Troubleshooting the Inventory File Export Failure...................................................................................................... 48 Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide


4.3 Troubleshooting an Issue in Which the Exported File Is Empty..................................................................................49 4.4 Troubleshooting Failure to Synchronize NE Inventory Data....................................................................................... 50 4.5 Troubleshooting Failure to Import NE Inventory Data................................................................................................ 51 4.6 How to Set Northbound Interface Compatibility......................................................................................................... 52 4.7 How to Set Parameters in a Northbound Configuration File........................................................................................52

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide


1 Introduction to Northbound Inventory File Interface

Introduction to Northbound Inventory File Interface

About This Chapter This introduces the definition of the northbound interface and the northbound inventory file interface provided by the U2000. 1.1 Definition of Northbound Interface The northbound interface links the element management system (EMS) and the NMS. 1.2 Definition of Northbound Inventory File Interface The U2000 northbound inventory file interface is one of the northbound interfaces. The NMS can obtain the inventory data of NEs through the U2000 northbound inventory file interface. 1.3 Using the Inventory File Interface This section describes how to use the inventory file interface when the U2000 system adopts different networking modes. 1.4 Technical Specifications of Northbound File Interface This section describes the technical specifications related to the northbound file interface.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

1 Introduction to Northbound Inventory File Interface

1.1 Definition of Northbound Interface The northbound interface links the element management system (EMS) and the NMS. The NMS obtains information about the network elements (NEs) managed by the EMS and delivers operation commands through the northbound interface. The NE information includes the alarm, configuration, performance, and inventory data. Figure 1-1 shows the position of the northbound interface in the network. Figure 1-1 Position of the northbound interface

In the communication network, the U2000 provides the alarm, configuration, performance, and inventory data of NEs to the NMS through the northbound interface.

1.2 Definition of Northbound Inventory File Interface The U2000 northbound inventory file interface is one of the northbound interfaces. The NMS can obtain the inventory data of NEs through the U2000 northbound inventory file interface.

1.3 Using the Inventory File Interface This section describes how to use the inventory file interface when the U2000 system adopts different networking modes. For details about how to use the northbound inventory file interface in different networking modes, see Table 1-1.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

1 Introduction to Northbound Inventory File Interface

Table 1-1 Usage of the inventory file interface U2000 System Type

NMS and U2000 Interconnection Solution

Method for the NMS to Obtain Inventory Files

Single-server system

Perform interconnection on the U2000 server.

Obtain inventory files on the U2000 server.

HA system

Perform interconnection on the active U2000 server.

Obtain inventory files on the active U2000 server.

Remote HA system SUN SLS system ATAE cluster system (Distributed networking)

Perform interconnection on the master U2000 server.

ATAE cluster online remote HA system

Perform interconnection on the master servers of the active and standby U2000 sites.

Obtain inventory files on the master servers of the active and standby U2000 sites.

VM Single System

Perform interconnection on the U2000 VM.

Obtain inventory files on the U2000 VM.

VM Cluster System (Distributed networking)

Perform interconnection on the master U2000 service VM.

Obtain inventory files on the master U2000 service VM.

If the Site Power Management component has been deployed, interconnect the component with the northbound energy saving service in U2000 Site Power Management Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide.

1.4 Technical Specifications of Northbound File Interface This section describes the technical specifications related to the northbound file interface.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Specification Item


Maximum re-upload attempts that are permitted after automatic file upload fails


Interval between re-upload attempts after an automatic file upload attempt fails (unit: minute)


Maximum FTP servers supported by automatic file upload


Number of objects of the same type supported by northbound performance threshold subscription (unit: number)


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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide


2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

About This Chapter Before interconnecting the NMS and the U2000, you need to conduct an interconnection commissioning. Based on the commissioning result, determine whether the northbound inventory file interface meets the conditions for interconnecting with the NMS


NOTICE The interconnection commissioning of the northbound inventory file interface does not rely on the MOC or attribute order in the exported inventory file. 2.1 Checking License (Inventory File Interface) Before interconnecting the U2000 to the NMS, make sure that the NMS is licensed to use the northbound inventory file interface. 2.2 Negotiating the Interconnection Parameters for the Inventory File Interface Before interconnecting the U2000 to the NMS, you need to check the license of the inventory file interface and negotiate the interconnection parameters for the inventory file interface. The inventory file is exported according to the negotiated parameters. 2.3 Modifying the Inventory Export Configuration File This section describes how to modify the inventory export configuration file. 2.4 Setting an Inventory Export Task This describes how to set an automatic inventory export task on the U2000 client. 2.5 (Optional) Configuring the U2000 for Actively Uploading Files over the Northbound Interface The U2000 can actively upload files to the NMS over the northbound interface. You can use either method to configure the U2000 for actively uploading files to the NMS over the northbound interface. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

2.6 (Optional) Manually Exporting Inventory Management Files Besides automatic export, you can also manually export inventory management files. 2.7 Verifying Interconnection This section describes how to simulate the NMS to obtain inventory files in SFTP mode using the OSMU. According to the obtained inventory file, you can check whether the northbound inventory file interface meets the conditions for interconnecting with the NMS.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

2.1 Checking License (Inventory File Interface) Before interconnecting the U2000 to the NMS, make sure that the NMS is licensed to use the northbound inventory file interface. Do as follows to check that the NMS has the required license: 1.

Log in to the U2000 client.


Choose License > OSS License Management > License Information (traditional style). Alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose License Management > License Information (application style). The License Information window is displayed.


Click the Resource Control Item tab. If Resource contains Inventory File Interface, the NMS is authorized to use the inventory file interface.

2.2 Negotiating the Interconnection Parameters for the Inventory File Interface Before interconnecting the U2000 to the NMS, you need to check the license of the inventory file interface and negotiate the interconnection parameters for the inventory file interface. The inventory file is exported according to the negotiated parameters.

Negotiating the Interconnection Parameters The interconnection parameters for the inventory file interface include the user name and password for the NMS to log in to the U2000, the start time and format of the exported file, and the fields in the exported file. Table 2-1 lists an example of a group of inventory file interface parameters. The following interconnection operations take this example as a reference. Table 2-1 Example of interconnection parameters

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Parameter Type


Parameter Value



User Name


This parameter is not modifiable.


The default password is Changeme_123

To improve system security, change the default database password upon first login and periodically change the password. The password change interval can be customized as required.

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

Parameter Type

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface


Parameter Value


Export Path

/opt/oss/server/var/ fileint/cm/ InvtTimerExport/

This parameter is not modifiable.



For example, BTS3900 WCDMA

This parameter is modifiable on the U2000 client.


Start Time

10/11/2008 19:40:00

This parameter is modifiable on the U2000 client.

Export Period


The minimum unit is day. This parameter can be modified on the U2000 client.

