U F Grant Modern Levitations PDF

August 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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LEVITATIONS F i r st st T i m e A d v e r t i s e d

By U. F. G RA N T

N ev er be fore has there been oTFered to the M ag ica l Fra tern ity such a gre at an tUi sef ul rel e a s e . J u s t i m a g i n e . . . S iixx 6 ) N e w a n 3 G r e a t


Ex cep tion al

R el ea se

Lev itati on s of Hu ma ns that can be used under mo de rn con ditio ns. Ligh t to car ry . . Easy to cons truct . Sup rem e in my ster y.

So Y o u FLOAT

W ant A LADY

HER E'S JUST ON E OF TH EM . For a co st of less less than fi f ive dollars yo u ma ke up (n o cabinet skill) a flat board or even piece of cardboard about 4ft. high and   1  7i 7in. n. w ide. If desired yo u can ha ve this this pa inted up to represent an ido l or Bu dd ha. Y ou r girl girl assistant assis tant stand s to the fro nt of this this an d is see n to float ou t an d upright, until her neck is resting on top of this board, then rest out in air, as long as desired, then floats back down to landing position. N o m etal or no thing h ea v y used . N o extra extra assistant assistant used, just you r girl girl that fl float oatss and yo u stand several fe et aw ay . No wires, thread s, rods, etc. W or ke d in full light aw ay from all all drop s, screens, etc. . . . U . F. G rant has taken an ol d id ea and given it a twist that makes a modern miracle with practically nothing. T he revo lving part idea w as suggested by Bil Billl Neff and works out grand.



Since the days of Robert Houdin the tour de force of big illusion shows has been the levitation, and this effect is associated in the minds of audiences with high-class entertainment at its best. The ambition of practically every magician is to present a levitation as the featured attraction of his performance, and, heretofore, this dream has been realised only by a select few because of the expense and cumbersomeness of the equipment. M OD ER N LE VI T AT I ON S i s an innovat innovat i on as i t bri br i ngs ng s for the first time audience-tested and thoroughly practical levitation methods which may be used under all conditions— in the centre of a ballroom floor, in one's own parlour, or on the stages of the largest theatres. H erein are are desc ribed in detail versions that will appeal to every taste and pocket-book, and which can be put into effect with a minimum of apparatus, and, in some cases, on almost a moment's notice with material that can be found in any home. I feel that the magic fraternity owes to Mr. U. F. Grant a debt of gratitude for the issuance of MODERN LEVITATI ONS. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, IV.


GRANT'S AERIAL SUSPENSION. 2j O p o ^ .o j ** •g \ j ^ _ 5 2 jS ^ P po g 55 o

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