File Format


This parameter is modifiable on the U2000 client.

Negotiating File Transfer Mode You need to negotiate between the U2000 and NMS to determine whether PUSH or PULL be used. You also need to negotiate between the U2000 and NMS to determine whether FTP or SFTP be used. You can then prepare for the interconnection according to the negotiated results by referring to Table 2-2.

NOTICE Using SFTP is recommended because of its higher security than FTP.

Table 2-2 Guidance for setting file transfer

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)




PUSH: the U2000 automatically uploads files

For details, see Step 7 of 2.5.1 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Public and Private Keys).

For details, see 2.5.1 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Public and Private Keys) or 2.5.2 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Password Authentication).

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide




PULL: the NMS directly obtains files

If you use FTP to transfer files, enable FTP by referring to the section "Configuring the FTP Transmission Policy" described in the corresponding U2000 Administrator Guide.

The U2000 uses SFTP to transfer files by default.

2.3 Modifying the Inventory Export Configuration File This section describes how to modify the inventory export configuration file.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the U2000 server as user ossuser.

Context The inventory export configuration file is saved in the /opt/oss/server/etc/CMServer/ Inventory/InvtExportPara.xml folder. To customize the naming convention of exported inventory management files or set whether to record the collection time of inventory files, you have to modify the configuration file. Currently, only NE-based inventory management file export supports collection time recording. MOC-based export does not support this function. Perform the following steps on the server where CMServer is deployed, run the following command to query CMServer: > . /opt/oss/server/svc_profile.sh > svc_adm -cmd status | grep CMServer The following information means CMServer is deployed on the server: CMServer



You can modify the parameters of the northbound configuration file either by running commands or by using the OSMU. For details about the operations performed on the OSMU, see 4.7 How to Set Parameters in a Northbound Configuration File.

Procedure Step 1 Run the following command to open the configuration file InvtExportPara.xml: $ vi /opt/oss/server/etc/CMServer/Inventory/InvtExportPara.xml The configuration file contains the following contents:

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

Step 2 Modify the InvtExportPara.xml file. l

Customize the export file name: Add the export file naming rule to .... For example,


Set the collection time switch: Set Value of SyncTimeLatest to true or false. If you set Value to true, the collection time switch is enabled, and the collection time will be recorded in the inventory export file. If you set Value to false, the collection time switch is disabled, and the collection time will not be recorded.


Set the attribute display switch of the inventory file: Set Value of All align with MML,Unify to Cabinet No./Subrack No./Slot No. to true or false.


Set the file storage time switch: Set Value of Export file saving days to a specific value (such as three days) as required.


Set whether to export untrusted inventory data: Set Value of Synchronize DisCreditable Data to true or false as required to set whether untrusted data reported by NEs is saved to the database and exported over the northbound interface. New MOC Name

Old MOC Name

Switch Disabled (Value="false")

Switch Enabled (Value="true")



















New Attribute Name

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Old Attribute Name

Switch Disabled (Value="false")

Switch Enabled (Value="true")







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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface


By default, the switch is enabled for a newly installed V200R013 and later versions, and is disabled for V200R013 and later versions after an upgrade.

Step 3 Press Esc and run the :wq! command to save the modification and exit the vi editor. Step 4 Run the following command to restart the CMServer service: $ . /opt/oss/server/svc_profile.sh $ svc_adm -cmd restartsvc CMServer ----End

2.4 Setting an Inventory Export Task This describes how to set an automatic inventory export task on the U2000 client.

Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Task Schedule > Task Management (application style). The Task Management window is displayed. Step 2 Choose File Interface > Inventory Data Export from the navigation tree in the left pane. The task records are displayed. Step 3 Double-click the task record to open the Attribute dialog box. Set relevant parameters by referring to Table 2-3. Table 2-3 An example of setting parameters Tab Page


Parameter Value

Common Parameters

Task Name

Inventory Data Export

Start Time

10/11/2008 19:40:00


One day

File Format



For example, BTS3900 WCDMA

Extended Parameters

Step 4 Click OK. The setting of automatic export is complete. ----End

2.5 (Optional) Configuring the U2000 for Actively Uploading Files over the Northbound Interface The U2000 can actively upload files to the NMS over the northbound interface. You can use either method to configure the U2000 for actively uploading files to the NMS over the northbound interface. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

2.5.1 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Public and Private Keys) When the U2000 server actively uploads files to the NMS over the northbound interface, the U2000 server functions as an FTP client and the NMS functions as an FTP server. To ensure data security during file transmission, you can set the SFTP encryption mode. If the U2000 server is upgraded to V200R015C00 or a Later Version, please reconfigure the SFTP for actively transferring files over the northbound interface according to this chapter.

Prerequisites l

Use PuTTY to log in to the U2000 server in SSH mode as user ossuser. For an HA system, you have logged in to the active and standby servers. For a remote HA system, you have logged in to the active and standby servers. For an SLS system, you have logged in to all servers.


You have logged in to the NMS server as user UserA. UserA is the NMS server user. Replace it as required.

Context l

To set up an SFTP connection using public or private key authentication, save the U2000 server's public key file in the authorized_keys file of the related NMS server user. The system performs authentication using the U2000 server's private key and the U2000 server's public key stored on the NMS server. After the authentication is successful, the SFTP connection is set up successfully. The U2000 server is not required to provide the NMS login password.


The public and private key authentication files can be encrypted or not. For encrypted public and private key authentication files, set the password. If you forget the password, all public and private key authentication files must be generated again, and the new files will replace the existing files.


Unless otherwise specified, perform the following operations on each server: NOTE

l XFTPService0X01 indicates the XFTP service name of the U2000 server. Replace it as required. l For a single-server system, the XFTP service name is XFTPService0101. For an HA system, the service is deployed on the active server. The service name is XFTPService0101. For a remote HA system, the service is deployed on the active and standby servers. The service name is XFTPService0101. For an SLS system, the service is deployed on the master and slave servers. The service name for the master server is XFTPService0101. The service name for the first slave server is XFTPService0201. The service name for the second slave server is XFTPService0301. This method applies to other service names of other servers.


Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

When the XFTP service uploads files in FTP mode: –

If the northbound server runs the Linux or Unix operating system, use the vsftpd software whose version is 2.0.5 or later.

If the northbound server runs the Windows operating system, use the ftpserver service delivered with the system.

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

NOTICE l In an SLS system, you need to perform the following steps only on the master and slave servers. l In an HA or remote HA system, you need to perform the following steps only on the active server. l In an ATAE cluster online remote HA system, you need to perform the following steps on the master server at both active site and standby sites. In a VM cluster system, you need to perform the following steps on the master server at the active site.

Procedure Step 1 Public and private key files are generated on the U2000. If You Need to...


Generate encrypted public and private key files

Only perform Step 1.1 to Step 1.4.

Generate non-encrypted Only perform Step 1.5 to Step 1.8. public and private key files


Run the following command on the U2000 server to check whether the .ssh directory exists in the home directory. $ cd /export/home/omc/.ssh/ –

If No such file or directory is displayed, the .ssh directory is unavailable in the home directory. Perform Step 1.3 after running the following command: $ mkdir -p /export/home/omc/.ssh/ $ cd /export/home/omc/.ssh/

– 2.

If no command result is displayed, the .ssh directory is available in the home directory. Perform Step 1.2.

Run the following command to check whether the id_rsa_pwd.pub file exists. $ ls id_rsa_pwd.pub


If the system displays id_rsa_pwd.pub: No such file or directory, perform Step 1.3 to create a public key file.

If the system displays id_rsa_pwd.pub, perform Step 2.

Run the following command to create encrypted public and private key files. $ . /opt/oss/server/rancn/bin/ssh-keygen.sh If the system displays the following message, enter 1 to create encrypted public and private key files.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

-----------------------------------------------------------------Please select an operation type: 1--Generate PubKey File with Encrypt Key. 2--Generate PubKey File without Encrypt Key. -----------------------------------------------------------------Please make a choice : 1

If the system displays the following message, enter /export/home/omc/.ssh/ id_rsa_pwd. Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/export/ossuser/.ssh/id_rsa):

If the following message is displayed, enter the password twice. When $ is displayed, the encrypted public key file is generated. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again:

NOTICE – Keep the password for future use. If the password is lost, all public and private key files must be generated again, and the new files will replace the existing files. – The password can contain 8 to 30 characters, including lowercase letters a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, digits 0 to 9, and special characters ]@%-=_.}{. To improve password security, please use the following password policies:



The password contains at least one uppercase letter.


The password contains at least one lowercase letter.


The password contains at least one digit.


The password contains at least one special character.

Run the following commands to modify permission of the public key file. $ cd /export/home/omc/.ssh/ $ chmod 600 id_rsa_pwd.pub


Run the following command on the U2000 server to check whether the .ssh directory exists in the home directory. $ cd ${HOME}/.ssh/ –

If No such file or directory is displayed, the .ssh directory is unavailable in the home directory. After running the following command, perform Step 1.7. $ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.ssh/

If no command output is displayed, the .ssh directory is available in the home directory. Perform Step 1.6. NOTE

The ${HOME} parameter indicates the home directory of user ossuser.


Run the following command to check whether the id_rsa file exists. $ ls id_rsa –

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

If the system displays id_rsa: No such file or directory, perform Step 1.7 to create public and private key files. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

– 7.

2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

If the system displays id_rsa, perform Step 2.

Run the following command to create non-encrypted public and private key files. $ . /opt/oss/server/rancn/bin/ssh-keygen.sh If the system displays the following message, enter 2 to create non-encrypted public and private key files. -----------------------------------------------------------------Please select an operation type: 1--Generate PubKey File with Encrypt Key. 2--Generate PubKey File without Encrypt Key. -----------------------------------------------------------------Please make a choice : 2

If the system displays information similar to the following, the non-encrypted public key file has been created successfully: Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in id_rsa.pub.


Run the following commands to modify permission of the public key file. $ cd ${HOME}/.ssh/ $ chmod 600 id_rsa.pub

Step 2 Enable public key authentication on the NMS. 1.

Log in to the NMS server as user UserA. Run the cd ${HOME}/.ssh/ command to check whether the .ssh directory exists in the home directory. –

If No such file or directory is displayed, the .ssh directory is unavailable in the home directory. After running the mkdir -p ${HOME}/.ssh/ command, perform Step 2.2.

If no command result is displayed, the .ssh directory is available in the home directory. Perform Step 2.2. NOTE

The ${HOME} parameter indicates the home directory of user UserA.



Run the ls authorized_keys command to check whether the authorized_keys file exists. –

If the system displays authorized_keys: No such file or directory, run the touch authorized_keys command to create the authorized_keys file. Then, perform Step 2.3.

If the system displays authorized_keys, proceed to Step 2.3.

Copy the content of the id_rsa.pub or id_rsa_pwd.pub file on the U2000 server to the authorized_keys file on the NMS server.

NOTICE – For a non-encrypted public key file, copy the id_rsa.pub file's content. If the id_rsa.pub file does not exist, copy the ${HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys file's content on the U2000 server. – For an encrypted public key file, copy the id_rsa_pwd.pub file's content.

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface


Run the cat id_rsa.pub or cat id_rsa_pwd.pub command on the U2000 server. The content of the id_rsa.pub or id_rsa_pwd.pub file is displayed.


Run the vi command on the NMS server to write the content of the id_rsa.pub or id_rsa_pwd.pub file into the authorized_keys file.

NOTICE – The content to be written into the authorized_keys file cannot contain any line feed. If any line feed exists, delete it. – If the authorized_keys file contains any other data, perform a line feed operation. Then, write the content. 4.

Run the vi command to modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and configure SFTP parameters on the NMS server. # su - root Password: Password of user root # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Table 2-4 lists the parameters to be configured. Table 2-4 Parameters to be configured for the SFTP Parameter









yes/no. This parameter specifies whether the password authentication is used when the authentication of the public key and private key fails. You are advised to set this parameter to yes. – yes: password authentication is used. – no: password authentication is not used.

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide




Number of concurrent connections. The calculation method is as follows: 1. Run the following command to query the number of the SFTP tasks deployed on the U2000 server: n

If the installed U2000 server software is a Chinese edition, run the following command: # vi /opt/oss/server/etc/XFTPService/locale/zh_CN/ TaskInfoCache.xml


If the installed U2000 server software is an English edition, run the following command: # vi /opt/oss/server/etc/XFTPService/locale/en_US/ TaskInfoCache.xml

...... Target Server Settings (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Settings > FTP Auto Upload Management > Target Server Settings (application style). In the Target Server Setting window, the configured FTP server information is displayed.


Select an FTP server whose information needs to be configured and click Add.


Set the FTP server parameters, as described in Table 2-6. Table 2-6 Parameters in the Target Server Setting window

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Module Type/ Module Name

The module type consists of NBI FM, NBI CM, NBI PM, NBI Inventory, CME NBI, CME NCCDM, License Management, NBI Server Backup, NBI Log, EBC Counter, EBC Data, and LTE Trace Data. A module name indicates that the configured FTP server is used to transfer the files corresponding to the modules in the U2000. For example, if the module name is northbound alarm, it indicates that the configured FTP server is used to transfer the files of northbound alarm modules in the U2000 server.

Server IP

IP address of the FTP server

User Name

User name used to log in to the FTP server.


Password used to log in to the FTP server.

Confirm Password

Enter the password again that is used to log in to the FTP server.

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface



Server Directory

Directory for storing a file after it is transferred to the FTP server. The directory name cannot contain the following special characters: colon (:), asterisk (*), question mark (?), quotation mark ("), less than (), and vertical bar (|). NOTE When you log in to the U2000 server as user ftpuser, ensure that the server directory starts with "/export/home/sysm", for example, "/export/home/sysm/ ftproot".


Source Directory

Directory for storing the LTE Trace Data need to be uploaded.

File Compressio n Type

Whether to compress a file before transferring it.

NOTE This parameter only can be configured when you modify or add a FTP server whose Module Name is LTE Trace Data.

– NONE: Transfer a file without compressing it. – ZIP: Transfer a file after compressing it.

Click OK. The configuration setting is completed. The added parameters are saved and displayed in the Target Server Setting window.


Choose Software > FTP Auto Upload Management > File Upload Browser (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Settings > FTP Auto Upload Management > File Upload Browser (application style) to check the status of the files to be uploaded. The files to be uploaded and files that fail to be uploaded are displayed in the Upload File Browser window.


2.5.2 Configuring the SFTP for Actively Transferring Files over the Northbound Interface (Password Authentication) When the U2000 server actively uploads files to the NMS over the northbound interface, the U2000 server functions as an FTP client and the NMS functions as an FTP server. To ensure data security during file transmission, users can set the SFTP encryption mode.

Prerequisites l

Use PuTTY to log in to the U2000 server in SSH mode as user ossuser. For an HA system, you have logged in to the active and standby servers. For a remote HA system, you have logged in to the active and standby servers. For an SLS system, you have logged in to all servers.


You have logged in to the NMS server as user UserA. UserA is an NMS server user. Replace it as required.

Context l

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

When the password authentication is used, the password for logging in to the NMS server is required to set up an SFTP connection. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Unless otherwise specified, perform the following operations on each U2000 server: NOTE

XFTPService0X01 indicates the XFTP service name of the U2000 server. Replace it as required. For a single-server system, the XFTP service name is XFTPService0101. For an HA system, the service is deployed on the active server. The service name is XFTPService0101. For a remote HA system, the service is deployed on the active and standby servers. The service name is XFTPService0101. For an SLS system, the service is deployed on the master and slave servers. The service name for the master server is XFTPService0101. The service name for the first slave server is XFTPService0201. The service name for the second slave server is XFTPService0301. This method applies to other service names of other servers.


When the XFTP service uploads files in FTP mode: –

If the northbound server runs the Linux or Unix operating system, use the vsftpd software whose version is 2.0.5 or later.

If the northbound server runs the Windows operating system, use the ftpserver service delivered with the system.

NOTICE l In an SLS system, you need to perform the following steps only on the master and slave servers. l In an HA or remote HA system, you need to perform the following steps only on the active server. l In an ATAE cluster online remote HA system, you need to perform the following steps only on the master and slave servers (include active site and standby site).

Procedure Step 1 Run the vi command to modify the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and configure SFTP parameters on the NMS server. su - root Password: Password of user root # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config Table 2-7 lists the parameters to be configured. Table 2-7 Parameters to be configured for the SFTP Parameter



yes/no. Set this parameter to yes. l yes: password authentication is used. l no: password authentication is not used.

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide




Number of concurrent connections. The calculation method is as follows: 1. Run the following command to query the number of the SFTP tasks deployed on the U2000 server: – If the installed U2000 server software is a Chinese edition, run the following command: # vi /opt/oss/server/etc/XFTPService/locale/zh_CN/ TaskInfoCache.xml – If the installed U2000 server software is an English edition, run the following command: # vi /opt/oss/server/etc/XFTPService/locale/en_US/ TaskInfoCache.xml ...... Target Server Settings (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Settings > FTP Auto Upload Management > Target Server Settings (application style). In the Target Server Setting window, the configured FTP server information is displayed.


Select an FTP server whose information needs to be configured and click Add.


Set the FTP server parameters, as described in Table 2-8.

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Table 2-8 Parameters in the Target Server Setting window Parameter


Module Type/ Module Name

The module type consists of NBI FM, NBI CM, NBI PM, NBI Inventory, CME NBI, CME NCCDM, License Management, NBI Server Backup, NBI Log, EBC Counter, EBC Data, and LTE Trace Data. A module name indicates that the configured FTP server is used to transfer the files corresponding to the modules in the U2000. For example, if the module name is northbound alarm, it indicates that the configured FTP server is used to transfer the files of northbound alarm modules in the U2000 server.

Server IP

IP address of the FTP server

User Name

User name used to log in to the FTP server.


Password used to log in to the FTP server.

Confirm Password

Enter the password again that is used to log in to the FTP server.

Server Directory

Directory for storing a file after it is transferred to the FTP server. The directory name cannot contain the following special characters: colon (:), asterisk (*), question mark (?), quotation mark ("), less than (), and vertical bar (|). NOTE When you log in to the U2000 server as user ftpuser, ensure that the server directory starts with "/export/home/sysm", for example, "/export/home/sysm/ ftproot".


Source Directory

Directory for storing the LTE Trace Data need to be uploaded.

File Compressio n Type

Whether to compress a file before transferring it.

NOTE This parameter only can be configured when you modify or add a FTP server whose Module Name is LTE Trace Data.

– NONE: Transfer a file without compressing it. – ZIP: Transfer a file after compressing it.

Click OK. The configuration setting is completed. The added parameters are saved and displayed in the Target Server Setting window.


Choose Software > FTP Auto Upload Management > File Upload Browser (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Settings > FTP Auto Upload Management > File Upload Browser (application style) to check the status of the files to be uploaded. The files to be uploaded and files that fail to be uploaded are displayed in the Upload File Browser window.


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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface

U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

2.6 (Optional) Manually Exporting Inventory Management Files Besides automatic export, you can also manually export inventory management files.

Prerequisites l

You have logged in to the U2000 client.


You are authorized to perform inventory management.

Procedure Step 1 Choose Configuration > Inventory Management (traditional style); alternatively, doubleclick Trace and Maintenance in Application Center and choose Monitor > Inventory Management (application style) . The Inventory Management window is displayed. Step 2 Perform relevant operations according to the data to be exported. Inventory Data to Be Exported


Inventory data of all MOs of an Right-click the NE node, and then choose Export > NE Export All from the shortcut menu. Inventory data of all the external data of an NE

Right-click the NE node, and then choose Export > Export External Data from the shortcut menu. NOTE External data refers to the inventory data of special components that is unable to be reported.

Inventory data of an MO of an NE

Right-click the MO node, and then choose Export from the shortcut menu.

Step 3 Set the file name, save path, and save type of the file in the Save dialog box. Step 4 Click Save to finish the automatic export configuration. Step 5 Click Close to close the Message dialog box. ----End

2.7 Verifying Interconnection This section describes how to simulate the NMS to obtain inventory files in SFTP mode using the OSMU. According to the obtained inventory file, you can check whether the northbound inventory file interface meets the conditions for interconnecting with the NMS.

Context The NMS can use either of the following methods to obtain inventory files: Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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2 Interconnection Commissioning of the Northbound Inventory File Interface


The NMS uses the SFTP to obtain inventory files from the specified path on the U2000 server.


The U2000 uploads inventory files to the NMS. NOTE

This part takes the first method as an example.


In an SLS system, you need to perform the following steps only on the master server.


In an HA or remote HA system, you need to perform the following steps only on the active server.


In an ATAE cluster online remote HA system, you need to perform the following steps on the master server at both active site and standby sites. In a VM cluster system, you need to perform the following steps on the master server at the active site.

Procedure Step 1 Start the Internet Explorer, type https://IP address of the U2000 server:31123, and then press Enter. Step 2 Log in to the OSMU as user ossuser. Step 3 In the main window of the OSMU, click NBI Management. Step 4 In the navigation tree in the left pane, choose NBI Management > Category Management > File Interface > Inventory File Interface to open the Inventory File Interface page. Step 5 On the Query Inventory Auto DataExport Files tab page showing generated inventory files, you can click a file name and open or download it. Step 6 Check the downloaded inventory file, if the inventory file is generated according to the negotiated parameters, you can infer that the northbound inventory file interface meets the interconnection conditions. The example of inventory file as following:


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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

About This Chapter This chapter describes the exported inventory management files. 3.1 Exporting Inventory Management Files This section describes the NE types for inventory management export, and also the types, default save path, naming convention, and format of the exported inventory management files. 3.2 Operations Related to Inventory Management Export The operations related to inventory management export include enabling and disabling the automatic export of inventory management files.

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

3.1 Exporting Inventory Management Files This section describes the NE types for inventory management export, and also the types, default save path, naming convention, and format of the exported inventory management files.

3.1.1 NE Types for Inventory Management Export This section describes the NE types for inventory management export.

Supported NE Types The inventory management feature allows users to export inventory data of NE types described in Table 1. For the description of specific inventory attributes, see the Inventory Types of NEs.xls delivered with this release. Table 3-1 List of supported NE Types

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

NE Type

Whether Supported





















MSC Server


BSC6000 Site










BSC6900GSM Site




BSC6900GU Site


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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

NE Type

Whether Supported













BSC6910GSM Site




BSC6910GU Site












































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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

NE Type

Whether Supported

















































Supporting U2000 Inventory Files Currently, the inventory files of the U2000 can be exported through the inventory management feature. For the description of specific inventory attributes, see the Inventory Types of NEs.xls delivered with this release.

3.1.2 Types of Inventory Management Export Files This section describes the types of inventory management export files. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

The inventory management files are exported by NE or MOC on a scheduled basis. When the files are exported by NE, they can be saved in XML, CSV, or TXT format; when the files are exported by MOC, they can be saved in XML or CSV format.

3.1.3 Directory of Inventory Management Export Files This section describes the directory for saving the inventory management files that will be exported on a scheduled basis. The inventory management files to be exported at the scheduled time are saved in the /opt/oss/server/var/fileint/cm/InvtTimerExport directory on the U2000 server.

3.1.4 Naming Convention of Inventory Management Export Files This section describes the naming convention of inventory management export files.

Custom Naming Convention You can customize the name of a file exported on the NE basis. That is, you can customize the name of an inventory management export file based on predefined rules. The predefined rules should be defined based on the following syntax. If the predefined rules are faulty, the exported file is named based on the default naming convention. You cannot customize the name of a file exported on the MOC basis. 1.

Predefined rule Modify the parameter configuration file /opt/oss/server/etc/CMServer/Inventory/ InvtExportPara.xml by referring to the operations to in and add the following rule:

After the modification is complete, restart the CMServer service to make the configuration file take effect. 2.

Conventions and remarks a.

Variables in the brackets ([ ]) are system built-in variables and cannot be changed at will. However, you can set them to an empty value.


NeName and NeIP indicate the NE name and the NE IP address. The file name contains at least one UniqueId field to differentiate file names of different NEs. NeIP is inapplicable to separate-MPT base station or BSC6000 site.


Letters and digits can be placed anywhere in the file name according to the naming convention. However, when letters and digits are placed next to a variable in the brackets ([ ]), an underscore (_), hyphen (-), or dot (.) must be used between them. In addition, the underscore (_), hyphen (-), or dot (.) cannot at the beginning or end of the file name.


ExportTime indicates the time for exporting an inventory management file. The time format is YYYYMMDDHH. For example, 2009121814.

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NeType indicates the NE type such as BTS3900 WCDMA and BTS3900 LTE. The exported value of this field for BSC6000 site is BTS.


NodeId indicates the ID of an NE. You type the ID when creating the NE. This field is inapplicable to separate-MPT base station or BSC6000 site.

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

NOTICE NodeId is a customized parameter and is not used in normal cases. Before using this parameter, contact Huawei technical support.



If you configure the attribute PRNCN/ PRNCId for a NodeB, PRNCN indicates the name of the RNC that controls the NodeB and PRNCId indicates the ID of the RNC. This field is inapplicable to other NEs.


The naming convention does not include the file name extension. For details about how to configure the file name extension, see the default naming convention.


You can modify the custom naming convention in a configuration file stored on the server and restart CMServer for the modification to take effect. Generally, you are not advised to modify the custom naming convention.


If the rules are not defined according to the syntax and conventions, the exported file is named based on the default naming convention.

Example If the custom naming convention is abc123_[IM]_336-[ExportTime]_[NeName]-[NeIP][NodeId].exp1234. The exported file of the NE RNC123 is named abc123_IM_336-2011101208_RNC123-

Default Naming Convention (Export by NE) The name conventions of the inventory management export files exported by NE on a scheduled basis are as follows: l

Naming convention For a single-mode NE, the naming convention is AIM_NE type_[controller name_]NE name.file format. [controller name_] is available only when the NE type is NodeBNE or TDNodeBNE. For a separate-MPT base station, the naming convention is BIM_NE type_NE name.file format.


NE type: type of the current NE, such as BTS3900 WCDMA and BTS3900 LTE.

Controller name: name of the controller that manages the current NE.

NE name: name of the current NE that is displayed in the topology view on the client.

File format: file format, which can be set to xml, csv, or txt.

Export rule For a single NE, only the AIM file is exported. For a multi-mode NE, only the BIM file is exported. For a single sub-NE of a separate-MPT base station, the AIM file and the CIM association relationship file are exported. If the separate-MPT base station supports WiMAX, the CIM association relationship file is not exported.

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files


The naming convention of the inventory association relationship file of an separate-MPT base station is restricted by the custom naming convention. The custom naming convention of the inventory association relationship file of an separate-MPT base station is CIM_NE type_[controller name_]NE name.file format. [controller name_] is available only when the NE type is TDNodeBNE. The name of the file exported by MOC cannot be customized, and therefore the predefined rule do not take effect.


Example If the NE type is eNodeB, NE name is 211, and file format is csv, the name of the exported file is as follows: AIM_eNodeB_211.csv. If the NE is part of a separate-MPT base station, the CIM_eNodeB_211.csv file is also exported. NOTE

When the FDN format is set to FDN dotted format on the Northbound Interface Compatibility Settings tab page, the inventory management export files are named in the following format: W_OMC_NE type_NE FDN_NE name.file format. For a single sub-NE of a separate-MPT base station, you can also export the association relationship file, which is named in the following format: W_OMC_NE_type_RELETION_NE name.file format. The NE FDN uniquely identifies an NE in the U2000 system.

Default Naming Convention of Inventory Management Files (Export by MOC) The name conventions of the inventory management export files exported by MOC on a scheduled basis are as follows: l

Naming convention DIM_NE type_MOC name.file format


DIM: It is a fixed prefix, indicating that the file is an inventory file exported by MOC.

NE type: indicates the type of an NE, such as BTS3900 WCDMA and BTS3900 LTE.

File format: indicates the format of an exported file. Two formats are supported, XML and CSV.

Example Assume that the NE type is eNodeB, MOC is Rack, and the file format is CSV. Then, the file name is: DIM_eNodeB_Rack.csv

3.1.5 Format of Inventory Management Export Files This section describes the format of inventory management export files.

File Format (Export by NE) When inventory management files are exported based on NEs, the files can be saved in XML, CSV, or TXT format. This section describes only the XML format because the CSV and TXT formats are not used in the actual interconnection. Table 3-2 describes the flags in the inventory management files that are exported based on NEs and saved in XML format. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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Table 3-2 Flags in inventory management export files (export by NE) Flag


Permanent flag that cannot be changed.

Records the basic information about an NE, including NEFdn, NEName, and NEType. If SyncTimeLatest, switch for recording collection time, in the configuration file InvtExportPara.xml is set to true (collection time will be recorded), the SyncTimeLatest attribute (used for recording the collection time of NE inventory data) is available.

Contains one or more TABLE flags and does not have any attribute.

Contains information about inventory types and has an attrname attribute that specifies the current inventory type. The inventory types may be changed based on the U2000 or NE versions. Therefore, you are advised to make the NMS ignore unnecessary inventory types on the U2000, which has no impact on system operations. The location of a specified inventory type in the file may also be changed based on the version changes. Therefore, you need to make the NMS identify an inventory type based on the properties of the inventory type when the NMS parses the file.

Contains one or more records of the current inventory type. The records are separated by the ROW flags.

Contains one record. The attribute of this flag is the attribute name and value of each record. For details about the attribute names, see the Inventory Types of NEs.xls. The inventory types may be changed based on the U2000 or NE versions. Therefore, you are advised to make the NMS ignore unnecessary inventory types on the U2000, which has no impact on system operations. The location of a specified inventory type in the file may also be changed based on the version changes. Therefore, you need to make the NMS identify an inventory type based on the properties of the inventory type when the NMS parses the file.

The following uses the inventory management export file for BSC6900GSM as an example:

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files


l For details about the inventory files for MBTS, see the Inventory Types of NEs.xls. l To export single-mode GBTS, NodeB, eNodeB or single-mode BTS3900 data from MBTSs to generate the inventory file and correlation file, perform the following steps: 1. Choose Maintenance > Task Management (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Task Schedule > Task Management (application style). 2. In the displayed Task Management window, select Inventory Data Export from the navigation tree in the left pane of the window. 3. Double-click a task in the task list. In the displayed Attribute dialog box, click the Extended Parameters tab and check whether All NEs and Export data of child NEs from MBTSs are selected. l The naming convention of correlation files is as follows: CIM_NE type_[controller name_]NE name.file format l

NE type: type of the current NE, such as BTS3900 WCDMA and BTS3900 LTE.


Controller name: name of the controller that manages the current NE.


NE name: name of the current NE that is displayed in the topology view on the client.


File format: file format, which can be set to xml, csv, or txt.

l When an NE has no inventory data to be reported, the U2000 exports inventory files based on the attributes defined by the inventory model. When an NE has inventory data to be reported, the U2000 exports inventory files based on the actual attributes reported by the NE, excluding the attributes that have not been defined in the inventory model. l To export single-mode eNodeB data from an MBTS (WL), the correlation file for eNodeB will not be generated.

The following is an example of the correlation file: NOTE

If a northbound interface compatibility ID has been set, the U2000 will adjust the EMS ID and FDN format based on the setting. For example, the EMS ID is changed from OSS to OMC and the FDN is changed from name-value format to dotted format. For details, see 4.6 How to Set Northbound Interface Compatibility.

Format Description of Inventory Management Export Files (Export by MOC) The inventory management files can be saved in XML or CSV format when they are exported based on the MOC. Considering that files in CSV format cannot be used during northbound interconnection, this document describes files only in XML format. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

Table 3-3 describes the flags in the inventory management files that are exported based on the MOC and saved in XML format. Table 3-3 Flags in inventory management export files (export by MOC) Flag


Permanent flag that cannot be changed.

Records the basic information about an NE, including NEFdn, NEName, and NEType. Currently, MOC-based export does not support collection time recording.

Contains one record. The attribute of this flag is the attribute name and value of each record. For details about the attribute names, see the Inventory Types of NEs.xls. The inventory types may be changed based on the U2000 or NE versions. Therefore, you are advised to make the NMS ignore unnecessary inventory types on the U2000, which has no impact on system operations. The location of a specified inventory type in the file may also be changed based on the version changes. Therefore, you need to make the NMS identify an inventory type based on the properties of the inventory type when the NMS parses the file.

In the following example, the inventory management export file for BSC6900 GSM is exported based on the MOC Rack.

3.1.6 Policies for Deleting Exported Inventory Management Files This section describes the policies for deleting exported inventory management files. The system replaces existing exported inventory management files after exporting new inventory management files. The inventory management files of NEs are redundant after these NEs are deleted or renamed. The U2000 provides a mechanism for deleting inventory management files that are exported three days ago.

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

3.2 Operations Related to Inventory Management Export The operations related to inventory management export include enabling and disabling the automatic export of inventory management files.

3.2.1 Automatically Exporting Inventory Management Files After you enable the function of automatically exporting inventory management files, the system automatically exports inventory management files to files in specific format at predefined time.

Prerequisites l

You have logged in to the U2000 client.


You are authorized to perform inventory management.


The progress is displayed as Idle.

Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Task Schedule > Task Management (application style). The Task Management window is displayed. Step 2 Click Inventory Data Export in the navigation tree to view a task record. Step 3 Double-click the task record to view the Attribute dialog box. Set Common Parameters and Extended Parameters. Step 4 Click OK to finish the automatic export configuration. ----End

3.2.2 Stopping Automatic Exporting of Inventory Management Files This section describes how stop the automatic exporting of inventory management files.

Prerequisites l

The conditions for the automatic inventory management data export are met.


You have logged in to the U2000 client.


You are authorized to perform inventory management.

Context After the automatic export of inventory management files is enabled, you can stop it manually at any time. For details about how to enable the automatic export of inventory management files, see 3.2.1 Automatically Exporting Inventory Management Files. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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3 Introduction to Exported Inventory Management Files

Procedure Step 1 Choose Maintenance > Task Management (traditional style); alternatively, double-click System Management in Application Center and choose Task Schedule > Task Management (application style). The Task Management window is displayed. Step 2 Click Inventory Data Export in the navigation tree to view a task record. Step 3 Right-click a task record and then choose Suspend from the shortcut menu to stop the automatic exporting of inventory management files. ----End

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4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

About This Chapter The NMS interconnects with the U2000 through the northbound inventory file interface. If a fault occurs when the NMS is obtaining inventory data, rectify the fault by referring to this part. 4.1 Common Troubleshooting and Information Collection (Inventory File Interface) If a fault occurs when the NMS attempts to obtain inventory data through the northbound inventory file interface, rectify the fault by referring to common troubleshooting methods. If it is not possible to rectify a fault by using common troubleshooting methods, collect the fault information and contact a Huawei engineer for assistance. 4.2 Troubleshooting the Inventory File Export Failure This describes how to troubleshoot the inventory file export failure that occurs due to the following causes: NE disruption and disk space insufficiency of the U2000 server. 4.3 Troubleshooting an Issue in Which the Exported File Is Empty This section describes how to analyze and solve the problem when you fail to query the inventory data on the U2000 client and the file does not contain the relevant information because the NE does not report the inventory data. 4.4 Troubleshooting Failure to Synchronize NE Inventory Data This section describes how to analyze and solve the problem that the U2000 fails to collect the device files, which leads to the failure to synchronize the NE inventory data. 4.5 Troubleshooting Failure to Import NE Inventory Data This section describes how to analyze and solve the problem that the key attributes of an imported inventory file are null or conflict with each other, which leads to the failure to import NE inventory data. 4.6 How to Set Northbound Interface Compatibility This section describes how to set the FDN format and OMC ID of northbound interfaces so that the northbound interfaces are compatible with earlier versions. 4.7 How to Set Parameters in a Northbound Configuration File

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

This section describes how to set parameters in the configuration file of a northbound interface.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

4.1 Common Troubleshooting and Information Collection (Inventory File Interface) If a fault occurs when the NMS attempts to obtain inventory data through the northbound inventory file interface, rectify the fault by referring to common troubleshooting methods. If it is not possible to rectify a fault by using common troubleshooting methods, collect the fault information and contact a Huawei engineer for assistance.

Troubleshooting For the methods of rectify common faults that may occur during the process of obtaining inventory data for the NMS, see Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Troubleshooting Common Fault

Troubleshooting Method

No inventory file is exported.

See 4.2 Troubleshooting the Inventory File Export Failure.

The exported file is empty.

See 4.3 Troubleshooting an Issue in Which the Exported File Is Empty.

The NE inventory data fails to be synchronized.

See 4.4 Troubleshooting Failure to Synchronize NE Inventory Data.

Exporting the NE inventory data fails.

See 4.5 Troubleshooting Failure to Import NE Inventory Data.

How to set northbound interface compatibility

See 4.6 How to Set Northbound Interface Compatibility.

How to set parameters in a northbound configuration file

See 4.7 How to Set Parameters in a Northbound Configuration File.

Information Collection If an unusual fault occurs when the NMS is obtaining inventory data, you need to collect the fault information to help to locate the fault. For details about how to collect fault information, see Table 4-2. Table 4-2 Description of information collection

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Related Information


Operation information

Record the operations performed before a fault occurs and the troubleshooting measures taken later.

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Related Information


Version information

You can obtain version information about the U2000, NE mediations, and NEs from each office.

IP information

You can obtain IP information about U2000 servers from each office.

Log information

NOTE Perform the following steps on the server where CMServer is deployed, run the following command to query CMServer: > . /opt/oss/server/svc_profile.sh > svc_adm -cmd status | grep CMServer The following information means CMServer is deployed on the server: CMServer [running


l You can obtain log information in the /opt/oss/server/var/logs path. In this path, the trace file name of cmserver is iMAP.cmserver_agent.trace. l You can obtain the exported inventory file in the /opt/oss/server/var/ fileint/cm/InvtTimerExport/ path. l You can obtain the backup trace file from the following path: /opt/oss/ server/var/logs/tracebak.

4.2 Troubleshooting the Inventory File Export Failure This describes how to troubleshoot the inventory file export failure that occurs due to the following causes: NE disruption and disk space insufficiency of the U2000 server.

Symptom No exported inventory file is available in the export file. Thus, the NMS fails to obtain the inventory data of NEs.

Problem Localization The following causes may lead to the problem that no inventory file is exported: l

An NE is disconnected.


The disk space on the U2000 server is insufficient.

Handling NE Disconnection Faults 1.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

On the U2000 client, choose Topology > Main Topology (traditional style); alternatively, double-click Topo View in Application Center and choose Topology > Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Main Topology (application style). In the Main Topology window, right-click the disconnected NE and then choose Reconnect NE. 2.

Verify the network and rectify the network fault.


Rectify the fault on the NE mediation. To reinstall the NE mediation, see the Commissioning Guide of the corresponding U2000 networking mode.

Handling Insufficient Disk Space Faults on the U2000 Server Clear the disk space on the U2000 server.

NOTICE Confirm the files can be deleted before clearing the disk space. Deleting a file by mistake can result in incorrect system operation. You are advised to clear the disk space by referring to the Administrator Guide of the corresponding U2000 networking mode.

Solution Contact Huawei technical support.

4.3 Troubleshooting an Issue in Which the Exported File Is Empty This section describes how to analyze and solve the problem when you fail to query the inventory data on the U2000 client and the file does not contain the relevant information because the NE does not report the inventory data.

Symptom You can view and export the correct inventory information on the NE side. After the U2000 client synchronizes the data, however, you fail to query the corresponding inventory information about an NE and the file does not contain the information.

Problem Localization When the inventory data is synchronized, if the NE does not report the correct device file, the U2000 may fail to obtain the corresponding inventory information. Accordingly, you fail to query the NE inventory data or export the file. Perform the following operations for confirmation. 1.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

In the corresponding path on the U2000 server, check whether the original device files reported by NEs are available. –

The path for the original device files is /export/home/sysm/ftproot/devdoc/NE type/temp.

The format of original device files is W_NE FDN.xml or W_NE FDN.zip. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface


Some NEs such as BSC32s do not report the original device files, thus, you need to check the U2000 device files.


In the U2000 device file, check whether the data under ROWDATA in the description area of the inventory type is correct. –

The path for the U2000 device files is /export/home/sysm/ftproot/devdoc/NE type/.

The format of the U2000 device files is W_IP address of the U2000_NE type_NE Device ID-NE FDN_NE name.xml.

Troubleshooting Contact Huawei engineers for assistance.

4.4 Troubleshooting Failure to Synchronize NE Inventory Data This section describes how to analyze and solve the problem that the U2000 fails to collect the device files, which leads to the failure to synchronize the NE inventory data.

Symptom The failure to synchronize the NE inventory data may cause the following problems: l

When you select a faulty NE on the U2000 Ne Information Collection Tool to collect the device file of the NE again after the inventory data fails to be synchronized, Status is displayed as Collecting when the progress ranges from 0% to 33%. A timeout error is displayed. Double-click the progress bar. The message The data export times out is displayed.


When you select a faulty NE on the U2000 Ne Information Collection Tool to collect the device file of the NE again after the inventory data fails to be synchronized, Status is displayed as Collecting when the progress reaches 33%. A timeout error is displayed or the collection is in progress for a long period without a response.


When you select a faulty NE on the U2000 Ne Information Collection Tool to collect the device file of the NE again after the inventory data fails to be synchronized, the progress of synchronization is displayed 33%, and Status is displayed as Uploading files. Finally, the message Upload failed is displayed.


After the inventory data fails to be synchronized, the synchronization progress is equal to or greater than 66% when you use the U2000 client.

Troubleshooting The U2000 Ne Information Collection Tool fails to collect NE device files, which leads to the failure to synchronize NE inventory data. Perform the following operations to find the cause for the failure. 1.

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Before collecting device files, enable the function of the follow-up reports browser on the Ne Information Collection Tool, right-click the NEs whose inventory data fails to be synchronized, set Follow-up Report Hint, and then collect device files or synchronize inventory data. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide


4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

If the collection progress displayed after the EXP DEVFILE command is run stays at 0%, or no progress message is displayed, you can infer that the NE does not respond to the EXP DEVFILE command and leads to timeout.

If the progress displayed after the EXP DEVFILE command is run stays at 99% for more than five minutes, you can infer that the NE is faulty. This method is especially applicable to RNCs.

View the progress displayed after the ULD DEVFILE command is run. Check whether the NE reports error messages.

Run the following command to check whether the trace information in the mediation reports the error information about message parsing. If the parsing is erroneous, you can infer that the collection fails. $ cd /opt/oss/server/var/logs/ $ more iMAP.med[xxxx]_agent.trace

Solution Contact Huawei engineers for assistance.

4.5 Troubleshooting Failure to Import NE Inventory Data This section describes how to analyze and solve the problem that the key attributes of an imported inventory file are null or conflict with each other, which leads to the failure to import NE inventory data.

Symptom After exporting the NE inventory data from the U2000, and adding or modifying partial data, you fail to import the data to the U2000. The messages displayed during the failure to import inventory data are as follows: l

Importing inventory data Cabinet No.= 0; asset unit identity = 0: the key properties of the cabinet and the node are duplicate.


Importing inventory data Cabinet No.; asset unit identity: the key properties of the cabinet cannot be null.

Troubleshooting One of the following causes may lead to the previous failure: 1.

The key properties of a certain record (for example, a cabinet) in the imported inventory data conflict with those of an existing inventory record in the U2000.


The key properties of an inventory record (for example, a cabinet) in the imported inventory data are null.

Solution In the imported file, delete the inventory record whose key properties conflict with those of an existing inventory record in the U2000, including the contents of ROWDATA that contain this inventory record. Delete the inventory record whose key properties are null, including the contents of ROWDATA that contain this inventory record. Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

4.6 How to Set Northbound Interface Compatibility This section describes how to set the FDN format and OMC ID of northbound interfaces so that the northbound interfaces are compatible with earlier versions.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the master OSMU server (include the master server of active site and standby site) as user ossuser. OSMU address: https://U2000 master server IP:31123/

Procedure Step 1 Click NBI Management on the main page of the OSMU. Step 2 In the navigation tree of the left pane, choose NBI Management > Centralized Management > Northbound Interface Compatibility Settings. The Northbound Interface Compatibility Settings tab page is displayed. Step 3 View the current FDN format and OMC ID of each northbound interface. Step 4 Set the FDN format and OMC ID for each northbound interface based on telecom operators' requirements. NOTE

You can reset the FDN format, OMC ID, and SRAN northbound interface only after you have negotiated with telecom operators.

Step 5 Select The northbound interface change has been discussed with the customer. The customer demands the above settings. Step 6 Click OK. The system displays a message stating that some services will restart for the settings to take effect. Step 7 Click Yes to confirm the settings and restart the related services. Click No to cancel the settings. ----End

4.7 How to Set Parameters in a Northbound Configuration File This section describes how to set parameters in the configuration file of a northbound interface.

Prerequisites You have logged in to the master OSMU server (include the master server of active site and standby site) as user ossuser. OSMU address: https://U2000 master server IP:31123/ Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

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U2000 Northbound Inventory File Interface Developer Guide

4 Troubleshooting for the Northbound Inventory File Interface

Context For details about the configuration file of each northbound interface, see the related developer guide. Only the northbound performance file interface (NE-based) involves parameter reconfiguration for slave servers. However, when you modify parameters through the OSMU, you need to modify them only on the master server, and the slave server automatically synchronizes the modifications.

Procedure Step 1 Click NBI Management on the main page of the OSMU. Step 2 Choose NBI Management > Centralized Management > Northbound Configuration Parameters Settings. The Northbound Configuration Parameters Settings page is displayed. Step 3 Select a northbound interface and its configuration file. Then set new values to parameters to be modified in the configuration file. NOTE

l If an interface is not installed, its configuration file cannot be modified. If you select an interface that is not installed, a message is displayed, indicating that the interface is not installed and you can modify its configuration file only after installation. l You can click Reset to restore the modified parameters to their previous values. l The modifications of parameters marked with * take effect only after you restart related services. l Parameter validity check will check the validity of parameter values. For details about parameter value ranges, see the parameter description in the related interface developer guide.

Step 4 Click Save for the modification to take effect. You can view service restart logs in Service Restarted Log. ----End

Issue 02 (2016-03-20)

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.


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